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The Great Gish
nekanderson88121 April 2004
The great Lillian Gish is the main reason to see this dated Griffith film. She is wonderful, displaying a wide range of emotions. The other players don't come off as well. Harron, Besserer, and Graves are fine, but the rest of the cast overplays. The story has serious problems when viewed with today's perspective. Most glaring is the black man, portrayed in an extreme racist way. 'The Birth of a Nation' was not Griffith's only film that portrays blacks in this negative way. Also, the couple that murder the immigrant girl in the beginning of the film and abuse Nellie are such despicable characters that they come off as caricatures. The scene with Gish fleeing to the attic and then the couple piling suitcases on top of a table to reach her is pure melodrama. The good family strikes oil and becomes wealthy and the bad family sees the light, but too late--the are led away to be punished. The photography and the scenes with Gish and Harron are beautiful and make this worthwhile.
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Ludicrous Griffith Melodrama, Definitely one of His Lesser Films
HarlowMGM30 December 2015
"The Greatest Question" seems quite damning evidence for D. W. Griffith's detractors and their charges of overrated directing skills and his handling of minority characters. Lillian Gish is lovely in this but this is one of her less empathic Griffith heroines. Best known as Robert Harron's final film, his role isn't much and it's one of his least memorable performances. Ralph Graves is wasted in a bit part as his brother. Edward Wagenknecht tears into Josephine Crowell for overacting in THE FILMS OF D W GRIFFITH but I found her a believable if psychotic villainess, on the other hand Mama of the boys, Eugenie Besserer really chews the scenery on occasion and her slatternly husband (George Fawcett) is rather creepy but of course not as much as a the perv Crowell's married to (George Nichols) who lusts after underage Lil and earlier killed another young girl (witnessed by Gish's character as a child). Griffith's handling of concurrent scenes at different locations is just horrendous, worse than the most hackneyed silent serial and the scene with Besserer and Graves at the graveyard is just weird and poorly staged (most unusual is the mix of Christian fundamentalism and spiritualism though apparently not that uncommon in the late 19th and very early 20th century). The pastoral setting is lovely though, too bad it wasn't used for a genuine romance instead of this absurd little melodrama.
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Griffith-Gish combo pioneers few more futuristic formulas in this Rural Drama.
SAMTHEBESTEST24 November 2021
The Greatest Question (1919) : Brief Review -

Griffith-Gish combo pioneers few more futuristic formulas in this Rural Drama. I don't really understand why some people have called this film underwhelming and outdated when the substantial evidence of that time is hardly watched by those people. Now just because Griffith had made greater classics or to be precise the greatest of all time in the mid 1910s, you can't expect him to breach the top level every time. Some films are meant to be different for many reasons but if the people are going to compare every film with 'Intolerance' or 'The Birth Of A Nation' then how can they even think of reviewing other films is the greatest question for me. If not, then Griffith's The Greatest Question is the best answer to them. I have this clear-cut belief that if i have DW Griffith and Lillian Gish's combo then i don't really care about anything else. It does not mean that i will praise even their bad films, but this one is surely not bad. Contrary to that, it's underrated. An orphan girl is given shelter by a farm family, but soon finds herself in the clutches of a murderous farmer and his wife. Once again, Griffith-Gish come together to pioneer multiple formulas that will be used in future (and are being used till date-2021) cinema. I can name so many scenes which i have seen in so many films made over the years and i also wonder at the same time about how people ignored the influential values of this film. Lillian Gish has ruled the entire film. An absolute top-notch performance from her and i don't know how many times i have said this thing about her. I have lost the count on how many times Gish gave such complete performance during the entire 1910s decade. Overall, The Greatest Questions is another formula creator material from genius Griffith. It loses the classic tag just by an inch or two because of couple of flaws, otherwise a Must See stuff for sure.

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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Underrated Gem
Michael_Elliott29 February 2008
Greatest Question, The (1919)

**** (out of 4)

D.W. Griffith film that throws in every genre he ever worked in and although the thing turns way too sappy there's still enough here to make this one of the best and most overlooked silents I've seen. After her parents die, an orphan (Lillian Gish) is offered room and love by some poor farmers and their two sons. One of the sons goes off to fight in WW1 but the other (Robert Harron) soon starts a relationship with the orphan. When the other brother is killed, the family is close to losing the farm so the orphan goes to stay with another couple and work for them. This evil couple holds a secret from the orphan's past but in present times they also abuse her any way they can. This was one of four films Griffith made for First National and even he admits that he rushed through all of them because he didn't want to make any for this studio. Even with that said this is certainly one of the best films of his career with all the elements of previous classics. The film has high suspense, terrific drama, romance and pretty much everything else. The ending with the orphan about to lose her life to the abusive farmers contains the suspense. There's terrific comedy in one scene where the girl and the son walk past a graveyard. There's a wonderful romantic scene where the brother first tries to kiss the girl. Not to mention some very dark elements including the farmer trying to rape the girl. As you can tell, everything's here and it's perfectly captured with terrific direction and editing from Griffith. Then, of course, there's Gish who turns in a beautiful performance. The rest of the cast does too but this is Gish's show all the way. She's got one of the most beautiful and emotional faces, which is certainly important here with all the stages she has to play.
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Uneven pastoral but it has its charms
MissSimonetta21 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Greatest Question (1919) often feels like a conga line of Griffith's worst traits as a storyteller: we have two stories only vaguely related to one another going on at once, heavy moralizing, overwrought and over-plentiful inter-titles, and the obligatory attempted sexual assault of a spotless maiden (played by Lillian Gish) and race to the rescue at the climax. The main story about Gish's innocent teenage girl used and abused by a borderline psychopathic married couple feels like a variation on Dickens. At little over one hour, the movie plods along and stops at a rather banal conclusion.

So why did I rate it a 6/10 rather than a 4 or 5/10, as was my original inclination? Well, because the film for all its issues, has an odd charm, believe it or not. The footage of the countryside is beautiful, hearkening back to the lovely scenery in Griffith's Biograph shorts. Gish, while stuck with the most Victorian of Victorian heroines, is still engaging and moving within the confines of a dull role. She and Bobby Harron manage a sweet chemistry filled with childlike affection and budding sensuality. Even the villains , often accused by critics of being too broad, are still frightening. The attempted assault, though I knew it was coming from the moment one of the title cards informs us that the man of the house is "lascivious" twenty minutes into the movie, was still creepy and alarming.

Creaky the movie may be, but I don't think it's DWG at his worst (try watching Dream Street and then this, and tell me which was more bearable and charming, I dare you).
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Bobby Harron's Last Surviving Movie
springfieldrental27 September 2021
Actor Bobby Harron was facing a great future in cinema. After his association with director D. W. Griffith for 10 years, he was beginning a four-movie package with Metro Pictures. He traveled to New York City on September 1, 1920 to attend the premier of Griffith's 'Way Down East' when he began unpacking his clothes in a hotel room. A gun he had tucked into his suitcase fell to the floor and discharged, sending a bullet into his chest. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. On the road to recovery, Harron suddenly died four days later at the young age of 27.

Harron's last surviving movie was December 1919's "The Greatest Question," directed by Griffith and co-starring Lillian Gish. He had just finished his first movie for Metro, 'Coincidence,' which was previewed the same evening as 'Way Down East' in New York. 'Coincidence' is considered lost. The irony of "The Greatest Question" is the film deals with death and spirituality, a spooky ending for a career that began for Harron at 14 as an errand boy for Biograph Studios. Griffith, the primary director for Biograph, noticed the boy when he appeared in a few shorts, and gave him a role in 1909's 'The Lonely Villa.'

Harron had acting parts in three of Griffith's most ambitious films, 1914's 'Judith of Bethulia,' 1915's 'Birth of a Nation,' and his most prominent role in 1916's 'Intolerance.' Throughout his career he was protrayed on screen as a naive or sensitive boy, eliciting from viewers sympathetic feelings.

Critics peg Harron's finest role in his later movies in June 1919's "True Heart Susie," also directed by Griffith with Lillian Gish as his secret romantic heartthrob. Harron was cast as a simple boy who, after gratuating from theology college, marries the wrong woman instead of childhood friend Lillian. His acting showed a maturity that struck an emotional chord with his female audience.

Such rave reviews were practically guaranteeing Harron a very promising future. But because, as Harron described, he tried to keep his gun away from his "hard to handle" younger brother by packing it into his suitcase, he paid the ultimate price dying from an accidental gunshot.
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Lesser Griffith
Cineanalyst26 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of D.W. Griffith's "lesser films." He was in artistic decline, and his finances were in disorder. At this time, he was trying to satisfy his First National contract to help finance his pictures for United Artists. "The Greatest Question" does appear, I think, rather slipshod, as a result. Perhaps partly due to the awful condition of the print I saw, I didn't see much of note in the location shooting, either. What I noticed was an overly sensational, melodramatic and derivative story.

Griffith's diminutive productions seem to emphasize the flaws always inherent but overlooked in his better, often more spectacular, films that overcame them. Here, the ornate intertitles are plentiful. The acting is often too broad, with the exception of Lillian Gish, of course. And, once again, Gish acts out Griffith's rapacious fantasies as a virginal pubescent, who's saved just in time from being raped. Additionally, there's a condescending representation of African Americans intended for amusement, and there's some newsy hooey about spiritualism thrown in.
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Bittersweet Lillian Gish performance
overseer-315 January 2005
"The Greatest Question" is a simple melodrama which includes all the elements for a suspenseful motion picture, and is played by a very experienced cast of DW Griffth players, who do their best to make this film unique. What sets it apart from others of its ilk is its constant illusions to biblical themes of love, faith, prayer, and forgiveness.

Lillian is great as always as an innocent girl who is taken advantage of by the evil neighbors of a family who take her in after her mother dies. The family hits upon hard times and the girl is hired out as a servant to them, with terrifying consequences. Robert Harron is so handsome and wholesome as the young lad she falls in love with. It's always a delight to see Lillian and Bobby together on film. Fans of the two won't be disappointed.

I give the film a 9 out of 10. The print I saw had lots of artifacts but was still watchable and the camera work of Billy Blitzer, Griffith's cinematographer, was very poetic and pretty here.
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Proof that Griffith just couldn't change with the times.
planktonrules14 September 2014
In the mid-1910s, D.W. Griffith was a HUGE name in Hollywood and was considered one of the top talents in the industry. By the time he made this film, however, his cache had started to fade a bit. And, by 1930, he was all but unemployable. What happened with this outstanding film pioneer? Well, I think there were two serious problems. First, he didn't change with the times. His saccharine and very old fashioned types of stories worked just fine in 1915 but by the 1920s, they seemed dated. Second, the films were often very, very moralistic--with messages that lacked subtlety. In the case of this film, it's especially apparent with the intertitle cards. Instead of conveying the action or explaining what was occurring, too often they were filled with long-winded prose and preachy sentimentality. And, in typical Griffith fashion, the black man in the film is not only a negative stereotype but is played by a white guy using burnt cork to darken his features! It seems that Griffith just disliked blacks but needed SOMEONE to make them look awful, so he used some white guy! Top that off with some seriously dumb plot problems and you might understand why I scored this film so low.

Nellie is a little girl and witnesses a pair of maniacs murdering a lady. She tells her parents and they totally ignore her. This happens in the film but in real life, only certifiably insane parents would ignore her. A decade passes. Now Nellie's parents have died and she wanders back to the same country where the murder occurred years ago. Why would she move there of all places and how could she forget about the killing? What's worse, eventually she goes to work for the murderers and has no recollection that they were the killers!!! If any of this makes sense to you (and it shouldn't), then there's the plot involving the son killed in WWI and the stupid way that this is handled (with mom, thousands of miles away, INSTANTLY knowing he's dead and receiving visions of his!). Please...give me a break! This is all stupid and sentimental claptrap....and I never bought any of it. Had this been made in 1905 or so, I could have accepted it. But for more discerning and sophisticated audiences of 1919, it must have been a hard-sell. For me today, it was an impossible sell though I must admit that the cinematography was quite lovely.
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That was very fine
fred3f4 January 2006
The Greatest Question is one of the best of Griffith's "unknown" or "forgotten" films. It was made right after Griffith's masterpiece, "Broken Blossoms." Griffith had contracted with First National to make three films. According to Lillian Gish, all three were made in a rush, so Griffith could not take the care with them that he did with his special projects. It stars Lillian Gish and Robert Harron. These two starred in several films together during this period, and they always played well to each other. They would contrast each other in masculine and feminine ways, but they would also sharing a fine sensibility and chemistry. Watching them in this film it is clear that if Robert had lived they could have been a famous screen couple. This is one of their best roles together.

The plot, like many Griffith films, is that of an old fashioned melodrama with a family in distress, a motherless child, a boy lost in the war and so on. Melodrama is somewhat ridiculed today, but in Griffith's hands it often becomes a sincere story, for after all - aren't the lives of most people made up of melodrama? Here, Griffith hits the mark about 85% of the time. Only one scene stands out as poorly done. There is a bit too much weight put on the ghostly appearance of a dead boy to save the day. With more time, care and better editing, Griffith might have made this work, but if anything shows the that the film was rushed it is this scene.

But there are so many good things to make up for this. Lillian's fright over breaking a dish, and knowing she will get a beating for it; the death of her mother; moments when she is cornered in the attic by a rapist; her many moments of flirting with Robert Haron; these are all played with skill and subtly.

Robert Herron had some excellent moments as well. His innocent and playful flirting with Lillian; his youthful willingness to take a man's role when he isn't ready for it; these all ring so true they almost hurt. The rest of the cast also put in some wonderful moments. The father's bitterness over what seems to be a Godless world, and the mothers frantic effort to maintain her faith - these are also unforgettable moments.

Overall, the film is well put together, the story is tight with no waisted moments. The photography by Billy Bitzer is excellent. There are things that Bitzer did which Hollywood has yet to catch up to. One reviewer complained of a bad video copy. Mine was excellent, so they are out there if you look.

The film is not in the first rank of Griffith films, but still, as Griffith himself used to say when he was pleased, "That was very fine!"
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Robert Harron's Last Hurrah
wes-connors15 December 2007
In the valley of Silver Waters, a peddler family has parked their wagon. "Little Nellie" ventures out into the woods, and unexpectedly witnesses a horrific crime - Martin Cain and his wife (George Nichols and Josephine Crowell) are raging against a poor immigrant woman they have obviously employed; and, they inadvertently kill the woman. The violent act becomes a repressed memory for little Nellie. Ten years later, Lillian Gish (as the grown up Nellie Jarvis) is, once again, traveling through Silver Waters, with her ailing, widowed mother. After her mother dies ("A life flowing out to mysterious uncharted seas."), Ms. Gish meets Robert Harron (as Jimmie Hilton), who lives nearby, with his poverty-stricken family. Mr. Harron's family helps Gish bury her mother; and, with nowhere to go, she accepts their invitation to stay…

Harron is attracted to Gish; and, they become inseparable. Harron's father George Fawcett (as Robert Hilton) is unable to work, due to disability. Precognizant mother Eugenie Besserer (as Mrs. Hilton) sees her favorite son Ralph Graves (as John Hilton) off to war, believing she will never see him again. To help out her financially strapped surrogate family, Gish seeks employment with Mr. and Mrs. Cain; the memory of their evil deed is still repressed. Harron kisses Gish goodbye; then, she moves in with the wicked Cains…

"The Greatest Question" is most notable as Robert Harron's last film; he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on September 5, 1920. When Harron died ("A life flowing out to mysterious uncharted seas."), this film was still being widely exhibited. And, it's a representative role - the "boy next door" he played so well for director D.W. Griffith. Harron is charming and natural, in the role of Jimmie Hilton. His reflective look at Gish's departure, from behind his fence, is just what Gish was longing for in "True Heart Susie" (1919).

Robert Harron was one of the finest actor of his time; his record of performances, and acting style, portended a great career in the coming decades. In hindsight, he looks like one of the few silent performers certain to make a natural transition to sound film performances. At the time of his death, Harron had signed with Metro, where he worked on an unavailable film. There seems to be some controversy about whether or not Harron committed suicide; if so, it could not have been due to an ongoing rivalry with actor Richard Barthelmess, over roles offered by director D.W. Griffith. By the time Harron died, both actors had left Griffith's company; and, they remained friendly enough to attend the New York première of "Way Down East" (1920). Ironically, "The Greatest Question" is about death; and, Harron had a relatively unknown friend in New York, at that time, to attend the same "Way Down East" premiere - the soon famous, and also short-lived, Rudolph Valentino.

********* The Greatest Question (12/28/19) D.W. Griffith ~ Lillian Gish, Robert Harron, Ralph Graves, Eugenie Besserer
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Amazing action sequence on a submarine
robinakaaly9 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Another D W Griffith morality tale, which I thought was set during the Civil War, but turned out to be in 1917. Lilian Gish is the daughter of an itinerant pedlar working out in the country. When quite young she witnesses the rape and murder of an immigrant serving girl, and then the man's wife helping to bury the body. Year's later, her parents die, and she is taken in by a poor farming family, and attracts the attention of the youngest son. As they get poorer and poorer, she goes out into service, unknowingly with the murderous family. The farming family's eldest son does off to war, joining the US Navy. There is a spectacular scene where he is on the after deck of a submarine when an enemy destroyer is sighted. The submarine crash dives, and you see the actor or stunt double, clinging to the conning tower, then the periscope as the boat disappears beneath the waves. The whole thing looked incredibly dangerous and I doubt would be allowed today, even if anyone would loan a submarine for the stunt. Anyway the boy drowns, but his spirit returns to guide the Mother. Back home, the family is now so poor that the father decides to sell up to someone who is happy to buy the place for a knock-down price. Meanwhile Ms Gish has been subjected to seriously abusive treatment by the wife, and when the husband comes after her she escapes. The sordid truth is now revealed and the evil couple led away. Meanwhile, the Mother has a premonition that they should not sell the land, and the next day oil is discovered (the buyer had been a sharper who knew the real worth of the land). Happy and moral ending.
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A Poetic Rural Melodrama!!
kidboots18 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In 1919 D.W. Griffith was heavily in debt. His epic "Intolerance" had bombed at the box office and he had just built a stunning new studio at Mamaroneck, New York with beautiful scenic areas that could be used as locations for any area from the deep south to a tropical island. He had to supply 2 companies with movies, the newly formed United Artists plus the studio he was still under contract to - First National, so is it any wonder this was a very prolific period for him as he turned out picture after picture, classic and potboiler alike. Set in Kentucky, "The Greatest Question" was one of a group of rural pictures where Griffith tried to show how much the people and places of his boyhood meant to him.

In this rambling plot which covers everything from melodrama to country romance to spiritualism, little Nellie Jarvis, a peddler's child, wanders into a wood where she witnesses the murder of an immigrant girl "who trusted too well" by the Cains (a symbolic name) (Josephine Crowell and George Nicholls). Ten years later Nellie (Gish), who has taken over the family business, finds herself in the same part of the country when her mother dies. She is taken in and made to feel part of the Hilton family but when they fall on hard times Nellie looks for work at the neighbours - who just happen to be the Cains!!!

Weaving in and out of this dramatic plot is the shy, tentative romance between Gish and Bobbie Harron, who plays the youngest Hilton boy, Jimmie, and a symbolic religious theme that concerns Jimmie's older brother (Ralph Graves) the mother's favourite who drowns during the War. Nellie finds work at the dreaded Cains - she is lusted after by the lecherous farmer and whipped if she even so much as breaks a plate by the cruel wife - Josephine Crowell is the personification of evil in my opinion. Little by little vague childhood memories of what she witnessed come filtering back until at the end there is the perennial last minute rescue involving carefree Jimmie, running to tell Nellie of the family's good fortune. Little does he realise that he will help her escape from "a fate worse than death" and the climax is nail-biting as Lillian, looking a lot like her character from "Broken Blossoms" is pursued up to the attic by the lustful farmer. For me, the film would have ended perfectly with Nellie and Jimmie, sitting on a style, deciding that "they didn't know enough to get married" (after having gone through grinding poverty, death, murder and attempted rape, I ask you)!!! But Griffith, who apparently was notorious for tampering with his movies even years after they were made, had tacked on a ten minute ending showing the family enjoying their new found wealth at a city hotel - and the Cains being caught by the police. It was just not needed in my opinion.
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