Gunan, King of the Barbarians (1982) Poster

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Well, Sabrina Siani is in it...
BandSAboutMovies2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Franco Prosperi made his name directing Italian crime action films, but he also found his way into working in other genres, like 1978's The Last House on the Left clone The Last House on the Beach, 1973's parody The Funny Face of the Godfather and two Conan ripoffs, 1983's Throne of Fire and this obscure piece of weirdness, which is only available as a poor transfer of a VHS tape.

Let me see if I can put this together for you: The peaceful village of Solmen is destroyed by Magen and his Ungats, but two children are saved by the Kuniats, a tribe of Amazon warriors. One of the brothers tries to be a hero and gets beheaded for his efforts, but the other, Gunan The Invincible, lives up to his name and kills everyone in his path.

This movie is borderline mental: one of the death traps involves Gunan's woman being tied above him while spikes slowly kill her. Luckily, they escape and he kills everyone he gets near. It also rips off a dinosaur battle from One Million Years B.C. and I mean that literally - they take the footage and use it.

Also - every woman is nude for pretty much this entire movie, including Sabrina Siani as the main love of Gunan. She also shows up in Aenigma, 2020 Texas Gladiators, The Throne of Fire and the Mark Gregory starring Tan Zan The Ultimate Mission. But for all her roles, I'll always remember her as the always masked and rarely closed Oncron from Fulci's insane barbarian film, Conquest.

Oh yeah - one day, Gunan's sword will become Excalibur. So there's that. It's tacked on and only mentioned in the end of the film's narration, but that really seems like it should be a much bigger deal.
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Running Mild
unbrokenmetal6 July 2013
Gunan (Peter McCoy) and his brother (Giovanni Cianfriglia) are raised by a tribe of amazons. It is prophesied that one day, Gunan shall free the land from the evil warlord Nuriak (Emil Messina), however the first time Gunan meets his enemy, he wastes so much time talking to Nuriak that the bad guy can summon help. This never would have happened to Arnie. Anyway, while Gunan recovers from this failure, he falls in love with stunning blonde Lenna (Sabrina Siani). When Lenna becomes a captive of Nuriak, a second attempt to fulfill the prophecy is due... and this time, Gunan is really angry.

Difficult to vote for this one, as it is on one hand one of the poorest productions in the genre I've ever seen, on the other hand it is so funny sometimes! Gunan's enemies die without a drip of blood when he hits them slowly with the flat side of his sword. And then there is one extra eye-candy star for Sabrina Siani. "Gunan" director Franco Prosperi was producer of her previous movie "Mondo Cannibal" which looks like a masterpiece compared to this mess, though.
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I have no words...
lcapote10 January 2002
"Gunan Il Guerriero" is typical picture you see in your video store and think "well, what the hell could be that?" Italy is very known for copying sucessful ideas and well-known films and making awful and stupid sub-products like this but, at last "Gunan" is the kind of film you can laugh and laugh with their actors(?, actresses (?!) and FX (!!): Gunan and his brother (called Gunan, too) are two stone-faces, Gunan´s girlfriend character is only for be nude everytime and fights are... are... well, you must see it for understanding. I have no words.
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Priceless Junk
Benjo22120 December 2002
While at the video store a while back, my friend and I stumbled across this gem. And man, is it terrible. This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen, but it's so darn funny.

As you can see from the other user comments posted, this movie is chock full of awful stuff. Obviously, the English dub is horrible, but it's to be expected from a film of this ilk. Even worse are the endless voice-overs at the beginning and ending of the movie. The action scene's are some of the funniest you'll ever see, given that they're all done entirely in slow motion (Watch for the crushing "death blow" Gunan gives at one point where he simply slaps his foe across the back with his sword).

My friend and I believe that the film had to have been directed by two different people, given the drastically different first and second halves of the movie. In the first half, we see the competition between Gunan and his brother to see who is the most "invincible" of the barbarians. Suddenly, the movie turns into Lenne running around topless for the rest of the film, with some strange subplot about a tribe of female warriors which turns into the main battle scene and climax and whatever other garbage the "second" director wanted to toss in. You be the judge.
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Amazingly funny
whamontree16 May 2001
I think somebody bought a video camera and decided to make a barbarian movie. Some of the "swords" look like tin foil cut into a sword shapes. The acting is, well, let's not discuss that . . . The fights are ridiculous, they don't even pretend that the swords are really cutting people. However, this movie's heart is in the right place. Whoever made it set out to make a movie about a big guy avenging his people (I think that's what was going on) and they did. No pretense, no self-importance, no pretending that this is anything special. It was made and, I bet, the people who made it were proud of themselves for the effort they put forth. Watch for the guy who looks exactly like Adam Carolla.
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Empire-31 November 2001
This movie is the worst movie I've seen!!! It's so bad, that it is so funny! Anyone who likes to watch funny bad movies, should watch this. This movie has horrible plot, horrible effects and horrible plot. I laughed through the whole film. This movie beats any comedy. There's also lots of fighting in the film...but with plastic swords and plastic shields!!! Plan 9 From Outer Space isn't the worst film, like some people say, this is the worst movie ever. I give this movie 1 out of 10 (½ of ***** stars).
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Invincible crap
Anttikar22 December 2004
Well what would you say about movie when main actor and his brother looks like guys from Manowar. back print of video says that movie tells about two "young barbarians"!!! Young!!!! Those guys are about fifties in this movie. Sword fights in this movie are like probably the crappiest ones I have ever seen. To get idea let's just say that, in this movie you can see sword fights like, the main actor hits his sword to enemy's chest and his stomach starts to bleed. There are quite many female actresses in this master piece, but they don't have too much to say. Overall I would say that if you are that type of person who likes plastic swords, Excalibur, ugly men, lizards, bad acting for you, this movie is absolute epic. So you better watch it! I am not going to watch any barbarian movies ever again.
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definitely good for unintended laughs
himikey19 January 1999
Sometime during the 80s, did someone market a computer program that spits out scripts for barbarian movies at random? This one is exceptionally bad (plastic weapons bend during fight scenes, fight scenes look like pro-wrestling matches, plus a load of stock footage mixed in), but I had to give it a 6, fans of the "horribly bad" movie genre will get a kick out of it.
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The worst of the saga TORRISI / CONAN
IsmaRubio23 June 2002
I suppose that FRANC PROSPERI already not wise that to do mas to gain(earn) little money exploiting CONAN'S vein. Here reunio again to PIETRO TORRISI (the Italian CONAN) and to SABRINA SIANI (the Italian BELIT). Even with them two the movie is very boring and simple. The budget is minimal and footage also (to lengthen the movie the director includes a heap of scenes to slow, senseless chamber(camera) someone). The people(village) of the Amazons stands out in spite of the fact that all the actresses who interpret them should be malisimas. The introduction of the beginning of the this successful well movie (style GUNAN, SANGRALL, CONQUEST ..) at least in the Spanish version, which is the one that I have seen. For demas, boredom, thanks to a minimal budget. The battles are pesimas and badly made, senseless (without blood, or any grace). Only gore of the movie is a cut head. The last movie of TORRISI / ITALIAN CONAN 2/5
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Not starring Arnold.
BA_Harrison13 June 2018
The mid '80s... Wife: I'm back dear. I've rented that video you asked for. Husband: Great! I've been wanting to see Conan for ages. Husband takes video box and looks at the tape. Husband: Wait a minute, this is Gunan, King of the Barbarians, not Conan the Barbarian. Wife: Gunan. Conan. It's the same thing isn't it? Husband phones solicitor to begin divorce proceedings...

Such a scenario might seem a little far-fetched, but I can only imagine the complete and utter disappointment of those who have watched this film hoping for anything approaching the greatness of Arnie's barbarian classic. I saw Gunan armed with the knowledge that it was a total stinker, but I was still astounded by the level of ineptitude in every department, from the dire script to the terrible acting to the pitiful direction.

Gunan opens as the Ungat horde, led by the savage Nuriak (Emilio Messina), rides towards the peaceful village of Solmen, where the chief's wife is giving birth to twin boys. As the barbarians attack, the elderly midwife flees the village to carry the newborns to the safety of a friendly tribe, the Kuniats. Cut to many years later, and the twins are fully grown, competing to become Zukahn, the invincible warrior prophesied to free the land from the tyranny of the fearsome Ungats. The two brothers race each other and battle with swords, with Gunan (Pietro Torrisi) the victor. In order to prove himself, Gunan's brother steals the winner's talisman and sets off to kill Nuriak, but ends up with his head on a stick. Now Gunan must avenge his brother, as well as his mother and the rest of his village.

Equating slow-motion with epicness, director Franco Prosperi ensures that all of his action scenes are slowed riiiiiiight dooooooown, the result being a film that is even more boring than it would have been if played at normal speed. The fight choreography is especially poor, and looks even worse when given the opportunity to study every move in detail. None of the sword blows result in bloodshed. Desperate for anything that might hold the viewer's attention, Prosperi throws in a few attractive warrior women, with fleeting glimpses of nudity, but so mind numbingly banal is the rest of the film that a few flashes of bare skin does little to help.

Easily one of the worst Conan rip-offs ever (which is saying something, given how many there have been), Gunan is fully deserving of the lowest possible rating possible: 1/10.
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Another Shameless "Conan" Rip-Off!!!
zardoz-1329 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Francesco Prosperi's "Gunan, King of the Barbarians" qualifies as a quickie rip-off of John Milius' "Conan the Barbarian," that came out about six months after the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic. Interestingly, "Gunan" opens with the birth of our hero as the villains descend onto his little village and kill both his mother and father. Similarly, Marcus Nispel's 2011 remake of "Conan" with Jason Momoa opened as our hero was born on the battlefield, too. Slapdash filmmaking at its most basic with the repetitive use of slow-motion to accentuate the warfare, "Gunan" is a sword and sorcery saga that includes a tribe of Amazon women with magical shields and the ability to transform themselves into big jungle cats. When the Nuriak (Emilio Messina) and his army of villains rampage into Gunan's village, his father packs both male infants into the arms of an old woman who flees from the slaughter. She dies but not until Queen of Kuniat discovers her and appropriates the boys and then raises them. Revenge is the theme of "Gunan," just as it was "Conan." Prosperi shoots virtually everything in long shots and medium shots and doesn't squander time with intricate editing. The dialogue is, of course, abominable. The acting isn't much better, but sword and sorcery fans may find worth salvaging. At the end, we learn that our hero Zukahn has been wielding a sword that was basically Excaliber. One dimensional heroics dominate this film.
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A movie you may forget right after you watch it...
noize2327 October 2001
Here is a larf if I ever saw one. This movie makes "Hercules In New York" look good. It goes without saying that I own this movie. Everyone should.

This is a true classic, the type of movie that would inspire Ed Wood to rise from the dead and team up with Roger Corman to make a sequel to "Masters of the Universe".

A must see. After you watch this, check out "Korean Connection" to compare notes on the junk that was put out on both sides of the world during the early 80's.

Are they kitch or camp? We may never know.... Either way, it's a whole lotta fun.
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Strangely entertaining.....
HaemovoreRex6 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Here's another of those movies that is ostensibly universally loathed and furthermore, often touted for that most ignominious of accolades, 'The Worst Movie Ever Made'.

Granted, the film in question is admittedly flawed to put it as mildly as possible, with poor production values, some of the worst dialogue imaginable, generally bland characterisations and a plethora of downright illogical scenes that are presumably only present to fill out the movies running time.

However despite these obstacles......I found the film to be oddly, actually rather watchable!!!!

The first 10 or so minutes of this, during which we are subjected to a sombre (and inanely waffling) narrative describing the process of evolution and the stars foretelling an ancient prophecy whilst scenes stolen from Hammer Studios', '10 million Years BC' (!!!) simultaneously play out on screen, are admittedly some of the most interminable I have ever had the displeasure to sit through in any movie. However, luckily things pick up when we finally (after what seems like a lifetime!) get to see the actual 'barbarian' story kick in proper.

Well, OK, perhaps the word 'story' is being generous with the term as there's no real plotting here as such, other than of course, that staple plot for about 99.99% of all sword and sorcery tales, namely, 'Hero seeks revenge for the death of his - (((insert parent/s and/or sibling/s here)))'. In this case it's our hero's parents although in a lacklustre plot twist at the end, it turns out that the murderer our hero seeks to defeat is in actual fact none other than his REAL father.

So how can a film so base be of any enjoyment value you might ask? Well, (after the dreadful introduction) its rarely dull and skips along briskly with a number of fairly enjoyable battle scenes as our hero fights his way towards the inevitable climatic showdown with his nemesis.

Our hero here is none other than Pietro Torrisi (also billed as Peter McCoy), star of two other barbarian outings (both also directed by Franco Prosperi), namely; The Sword Of The Barbarians and The Throne Of Fire and as per usual he looks physically perfect for the part (although once again has very little dialogue throughout) In my opinion this is the best of the three films however, yet it is also the most primitive.

And herein lies the probable reason for my fondness for it... The movie has exactly the same sort of base, bare bones rawness feel to it that the very similar themed 'Thor The Conqueror' (directed by Tonino Ricci) possessed (again, a film that is universally panned but which I actually found strangely fascinating in its said primitiveness)

Back to 'The Invincible Barbarian', I think that the most equitable way to judge the film is within the genre to which it belongs as opposed to any outside the said sphere. Certainly, comparing this to something along the lines of a cinematic masterpiece like for instance, Gone With The Wind, one could be entirely justified in describing this as admittedly atrocious. However, as sword and sorcery outings go, it is actually quite enjoyable and certainly serves as an entirely harmless way to spend an hour and a half.
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Quite nice and naff
NuttyBaby18 February 2023
It's a good film, but there's not much magic or adventure. It's got an eerie opening with a sinister voice telling us how the world began, showing dinosaurs and then the arrival of humans. It showed a star nebula in the shape of a newborn inside the womb, which was space, that it would fulfil a prophesy about a son changing the world. This is really unoriginal concept, but I gave it a chance. The storyline is okay and doesn't dwell on boring background talk, which is great, as many films do that. The swords look plastic but it doesn't matter, its fancy fantasy. It was entertaining and also fun.
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Really, this was extremely bad
Hellraiser-111 September 2002
If you have watched such a movie as "Ator, the invincible" directed by Joe Damato and you think that was bad(and it was)just wait to watch this. I can assure you that this was twice worse than that. The pace of the movie is always slow as a turtle and the battles are all filmed using slow camera, even when the guy is running sometimes they use the same slow camera, What´s the reason for that? Apart from this, special effects are very cheap and the funniest thing about this disaster is that the plot tries to show Gunan as a kind of Christ antecedent and they even say that his word was later used by a very brave king in Camelot(King Arthur, as you can suppose) so Excalibur was a long time ago the sword of a guy called Gunan, what an interesting revelation... But I prefer not to comment anything more about this turkey, in Spain i think it is impossible to find and if you live in other place and you see it at the video store, just avoid it. I give it a 1, and because I laughed sometimes.
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people say this movies the worst actually there actually wrong to judge instead its great
esell4h24 April 2005
This movie is one of the best Hyborianian barbarian films ever made my this one is my favorite although its a bit funny and although poor on weapon scenes in some parts but when it comes to music and the heart of it and the scenes of nature in the films and the concern and caring for the brotherhood this movie is great reason why cause people view this film from a physical point of view but if you see in from a spiritual view its great i know they make fun the part when they run Zukahn and Zoltan running with he seems constipated loll Zoltan with the black hair looks like casey casium and the guy from man o war and also another part when at the end when the enemy is about to get killed he holds his gut for this movie is great 10* just i wonder where are they now the two brothers maybe here in USA or Italy :) give it a chance those who read this cause this movie indeed has a feel to it
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Acceptable Italian trash
smittie-11 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Part of the fun of these Italian mini-genres is comparing and contrasting the various entries; it's also a great way to rationalize watching something like THE INVINCIBLE BARBARIAN. Compared to say, THRONE OF FIRE, it stands up pretty well (and Miss Siani gets nekkid in this one) and there's a timelessness to the film's idiocy that belies its Conan cash-in origins. 10 minutes after viewing it I couldn't remember any of the characters' names, but really, is that what these type of movies are about? No, they're about ancient prophecies and cruel despots and evil twins.

There's a decent amount of bloodletting, as well as some goofy Xena-style sword fighting (just whack the other guy with the flat of your blade). There's also a 'very' decent amount of nudity on the part of Sabrina Siani and much exposed skin from her Amazon sisters, which pushes INVINCIBLE BARBARIAN into watchable territory. The hilariously overwrought and (as typical) unrelated VHS box art of a scruffy (yet pensive) savage who looks nothing like any of the actors and a tiger that never shows up is just a sweet barbarian bonus.
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invincible epic
lentel-120 January 2007
I have to concur with silqui69 on this one. The Invincible Barbarian is a film of epic proportions. When The main barbarian , writer, cinematographer boldly and states " And there must be another worm of the Zulpher nesting there". I almost dropped my happy smoke in pure jubilation. I mean really is no one here noticing the high quality of construction - barbarian work boot that was specially modified and designed by the costume - catering department? The placement of the faux fur on those boots just screams " I work hard and play hard, and by god I swing a mean weapon as well". Don't take me lightly my friend. I may have detected a 10 penny nail in one of the boots but that in no way detracts from the quality and craftsmanship of the costume designer. I have never been so thoroughly entertained and shutter to think there will be another movie of this entertainment value gracing the big screen again Kudos invincible barbarian kudos!!!
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The Hun-gods will be annihilated, so we can populate the world again
silqui6914 January 2007
I don'n know what the other person is saying. The Invincible Barbarian is the epitome of cinema magnafique. I was so happy when I watched it over and over again. The plot, the acting, and the sets were a little under-budget, but the premise and the characters were the defining link to awesomeness. I shivered in fear as Nuriak entered the chamber with his more than capable henchmen. When Gunan was in the temple of the Hune-Gods staving off evil, I felt safe. What did you expect with a movie where the lead actor was also the caterer and costume designer. Though you're very wrong, she's committed a grave error. Being loyal to only one man. Pity to pounce forth, and try to harm the Hune-God like his father! The line in the movie that wrapped it all up like a little wiener package. I suppose you did'nt like little superstar either.
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"Since When Does A Kuniat Give Presents To An Ungat?!"...
azathothpwiggins18 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
GUNAN, KING OF THE BARBARIANS opens with a marauding horde descending upon a village in slow-motion. Unconvincing battle erupts, and the villagers are quickly eviscerated and immolated. However, someone has escaped with a pair of newborns! As destiny would have it, the babies are rescued and raised by a tribe of Amazons.

Now adults, the brothers spend their days fighting each other and running races, mostly in slow-motion. All, while wearing what appear to be thrift store pants. This results in one of them attaining a magic sword that is roughly the size of a cell phone tower.

Meanwhile, the marauders from the opening are busy tormenting and killing those with more convincing wigs than themselves. When they murder one of the brothers, the other swears bloody vengeance. Soon, lackadaisical swordplay breaks out, predominantly in slow-motion. Now, the bad-wigged ones swear to avenge their fallen extras.

Annnnd on and on.

This movie is fairly straightforward in its mission to mimic CONAN THE BARBARIAN. Its novel approach mostly forgoes any hint of an actual story or plot, simply tossing characters into various battle sequences in order to showcase that jumbo-sized sword and the musculature of its owner. Of course, said battles are interrupted by romance! The final conflict between the Kuniats and the Ungats must be witnessed by every living soul!

Schlock like this doesn't come around every day, and when it does, we must watch slack-jawed as it unfolds! Did I mention that it's packed with scintillating slow-motion?!...
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THIS is the best barbarian movie ever
rastar417 April 2008
seems many criticize this film they don't know what there talking about they don't like historic films of this subject although some parts of the film show little errors they complain but they see the film from a physical point of view but over all the * nature scenery * the music and ~ the storyline cares for brother n families loves his woman you don't see this in so many of these films it is a 10 * for a barbarian film there are some funny parts like the running scenes zukahn and zoltan zoltan with the black hair the face expressions he makes he looks constipated lol also when he runs looks like casey kasem check google pic search with long hair also when the Hench men fight over the girl like drunks anyway there is humor action and feel to this film see this movie when its full sun daylight 11 am on a Friday not at night or when it rains believe me it fits .this you can watch this over and over again its that type of film .and i seen almost every barbarian movie for years ~ check also throne of fire ~ sword of the barbarians ~ the arena ~ battle of the amazons ~ same actors wonder where they are now the girl and the two brothers probably in Italy still seeking * or here in the USA ....always fan favorite . *
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As real as it gets.
cleanfun-126 June 2019
This movie had me perplexed at first. You'd think the script was written by a 9 year-old boy in the 70's. The writer, who was 61 years old at the time, managed to re-create a generic fantasy that was at least partly shared by every heterosexual preadolescent male nearing adolescence (6-9 year-olds) on Earth.

Don't you remember playing with your buddies and you did a jump? That jump meant something. That jump told everyone that you meant business and you were a terrible force to reckon with. That's why Gunan is always running and jumping and every single jump is in slow motion with epic music playing. That's how boys play make-believe. Actually, that's also how kittens and puppies play make-believe as well.

Do you remember how you imagined things on some nights? You were forced to touch the beautiful girl, or she was forced to touch you. You may have struggled and resisted, but you were so glad it happened. How long is the scene where Gunan and the girl holding hands and walking? It felt like 10 straight minutes. No dialog, just dreamy music while the two walked through a meadow holding hands and smiling. That was practically porn when you were 7 and you know it.

Watch it one more time, and try to remember... I can't remember ever seeing a movie that came so close to mirroring how we played make-believe as young boys. It's a shame that people missed the genius of it.
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Small budget, big philosophical-mystical content
alucinecinefago31 May 2020
The following review is an extract from the book "Sword and sorcery in cinema: Conan and other barbarians: A filmic guide", which is now available on Amazon.

"Franco Prosperi's Gunan, a film camouflaged as a mediocre B movie of sword and sorcery, enters (voluntarily or not) in the field of legend and myth, in the fascinating world of the collective unconscious, following the patterns that are repeated in the sagas of many peoples of antiquity. Gunan is "the Chosen One", a redeeming figure who takes human form; like the Kalki Avatar of Hinduism, the Maitreya Buddha, the Islamic Imam Mahdi or the Judeo-Christian Messiah; and who arrives as a Saviour at the end of an era to inaugurate a new cycle. (...) All of this goes unnoticed by the superficial viewer, who only thinks this is an Italian cheesy barbarian-exploitation mess.

Because of the errors of men, of the "original sin" (in the concrete case of the film it is the mother's adultery), the cosmic order has been outraged and the "Chosen One" incarnates in duplicate, with a brother-clone, which is his malignant and antagonistic version. The archetype of the "two brothers" takes us back to Cain and Abel, or to Romulus and Remus. Only one must prevail.

(...) It is interesting to note that the central theme of "Gunan" revolves around the antagonism between two brothers, one of whom is a "copy" of the other, a "genetic plagiarism" of the real one... For the film itself, "Gunan", is also a "copy", an imitation of the blockbuster "Conan the Barbarian": Gunan is Conan's "younger brother". And just as Gunan's younger brother arrived first at his confrontation with the villain, "Gunan il guerriero" arrived in Italian cinemas a day before "Conan the Barbarian" was released - curious coincidences.

(...) Gunan, superior in many aspects to Sangraal/Krotar (except for the soundtrack), and who has the "privilege" of being the first of the rip-offs of Milius' Cimmerian, will not disappoint the fans of the endearing Italian sub-genre of neo-peplum barbarians."
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Conan's weaker brother
Field7819 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There was a time during the eighties when some Italian filmmakers with a lot of bravado and zero talent thought they could actually make movies, and some other people with a lot of money and zero taste actually gave them the opportunity. They probably didn't please many movie fans at the time, but a select group of cult fans today will be ever grateful.

We watched this movie on an appropriately titled "Night of Distaste", which had previously featured questionable classics such as 'Cannibal Holocaust' and 'Megashark vs. Giant Octopus'. 'Gunan' obviously tried to score in the wake of the success of 'Conan the Barbarian'. Thank God the makers had no idea what they were doing, because this was easily the best worst movie of the evening. Even 'Troll 2' seems wonderfully inspired compared to this hilarious attempt to make an epic.

It wasn't for lack of trying, though. This hilariously bad movie starts with a prologue that tries to sell the idea that millions of years of cosmic powers and evolution on Earth have been a prelude to the battle between good and evil, that is to be settled by some guys in animal skins. Wow. Ambition is one thing this movie can't be denied. They even included some stop-motion dinosaurs that must have been borrowed from a better movie (or one with an actual budget).

The action scenes are pretty unconvincing. The sword fight scenes are probably rehearsal footage. However, probably for artistic reasons, almost one third of the movie is shot in super slow-motion (or they simply had a hard time filling the running time so they chose to stretch it a bit). At one point we started to get slightly annoyed by this, and someone cranked up the movie's speed to 130%. It didn't help much. I am not kidding: we upped it to 150%, and even then the movie was still slow as hell. But this was compensated for by a complete lack of convincibility (if that is a real word): there was a shot where a fake sword was clearly bouncing off someone's back, which was still perfectly visible even at 1,5 times the speed.

From what we could tell, the movie is about two guys, destined to defeat evil, who have been raised by a tribe of women. The females make 'subtle' sexual advances all the time, but the guys don't seem to be interested at all. But don't be afraid: the only girl they are willing to fight for is captured by a hostile tribe, and stripped from her clothes for no apparent reason other than that it gives the makers a reason to film her nude while running in slow-motion. Can't have good cult without gratuitous nudity, now can we?

All in all, we had no idea what to expect but we definitely had a great time on this movie. It's a piece of crap, but thoroughly entertaining, and best appreciated with a large crowd of drunk young men and a media player that can crank up the speed (otherwise you may fall asleep). A 1 for effort, but an 8 for sheer enjoyment.
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One of the first of many Conan clones. Torrisi and Siani presence isn't enough to cement this a must see
amesmonde19 February 2022
When twins survive the Ungat horde raid on Solmen and are brought up the Kuniats, as adults they compete to become Zukahn, an invincible warrior prophesied to free the land from Ungats. However, when things go awry Gunan takes on the formidable enemy himself.

The Invincible Barbarian or Gunan il guerriero is one of the first Italian Conan the Barbarian cash-ins. Director Francesco Prosper's outing suffers from all the shortfalls that many of the Italian low budget film at the time, ungainly sound design, camera work, editing and staging. Prosper's overuse of slow motion and other speeds really hampers the film further, along with the countless long and medium shots. That said, there is a handful of memorable visuals, including a beach filled with a tribe of Amazon women and a spacious fire lit cave.

Written by Piero Regnoli there plenty of slashing and sword action, however, it's plodding Roberto Pregadio's heavy handed music does inject energy into the picture. The real locations offer atmosphere and grit. The craftsmanship on the production, from the sets to weapons and costumes are well produced.

Lead Pietro Torrisi looks the part as Zukahn / Gunan, in fact uncannily he looks just like He-Man if he walked out of a frame of drawn celluloid. Top billed Malisa Longo's Marga who gets more dialogue than you can shake a stick at. Emilio Messina's Nuriak is menacing enough. Sabrina Siani as Lenni who steals the third act. Siani is undressed as the script dictates but she has screen presence. Uncomfortable rape scene aside, Siani injects some much needed life into the proceedings but is sadly underused with no real action scenes, aside from a torture device escape.

Ultimately, it not as watchable as Ator, the Fighting Eagle is a (1982), both Torrisi and Siani presence isn't enough to cement this a must see (but don't fret they both get another stab at the swords and sandals sub-genre in The Throne of Fire, Il trono di fuoco (1983)).
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