IMDb Polls

Poll: How Do You Think You Would Behave Under a Police Interrogation?

From this list of famous movie quotes, which one would you most likely say under a police interrogation?

Special thanks to Expectmiracles for the help.

Discuss here

Results of 164 votes:

  1. 1.

    James Caan and Gianni Russo in The Godfather (1972)

    "Mike , I'm innocent. I swear on the kids." (You will swear you didn't do it).
  2. 2.

    James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955)

    "You're tearing me apart!, you say one thing, he says another, and everybody changes back again!" (You will be confused and shocked).
  3. 3.

    Greta Garbo in Grand Hotel (1932)

    "I want to be alone...". (They will break you).

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