Starcrash (1978) Poster


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Such a guilty pleasure, so much fun, so freaking bad in every conceivable way
siderite2 March 2020
Starcrash is a movie that gets its name from... the very last few minutes of the film, where the name is casually dropped in a conversation, never to be uttered again or its origin explained. The entire plot is Caroline Munro running around in a bathing suit and having completely inappropriate facial expressions. The rest is chaos: a villain taken straight from children's stories, a benevolent emperor played by Christopher Plummer and his son: David Hasselhoff, a mysterious companion who is basically the Deus ex Machina needed to resolve some scenes and a robot with an American South accent that gleefully declares his chauvinism, regardless of him not having a nation or a gender. The acting is so bad it's hilarious, the effects are so special that psychiatric wards come to mind. All in all, ridiculous at all levels.

Some people say it is a ripoff of Star Wars, but I don't see it. There is no story to talk of. The only commonality seems to be a lightsaber that ... just is, with no explanation. I would like to say that Caroline is so sexy that watching the movie is worth it, but really, if you are not drunk out of your mind you can't possibly enjoy this film at its true potential. Just saying.
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Miss Munro Looks Great
boblipton2 September 2020
Less than a years after STAR WARS came out, Caroline Munro starred in this Italian mishmosh about evil Count Joe Spinell -- who really knows how to handle a cape -- threats the benevolent empire run by slow-talking Christopher Plummer. Only Miss Munro, David Hasselhoff, Marjoe Gortner and a robot voiced by what seems to be Wilford Brimley stand in his way.

With echoes of BARARELLA -- Miss Munro's vinyl swimsuit grows more revealing every time they go through hyperspace -- this looks to be a triumph of set design and metal spray paint. People develop powers and abilities just when they are needed with no presaging, not even random mumbling about the Force. In short, this looks a lot like a Lego movie with no sense of humor.
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Best worse movie ever
maury-markowitz8 April 2014
If you want to see how bad this is, spare yourself the whole thing and just watch the opening scene. Watching the horrible actors manage flub the timing of their three-word sentences is a sight to behold.

Funny? Absolutely! Watching the bad guy order his troops into combat with the stirring words of "Kill!" while they slide down the bat poles will bring a smile to the face of anyone. And that soundtrack, wow!

Forget the nonsensical plot, terrible special effects and poor acting, it's got Christopher Plumber and a bunch of excuses for Stella Star to get attacked by the worst stop-frame animated robots in history. What more could you ask for?
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I had a Seizure watching this film!
sitdownbike20 December 2002
Well, almost...

When I first saw this film, back in 1979, my wife & I were 2 of 5 people in the theater at 7:00 on a Friday night. We were about to walk out when Carolyn Munro was sentenced to mine Radium in a bikini for the rest of her natural life. At that point, there was no way to get me out of there.

The remarkable thing about this movie is that every time you think "that is the most ridiculous plot device ever..." something else comes along that blows your socks off. About mid way thru I could not quit laughing. For instance, our heroine sets a ship on collision course with the Evil Count's space fortress. To save herself, at the last second before the catacylismic collision, SHE JUMPS OUT OF THE WINDOW! And then does the BREAST STROKE! through OUTER SPACE! Oh My God! I can't stop laughing!

Bottom Line, this movie is WAY funnier than many that TRY to be funny (Spaceballs, Ice Pirates, etc.)
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What the...? Who? What just happened then? Eh?
axeman-923 October 2004
I thought I had seen the worst space movie made in recent years when I saw Space Mutiny, how innocent it all seems looking back after just watching Starcrash. This has to be the worst acted, worst written, most poorly edited movie I have seen in years. The special effects deserve a mention, because they aren't. It's amazing to me that this piece of fetid crud came out 2 years after Star Wars had shifted the goalposts.

The best thing about the models is sitting spotting which bits came from where, they're made with sprues from model kits with all the parts still attached so nerds can see bits of Space 1999 eagles, the Nostromo, Saturn V rockets, aircraft wheels, etc. Dire! The space battles between lumpy bits of model kits are so poorly made and edited that it's impossible to follow what's going on. Certainly the actors and director couldn't, I lost count of the continuity errors during those sequences.

As for the actors and acting, Caroline Munro and Marjoe Gortner pull some damn funny faces, and frankly I could watch Caroline mince around in her various space bikinis all day, but she will keep trying to act. Disaster! I wonder if Christopher Plummer even lists this one on his resume, but you can bet David Hasselhoff has it near the top of his. I hate to say it, but apart from Caroline Munros legs he's the best thing in the film. Now that's a bad movie.

I honestly don't know how they made this, they obviously watched Star Wars because they blatantly rip it off for most of their plot, designs, names and so forth, but never noticed that that movie had real actors, good writing and amazing effects. Darth Zarn... sorry, Zarth Arn the bad guy makes Ming the Merciless look like a taut, underplayed role, and the whole major fight sequence where men in torpedoes are shot through the windows of his space ship to fight his minions is incredible. Never mind calling soldiers, you want a good glazier to stop the air blasting out, surely?

I give in, this movie sucked far harder than any vacuum I have ever seen. It's a cheapo rip-off of Star Wars mixed with Barbarella and if it wasn't for a babe in the title role no one would watch more than a few minutes of this dross. A new low, really low. Funny, but low.
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How did they get a real actor like Christopher Plummer to appear in this crap?!
planktonrules23 December 2015
I'm in a particularly masochistic mood tonight and I've been watching some ultra schlocky sci-fi films which came out in the late 70s and early 80s. "Starcrash" is not the worst of the films I've been watching...though by any objective standard, it's total crap.

This Italian-made film was dubbed into English and stars some familiar faces--such as the beautiful Caroline Munro (a bond girl and star of other 70s schlock), Marjoe Gortner (who had a career rebirth in the 70s in made for TV movies), David Hasselhoff (before he was famous) and, inexplicably, Christopher Plummer--the only genuinely GOOD actor in this mess of a film! My guess is that the filmmakers were holding one of Plummer's family members hostage to get him to appear in this crap-fest!

The film begins in outer space--and perhaps the ugliest and worst rendered version of outer space in any 1970s film. The colors are garish and might just provoke seizures in some viewers, so be careful! The story is about a couple idiotic space smugglers (Munro and Gortner) who are sent to prison but then offered a reprieve if they help the Emperor (Plummer) to locate his missing son and stop an intergalactic baddie, the Count. It's all VERY boring, the effects are god-awful and there isn't much to interest any viewer aside from Munro and a few other lovely and scantily-clad ladies. Amazingly dumb and really, really bad.
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There is only one reason to watch this movie..
je264324 August 2013
and it is Caroline Munro, who is spectacularly gorgeous and scantly clad throughout the entire movie. As long as you focus on her, and ignore every other aspect of the movie ->the awful and sometimes out of place dialogue, extremely cheesy special effects (if you can call them that), etc, you will be fine. But should your eyes stray for even a moment (other then perhaps to eyeball the Amazon Queen - yes, you read that correctly, the Amazon Queen) you are doomed.

Its really that bad. In fact is it hilariously bad. Despite best efforts, I could not make it to the end. Caroline can justify many a fantasy, but the overall content of the movie is such that I suspect it will be impossible to sit through the whole movie unless you possess superhuman ability to absorb acoustic and visual punishment.

I believe Marjoe Gortner might have been stoned throughout his entire performance, he certainly acts like it. I bet that were you to approach Christopher Plummer about his role in the movie he would likely slug you. David Hasslehoff is very young, and actually babyfaced - almost unrecognizable to the person he is today.

I gave this a 2 vs a 0 only because of the breathtaking beauty of Caroline. I hope she aged gracefully.
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Fond memories of a terrible movie
charlessmas2 August 2014
I saw this movie in a cinema in 1980. It was the second feature showing with Galaxina, a sci-fi farce starring Avery Schrieber (have those words ever been written before? "starring Avery Schreiber") and Playboy Playmate of the Century Dorothy Stratten as a sex robot. There weren't many people left in the theater to begin with. There were fewer when Galaxina finished and fewer still when StarCrash started. I'm positive that the entire audience numbered no more then a dozen, all teen-aged boys. Who else would have gone to see Galaxina and stayed for more film abuse?

StarCrash was terrible and it was late at night. I was just drifting off to sleep when the audience turned against the movie. In yet another scene in which Stella Star was in peril and her scant clothing was strategically torn, a voice in seats rang out: "When is someone gonna bang her?" Instantly this switched from being one the worst movies I had ever seen to one of the best cinema experiences of my life. With the ice broken by that first comment, the audience shouted back at the movie for the balance of the film. I don't know if this random, self-selected group was particularly talented or if we were inspired by the visions on the screen, but I never heard such funny lines. About a third of the audience input was earthy comments about Caroline Munro, another third were derisive remarks about Marjoe Gortner previous career as a faith healer, and the rest ridiculed the broken plot, the Star Wars ripoffs, the costumes and make-up, and the performances of the other actors who either chewed the scenery or were stilted beyond belief.

Make no mistake. This is a terrible movie. Badly written, badly performed, badly edited, and just plain bad. But I will always have fond memories of seeing it at the Rolling Hills Theater in Torrance, California that night in 1980 and the ten or eleven other young men who shared that experience.
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Hasselhoff is out acted by Mark Hamill, the scenery, and the closing credits.
howedogg838 March 2005
I first saw this movie at a summer camp many years ago, and was amazed that it was not 1) an early SNL skit; and 2) not destroyed upon the viewing of the first rushes. "Starcrash" is however one of the most sterling examples of how not to make a film, right down to casting David Hasselhoff in any roll, even that of gaffer, (which i am told requires some competency).

The film impresses in its mastery of all that is corny, over done, underacted, and just god awful. That said, for those looking for one of the worst movies in cinematic history, look no further; this is one of the few movies I find funnier (not better) than Some Like it Hot, and the only movie I have seen that ranks with "Space Mutiny" as the worst I have ever seen (I have yet to see "Manos"). (Though, in a quirky way, there are glimmers of brilliance)
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Watch it for Caroline
robin-41426 January 2006
When I saw stills of this movie back in 1979, I thought someone had finally made a film just for me. It had spaceships, and robots and something that Star Wars didn't have: Caroline Munro. I waited in vain for its appearance at the cinema. It turned up on TV one afternoon in the beginning of 1985. Well, it was nearly the film I had been waiting for. Overall, it's got everything a b-movie addict can want: ambitious, but not always successful visual effects, at least one Shakespearian actor forced to recite comic strip dialogue, plenty of continuity errors, and a number of very attractive young women, principally, the said Miss Munro, as Stella Star.

It was a shock to find that the very English tones of Caroline had been dubbed by an American voice artist, but that's the movie business. The French speaking version(even for non-French speakers, such as myself) is preferable. Stella's voice is light and playful, and the robot, instead of the 'amusing' cowboy voice in the English language version, talks in mournful, echoey tones, which, for me, works very well.

Caroline Munro, although playing the central character, gets rather sidelined throughout the proceedings; however, she has two scenes in the first part of the story in which the action revolves around her, and if these are the best parts of the whole movie. Her skirmish with a tribe of amazons makes for a very exciting sequence. Inexplicably, but stunningly clad in a shiny black bikini, and thigh length boots, she dominates this sequence. It's a shame that an important section of it, in which the amazons attach her to a mind-probe device, was deleted because of film exposure problems. The film does, unfortunately, contain several instances where a prop or effect has been abandoned at the last minute, and a build-up is all for nothing.

Seek out one of the early drafts on the script (tucked away on the DVD set, if you dig deep enough), to get some idea of what might have been, had not the production been plagued with misfortune.

There are several ways to enjoy this movie. Pick out the bits you like, and ignore the rest; look on it as a latter-day Flash Gordon Serial-style entertainment (it does rattle along at breakneck speed when it gets going), and forget all about logic, and literacy, and the rules of storytelling; or just shut your eyes and listen to John Barry's fabulous orchestral score.

I like Starcrash for two reasons. Caroline Munro is one of them. The other is the fact that Luigi Cozzi wanted to make the movie he'd always wanted to see. He'd written the script before Star Wars came out, and it was only pressure from the studio that forced him to imitate elements of that film. Conversely, it was budget restraints and studio disputes that hampered his efforts.

At the beginning of this review, I made what may seem like a disparaging remark about the visual effects. In a day when we're used to spectacular CGI extravaganzas produced by hundreds of artists and technicians, and costing millions, it's well to consider that most of the effects on this movie were created by one guy with little time, few facilities and a comparitively tiny budget. It's easy to guffaw at the occasional stray shadow on a sky background, but I think what Armando Valcauda achieved, under the circumstances, was, to quote Stella, 'incredible'.

Ultimately, one of the most appealing shots of Caroline Munro as Stella Star is near the end, when Stella Star is swimming through space, and we get a close-up of her very beautiful smile through the visor of her helmet. It kind of makes you feel better, just looking at her.
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Ah... Starcrash
richard-hands23 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is the guilty secret on Christopher Plummer's resume. If he looks distracted throughout most of the film, I am convinced it is because his agent is just off-camera, waving the paycheck at him to remind him why is doing this tripe. This film is one of those films that's so bad that it becomes hugely amusing. Who couldn't laugh at lines like: "The Temperaure drops thousands of degrees at night!" (So how hot must it be during the day???), or "Imperial Dreadnaught - stop time!" (how's that for a literal deus ex machina ending?). Thrill as windows in spaceships are broken with no inconvenient depressurisation, and the bad guys are 'sneaked' up on by a flying oil refinery. All this plus a godlike alien surfer-boy and Caroline Munro, the pneumatic and surprisingly talented star of a thousand dodgy horror and sci-fi films from the late 70s and early 80s.

They really don't make zero-budget SF films like this any more, more's the pity. As a student I enjoyed it with friends and a great deal of beer. It's great that I can now do so again.
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Hilarious Italian sci fi insanity!
raegan_butcher27 August 2006
This movie is completely insane. The plot makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, which is pretty much par for the course with Italian knock-offs like this. The special effects are colorful and eye-popping, the sets designed by some wonderful nut with an eye for that crazy psychedelic-art-deco-cocaine-disco-Flash-Gordon look that Italians do so well. The actors are completely at a loss as to how to act/react to the film they are in and... I loved it.

What else can one say about a film where the best performance is delivered by....David Hasselhoff. Scary but true. Not even the usually mesmerizing Marjo Gortner can do anything with the logic-defying lines of dialog he is forced to utter. After 10 minutes I was laughing so hard I knew I'd found something unique.

I rarely venture down the road of "so cheesy it is good" movies but STARCRASH is mind-boggling in its cheesiness. Characters can tell the future but won't let anyone in on what is going to happen because "You would have attempted to change the future...which is against the law." A depressed and hung-over-looking Christopher Plummer states at one point, "I wouldn't be the Emerperor of the Universe if I didn't have a few talents. Now, Imperial Spaceship--halt the flow of time!" (not bad, eh?)

Joe Spinell, dressed like a dime-store Satan and dubbed by a man who sounds dangerously constipated, declares at one point, "By sundown I will be the most powerful man in the universe!" And you sit there and think, Sundown? You're in outer space, dude!There are many such hilarious lines.

I could go on and on: There are jerky stop-motion monsters, psychedelic blobs of light that attack people for no explainable reason,Robert Tessier painted green, a robot who begins the film speaking normally and then about 15 minutes in starts talking in a southern accent,Christmas tree lights masquerading as stars, a weapon called The Doom Machine and a central non-performance from the ravishingly lovely but blank Caroline Munro, she of the stilted delivery and mis-matched eye-lines. But, my lord, she rocks a series of outfits that would make Barbarella envious. Gorgeous woman.

So, if you are looking for a rousing sci fi adventure with narrative coherence, decent special effects,and good acting, watch Star Wars; but if you're in the mood for an incomprehensible but colorful mish-mash of Ray Harryhausen movies, old Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials, Doc Savage, Perry Rhodan, and just about everything else up to and including the kitchen sink, watch STARCRASH. You certainly won't forget it soon. Did I mention the leaping cavemen?...
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"Halt the flow of time!"
bensonmum219 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Writing any sort of review on Starcrash is difficult. The plot is hardly worth rehashing as it's little more than a mish-mash of ideas taken (i.e. stolen) from other movies. Writing about the poor technical aspects of the movie is like shooting fish in a barrel – not much of a challenge. And it would be a waste of time to discuss the bad special effects – why restate the obvious? It's one of those movies that must be seen to be believed. Also, coming up with a rating for Starcrash is equally difficult. Starcrash is just plain old bad. But it's the kind of bad that's cheesy, campy, and, ultimately, entertaining for those who enjoy wallowing in such things. Bad? – Yes. Entertaining? – Definitely.

Instead of a regular review, I've decided to make a list of the things I took away from my experience with Starcrash:

1. Starcrash is in no way a Star Wars rip-off. It's a Star Wars / Jason and the Argonauts / Barbarella rip-off.

2. When going into battle, exploring unknown worlds, or doing any other physically demanding activity, be smart and dress appropriately. Thigh-high stiletto boots and a leather bikini appear to be the outfit of choice.

3. Maybe it has something to do with life support, but heavy eye make-up and hairspray appear to be essential for survival on distant planets.

4. Explosions in space are almost identical to what you might see at a July 4 fireworks display.

5. Christopher Plummer can deliver the most ridiculous, idiotic dialogue as if it were Shakespeare.

6. If you take a bunch of ordinary household items and stick them together just right, you to can create a real starship.

7. Lava lamps can be dangerous when they go on a rampage.

8. Apparently, you can break a window out of a space ship with no worries.

9. Marjoe?

10. Man - Hasselhoff had one helluva girlish bouffant.
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You got to be kidding me....some people actually really liked this piece of #@!^$^!!!?
johnfuen18 April 2014
I won't take too much time describing how bad this movie was. I think most people have already done a better job than I could describing the awfulness of this film. Bad dialogue. Check. Bad acting. Check. Bad special effects. Check. Bad rip off of Star Wars. Oh hell yes. The only thing of minor interest in this movie was that a very young David Hasslehoff appeared in it. Also....since Star Wars had Alec Guinness, the producers of this movie had to make due with the poor man's Alec Guinness...Christopher Plummer.

I won't call into question the taste of the few who actually liked this disaster. They probably enjoyed Ed Wood movies too. This movie is a prime candidate for Mystery Science Theater 3K
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Good fun
rundbauchdodo1 September 2000
This cheap "Star Wars" ripoff presents some of the worst and most ridiculous special effects ever made. It also delivers dumb dialogue that will make you laugh yourself into the next dimension. And, above all, the cast includes Marjoe Gortner, Caroline Munro (wearing a bikini on every planet), David Hasselhoff, Christopher Plummer and the great late Joe Spinell. Everybody is outrageously overacting (except for Plummer, who is outrageously underacting). But the movie never becomes boring, there is always happening something more or less stupid, so you'll always be entertained. "Starcrash" is a real party tape that can be enjoyed best with mates and enough beer, chips and popcorn. Don't miss this utterly cheesy movie: It's so dumb that you have to love it!
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Awful... but Fun?
gavin69423 July 2017
An outlaw smuggler and her alien companion are recruited by the Emperor of the Galaxy to rescue his son and destroy a secret weapon by the evil Count Zarth Arn.

This is one of those films you watch and wonder how it ever got made. Some decent casting, including Christopher Plummer, makes you expect something a little bit better than you get. In fact, this is a lesser film than similar themes that AIP was doing at the same time.

Although it is interesting, and sort of enjoyable in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way, it never really rises above a strange curiosity. The appeal is quite limited, maybe something that fans of Italian B-movies would eat up. I don't know. The movie is as mysterious as the lead character's wardrobe choices.
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Stella Material
daniewhite-131 March 2020
Star Wars meets Jason and the Argonauts meets Roger Moore 70's James Bond in a Roger Corman related b-movie bonanza!

And astonishingly derivative picture which shamelessly, and strangely effectively, borrows liberally from several sources.

'Starcrash' has a protagonist called 'Stella Star' which is already 1 star added to the rating, Christopher Plummer as a galactic emperor which is worth another, some 70's empowered woman themes whilst showing dozens of half dressed Amazon's that's another Star for covering all bases, and it marvellously mixes up multiple major films so that's a big fat 4 stars for me.

'Starcrash' is in the "so bad it's good" variety but when you blatantly steal so many ideas and mash them together with such disregard for rhyme or reason then eventually you get a film that's irresistibly sillified.

Imaginative on a tiny budget, with a young David Hasselhoff to boot, 'Starcrash' just about keeps itself in order with only the occasional period of dragging inadequacy to suffer through in an otherwise well cheesified romp.

4/10 for anybody able to take a 70's laugh
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some terrifically awful special effects and Joe Spinnell in a giant cape and goatee. nuff said?
Quinoa198423 April 2017
(MST3K'd) Let's first look at Caroline Munro (and sure if you want to look at her like *that*, have at it, but I mean something different) - she happens to be in what can be said to be a half-naked outfit (with knee-high boots of course), and she wears it with confidence as she "acts" (by this I mean she does a great job of reciting her lines in an expertly, even adorably wooden way if that makes sense), though it is also... not leaving much to the imagination. The curious thing is that halfway through the movie - and this is a piece of trivia about it that I confirmed by that reliable fountain of information, IMDb - she stops wearing the skimpy, awesome "B-movie" Barbarella ripoff suit because the producers didn't think they could keep up the PG rating for the kids to watch this.

And of course one can understand: 45 minutes of magnificent and gratuitous cleavage is just fine... 90 minutes, it's pushing it, you know? Starcrash is lovably horrible, a shameless knock-off of Star Wars even compared to *other* shameless knock-offs of Star Wars that would come out like Battle Beyond the Stars. Although, frankly, this might be a little more fun than that due to how terrifically s****y the special effects are here. If you happen to watch this (and you can't not now that it's got the MST3K revival treatment), you may get a better understanding why George Lucas was so nervous about having a decent enough budget for his space epic: Starcrash is what would've happened had Fox had a firmer hand and torn the money to shreds. It's almost like the matte shots just said 'eff it' and decided to go on strike, and that the simple things like, you know, COLORS somehow got messed up in the washing machine and it all comes out like a lava lamp that hit its head on concrete.

Did I mention this is a knock-off of Star Wars? Oh, actually, it's also a knock-off of Harryhausen and Planet of the Apes and any other given science fiction or fantasy type of movie (it may even rip-off Battlestar Galactica, which is impressive given how that was its *own* knock-off of Star Wars made at the exact same time). You get all the tropes of rival sides fighting over the universe (including Christopher goddamn Plummer as, no BS, the "Emperor of the Universe"), and one actor, Joe Spinnell, playing Count Zarth Arn in full cloak and somehow, miraculously, discovering time travel because he is doing his riff of Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon (which wasn't due out for another two years!) and is glorious. Spinnell may be enough reason to see the movie alone; yes, even with David Hasselhoff, who isn't in the movie quite enough, Spinnell makes up for it as he eats ALL the ham in sight and become it times 11.

I had a blast watching this; the little robots and dude in the corner commenting certainly helped, but this is a laugh riot all on its own. This is the kind of cheese that makes Corman productions from the period look like grand David Lean epics by comparison, with fantastically dated hair-dos, action that doesn't make sense as far as how figures appear in the framing (i.e. when those would-be Planet-Ape characters appear out of nowhere to attack the bullet-head robot with the southern accent!) It's a wonderful pleasure of the almost guilty sort.
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Classic Bad Science Fiction
rob-gordon123 April 2005
Star Crash holds a special place in my heart, it was one of the first movies that I saw on my quest to find the worst science fiction movie of all time. The movie itself is quite pathetic, has terrible writing, screenplay, acting, special effects, and some of the spaceships are visibly made of Legos that have been spray-painted over. At the same time Star Crash remains one of the most entertaining films I've ever seen. For a great time grab a group of friends who appreciate bad films (al la MST3K) and rip on the film. There's so much potential to make fun of the film that even rank amateurs who haven't grown to appreciate the sub-genera of terrible films will probably be entertained. I rank this film a 5 (as I'm torn between giving it a 2 for film merits and a 9 for unintentional laughs).
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Jaw-droppingly Inane Italian Star Wars knock-off/rip off
lemon_magic5 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Starcrash" has Christopher Plummer in it for about 15 minutes of screen time, so I simply can't give it 1 star. He has a 2 minute wrap-up speech at the end where he tries valiantly to summon enough dignity and conviction to redeem the 80+ minutes of nonsense that preceded it But that feat is beyond even his abilities.

Let me put it this way: I saw this movie once, 20 years ago. And as we watched the opening episode 4 of the relaunched MST3K show, and announced that the movie would be "Starcrash", I instinctively reacted with a level of dismay that amazed (and amused) my wife. And I've seen "Manos", "Red Zone Cuba", "Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed Up Zombies ?!!", and "Monster A- Go- Go" without raising an eyebrow.

"Starcrash" appears to have been written and produced by precocious 12 year olds who really liked "Star Wars", but didn't understand a thing about writing screenplays. Or narrative logic. Or cause-and- effect. Or how human beings talk.

Worst example of this is the character of "Aktor" (who I think is Marjoe Gortner); about halfway through the movie, the character starts pulling out various Force powers and light sabers and precognition abilities every few minutes with absolutely no setup or justification, as if he were an Italian "Ultraman". And then he dies from a cut to the arm for no good reason (he won't let his teammates treat him because it was "fore- destined").

Carol Monroe, who is front and center for 90% of the movie...well she looks smashing in her thigh high boots and dominatrix bikini, but has all the emotional range of a sack of cement. Some of this may be the dubbing, because she sounds utterly American here, but I've read that she's actually British. So maybe not all her fault...but this is strictly a one-note performance.

The sets and costumes and props and spaceships are a random hodgepodge of goofy colors and textures, and outer space appears to be lit by Christmas tree lights.

In short, this makes Roger Corman's output look good. It's easily one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen, and I've seen dozens.

Half a star added because it's obviously not meant to be taken seriously.
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Tacky Star Wars rip-off masterwork
Leofwine_draca30 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In the rash of cheap and tacky sci-fi "epics" that flooded the Italian market in the late '70s, after the success of STAR WARS, Luigi Cozzi's STARCRASH is perhaps the most well-known of these pasta space-operas. This is due to the presence of British and American leads, better special effects than usual, and a wider release in America. STARCRASH is also one of the best Italian science fiction films out there. Sure, it's cheesy and full of terrible dialogue and extremely poor back-projection effects work, but there's a wealth of action which is always a plus and loads of special effects, even on a low budget. Although the scenes of fighters battling it out in space are pretty ropey (sometimes you can see the strings on the models), most of the other effects - mainly involving laser rays accompanied by weird electronic noises - are definitely fun and a hoot to watch.

Cozzi and his crew show their inspiration right away, with the opening shot of the underside of a huge ship being taken directly from STAR WARS along with the scrolling text in space. What follows is a terrible special effects sequence in which the crew of an exploratory ship are attacked by what looks like a superimposed lava lamp! This causes them to lose their minds and thus overact with wild abandon, an acting style that will crop up later in the movie. Into the scene comes space pirate Stella Star (played by the ever-lovely Caroline Munro), decked out in some of the skimpiest space-bikinis ever witnessed by the human eye. She variously gets caught by authorities, thrown into a prison camp, escapes, joins with the forces of good, descends on a load of alien planets with her buddies and fights monsters and robots, and finally all of the good guys launch an assault on the bad guys and kill them. The plot may be uninspired, but a colourful plethora of images assault the viewer's eye along the way.

We get strange alien planets with green skies, Stella getting literally frozen in the snow and reheated, blue-skinned bald alien guys, vistas of alien wastelands with crashed spaceships, colourful and extravagant costumes with red robes and stuff, and a whole lot more besides. Besides all this, the music is by Bond's John Barry, of all people, which gives the movie an extra touch of professionalism. Cozzi obviously aims his movie at kids and delivers all the kind of fantastic madness that a would-be epic fantasy yarn should have - for more of the same, seek out his 1983 film HERCULES. And "fantasy" is right - this is a world where windows breaking on a spaceship don't cause vacuums, where our heroes can get themselves out of a sticky situation by shouting "Imperial Battleship - stop time!" and all manner of continuity errors preside.

There are huge fights with laser guns (the final battle goes all-out and even includes slow-motion deaths, very cool in my book), a floating alien head in a goldfish bowl stolen from INVADERS FROM MARS, an annoying sidekick robot (read: guy in robot suit) who's a cop with a really irritating Yankee drawl, a tribe of scantily-clad evil space Amazons, an attack by troglodyte-style cavemen who smash our robot buddy to pieces, cool battles with lightsabers (yes, you read it, lightsabers and all and no copyright prosecution from Lucas and co.) and tons of things blowing up, always a mainstay in these types of movie. On top of this, somebody was obviously a fan of JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS, so we get some cool stop-motion animation too. Firstly there's a gigantic (Talos-inspired) statue that chases our heroes across a beach, then a pair of sword-wielding skeletal robots that engage in a lightsaber battle with Marjoe Gortner! If that isn't your money's worth, I don't know what is.

Caroline Munro may not have been much of an actress, but she was always pleasing eye-candy and her half-naked presence here is a great plus for the film. Supporting acts come from a very young-looking David Hasselhoff, before he was famous and with ridiculous permed hair; the ever-creepy Marjoe Gortner as an aide who uses magic and can see into the future; Christopher Plummer, who adopts an Alec Guinness-type role and lends the cast some much-needed gravitas; and finally the much-missed Joe Spinell who has a ball overacting as the villainous Count Zartharn. Spinell's shouty turn is in itself a good reason to tune in. STARCRASH - tacky and cheesy all the way through, but what a riot with it!
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The ultimate 'bad movie'? Well, it's bad that's for sure...
poolandrews4 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Starcrash starts as a huge spaceship sent out by the Emperor (Christopher Plummer) of the entire Universe is attacked by red blobs, they are supposed to be monsters but looked like red blobs to me. All contact with the ship is lost. Space pirates & smugglers Stella Star (Caroline Munroe) & Akton (Marjoe Gortner) are on the run from the Emperor's police force including comedy side-kick robot Elle, jumping into Hyperspace Stella & Akton think they have outwitted their pursuers but this is not the case & both are caught, arrested & sentence to hard labour on different prison planets. However they are soon pardoned & released as the last remaining hope of the Universe, the Emperor himself ask's for Stella & Akton to find the secret new weapon that the evil Count Zarth Arn (Joe Spinell) has built (not himself personally, though) that he intends to use to take control of the whole Universe. If that wasn't pressure enough the Emeror ask's Stellar & Akton to find his missing son Simon (David Hasselhoff) who was on the ship that was attacked by red blobs...

This Italian & American co-production was co-written & directed by Luigi Cozzi under his more English friendly pseudonym Lewis Coates which also let him hide the shame of making this under a different name but I digress, like a lot of Italian produced films back in the 70's & 80's which were blatant rip-off's of popular big budget Hollywood films Starcrash is no different & is a shameless rip-off of the classic Star Wars (1977) which was released a year before this. While Star wars has quite rightly gone on to be one of the most popular & influential films ever made that has taken a firm foothold in pop culture Starcrash hasn't, some rather unkind viewers have actually renamed Starcrash to Startrash which I personally wouldn't disagree with & feel is quite an apt title for this. Everything about Startrash, sorry Starcrash is completely awful, lets start with the script & the story that unfolds before the disbelieving audiences very eyes. The story is a Star Wars clone, evil bloke has a planet sized weapon of immense power to conquer the Universe with, yeah OK but why does he let it get blown up inside that planet? The appearance of red blobs is hardly terrifying & quite how he plans to take over the Universe is a mystery. The whole story makes little sense, the character's, twist's & set-pieces are bizarre like the two skeletal robots who instead of having laser guns carry old fashioned swords & the scene where the flying capsules that look like huge dildo's crash through the windows of Count Zarth's hand shaped fortress with no loss of air pressure, no decompression or loss of gravity. The narrative & technical science witnessed in Starcrash is bizarre, but some may like that I suppose. While many will point out to me that Starcrash is fun & shouldn't be taken seriously I understand that point but where's the fun in watching such a poorly made, dull, predictable & frankly boring film such as Starcrash? I didn't have much fun watching it that's for sure. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for such a, well, unique film like Starcrash but I just didn't like it.

Also known as The Adventures of Stella Star & bizarrely Female Space Invaders this has some rotten special effects, from the goofy looking stop-motion animated robots to the rubbish red blobs of fear to the awful rear projection, split screen, miniature model work & some really camp 70's sets with all sorts of horribly dated looking technology & flashing lights. Again, I don't think Starcrash looks quaint or cheesy in a good way I just think it looks awful & amateurish. There's a strange sequence that is a direct rip-off of the thrilling huge bronze man scene from Jason and the Argonauts (1963) with less than great results. The bad guy Zarth is a complete idiot & is a basic copy of Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon with his cape & bad facial hair with their is also a lightsaber fight scene that is so stiff & poorly choreographed that it makes you appreciate Star Wars even more. For some reason space looks like multi coloured Christmas lights shining against a black black-ground, to be fair it probably was. The spaceship dogfight scenes are terrible, it's hard to tell one ship from another & they just seem to fly in straight lines making silly noises rather than actually fight or dodge anything. Most uninspiring & totally forgettable as far as I am concerned.

Filmed in Italy & Switzerland the budget was so low that they couldn't afford most of the cast to dub themselves & as such the admittedly gorgeous Caroline Munroe is completely dubbed throughout, to be honest she's just about the best aspect of Starcrash & does look good but gets less & less to do as the film progresses & by the end just sort of stands there listening to ridiculous lines of dialogue that have to be heard to be believed. Joe Spinell is totally bonkers as the bad guy. In fact the acting varies, some play the thing up as the silly rubbish it is while other's seem to take it deadly seriously. This is not Oscar winner Christopher Plummer's finest hour. David Hasselhoff seems to be taking things too seriously.

Starcrash is a really bad film, it has some unintentionally hilarious moments, some of the worst special effects of any post Star Wars rip-off's & a terrible script that just makes things up as it goes along. Caroline Munroe is very attractive, an early appearance from David Hasselhoff is fun & Joe Spinell's performance is unique but at the end of the day it's still crap. Some find it good entertainment & good fun but I cannot count myself among their number.
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"Awfully" Good
shark-4330 November 2003
It's awful all right - in a hilarious way! This movie is awful in almost every category - special effects, sound, costumes, set, acting and the script - but if you like good cheese, if you can embrace the spirit of Ed Wood and others like him, then you'll LOVE this campy sci-fi disaster. Marjoe Gortner gives one of the truly worst performances I have evr seen - he either is phoning it in or over-acting like crazy - I swear, watch in the beginning - he almost doesnt blink for over ten minutes. Creepy. And for all of those who saw this movie as young lads - I can see why Ms. Munro wouldmake such an impression on you. Woo-wee!! That is some hot leather space bikini they have her in. She was gorgeous and all but my god, some of the "fight" scenes she's in are unintentionally hilarious. Good silly fun!!!
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Cheap, cheesy and fun!
ColinHarvey31 May 2005
I saw this in the summer of 1979, when I was 13. I had a fixation with "Star Wars", and "Alien" was soon to come in the future. I saw "Starcrash" listed in the newspaper and thought "wow, gotta see this!" Of course, it ripped off "Star Wars" mightily (check out Marjoe Gortner's cheap lightsabre imitation), but what sci-fi flick of the period didn't? Probably the best part for me at that time was the scantily-clad Caroline Munro as Stella Starr! Of course, I was 13 at the time! I remember how all the "stars" were so colourful, compared to the stark black-and-white star fields of previous sci-fi movies.

I saw this many years later as an adult and thought how cheesy it was. I also scratch my head at how such a respected actor as Christopher Plummer got roped into this! Mostly, though, I remember how much fun it was. See it, don't take it seriously, and laugh if you like!
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It's awful, but in a good way.
BA_Harrison20 July 2007
Rivalling Barbarella as possibly the finest piece of tail in the universe, Stella Star (the delectable Caroline Munro) is an intergalactic smuggler who, accompanied by her navigator, Akton (Marjoe Gortner), and a police robot, Elle, embarks on a mission to find and destroy the planet sized weapon of the evil Count Zarth Arn (Joe Spinell).

Luigi Cozzi's Starcrash is a kitsch comic book sci-fi adventure that delivers some of the worst direction, special effects, acting and design ever to grace a third-rate Italian Star Wars rip-off, and as a result, it is a gem for connoisseurs of the truly awful. It's also unmissable if you're a fan of the delightful (and buxom) Ms. Munro, since she sports a range of sexy space-attire guaranteed to get your light-sabre pulsating with energy (if you're a straight male, and you don't find her hot, check your pulse... you may be dead!).

Also starring alongside the luscious Caroline is a young David Hasselhoff, who turns up to fight a couple of badly animated robots, and Christopher Plummer giving a marvellously hammy performance as The Emperor. But special mention must go to Joe Spinell, whose portrayal of the nasty Zarth Arn is truly inspired: all menacing scowls and evil grins, he cackles his way through every scene as if playing a pantomime baddie. Nobody can swish a cape as dramatically as Joe!

Obviously, Starcrash is absolute crap, but it's entertaining crap. And should you tire of stop-motion effects that would make Ray Harryhausen wince or spaceships made from household waste and air-fix kits, then there's always lightly-oiled Caroline in her thigh high boots and PVC bikini to make you smile.
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