Beauty and the Beast (TV Series 1987–1990) Poster


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new take on old classic
SnoopyStyle13 June 2016
Corporate lawyer Catherine Chandler (Linda Hamilton) works for her father's big law firm. She's mistakenly kidnapped and brutally slashed in the face. She's dumped in the park left for dead. Vincent (Ron Perlman) rescues her and treats her in the underground world. His 'father' Jacob Wells (Roy Dotrice) objects. She returns to the above world and joins the NYDA office. She becomes a trusted helper to the residents of the underground world and feels connected to Vincent. Joe Maxwell (Jay Acovone) is a deputy D.A.

It's a new take on the old classic. Hamilton is a compelling heroine. She has enough femininity to be romantic but also enough power to fight. The show is a bit restricted in its structure. The central relationship has one mode and cannot be changed easily. I like in particular the Gothic nature of the show. It is melodramatic at times and the romanticism gets heavy. The balance between romanticism and action is not always easy. By the second season, the balance is off. Hamilton leaves after two seasons and the show loses its raison d'être.
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Nostalgic & warm series
H_Spengler11 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the entire series on DVD. I used to watch this as a child, but a lot of it had faded, or being a child, didn't understand everything. Well now having viewed it in it's entirety through "adult eyes." It's a timeless series, definitely dated fashion-wise, but that's a minor concern.

It's funny when you watch something in rapid succession, perhaps it loses the effect it's supposed to have viewed on a weekly basis. Perlman is superior as Vincent, and Hamilton is charming as Catherine. Season 1 offered an almost rhythmic predictability though (with the exception of a few episodes.) Catherine would get into hot water, Vincent senses this, comes after her, kills the baddies and rescues her. It *almost* wore down after a while.

Season 2 was much better. We got to know the characters a lot better. And even the "Phantom of the Operaesque" Parcellus made an effective villain. Gone was the humdrum formula of trouble and savior, and more into making out characters three dimensional.

Season 3 saw the departure of Hamilton from the series (by her choice). It was a noticeably darker turn for the series (which isn't an entirely bad thing.) Catherine's death was sad and emotional (just the way it should be when a character is well developed and you care about them.) I liked Diana Bennett. She had a uniqueness all her own and a smart and strong way. The death of supporting character Elliott Burch was surprising and sad. Although there's only 12 episodes, they manage to be effective. I only wish they'd continued for a full season at least.

A lot of people criticize the final season, it wasn't all that bad, and is a nice change of pace from the sometimes "oversacchariness" of the previous 2 seasons. Regardless it's worth watching for Vincent alone. Perlman does such an excellent job of portraying his characters tortured psyche of fierce beast vs. gentle poet and intelligent scholar. It's easily his best role, and he's invisible behind the realistic makeup. 8/10 for nostalgic reasons and Ron Perlman
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Well-written melodrama fantasy show
alainenglish19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Taking it's cue from the popular fairy-tale of the same name and giving the show a contemporary setting (contemporary at the time of it's creation being the 1980s), "Beauty and the Beast" features the romance of hard but compassionate rich District Attorney Catherine Chandler and Vincent, a gentle, soft-spoken man-beast who lives in a secret tunnel world beneath the streets of New York.

I remembered images from this series when I was just a small boy. I remembered especially the opening credits with that wonderful theme score and the narration and obvious chemistry of Linda Hamilton as Catherine and Ron Perlman as Vincent. Stumbling across music videos on YouTube made from images of the series brought all the memories back, and I somehow secured a DVD copy of Season 1 of the show.

The pilot episode sees Vincent rescue Catherine after she's mauled by some vicious street criminals. He takes her to his world below the New York sewers and nurses her back to health. From there on Vincent and Catherine share a strong psychic and emotional bond and whenever Catherine is seriously imperilled, Vincent is alerted and comes to her aid.

Overall, I think the show actually works. It strikes a strange balance between romance, fantasy (Vincent and his world below) and crime drama. As a DA, Catherine is regularly investigating cases dealing with the usual corrupt and ugly types found on these shows. In Season 1, Vincent and Catherine deal with voodoo, Chinatown bad guys and gypsies among others and their stories are usually interesting and suspenseful, despite a notable lack of humour in the scripts.

Asides from the lack of humour, the tone of the show is occasionally confused, as the difference between the pseudo-realism of the offices and streets of Catherine's world Above in New York can jar with the mystical fantasy qualities of Vincent's world Below. And some of the characters and stories don't work as well as they might.

Nevertheless the show is fascinating to watch. Vincent is a very considerate and well-read creature. Though given to frightening violent rage when provoked, most of the time he prefers to talk a problem through. In the opening episode he refers to Charles Dickens and in another leaves Catherine a copy of Shakespeare's Sonnets. The poeticism and melodrama of his and Catherine's relationship might seem pretentious but both Perlman and Hamilton make it work through gentle and convincing underplaying of their roles. The relationship remains chaste, the pair never going beyond hugging or hand-holding and I think the restraint is very powerful.

There is a good gallery of supporting and regular guest players. Roy Dotrice is wonderful as Father, Vincent's adoptive parent and leader of the tunnel world community. I really like the gentle but firm gravitas he consistently brings to the role. Jay Avocone is on fine form as Catherine's wise guy boss. Although he does get an episode devoted to his character, his presence is never as sufficiently mined for humour as it could be. Armin Shimerman, of "Buffy" and "Star Trek", turns in fine work in his handful of appearances as eccentric tunnel-dweller Pascal.

Sadly, this show is unavailable on DVD in the UK. It can be ordered online from the US, but this is expensive and the discs are Region 1, which don't play on most regular computers and DVD players although efforts are being made to rectify this. This is a shame, as the show (based on my watching of this Season) deserves a broader audience.

In the meantime, here are the highlight episodes from Season 1. If you like the show and get the DVD's, these are the episodes to look for.

"Once Upon a Time" - This sets the show format and it's central ideas perfectly. If you don't buy the romance of Vincent and Catherine off the back of this, then forget it.

"Masques" - Provocative episode that surely couldn't have been screened in this country as it deals with the Irish troubles. Nevertheless it's well shot, with a good closing sequence for Vincent and Catherine.

"Song of Orpheus" - This episode centres on Father, as he goes to the world Above and is wrongly imprisoned for murder.

"The Alchemist" - Brilliantly dark episode that introduces a fantastic series' villain in Tony Jay's Paracelsus.

"Promises of Someday" - delightful dramatic episode as a long lost friend of Vincent returns to the tunnel world to sort out issues he has with Vincent and Father. The closing scene is a winner.

"To Reign In Hell" - A follow-up to "The Alchemist", set almost entirely Below, where Vincent must rescue Catherine from Paracelsus and a giant warrior.

"Ozymandias" - The arc of Catherine's would-be suitor Eliot Burch (Edward Albert) comes to a brilliantly ironic conclusion, in the tale of a man outdone by his own ambition.

"A Happy Life" - The ending might be a bit cheesy, but Vincent and Catherine get some great dialogue and their scenes together here are among the strongest in the season.
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Okay good! Okay fine!
Quill_326 May 2003
Can't tell you exactly why this series caught the imaginations of so many; it probably differs for each person. But this was a winner of a show in a style I've not seen since. It was fantasy, true enough, but it addressed many contemporary issues with a skill seldom seen in TV. The love story was believable, the acting was outstanding, and the minor characters were generally engaging. This was a show for romantics, and for those who believe in the power of love--not just between lovers, but between family and friends, and those whose love spills over into actions. Good fought evil in the grimy real world as well as in fantastic battles against shadowy adversaries. And for those of us who like to pretend that the unknown really is just around the corner--this was our show. Requiescat in pace.
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Great memories of some very common 1980s shows
user-415-13337417 February 2022
This series was part of a pack of shows which was on in earnest during the late 1980s - Friday the 13th the Series, War of the Worlds, Werewolf, and Freddy's Nightmares to just name a few. The acting and camera style is literally identical across all of these series and the coloring of the film often portrays everything as drab and dark. It is a very good series but is often grouped into "one of those shows" which premiered in 1987 and then was cancelled by the time of the early 90s. A lot of the same actors, the same themes, and ironically most of them wound up also playing roles on Star Trek: The Next Generation with the more series players, like Hamilton and Perlman going on to roles in major films.
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Like a Cat
safenoe31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I remember Beauty and the Beast, and I remember watching it alongside Thirtysomething, both of which debuted in 1987, with Beauty and the Beast running to 1990 and Thirtysomething lasting to 1991.

Ron Perlman plays Vincent, and Linda Hamilton, famous for her role in The Terminator, plays Assistant District Attorney Catherine Chandler, and Vincent and Catherine (Cat) fall in love in a kind of forbidden way even by today's modern standards init. I saw several episodes, and it's a shame the series ended when Hamilton decided to leave as she was giving birth, so that meant the actors, writers, directors and production crew had to move on inevitably.
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Should not have been captivated
tl122 December 2010
I was most certainly not the in the demographic this show was aimed at and I am less so now. Yet, I watched it in first run and I am now watching it on DVD. I was captivated the first time and I am again.

I am now a 58 year old married male. Maybe it was understandable to have loved the series at the end of the eighties, but now? In the eighties I was newly married and so it was excusable for me to be entranced by a fantasy romance. However, after 24 years of marriage the romance of a new marriage is long over and the work of a marriage ongoing. So, it would seem unlikely that I could be drawn in by television romance once again. No other show has done that over the years.

For me that is the magic of this series. I really don't need to analyze plot lines, sets, lighting or direction. It is simply a beautiful story. Both then and now and it still can touch my heart.
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Liked the show as kid - want to see it again.
bent-mathiesen22 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I remember the series well, though it is many years since I saw it. The acting is good and the romance was catching. The playing was very well done, mix of above and under ground. I wish there would be a rerun on TV today, but so far I have seen none running on any of the 200+ channels available here.

As kid the title always mystified me "Beauty and the Beast". I questioned myself each time, who is the Beauty and who is the Beast. Remember beauty and beastly features is in the eye of the beholder. Strength, fairness and sense of doing what is right is also beautiful features.
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Connecting from a distance
hellraiser71 March 2013
Believe it or not when I was a kid I never heard of the Fairy Tale "Beauty and the Beast" until I ran into this show. There have been so many adaptations of this classic tale throughout the years which is part of why it's so timeless. Believe it or not this is probably my favorite version since it was the first for me and still the best. It's one of my favorite TV shows of all time and live action fantasy TV shows which there are unfortunately very few of. The show is sort of a Neil Gaiman like fantasy tale since like with the author it's a fantasy that's set in modern times, which is great because it gave it an accessible feel and I don't feel modern time in the fantasy genre is tackled very much, usually most fantasy is set in either the past, an alien planet or future.

The music is great most are orchastratic tunes, I really love that theme song which I think is just beautiful, it has a romantic, haunting, and somber tone to it.

I really love the underground world that is constructed, it's uncannily similar to the world in Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere". I really love the vastness of that world, wondering what on the next turn or beyond that tunnel. It just strangely beautiful it looks like a place where anything is possible and has a great amount of mystery and depth. And from what it has and certain customs it's also one that looks kinda post medieval; it's one step in the past but also one step in our reality. I also like that there is a strong sense of community in that underground world that unfortunately the world above has yet to achieve. There is also a conflicting but indivisible dynamic between both the up and down worlds, it kinda reflects Catherine and Vincent's relationship how despite difference both worlds need each other to exist.

However what really made the show of course was the relationship between both Catherine and Vincent. The chemistry between them is just beautiful because even though it's platonic but it always gradually develops. Their interaction is just sweet, you really feel like their bonding and there are sparks flying. Whenever their in physical distance together it doesn't feel strange at all but right.

Linda Hamilton one of my favorite actresses, this is one of my favorite roles from her. The Catherine character is just beautiful inside and out. I love that she's a strong, independent, highly intellect woman. She can hold her own against danger so she's not some stereotypical damsel in distress.

Vincent played by one of my favorite actors Ron Peralman, this believe it or not is my favorite role from him. The make up work by one of my favorite make up artists Rick Baker is great. Vincent looks like he could be one of the humanoid cats in the cartoon show "Thundercats", or a mutant from the "X-Men" movies, he's practically a humanoid lion. I thought that was a great design choice because despite inhuman he's pleasant looking, I feel in a way it reflect his persona where he's a persona that isn't just strong physically but emotionally, as they says strong emotions are an untamed beast (no pun intended). You can say that the show is almost a bit of a superhero show also (I said a bit) since Vincent has became a protector of both the underground world and above ground. There is action, it's not exactly wall to wall but it's good all the same, whenever we see Vincent taking action I think it's cool, just seeing him beat the crap and go animalistic on scum that had it coming.

However what really makes his character you really like and feel pathos for. The feelings he has for Catherine are very human, which makes the show both touching and at times heart wrenching. At times you can sense he's in pain, longing and emotional acheing. Despite knowing and accepting he's an outsider you can tell he longs to be with Cathrine above ground, be like any other human being that walks the street just to be with her.

Catherine at times longs to be with him, as well as be part of the world underground despite her little understanding of it and at times still grounded in her own. In a way her going back and forth in the worlds is sort of reminiscent of the mythology of Persephone, whom grew to love Hades and his world but still loves her world.

And the show has a main villain Paracelcus played well by the late great Tony Jay, he's one of my favorite fictional villains. I remember when I was a kid this guy scared me, because he was so evil, sadistic, ruthless, had a whole scumbag army backing him up, wants to conquer both the underground and if possible above ground world. But also just wants to simply destroy everything that was innocent and beautiful just because he can. Heck that tone of his voice, I felt added to his menace, certain things he said and how he said them just gave me chills. To me Paracelcus and some of the scum from both above and below ground are the real beasts of the show. To me if you defile or take life for naught then your not truly human.

The show still retains the theme from the fairy tale, that what is inside a person is truly beautiful. But also I feel the other theme in both the show and fairy tale, is about the importance of connection and togetherness. To me part of what love is, is one always needing the other, their can never be true community if one is alone.

Just like the fairy tale, this show is timeless.

Rating: 4 stars
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Be Our Guest! Be Our Guest! The Role Ron Pearlman Was Born To Play
chow9133 April 2015
Dear Lord! I remember this as one of the most flawed premises for any TV show ever, and I'm including 'Home Boys In Outer Space' and 'Forever Night' and 'The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer!'

So Linda Hamilton stars as a horribly deformed... alright alright, she's not the beast in this version. She's a DA who's more like a Lois Lane or April O'Neil a reporter who's friends with a super hero.

She discovers there's an entire population living underground in NYC. No sxxx! They're the homeless! No, they're actually some type of medieval village population that's just living under NYC?

The ruler of this medieval underground kingdom is Ron Pearlman without make up. A horrible looking beast! It's role he was born to play.

The first question everyone asked about this show was, "So they're a kingdom of beasts? They're all beasts?" NO! Just Pearlman. "Why?" Oh, that's never explained! Or if it was people lost interest in the show before it was revealed. Much like the town of medieval people living happily under NYC it's never explained!

So Pearlman saves Hamilton's life and the two fall in love while solving crimes in their spare time. If this was their goal the beast shouldn't waste so much time trying to solve crimes. He could just fight crime more affectively by mauling the hundreds of thousands of muggers and drug dealers in NYC! They don't have to work to find criminals in NYC. They're everywhere!

For that matter, hasn't any homeless person ever realized, "While I've been living in the sewers there's an entire town of people living happily underground right next to me. Maybe I should move in with them."

This show if fun for a couple of, "WTF? This was an actual TV show? Someone wrote this? These actors are working with this script?" moments but gets dull after a few episodes.

Several reviewers credit this show for being "family oriented." All that means is it was made before TV got dirty. It also means their family has serious problems!
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An Important Tale of Many Truths
tharianbotting21 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Beauty and the Beast, starring Hamilton and Perlman, is an important, indeed revealing tale of many, many truths.

Have you ever thought to yourself, 'There is something, terribly wrong with this world' and wondered what could be done?

Vincent and Catherine are phenomenal characters and the whole series, upon first viewing this show over the last two weeks, appears to revolve around the love of these two characters.


Perhaps most women, and some 'civilized' men, can appreciate the quality of this T.V. series for what it actually does. It challenges and educates about gender roles, allowing for a woman to show strength and to be confident in her femininity, yet resilient and capable, even in violent scenes. In one artful sweep this series allows for her to co-exist, interdependently – successfully, with an empathic, physically powerful but conscionable masculine force. This show challenges the legitimacy of our current societal state (particularly in the U.S. and somewhat in Canada), showing the audience that another world is possible. We are left aware rather than ignorant of the issues that still pervade our world. We are not all Gabriels in this world, nor are we all Vincents. But we were all newborns, once upon a time; once, we all were the unlimited possibilities and hopes of those before us and of our own futures. By looking deeper at those sub-plots of corruption, and how 'the love of money is the root of all evil', juxtaposed against the respect, compassion and yes, EMPATHY, that Vincent represents, we are jarred into awareness. You may think me a socialist! Nay, I am but one person who can see the value of having my needs met, but not at the expense of other's needs. A simple life in the tunnels is appealing, over the insanity of a world where "fear" rules us all (S1E2); fear of terrorist attacks (that may or may not be backed by corrupt government (also featured in S2&S3 - E. Birch sub-plot)), and the tragic, (and sadly condoned or ignored by so many, too many), inexcusable failings of our societal institutional structures. We would demand our right to bear arms (despite the reality that such weapons lead to death – as Father would likely agree) over the right to life and medical care of each person. Some would make the death of a foetus more reprehensible than the total general lack of care for our fellow human-beings once they are born. Pardon me for emphasizing the principles Vincent's world seems to exist by, that each person, poor, weak, ill, strong, wealthy, of all walks of life, each feels loves, bleeds, hates, can rise or fall, has fears and dreams. As we are, we are all alone. Vincent's world represents an alternative to being alone, where even a beast of inhuman characteristics can be treated as an equal, and loved as a son, a brother, a friend...a human being. LOVE is not 'sappy'. But violence and brutality beget more violence and brutality. This series shows this truth.

I am researching all Beauty and the Beast tales published to date for my own series of stories/screen-plays and I discovered this show mere weeks ago. Initially, by the end of my first viewing of the whole series, I hated - a strong word for me - how season three started and most of its storyline. It ruined all of my hopes and dreams for a world that is possible, (perhaps not Beauty and her Beast, though, by my own admission this is my reality, too, in a way) the dreams of a world of respect, appreciation, equality and acceptance. I actually wept and felt anger and an absolute feeling of denial for days, a testament to writers and the strength of their characters. Catherine's demise was anti-climactic, and hateful. But when one considers reality, as it is, S3 was beautiful, painful, poignant, and taught us many truths, for it captured the lack of "Heart" in our modern neoliberal world, a world that is ruled by a select few (Gabriels) who would destroy, and do destroy, thousands of Catherine Chandlers all over the world, every day. By the end of my second viewing of this series, I can now see that it was a brave and challenging way to conclude a story that did - and does - reach so many. I still find S3 to be disastrous to this series, but, I have hopes that a new series will be produced, soon, one that will take this original series and build upon lessons learned; start afresh with new, yet similar characters, and delve deeper. The time is ripe - the people desire a revitalized story that represents the now, while showing a world that we may be going towards, one that echoes back to Catherine and Vincent's world. A new take, made in a modern context and which would be more accommodating of the modern needs of those who seek more action, visual effects, and heightened levels of sexual tension. We want to see another world and maybe, learn how we can make our own possible. In part this is what I am doing, or hoping to work on, one day. We need stories like B&tB in order to remember what is important.

Truth, Compassion, Empathy, Equality, and Love, – Hope.
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"Your love is where I'll go"...
lauraeileen89426 February 2007
There's a reason why "Beauty and the Beast" still holds a place in its legions of fans' hearts after all these years: it's a tender, earnest, lovely little series that celebrates a love that goes beyond shallow expectations. This isn't "The O.C.", where it's only a matter of time before the bland, attractive leads jump in the sack. "Beauty and the Beast" chronicles the unique, powerful love between plucky assistant attorney Catherine (Linda Hamilton) and Vincent (spellbinding Ron Perlman), a courageous, compassionate man-beast. Because they live in two different worlds (she in the bustling world "Above", he in the secret utopia of "Below"), they cannot have a real life together, but, as Catherine assures us in the opening credits, they "will never, ever be apart". Today's jaded viewers might scoff at the fact that Catherine and Vincent never go further than hugs and hand-holding in their relationship, but you know what? Catherine and Vincent express more joy, passion, respect and love in their very first embrace in the pilot episode than all the bed-hopping in the six seasons of "Dawson's Creek". Hamilton is appealing as Catherine, making her strong and vulnerable at the same time. Perlman is unforgettable as Vincent. Unhindered by the prosthetic make-up on his face, he expresses layers of complex emotions with just his eyes. He brings warmth, integrity, and, yes, beauty to a role that even Perlman himself has said is "too good to be real". He deservedly won and Emmy and a Golden Globe. "Beauty and the Beast" is now on DVD for all to discover or re-discover the most innocent, sincere love story ever on TV.
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Linda Hamilton was very Beautiful in this Series...
Magellan Grey21 February 2001
I don't think there is any movie or series that made Linda look so beautifully stunning than in Beauty and the Beast. She was rendered simply beautiful and her acting was very reaching and touching. Ron Perlman was very masculine and ruggedly sexy under all that makeup. I am sure the two of them enjoyed themselves immensely because it translated through their performances to the viewer. I am only sorry that the series ended after only 3 seasons.
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Still watching in 2018
Davismomof1611 September 2018
I found this show about 2 months ago while scrolling Amazon Prime and fell in love QUICK. I loved the emotions between Katherine and Vincent and was in awe at how they could love so deeply and yet not feel the need to jumo in bed together to show each other that love.. I have dragged more than one of my family memebers in to watch an episode that I just HAD to share. "Orphans" was my favorite as it touched on so many emotions I myself had when my father passed in 2009. I was not in love with Season 3 and just hold out hope that maybe there can be a new lease on the show. (Hey , I can dream, right ).I just can't get into and enjoy the re-make they did- it just was NOT my Katherine and Vincent. The show ended in what felt like was mid-season seeing as how most Seasons had 30 ish episodes and Season 3 barely hit the teens. I so rarely watch TV shows but will be gladly rewatching this one- many times I am sure.
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One of the Best TV Series of All Time - Even Now
carolynmcevoy3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Beauty and the Beast" was, and remains, TV brilliance. Some TV shows lock themselves into the decade they were created, "Beauty and the Beast" managed to make its time period almost gray. Ron Koslow created a show where love is its foundation. The weekly story lines were entertaining enough, but each episode went back to the love Catherine and Vincent shared. That's what this show was about, the love between two individuals, different as they are. Before I wrote this review I went on ahead and clicked the "spoiler" box because if someone reveals a spoiler without warning people that reviewer will be forever blacklisted. However, I don't really give away any spoilers. One review I just read said that we never truly learn how Vincent became the way he is. I have to disagree with that-- I believe we do learn how he came to be the way he is. It's deep into the series - but is explained by the sinister character Paracelcus and is better explained by Father because Paracelcus was a devious liar and so viewers were led to believe that he lied. However, Father explains it. The main character in this wonderful series is, of course, Catherine. She is truly an amazing and gifted actress. Her emotions, when called for in the scripts are raw and amazingly believable. She truly loved Vincent. There is one particular episode that is close to my heart and it's the episode titled "A Happy Life," it is so beautifully written and Linda Hamilton should have received an Emmy award for it. There is also beautiful classical music sprinkled throughout the series that Catherine and Vincent loved, which also lends to the series being evergreen. The show is very emotionally fulfilling and Ron Koslow had a group of talented writers who managed to create stories that were painful/awful in their humanity/beautiful in their scope. The words the writers created for Vincent's character always allowed him to give sage advice without being preachy. Sure, it's a fantasy world, but this is what GOOD television should be about, not the reality garbage that dominates the airwaves now. TV shows should make us feel good in our hearts, they should make us think, even fantasize, and that's exactly what the beautiful series does. I received the complete series as a gift, and now I will always treasure it. The series set also allows the viewer to occasionally listen to some commentary by Vincent's Ron Perlman and Catherine's Linda Hamilton, they're short, informative and a very nice treat for real fans of this TV show.
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Did the Terminator broad and what's his face just not get along during filming?
imdb-252884 July 2022
I remember back when everyone raved about this show. I didn't get it then. Not my cup of tea, i found the episodes boring, whenever I'd catch the end of one. (Channel surfing, but never actually watched one until last week.) Well, I don't know what it is: it has great cinematography, awesome costumes (for the Beast & cohorts: the modern times clothes are dreadful, particularly Linda's!) and the music! The music is great but it's not enough to draw me in. I'm catching this at 5 AM on TV and this show puzzles me.

On one hand, I needed something new (to me) to watch. On the other, so far I find the stories still boring. It's like the show has great production values, I can see that, but the actors... are they even trying? Linda Hamilton phones in her part. Did she just despise Ron, the TDS-afflicted loon? (It was the politics, wasn't it?!) Linda is too typecast as the muscles-bound terminatorette. I just can't buy her as the 'damsel in distress'. It's just too weird! (Did she take THAT role to shed this image?)

Anyway, I want to like this show but it's hard. I like the colors. So, I read some spoilers: Linda is gone in S3. Couldn't they have hired that other actress right off the bat? I mean who cast her? Her clothes are too big, ugly, mismatched and ill-fitting. She's also not a good fit to be called a "Beauty"; sorry, but she's no Linda Evans in Great Valley or Lesley-Ann Warren in Mission Impossible. So what of it? Well, it's like they got everything right... except the actors and the stories. Ok, maybe the TDS-afflicted loon might be good, but it's all makeup and his mouth can't really move and I don't see facial expressions, so? Anyone could have played that part and done a better job. This seems to me like a 2nd rate Forever Knight, even if it started before. And what's with the whispering? Beast has to whisper most of his lines? Annoying acting choice!

I've seen 2.5 episodes so far. I hope Linda brings it. She seems disinterested. And why would the guy care about a woman whose face was all bloodied then bandaged? Makes no sense. OH!! Also the constant tapping on pipe is helluv' annoying! It's like: we get it! You want to simulate the Catacombs of Paris. But give it a rest, already. It's hurting mine ears. I mean, haven't you dispatched 17 sound telegrams today via pipes, already? So, give it a rest. Chill with the clinging and clanging already, alright!? The decor is good as well, so I guess this rises up to a 6/10. But the stories, but the acting, but the leads. Blech! I'm not understanding what there is to get into, but we'll see. Also my START TV is all blurry on my screen, so that adds to my aggravation. All in all, not a bad rating for a show that's gotten over 200 1-stars.

But really: does anyone have any good gossip about how much Linda hated Ron & vice versa? That might make a better TV show than what I'm watching at 5AM when this stuff airs. LMK!
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A Totally Misunderstood Program
Venus-251 November 2001
The brilliance of this series was its romance and its excellent early stories. We could entirely believe that this could happen in New York -- except that any New Yorker would tell you that there are people far stranger than Vincent walking the streets. We were never told how he came to be as he is, but it almost didn't matter. I don't think it was any accident that he had such a feline appearance.

This series was so badly misunderstood and mishandled by its parent network that I am not surprised it lasted only two seasons. Season 3 wasn't even the same program in my book. CBS seemed terribly upset with the fact that its audience was almost entirely female. Was that why the body count of season 3 was higher than in a Bruce Willis movie?

The worst mistake CBS ever made was to let Linda Hamilton leave after two seasons. Had the network been intelligent enough, they could have talked her into a third season, ending it with the fairytale ending -- she kisses Vincent for real (something CBS was VERY afraid of, but the fans would have loved) and have him turn into a human prince. That would have given it the magical ending it deserved.
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Beautiful, Romantic, Glorious
nik_desborough21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I adore this series! A fantastic story told by a fantastic cast. Ron Perlman's Vincent is a gentle, intelligent soul who has to hide from the world but has learned much about humanity through literature and the support of those around him. He falls in love with Catherine Chandler, a young woman he rescues and cares for until she returns to the world above. The growth of their romantic connection is a joy. I found it so inspiring that it has helped me through some very troubling times. Feel stressed and wrung out? Watch a few EPs of this series and you'll feel better.
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Such depth & superb writing...
Fizgig77714 May 2012
The beauty of this show is multidimensional. On the surface, yes, a love story between two people who fate brought together and their fight to hold onto a love that people wouldn't understand or accept. But there are so many deeper meanings to many of the episodes -- which probably played a large role in dooming the show. In order to understand these nuances you had to be willing to allow yourself to be pulled into the story, while also having a real grasp to the complexity behind the main characters. The stories, poetry and imagery used in the episodes told a story within a story; extended the story beyond the mere visual details and really gave you pause to think.

It also showed -- for those who took the time to really see -- that love isn't always about carnal desires. It showed that sometimes loving someone means that you have to give up everything. For anyone who has known what true, deep love means, they can relate to the heavy price love can exact. This wasn't a story about fly-by-night or whirlwind romance... It was about those quite moments in a loving relationship where people can just enjoy the quiet moments and be fulfilled... In many ways, it was the story of what love should be. The fact that real intimate moments between Catherine and Vincent were left to insinuation, implication, and imagination was no accident -- it was brilliant.

Unfortunately, the two main characters were so well linked with each other, that once L. Hamilton left the show there was no saving it. The way the story of Catherine and Vincent was told made it so the two characters were so completely linked that losing one would change the other so completely that the show would have to completely change around the remaining character in order for the show to survive. When Linda left, the whole premise of the show went with her because, as loyal followers of the story could attest to, Vincent could never love another. They did try to introduce another character like Catherine, but the chemistry and bond just never worked out. Plus, once father and son were reunited, it was the natural end point to the story...

This show still has a lot of followers because of the uniqueness of it. The depth of the story and complexity of those deeper meanings are so fascinating that you want to watch the episodes again and again... And you will usually come away with new tidbits, deeper understanding, things that really make you think and analyze things every time you watch some of the episodes.
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This was, perhaps, the most powerful and best
ballouvince19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the batb renditions, yet, it became victim to its success, by flying in the face of its slogan, by breaking laws, and having the 2 main characters consummate, at the latest season. The voices of Katherine and Vincent sounded sincere. Vincent sounded like Bob Ross. That reassuring voice. Nothing like the irritating overt testosterone brooding man cave, I'm too sexy voices that dominate lead males such as the one in the 2012 reboot. The whole series followed the lead of the two 1987 lead voices, in sentiment, and made the sentiment work, inexplicably. True caring and love, throughout, in the way the terms long to be defined. It's a one of a kind show, as described, in a way no tv show or movie, before or since has achieved, in the realm of fiction. Including every other rendition of Beauty and The Beast, ever made, including, the original tale/novel, or other writings or anything audio. Everything. However, the magic ended after episode 14 of season 2. The four stars are for the episodes mentioned. There are no stars for anything beyond the aforementioned episode. So the four stars are considered ten stars for season 1 and up to episode 14 of season 2.
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Beauty and the Beast (DVD)
linmagic26 May 2008
I watched this series episode by episode when it first came out. I recently purchased all 3 seasons on DVD. I watched Season 1 and 2 within a week and loved every moment.

My days are again spent humming the haunting theme music as they were so many years ago. And then I started to watch Season 3, I say started because I remember feeling now as I felt then. What a disappointment the third season was. I made myself skim through it, suffice to say, the magic was gone.

Now I know why I never watched beyond the first episode of the third season.

I would highly recommend that everyone watches Seasons 1 and 2, there has never been a better series and for me, never will be.
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Perhaps the Best Television Show ever
I found this show by accident one Friday night and became hooked immediately. Here was an intelligent, well-acted program for adults. It was not sexually explicit, nor gratuitously violent. It had something most TV shows do not have: Romance.

Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman were absolutely perfect together as the beautiful lawyer who lives above and Ron Perlman as the "hideous" beast whose curse is that he is ugly on the outside and who never gets a chance to reveal his inner beauty until he saves Catherine. Knowing how tormented he was because of his deformities was heart-breaking and yet he blossomed as he and Catherine found real love.

Normally, I would be pleased when an actress leaves a show to spend time with her son, as Miss Hamilton did. I'm all for women staying home to be with their children over spending time at a carer; at risk of being hopelessly old-fashioned, I believe women with children should stay home to care for them. However, in this case, it was one of her worst decisions because her marriage to the father of this child fizzled. She later had a child and then married James Cameron of "Titanic" fame, only to lose him to a star of that overblown ocean-going vehicle. She did have success with the Terminator movies but those were nothing but Schwarzenegger fests. Meanwhile B&B also suffered because they just couldn't find a woman to replace Catherine. Diana just didn't have it.

The fact that the show lasted 3 seasons (2 with Miss Hamilton) is a testament to its quality. Of course, we can't have quality on TV - there's not enough T&A, violence, or out and out stupidity (think Jessica Simpson here). But for the 3 years this show was on, it was a real Friday night Feast. And I do thank Mr. Perlman and Miss Hamilton for the years they gave us and I thank Mr. Perlman for the CD of music and poetry from the show. It's still heart-wrenchingly beautiful to listen to Vincent as he narrates works by Matthew Arnold, e.e. cummings and, of course, the King of all poetry, plays and prose, Mr. William Shakespeare.

It would be a miracle if CBS were to air a "reunion" movie but I think there will be a tropical heat wave in the South Pole before that happens. Too bad - it sure beats the stupidity of such shows as The Newlyweds, starring the aforementioned Jessica Simpson, or Reality TV, American Idol and the other slime that passes for decent television. Meanwhile, I'll be content with VHS copies of B&B or I'll wait patiently until the DVDs come out.
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Have been will always be a fan
dawnelise13 June 2023
I watch this show when it first came out. I absolutely adored the fantasy, the literary history, the characters, the romance. The under ground tunnels of New York, coming from the north east side found that extremely interesting the strong woman in New York attorney also a socialite I found her character, extremely compassionate. The character Vincent is so well developed. His intellect, his compassion, I just adored and just fell in love with him just like Catherine. The feelings of romance and true love Without explicit sexual scenes reminded me of the movies from the 50s and 60s that I watched with my mom. This show is timeless. I still watch it 36 years later.
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kreativundkunterbunt29 December 2017
These show deserves a comeback and a continuation WITH Catherine ! One last time, Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman should act as Catherine and Vincent in front of the camera. They should give their common story THE end that truly matches their characters. And thus replace the emergency solution (Season 3)! I think that this is the wish of just too many people since the end of the series UNTIL TODAY !!
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My favorite happy place still today 💕
karengregory-1945729 July 2022
Linda hamilton is stunning in this programme. I still watch it everyday. It is so full of love. Vincent's voice sends me to heaven. I can't and won't watch season 3 it breaks my heart. Catherine didn't deserve this. In my world they are still happy together I can't explain to you what this programme means to me. I escape to it most days. My favourite being the Watcher and When the Bluebird sings. The hugs so passionate I still adore Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman to this day .I'd pray for a final happy episode from them. And Linda yes you are still a beauty in my eyes in and out . And Ron to xx.
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