Where the Boys Are (1960) Poster

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Not your typical romp on the beach...
icblue0216 August 1999
This film succeeds in the sense that it isn't a stereotypical beach flick. As a current college student, I can attest that it is rather believable, and, oddly enough, some of it applies to college gals today...nearly 40 years later. Actually, WHERE THE BOYS ARE offers the public a fairly realistic, in-depth portrayal of everyday kids in the 60s, as opposed to other beach movies of the period. Simply put: Frankie and Annette had nothing on these gals!

Contrary to what the title may lead one to believe, the focal point is not terribly superficial. Yeah, sure, the girls head to Lauderdale to nab a Yaley or two, but that becomes somewhat secondary to what actually transpires. Whether it was meant to be or not, this film is one of decisions, learning, and friendships that are strengthened due to the experiences four college girls share during Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale.

The actors themselves are very believable; none of the main players outdo the others. Hart, Mimeux, Francis, and Prentiss do a wonderful job of conveying many different sides to the characters they portray. The supporting cast is equally skilled and effective in varying roles.

Though this isn't Academy Award winning material, it is definitely worth watching!
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That Connie Francis sure can sing!
clydestuff10 March 2004
In 2003 Turner Classic Films had a poll where fans could vote (out of a list)for films they would like to see on DVD. The top five vote getters would be the films getting the DVD treatment. Surprisingly, this is one of the five films that voters preferred along with Days of Wine and Roses, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Postman Always Rings Twice, and The Wind and the Lion. It's a testament to how well this film has held up for the past forty-three years, not an easy task considering it's subject matter.

The basic premise is this: Four college girls escape the freezing north during spring break and head to Ft. Lauderdale because as the title says, that's where the boys are. Not much to make a film about I suppose, but stories have hit the big screen with a lot less plot than that going for them. What Where The Boys Are does have going for it is a witty ahead of it's time script by screenwriter George Wells (based on a novel by Glendon Swarthout), a cast of attractive relatively new stars assembled by producer Joe Pasternak and some nice Florida Scenery.

The cast is headed by Dolores Hart as Merritt Andrews. Although having a high I.Q., Merritt is having trouble in college because she has a tendency to say what's on her mind, and sometimes what's on her mind must have sent a shiver down the spine of many parents in the early sixties. In one class, she dares to suggest that premarital sex (playing house is how she puts it I think) might not only be OK but quite necessary. Daring stuff in those days. It also immediately gives us a more complex character in Merritt which helps lift this film a cut above others in this genre. Dolores Hart is exceptional as Merritt, and because of this she is the center of our attention from the beginning of the film to the end. Ms. Hart is one of those actresses whom was never given a chance to show us her real potential in the short time she was an actress before answering her calling to enter the convent. Pay close attention to her performance as Merritt as I did and you'll understand what we may have missed.

Paula Prentiss makes her big screen debut as Tuggle and immediately shows a fine screen persona with a flair for comedy. She's the one who has vowed to be a "good girl". In other words, no wedding ring, no hanky panky. The parents of the sixties probably loved her.

Yvette Mimeaux plays naive freshman Melanie. She ends up taking Merritt's ideas in class about sex and putting them into action. In 1960's morals, we know she's headed for trouble and was probably the poster girl for parents to point out the evils that would befall you for indulging in a little bit of bedroom parlor games. Mimeaux is OK in the role, it's just a role that isn't written very well and probably the weakest part of the film.

Connie Francis is a revelation as girl hockey player, Angie. We are never given her views on sex so you can paint her in a neutral corner. For some reason (I guess because she's a hockey player)she has trouble getting a guy. I seriously doubt someone who looks like her would have that kind of a problem, but Francis plays the role in a ditsy kind of way. She's adorable, and we love her. Add to this the fact that the girl can sing up a storm and you'll replay the opening titles several times just to hear that heart throbbing voice.

Then there's the fellows. Jim Hutton plays TV Thompson, a hitchhiker who has a thing about hats, that the girls pick up on their way to Fort Lauderdale. He hooks up with Tuggle, and their wit blends together so perfectly, that Hutton and Prentiss went on to make several more films together. Their moments together on screen are priceless. George Hamilton plays Merritt's love interest Ryder. Ryder is a millionaire who goes to Princeton, rides around in his grandfather's yacht and has eyes for Merritt. Hamilton is playing the usual George Hamilton type of role, but for this film it's perfect as Ryder Smith would probably be just like George or vice versa. His scenes with Merritt are very cleverly written. He attempts to find a way to seduce her, but knows she is way too intelligent to fall for the standard come ons. They have good chemistry together. Frank Gorshin plays a nearly blind jazz musician named Basil, whom Angie seems to end up with by default. It works because they both seem to have a whacked out comedy sense. Unfortunately, all poor Melanie can end up with is a couple of wicked evil guys who want her for only one thing and I'm sure you know what that is. John Brennan as Dill and Rory Harrity as Franklin manage to be sleazy enough to do what they have to do, than you can forget them both which apparently most people did as evidenced by their lack of screen credits after this film. Also on hand are a delightful Barbra Nichols as the sea nymph and Chill Wills in a couple of brief but funny scenes as a police captain.

Where this film excels is in the performances and chemistry of it's young cast. Together they make for many enjoyable screen moments. Where it greatly falters is in some of it's very out dated premises about relationships between men and women. Despite the fact that they are all college women, Where The Boys Are would still have us believe that the only thing these women are interested in is finding the right guy who will wrap a ring around their finger. Even Merritt, who is outspoken early in the film, ends up wanting nothing more than to get Ryder and his millions down the aisle. The fact that this film also falls back on the premise that if you hop in the hay with a guy, you'll suffer severe penalties for it. This is hammered home by the presence of Melanie. Because she makes the "mistake" of doing what nice girls shouldn't, she automatically is punished for it. Enough of the film is taken up with this aspect, that it continually brings a cloud cover over the proceedings and bogs down an otherwise enjoyable film.

My advice is to overlook the drama. Enjoy the witty dialog, the on screen chemistry of the stars, the Florida scenery, and listen to Connie Francis belt out Where The Boys Are a few times. Heck, that alone is enough for me to give this film a B.
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Double Standards Bedevil Coeds in Groundbreaking Spring Break Flick
EUyeshima8 February 2006
Forty-five years have elapsed since its original release, but it is amazing how this 1960 film introduced a particular genre that continues to be produced today granted in a far more explicit manner - the spring-break, beach-party movie where attractive teens go through a sun-drenched mating ritual and somehow love triumphs over carnal knowledge. Back then, the concept didn't seem quite as jaded as it does now, and consequently there is an entertaining naiveté about the timeworn story of four co-eds from a snowy Midwestern college who journey to Ft. Lauderdale for spring break to meet boys.

The plot is based on the then-accepted notion that girls in college are only marking time waiting for husbands to come along, but the journey to that goal depends on the girl. The four in question are Merritt, a smart blonde who is not living up to her academic potential as she questions the moral code around premarital sex; Melanie, so deeply insecure she mistakes sex for love with a less-than-honorable Ivy Leaguer; Tuggle, a tall brunette who zeroes in on an even taller, eccentric hitchhiker; and Angie, the supposedly plain one who gets used to being ignored by men.

Directed in a perfunctory fashion by Henry Levin, this is not the type of movie where you are terribly impressed with the performances, but I have to say the acting is certainly miles above subsequent beach-party movies. Elvis' former leading lady Dolores Hart plays Merritt credibly even as she is being seduced by a youthful George Hamilton wanly playing Ryder, a well-to-do Ivy Leaguer with a conveniently located yacht. As the most troubled of the girls, Yvette Mimieux (always loved her name) accurately captures the constantly forlorn, little-girl-lost state of Melanie, a teen-aged Blanche du Bois in the making.

So pert and charming as Angie, Connie Francis actually seems miscast as a plain-Jane, especially when she sings "Turn on the Sunshine" with a stage polish completely out of character. The standout is Paula Prentiss who portrays Tuggle with her unique personality in full bloom and partnered the first of several times with Jim Hutton as the comically obnoxious TV. She is an under-appreciated comedienne with a loopy charm and vibrantly twangy voice all her own - it's a shame her career never really took off the way it deserved to.

I think the film does make a valid, sometimes even perceptive attempt to address the confusion that Eisenhower-era girls had over sex and love. Girls were expected to function under a double-standard where the only way to attract boys was to have something to offer but at the price of their reputations. This point is hammered home when the tone shifts in the last portion to melodrama. At the same time, the film is filled with predictable comic scenes, including a contrived mêlée in an underwater tank with the zaftig and nasal Barbara Nichols as Esther Williams-wannabe Lola Fandango.

Prentiss offers her services and remembrances to the alternate audio commentary track on the DVD, which also comes with a looking-back featurette which includes interviews with Prentiss and Francis. Who knew this film would launch a hundred imitations? The minute you hear Francis sing the title tune, it is hard for a baby boomer not to get nostalgic. If you have an interest in understanding the mid-century moral code enforced upon the youth of America, especially girls, I can think of worse films to see.
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Fort Lauderdale Spring Break Fun!
mrcaw1227 April 2004
Where The Boys Are (1960 Dir. Henry Levin) Fort Lauderdale College Spring Break! Oh Boy! Oh Girl! See where the perennially tan George Hamilton first acquired his swarthy complexion. Also features one of the best '60s light comediennes Paula Prentiss as "Tuggle Carpenter". Lots of talk amongst the girls about how far they should go. Lots of talk amongst the boys about how far they've gotten. A classic American take on life when the air was clean and sex was dirty. Before there was MTV's Spring Break, there was this movie. Great for viewing with mixed company (that's old-fashioned slang for boys and girls together).
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"....Someone waits for me"
curtaincall900025 January 2003
i don't understand how anyone cannot like this film! the story about the 4 co-eds is mind-grabbing but i couldn't help wondering if all that sex talk would be looked upon well, it being the good old sixties. i would descibe this film as smooth, quirky, dramatic, and fun. i am a HUGE fan of frank gorshin and i loved his portrayl of basil. the whole cast was was very good and that made it a great film. i usually rent this film at least once a month. but am i the only one who adores basil's glasses?
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Begins as a typical teenage comedy but soon starts to become more than that.
Boba_Fett11382 July 2008
To be honest, the movie began as a typical- and not so great, teenage comedy flick, in which a couple of youngsters are going on a spring break holiday. "Where the Boys Are" however handles delicate themes delicately and the movie is way more than just another teenage comedy.

Actually quite amazing considering that this movie got made in 1960. The movie and its theme seems far ahead of its time. It makes the movie all the more relevant for the time period it got released in and all the more interesting now days to watch. This movie is basically a good observation of how teenagers handled sexual themes in 1960, without ever getting raunchy or not honest. It's a straightforward flick with its theme but its style ensures that this movie at all times mostly remains an entertaining and light one to watch. The movie also really doesn't feel like it was made in 1960.

It's an all the more interesting movie since it tells the story from the viewpoint of the female characters, which works refreshing for a change.

The movie knows to create a perfect balance between its more serious moments and its entertainment value. With movies like this the drama would often feel forced and out of place since the entire movie is done in a comical style of film-making. The creators of this movie however managed to find the right balance, without ever crossing any lines.

Above all things it's still a very entertaining movie to watch. It's still mostly a comedy that provides some good entertainment and has some likable characters in it.

The characters are also really a reason why the movie works out. Lot of the characters are very stereotypical but luckily the actors don't go over-the-top with their roles, which ensures that we can also really start to like- and feel for some of the characters.

The acting was way better than expected. Paula Prentiss really impressed me, also with her beauty and the movie further more features George Hamilton and Frank Gorshin in some early roles. Gorshin is still perhaps best known for his portrayal of the Riddler in the early "Batman" series.

A surprising and fresh movie that deserves to be seen by more.


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A Shockingly frank look at sexuality for its time
rlcsljo17 February 2000
My mother sent me to see this film when I was about 9 or 10 expecting a good wholesome beach movie, and I was shocked! (If she only knew!). 1) A girl actually advocated pre-marital sex! (but was hypocritical about practicing her ideas) 2) Another girl actually did it! (although nothing was shown, not even kissing) 3) Another girl said she only wanted to have babies! (nothing new here, except for her honesty) 4) Another girl was horny, and tried to do something about it. 5) And of course the boys actually came out and asked for sex, although couched in the "decent" terms of the fifties/sixties.

People (mostly "liberated" women) complain that this movie was about oppression of women (they didnt feel "complete" without a man), but this was women's liberation (women were horny and honest about it)

The marvelous casting and dialogue made this film one of the great american classics of its genre that still holds up today.

definitely a 10!
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will they or won't they
blanche-222 April 2012
Delores Hart, Yvettte Mimeux, Paula Prentiss, and Connie Francis are "Where the Boys Are," a 1960 film about spring break in Fort Lauderdale. The boys are Jim Hutton, George Hamilton, and Frank Gorshin.

The four young women drive down to Fort Lauderdale for spring break, with an agenda of having fun and meeting men. The exception to this is Merritt (Hart) who has some school work to catch up on. The first reel is the last we hear of school work. With the exception of Angie (Connie Francis), the gals meet guys immediately - Tuggle (Prentiss) meets TV (Hutton), who hitches a ride to Lauderdale with them; Merritt meets the wealthy Ryder (George Hamilton), and frail, pretty Melanie (Mimieux) meets Dill (John Brennan). Angie later meets a jazz musician (Gorshin).

The questions are, can true love be found during spring break? And, how far do you have to go to hook a man? Despite Merritt's free-thinking, she and Tuggle intend to stay pure; Angie doesn't have a choice; and Merritt -- Merritt is in for some tough realizations.

All in all, a fun movie and a great look at the '50s mores and the power of the Hays code, which was still punishing girls who had sex before marriage.

The best things about Where the Boys Are is seeing all these stars as young and fresh, with their movie careers just beginning, and another chance to hear Connie Francis sing the title song and "Turn on the Sunshine." She was terrific. Barbara Nichols plays a sexy performer and does "Have you Met Miss Fandango?" With the exception of Delores Hart, who became a nun, all of these youngsters would go on to successful careers. The young man who played Dill, John Brennan, was blackballed after yelling at a director who was demeaning the singer Odetta; he went on to work behind the scenes and killed himself in 2007 after his wife's death. Already a huge singing star by 1960, Francis, of course, is still singing after a miserable life that includes the death of her brother, rape, and a bipolar disorder.

Spring breaks today still have plenty of booze and suntans but also plenty of everything else (including young women disappearing) - enjoy this film about a much more innocent time.
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I thought it was great!
ellery9929 June 1999
I am a Jim Hutton fan & thought he & Paula Prentis were the comic greats of this movie. I can see why they were paired in a few more movies after this one. I enjoyed the movie & thought it was great for its time.
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Looking for Love as opposed to Looking to Score
bkoganbing15 March 2015
It's Connie Francis, Dolores Hart, Yvette Mimieux, and Paula Prentiss who want to know Where The Boys Are in this MGM film which gave the studio a chance to display some of its young starlets. The answer is course Fort Lauderdale where the girls are on spring break.

So are the boys and they consist of George Hamilton, Frank Gorshin, and Jim Hutton. The film has the girls as innocents looking for love and the boys as looking to score. In the end there's a bit of both involved.

Of the female quartet I liked Paula Prentiss the best. She and Jim Hutton are both zany and droll as the comic relief in this film. Prentiss reminded me a great deal of her performance in Man's Favorite Sport which I think is one of the funniest films of the Sixties.

One of the girls has an unfortunate encounter with a kid who was looking to score. One of them finds real true love. The others just have a good time.

Connie Francis got one of those "and introducing" billings and she got a big hit record with the title song back in the day. I'm surprised it was not given an Oscar nomination.

Where The Boys Are is a reflection of far more innocent times coming out in that transition period of the Eisenhower Fifties and the New Frontier. Definitely for fans who came of age in that era.
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The Not-Quite-Permissive Society
JamesHitchcock25 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Beach movies were a popular genre in the late fifties and early sixties. Their main attraction was the chance to see lots of pretty girls (or, depending upon one's sex and/or sexual orientation) handsome boys in skimpy bathing costumes. As this was the era which saw the rise of rock- and-roll, catchy pop tunes were normally also featured. It is an interesting comment on changing social attitudes that the supposedly skimpy bathing costumes worn by the girls in such films are quite modest by modern standards, whereas those worn by the boys are actually more revealing than anything likely to be seen on a beach in 2014 when "board shorts" seem to be fast supplanting traditional swimming trunks.

The "spring break" has long been a traditional rite of passage for American college students, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is a popular destination for such holidays; apparently it became even more popular after this film was released. (In 1960, and indeed during my own student days in the eighties, there was no equivalent British institution, but in recent years British students have taken to spending the Easter vacation in Cornwall or various Mediterranean resorts). "Where the Boys Are" tells the story of four girl students, Merritt, Melanie, Angela and Tuggle, who leave their university in the snowbound Midwest for a spring break in Fort Lauderdale with love and romance on their minds. (I presume that "Tuggle" is a nickname, although we never learn how she came by it or what her real name is).

For most of its length the film sticks to the normal beach movie formula of sun, sea, sand, swimsuits, music and romantic comedy. It does, however, have ambitions to be something more than a standard teenage rom-com. It also attempts to explore the changes in attitudes towards sex and morality among the younger generation at the beginning of the decade which was to give us the expression "permissive society". The four girls have contrasting personalities and equally contrasting attitudes.

Merritt, a self-confident, assertive young woman, believes strongly that premarital sex is something all young people should experience, and is brazen enough to express this shocking opinion in front of her prudish lecturer, the ironically misnamed Dr Raunch. There is, however a limit to Merritt's brazenness, a limit probably imposed by the strictures of the Production Code. She never actually uses the expression "having sex", still less its more vulgar synonyms, but prefers to rely upon coy euphemisms such as "making out" or "playing house". (This last, presumably an Americanism, would have surprised my grandmother who used to say "playing house" when she meant "playing bingo", one of her favourite pastimes).

Tuggle is just as forthright as Merritt, but believes in saving herself for the right man. Angela is neurotic about her looks and frets that she will be unable to find a boyfriend- rather surprisingly, given that she is played by the very attractive Connie Francis, better known as a singer than as an actress, who also gets to sing the film's attractively melodious theme song. The shy, insecure Melanie takes Merritt's lecture to heart and resolves to lose her virginity as soon as possible.

The film then traces the ways in which the girls' attitudes and expectations change during their stay in Fort Lauderdale. Merritt, the apostle of free love, undergoes a conversion when she falls for the good-looking, wealthy Ivy League undergrad Ryder and henceforth becomes an advocate of the doctrine that true love waits. (The actress who plays her, Dolores Hart, later underwent an even more radical conversion of her own, giving up her acting career to become a nun). Angela finds her own love-interest in the eccentric, wall-eyed jazz musician Basil, a boy who is as neurotic about his looks as she is (although in his case with greater justification) and frets about his inability to find a girlfriend. Tuggle is disillusioned when the boy she is interested in, "TV", abandons her for another woman, although as he is obviously a complete weirdo this is no great loss on her part.

And Melanie? Well, this is where the film gets serious. The adventures of Merritt, Tuggle and Angela would fit firmly within the normal "beach party movie" tradition of rather silly romantic comedy with lots of fun, music and attractive youngsters of both sexes. The misadventures of Melanie would not. What actually happens to Melanie seems a bit vague as either their own puritan impulses or official censorship prevented the scriptwriters from spelling it out in too much detail, but it appears that she was sexually assaulted; her friends subsequently find her walking across the road in a distraught state and she is eventually taken to hospital after being hit by a car.

This episode is only a brief one, but it makes for a jarring ending, something from a serious coming-of-age drama grafted onto a silly comedy. The filmmakers seem to have been aiming at two different markets, the teen audience who wanted to see a film about sex, as frank as the censors of the day would permit, and those members of the older generation who felt that if Hollywood was going to start making films about sex they should be hedged around with as many moralising "thou- shalt-nots" as possible.

The resulting dog's dinner of a compromise makes "Where the Boys Are" one of those films that could only have been made during a very brief historical window. In 1940 or 1950 it would have been too sexually frank for the liking of the censors. By 1970, and certainly by 1980, its approach to its subject would have been so mealy-mouthed as to seem inadvertently comic. And today it serves as a historical record of what we might call the Not-Quite-Permissive Society of 1960. 4/10
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GREAT Sunday afternoon movie!
allanschur6 April 2003
OK, it might get a silly at times but generally a very entertaining movie! Get the popcorn (and a couple of tissues!!), sit back and .... enjoy! You'll recognize the young actors. For most, this was far from their last movie!
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Prentiss' debut & lovely Yvette!
shepardjessica-111 October 2004
The end of naivete in college youth films in 1960. Four girlfriends going on Spring Break (or whatever) are completely different types, but meet various dudes to figure out who they are or want to be. Paula Prentiss, who "hooks up" with Jim Hutton is the obvious stand-out, with her beauty and comic charm. Yvette Mimieux as the beauty confused has tougher times.

A 6 out of 10. Best performance = Ms. Prentiss. Delores Hart (who became a nun after this and 2 Elvis flicks is fine. Connie Francis can sing but needs acting lessons. George Hamilton is bland as always and most of the guys are dorks (even in '60). A nice period piece about youth!
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Youth opus scrapes bottom...
moonspinner5515 November 2006
Attractive locales and performers can't compensate for flimsy, uncharismatic story of college girls vacationing in Ft. Lauderdale in search of potential mates; all the gals are chaste except for Yvette Mimieux, whose flirtations are a signal to us that she's in for trouble! Comedy begins OK, but quickly degenerates as the kids start matching up (of all the couples, Connie Francis and Frank Gorshin, playing a nearly-blind jazz musician, are certainly the oddest). The slapstick finale is just stupid, and the cast (including Dolores Hart and Paula Prentiss) strain for laughs. Francis, singing-star making her movie debut, also croons the title tune--the only truly memorable thing in the picture. Remade as a cheesy T&A flick in 1984. *1/2 from ****
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Dated But Swell
dencar_124 March 2005
WHERE THE BOYS ARE is very much worth seeing, although extremely dated and a movie that would probably make today's 18 year-old laugh out loud at the innocent boy-meets-girl shenanigans of kids in an era before string bikinis and drunken riots in Fort Lauderdale.

Delores Hart is the crown jewel in this, the very first, "beach movie" that launched a whole summertime surf-romance culture of sand and two- piece swimsuits that, just a few years later, spawned Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon in their BEACH BLANKET money-makers.

Hart is the embodiment of the girl next door with a face that could melt granite as she, Connie Francis, Yvette Mimeaux, and Paula Prentiss drive down to Fort Lauderdale during spring break in search of boys. They hook up with Frank Gorshin, Jim Hutton, and rich boy George Hamilton. The antics that ensue are so saccharine you could pour them over ice cream as a substitute for chocolate syrup.

It is the Hart-Hamilton romance that is the focal point as Hamilton tries unsuccessfully to seduce Hart on his father's yacht. Near the end, Hart thinks he has dumped her when he fails to show. A disconsolate Hart is left alone on the beach and wonders if she'll ever meet Mr. Right. The final scene between Hart and Hamilton offers a touching romantic twist and caps the whole thing nicely. Of course, the movie's theme song, WHERE THE BOYS ARE, would become Connie Francis'signature piece in years to come.

WHERE THE BOYS ARE is certainly dated, but its depiction of a benign teen culture shows us the world of summertime youth before mores,language, and music took a radical turn toward sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

TRIVIA: Anyone who doubts the existence of real, religious vocation should study the life of Delores Hart. She had made about 8-10 movies including two with Elvis--KING CREOLE and LOVING YOU. Then making the whopping sum of about $50,000 a picture, she was being groomed as the next Grace Kelley when she announced, in 1964, she was entering a convent to become a Catholic nun! Studio producers were beside themselves and most of Hollywood reacted with skepticism thinking it was a publicity stunt. She was, in fact, engaged at that time and her fiancée was heartbroken. But she entered a convent in Bethlehem, Conn. and remains there to this day as Mother Delores!...About 2-3 yrs. ago Hart was interviewed on 20--20 and disclosed she had a rare and painful nervous disorder that limits her movements. But her spirits were high and she spoke easily of the old Hollywood days, hiding nothing, even describing Presley as sensitive and a great guy...Yvette Mimeaux would marry MGM dance choreography Stanley Donan in the 1970's...Paula Prentiss would marry actor Richard Benjamin (GOODBYE COLUMBUS)...And Connie Francis? This is a life story waiting to be produced on the screen. For anyone interested in the real life tragedy of Connie Francis, read WHO'S SORRY NOW.....

Dennis Caracciolo
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Pretty raw for its time
preppy-323 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of college girls (Delores Hart, Yvette Mimieux, Paula Prentiss, Connie Francis) spend Easter vacation in Ft. Lauderdale. There they meet some handsome young men (among them are George Hamilton, Jim Hutton and Frank Gorshin) and love, sex and drama occur.

For its time this was pretty shocking. There is talk about having sex (called "playing house") and how some girls think it's OK. And Mimieux is raped--not shown but made clear. But by today's standards this is VERY tame...and kind of silly.

I saw this a few years ago at the Provincetown Film Festival. Connie Francis was on hand to introduce the film. She HATED it! She said it's a stupid film, doesn't belong in any film festival and she hated the way she looked and acted. In fact she said she only did the film because her father didn't want her to! To be truthful she isn't good. Her character is secondary and the one song she sings on screen (not the title song) is pretty bad. Still it's isn't THAT bad.

It's pretty light and flimsy (the rape aside) and the dialogue is on the level of a good sitcom. And all the girls and guys are SO nice and friendly and everything looks perfect. Also the title song (sung during the opening credits) IS a great song. It's pleasant, non taxing viewing and kind of fun to see what was considered racy way back then. This is the perfect movie to watch on a lazy, warm summer afternoon. Also look for the scene (which brought howls from my audience) of a doctor coming out of an operating room...and immediately lighting a cigarette! Pleasant, light entertainment. Recommended...if that's what you're looking for.
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Delightfully entertaining and you'll be singing the song for days!
abcj-216 March 2013
WHERE THE BOYS ARE is delightfully entertaining and you'll be singing the song for days! I love the fact that it is really a Spring Break soap opera that doesn't take itself too seriously.

As with all soaps, a couple of threads are usually the highlights. These threads are played by our leads: Hart, Hamilton, Hutton, and Prentiss. Jim Hutton and Paula Prentiss always play off of each other so well, and here again they do not disappoint. They are the comedic story thread. Delores Hart and George Hamilton bring out the romantic drama aplenty. Of course, there are many other lovely girls and silly guys to round out the cast. It's the perfect cast for a Spring Break Beach movie.

This isn't necessarily an award winning worthy film, but if they gave awards for Popcorn and Powder Puff Pieces, then this would be in the top 10. It's fun to watch once a year as all the college kids are headed off on Spring Break. Yes, times have changed. Yes, this film is dated. And yes, it represents the end of an era before the studio system began to collapse and then anything goes from that point on, and that's not necessarily a good thing.

So relax, enjoy, and be prepared to be entertained two times over by the great Connie Francis who acts and sings the famous title song. Best of all, enjoy being transported to a week of fluff and fun!
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Horrible message buried within this teen film
gbill-7487730 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is first and foremost a somewhat dippy teen film that you might enjoy for the antics of Spring Break 50+ years ago (and oh how times have changed!). The movie seems surprisingly daring in the beginning when a young woman references the Kinsey report and alludes to premarital sex being natural, but eventually you'll realize the movie is conservative, still more in the 50's than it is in the 60's. It's watered down and feels sanitized, and it was tough to see the college women on Spring Break ridiculously desperate for men, actually believing they're going to find guys who will propose to them on the trip (huh??), and one simply wanting to become a 'baby factory'. In the end, its main theme is the age old clash between men who want sex, and women who want commitment. I suppose that's to be expected from a movie called "Where The Boys Are", and reflective of the times.

The most poignant and serious moments come from the character played by Yvette Mimieux, who has been having sex with a guy, thinking he loves her. When she arranges to meet him in a motel, she finds he's sent one of his friends instead, after telling her she's easy – and gets raped. By my count, she tells him "no" 9 times as he advances, all smiles, about to force himself on her. None of it is shown, we just see her despondently walking into traffic, a scene which is ridiculously overplayed. Unfortunately (and outrageously) the moral has nothing to do with the guys who took advantage of her and devastated her – neither of them are seen again, presumably happily traveling north having "gotten some" – it's her ruing meeting a guy in the future who'll find out she's no longer a virgin because of her Spring Break escapades. Sigh, and grrr. And, with the Code being in effect, where evil was not allowed to win – it's clear, that this was not considered rape and not considered evil. What a horrible, horrible message buried within this silly movie. And how opposite it is to the initial premise that women should not have to "wait until marriage".

If you can watch it just for the goofiness – like guys picking up and moving a car, and characters jumping in to a giant tank of water in a nightclub and making silly faces – you will probably enjoy it. You have a poor man's Marilyn Monroe (Barbara Nichols), poor man's jazz (Frank Gorshin of Riddler fame, sporting Coke bottle glasses), and a dapper George Hamilton in a black polo shirt on the beach. You have very well dressed guys and girls on the beach and on dates. You have Connie Frances making her debut and singing. I have to say, it held my interest, but I can't help but feel it could have been so much better if it had been more serious in one of its directions instead of lukewarm in all, and been a little more ahead of its time. It's certainly retrograde by today's standards.
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Spring Break is on
jjkaul19 April 2006
I was hysterical when Frank Gorshin fell into the fish tank followed by the rest of the gang. "Where The Boys Are" is one of the best movies of the sixties. Anyone who came of age at that time can definitely relate to the magical love Merritt found, the tragedy that Melanie experienced, the wanting to be loved and accepted as did Tuggle and Angie. The suave George Hamilton made many a young girls heart race faster. Girl crazy Jim Hutton with his style setting baseball hats and comedic personality was simply hilarious. The title song, one of my favorites still gives me chills. I have seen this movie countless times and I love the nostalgia it brings back each time. When it airs, enjoy it at least once. You will love it, I promise.
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Where The Boys Are Is Where The Girls Had Already Gone
DKosty12313 November 2009
I kind of put this film in the middle of old age. The cast is priceless now as I fell in love with Paula Prentiss long ago even though in this film she is presented in her comedienne persona. I think she could have been better utilized but Hollywood was uncomfortable with tall actress's when this one was made. The late Jim Hutton plays the same person he always plays in films. Like seeing excellent character actors like Chill Wills in any film. Connie Francis sold most of her records based on her fame in this film.

Actually by 1960, the sexual values represented in this film were 1950's values. In fact, what this film was trying to do was take an attractive cast to try & keep women in their traditional role here of looking for a man as the only way to be happy. Considering that divorce rates were already climbing by 1960 creating many single parent house holds, it was going to take Hollywood several more years before they would even get to this stark reality.

There is some priceless comedy in this film as Frank Gorshin who is a stand up comedian & then the Riddler on Batman, is at his rubber faced best here. People now forget Gorshin was a top impressionist during this era. Some of his talent shows here. This Technicolor film is fine for the scenery & cast but put your brain away as the plot is very light weight.
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Where The Boys Are
a_baron18 November 2016
Is this really supposed to be a comedy? Surely it is and always should be where the girls are? The idea is that the girl is the one who is chased until she catches her man, and if he is the son of a multimillionaire, so much the better. People who know about this sort of thing like this film, including Camille Paglia, a so-called feminist, who thought the date rape scene was excellent. Well, it wasn't really a date rape, nor was it much of a scene, but clearly that is where the laughter stopped, assuming it ever started.

The fish tank scene in the restaurant wasn't funny either, but anyone born after about 1990 will surely find it laughable to see a surgeon walk straight out of the operating theatre and light up a cigarette. The music isn't much better either.
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Not necessarily a good place to be
smck10 April 1999
It may look like another boys & girls on the beach movie, but there's a bit more happening here than in your average Frankie & Annette beach frolic. There IS a message here, no matter how clumsily delivered, about the way men (or boys) use women and how some women, no matter how strong, feel somehow incomplete without a man. Any man. What makes this all a bit easier to digest is a cast of four really sharp actresses who bring enough baggage (emotional, that is) to provide layers to this film that the screenwriter may never have imagined. The vastly underrated Paula Prentiss, Yvette Mimieux, Connie Francis and especially Dolores Hart are all accomplished actresses. It's all a bit corny, but extremely appealing.
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the new youth of days past
SnoopyStyle10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's Easter vacation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. College kids from all over America come to experience the mayhem. Merritt, Melanie, Tuggle and Angie are students from an all-girls Midwestern college who escape the wintery cold and old fashion morality for the sunshine and fun of the Florida beaches where the boys are. They pick up hitchhiker TV Thompson. Merritt is pursued by charismatic rich Ivy Leaguer Ryder Smith (George Hamilton).

The crowds of young kids wouldn't be anything new to anybody now but I'm sure it was something new back in the day. The sexual relationship politics show a movement from the conservative 50's to the sexual liberation of the 60's and beyond. There are elements of both. It's interesting to see the bubbling mix. I can only imagine the discussion that this elicited. The morality is still 50's but the pressure is being applied to the whole courtship structure. As for the music, it is still 50's. The edgier stuff is the jazz hipster set. The actual beach sound would break through a year or two later. This feels like an old movie trying to say something new about the youth. I am surprised by the rape and other edgy situations.
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Spring Fever Sleeper
wes-connors16 March 2014
At a Midwestern university, blizzard force winds knock pretty blonde Dolores Hart (as Merritt Andrews) off her feet. Warming up in class, random dating and premarital sex are college lecture topics of the day as Ms. Hart advises her teacher she intends to "play house before marriage." With copulating on their minds, Hart and three girlfriends decide to spend spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This is "Where the Boys Are" available. Joining Hart are extra tall Paula Prentiss (as Tuggle Carpenter), softly sexy Yvette Mimieux (as Melanie Tolman) and sweetly singing Connie Francis (as Angie). They pick up hitchhiker Jim Hutton (as "TV" Thompson) and find tanned George Hamilton (as Ryder Smith) on the beach...

Like many thinly-produced 1960s films aimed at young audiences, this starts out mildly fun and slows to a sluggish pace. Controversial topics are present, but sanitized. The title song and others performed by Ms. Francis are much stronger on the original MGM recordings. The world's biggest female record star, Francis is inexplicably paired with impressionist Frank Gorshin (later famous as Batman's foe "The Riddler"). As you might expect, the attractive women end up teaching lucky viewers the difference between meaningless sex and true love. Highlights are the feature film debut performances by Francis and Ms. Prentiss, both impressing in roles that are otherwise lackluster. The men have little to do, with Mr. Hutton doing it best.

**** Where the Boys Are (12/28/60) Henry Levin ~ Dolores Hart, Yvette Mimieux, Paula Prentiss, Connie Francis
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Enjoyable "period" piece
Ripshin11 November 2004
As the saying goes, "it is what it is." Cutting edge (for 1960) teen drama holds up well, with excellent performances by several of the leads. Although it doesn't appear they actually filmed the majority of the film in Florida, there are still some wonderful shots on location in Fort Lauderdale. That community has since banned the Spring Break crowd, but I remember it well in the 60s - 80s, when living in the area.

Many users have complained about the "moralizing" of this film, but I don't find it "preachy." Prentiss is indeed a standout. Connie Francis is adequate, if somewhat masculine, in her first film role. "Narrator" Paul Frees seems to pop up in the oddest places, including The Haunted Mansion ride for Disney.
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