Boy Meets World (TV Series 1993–2000) Poster


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They didn't know when to call it quits.
jackbanister1623 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Boy Meets World" is a great show! Unfortunately they went the "Saved by the Bell," route and detailed "the college years." The first couple seasons of "BMW" are lightning in a bottle. It's funny, charming, clever, AND you get your moral lesson of the day with each episode. The series was character driven and it was very entertaining! You had the relatable Cory Matthews, a class clown type who at the end of the day was a good kid. Sean Hunter, the ladies man kid with family problems, and Topanga Lawrence, who was just an oddball. Supporting cast included Cory's family, his brother Eric (a suave ladies man), and Mr. Feenie, a tough but fair teacher who also doubles as Cory's neighbor. The writing combined with these quirky characters really made for a funny show. The scenarios were hilarious and heartwarming without being overly ambitious. The show knew its shortcomings (some gaping plot holes and missing characters.) In my opinion, the show was good until the senior year of high school which is when the show shifted its paradigm from fun adventures and mishaps of high school kids to being a mushy show all about "feelings." Don't get me wrong, there were still plenty of mishaps and fun scenarios, but the show became way too dramatic.

I know the show needed drama and MORE characterization to occur, but they really overdid it. Here's what I think sunk the show.

Characters CHANGED and not in a good way. Cory went from a mischievous, good willed teen to an overly sensitive, neurotic, emasculated, and plain annoying "boyfriend." His character had probably the worst fall of them all. Eric became a straight up retard. Forreal. He used to be the suave ladies man who though not the brightest bulb in the shed was at least somewhat intelligible. In the college years he becomes a raving lunatic who likes to cross dress. Nuff said. Sean Hunter becomes an emotional sap who always wants to talk about "feelings." His relationship with his girlfriend, Angela, becomes the focal point of a number of episodes (beginning senior year of high school) and it's just awful. It's basically just them breaking up and getting back together OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. It gets so old. Mr. Feenie remains pretty much the same and is actually one of the few enjoyable aspects of the later episodes...I just find it weird that he happens to follow Cory and Sean wherever they go in the sense that he basically teaches them every academic step of the way. Kinda odd. Another big change is Topanga. She went from being a "new age," hippy kind of girl with a genuinely interesting personality to just a plain jane. She pretty much loses all the interesting aspects of her character and just becomes "Cory's girlfriend." No depth in her character.

The plot lines also become less and less interesting with every episode after the high school seasons to the point where you question why you are even still watching the show. Plot lines revolve on Cory and Topanga choosing furniture for their apartment, Eric cross dressing, Sean losing his father to an illness, and most dreadfully, Sean talking to his on again off again GF "Angela." Seriously, it's a yawnfest.

I feel like I am harping on the negatives too much in this review. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I couldn't help but lose interest in the college years. I've seen every episode probably 2 or 3 times so I feel like I have enough...experience to be able to comment on it. I didn't go as in depth as I would have liked to, but I feel I covered the basics of the show and its problems.

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Boy Meets World is a fantastic show, but it has a few problems...
jamessmitty-7015829 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show got worse by the time it finished in Season 7. However, it's not because of some of the reasons pointed out below. Boy Meets World just didn't seem the same after Stuart Minkus was written out earlier on.

We see Minkus all throughout Season 1. Viewers then don't see Minkus again until one episode in Season 5. It was an odd decision to introduce a side character like that only to write him out of the next four seasons worth of content.

I had ideas of my own in mind. How about an episode where Shawn and Cory attend Stuart's birthday party instead of going to a popular girl's party? How about an episode in high school where Minkus and Cory fight over Topanga?

The focus still could have been on Cory and Shawn's relationship, with Minkus in some of the episodes. And that's just it. He didn't have to be featured in every episode. But his character was definitely done dirty.

Not to mention, the show regressed a little bit after the writers gave Mr. Turner a weak ending in the Season 4 episode titled "Cult Fiction."

The cool motorcycle teacher took care of Shawn Hunter for presumably a few years while he was in high school. Chet Hunter, Shawn's biological father, wasn't there for him. So, Mr. Turner let Shawn live with him in his apartment.

But the last time we see Mr. Turner is in a full-body cast, lying unconscious inside a hospital room after a motorcycle accident. I don't know. I felt the ending to Mr. Turner's story arc was disappointing. After "Cult Fiction," they could have brought Mr. Turner back for one more episode in Season 5.

They could have at least given him a final send-off episode where he gets married and moves away. Then, he has one last talk with Shawn. That ending would have been more believable and enjoyable.

Lastly, I personally felt the "Picket Fences" episode of Season 7 should have been the final episode of the show.

Cory and Topanga finally got married, they had their honeymoon, the couple received their own dorm room, their parents won't help them fix it, and Cory wants to save up to buy a house.

It could have been a two-part episode. Cory finally learns how to fix basic household issues, him and Topanga find jobs and Cory struggles to balance school and work. Plus, Shawn and Angela are back together.

At this point, the better story has already been told. I can't help but feel there were at least seven pointless episodes in the entire show. The 1950s, 70s and "we're going to war" episodes were weird. There was so much filler tacked on. Boy Meets World is almost perfect.
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A Modern Day Leave It to Beaver
metsfandave8612 August 2021
I remember this show from my youth, now my family are watching entire series on Disney Plus. This show does a lot of things right. It chronicles the life of youngster Cory Matthews and how he handles growing up from elementary through college years. His group includes his family. His mom and dad raising 3 children always have the right answer for Cory and their other kids. His best friend Shawn Hunter who lives a troubled life is fighting his own deamons, however the two friends would do literally anything for the other. Cory does find himself in trouble from time to time, but he has a teacher/principal Mr. Feeny who pours love and discipline into him, Mr. Feeny becomes one of the biggest influences in Mr. Matthews life. Then there is Topenga. They have been friends for a very long time. They eventually become high school sweethearts and write one of the greatest tv sitcom romances ever. This is a really good show that can get goofy at times, but they handle teen issues with dignity and care. One of the things that make this show so fun is the number of actors that made appearances on this show. Too many to mention, but it is fun when they show up on the screen.
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A Comparison to Life
jag85dbsgrl25 August 2004
I grew up watching Boy Meets World. It has always been my favorite show. They talked about everything from a child's perspective to a teenager's perspective to an adult's perspective. The relationships and problems

that faced Cory and Topanga, Cory and Shawn, and the whole bunch face everyday teenagers today. It is completely understandable, and can always make you smile. I hope it continues to air on ABC and Disney Channel. It is an inspiration to children. Boy Meets World shows all of the hardships that children can have. From Shawn's parents splitting up to his dad dying. They show the progression to a wonderful relationship between Cory and Topanga. Some episodes can make you laugh and some can make you cry. It is like a Friends episode for children. It is a wonderful story of friendships, relationships, and life.
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a very fun show
The_Amazing_Spy_Rises4 January 2005
Boy Meets World is a show that reminds me a lot of NBC's 'Friends,' except for teens and younger children. Ben Savage leads the show as the character Cory Matthews. BMW shows the hardships of life from a young kid, a teen, a young adult, and finally, an adult. The show does a great job of adding humor in a lot of aspects of the show. As Cory goes on, you can see that he is maturing with time. I grew up with Cory, and he shows how hard it can be. The show does a good job of developing Cory, giving him the girl of his dreams, a loyal friend, a caring family, and a teacher/principal who has always been at his side. The show has everything that makes a good sitcom, comedy, drama, romance, and the occasional deep trouble that every teen gets in. BMW ended 5 years ago, but it is still one of the most watched shows on TV on the Disney Channel and ABC Family.

It's just so much fun to watch this show, and watch the characters develop so well. It's just a shame that none of the actors from the show besides Rider Strong and Will Friedle have gone on to bigger and better things. Look for Ben Savage to star in a movie next year, that's looking very good.

9.5/10 --spy
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The show that defined a generation
taylorhammons19 February 2017
Boy Meets World is unlike any children's show ever made, or any show for that matter. In an era where every show has to have an angle, Boy Meets World stands out as a story about flawed characters just trying to navigate life. It teaches us so many lessons and I will never forget it as long as I live. Shawn taught us that we can all overcome whatever life deals us, and that you can never judge a book by its cover. Topanga taught us that it's OK not to be perfect, but we can all try. Cory taught us that it's OK to ask questions, to not have all the answers. And Mr. Feeny, well, he taught us everything. He taught us that, above all, we should be good people. He taught us that there are lessons to be learned in all aspects of our lives. Boy Meets World was a great show because of the parents. Corys parents make just as many mistakes as he does, and they're not afraid to admit when they do. But that's not to say that their children don't respect them, don't come to them for advice, and don't always know what's best. Never has a show made me laugh and cry so much. Never has a show so effortlessly addressed the problems we all face. Never has a show been a better demonstration that you don't have to be blood to be family. Full of good values, lessons, and funny plots, Boy Meets World is the show that I keep coming back to. Because never has a show meant so much to me. Never has a show meant so much to us. We will never forget you, Boy Meets World. You made us all better people.
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Great Show
Bibliorunner52717 August 2004
Boy Meets World is a great show. The first show is as good as the last. It is perfect for the whole family. There is no need to worry about swearing, nudity, drugs, or anything like that. Kids can enjoy it. There are characters that everyone can fall in love with. It is hilarious but still covers real issues like bullying, relationships, and other things that children and teenagers may face.

For those who haven't seen the show, these are some of the best/main characters: Cory- whinny and annoying, but a good guy with a great life; Sean- Cory's best friend, rough around the edges, but a great friend; Topanga- Cory's girlfriend, Smart, weird (in the beginning); Eric- Cory's brother, extremely funny, kind of like Joey from friends; Matt- Sean's half brother, good looking, rich, smart; Mr. Feeny- Cory, Sean, and Topanga's teacher from the first season throughout high school to the last season, gives great advice; Angela- Sean's girlfriend in high school and college.

With this much of a variety in personalities, this show has a character everyone in the family can enjoy.
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Still one of the best
repellomuggletum9216 July 2021
Maaaybe I'm biased because I've been watching BMW my entire life, but even as an adult I will play the show and still laugh. This TV family is like my extended family <3.
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The Matthews Family Grows Up
bkoganbing2 May 2015
This show was the Disney Channel Show that the Magic Kingdom didn't originate. Boy Meets World was one of the bigger hits that ABC TV had during the Nineties for family audience. The Kingdom soon remedied that and it was run on their network in syndication and later Disney put out the current Girl Meets World about the next generation of the Matthews family.

William Russ and Betsy Randle were the parents of Will Friedle and Ben Savage. The show centered around younger brother Ben playing Cory Matthews and we see him first in Middle School then High School and finally college. The American public watched the family grow up and mature all under the tutelage of William Daniels playing both their neighbor and teacher who traveled to each grade. Not like that usually happens, but we accepted it because the show was so easy to take.

Ben also met the love of his life which has continued in Girl Meets World, Topanga played by Danielle Fischl. She's a lawyer and a mom on the current show, but she was a young hippie refugee in middle school. Weird and out of place, but she had something intriguing and special for Savage.

Best friend Rider Strong was part of the growing up process. It's interesting to see how they've brought him back in the new show. Strong hasn't quite settled down yet as an adult.

The most intriguing character for me was carefree Will Friedle. I remember seeing his goofy character of older brother Eric take on a strictly serious persona when he had to recite some Shakespeare. I was blown away by his talent and ability with the Bard. I hope he's done that for real in his career. I also hope Girl Meets World brings him back.

Boy Meets World is what family entertainment should be about.
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yaileenmm15 June 2006
I love this series. I've watched it like 10 time entirely from beginning to end, and I still do. This it the type of series that still makes me laugh even though I've watched it so many times. I still cry at the last episode. This is the type of series which you ask yourself why did it have to end. It is great. You really get to see how the love between friends get bigger and how the love between a couple matures. I think the reason this series is so great is because not only is it about comedy it is also about love, family, drama, and hope. Almost everything you can expect from any series you can find it in this one. For those who haven't seen this series I advice you to see it cause I know you wont regret it. They give it in ABC Family every day except on week ends. See it! You wont regret it.
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Never Got Fully Vested
view_and_review19 March 2024
"Boy Meets World" came out when I was fifteen which means I was just young enough to have an interest, but just old enough to ensure I probably wouldn't be a long time viewer. I probably saw the first two or three seasons and fell off after that. The boyhood exploits of Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) with his friend Shawn (Rider Strong) and eventual love interest Topanga (Danielle Fishel) were funny, but I couldn't help but want to compare Ben's show to his older brother's show: "The Wonder Years."

I never got fully vested and drawn in by the show which, to my surprise, lasted eight seasons. So, for the couple or so seasons I did watch, I rate it a 7/10.
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Very good! Funny, moving, emotional,...
NoName198926 November 2006
I liked "Boy Meets World" very much. When I started watching it, I didn't like it so much. The first season, when Cory was still a little kid I didn't like so much. But when he grows older, "Boy Meets World" gets better. You see how Cory (the main character) and his best friend Shawn live their lives, how they deal with problems typical for their age, how they behave, their relation with their teacher Mr. Feeny. This is a very good series that is at some moments very funny, at some moments very moving. This is a series that will certainly touch your heart. The acting is very good, and the music is very good, especially combined with the emotional scenes! Some episodes are excellent, some may be a bit less, but in general this is an excellent series that I recommend to everyone!
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Started good but turned sour
kclambeth1 May 2007
I also watched Boy Meets World while i was growing up and for the most part it was entertaining, heart warming and fun.

Cory was funny when he was younger but he seemed to lose the fun as he got older, i know he went to uni and had commitments etc. but it's a kids show and he grew up just a little 'too' much, on the verge of fuddy duddy, whilst Shawn was all over the place, amazing their friendship even survived such differences.

Topanga was more interesting at the beginning too; she was kooky and eccentric but by the end all she cared about was marriage and babies (it seems that's what they think all girls think about when they hit 18)

Eric meanwhile grew considerably dumber and the parents were awful with their sugar coated advice and mr. Feeny's life lessons were just stomach turning.

Cory and Topanga ended up not going a second without professing their love for each other and saying things like 'we've loved each other since we were three years old' Yeah right, he never seemed that fond of her at age 11 when it began, it ended up so sickly sweet and the drama often so depressing that it was hard to even call it a kid's comedy anymore.

Good early on, Eric one of the best back then, and really liked Minkis but the later series were hard to watch for fear of bringing up your breakfast.
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Hooked on Boy Meets World
fourzan15 April 2002
As a 43 year-old, English teacher, I must admit "Boy Meets World" has some of the most intricate scripts I have ever seen in teenage shows. I sometimes ask my students to view the day's episode at home and come back ready to discuss theme, plot, character, etc. Some students admit to liking the show after a few viewings. Once they understand each character and the force that drives him/her, the show pretty much seems to flow and attract the students.

Oh, yes, I am also addicted to it. I only wish I had followed it through its regular seasons. Watching the re-runs on the Disney Channel is not all that good. They skip episodes and repeat others too often.
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Awesome show!
boymeetsworldfan-4264515 April 2024
This is my all time favorite show. I will be 42 in August and I still feel like I'm in school again when I watch this wonderful show. :-) My mom and I always enjoy watching it together. Even my boyfriend likes it. It is definitely the type of show the whole entire family can enjoy together. I especially enjoyed how well Mr. Feeny taught everyone so well. The characters are unforgettable and I would most definitely recommend this show to anyone young or old. From the first time I saw the pilot episode, I knew this was going to be my favorite show in the world. It will definitely be on one channel or another for years to come and enjoyed by fans of all ages.
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Boy Meets World
IceCream-5723 September 2023
What a fun coming of age television show from the 90s. I really enjoyed the show overall. It's a good family show to watch with the kids or if you are just wanting to watch something family friendly to pass the time. The show takes place in the 90s and starts out with young Cory Matthew's discussing friendship and family. Its a good show that teaches values and friendship. I will say though, the show may have gone on a season to long. I found season 7 to be extremely difficult to sit through. That is why i did not rate show 10/10. It just seemed to drag and was hard to watcg. But overall great comedy to watch with the family.
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Seasons 1-5 Were Good and Teen Appropriate
brainb-4784819 August 2023
In 1993, ABC Studios came out with a coming-of-age comedy television show that was family-friendly, despite tackling some heavy issues. It starred Ben Savage as Cory Matthews. He was flanked by his best friend Shawn Hunter, played by Rider Strong. Together they tackled the highs and lows of growing up in 1990s suburban America.

As a boy that entered sixth grade, in the 1990s, I could relate to Corey, as he would deal with everything from family matters, to school issues, to love. Even though, I did not experience everything that he did, the realistic way in which the show handled these situations gave them even more of a sense of relatability. Despite being a show geared toward teens, this show did not dumb down the humor and story, or pull its punches at the serious moments. The comedy landed, for me, as well as the drama.

Admittedly, the show quality did seem to drop, after season five, when they started targeting the show to an older audience. They, also, added some new characters to the cast and dumbed down the main character's brother. The production quality, also went from a 1990s comedy set to a modern Disney Channel lighting. Despite this decline in quality, the last two seasons had a few good episodes and the show finished strong.

Seasons 1-5, I give a 10/11; and, over-all I give this show an 8/11.
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ScreenRant says it's the most overrated show. Even compare to Full House? Not a little bit.
d-3836322 May 2020
There's some hokey dialogue some times. Some filler or cringey 90's moments. The show doesn't feel that rewarding or special to watch with some not so special kind of style in Season 1 to 2. Most of the episodes felt safe or searching for rare gem moments. Morgan was also annoying until they somewhat unexpectingly replaced the actor with another Morgan, but older. The only thing I remembered that other Morgan said booger. Shawn was at times the typical stupid goofball we know and watch. Despite all of that. I'm glad I watched this show, despite the unfunny dialogue that can be distracting at times. I will say it's not that bad. At least 60% of the time you will get a laugh or smile and even a hard laugh at times. The messages and themes of the episodes are really incredible for a simple kids show. I know this show has a lot of music playing in the messages to make it easier to feel something. I do think if you get rid of the music, it still would take some emotion from me anyways because I feel the importance of them each time no matter how simple or important. The characters no matter how dull they can be at times, they are solid characters for what this show is going for. Obviously Feeny and Shawn are the two best characters of this show and the other characters aren't so low to the scale at all. They still hold the show together and still are a joy to watch. This show gets better after season 2, but you can still see some good episodes in the earlier seasons. Overall, there's a lot I didn't go over that will give you a better understanding on what I witnessed through this show. However, I still am glad I can show you as much great things this show has. To be honest I would enjoy this show a lot more if I actually watched the full series when I was younger. Didn't even finished season 1 for some reason, but I regret it. However, I can't figure out what's waste and what's worth my time unless you look back. I don't regret my childhood because I still got to see the gem no matter how old I am right now. So, is it dated? Sure. Could I give this show a realistic rating? Sure. Do I think this show deserves a 10 for actually trying to be a good shower of life. Of course. Even when they get older it's like the are still young inside and they don't try to be hardcore edgy, but just deal with realistic problems that they go through when they feel one thing or a change happens to them. Even though this show is meant for kids around elementary, middle, or even high school. I feel like even as a young adult or no matter what age you are, it's like you need to at least watch the show in order to have a good life. I know that sounds really silly because I also believe if you hold on to something without letting it go, what reward will you get from something that attaches to yourself where it controls your life big or small? Even though I believe nothing should be pleasured over in this world. I feel like this show can be the only thing I need to really give me the comfort and figuring myself out phase that I would need to hold onto even though I know I don't need it. Also the ending was so joyful but also sad, even though you do see them in Girl Meets World and know they are doing fine in the show. It's not one of the best shows of all time. It's one of the most important shows of all time.
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xtimetowastexx18 August 2006
This is one of my favorite shows. The acting is good, it's consistently funny, etc. But, it can also be very serious, and deal with some pretty serious problems, but it's not dark or anything, it's a funny comedy that people of all ages can enjoy. I especially love the later episodes when Eric becomes a complete moron. That was when Will Friedle really started to show what a great actor he can be. =] And Rider Strong is also amazing. Shawn, of course, had by far the hardest life of any of the characters, and Rider Strong is just..a really, really good actor, especially when he has to act serious or upset. William Daniels was perfect as Mr Feeny, there will never be another teacher on any TV show that will be as awesome as he was. All in all, I hope the reruns stay on TV for a long, long, time because this is one of the best shows ever. =]
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Still relevant today
ccharles19904 June 2022
Maturing is realizing that Shawn and Angela were the superior couple! In my version of events they end up together idc idc. Girl meets world doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned. The show itself is amazingly still relevant and was such a comfort for me as a child. I remember with my first paycheck at 17 years old I bought the entire series on DVD. The acting was superb for a group of young kids they brought those very important storylines to life.
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good start wasted
kratan30 January 2020
It started with a nice premise.. it was fun to watch the pre-teen Corey and his confusions towards adolescence.. that is only for first two seasons.. once he becomes an adult, the story lost its novelty.. it becomes just another sitcom heavily flavored with love, sex, breakup etc.. we have 1000s of other sitcoms and movies which do the same thing.. watching it for 100 episode with teen kids is a pain.. really im asking, 13 year old kids do so much of make-outs in schools and home ?? sex is the only problem in this side of the world ??
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The best show on Disney Channel!!!
avigayilklein24 February 2005
I don't know why, but for some reason, Disney is getting rid of their best shows and putting in new ones that are pointless to watch (ie: "Brandy and Mr. Whiskers"). But "Boy Meets World" is one of the good ones, unfortunately being pushed off to a later and later time.

This show is good for a number of reasons. The actors are hilarious, all portraying very different and very real characters. Cory's brother, Eric, is my favorite, because every show needs a little slapstick humor.

The story line is fabulous. Unlike other shows that portray sappy, stereotypical teenagers doing things no one in real life would ever do,(See "Lizzie McGuire") this show contains humor and drama held together with definite realism. The show deals with a lot of the things that teenagers go through, while making it still entertaining to watch.

I love this show, and personally don't tire of it. It is great for all ages. The younger shows have more humor and are better for younger children, while the older ones contain more drama and are great for teens to watch. I personally like both, and sometimes my dad watches with me.

Overall, this is a great show, and should not be kicked off the air.
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11/10, would reccomend
maryluvsllamas26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Over winter break and throughout quarantine I was (and still am) obsessed with Boy Meets World. This was a Disney sitcom that aired from 1993 to 2000. Cory Matthews is the main character, and the show begins when he is in just 6th grade and follows him all the way through college. The show is just the story of his childhood, from his first crush to his wife, from middle school history to college classes. Since this show was made in the 90s, it still held a lot of good morals and included good conversations about God and the ways he was moving in their lives. Shows in more current times avoid talk of religion outside of stereotypes and jokes, but Boy Meets World wasn't afraid to talk about the hard questions. This show does a wonderful job of upholding the dignity of the human person. Cory and his girlfriend Topanga have countless conversations deciding (and fighting about) whether or not to have sex before they get married. They always come back to the conclusion that they should wait and save that intimate moment for after their vows, but the show doesn't shy away from talking about how hard it can be. Boy Meets World is also very inspiring. Mr. Feeney, the teacher of Cory and his friends from 6th grade through college, is always up to something teaching the kids a lesson. They learn about how to treat others, how to love better, how to care for their friends when it is hard, and so many other valuable lessons. Streaming this show as a 20-year-old was great, but I also think growing up with Cory and watching this show weekly would greatly impact someone's knowledge of love and willingness to love even when it gets hard. This show is very motivated and related to the common human experience. Cory's struggles are those of us all. He goes through getting bad grades, making mistakes, falling in love, and so many other things that just about any of us can relate to. Boy Meets World is a solid show that teaches its viewers life lessons worth learning and sneaks in a few good laughs and memories to be kept forever.
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The Greatest show ever.
raptor_babe12 June 2006
Boy Meets World would have to be the greatest show of all time. The story of Cory, Topanga, and Shawn growing up is one the most hilarious tales ever. I've watched Boy Meets World ever since I was little almost everyday. It is just awesome. If you want to watch a show which the whole family would love you should watch Boy Meets World.If you can't tell I very much so liked this show. Anybody who does't like it probably hasn't seen it. It teaches us how life really is and how you need friends. It teaches you how you should act it nerve wracking situations. It teaches you about the things of love and how it should't be taken for granted. It teaches you how blessed and lucky you are. Boy Meets World is the greatest show ever.
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One of the Best
Bruno_Alves_9019 August 2014
Simply Put, Boy Meets World is one of the most well made shows of its genre. The Show has endearing Characters, Great acting,lots of comedy drama and real life situations you can relate to or went through throughout The characters age throughout the show ( pre-teen to adulthood ). There is also enough variety throughout the season to keep you hooked until the very end, which will leave you wanting to keep on watching even after the final episode. Fortunately, you can, now that the sequel has been released. Girl Meets world is a Sequel to this series and worth watching as of now ( 7 episodes so far) if you do love Boy Meets World.
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