The Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) Poster

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Very enjoyable Italian Mad Max rip off
aleksandarsarkic18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really love Italian exploitation movies from the beginning of the 80s. it seems they were most obsessed with Mad Max movie, there are a plenty of Mad Max rip offs but this one is definitely one of the best. What to say you have a small boy with prothetic arm who is throwing rocks on his enemies from 2km away, and yes he can drink 5 bottles of beer, and he has a hamster, so cute, you also have very hot women like in every Italian exploitation movie, and other things are like in Mad Max, I can say they are done very good for slow budget, a plenty of killings and explosions, really cool. Music is also very interesting, ofcourse it is totally synthesizer driven but 80s synth music is the best thing to ever happen, and what is interesting, this movie has some atmosphere, so if you are lover of post apocalypse movies, and 80's action flicks this is definitely for you, you will enjoyed it for sure, and don't forget everything of this is happening in the year 3000, very humorous.
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Italian/Spanish Sci-Fi co-production set in a dystopian World and well set in the barren desert of Almeria
ma-cortes16 December 2020
Planet Earth : 3000 AD . A thousand ways to die . One way to survive. Into the battlefield of nuclear mutants and vicious bikers come the Exterminators and emerging a new hero : Alien . A group of survivors ruled by the Senator : Eduardo Fajardo , are living at a cave run out of water , then they desperately need new supply . As a brave and thirsty group is formed , their mission : go to encounter the valuable and vital water . 10-year-old little boy: Luca Venantini , joins undercover to the team , but a band of savage motorcycles pursues them . Appearing a new hero , Alien : Robert Iannucci , a Calvin Klein ex-model, as a rebel drifter and subsequently joins a beautiful and two-fisted heroine called Trash : Alicia Moro . Meet the new breed of Road Warriors ! ? They killed to survive...

So-so but acceptable Science Fiction film into of the Post-nuke sub-genre with noisy action, thrills , chills , moving scenes and funcional special effects . This is a futuristic film of survival in which a valiant and tough bunch sets out in search for the precious water to survive . It concerns a desert and barren World with out water , that's why is is very well set in Almería, Andalucía, Spain , in this location was shot in the 60s and 70s lots of Spaguetti/Paella Westerns , including the famous Trilogy of the dollar by Sergio Leone . It packs spectacular chases with skillful stunts and without computer generator effects . From start to finish unstopped action and thrilling scenes are continuous . The film takes parts here and there of other films as "The Road Warrior" by George Miller and his Mad Max saga , "Megaforce" by Hal Nedham , "Death Race" by Paul Bartel and following the wake of Enzo G Castellari films as "1990 Bronx Warriors" , "Escape from the Bronx" , "New Barbarians" . There are familiar faces in the cast as Fernando Bilbao playing the ruthless Crazy Bull who played several Spaguetti Western along with Eduardo Fajardo , Venantino Venantini who is father of the sympathetic boy Luca Venantini and Beryl Cunningham as a nasty black warrior , Anna Orso , Allan Collins considered to be the Italian Peter Lorre as Papillon .

The motion picture made in medium budget was regular but professionally directed by Giuliano Carmineo who often used pseudonym Anthony Ascott . He was a good craftsman who directed movies of all kinds of genres . Being his especiality Spaghetti Western genre , such as : "The moment to kill", "Find a place to die" , "They call him Cemetery" , "They call me Hallaluya", and Sartana movies as " Have a Good Funeral, My Friend Sartana Will Pay" , "Sartana the Gravedigger" , "Light the Fuse Sartana is Coming" .Though he also made other genres as Giallo : "The Case of the Bloody Iris" , "Ana ese particular Placer" , and fantasy as "Computron 22" and Terror : "The Rat Man" , among others.
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Road Warrior RIP OFF...but still kinda fun!
camarossdriver3 July 2020
This flick is SUCH a "Road Warrior" RIP OFF right down to the car crashing thru' a mobile home camper! George Miller probably should have SUED these film makers,but by looking at the budget for this film...he probably wouldn't have gotten much. I'm not going to bash this film TOO much. For what it's worth,it IS kind of fun. But when the bad guy calls his gang "Mother Grabbers",it turns into comedy GOLD! If you want a no brainer low budget action flick...check it out.
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Great Trash Film
revterry4 January 2017
Everything you really want from this kind of film (minus nudity possibly). Alien is a hard headed but love-able warrior of the wasteland, who ends up joining a young cyborg in a quest for water to bring back to the boy's peaceful commune. The two are accompanied by Alien's (long time?) frienamie, the beautiful but rugged "Trash" and a lovable retired astronaut. The crew must face a roving car gang, who's leader uses the word "mudder" pretty frequently, as well as doomsday water cultists(?) and the unforgiving desert of the post apocalyptic future. The movie of course takes its cues from (read rips off) Mad Max as well as a few other Sci-Fi classics. There is plenty of possibly unintentional humor, corny action and entertaining 80s schlock. The dub falls out of place a little at times but its watchable all the way through.

In a world of TurboKid and Fury Road, its a little easier to get other people to watch these kind of fun trashy films. Getting them to stick around for most of it is another story. This title has great pacing for a film of its type and would make a great intro in to the genre for that friend who likes some of the Neo-Trash like Turbokid but maybe wouldn't make it through Battletruck or Bronx Warriors.
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Wacky Hijinks and Low Budget Buffoonery
tjwalker16 April 2003
If you rent a movie titled "Exterminators of the year 3000," the odds are good you know what you're getting yourself into. I myself was sold by the promising descriptions of "nuke mutants," "motor-psychos," and of course the "exterminators" themselves which, according to the back of the movie-store case, are all cavorting around a post-apocalyptic barren wasteland wreaking all sorts of mayhem. Let the wacky hijinks and low budget buffoonery ensue--at least, such were my hopes for this "film."

Now I like the occasional terrible movie, and if you're reading the comments on Exterminators of the Year 3000, you probably do too. That being said, I rated this film a solid "1(awful)"--not because I completely hated the film but because it is one of the most legitimately dreadful efforts at movie-making I have ever seen. The dialogue, the acting, the cinematography, the sound-editing, the editing in general, the plot, etc., etc., etc--all are worthy of what must surely be low spectator expectations given that marvelous title.

So what is really "good" about this bad movie? It does have several of what my circle affectionately terms "quality kills." A quality kill, for those few of you unfamiliar with the phrase, isn't a hard and fast term, but in general refers to someone killed in a particularly gruesome, creative, or ridiculous fashion.

Exterminators of the Year 3000 also has a fair supply of "dialogue-so-bad-it-becomes-funny," provided in great part by Crazy Bull, the aptly titled leader of the hapless motor-psycho gang--who incidentally also provide most of the quality kills (if you're hoping for big things from the nuke mutants, think again, they play essentially zero part in the movie...shucks!). Crazy Bull, however, is all you could ask for in a b-movie motor-psycho. Shakespearean paraphrase and oddly PG-style insults are all he knows how to say...and that's terrific.

Despite its quality kills and bad dialogue, however, if you're looking for a truly entertaining bad movie, Exterminators of the Year 3000 does disappoint somewhat in that with its draw limited to things like silly and outdated special effects, quality killing, and bad dialogue, there is simply not enough to justify a full feature length, owing principally to the forty minutes or so in which the audience is forced to follow the characters in protracted and boring car "chases" and long desert hiking sequences...All in all, a pretty good awful movie, but hey, it's no Death Race 2000.
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A thirst for violence
Chase_Witherspoon11 July 2010
Comparing this with "Mad Max 2" in terms of quality is akin to a cage match between a donkey and a grizzly bear; the outcome is a foregone conclusion. If however, you were to compare this with "New Barbarians", or "1990 The Bronx Warriors" where technical ratios are more equal, then "Exterminators" isn't a bad yarn.

The premise concerns a post apocalyptic world in which water is scarce, and various territorial tribes emerge to claim what little water there is in isolated wells. Crazy Bull is the main adversary and his vicious sidekick Shadow (Cunningham) packs a claw that commands respect. It's a shame that Cunningham didn't find greater exposure in her film career, as she showed a lot of promise and has a decent cinema legacy.

The visual effects, as expected, are the heroes, including the trailblazing stunt-work in which dune buggies leap and pirouette in the air, while bodies are flung around like rag dolls. There's plenty of gruesome carnage in keeping with the sub-genre. Scripting is minimal, although as most of the story is essentially borrowed, grafted and re-imagined, it's not altogether critical for success. I've seen a few of these post-apocalypse biker pictures, some with more recognisable faces and more sophisticated production values, but "Exterminators" holds its own and so if this is your cup of tea, drink up.
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"That sneaky little beaver."
BA_Harrison31 January 2022
It's the year 3000 -- the Earth's ozone belt has been destroyed by nuclear blasts leaving survivors scouring the scorched landscape for that most precious commodity: H2O. Tough loner Alien (Robert Iannucci) travels this waterless wasteland in a souped-up car called the Exterminator (guzzoline clearly not an issue in this particular future world), the motor kitted out with all manner of gadgetry, including in-car video and bullet-proof armour; this makes him the target of a band of ruthless marauders, led by Crazy Bull (Fernando Bilbao), from whom Alien stole the vehicle, as well as opportunistic post-apocalyptic carjacker Trash (Alicia Moro), who, in the opening sequence, snaffles the Exterminator, leading to a high speed chase that leaves Alien trapped upside down in a wrecked police car.

Rescue comes in the form of ten-year-old Tommy (Luca Venantini), only survivor of an expedition to locate a rumoured underground water supply; he frees Alien from the twisted wreckage and the two from an unlikely alliance. Their journey involves run-ins with Crazy Bull and his gang, a visit to ex-astronaut turned engineer Papillon (Luciano Pigozzi), and encounters with Trash, who ultimately teams up with the guys to find the water.

A prime slice of early'-80s post-apocalyptic cheeze, The Exterminators of the Year 3000 is chock full of stunts, crazy characters, and diabolical dialogue, making it a real hoot for fans of low-budget Mad Max rip-offs. While the action isn't as impressive as the vehicular mayhem in George Miller's classics (what is?), it still looks fairly dangerous and is therefore suitably entertaining, but the film is at its most enjoyable when introducing its more outlandish comic-book elements: the Exterminator's Bond-style gadgetry, Tommy's new and improved bionic arm, Trash's sonic key, the group of mutants who protect their water with Indiana Jones-style booby traps, and the hilarious dialogue ("Into battle, my merry mother-grabbers!", "Unleash the dogs of war", "C'mon you little honey parrot"). I'd definitely liked to have seen director Giuliano Carnimeo push the futuristic angle more (apparently, men have travelled to Mars and Venus, yet Earth-bound transport technology has remained firmly rooted in the 20th century), but I imagine the minimal space-age tech was down to budgetary constraints.

After lots of shooting and explosions, the corny ending sees the heroes' tanker of water accidentally depleted by Crazy Bull's sadistic henchwoman Shadow, and the source of all that H20 destroyed by the mutants, but - as luck would have it - the Earth's damaged atmosphere repairs itself at the same time, leading to a downpour of rain. Cue freeze frame on the ecstatic good guys!

5/10. Anyone expecting the extreme adrenaline rush of the likes of Fury Road will be disappointed, but go into this with the right mindset and a fun time is there to be had.
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Will not win any oscars but very good for what it is
kaefab19 February 2019
I was raised on movies like this when i was a kid, i have seen them all and i love Italian rip off.

Its low budget but i loved it same as 2019 after the fall of New York, The Road Warrior, Bronx Warrior, Escape from the Bronx, The new gladiators.

This one had a boy with a bionic arm pretty cool and a modified car.... a bit more then the other post apocalypse movies
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If you thought "The Postman" was bad...
Aylmer3 January 1999
Bottom of the barrel, unimaginative, and practically unwatchable remake of THE ROAD WARRIOR. This film follows the exact plot as the Filipino film STRYKER and is worse by far! Bad acting, dialog, effects, dubbing, pacing, action sequences... The list goes on and on. Italy made literally dozens of Road Warrior rip-offs in the early 80's, some good, some bad. This is the worst by far, no contest. Not only was the mood of the film completely bleak and miserable, the experience of sitting through this one is a bore and a half. There was 1 (one) good chase sequence towards the beginning of the movie, and a cool shot of a man holding a hand grenade exploding. But EVERYTHING else about this movie seriously reeks! For actual post-nuke fun, go track down a copy of ENDGAME, AFTER THE FALL OF NEW YORK, or ESCAPE FROM THE BRONX instead. They're much more enjoyable than this rubbish.
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Not great, but better than expected low-budget Italian Mad Max ripoff
a_chinn3 September 2019
Solid Italian Max Mad ripoff has tons of tricked our car and motorcycle desert chases, along with some pretty good Road Warrior copycat costumes, which is fun, even if the action is nothing compared to George Miller's groundbreaking films. Instead of fuel, the survivors of this post apocalyptic hell are in search of water. Though lacking the massive production values of Kevin Coster's "Waterworld" or even Miller's "The Road Warrior," director Giuliano Carnimeo (billed as Jules Harrison) manages to infuse some decent thrills out of his minuscule budget and the corny script from the same writing team who brought you the equally silly "1990: The Bronx Warriors" and "The New Gladiators" (they also wrote the Lucio Fulci horror classics "Manhattan Baby" "The House by the Cemetary"). However, the film is hampered by lousy acting, a dull story, and terrible dubbing (though that does offer camp value). Also, the film takes a major nosedive in terms of pacing once the main character comes across a community of wastelanders. From there, it's a bunch of boring talk about how they can get more water and nothing much of interest. That is until the final's climactic road battle, which although nothing spectacular and plays out more like a demolition derby than a coherent action sequence is still a step above most low budget warriors of the wasteland films of this ilk. Overall, far from a classic, but solidly enjoyable if you enjoy this sort of disreputable film genre.
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'Exterminators of the Year 300' is certainly not a good film, but it might be the perfect movie to watch with some good friends with a few drinks late at night.
bryank-0484411 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's movies like 'Exterminators of the Year 300' that make watching films at midnight with your friends worth while. You're able to bask, laugh, drink, and enjoy all the cheap stunts, bad acting, and cheesy story lines that come with this film. The poster art alone shows just how awesome this movie can be with big guns, a futuristic cityscape in the background, and the title that says it's the year 3000. Everything about that description makes me want to watch this movie again, so I can have a good laugh, because this film doesn't really feature any of that.

'Exterminators of the Year 3000' is an Italian film that is basically the same movie as 'The Road Warrior'. I could definitely see the Italian director Giuliano Carnimeo or as he's billed here as Jules Harrison, watched 'Mad Max 2' and it blew his feeble Italian mind. Following his mind being blown, he probably called his friend, drew a picture of what he saw with a piece of dialogue and went to local businesses asking for money to make his version of what he saw in 'The Road Warrior'. The few dollars he did collect, made 'Exterminators of the Year 3000'.

Shot overseas with a mix of actors who spoke English, Italian, or Spanish, and with some heavy duty reinforced vehicles hellbent on crashing into each other, this film was born, never to be seen or heard from anyone until now. The year is 3000, but you'd never know it, because the vehicles are from the late 70s and it's filmed in the middle of the desert. So much for that futuristic city from the poster, right? The world is a dried up, sandy hell hole where the hottest commodity that everyone is after is good old fashioned water.

A group of survivors including a blonde chick and young boy with a special yet violent talent, meet a mysterious loner to try and find water while destroying a vicious gang led by a guy named Crazy Bull. And that's all there really is to this film. Every story line and character is straight from 'The Road Warrior', but 'Exterminators' doesn't seem to mind that it's the same film, just done on a much lower level. I will say that it's great to always see an action film all done with practical effects when vehicles are concerned. The crash are real, big, and done pretty well, considering the type of film this is.

The acting is so atrocious, it's highly entertaining and keeps you laughing throughout. Even the costumes were modeled after 'Mad Max 2'. But that's what make this film so much fun. It just doesn't care and has the cojones to not be afraid to be so bad, it's good. 'Exterminators of the Year 300' is certainly not a good film, but it might be the perfect movie to watch with some good friends with a few drinks late at night.
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"Onward my merry mother-grabbers!"
Hey_Sweden13 March 2015
Insanely entertaining post-apocalypse garbage from those always dependable Italians is good for some excitement and *many* laughs. Robert Iannucci, looking like American actor Martin Kove, stars as sleazy lone wolf "Alien", roaming the desert landscapes and making trouble. He makes the acquaintance of the young Tommy (Luca Venantini), who was tagging along with others of his community on the quest to obtain water. You see, in this vision of the future, H2O has become the most precious commodity. What Alien really wants to do is turn a profit, and it remains to be seen if he'll really step up to the heroic plate.

Iannucci is an enjoyably gruff protagonist, and the supporting cast is just tremendous fun. Tommy, who definitely takes his lumps, turns out to have a most amusing secret, leading to some priceless gags. The movie co-stars the beautiful Alicia Moro as Trash, the excellent Luciano Pigozzi as "Papillon", Eduardo Fajardo as the Senator, Beryl Cunningham as Shadow, and the true scene stealer in this gloriously goofy escapist flick, Fernando Bilbao as Crazy Bull. Being made to utter some hysterically dumb lines, and looking like he wandered off the set of "The Road Warrior" to appear in this, he provides great entertainment value. Some viewers may find the sequence in which Tommy gets drunk to be in poor taste.

Production & costume design and music are good, if rather standard, for this sort of thing. This movie is far from being original, but it still manages to show its audience a good time. The action is often genuinely exciting (dig those vehicle stunts!), and there's one hilarious, amazing segment in which Alien and Trash infiltrate the building housing the water source and must contend not only with booby traps (shades of Indiana Jones), but mutated guards wielding flamethrowers.

If you can't get enough of the whole "post nuke" genre, then don't pass this one up. It's a *real* hoot.

Eight out of 10.
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Mad Max meets Casa de mi Padre
andrew_hawkins27 May 2015
Exterminators of the Year 3000 is the story of a second-rate Mad Max character named Alien. In this Spanish-Italian rip-off of The Road Warrior, Alien travels the wasteland in search of water that he can sell to become rich. Along the way he meets up with a kid and a woman who eventually help him defeat a gang of desert raiders.

There are some great schlock moments to savor here. If you're feeling a bad movie night, I highly recommend this for Mad Max fans and lovers of Italian 80s cinema. Have a few drinks and enjoy this with some friends. There are plenty of laughable moments and opportunities to riff the film for taking itself so seriously. Don't spoil it for yourself if you're interested. It's worth it.
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Much better than I expected.
13Funbags6 March 2020
If you can look past the unoriginality, the plots holes, the bad editing, the terrible English dub and the ridiculous ending that makes no sense, this isn't really a bad movie. There are a few funny moments that make up for the bad stuff. I find it very interesting that the only thing that there is an abundance of in a post-apocalyptic world is gasoline. If you can find this movie, give it a chance.
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The Opposite of Water World
caspian197819 March 2001
In Water World, they have too much water and are looking for Dry Land. In this flick, there's too much dry land and not enough water. If there is such a thing called a Road Warrior genre, you would find this film in that section. The screenplay to this film was probably 20 pages long. Most of the film has truck and car chases with explosions and gun fights. A typical post nuclear holocaust sci-fi film with bad actors. this film could have used ten more years of development.
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Wash your hands afterward
jessegehrig8 December 2021
My book report is on the movie Exterminators Of The Year 3000, which is terrible. It was made by people who did not know how to make movies. You can tell by how horrible every part of the movie is that making something good was no one's intention. I asked the movie why it was made this way, it answered back in dubbed Italian something unintelligible. This movie is the equivalent of smearing your own poop on the walls.
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mikecanmaybee26 November 2019
Granted, the translation led to some hilarious dialog, but that was outweighed by the torture the kid sequence which went to far. Have to give this one a Nope.
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The Worst Movie I've Seen...
jmccork221 November 2010
Yep, this is it. The worst movie I've seen, and I've seen some awful movies (like the entire Deathstalker series). Whereas other bad movies at least give you something to laugh at via bad acting or sorry effects, this movie has nothing even laugh worthy. be prepared to sit and stare through ever-heavier eyelids that lull you toward sleep as you watch the saga of some dude with a perm wearing a headband. I would recommend that marvel of cinematic storytelling, "The Screaming Skull" before I would subject an innocent soul to the boredom of this movie. Steer clear, unless you're a masochist, in which case you might fall asleep before enduring any pain.
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Another sign of the time sci flick from the eighties
Here was something promising. Though there are some quite unique attractions to this science fiction (Italia) thriller, dubbed voices and all. One being of course the futuristic metallic car: the exterminator, but really story wise, it doesn't build up to much, but still it's quite an engaging, watch thanks to it's hero lead, Alien and his 10 year old son, though Alien really doesn't want to admit it. Thought to have deserted his family, including his son, he's hunting down the most precious resource: water, something we take for granted. After the nuclear holocaust, the earth has dried up, literally an expanse of baron land, with only few survivors. Some are unfortunately a merciless gang (aren't they all in these kind of flicks) of savages who thwart Alien's efforts to go after the water. His ten year old boy teams with up with him, to his reluctance. Hope comes in the form of a rebellious woman who knows where the water is stashed: in the well guarded confined of our greedy savages. I know it sounds stereotypical, though don't write this one off. After all, anything dubbed in these Italians cheapies is funny as is the likable kid, when he gets drunk. Some of the traps/contraptions were impressive too, as was the first ten minutes of setting to this flick, when Alien rips a canter of water in meagre supply off of a cop. Definitely something worth viewing, visually, this isn't a bad film, and does have enough action to maintain your interest, although the teaser made it look more action packed. And too it ends on a fine and rainy note. Great effective music score. Great front cover off this Roadshow title too.
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Time Warp
fmarkland3217 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Exterminators Of The Year 3000 chronicles the apocalypse where water is a precious commodity and Road Warrior villain rip offs try to defend such from the thirsty civilian society (or something) in either case they attack anyone who ventures out of said cave and for reasons vague. This is a really bad movie, like it is horrendous, and it is also hilarious. One big laugh is how uncool the hero's car is. Like compare such to Mad Max, indeed the car here give the golf carts of that Warriors Of The Wasteland a run for the money. At least those had blades and flame throwers. There's also some hilarity in the kid with a bionic arm (Don't ask) who often looks likes such is being held on with duct tape and then our heroes and heroine making boneheaded mistakes with their tankers and then comes a twist ending that makes no real sense and renders the movie pointless. In terms of laughable stupidity Exterminators just keeps on giving. Unintentional laughs aside, Exterminators is typical Spaghetti Apocalypse with a very predictable plot, horrible dubbing and non-existent direction. The type of disaster that ma and pa shops put out for small town teens (kids like me) to rent when we couldn't rent The Road Warrior and didn't want to wait for the real thing. Therefore Exterminators is no worse or better, but unlike say After The Fall Of New York or Endgame, such doesn't contain surprising competent filmmaking or enough lunacy and memorable absurdity to make it a great bad movie. Recommended then for the more nuanced Bad Movie lover, where as the more inexperienced should probably try Cyborg or Rats:Night Of Terror first.

*1/2 Out Of 4-(Poor)
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We used to even take baths filled with water! Can you believe that?
Coventry30 August 2022
Of all the crazy futuristic guff featuring in "Exterminators of the Year 3000", there is at least one predicament that is more than likely going to come true - and it'll even be long before the year 3000 - namely that water will become the most scarce and valuable resource on earth. Even around the year 2020-2022 already, drought and lack of rainfall form a worldwide catastrophe, so we should be worried about the what the future will bring.

However, I don't think the makers of this flick had many prophetic ambitions. It's merely just a shameless - but massively entertaining - imitation of "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior". George Miller's cult-monument spawned numerous rip-offs, many of them hailing from Italy, and unwritten rule states: the closer to the plot of the original, the better. That's also one of my life's mottos, by the way, better well-stolen than badly invented.

In a futuristic wasteland - I sincerely doubt it's the year 300, but admittedly it makes the international title sound a lot cooler - the ozone layer has entirely vanished due to all the nuclear warfare. All survivors, whether in little communities or lone warriors, spend their days searching, looting, or killing for small drinking bottles of water. The Max Rockatansky clone on duty is named Alien, and he teams up with a boy with a biomechanical arm to find a mythical source of water. But, of course, there's also a motorized gang of thugs joyriding around. Their leader, Crazy Bull, looks somewhat like a crossbreed between Dennis Hopper in "Waterworld" and Telly Savalas on bad hair(-less) day. He also has a mommy-complex, judging by all the mother-related terms he shouts at his troops.

The ginormous fun-factor of "Exterminators of the Year 3000" comes from the awesome stunt work, the excessive violence, and the type of cheesy dialogues you only ever hear in trashy exploitation movies like these. My favorite part is when elderly mechanic Papillion (brilliant Italian cult-actor Luciano Pigozzi) tells Tommy about his childhood days of dancing in the rain, going to swimming pools, and even taking baths in water! Crazy times...
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A rough one to get through
BandSAboutMovies17 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Director Giuliano Carnimeo is better known for his Western films with the Sartana character, as well as 1972's The Case of the Bloody Iris, a movie that I believe is at once a giallo and a satire of the genre.

By 1983, everyone in Italy was directed post-apocalyptic films. This one is pretty much The Road Warrior with little difference. But hey! It has Pag (Luciano Pigozzi) from Yor, Hunter from the Future in it!

It also has a bandana-wearing good guy named Alien (former model Robert Iannucci) who drives around in a car called The Exterminator! He ha an ex-girlfriend named Trash that helps him and a cyborg child named Tommy that he has to grudgingly protect.

There's also a gang led by Crazy Bull that's after all the water - instead of Humungus being after all the gas. And there are some great stunts.

But that's it. Far be it from me to demand that a spaghetti post-apoc flick has an actual plot or character arc, but it can be done. It doesn't get done here.
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The perfect film for those who have ran out of "Mad Max" and "Death Race" flicks to watch
ersinkdotcom16 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Director Jules Harrison's (aka Giuliano Carnimeo) low-budget Italian / Spanish blend of "The Road Warrior" and Death Race" blows up all over the screen with exciting car crashes and chases. To add even more camp to the movie, the most ridiculous dialogue you'll ever hear is overdubbed as half the cast speaks English and the others shout their lines in their native tongues.

In "Exterminators of the Year 3000," the post-apocalyptic earth is a desert and water is the most precious substance of all. A band of survivors must turn to a mysterious stranger (Robert Iannucci) to battle a ruthless gang of motorcycle psychos for control of the wasteland and the water. Can their reluctant savior defeat the sadistic outlaws and get the water back home before their supply runs out?

Every part of "Exterminators of the Year 3000" invokes images of other end-of-the-world films of the 1970s and 1980s. The demolition derby jousting and destruction is obviously heavily influenced by "Mad Max," "The Road Warrior," and the original "Death Race 2000." The survivor's compound, water plant, and other locations are extremely reminiscent of the ones seen in "Logan's Run" and "Battle for the Planet of the Apes."

Anti-hero Alien looks like he walked off the set of "Megaforce" wearing Barry Bostwick's hair and headband combined with Peter Hunter's costume from "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone." Alicia Moro's wardrobe and makeup department appear to have watched episodes of "Battlestar Galactica" and studied Farrah Fawcett's hairstyle in "Saturn 3" to get their inspiration. Head bad guy Fernando Bilboa looks as if he was given permission to raid the left-over wardrobe from "The Road Warrior" for his outfit.

Although it's nowhere near as graphic as movies of this nature would be today, "Exterminators of the Year 3000" is rated R. It contains violence and gore, profanity, alcohol use by a minor, and frightening and intense scenes. The scene of a young boy downing beer after beer as a pain killer might offend some. One other sequence has our heroes battling mutants that resemble the deformed ones from "Beneath the Planet of the Apes."

"Exterminators of the Year 3000" is the perfect film for those who have ran out of "Mad Max" and "Death Race" flicks to watch. It's a B- movie to top all B-movies that conjures up the same tingles and giggles you get when watching anything Roger Corman produced or directed in the 1970s and 1980s. With the release of "Mad Max: Fury Road" so close on the horizon, I can't think of a more fitting time for audiences to enjoy this little known cult classic.
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The shape of things to come?
HaemovoreRex22 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Here's one of the numerous Mad Max inspired outings to spring forth from Italy in the early 1980's following the enormous success of that movie and more especially its sequel.

Now at this point I have to be honest and state quite plainly that against seeming general public opinion, I absolutely loath the Mad Max trilogy (and there's a fourth entry on the way!) I found the latter two movies especially to be utterly interminable piles of crap.

Why then, you might ask, would I view a Mad Max clone? Well the answer is quite simple – the Italian clones are so much more fun!

An example of this is the film being reviewed here, which interestingly, though filmed back in 1983 and set in the 31st century, bears a stark warning spookily topical in today's world…..the depletion of the Ozone layer and subsequent global warming.

In this nightmarish future, with the seas having dried up and the earth having become a parched desert, water has become an incredibly precious commodity.

The story centres around one group of survivors search for a supposed water supply and that armed with a trusty map, they venture to send out a party to retrieve it.

However, in this new world gangs of vicious bandits roam the wastelands pillaging and killing as they scavenge for water of their own and it is just one such gang that ambush and brutally murder the search party whilst on route.

Only a small boy survives the slaughter (oh and his pet hamster!) to trek on alone.

Fortuitously, as our young lad ambles on, he comes across the films hero; well I say hero, but in fact the character is a complete immoral sleazebag! Initially he cons the poor kid out half of his water before buggering off and leaving him! (and all this after the kid actually saved his life to!!!)

Still, the lad needs help and in such a desperate situation apparently even a selfish git is better than nothing so he determines to follow the selfish oath.

Help from this uncharitable soul is somewhat less than forthcoming however, that is until the boy relays to him that he has knowledge of where a water supply awaits them.

Suddenly intrigued our hero opts to aid the lad, but his intentions are far from altruistic for his real aim is to covert all the water for himself and then to sell it to the highest bidder thus becoming rich in the process. But wait…..this is a bit of a plot inconsistency is it not? For we are clearly told that water itself is the most precious thing on the planet now…therefore, what the hell is our hero wanting in return for it? More water?! Money certainly has no value anymore. Perhaps dehydration caused delirium in the selfish swine.

Anyway, back to the story…..

Needless to say, perils are faced along the way in the form of the same gang that ambushed the initial party subsequently terrorising our protagonists and wouldn't you know it, the leader of the aforementioned gang has a personal grudge against our hero for stealing his beloved souped up car – what a coincidence eh?

Throw in some more characters including the always fun to watch Luciano Pigozzi as an ex astronaut and mechanic, a few more plot contrivances such as that our young lad is revealed to possess a bio-mechanical arm and finally in the closing shots an occurrence that can only be described as amounting to a miracle (!!!) and you have a satisfying hour and a half or so of entertainment.

This is a rare film nowadays but is well worth tracking down a copy if you can get hold of it.
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Average Italian Road Warrior Ripoff
jrd_7317 March 2018
When I was around twelve years-old, and VHS still reined in video stores, a friend of mine told me about this movie. In particular, he mentioned the scene where a villainous used spike gloves to rip open a man's throat. That seemed pretty depraved to my twelve year-old brain. Unfortunately, my parents were not as liberally minded as my friend's parents, so I was not allowed to rent Exterminators of the Year 3000.

It has taken me decades, but I have finally seen Exterminators of the Year 3000. It is a shame that I was not allowed to watch it at twelve because I would have liked the film much more back then. Then, I would have thought that "Alien" was a cool name for a hero, and "Crazy Bull" was perfect for a villain. I also would have found the film's moderate violence hard edged. Now, I am like "seen it."

Exterminators of the Year 3000 is an average Italian made ripoff of The Road Warrior. In The Road Warrior everyone fought over oil; here it is drinkable water. In The Road Warrior a kid threw a deadly boomerang; here the kid has a robotic arm and throws rocks so fast that they kill. And, yes, the villain does ride a hood at the climax (a car though, not a truck). This film fails to stand out in any significant way. It is just there. Fans of Road Warrior rip-offs might get some chuckles from it, but most viewers are just going to shrug their shoulders when Exterminators of the Year 3000 ends. By the way, the title is inaccurate. It refers to Crazy Bull's car that Alien has stolen, but there is only one car (not plural).
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