Career Opportunities (1991) Poster

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Not Perfect, but Fun
Ziglet_mir25 August 2009
One of John Hughes' underrated gems! I rented this movie already possessing knowledge of what it was about, who was in it, and what other people thought about it from their comments. "Career Opportunities," had plenty of laughs along with some deeper, emotional setback drawn out between Whaley and Connelly, who of course both played their parts VERY well. And every other guy who hasn't seen a young Jennifer Connelly... should. The story unfolds smoothly as we find out more about the lives of two small town people.

It's a movie where the characters are trying to understand where the rich, abused, dreaming, "tease" and dweebish, hopeful, incompetent "town liar" come from. There is also a sweet connection they develop from just talking about their lives and how they've changed since they last met. The more we hear and develop feelings for these two confused people, the more we can illustrate their current dilemma of being trapped within the lives that their families want them to live.

The soundtrack was pretty great! One of the best soundtracks I have heard in a comedy.

Dermot and Kieran Mulroney did a nice job playing some goofy small town crooks. However I thought the whole burglar part of the movie could have been achieved in better ways-- but it is what it is.

If you do watch this film look out for a cameo appearance from John Candy as the Target Team manager who gives Whaley his janitor position. Very funny... and casual.

Altogether, very well done and VERY underrated. I still don't understand why Whaley didn't become a bigger star after this movie such as Broderick did with Ferris Bueller. And OK, so maybe not perfect, but there are MUCH worse movies out there. "Career Opportunities" is a fun film that should be watched if you're a fan of John Hughes' work.
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this movie is much deeper than most think
baldgi22 June 2005
I get such a kick out of all the comments that mention how beautiful Jennifer Connelly is. Basically because in this movie that's all Josie's ever heard... how she's such a great piece of a$$ ("the town tease"), and the redundancy of these comments she's encountered up to now has her almost proud of that fact. "... I never tease..." But the truth is, nobody cares who she is as a person (including you the viewer), and that kills her. Those that have criticized and commented on the movie are actually characters IN the movie. As we comment on how beautiful Connelly is, we in turn become a part of Josie's past, and we are responsible for who she is now. Add the issues of her father, who only threatens her (and the cop) with abuse and attempts of control. Josie is physically beautiful, but that is her main problem. She's a really f'ed up chick. She is a temporary trophy, until something better comes along. And being that negative attention is better than no attention at all, you can understand what brought her to the store in the first place. When Jim tells Josie of his dream of her, she instantly thinks "sex"... cause up until this point in her life, that all she has to offer anyone. She is instantly caught off guard when Jim suggests a simple dance, one that he's been dreaming of since the 7th grade. And of all the people Josie has ever been with, Jim is the first gentleman she's ever met. And for the first time in both of their lives, a true connection is made. Yes, the Home Alone skits are below average, but for me, the problem is that they take away from the connection that the two leads are making. The best part of this whole movie is the unspoken dialogue between Connelly and Whaley, as they tried desperately to comfort each other in this time of chaos. Whaley has most of the creative dialogue, but Connelly's character is the one of interest (and issues). This is a much more psychological romance than most give it credit for.
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I fell in love with Jennifer Connelly in this movie
bobum26 February 2002
A very well done, humorous teenage love story that every "not so popular" guy who was passed over in high school can appreciate. Funny, awkward, and lighthearted, this movie has something for everyone. This was the first movie I saw Jennifer Connelly in and just like the main character, immediately fell in love with her. What an outstanding actress, although this is perhaps not her best performance. All together this is a great "Order in on Saturday night and have a few laughs with the wife/girlfriend" kind of feel good romantic romp.
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Should Have Been Excellent
rbmoviereviewsdotcom9 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** The first hour of this movie is so enjoyable. Frank Whaley, who also ruled in Swimming With Sharks, is hilarious as the loser who constantly makes up stories to try to make people believe he's important and actually has a life. What makes it work is that Whaley is sharp and a quick thinker, so he's successful to a point before it all comes crumbling down. The best example of this is the classic scene where he tries to get a high profile job at Target from John Candy. It's even better than the scene in Trainspotting where the junkie shoots up before he goes for the job interview (of course, as a whole that's a much better film). When it backfires and he has to settle for the prestigious job of overnight janitor, William Forsythe has him wearing the dirty uniform of the loser who previously held that position, Darrell, promising that he'll give him a new name patch if it by some chance works out.

In contrast to Whaley, who has been crapped on all his life, we have Jennifer Connelly as the woman who seemingly has it all. She's the most beautiful woman in this town, or any other for that matter, and she's filthy rich. What people don't know though is that High school was the highlight of her life, and now she's going through life aimlessly under the dictation of her abusive, controlling father. She occasionally has the guts to do something to get back at him. For instance, the great scene where her father tries to introduce her to his business associates so she takes her coat off in a seductive manner, goes over and kisses one on the lips, and then when the other puckers up expecting the highlight of his life, she offers him a handshake instead. The film really goes out of it's way to emphasize how gorgeous she is, but she follows up her strong performance in The Hot Spot by once again proving she's a lot more than just a pretty face. It's not a role that requires great depth or range, but even when she's saying or doing the opposite she has the grace and ability to convey what she wants without appearing to try. Also, although this is more something she's honed as the years have gone on, there's always an added feel to her dialogue because of her physical acting (something that seems to only be mentioned when done by the crooked nose types) and her paused delivery.

The bulk of the movie takes place in Target, with the stores goods being exploited for all the fun and silliness they are worth. Whaley is locked in because no first nighter gets a key, and apparently nobody checked the dressing rooms, where Connelly fell asleep debating whether she should get caught shoplifting to piss her dad off. They exchange a lot of great and extremely well delivered dialogue, with Connelly admitting how miserable her life is and backing Whaley into enough corners that he has to do the same. This part moves way too fast. Connelly went to school with Whaley her whole life, but never gave him the time of day since she was in and he wasn't. Within a few hours, knowing what any guy would most want to do with her, she still offers to grant him any wish to make up for how badly she's treated him over the years. Not only that, she's willing to use her $52,000 that she for some reason carries around in her purse so they can go away and start a new life together. Their chemistry is good and I realize everything had to happen before the store was unlocked the next morning, but the rest of the movie should have been devoted to getting to the point where them falling in love and going away together was `believable.' Unfortunately, the whole mood and tone of the movie changes for the very worst when the Mulroney brothers show up to rob the store.

The Mulroneys aren't as bumbling as the crooks in Home Alone, but there's nothing remotely funny about them and their presence in the movie is totally unnecessary. Whaley & Connelly try to outsmart them, but the outcome is never in doubt since the brothers are portrayed as the epitome of village idiots. Part of me loves the scene where Connelly rides the rocking horse to seduce Dermot, but this is the highlight of the whole portion and it still really added nothing to the movie. This whole section dumps the movie down with silly bumbling idiot and implied PG-13 sex gags. It not only provides far fewer laughs and removes the sweetness and cuteness of the story, but it fails to advance the plot in any way. It's such nonsense that the movie would actually be better if there were 20 minutes of commercials after the first hour and then they came back for the last few minutes.

The movie is not believable, but it doesn't try to be. Its purpose is to give hope to people who, whether they'll admit it or not, aren't in a good situation. It succeeds in doing this, and provides a lot of laughs along the way. It's probably better upon subsequent viewings because the comedy isn't based on jokes that are only funny once and you've already been so outraged by the Mulroney section that you either fast forward, turn the channel, or hang in there just to drool over Jennifer. Add this to the list of films that should have been great, but were undermined by the nonsensical nature of part of the script. 6/10
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Right on target...
paul_haakonsen4 July 2021
I sat down to watch "Career Opportunities" for the second time now in 2021, after not having seen the movie since shortly after it was released.

Needless to say that actress Jennifer Connelly (playing Josie McClellan) is the main attraction in this movie, no doubt about it. And she really is a talented actress, which "Career Opportunities" definitely also proves.

This is a young adult comedy of sorts, but it does have elements of other genres to it as well. Throw in a little pinch of crime as well, and you have a great cocktail of a movie.

The storyline told in "Career Opportunities" is a pretty straight forward one, and it is one that definitely is entertaining enough. However, I do think that the storyline told in "Career Opportunities" is actually not one that will find an appeal with just anyone in the audience, given the main character of Jim Dodge (played by Frank Whaley).

Despite being released back in 1991 then "Career Opportunities" is a movie that very much still is watchable even now in 2021, now 30 years after it was released. And the movie does have that timeless feel to it, so that was quite some accomplishment on behalf of writer John Hughes and director Bryan Gordon.

My rating of "Career Opportunities" lands on a six out of ten stars. If you haven't already seen this movie, you should do so, if you have the opportunity to do so. It is quite well worth the time and effort.
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Target after Dark
kapelusznik185 October 2017
***SPOILERS*** The very sight of the drop dead gorgeous and ultra sexy 20 year old Jennefer Connelly, as spoiled little rich girl Josie McClellan, riding and rolling on a electronic pony was more then worth the price of admission then the duration of the entire movie. Josie gets herself locked up in the Target's ladies dressing room trying to shoplift a $20.00 pair of ladies underpants even though she had as much as $52,000.00 of cash on her to pay for it and ends up having the run of the place. That's until two crooks Nester & Gil, Demont & Kieran Mulroney who are obviously brothers, show up-after hiding and smoking pot in the store men's room- to rip the place off.

The good for nothing $4.40 cent an hour night clean-up boy Jim Dodge, Frank Whaley, on his first day or night on the job ends up getting stuck-lucky guy-with Josie for the entire night that's a lot more then he ever bargained for. And in the end goes off with her to sunny California to start a new life as well as career opportunity in the up and coming multi-billion dollar industry of Silicon Valley. The fact that Josie comes from the richest family in the state of Georgia is nothing compared in what she got from hooking up with the cute clean-up boy Frank who showed her just what a good time, in running for her life and safety from the two Mulroney brothers as well as the local police, rally is.

Jenniffer Connelly who just was seen in the movie "The Racketeer" who soon rocketed to the top as the hottest actress in Hollywood in this so-so movie about America's youth. As for actor Frank Whaley with the exception of playing accused but not proved JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in movies like "JFK" & "Fatal Deception Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald" he never had a part in a film as good or satisfying with a co-star as Connelly as the lowly Target night time clean-up boy Jim Dodge in "Career Opportunities".
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A weak comedy only worth seeing for Jennifer Connelly.
BA_Harrison31 December 2006
Frank Whaley plays Jim Dodge (Frank Whaley), a thoroughly annoying smart-mouthed wise-ass waste-of-space with a dead end job as a night janitor in a supermarket. Jennifer Connelly plays Josie McClellan (Jennifer Connelly), a poor little rich girl desperate to get away from her millionaire daddy (who beats her). When Josie chickens out of shoplifting at the last minute, she is locked in the shop for the night and meets Jim (as he roller-skates down an aisle in his boxers and a wedding veil!). Together they do a bit of collective soul-searching, swap sob stories and decide to run away together. However, their plans are interrupted somewhat when a couple of gun wielding thieves break into the store...

Despite being written by top teen-movie maker John Hughes and featuring a pretty decent cast (John Candy has a cameo and the two leads are both capable actors), Career Opportunities (AKA One Wild Night), is a rather weak comedy with irritating characters and very few laughs.

I, like most males who have reviewed this movie on IMDb, do agree, however, that it is worth viewing if you are a fan of Jennifer Connelly and her very impressive curves. The delectable JC looks stunning in a tight white vest and standout scenes include her rollerskating through the shop, and rocking slowly back and forth on a supermarket horse ride (a moment guaranteed to raise the blood pressure of all heterosexual men).

But of course, Ms. Connelly looking damn fine doesn't make this a great piece of film-making (just great eye-candy), and ultimately this is a rather desperate 'comedy' that comes nowhere near to the matching the quality of Hughes' 80s output.
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This movie got me kicked out of Target
bsj-48010 May 2013
I first saw this film in 1993 when I was 13 years old, but recently saw it again for the first time in 20 years. I was actually removed from a Target store after putting on a pair of skates and skating around the store. No, it wasn't recently.

The film itself is yet another awesome movie from John Hughes. The story flows well, and it's written well enough that you're not exactly sure what's going to happen.

From the aspect of comedy, this film is hilarious, unless you lack a sense of humor. And if you don't have a sense of humor, Jennifer Connelly spends the majority of the movie in spandex and a very tight tanks top.
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Long on runtime, short on laughs, but thank heavens for Jennifer Connelly
Mr-Fusion18 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
On the whole, "Career Opportunities" is disposable fluff; a half-assed John Hughes production from a guy whose heart clearly isn't in the work anymore. It's uncharacteristic of the man in that the characters are unrelatable, the hot-girl-falls-for-the-big-talking-loser storyline is contrived, and this thing just crawls ... and then ends abruptly. It's 80 minutes of jokes that just don't land, and it's no surprise that both Hughes and Jennifer Connelly have disowned the flick.

But both leads put forth the effort. Frank Whaley strives with what he's got, and Connelly adds playful sexuality to her dialogue. Everyone in the supporting cast knows they're here for a paycheck, but the stars at least make a go of it.

And John Candy shows up for a very pleasantly surprising cameo in the film's beginning. The problem there is that his scene finishes and we never see him again. Man, that guy is like a beam of sunshine in every movie he's in. He makes it look so easy.

But let's not beat around the bush here. The real reason this movie made any money at the box office (and is still talked about today) is the 20 year-old Jennifer Connelly. This doe-eyed specimen is unbelievably sexy, and we can all be thankful to the Internet gods for the horse-riding .gifs floating around in cyberspace. Just like the frozen-in-time Target filming location, this movie is a celluloid preservation of her pre-anorexic youthful attractiveness. Her beauty is nothing short of sublime in an otherwise forgetful piece of early-'90s "meh".

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dream opportunity
SnoopyStyle10 April 2016
Jim Dodge (Frank Whaley) is a dreamer, a fibber, constantly getting fired, and highly unlikely to leave home anytime soon. His father is eager to kick him out and forces him to take a job at Target. He's the night clean up boy who is locked in overnight by himself. Josie McClellan (Jennifer Connelly) is the town's rich girl who is looking to escape her corrupt businessman father. She chickens out of shoplifting but ends up falling asleep in the dressing room. The unlikely couple is joined by petty criminals Nestor Pyle (Dermot Mulroney) and Gil Kinney (Kieran Mulroney).

It's every boy's dream to be locked in a Target overnight with Jennifer Connelly. She is lovely and Frank Whaley's talkative character grows on me. This is not a critical success but nobody can deny Jennifer in her white tank top. It's fun to rollerskate through the store.
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Starts off funny and then slips into "Home Alone" territory
Adam E15 February 1999
"Career Opportunities" starts off promising enough, but after an hour it slips into "Home Alone" territory and becomes silly. The cast are very good in their parts, especially Frank Whaley, who's a very funny and charismatic lead and the gorgeous Jennifer Connelly. It also has a slick directing job by Bryan Gordon and a fun cameo by John Candy. I enjoyed the film's first half, which is really funny and clever. It's the films last half, which is a bummer. When the two robbers come in, the film loses mosts of its laughs and becomes pointless and silly. It seems as if John Hughes just ran out of ideas and ripped off his "Home Alone" concept, like all of his '90's family movies. Overall, its a failed, but entertaining and sometimes funny attempt for Hughes to make a comeback at teen movies.
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Lose the Curl (but not this fine guilty pleasure of a flick!)
g-man-224 June 1999
Okay, so this one never did (and never will) win any awards. But pound for pound, John Hughes was never better and never will be again, most likely. Yes, I know, I know. "Ferris B." is a more coherent, cohesive film. And "Breakfast Club" has all the lines. And "Pretty in Pink" has all the pathos, plus Ducky. But this one's got Jim Dodge (F. Whaley). Easily one of my favorite film creations ever. You can't not love this guy. Even in the usually dumb montages that plagues MTV-ish films of this nature, he's charming (wearing a veil and cow-boxers and rollerskating, for instance). And then there's Jennifer "Eternally Easy on the Eyes" Connelly who, yes, has her usual charms (both of them), but who manages to bring a degree of wit, grace and sincerity to the "girl next door anyone would die to get with" role that's rarely been matched since. This film's full of terrific lines and memorable moments. Jim's "Jimget" fantasy. John Candy's entire cameo. "Could I get this uniform washed, it...smells a little like Darnell." "You mean you've never heard of sashimi?" "The subsonic tummy bump..." The list is endless. The bad part: yes, the last 15 or so minutes are plagued by a lack of money and a lack of laughs (money as in it looks like they ran out and decided to end the But the two leads are terrific together and the idea of them hashing out their high school trials and tribs in this particular setting is quite effective, really. Sweet, simple, goofy and funny, this one deserves another look, despite the "run out of steam in the last stretch of the race" factor.
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Higher rating because it stuck
JasonBelle25 November 2019
That simple. I don't know exactly why, just that it did. Thought the kid (Whaley) did great. Funny, good delivery. Connelly is great too. The movie is funny, entertaining.. I also like some of the the way off the beaten path songs, and I remember this movie well after nearly 30 years. No it's not Oscar stuff or cerebral, but it was fun then and still is. It's a little like Big Fat Liar, and I gave that one an even higher rating because I think Paul Giamatti delivered absolutely one of the funniest single performances I've ever seen.
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One painful movie to watch
nelsong20 March 2000
This is far and away the worst of Hughes' teen movies. Poor casting and a weak plot doom it. Don't let the appearance of John Candy in this turkey fool you. He is only in the film for a few minutes. Avoid this one at all costs.
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Lord love Jennifer Connelly and Roller Skates
Leroy_de_Head12 December 2003
I've noticed many a red blooded lad has made mention of how lovely the ever-so-lovely Jennifer Connelly is in what may be the worlds most amazing white tank top. Some have also mentioned the exestintial bliss of watching her rocking back and forth atop the luckiest dime-store mechanical horse ever constructed. And believe me when I say bravo to you all, all you men (and possibly ladies?) of good taste. For these are great images indeed in what turns out to be a very very funny little flick (to this day I still refer to TARGET as JIMGET).

However, it is the awe inspiring sight of watching the absolutely stunning Miss (sadly Mrs.) Connelly moving with absolute grace and beauty through TARGET's open isles on a pair of classic style roller skates.

I remember having the good fortune of seeing "Career Oppotunities" when it played in the theaters (damn, that tank top looked good on that 50 foot high screen). I already had the world's biggest crush on Connelly since I first saw her in "Labyrinth" back in the Summer of '86. So seeing her "all grown up" in films like "The Hot Spot" and "Rocketeer" was like Heaven. But best of all, I had the good fortune of having a laser disc player back in the early 90's. And on one very lucky B-Day, I was given a widescreen LD copy of "Career Opportunites". I gotta tell ya, as good as the whole movie was, on side two of the album sized discus was a scene that bordered on the very edge of Nirvana itself: Jennifer Connelly on skates. Mmmmm mmmm good. It was my absolute fav moment from when I saw it in the theater. I can imagine getting the rythme and pattern of their choreography was probobly a nightmare for Frank Whaley and Connelly, but honest to God, they look like they are having a total blast. And the more fun it looked for them, the more amazing she looked in a state of perpetual motion that can only be described as stunning. *Mmmmmm, Jennifer Connelly* spoken in Homer Simpson like voice.

It's funny. I haven't watched this film in quite sometime (my old LD player she don't play so well no mo'). And after having read some of these wonderful reviews and typing out this testimonial to the beauty and grace of a young Jennifer Connelly, I may have to track down a nice new copy of it on DVD. It's just too bad the local TARGET doesn't have it in stock. The irony alone would be worth it. Well, that and our lovely Miss Connelly, of course. ;)

Long live JIMGET!!!
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A 'Career Opportunity' for Laughs and Beauty
fatleprechan5 July 2005
Writer John Hughes, Perhaps better known for his popular yet overrated 'Home Alone' series scores here with a charming and delightful romantic comedy starring clever comedian Frank Whaley. When the town liar Jim ( Whaley ) loses his umpteenth job in comical fashion. His father lays down an ultimatum. If Jim loses one more job he will be kicked out of the house. Where Jim has already confessed that he loves living at home since the accommodations are four star. Having burned most of his bridges with the local businessmen through his incompetence Jim has few options left. And we find our hero as 'Night clean up boy' at none other than the local 'Target' store. Well this leads to all types of mishaps and hilarious situations which are executed nicely, by the clumsy and exaggerating yet imminently likable Jim. Enter the crush interest, portrayed by the fabulous Jennifer Conelly. Josie is the daughter of a local bigwig, yet she seems disenchanted by what life in the small North Carolina Town has to offer. She is the apple of Jim's eye, and just about every other male's eye within the range of vision. Conelly really looked beautiful in this role. It was before she had dieted down to where she now has two pool cues for legs. Nowadays Conelly looks as if she's had two crackers a day for the last three years. And the nose job which makes her face seem sharper and pointier does not become her. But she looks amazing here as Whaley discovers after they've locked him inside the store for the night, to look after things and tidy up. Josie, you see, in an act of rebellion has locked herself inside the store in a botched shoplift attempt. And it turns out her and Jim are the only two people in the building. The dialogue between Jim and Josie is refreshing even if it isn't realistic. Jim is incredulously surprised when Josie identifies him as the town liar. Even though she doesn't mean it as an insult. But Jim does treat her like a person instead of a sex object and this is something that Josie is not used to. The two share TV Dinners in front of the electronics presentation and even a slow dance. And you can relate to the way Jim would feel in the presence of such a gorgeous creature. He does not want the Sun to come up. It's not perfect of course. Anyone would have a hard time believing that beauty Queen Josie would fall for the twerpish bullshitting Jim. And the actors are being too serious for comedic license. But the thing is, you want to believe it, and that only adds to the film's charm. Eventually, the whole thing starts to unravel and the film degenerates into the Hughes tradition of bungling burglars and other stupid nonsense, and the magic is lost. But for a brief time the suspension of disbelief makes us exist in this modest oasis of romance, and there's no red blooded American male who didn't imagine himself there with Conelly. But between the capable antics of the sidesplitting Whaley and the remarkable beauty of the breathtaking Conelly. They are more than enough to carry a film that definitely has some top moments. Credit Hughes for coming up with a good premise than finding the perfect actors to make it work. A very enjoyable and original romantic comedy. 7 out of a possible 10 T.H.
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An under-rated Generation X film
clarkejb1 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Career Opportunities is a film worth a watch for a few key reasons. One reason is because the film is one of the last major projects of the great John Hughes. I wanted to take time out to watch this film recently because I never saw it when it was released back in 1991. I do not think I was ever aware of the film back then. As I watched the film, I asked myself why John Hughes chose to write and produce it. I think John wanted movie goers to explore the question, "How would his teenage characters, from films like "Pretty in Pink," "Sixteen Candles," "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," and "The Breakfast Club" feel about their lives and their prospects for their future after their high school years are behind them?"

The Jim Dodge character is like many memorable characters created by John Hughes: A handsome, witty, fast-talking, and extroverted charlatan. Unlike The popular and successful Ferris Bueller character, Jim Dodge doesn't fool most of the people in his life. People see through his charlatan antics and regard him as a disingenuous liar. Jim Dodge is also from a modest working class family. The Jim Dodge character is as engaging as the Ferris Bueller character, but he is not as funny or as entertaining to watch because his charlatan behavior is unsuccessful. Jim Dodge was not cool in high school, he doesn't have any friends his age, and he doesn't have a gorgeous girlfriend like the Sloane Peterson character from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." I think Hughes wrote the Jim Dodge character to represent the slacker stereotype of Generation X. The Jim Dodge character is in his early 20s, he lives at home, he has few job prospects, and he lacks tangible goals other than a general wish to be credible and successful.

The Josie McClellan character is strong-willed female lead who is similar to a lot of other John Hughes characters. Josie is an effortlessly beautiful young woman with a bad attitude. She believes her ideal high school experience means that her best days are behind her. She and Jim Dodge share a tremendous uncertainty about their futures, and they are both loners. Despite Josie's beauty and wealth, she feels as alone as Jim Dodge and she is also a slacker without clear goals. Jim and Josie find each other and bond within strange circumstances in "Career Opportunities." I think the film is really about how these two characters connect as fellow struggling Gen-Xers.

I think this movie failed to be a big hit because Hughes offers no clear answers for the Jim and Josie characters other than the idea that falling in love offers hope for both of their futures. The laughs are not frequent enough in the film and the music sequences are too numerous. The title of the film is also misleading. Regardless, this film is definitely worth a watch if you were born between 1966 and 1974.
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Couldn't completely focus
BurtBurlington17 September 2021
The film is a bit of fun, but I couldn't focus (because of obvious reasons).

It is a really fun concept, but it felt to me it fell a bit flat.

Jesus am I jealous of Jim.
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An understated John Hughes beauty!!!
gogogopher12313 August 2006
A lot of people don't realize how great this movie is. Now obviously, I'm not considering this as being a cinematic masterpiece. The acting isn't always on point and at times it seems too serious and out of place in a few places. But this movie effectively tackles issues with the kind of wit, comedy, and grace that comes from a John Hughes movie. Jennifer Connelly's character is truly a piece of work. A 'town tease' with a heart of gold and as wise as an owl. And Frank Whaley's unforgettable character leaves you giggling and feeling for his loser-like qualities. Truly this movie won't exactly move you, but it may leave you with a microscopic sense of warmth.
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Oh, what I would do with $52,000 Reagan-era dollars and eloping with Jennifer Connelly...
jafonte014 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine yourself as a compulsively lying geek. Now, imagine your geek-self in the late 1980s/early 1990s.

This is Jim, the main character of Career Opportunities. He cannot hold a job in an era where jobs flow infinitely from a river of the Reagan heyday. As part of the generation of fresh college graduates without steady income, I envy the luxuries that Jim takes for granted.

Amidst his quarter-life crisis of how Jim should be as an adult, he lands a job as a "night clean-up boy" at Target. While normally this would be seen as unimpressive, Jennifer Connelly as 21 year old Josie saves the day with her charm, striking incisors, and of course, her low-cut tops.

As many of the other reviews on IMDb for this movie have stated: Jennifer Connelly makes this movie. To put it another way: there is no reason to watch this movie if the poignant Jennifer Connelly did not star. But she did, and with her voluminous bosom, she carried the film (to term).

It goes without saying that her natural beauty can be construed as objectified sex appeal for this movie. I, as an open chauvinist male, agree that that was her purpose. As much as we critics mind the boorish measures that Universal Studios takes to promote this film, I honestly believe that Jennifer Connelly is okay with flashing smiles and cleavage the most of all; after all, she is the one laughing her way to the bank.

And with that, the most salient theme is her physical objectification (coupling this with some visceral jazz saxophone solos really don't help). Red tops. Red necklaces. Riding mechanical ponies. These scenes were all attempts to distract my short-term memory from the pedestrian and pointless overall character of this film. For me, it worked.

What is probably the most disconcerting aspect of this film is the protagonist Jim. He is an unwieldy and jejune boy. When encountered with a beautiful women, we as the audience are forced to endure the awkward bouts of puberty. Simply, we want to grab Jim by the throat and say, "MAKE A MOVE! STOP F***ING LYING." Yet, we experience his own demise.

What I mean by the last line is that the film does not provide closure for the relationship between Josie and Jim (and where are we with Jim's father's late night eatings?! Surely, that contributes to the plot, right? Oh wait, that's right, I've given the film too much credit; those scenes have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with the rest of the film). What happens is that **Connelly** saves the day, and Jim does nothing to deserve her.

If you want to look for a film where obtaining a beautiful (and clearly objectified) woman is justified, then look somewhere else. Jim has done nothing to deserve her. And we as the audience are to watch this inconsistency realize itself before our eyes.

And my eyes have melted. I want them back. This movie was not worth the loss of my vision. I hope you all can agree with that.
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Frank Whaley shines
acedj13 November 2019
This is a great comedy. In it, Frank Whaley plays the towns B.S. artist named Jim, still living at home in his mid 20's, in the search for gainful employment. He ends up getting a job as the night janitor at a Target. Once locked in for the night he discovers that a girl he has had a crush on, named Josie, played quite seductively by Jennifer Connelly, is locked in with him. While they flirt and get to know each other. During the course of the night, two armed robbers break in and Jim and Josie need to thwart their plans. I found this movie endearing and funny. Frank Whaley is probably one of the best and most underrated character actors out there. Two of his most memorable appearances for me were in Psych and House MD. Jennifer Connelly is of course gorgeous, but talented in her own right. This is not the kind of film that will ever win any awards, but it is well worth the watch.
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With dumb characters, thin plot, and no real direction it's no wonder why John Hughes wanted his name taken off the credits.
IonicBreezeMachine27 June 2021
In the midwestern town of Monroe, Jim Dodge (Frank Whaley) is a 21 year old slacker who has been fired from nearly every low level job in town and spins far fetched elaborate lies much to the ire of the entire town. Jim's father (John M. Jackson) fed up with his son's irresponsible behavior, lazy attitude, and lack of desire to move out, presents Jim with an ultimatum of either landing the night janitor position at Target or take the bus to St. Louis to work in his uncle's garden shop. Jim lands the position only to find that he'll be locked in the store alone until 7:00am. Jim alleviates his boredom by playing with the merchandise and eating candy until he finds Josie McClellan (Jennifer Connelly) also in the store after having fallen asleep in the changing room. Over the night the two bond with Josie venting her frustrations with her wealthy abusive father and Jim about the mundanity of his smalltown existence.

Produced and written by John Hughes, Career Opportunities marks the feature debut of Bryan Gordon a writer on Laugh In and Fridays who had previously won an Academy Award for Best Short Subject for Ray's Male Heterosexual Dance Hall. While produced and written by Hughes, he was reportedly so dissatisfied with the final product citing studio interference that he tried to take his name off the final film only to be refused by Universal following the success of Home Alone desiring to capitalize on the association. The film would mark the final teen film for Hughes until the mostly buried Reach the Rock with Hughes' focus shifting entirely to slapstick shenanigans comedies. The movie is unfortunately not a high point for Hughes and it's clear why Hughes wanted his name removed.

Frank Whaley is incredibly unlikable as Jim Dodge, with his unearned pride, ego, laziness and brazen lying he's about as unappealing a lead I've seen in a film like this. While Ferris Bueller is often jokingly referred to as a sociopath at least that movie sets itself up in a world of escapist High School fantasy that makes it clear it's aware of the silliness of its premise. Career Opportunities on the other hand isn't framed the same as Ferris Bueller's Day Off and plays more like if you crudely inserted Ferris Bueller into the Breakfast Club. Jennifer Connelly seems confused as to what movie she's in as she plays her role very straight with a tonally out of place subplot where her character is dealing with physical abuse from her father. While The Breakfast Club was a serious character study about high school archetypes, Ferris Bueller was meant to be a fantasy and here Hughes has basically taken his two films and stapled them together with little regard to whether they should fit together. The movie doesn't work as a comedy because it often has no one serving as a straightman to Jim's antics, the movie doesn't work as a romance because Jim's character and Josie don't feel like they're from the same movie with rather heavy material of Connelly's character conflicting with the almost "Bugs Bunny" like demeanor with which Whaley carries himself.

Career Opportunities is a bad movie, it's a mishmash of tones and storybeats that simply don't belong together. Maybe if the film had tried to be either more character based or more of an escapist comedy it might have worked, but as is there's really nothing here that wasn't done better in past Hughes projects.
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Jennifer Connelly - WOW! The movie itself was also alright. Also this movie is about Acting Skill
Jakemcclake27 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers

The phrase "Jennifer Connelly Wow" can be found all over the internet. Hollywood had never seen the likes of Jennifer Connelly before. She is an incredible beauty. I write this 18 years after this movie came out and she still is the hottest woman in Hollywood.

There are favorite scenes of Jennifer - The roller skating scene and the rocking horse scenes are near the top for most guys and they are all over Youtube.

Jennifer can really distract a guy from seeing what takes place in this movie. The first 20 times I saw this, I had the following questions:

1) Does Josey McClelland (Jennifer Connelly) really like Jim Dodge (Frank Whaley)?

2) Since Jim Dodge is considered the town liar and can not seem to hold a job, what does Josey McClelland see in Jim Dodge? What kind of future could she possibly see with Jim Dodge?

3) If Josey likes Jim so much, why does she leave him in the store and drive off, when she steals the crooks' stolen car? Consider, Josey left Jim locked in a store with two angry criminals that subsequently began to look for him with loaded guns.

Answers - Well the answers are demonstrated and shown by where the movie winds up.

1) Yes - Definitely!

2) She sees that he is honest with her, except for not admitting to himself as well as her, that he does not want to live at home, and he is misunderstood by everyone in this little town including his parents, and everyone sees that Jim is doing something but they call it lying. But Josey has a similar talent and therefore, understands what Jim is good at, and where they need to go to take advantage of their talents.

3) She knows that those two stupid crooks have easily fallen for Jim's lies and acting previously - They are in no way a match for the talents of Jim Dodge.

Consider the fantasy (from the leading male or Jim Dodge prospective) that those answers prove out: The sexiest woman comes into your store and is locked in with you for the night. The incredible beauty falls for you, big time, and she sees something about you that no one in this town ever saw. She knows that you are better than any problems that might come along, much better. Because she shares this talent with you The talent she sees in you has been on display for everyone to look at and you even have a nickname pointing to it, and somehow no one ever looked at the positives related to it, except her.

Then you give her a point blank demonstration your talent, showing how you can convince two killers by talking into a radio that you picked off the Target shelf and then talking into some little red book, that they are surrounded by men with guns trained on them. This makes her jump for joy, literally.

She knows the answer that you don't. The answer she forces you to see, move! You are lying to yourself in thinking you like living at home.

Get out of your parents house and get away from this little town and find a place that people appreciate the fact that you are the world's greatest "liar". someone who can easily and naturally make people believe something you are pretending to be.

You are therefore, a super talented ACTOR!

You go through the town in one last view of it with her than without even saying goodbye, you move out of your parents house and together with her you go to (you guessed it, the place where actors go)

Hollywood, California, where the story ends up.
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Not a bad teenager story
barboliuk27 December 2019
If you want to listen 90-x good music , story about teenage problem with grain of romantic - welcome , you will be satisfied.
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Rubbish. Worse than Hot Spot. What was she thinking?
PatrynXX28 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I thought Hot Spot sucked. Until I came upon this movie. I really like most of Jenn's movies, but this one. Besides her nice shapely figure (which was the only draw) this movie was just utterly wasted. It could have been a lot longer. I've never seen such a short film. The movie has about an hour of flab..... The last 20 some minutes is where the crooks come in. Sheesh. It was totally bizarre. Nothing fit right. The acting was okay, but the story was a complete mess. Spy Kids is better than this crap.


Quality: 1/10 Entertainment: 4/10 Replayable: 4/10
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