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Two For The Road...and Cut.
theowinthrop31 July 2006
It is hard to believe it was only eight years ago that this, the last of the Lemmon and Matthau (or Matthau and Lemmon) films was made, and within four years both stars would be gone. One only wishes that their last film together had been more of a success. They had done first rate sequels before with GRUMPIER OLD MEN, but that film had been done within two years of GRUMPY OLD MEN, and a natural momentum carried the stars (and supporting casts) to the finish line. That is not the case with THE ODD COUPLE II. It came out thirty years after the original THE ODD COUPLE, and while they are reunited with the play's creator (Neil Simon) on the screenplay, the momentum - the push - is lacking.

Not that this is a boring film. Far from it. We always wondered how Oscar Madison and Felix Unger would have behaved as elderly men. Of course, Felix looked like he and Gloria were going to settle their differences and return together in the first play/movie. Indeed, in the television series Tony Randall did get back to his wife. But here it is obvious it did not work at all. Both men have remained divorced, and both men remain essential the same: Felix the compulsively organized neatnik and Oscar the incorrigible slob. They also have given each other a wide birth if possible. But they find themselves drawn back into mutual orbit. Oscar's son is getting married - and to Felix's daughter. So the pair are headed for the wedding, and that means jointly showing up.

What happens is a series of joint misadventures on the way to the wedding, especially involving two rather fun young women that they meet (Christine Baranski and Jean Smart) with their jealous boyfriends. This leads to several, increasingly odd, run-ins with the sheriff of a small town they can't seem to successfully leave. Indeed, in one case they get a lift out of town in a beautiful white classic Rolls Royce, which moves more slowly than a pair of people on bicycles.

The situations are all quite amusing. But the unity of the film is not there - it is like a series of skits involving Felix and Oscar, that are vaguely united because the two characters are familiar to us, and they are supposed to get to the wedding. Still the two stars give it their all, and with Baranski, Smart, and the late Bernard Hughes it works well enough as an entertainment. But for me, the wackiness and variety of OUT TO SEA make that film a better final film for the pair.
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vintage Lemmon and Matthau
lee_eisenberg14 October 2005
Okay, so the sequel was pretty absurd, but it was Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau doing what they do best (it was also their final teaming). In this case, Felix Ungar (Lemmon) and Oscar Madison (Matthau) are driving to their son's and daughter's wedding in San something, California, experiencing various unpleasant situations along the way. Most of the movie's strength lies in its one-liners, most of which show just how much both men are seething. I think that my favorite scene is when they stop out in the middle of the desert, and...well, you have to see it. Somewhere up in that great retirement home in the sky, Oscar and Felix must still be getting on each other's nerves. They were truly great.
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I wish it wasn't the last.
documain-130 December 2005
It is sad to think that we will not have any more gems from either of these two screen legends. Lemmon was a great actor, as can be seen in any one of his many films (particularly, "Days of Wine and Roses," "Glen Garry Glen Ross"). He had a broad range, and could play comedy with the best of them ("Mr. Roberts," "How to Murder Your Wife," etc.) Matthau was a breed apart, having done many dramatic roles in is early career ("The Kentuckian," "Fail Safe"), but it was light comedy where he truly shined. He was one of those true "naturals." So, after the "Grumpy Old Men" successes, they are paired for "The Odd Couple II." From the broad range of commentary here, there are those who celebrate this film, and those who think it is lame. I feel it has good performances in a so-so plot, but it think it was a bad choice. They were both great in the first "Odd Couple," but who can deny that they abdicated the roles of Oscar and Felix to two consummate professionals, Jack Klugman and Tony Randall on TV? They polished those roles to perfection, and they had done all that could be done with them. It was pointless for Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau to go there again.

For me, "Grumpy Old Men" is how I would like to remember them. That film had a good story, and was supported by a great team of veterans, Burgess Meredith in particular. In that film, even the out-takes are great.

"The Odd Couple II" reminds me in many ways of "Tough Guys." Both films had legends, both as teams and as individual actors, so when Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster appear together for the last time, you want for them to have something really special. That is what we wanted for Jack Lemmon and Walther Matthau. These films are okay, but only because the actors are in them. They are not good enough movies to honor their memories.
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A Little Bit Odd
alilmadsometimes15 May 2014
This sequel to "The Odd Couple" is odd. First of all, I don't think one really needed to happen and second of all if one was meant to be made it should have been made a little earlier. The 90's did sort of overuse the dynamic duo known as Lemmon and Matthau. Even in the 80's they paired up. But with films like "Grumpy Old Men", "Grumpier Old Men", "Out to Sea" and of course "The Odd Couple II", you have to ask yourself whether or not this great comedic pair really needed to return as Felix and Oscar. Still they both have the great chemistry on screen together. Always had, but this sequel felt oddly strained to me since most of it I've seen already in "Grumpy Old Men".

The script by the great Neil Simon was very hit and miss with the jokes and the whole premise of both of them going to their children's wedding was forced. The direction and editing was pretty sloppy and there was a moment when they were walking in the desert when I almost had a brief flash back of when I saw the movie "Ishtar". The only thing worth seeing and is why I watched it is for Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. Despite this odd sequel having a crapola premise, you still gotta love these guys. I'd say watch it for them, but also check out the first movie.
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Better than expected...
Caine-29 November 1998
Despite poor reviews from critics, this follow-up to the "Odd Couple" delivers quite a few big laughs. Both stars are in top form, although it looks as if old age is begining to damper (just slightly) ol' Walter Matthau's style. I enjoyed many of the sight gags, especially one with Bernard Hughes as a man planning to live to "120" as he drives them cross-country. Howard Duetch, who also directed the hilarious "Grumpier Old Men", does a fine job switching between the dramatic and comedic moments. Not a great film, but an entertaining one with quite a few guffaws. It's biggest downfall: It reminded me more of the "Grumpy Old Men" films than the original "Odd Couple".
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The last team up
Quinoa19846 July 2000
Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau appear in their final film together here after years of acting together (Matthau died recently). Here, they team up once again as Felix and Oscar. This time, they are on a road trip to their son and daughter's wedding (it's Felix's daughter and Oscar's son) and during the trip their are plenty of funny scenes and one-liners, but it just doesn't hit as well as the original. Good effort anyway. Written again by Neil Simon.
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Some clever lines:
Ron-18120 January 2003
This movie had some real cute and clever lines, but alas these two great actors were really beginning to show their age. The film is none the less worth your time and overall and enjoyable escape. It might have been more believable if the marrying couple had been grandchildren instead of son and daughter. I rated this a 7 and it is recommended for all ages.
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Fair as a movie, bad as a sequel to the original
Raleon24 June 2003
Unfortunately, I've never seen any version of the play except for the original movie, so I have little idea about the original play and the shows. But to me this movie is exactly like every other movie Matheau and Lemmon did since 1990, and it lacks the simplicity of the 1968 original which made them popular as a comedy/film duo. While the original was mainly performance and character driven, which is what made it so innovative, this one has little to do with the actual characters of Felix and Oscar and their bad chemistry together. It is more plot driven, which is what kills it. In fact, it could have been any two people with the exact same plot and nothing would change, whereas in the original the character's behaviour would have effected the plot a bit. Not only that, but there's no more satire and comments on marriage and divorce except the little bit at the end, which I felt was out of character for the play. You would think there would also be a comment on growing old and dying together, but there isn't because the plot gets in the way. Some may say that movies now have to be more plot driven and not as simplistic as they were 50 years ago, but I'd have to say they're wrong. A plot can still ruin a movie while one which is simply performance based can still make it today. Anyhow, the original is still much more popular.
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Unforgettable. Classic.
au_law200114 January 2005
This has got to be one the funniest film I've seen with the grumpy old men, unfortunately their last, but those two are and forever will be the funniest duo ever. There quotes and acts are hilarious and unforgettable and their acting is excellent, they make Laurel and Hardy look dull, but I love them too. Anyways, in this one they go into a crazy road trip to their children's wedding and the reunion is almost heart warming but funny and they haven't changed a bit, I like especially the part with the ride they had with another old guy. That was classic. Oh, those two, they might've been old but the jokes and humor in their films were fresh. Recommended to all fans of the two, thank Walter Matthau, thank you Jack Lemmon, I'll never forget you, you two are funniest duo on the movies.
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Hugely Enjoyable light-hearted Sequel. ***1/2 out of *****
WelshFilmCraze19 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau) and Felix Ungar (Jack Lemmon) are reunited 30 years after the classic Original....

Oscar is still a Grumpy,Gambling Grouch....and Felix is still a fusspot allergic to everything - and both are reunited as they attempt to get to their Daughter and son's Wedding - but keep getting thwarted time after time by exploding rental cars, an elderly Car driver who dies on them, Redneck Husbands who end up kidnapping them and they end up getting arrested by the same despairing officer.

The Odd Couple 2 was the 10th and Sadly LAST Film to star both Matthau and Lemmon and was a Financial disappointment (It made less than $19M in it's entire U.S Theatrical run) and has been regarded as a mistake by many Critics (Professional and on IMDb)

Admittedly It doesn't reach the heights of the Original - But to be honest I can't see many people really expecting it to do so.

The Writing (again by Neil Simon) is Very Good and Matthau has loads of great one-liners sprinkled throughout delivered with his classic dead-pan charm, and both Matthau and Lemmon seem to be enjoying themselves.. Matthau was 77 & Lemon 72 at the time of Filming - so I guess This Movie was a 'Now or Never' project for them.

I won't say this was the BEST Movie I've ever seen, but it is a very enjoyable and pleasant movie to watch and it's great to see both stars, who are both no longer with us.

Sadly Matthau died two years later at the age of 79 and Lemmon died barely a year after Matthau at the age of 76.

***1/2 out of *****
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You just can't go home again
smatysia15 June 2002
A failed attempt at rekindling the magic of the 1968 film. It's not the movie is so bad on its own merits, but when you make a sequel, you are explicitly inviting comparisons, and these comparisons are not flattering to this film. Lemmon and Matthau do their thing well enough, but it's not enough. Grade: D
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Felix and Oscar forever
bkoganbing15 October 2012
When Paramount decided to recreate two of the most beloved characters on stage and on the big and small screens fortunately Neil Simon was hired to age Felix Unger and Oscar Madison. And since this is done in real years, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau who played them on screen back in the Sixties aged right along side the characters they played. No one else could have done proper justice to Felix and Oscar and fortunately they were both alive to get the job done.

A lot has happened in the intervening years. Simon for some reason made Matthau far more ethnically Jewish in this version which finds Oscar living in a senior citizens center writing for a local paper covering minor league baseball and indulging in his weekly pastime of penny ante poker with some contemporaries. He's still the same grouchy lovable slob he always was. I do love that bombs away scene with the garbage bags from his apartment, I can't say more.

And then he learns that his son is marrying his old roommate Felix's daughter and both are invited to the wedding out in Southern California. Enter Jack Lemmon who after making himself a royal pest to the crew on the New York flight to California meets up with Matthau where they rent a car and journey to the small southern California town all of which begin with either San or Los in their names. Don't believe me, look at a map of California and see what I'm talking about. That is after leaving Felix's plastic bag wrapped suitcase on the curb.

After that for a good half the picture Lemmon and Matthau are alone on the screen and that's what the movie-going public paid to see in 1998 in their last joint project. Two of the greatest comic actors and I say that and not comedians doing their best with some of the most impeccable timing and diction and in Matthau's case one of the most expressive faces in film history. Getting involved with a pair of rednecks and their slutty wives and getting into a car with an aged Barnard Hughes who just stops living and getting stuck with a truck of illegal immigrants are the three situations that put them in the jurisdiction of Sheriff Richard Riehl who gets tired of hosting these two in his jail.

Comes the wedding and the aftermath and all I can say there is Oscar as a sportswriter who covered the Yankees would be familiar with what Yogi Berra said about 'De Ja Vu all over again'.

Oscar and Felix they're back, they're better than ever and with both Lemmon and Matthau now gone, we're sadder for the fact they'll never return.
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Hail and farewell
vincentlynch-moonoi1 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In my view, there are two ways to judge this film. The first is by looking it as a "stand-alone" movie. In that way it doesn't stand up that well. The plot is okay -- a buddy road trip on the way to a wedding...only for a change it's senior citizens. The situations are HUMOROUS, but not laugh-out-loud funny. The principal actors (Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau) do their jobs, while the supporting actors and actresses also do theirs. It's an amusing movie. And, if you don't know much about Lemmon and Matthau, that's all it will be to you.

The other way to judge this film is by looking at it as the closing act of a REAL buddy team of two actors who have shared a big part of their lives together, both professionally and personally. Then it doesn't matter if the film is as outwardly funny as it is charmingly humorous. You sit there thinking of their first film together -- the first "The Odd Couple" -- and you reminisce. Their first outing with "The Fortune Cookie", their most memorable romp in "The Odd Couple", the hilarity of "The Front Page", their renaissance in "Grumpy Old Men" and "Grumpier Old Men", and even their not so great "Out to Sea" and "Buddy Buddy". You admire them for what they meant individually and collectively to American cinema. And as you watch the scene of them parting at the airport, just maybe you think of Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn in that scene in "Guess Who's Coming Together" where they both know the end is almost upon them...not in film, but in real life. And you see the wistfulness of the parting scene between Lemmon and Matthau, probably realizing that this is the last film together.

So, how to judge this film? Factually or sentimentally? For me, more the latter, because it's a hearty farewell and thank you both for the laughs you have given me.
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Old jokes revisited does not really spell laugh riot
policy1348 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not that this was a total stinker, but seeing two of the greatest actors and comedians make such a disappointing swan song as a team is very sad. The premise simply doesn't play as well when you have seen it so many times in the past. It started with The Fortune Cookie which wasn't a great film but it utilized them, especially Matthau, in a way that simply clicked. From the moment Matthau says his first line we were almost certain that he was up to no good but still in a way which made us like him, even more than Lemmon, the put upon character. Then there was the first Odd Couple and the magic was still there. That film was simply brilliant because the lines were snappier and Lemmon was much more funny than expected.

Here it simply doesn't work. I can't exactly put my finger on it but it seems that putting Oscar and Felix in a road trip movie is just an excuse to see how many senile old man jokes the director can come up with. First of all, they forget which town they are going to which isn't very funny to begin with. Then their car goes over a cliff, a joke that really belongs in a Warner Bros. cartoon and last they get arrested, not once but several times. Not very funny. Oh, yes I almost forgot about the driver who only goes about 2 miles an hour and then croaks. Ha Ha.

Lemmon was a multi-talent who could both be outrageously funny and dead serious and Matthau could deliver in both ways too, although he was always more of a comic actor. It's sad that they are both gone now and seeing this is like going to a carnival and discover that all the rides are broken.
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Excellent movie, a laugh riot!
goody153 April 1999
This movie was ten times better then I expected. I just pick up this movie because I saw a preview for it and thought it might be worth a laugh. And I laughed all the way through. These two guys are great. It's a mindless comedy that kind of reminded me of trains, planes and automobiles. score: 9/10
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30 Year Sequel
michaelarmer13 January 2020
And what a sequel, ok its a bit slower than before and the two main characters are a bit more cantankerous, but that's what 30 years of ageing does to you.

Most sequels are made only a few years after the first, but this is 30 years, and worth it, probably not as good as the first but pretty close with many references to the first, which makes good continuation.

Matthau and Lemmon are still as good today as they were then, the also have good support, it is well made and well directed, so no problems there.

The sad thing is they both died soon after, Walter Matthau in 2000, and Jack Lemmon in 2001, and was their last film together, almost both their last movies, Walter did another movie in 2000 with a tv movie between this and that, Jack did a couple of TV movies, a bit of TV and narrated in his last film, so savour it, I don't think we will see the likes of them again.

RIP Walter Matthau (1920-2000), RIP Jack Lemmon (1925-2001), we miss you both.
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Two Old Guys Ragging On Each Other
gavin69428 May 2007
Oscar's son is marrying Felix's daughter... and the "odd couple" will now be traveling across California to try and find the wedding. But anything that can go wrong will go wrong when you're dealing with these grumpy old men.

Normally, I don't think you wait 30 years to make a sequel... but they did it (probably setting some kind of record). And, you know, I liked this film. I watched it with my brother and my father, and I found it to be a good film for a family to watch (but an older family, because the language is a little bad). It's funny in a more or less clean way (no smut) and it's a no-brainer film (just more of Mathau and Lemmon tearing into each other).

I liked some of the jokes more than others ("the crutch store" is pretty funny) and a lot of it was sort of cheesy. But it's also cute to see two old men try to pick up women half their age and get stranded in a desert. That's just so silly -- old men! Old men, who aren't timid, with no secrets.

That's really all I can say about this one. It's just like watching "Grumpy Old Men", but it's in California rather than in the woods. Otherwise ,it may as well be the same film. Which works. Because unlike other films that seem to be copies of themselves, this has more of a "Laurel and Hardy" or "Abbott and Costello" feel where you can't imagine these old men doing anything differently. Check it out for an easy laugh.
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"Uproariously funny! Good fun with Felix and Oscar."
vip_ebriega14 March 2007
My Take: The leads make this all work out.

I watched this film last night, but I missed the first half, so I don't know the title. The film was really funny. So I decided to look for it here in IMDb, and was surprised that it was a sequel. A sequel to a classic comedy starring the same stars, much older now though. But anyway, "Odd Couple II" is satisfyingly funny, no, it was uproariously funny!!! I love the performances of Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. They are really kings of comedies. They make you laugh at the jokes, with their accents and act of delivering, even if some of them don't work. The jokes come fast too. There must have been billions of jokes in this, and it's only one movie. So, convinced yet. I hope so.

I'm not really in to the comedy crowd. But "Odd Couple II" is an excellent comedy. The laughs really work and the performances by Lemmon and Matthau really make it a modern classic (for me).

Rating: ***1/2 out of 5.
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The Odd Couple II (1998) ***
JoeKarlosi11 June 2004
It's 30 years after the original film, and guess what? Felix Unger and Oscar Madison aren't young men anymore. No problem at all... after all, even Odd Couple characters themselves can't stay young forever. So that's why people need to get past that and enjoy this criminally underrated sequel for what it is --- which is a good, wholesome film that happily re-teams Lemmon and Matthau as that cinematic pair of unlikely roommates.

Perhaps this reunion would have been better received if audiences hadn't already been "GRUMPY-OLD MEN'd" out by now; I don't know. But having Felix and Oscar driving around the country to get to a wedding and meeting all sorts of stumbling blocks (not the least of which are each other) is a recipe for easy laughs and a good time.

Comedy is a subjective thing, it's true. And I found this film quite humorous throughout. But whether one thinks it's funny or not, I've never understood what often sounds like a lot of unnecessary animosity towards its existence (especially according to Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide). It was just what we needed when it was released in 1998, and it's about as worthy a followup to the classic 1968 original as a 30-years-later sequel can be. *** out of ****
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ryome3 January 2006
Any movies with old dudes fighting like my old man is funny. I'm serious. This movie might not be the biggest thing ever but it certainly made me laugh. Its a classic in my list. There's no deep message but its a damn good movie. Watch it with your old folks. They'll like it. Many dudes i know says it's just a movie about old men complaining. They're right, but they're funny old man with funny complaints. It's a good kind of movies that the "seniors" would like. It's a shame the two old guys won't be making anymore movies. It was the only movie my old man would watch as a comedy. This movie is my girlfriend's favorite among those two old guys.

Anywho...It's a good movie and you should watch it

(kudos to you dad)
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A funny sequel even if there are parts that don't work as well
Prior to the start of the 21rst century, movie franchises that had sequels were more or less on time with their releases. Other sets of movies were created not long after. This was due to movie studios finding it to be profitable and producing a sequel almost every year. Whether or not they actually were of good quality is a separate matter. The point is, sequels came in a rather systematic fashion. Rarely were sequels made years later except for some. A very mainstream movie series that has quite a number of years in between its entries was James Cameron's The Terminator (1984) film. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) came several years later and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) was even longer still. However the longest awaited sequel ever to be made might in fact be this movie since its predecessor goes back three decades!

The Odd Couple (1968) was based on a play written by Neil Simon. This story would then also receive a TV show adaptation. But as for this sequel, the script was also written by Neil Simon but was completely original. Nothing had been written before as to what would happen if the two main odd balls would reunite. For this film, it just so happens that the daughter of Felix Unger (Jack Lemmon) and son of Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau) are getting married. When Oscar and Felix cross paths, the madness begins. The question is, will they reach the wedding in time? For being a sequel that came far after its original, the play out to this feature is not as bad as one might think. Heading the production was Howard Deutch. He's mainly known for directing TV shows now. Deutch also worked with Matthau and Lemmon in Grumpier Old Men (1995).

What does work here are the two stars and thankfully much of the supporting cast. Even for thirty years later Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau are great at reprising their all time famous roles. Lemmon still plays Felix as about as stressed as ever, while Matthau plays Oscar just as relaxed and out of touch as well. Both still have the same likable chemistry and great wisecracks towards each other. The next actor to have some funny scenes is Richard Riehle the local sheriff. As Oscar and Felix try to reach their family's wedding, they continuously run into Riehle's character. Seeing his reaction every time after the first gets more comical. As for the couple getting married, Brucey (Jonathan Silverman) and Hannah (Lisa Waltz) are both okay in their roles but they really don't have a lot of shine time.

The parts that aren't effective in the story deal a lot with how the script was written. The plus side is that Neil Simon takes the scenario between the iconic duo and shows the audience what happens when these two are let out of their cages. Yet somehow there's a lack of witty dialog among the whole running time. Matthau and Lemmon are wonderful no doubt, but they can't work alone. Part of what made The Odd Couple (1968) funny was the funny supporting cast. Aside from Riehle, there's not many other actors to find hilarious. On top of that, there a couple of scenes that have the two leads dropping the "F" bomb. The original movie did not use that word at all and it was still hilarious. So what was the point of using it now? Lastly there's a brief subplot that comes up out of nowhere and is quickly settled, so again, why bring it up to begin with?

But aside from this there are appearances from other actors like Mary Beth Peil, Christine Baranski, Jean Smart, Rex Linn, Jay O. Sanders and even Earl Boen. For camerawork, the shots captured are decent for the picture. Credited as cinematographer was Jamie Anderson. Unlike the original where much of the settings took place in the apartment, now the whole adventure takes place outside and there's lots to see. Anderson was also the DP to movies like Piranha (1978), Unlawful Entry (1992) and Small Soldiers (1998) that same year. Lastly, bringing forth the music was composer Alan Silvestri. Being known for all kinds of scores Silvestri did a great job revisiting the famous main theme from the original and it is repeated quite often in full orchestra. A job well done.

While the script may suffer from unnecessary add ins and occasionally less energetic dialog, the rest of the viewing experience is still enjoyable. Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon remain the highlight of the feature, with great exchanges, acceptable cinematography and respectable music.
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The old team is back in body only
SnoopyStyle15 March 2015
It's been 17 years since Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau) and Felix Unger (Jack Lemmon) have seen each another. Oscar is still a slob sportswriter in Sarasota, Florida. Felix is a still neurotic mess after three divorces. One day, Oscar's son Brucey calls to tell him that he's marrying Felix's daughter Hannah. Oscar and Felix reunite at LAX and take a road trip to the wedding in San Malina.

After the success of the 'Grumpy Old Men' movies, it was inevitable that Matthau and Lemmon would revisit these famous characters. It's also very heartening to have Neil Simon back as the writer. The old team is back but they do not age well. My first problem is that in this movie universe, the duo has become separated for 17 years. It's a sad way to start the movie and it's so unnecessary. The movie is relying on the weakest of premise. It seems to go down some comedic avenues but the movie pulls back at each section before it gets truly funny. They're not taking enough risks and relies too much on the odd couple's chemistry.
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Nice heart warming comedy
c-devnull26 April 2010
Firstly let me just say I love Walter Matthau his puppy dog face with his expressions and the lisp are funny, never mind him actually being funny as a person - jack lemon is OK but I think he relies heavily on other peoples performances, definitely not a lead actor but still good.

These actors are actually more entertaining the older they get but unfortunately they have both died not so R.I.P both of you, they will be missed.

I love this film and is one of the many films I've searched for with them together since I watched the terrific grumpy and grumpier old men. This is a good film because of the chemistry and there characters, the story is decent and the whole theme generally works very well. And I think for the aforementioned reasons that this is actually much better than the first one, good job guys!
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Expectedly updated, unexpectedly tolerable
StevePulaski17 November 2013
When a film's first sequel isn't made until thirty years after its original, one can faintly assume the project was a brainchild of desperate executes and equally desperate actors, both of whom in dire need of a paycheck. The Odd Couple II has "profit margin" and "modern comedy" written all over it, and plays drastically different instruments than the Gene Saks' film I regarded as "a masterwork of comedic timing and actors showcasing their energy and talents on screen." That film focuses its sites entirely on leisurely-paced, rather than the breathless array of antics and screwball comedy that many comedies of the time used.

So, what would you expect a sequel to the original Odd Couple film made in 1998 focus mostly on? As did I, sight-gags, comedy based on the inanity of events, and louder, broader instances of trouble rather than the quietly reserved humor based on dialog and setting that existed in the first film. To my surprise, however, was how much I liked The Odd Couple II. It's the definition of slight, doesn't do much in regards to a long-term impact, and it will certainly not be held by me as any masterwork. But as a final showcase of two amazing screen talents and the equivalent of a cinematic light-snack, I'll most certainly take it with a simple grin.

Lemmon and Matthau reprise their roles as the neurotic Felix and the often careless and messy Oscar, respectively, this time taking part on a road trip through the confusingly-named towns of California because Oscar's son is planning to wed Felix's daughter. When both men meet at the airport, this is their first sight of each other in seventeen years (or, since the events of the first film), and both haven't changed much at all. When we see Oscar still resides in a cluttered, messy home (only this time in Florida) playing poker with a new band, this time predominately older women, and Felix still uses his loud, obnoxious technique of clearing his sinuses as he is allergic to everything, we see that we, the audience, may have changed but these guys haven't.

After both take separate flights to California, they must get to San Malina in time for the big wedding. But after taking the completely opposite highway, losing their car, among a series of other events straight out of the unwritten book of road trip hijinks, the trip is made into an unbelievably long, convoluted state of affairs that test both men in ways they never thought possible.

Unsurprisingly, Lemmon and Matthau make the most out of this hit and miss material. Again, I was taken by their random conversations and simple talking points they'd bring up while walking aimlessly throughout the desert. I was amused by their snappy wordplay during calamitous instances. And finally, it was wonderful to see such energy among two great character actors. Here are two men just a few years away from their deaths and they're acting with more energy and vigor than those half their age. Consider Felix's tyrannical rant at Oscar in the desert before ultimately destroying their only means of transportation. I think I'd get winding trying to repeat that, but Lemmon does it with no hesitation.

Coming off of both Grumpy Old Men films, two pictures that still possess elements of escapism and realism, The Odd Couple II doesn't seem to quite hold up in that respect. The film plays like the second sequel to the series, but with more emphasis on screwball situations than conversational banter. I was kind of shocked when I saw writer Neil Simon wrote the film after writing the original picture to be the direct opposite from what this project would turn out to be. This only fuels my thoughts that this film was made for the money rather than the idea that more could be done with Felix and Oscar. The Odd Couple II provides for nice, passing entertainment (and works better than Lemmon and Matthau's previous effort Out to Sea), but it leaves one with the lingering question, "was it really necessary?"

Starring: Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. Directed by: Howard Deutch.
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Sad to watch
tsmith41711 May 2008
The original "Odd Couple" remains one of my all-time favorite movies, but this sequel to it, what, 40 years later? is just sad. Walter Matthau is old and tired, Jack Lemmon is old and tired, and Neil Simon must be old and tired too, to come up with such an un-funny and frankly embarrassing script.

I turned this one off right after Lemmon said the F-word. No way in the world would Felix Unger say anything like that, and I would be completely dismayed and surprised if Neil Simon wrote it that way; I think some young whippersnapper on the set told Jack Lemmon to say it to make the dialog more "up to date" but it ruined what little hope I might have had for this film.
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