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Worth a look
mhorn-27 August 1999
This film portrays the lives of a US Army engineer squad in China during WW II. Their mission is to delay the advance of the Japanese Army. They must blow up bridges and ammo dumps along a long mountain road while dealing with a never ending line of Chinese refugees. James Stewart finds love with a beautiful Chinese widow. He must deal with his personal feelings toward a woman, a foreign people and the challenges of command. Not one of your best Jimmy Stewart movies but well worth a look.
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War In China
bkoganbing24 June 2008
The only film that World War II veteran James Stewart made during his career was one far away from his wartime experience flying missions over Germany in the European Theater. In fact it's the Chinese mainland theater which few have ever written about.

One of those who did was Theodore H. White who in the year before his first Making of the President books came out wrote the novel on which The Mountain Road is based. White was a correspondent during World War II and he covered this forgotten theater of the war where more time was spent in the quarrels with American commander Joseph Stilwell and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek of the Kuomintang Nationalist Chinese forces than in actually fighting the Japanese.

The year is 1944 and the Japanese army is once again on the offensive and the Chinese are retreating deeper into their interior. Stewart heads an eight man army demolition team and he's destroying a whole lot of things useful to the advancing Japanese, scorching the Chinese earth for the invaders.

But he's in a country that the only things Americans know about it come from missionary tales, Pearl Buck novels, and Charlie Chan movies. Which would make Stewart's character no different than most of the rest of his countrymen. One of the people in his team is the Chinese speaking Glenn Corbett who's studied the language and culture.

In this war movie, we never see the Japanese. Stewart's big problems come from the mass of refugees heading west to escape the advancing Japanese. He's also dealing with conflicting orders, with Chinese commanders looking to evade responsibility, and some outright bandits who really don't care who wins the war.

Four of the team are killed and the reprisals Stewart takes cost him the affection of Lisa Lu, widow of a Chinese general who chose wrong politically and paid for it.

Actually the performance I liked best in the movie is that of Frank Silvera as a Chinese Kuomintang commander who actually does understand and sympathize with Stewart, but who also knows his people.

My guess is that James Stewart took this film because it's not a typical war film with no great combat scenes. It's about the responsibility of command in a war where you can't tell whom you should fear.

Still The Mountain Road drags in spots and comes to no real satisfactory conclusion. It's different, but because of that remains one of James Stewart's least known and viewed films.
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Interesting and unusual anti-war piece
Leofwine_draca17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
THE MOUNTAIN ROAD is an unusual WW2 film in that the enemy combatants are never actually seen during the production, only referred to. Jimmy Stewart and his men are busy blowing up bridges and ammunition dumps in readiness for the imminent arrival of the Japanese in China, but the main thrust of the story is a more nuanced and character-focused drama in which Stewart becomes obsessed with dispensing justice against the Chinese looters who threaten the safety of his men.

For a little-known film such as this, THE MOUNTAIN ROAD is surprisingly good in places. Although it's slow and almost entirely lacking in battle action, the characters are what keep you watching. The Arizona locations successfully convince as rural China and Stewart's steady presence sees the movie through from beginning to end. My favourite character by far is the one played by the excellent Chinese-American actress Lisa Lu, who would later star in Shaw's 14 AMAZONS. Lu is far more than just a love interest and her subtle performance is really fantastic; few performers could convey her level of anguish through just a few words and expressions. In some instances THE MOUNTAIN ROAD manages to have its cake and eat it by offering the spectacle of a massive explosive set-piece and a great climatic action scene while at the same time remaining resolutely anti-war.
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Unusual take on World War II
gerdeen-18 September 2010
Legendary American reporter Theodore H. White covered China in the 1940s, and he wrote the novel on which this unusual James Stewart feature is based. It's not quite anti-war, but it's a very long way from the flag-waving military movies that Stewart made in the 1950s.

Stewart's character is a U.S. military engineer working with a small team trying to slow a Japanese advance in China. Though there's plenty of action (especially explosions), the emphasis is on the Americans' interaction with their Chinese allies -- which is fraught with problems. Stewart's character has a local love interest, played by Lisa Lu, but their relationship is nothing like a conventional GI romance.

"The Mountain Road" was obviously meant to be a thought-provoking look back at World War II, and to audiences in the early 1960s it probably was. The climax may have been almost shocking. In today's more jaded world, the movie is likely to strike many viewers as dull, with an ending that resolves very little. But it you still have a rose-colored view of the "Greatest War," and think it was less morally messy than our current conflicts, this could be enlightening.
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Human drama in slowing the enemy during WW II in China
SimonJack6 June 2020
"The Mountain Road" is a different and interesting war film. Set in China in 1944, it is about a U.S. Army demolition team doing what it can to stop the Japanese advance as the Chinese and American forces withdraw. It is based on a novel of the same title by noted author Theodore H. White. White said that his story was inspired by an interview he had with a former OSS Major Frank Gleason Jr. who had headed just such a demolition crew. Gleason was later hired as a technical consultant for the film, although he is not listed in the credits. According to one source, Gleason headed a demolition group that blew up more than 150 bridges and destroyed more than 50,000 tons of munitions in Dushan.

The film shows the challenges of military command and conflicts that the lead character, Major Baldwin has. James Stewart plays that part very well. His conflicts are different in that most of his decisions about blowing up bridges, roads and even buildings in villages affect hundreds of civilians.

All of the cast are very good in their roles. Among the most prominent are Lisa Lu who plays Madame Sue-Mei Hung, Harry Morgan who plays Staff Sgt. Mike Michaelson and Glenn Corbett who plays Collins.

An interesting aspect of this film is that there are no Japanese soldiers. The Americans never encounter the enemy. The film depicts some of the aspects of the Chinese culture that Major Baldwin had not yet learned. The terrain looked like it could have been filmed in China, but was mostly rugged hilly country and mountains in Arizona.

The film has some impressive scenes of explosions. Some consider it an anti-war film, and it fits that mold of most war movies that show the horrors, death, destruction and insanity of war.

It's a good film, but not great. War film buffs and those who enjoy history should enjoy it. Others, especially modern audiences used to fast and furious entertainment, may find it hard to sit through.

The best line in the film is from Alan Baxter who plays Gen. Loomis. After Stewart's character tells him that he had asked for the command, Loomis says, "You know what command is, major?" Maj. Baldwin replies, "Well, sir, the book says... " And Gen. Loomis says, "Command is power. Pure, simple, unlimited."
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Good China WW 2 film; Not Many Around
arthur_tafero3 August 2018
This is a rare film that criticizes the KMT in China's war with Japan in 1944. The KMT was fighting the CCP (Communists) at the same time they were fighting the Japanese. The CCP was fighting the Japanese as well. They are not even mentioned in the film. The Chinese Civil War started way before 1944. It was the KMT (Chiang Kai-Shek) against the CCP (Mao Zedong). It lasted until 1949, when the CCP finally won when the KMT retreated to Taiwan. The film itself, though, has some problems. There is really not too much suspense or tension in the film. Stewart is really miscast (he was more comfortable in Air Force films) as a demolition man. Harry Morgan is very good though, as is the rest of the cast, who rescue the film from Stewart. Other than Flying Tigers, I cannot remember one other well-made film about the Chinese in WW 2. Empire of the Sun was very good, but it was not really about China. The Last Emperor was very good, but it was more about Puyi than the Chinese in WW2. At least this film marks a shift away from the stereotypical portrayal of the Chinese we had seen in films prior to 1960. There were still a few stereotypes, but not as many as before. Interesting film.
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Good yarn with a good score
krc-131 October 2005
I first saw this as a 16 year-old on its release in the UK, and have seen only glimpses on TV since. What I remember most is, having the year before seen "The Big Country", recognising the similarity of the scores as having the same composer in Jerome Moross (I had taken my seat after the opening credits). I felt quite pleased with myself at the time. I thought the movie to be much along the lines of earlier James Stewart/Anthony Mann classics, although with not quite the punch or pace. Harry Morgan's performance explains why he was never short of roles and why he became a stalwart member of the "MASH" brigade. Definitely worth another viewing.
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Crazy Rich Asian Mama is not Rich Yet
DKosty12327 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Any Stewart movie is worth viewing and this one is no exception as Stewart works very hard with a challenging script to make this work. He nearly pulls it off though the lines in the script just are not real memorable. This is a rare picture of China being invaded by the Japanese in World War 2 and the issues of those fighting them.

There is a bit of romance here between Stewart and Lisa Lu (who was in Crazy Rich Asians this summer), though the romance is a low simmer based more on the situation than on sparks between the players. The issues of American relations with Chinese is addressed in many interesting ways.

The movie does play a bit long, but was so glad to check it out on Prime. It is a rarely played film and with a cast including Harry Morgan is a bit long though the action sequences are pretty well done in this black and white military drama. It poses complicated questions about the war relations with China which are rarely brought up. No Japanese appear in the film as they always seem to be one step out of range.
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Pulling Its Punches
JamesHitchcock5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is often said, wrongly, that James Stewart never made a war film, and the reason normally given is that his own wartime experiences had left him with the conviction that war was not something to be glamourised by Hollywood. In fact, Stewart was far from being a pacifist- he continued to serve in the Air Force Reserve after the war, eventually attaining the rank of general- and did in fact make two films about World War II, of which "The Mountain Road" is one, the other being "Malaya" from 1949. He also made "Shenandoah" about the American Civil War and "Strategic Air Command", a film set in peacetime but with a distinctly patriotic theme about the deterrent role of the US Air Force in the Cold War.

"The Mountain Road" is set in China, an unusual setting for a Hollywood war film. Stewart plays Major Baldwin, the commander of a small American demolition unit tasked with aiding the Chinese war effort by blowing up installations such as airfields and munitions dumps to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, as well as destroying bridges and roads to slow down the Japanese advance into China. (Strangely, not a single Japanese character appears in the film, even as a figure in the remote distance). Although the Americans are officially in China as allies of the country's government and its armed forces, relations between them and the Chinese civilian population are often difficult as the roads which Baldwin and his men destroy are being used not just by the Japanese invaders but also by Chinese refugees attempting to flee. Another plotline deals with a growing romance between Baldwin and Hung Su-Mei, the American-educated widow of a Chinese general.

Tensions between the Americans and the Chinese come to a head when three of Baldwin's men are killed, one trampled to death by starving peasants when he was foolishly idealistic enough to try and distribute surplus food among them, the other two murdered by bandits. Baldwin's patience snaps and he decides to exact revenge, not just against the bandits but also against the local population, even though they are citizens of an allied power.

The film is sometimes described as "anti-war", but it was made with the cooperation of the U. S. Army, who were presumably happy with the script. The truth is that it rather pulls its punches in this respect. It is not a traditional patriotic war film; if it had been, it would doubtless have concentrated much more on the atrocities committed by the Japanese in China and have ended with a spectacular action finale in which Baldwin and his men, with a little help from their Chinese allies, put the enemy to rout. On the other hand, it is not really convincing as an anti-war movie either.

The general theme is that, in wartime, men like Baldwin, who are not evil by nature, may do bad things if they over-react under great provocation. That, however, is not in itself a convincing argument for pacifism. Anyone with any knowledge of the Chinese theatre in World War II will know that the Allies were facing an enemy whose leaders were evil by nature and were prepared to commit the most evil crimes with no provocation at all. Baldwin's rampage against the bandits pales into insignificance when compared to something like the Nanking Massacre. The crimes committed by the Axis Powers have always been a strong counter-argument to the pacifist position that force should never be met with force, something which explains why few explicitly anti-war films have been made about the Second World War.

The film tends to pull its punches in other ways as well. The relationship between Baldwin and Su-Mei fizzles out and, it is implied, is never consummated, possibly because the anti-miscegenation provisions of the Production Code were still in force in 1960. Exceptions could occasionally be made for romances between Caucasian men and Asian women, but the female partner generally had to be played by a white actress, like Jennifer Jones in "Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing". There are attempts to say something about leadership and the psychological burdens of command, but these never say much of interest. Stewart's performance is a reasonably good one, but this is not one of his best films. 5/10.
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Solid performances
HotToastyRag2 January 2022
You might not have heard of this obscure war picture, The Mountain Road, but if you're a James Stewart fan you'll definitely want to check it out. He has a complicated character to portray, sometimes completely being the hero and sometimes acting like the villain. It's 1944 and he takes an undesirable commission in China for the sake of being in charge while he still can. He freely admits this, and there are times when he orders his men around and you can feel how much he loves having power. His assignment: demolition.

As he and his unit travel down the mountain road to reach the destination with all the American equipment and ammunition, they have lots of challenges. It's not just a simple drive - there are Chinese bandits, arguments among the men, and also a woman tagging along for the ride while endangering her own safety. She's a war widow with tons of wisdom and strength. Perhaps her perspective might be enough to soften Jimmy's edges, or at least help him figure out his purpose. In my favorite scene, he breaks down and cries, wondering why he's even bothering with the mission. One of his men was tragically killed, and he thinks it's all pointless.

In that scene, and in others, you'll see a very impressive performance from Lisa Lu in her first movie. There were many Asian actresses emerging right around that time, and unfortunately Lisa didn't become a big name. She certainly had the talent, though. You'll also see a very solid performance from James Stewart, and you'll hear a beautiful theme from Jerome Moross. Even though it sounds like outtakes from The Big Country, it's still lovely to listen to.
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On the Road
richardchatten10 May 2020
America has never really known what to make of the Chinese, but in this lengthy and ponderous screen version of Theodore White's 1958 novel made during The Great Leap Forward but set when Japan was the common enemy a Chinese officer could declare "America is China's best friend!"

American major Jimmy Stewart puts his ambivalence towards his current allies on hold while concentrating upon the more pressing business of blowing up bridges and ammunition dumps; while Frank Silvera as a Chinese colonel adds yet another string to his bow of miscellaneous but usually sinister ethnic types.
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The Less Attractive Side of the Americans in China; 1941 - 1945
theowinthrop24 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film can really be subtitled, "Why did We Bother to Get Involved?". It is the kind of World War II film that Hollywood would never have shot in the 1940s. For the purpose of wartime propaganda is to attack one enemy at a time. In 1941 - 1945 the Japanese were the enemy, and our allies were the brave Chinese people. Only a handful of specialists on China knew the complexity of relationships in Chinese politics. One was Lieutenant General Joseph ("Vinigar Joe") Stillwell, who had been in China since the 1930s. He knew the main enemy was Japan, but he had little trust for the Kuomintang government of General Chang Kai Shek, which he knew was corrupt. China since the teens had been suffering from a large number of civil wars between generals with armies called "War-Lords". When Sun Yat Sen founded the Kuomingtang he hoped to get the assistance of the west to build up it's arms and defeat the war-lords. Unfortunately the Japanese prevented this kind of period of consolidation to occur, so Chang found he was supporting the representatives of a constitutional government, and was opposed by the Japanese and the War-Lords. Then a third foe arose: the Communists under Mao Tse Tung. In such a complex quilt pattern like country, we could not know who were our friends or foes. Washington, D.C. decided our ally was Chang, and Stillwell was frustrated on the support we wasted on him and his cohorts.

THE MOUNTAIN ROAD is a simple film about a set of Americans, led by Jimmy Stewart, who are ordered to slow down a Japanese advance into Western China by the Japanese. The interesting thing of the movie is that we never seen any Japanese soldiers. No we see only Americans and Chinese. We see how they mingle and interrelate, but also how they may end up fighting. Americans being hurt by one of the brave allied people we try to help - how familiar that sounds nowadays.

Stewart initially tries to get permission from the local Kuomintgang Colonel to blow up a bridge. He does get it, although he finds the customs of the Colonel too showy (he has to eat some lunch with the Colonel). He is given the use of a Colonel Kwan (Henry Silva) as a translator, and he has to escort a well educated woman, a General's widow (Lisa Lu) to the town that is their destination. Stewart has always wanted to have a command, so he had agreed to this one. He has Harry Morgan as his chief sergeant, James Best and Mike Kellin as two of his troops, and Glenn Corbett as Collins, his right hand man and translator.

The film really follows how the Americans deal with their erstwhile allies, and the results are somewhat discouraging. As time passes Steward's patience with the Chinese begins to crack. In particular two tragedies destroy it: the death of Collins while trying to do an act of kindness to the starving villagers they are among; and the roadside murder and robbery of two of the men (one a sick man) by Chinese soldiers turned into bandits. Stewart and Lu had slowly developed a love affair but the two tragedies, and Stewart's reaction to the second destroy what chances the bi-racial love affair might have had. In the end they part, and Stewart realizes he was to blame for it.

Or was he? Lu makes several realistic assessments of what her China requires to survive, and it is right that unity is needed. But she is unwilling to admit that her people do not have the right to kill people for personal gain. She keeps hiding behind the fact that they don't know better. Yet the scene when Stewart catches the thief and murderers drinking in a bar in a town, they realize what he is there about and start arming themselves for the upcoming fight. Stewart tries to explain his seeking punishment of the guilty was do to the headiness of having the power of life and death in the form of his getting an active command on the field. That may be true, but the two incidents involving his men and the locals hardly paint them as innocents types protecting themselves against wicked Americans. In the end the two points of view just cannot meet at a particular point. So the romance cannot last. But the audience wonders if friendship between the two countries is worth it in the end.
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Great WW II Film
whpratt127 June 2008
Enjoyed this film which was shown on TCM and I was very surprised to see that James Stewart, (Major Baldwin) starred in this film which is about a unit of American Engineers who were a demolition crew out to destroy a Chinese stockpile of weapons. These men had to travel on one mountain road which had plenty of these stockpiles to destroy in order to make certain the Japanese did not obtain any of these weapons. Major Baldwin runs into all kinds of problems, like a young Chinese woman named, Madame Sue-Mei Hung, (Lisa Lu) who was the wife of a Chinese General and he wanted her to travel with these American soldiers in order to secure her safety. Men get sick and there are many Chinese people who do not want the Americans blowing up this stockpile of weapons, as they can use them as a bargaining tool in order to secure food and shelter. There is even some romance going on between Madame Sue and Major Baldwin as he finds out her general husband was killed. Harry Morgan, (Sgt. Michaelson) gave a great supporting role along with Lisa Lu as the only woman in the picture. This film clearly points out the difficult problems that existed between American and Chinese relations during World War II. Great film to view, it is rather long and draw out, but we have to consider this film is from 1960.
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Did They Just Try Too Hard?
Hitchcoc13 September 2010
I am a huge Jimmy Stewart fan. Yet this film left me cold. I think that the director and the screenplay conspire to not let him develop as a character. One time he is doing some poignant scene, where one thinks he has turned a corner in his short-sighted racist view of the larger world, and in moment, he goes right back to where he was. There's no carry-over. This film takes place in 1944 as the U. S. forces are in Chine, looking out for a tenuous ally. This particular group is a demolitions team whose purpose is to blow up roads and bridges and move on. The Japanese are very formidable and have decimated the Chinese people. Stewart expects the Chinese to act like Americans (Sound familiar?) but can't get them to follow his lead. Starvation and pain have a way of doing that. His relationship with a Chinese woman is the most interesting. I'm sure the cowardly film boards kept anything from happening. Once that factor in the film is thrown out, there is a skeleton left and it's not a very interesting one.
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Plot of Movie
stevegoode117 August 2005
The Mountain Road is the story of an American Enginers destroying military stockpile ahead of a Japanese advance in late World War II. The corrupted Chinese Warlords refused to equip their men for the fight against the Japaneses and wanted to hoard so they could profit from the sale of gasoline and military supplies. One of the themes of the movie is the cultural clash between Americans and Chineses. One of the major difference between the two was the value of human life. I wish that this movie was available on DVD or VHS tape as I would like to have it for my collection. It is well worth while seeing to see one aspect of World War II in China.
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A not so poignant anti-war film
matchettja27 September 2008
Major Baldwin (Stewart) has his first command in East China when he is put in charge of a demolition squad with orders to evacuate once a base has been destroyed to prevent its capture by the advancing Japanese. Along the way he discovers the power associated with command and the abuse temptation offers along with such power. He also encounters some unexpected romance when the widow of a Chinese general in need of evacuation joins his squad.

Unfortunately, as the group never comes into contact with the Japanese and is never in serious danger, we don't feel a lot of tension. Whatever threat there is comes from the Chinese themselves, from mobs of starving peasants to bands of wayward deserting marauders.

The most interesting feature of the film deals with the difference of customs. The pomp and ceremony important to Chinese is alien to the Americans just wanting to get down to the business at hand. Looking from different points of view, each side views the other as somewhat barbarous and inhumane and as a result never quite reach the level of friendship each would have.

Although Jerome Morass provides a spirited music score, it doesn't quite fit in with the action, or rather the lack of it. With an exception or two, the events on the screen just never generate much pathos, resulting in a not so poignant anti-war film.

Stewart, as always, is worth watching, Lisa Lu has charm, and Harry Morgan gives a preview of what would become his Colonel Potter M*A*S*H* character.
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Last year, he planned 'em. Now he's blowin' em' up.
mark.waltz25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This somber view of war has some moments that are beyond shocking, dealing with the track of an American troop through the Chinese mountains to blow up a road that's a Japanese are using to get through. They have to deal with so much more than just the dangers of the mountains but bandits, starving villagers, and the different viewpoints of the situation, not only between the American soldiers but between Sir James Stewart and the Chinese officers they encounter who have a different way of looking at things.

A beautiful Chinese woman, Lisa Lu (the widow of an executed Chinese officer), accompanies them, and offers store not only advice on how to deal with the rugged terrain but the different viewpoints between cultures, and everything is fine with her until a subtle attraction begins to grow between her and Stewart. With everything going on, the war story was all they needed and the inclusion of romance is a pointless intrusion. Stewart also has to deal with growing tensions among his men, including one who is ill from the extreme heat, a few intense rivalries which threatened to turn violent, and the sudden shocking death of one of them from a simple act of kindness.

Co-starring in the above average ensemble or Glenn Corbett, Harry Morgan, Frank Maxwell and Rudy Bond, and they are all very good. The sardonic humor of Morgan and cynicism of Maxwell are contrasted by the good nature of Corbett, the most level headed of them all, even Stewart. He's giving quite an aggressive performance here, and not speaking in that slow drawl that has had mimics imitating him for years. This is very well filmed, dealing with several important issues, including racism, not only to the Japanese, the enemy, but to the Chinese, supposed allies. Racism from people living in the mountains towards the American soldiers results in some horrifying violence. An anti-war view of war, very surprising considering its very all American star, showing a slowly created madness that destroys even the strongest when the real horrors of war get to be too much even for the strongest of soldiers.
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What a mess.
rmax30482317 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's World War II in China. The Japanese are advancing and the Chinese and a handful of Americans are retreated. Among the Americans is James Stewart, an army engineer, and half a dozen of his men. Their task, should they choose to accept it, which of course they do, is to retreat to an Allied base a hundred or so miles away, blowing up the bridges after they cross them. The roads are choked with civilian refugees, and along the way, Stewart and his trucks are compelled to pick up a Chinese colonel and a young widow as passengers.

The Chinese colonel is played by Frank Silvera with a mustache. This guy deserves a decoration just for the number of different ethnic types he's played. He was a genetic chameleon. In real life, he was of mixed background, born in Jamaica, but he found a niche in Hollywood's go-anywhere ethnic roles. The young widow is Lisa Lu, born in Beijing. I don't mean to cast aspersions on her in any way. She's attractive and has the precise enunciation that sounds as if it belongs to a hostess of a late-night FM station that plays nothing but chamber music. If she says something like "immediate departure" she observes the original juncture and pronounces both the "t" and the following "d," whereas when Americans make the same utterance it comes out "immediadepature." But I must say, she isn't Zhang Ziyi, let alone Gong Li, with whom I am deeply in love. I can't understand why she doesn't respond to my many proposals of marriage but I suppose it's her loss. Still, if you have to travel over rough country, pursued by a dangerous enemy, Lisa Lu will be a serviceable traveling companion.

There are some welcome comic moment interpolated. Morgan and Stewart are arguing over some decision. Stewart sternly reminds Morgan that he, Stewart, is in command. "Oh, I understand. In this war your either a big wheel or a slob. I'm a slob too." "Come of it, Mike; you know I couldn't run this outfit without you." "Oh, that's because I'm a HELPFUL slob." "Well, what do you suggest." "I don't know, major, slobs don't have any brains." Something like that. It's actually kind of amusing in context.

Stewart's major is a pretty abrasive and instrumental customer. He's all business, impatient with the customs of the Chinese. He makes a report to a colonel at a way station and they insist he stay for tea and lunch, while he fidgets anxiously, dying to get under way. It doesn't help that Stewart's jeep and four trucks run into some of the usual problems during this kind of journey -- a bridge must be blown, leaving hundreds of poor Chinese on the other side; a merchant's dilapidated trucks blocks the road and must be pushed off the cliff; one of the men is seriously ill and there is neither medicine nor doctor around.

Stewart's men, by the way, include some of the more familiar and reliable supporting actors in the business: Mike Kellin, James Best, Rudy Bond, Glenn Corbett, and Henry "Harry" Morgan, who should make up his mind about his name. The soldier who gets sick can't act. The movie is to be applauded for not turning the Chinese into altruistic saints, a pattern that recurs in movies where soldiers have to deal with alien civilians. Corbett, the nice guy, the most sympathetic of the enlisted men, carries some extra food out to the refugees. The crowd turns savage and they beat him to death and run off with the loot. Later, one of the trucks is ambushed and several men killed, and Stewart exacts an awesome revenge.

It costs Stewart because he's grown fond of Luci Lu, as who wouldn't. He doesn't get the girl. She resents his killing of Chinese and they part before the end of the road is reached. He makes some plea about using "power" that sounds like mumbo jumbo. There are some nice special effects for those who enjoy seeing things blown up big time.

It's an adult movie. The relationships between the Americans and the Chinese are faithfully sketched in. The novel was written by Teddy White ("The Making of the President....") who had learned Chinese at Harvard and spent time there during the war. The political system, as we see it, and in real historical fact, was a chaotic collage of conflicting loyalties. Two major forces were trying to unify a huge country that was ruled by local warlords. The two forces were the Nationalists under Chiang Kai Sheck and the Communists under Mao Dz Dung. Both were fighting the Japanese and both were corrupt dictators manqué. Chiang was known for charging the Americans to let them build air bases in China in order to help him, Chiang, fight the Japanese. There were many deserters from both camps and bandits who owed allegiance to no party. And there we were, in the middle of all of it, just as we are today, as I write this.
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An Uninspired Film
marthawilcox183115 July 2014
The gangly James Stewart doesn't seem to understand anything or anyone other than his own culture, and how to treat ladies in this film. His character is despicable, and there are times when he is downright racist saying 'I don't take advice from Chinese people any more'. He fails to take you on the journey with him, and you get the feeling that in 1960 at the age of 52, he is growing old and getting set in his ways. His characters seems to be fixed at this point in his career which is why there is very little room for him to grow as an actor. Only John Ford would take him to the next level in 'The Man who shot Liberty Valance' two years later.
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Even with Jimmy Stewart, this film is a dud
planktonrules16 February 2009
I have seen practically every film Jimmy Stewart made in his long and wonderful career. Somehow or other, I never saw this film and was surprised to see it was coming on--especially as I've never heard of it. Well, after seeing it, I can clearly see why this film is rarely seen or talked about, as it stinks.

Up until the amazingly confusing ending, it still wasn't a good film but at least was passable entertainment. Stewart plays a major who's in charge of a small group of demolitions experts whose mission is to slow down the Japanese invasion. Despite the importance of the mission, I was surprised how many of Stewart's men seemed like unprofessional whiners. I would think that anyone who really did this job would be offended by this far less than heroic image--and these men must have been very brave and dedicated in real life.

Into this motley crew comes a Chinese colonel and the wife of an executed Chinese general--who tag along for part of the mission. Having the lady there in the middle of war and with a group of desperate men seemed to make little sense. It made even less sense when inexplicably, she and Stewart completely out of the blue are in a bit of a romance. And it made yet less sense when she behaved the way she did late in the film, as she came off as sanctimonious and confusing. Stewart's character also made little sense late in the film, as he went from being a decent leader to Captain Ahab's less stable brother!! In fact, by the end of the film, the whole thing just degenerated into a mess--with everyone bickering and killing and complaining. Wow, how inspiring!! My advice is that unless you are a completist who wants to see every one of Stewart's films, this one is amazingly skip-able. Also in this same category would be POT 'O GOLD, THE MAGIC OF LASSIE and AN American TALE: FIVEL GOES WEST. Even great actors can't win 'em all!
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Very Interesting -- especially for its time
aromatic-26 September 1999
Intriguing wartime character studies. Outstanding characters abound. Stewart's romance with the Asian female lead is very poignant. Harry Morgan and Mike Kellin give outstanding character support - in fact the whole cast does, including a young James Best, looking hunky, well before his Dukes of Hazzard days.
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bombersflyup19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In The Mountain Road, a US Army Major stationed in East China in 1944 is ordered to blow up military installations in order to slow down the advancing Japanese Arm

This is the most dull film in existence... and with James Stewart as lead, that's saying something. I really couldn't make it through and literally fell asleep. Uninteresting from the outset, like why would the Chinese commander let them blow up their own bridge or at least sign off on it. Then the widow of a Chinese colonel joins them and that seems be the focal point of the film for some reason. At no point could I get into this one.
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liked this film, different role for stewart, timely for today
mike-8597 August 1999
Watching this film with jimmy stewart as a driven military man was interesting. I have always thought of stewart in the role in Harvey or its a wonderful life.

Stewarts characters struggle with power and his obsession to accomplish his objective was fun to watch. This film is worth the time spent and includes some great character actors of this period. I think it deserves its 6.6 overall rating.

Watching this movie develop reminded me of recent events in europe and made the film seem timely despite its age.
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A suprising gem
nelsonhodgie2 August 2020
Never heard of this movie before but Mountain Road is a very engrossing movie about a relatively unknown theatre of WW2 taking place in China during the end of the Japanese occupation. Stewart is excellent in the lead as is the entire cast with special mention to Lisa Lu a Chinese /American actress in a rare lead role. Lots of twists and turns with a bit of a pacifist message as well. Hard-hitting in it's depictions of the suffering and depravity that can occur due to a country being torn apart by war.
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Long Time Gone
blwilmeth22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on commercial late-night TV when I was 17 (in 1969). I am sure I then missed most of what was there to be gleaned, however, the soundtrack was compelling.

The movie is something of a preview of coming events (not unlike "The Sand Pebbles") with respect to our involvement in Vietnam. I cannot understand how intelligent people could overlook the problems occasioned by fighting a war in a culture so different from our own.

The grist of the movie is how power impacts people and that it is not likely that the first time it is granted, the recipient will be ready. I thought Stewart did an excellent job of articulating his conflict, and regrets, over his use of power, and the female lead's character seemed a little unsympathetic to a man who was genuinely conflicted.

The movie leaves me with a trace of melancholy. In 1960, when it was released, there was still time to avoid the all but unfathomable foreign policy blunders of the late '60s. Vietnam impacted the thinking of much of the baby boom generation, and not for the better. It leaves me thinking that the war was fought mostly to satisfy the Joint Chiefs (after Cuba was off limits) and to generate huge amounts of cash for the defense industry.
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