Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) Poster

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Frustratingly Entertaining
diac22820 May 2011
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is one of my favorite television shows, even though its gone a bit downhill lately. Is it the cast? No, because they are mostly intact. What is actually happening is that each of the main characters, known for their superb chemistry amongst each other, are suddenly spending less screen time with each other and more time to themselves. This story actually has a point. On Stranger Tides suffers the same fate: fantastic cast that don't spend as much time with each other as we hope. Add some pointless plot lines, a calmer first-third of the flick, and you have yourself the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean.

That being said, its still quite entertaining. On Stranger Tides follows a variety of people searching for the fabled Fountain of Youth. Unfortunately for us, its not just Jack Sparrow. We have Blackbeard, the Spanish, the British (led by Barbossa), Angelica, and more doing the same thing. Subplots pertaining to this quest include Jack's past with Angelica, Barbossa's questionable change in character, some random guy falling for some random girl (I am serious, this part was totally pointless), and the pointless Spanish people that flock in and out of the movie.

This is by far the weakest part of the movie, the script. For some odd reason, they borrowed far too much from the novel (whose pacing and themes far differ that of the Pirates brand) and forgot that sometimes simplicity is best---which is what made Curse of the Black Pearl such a great film. It was the easiest to follow, and On Stranger Tides didn't learn from the previous two installments. To add to that, the script utterly separated everyone, even those with the best on-screen chemistry. Barbossa was barely with Jack Sparrow, Sparrow was rarely with his ex-lover, and worst of all reliable Gibbs spent minimal time with Sparrow. When they are together, the humor, the banter, tension, and the charm works well. When they aren't, well, the movie drags a bit.

Thank goodness the cast is still on their game. Johnny Depp once again breathes life into the pirate movie with his smart, unpredictable, and hilarious portrayal of Jack Sparrow. Despite what the reviews say, Jack Sparrow's shtick isn't getting old as he is still a delight to watch. Geoffrey Rush once again shines as Jack's best rival Barbossa, as his quiet intentions resemble that of Sparrow in earlier films. Penelope Cruz adds a layer of sexuality that we definitely did not have with the other Pirates of the Caribbeans--it's just a shame she didn't have much time with Sparrow. Director Rob Marshall was able to shell out good performances from everyone in the cast, but he definitely wasn't the man for this job.

Almost all the chase scenes or action sequences were done with very low-lighting and poor camera angles. With the exception of the mesmerizing and chilling mermaid sequence and the opening chase, all the action moments were missing that special touch. While the bizarreness of Gore Verbinski will not be totally missed (although his style worked perfectly in Rango), his ability to crank out excellent stuntwork and fights was sorely missing here. At least we got to see plenty of it, from the opening chase to the final dramatic (and short) showdown. Say whatever you want, but there has yet to be anything that can top the infamous three-way sword fight/old mill showdown from Dead Man's Chest.

Bottom Line: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a mix of frustration and fun. There was plenty of potential that wasn't met because of questionable plot lines, pointless moments, lack of chemistry (once again: writer's fault. Good going Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio), and uneven direction. All that banter aside, Pirates is also plenty fun with several delightful moments, funny lines, and much more action than the last Pirates flick. Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz and company keep the movie afloat, and prevent it from being a pure bore. But I think the franchise works better when Verbinski is behind the camera. On Stranger Tides is decent summer entertainment, but doesn't have the inescapable magic and charm of the first two.
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Imperfect but worthy instalment
TheLittleSongbird18 May 2011
As far as the Pirates of the Caribbean movies go, On Stranger Tides may be lacking in the rollicking fun of Curse of the Black Pearl, which I absolutely loved, though it's closer in spirit to it than those of the two movies before, but I think it is better than Dead Man's Chest, which had great effects and a brilliant Bill Nighy but felt overlong and ferentic sometimes, and At World's End, which had the cast giving their all, great visuals, score and final battle but rather convoluted and bloated on the whole.

On Stranger Tides isn't perfect. I did feel it did have perhaps have too many moments of exposition and clichés, though the story if slightly rickety in places here is less bloated noticeably and better paced than the film released before it which is a good thing. I also felt the romantic subplot(s) felt underdeveloped and forced, and while there are some droll, bizarre and witty quips particularly with Depp, Rush and Cruz there is a bit of filler that could have been excised.

However, despite these complaints, On Stranger Tides is a worthy instalment. Once again, the production values are impeccable, the cinematography is skillful, the costumes, sets and period recreation is authentic and the effects are superb. The opening twenty minutes is an example of the writing being at its funniest and wittiest, and the scenes with the mermaids are beautifully shot and intriguing.

While not perhaps original, and not among his best, I did very much like Hans Zimmer's score, which was rousing and brought some much-needed energy. The characters are not the best developed, but they are fun and there aren't too many of them to interrupt the flow of the story, a big problem I found with At World's End, while the action sequences are both exciting and nail-biting on the whole.

I wasn't so sure about Rob Marshall as director, but he does a far better job than expected, and the film is livelier in pace than Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. The acting is good enough for what it was. Johnny Depp plays lovable rogue Jack Sparrow with a voluptuous swagger and sly humour and nails it again, while the idea to omit Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom here proved a good one, without them for my money the whole adventure carried less of a dead weight.

Instead we have Penelope Cruz, who proves a perfect match for Depp. She is feisty, beautiful, foxy and sexy, and also likable and fun. I was wondering what they would do for villains without Bill Nighy, but I needn't have worried. Ian McShane is a worthy addition as Blackbeard, who is charming in a grizzly way while committing acts of great evil. Geoffrey Rush is underused in a way, but he does have some great lines and a fun presence so he isn't a complete waste.

In conclusion, On Stranger Tides is not a perfect film, but as an instalment to a decent enough franchise it is a more than worthy one. And you know, what I've said about this movie was not something I thought I would be saying, because judging by what I'd seen of the advertising/trailers, it looked as though it was going be the worst of the series, but actually for me it wasn't. 7.5/10 Bethany Cox
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I don't get why this one wasn't liked by the majority?
rws_209 March 2021
Yes, there's no Bloom or Knightley in this one, and it might not be as action-packed as the others, but it's far from a bad film. Depp, Rush and McShane did a fantastic job at carrying the franchise to its fourth installment. There's plenty of laughs, some well choreographed action sequences, and it's a nice little tale of the search for the Fountain of Youth. This one is definitely up there with the first three films for me.
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Same old "Pirates" with a new simpler focus and more Capt. Jack
Movie_Muse_Reviews22 May 2011
After a four-year hiatus to regroup and determine the future of the franchise, Disney and what was once its surprise mega-hit "Pirates of the Caribbean" series have returned in "On Stranger Tides." Hard to believe that this franchise evolved from the once-lambasted concept of a theme park ride being turned into a successful motion-picture blockbuster. After exhausting the "Pirates" world with two back-to-back sequels of titanic and rather disappointing proportion in 2006 and 2007, a break in the action to recalibrate Captain Jack Sparrow's compass was much-needed. The "new" course set by "On Stranger Tides" uses worn sails, but with a fresh wind of characters and more importantly, a more direct purpose.

As promised in the end of "At World's End," Jack's looking for the Fountain of Youth if for nothing more than ships and giggles. First, however, he must take a side trip to London to rescue his old pal Gibbs (Kevin McNally) and subsequently the palace of King George (Richard Griffiths in a lovely cameo). There, he learns that his old pal Barbossa (Rush) has lost The Black Pearl as well as his leg and sold out to His Majesty's Royal Navy. He is to help the English find the Fountain before the Spaniards do. Jack, of course, knows the way there, thus continuing his ongoing role as an indispensable pestilence.

After a familiar improvised escape, he crosses paths with an old lover, Angelica (Penelope Cruz), who he once deflowered before she was to take her vows at a convent. She mentions she has a ship he can borrow, only it turns out that it's her father's ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge, captained by none other than Blackbeard the Pirate (Ian McShane), a feared and soulless scourge with a minor in black magic. So much for smooth sailing.

As overdone and cliché as the Fountain of Youth may be, it's perfect for the "Pirates" franchise and helps keep things very simple, something the last installment had more than a fair deal of trouble with. Only a few character subplots threaten to convolute the story, but all motivations lead to the Fountain regardless the reason. In fact, "On Stranger Tides" marks the first film to truly focus on Captain Jack. With Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley's characters out of the way, the franchise can keep the spotlight on the reason it's gotten four films deep. Depp has nothing new in store for us as the true center of attention, but by continuing to underplay the trademark quirks and mannerisms, he continues to prolong the deterioration of the Capt. Jack act. Some might disagree, but it depends how much you liked him the first place.

In terms of new faces, Ian McShane is impeccable as Blackbeard. Rush gave a wonderfully theatrical performance as the main villain in the first film, but McShane introduces the first true quantifiable force of evil the franchise has seen. Although his voodoo abilities and reputation for killing his men and bringing them back from the dead to serve as his zombie slaves are never entirely realized, he's the merciless villain this film needed. He never fully crosses into scare-your-children evil, but he could've at any instant and that feeling radiates from his performance. In general, this film aligns itself more with fantasy and traditional folklore than the supernatural like the previous film.

Among other new faces, Rob Marshall as the franchise's new director does serviceable work. The "Chicago" filmmaker chews the scenery well and creates effective moods and tones, but the action could have been a bit more inspired, especially considering the series' reputation for sword-fighting ingenuity.

Marshall's best work and the film's best sequence deals with mermaids, not the singing and seashell bra type, but seduce you with their looks and then try and devour you with fangs type. Quiet, suspenseful and culminating in a full-on action sequence, the mermaids constitute the one completely fresh element of the film. Their cove is the lone stop on the journey as well, so it's the only aspect of the plot that creates that classic seafaring adventure feeling akin to Homer's "The Odyssey."

Not much else deviates from the formula, so those hoping for a resurgence in the series or something as good as the first film, "The Curse of the Black Pearl," will remain wishful thinkers once again. It's hard to imagine where the series could go next without retreading over old ground or just introducing new characters for the sake of it, but Captain Jack Sparrow remains one of the few reliable comforts of blockbuster cinema, and any adventure with him at the wheel will struggle to be a total waste of time. "On Stranger Tides" makes just enough adjustments to the series to make for a successful installment.

~Steven C

Visit my site at http://moviemusereviews.com
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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is another enjoyable romp with Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz
tavm24 May 2011
I had previously enjoyed the first and third of the Johnny Depp pirate movies though I was confused by some of the sequences. This one that I just watched with my movie theatre-working friend, I understood a bit more and, as a result, I enjoyed a little more especially with the addition of the beautiful Penelope Cruz as a former paramour who may or may not be on his side. There's also some good sequences with some mermaids that positively floored me with how they operate here. And the return of Geoffrey Rush as the one-legged crew member was also a treat here. Plenty of witty lines from Depp and some good swashbuckling sequences here and there were also good under new director Rob Marshall. So on that note, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is highly recommended.
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Captain Jack is back...
Fairyangel246 May 2011
I saw an advanced screening of this movie last night at the El Capitan theatre in Hollywood. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so all I'll say is that it was pretty darn good. By not having Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom in it, the film didn't feel like just a rehash of all the other PotC films. Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane really added a lot to the film, and I loved Sam Claflin's performance. But of course you have to have Johnny Depp, because it wouldn't be PotC without him, and Geoffrey Rush was spectacular as always. All in all, this has everything you'd expect from PotC: swashbuckling, sea creatures, sword-fighting, and lots of great comedy; but the new cast members keep it feeling fresh.
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New Ships
tedg7 June 2011
The franchise has shifted. The 'first trilogy' was visually-centered. It was quite literally a ride, allowing Depp room to creatively be silly. Some of the cinematic stretch was significant, and I still remember the Shackleford reference fondly.

This is something entirely different. Sure, it has busy sequences and characters from the same universe. But now we have something story- centric. Images are pasted onto the story rather than the other way around.

There's even an excess of story and excess within story with the excess being a character itself.

There are at least three love stories, one of them tender and conventional, all of them centered on Catalonian women.

There is something of an overarching battle between Christianity and the supernatural. The extreme irony is that the Spaniards are the token of the faith. In actual life, they were the ones who invented the notions of supernatural evil, the first continental faith-based genocide and New World slavery.

There is a nice little revenge story that references Moby Dick. And at the end two Peter Pan like affirmations of the (pirate's) life of adventure.

I liked it. I liked the gush and mix of narrative. I liked the appropriation of Almodovarian values. But I have to say that no one knew how to leverage Penelope the way Pedro can. She is not inventive like Johnny and Geoffrey. She is a vessel, a vulnerable vessel that can be filled with female assets. But she has to gather that from the environment. Making her into something even Geena Davis and her lover could not do is a sacrilege.
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Captain Jack Sparrow at his best!
jerryfrank1721 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was fun and Captain Jack Sparrow was at his best. But even though I enjoyed the movie overall because of Captain Jack Sparrow and the fun adventure, I do see what people mean by it feels empty. There are times when it just carries on with no sense of adventure in it. The second one was too long the third too many sub plots with a a messy script and too long, but they both had a sense of fun and adventure with memorable parts in Dead Man's Chest with the Wheel fight on the island, Jack and the crew escaping the cannibals was a fun action scene, Davy Jones and the Kraken scenes and with At Worlds End the fight scene in Singapore, the adventure to Davy Jones locker with the ship going through a ice cave, flipping the ship upside down, scenes with Davy Jones, and the epic last battle with the Pearl and Flying Dutchman fighting around a maelstrom. Gore handled the action scenes perfectly but the fault in them was that if they trimmed parts out and worked harder if could have been a much better film, but as were, still good adventures with a sense of fun. The beginning action scene in On Stranger Tides, I thought was fun as when they where trying to mutiny Blackbeard, but I thought the action scenes with Gore were funner and more arousing, not that on stranger tides were embarrassingly bad but not as edge of my seat fun action scenes as with the first three. This movie also provided memorable scenes, when we first meet the mermaids is going to be one of the most memorable scenes of the series, and the jungle scenes and fountain of youth and Jack escaping in London scenes look very good and cool. And like I said earlier Captain Jack is funny and having a blast in this. Going back to On Stranger Tides not having as many memorable set pieces, it does fix in having a shorter less all over the place feel. Captain Jack and Barbossa when together were great. I was little upset and felt I was going to be disappointed because of the reviews, so this movie had to prove me wrong and make me like it and it did, cause Captain Jack was silly/ witty and having fun and so was I. Did some parts feel like they weren't leading to places, yes and I would hire new writers because besides the first one there were faults with the script, its like if thats the ideas in the movie you want, build around that and make a better, sharper script. It might have faults like in the script and writing like the other two sequels but like those two it still has a sense of fun, this one being with Captain Jack at his best.
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Our favorite pirate is back!
Misagh9 May 2011
Firstly, this review does not contain any spoilers whatsoever so read on. I had the privilege to watch this in the El Capitan theater advanced screening. Johnny Depp, the goofy pirate that we have grown to love, returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise.

The plot is when Jack crosses paths with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz), he's not sure if it's love—or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

By being a fan this franchise, I can happily confirm that YES, it is as good as the first one! Be ready for an adventure and half! Brings everything from the classic bizarre comedy to the nail biting action scenes.

The marketing for the movie have been intelligently subliminal like some other great film releases, like Avatar, or Blair Witch (the real vs fake) and the recent awesome film production The Artifice (the-artifice.com) and so on.

This is not a film to miss, does not matter if you are a die hard fan of Pirates, or new to the series! I might be in trouble for writing a review of the movie this early, so please click Yes on the "is this review useful" as a thank you ;)
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Good! But it felt like we skipped a film?
ArArArchStanton29 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It did feel like Stanger Tides was actually part 5, and we skipped over part 4.

First off, I'll say the film was solid. The mermaid sequences were stunning, Blackbeard was stellar in every way, and I loved the twist ending with the surprise motivation of the Spanish.

But as for the rushed feeling, for one, there are a number of things we are just told to accept from the beginning of the film such as Barbossa having the peg leg and being in the British service,,,,, OK,,, perhaps not that big of a deal, but what about this, Cruz's character has come to accept Black Beard as her father. Fair enough, but wouldn't that have been much more powerful if we had gotten to know each character first and then in a "Luke I am your father" moment seen her learn that he was in fact her father. Instead, we're just told that she's learned this and any build up to the discovery is hacked off at the knees.

But more importantly perhaps was the lack of character development in some areas. Most specifically with our new priest. Why was he there again? It's not really clear. And for the love story between he and the mermaid, which was in effect taking the place of the displaced couple of previous films, the pair felt extremely underdeveloped.

Likewise was the back story of Cruz and Depp. I mean it was there, they did mention it, but it just didn't really resonate as significant.

NOW, those two issues can be resolved by a future film, and should a 5th film bulk up the characters of Cruz & the priest and their motivations and/or relationship with Depp, then this film will grow stronger in retrospect, but as it stands now, it just felt like either they were underdeveloped, or that their back story deserved more than an "oh by the way" and perhaps should have been explored previously, before embarking on this story itself.
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Captain Jack showed flashes of brilliance but everyone else failed
dlrpsteve19 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Bad

I'm sure my surroundings had a lot to do with my enjoyment of the film, or lack thereof, but even without that it wasn't up to the high standard that I regard the first three Pirates of the Caribbean films. The plot was flaky and apart from Jack, the characters weren't that great.

After seeing Ian McShane in Deadwood I was convinced he'd make a fantastic Blackbeard, but I think his Lovejoy character was more evil than he was in On Stranger Tides. At the height of his devilishness (is that even a word?) he triggered his ship's flamethrower to kill a mutineer and gave us doubts over his true feelings to a daughter he'd only just found out about. He wasn't a patch on the Barbosa/Davey Jones/Lord Beckett trifecta of evil from the first three films. As someone once said, Luke Skywalker was only as good as Darth Vader was evil.

Speaking of the daughter, Penelope Cruz as Angelica was a character I felt very apathetic towards. The whole raison d'etre of her quest to find the Fountain of Youth was because it had been foretold that a one legged man would kill her father and she wanted to save him so she could have that father she never heard. I'm sorry but pass me the bucket - that sentimental dross deserves to be on Jeremy Kyle (Oprah Winfrey for anyone reading from the US) not as the main plot for the latest of one of the biggest film franchises of all time.

The dilemma at the end of the film sees both Blackbeard and Angelica about to die and only one can be saved by the Fountain of Youth. At that point I didn't care if either died and why should I? Blackbeard is an evil man, or so they tell us, and Angelica has used Jack to get to the Fountain of Youth. If I were Jack I'd have left them both to die and the film would have been better off if he had. At least then we'd have some of the darker side of Jack which never showed appeared in this film. Instead our scoundrel played a goody two shoes who seemed to be motivated by his concern for Angelica's safety. Please, this is Jack Sparrow we are talking about, like he really gives a damn about anyone apart from himself, a characteristic which made him so appealing in the previous films. Yes, he does have a softer side that we've seen before, but to not this whipped extent.

Don't even get me started on the Mermaids. They were great to start with, but as soon as it was just Syrena and her boring relationship with Philip the clergyman, all was lost as they gave us the dullest moments in Pirates of the Caribbean history, to date.

My last major moan is about the part where Jack left Angelica on the island. Remember, Angelica's whole motivation was to save her father, and Jack had just condemned him to death. So why in God's name, when his back was turned, did she try to attack him with a piece of wood and not shoot him in the back with the pistol he had just given her? Yes she had some feelings for Jack, but surely not enough for her to get over the fact that Jack had basically just killed her father and destroyed what she had spent the whole film trying to achieve? Don't give me the old 'he saved her life' spiel – Jack let Blackbeard , her father, die - end of story.

The Good

Whilst nowhere near as funny as in the previous films Jack was still a great character, in spite of his wimpy attitude change. The scenes where he escaped from the King and the clutches of the Spanish were a reminder of how great Pirates of the Caribbean can be at its best. It was great to see Gibbs back alongside Jack as their chemistry is great and a nice link back my beloved first three films.

As always, the film looked and sounded great, though the 3D wasn't essential and I found myself taking the glasses off from time to time and it made little difference. In fact I'd go as far as to say that while you lose depth in 2D, you gain richness in colour.

I'm struggling to think of much else to compliment the film for and at the moment I'm stuck in my post viewing disappointment funk. I really need to watch it again but after my horrific cinema experience I'll wait until it comes out on Blu-ray.
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A Pirate's Life for Me
ferguson-621 May 2011
Greetings again from the darkness. I will make no apology for being a fan of the "Pirates" series. This is the fourth film and the best since the first. Though I liked them enough, I felt the second and third depended too much on special effects and the need to overwhelm, whereas this one concentrates more on the colorful characters. This latest entry is also directed by Rob Marshall ("Chicago") rather than Gore Verbinski, who directed the first three.

Of course, what really matters is that Johnny Depp is back as Captain Jack Sparrow. And in fine form, I might add. He comes across more clever, witty and less buffoonish than in the previous two. His character is much better as a worthy adversary than a clown prince. In this one, he alternates between matching wits and swords with no less than three characters. First, Geoffrey Rush is back as Barbossa. Only this time, he seems to have gone legit with the King's navy. Next we have Sparrow's long-lost love from Seville played by Penelope Cruz. They also match wits and swords (and facial hair). Lastly, we have the legendary pirate Blackbeard, played with full force by Ian McShane. Were it not a Disney movie, McShane could have made his Blackbeard one of the most frightening characters ever seen on screen. Even with the limitations, he performs exceedingly well.

The "plot" of the film involves the search for Ponce de Leon's ship and the much desired Fountain of Youth. The race is on between Sparrow, Blackbeard, the Spainiards and Barbossa who is acting on behalf of King George (a wonderful Richard Griffiths). As always, it's not always easy to tell which characters are partners and which are adversaries. That's half the fun! An interesting twist is that in order to have the desired results from the infamous fountain, one must drink from a specific chalice and include a single mermaid tear. Of course, everlasting youth shouldn't be too easy to achieve. The mermaid sequences are fascinating, though we really only get to know one of them - Syrena played with soulful eyes by Astrid Berges-Frisbey.

Thankfully, two long time characters are absent from this film - Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Both were dead-weight that caused major drag in the two most recent Pirates films. Cruz and McShane are infinitely more interesting and entertaining and play off of Captain Jack much better.

Speaking of Depp's Jack Sparrow, I would make the argument that this character has entered the rarefied air of film comedy icon. I would put him at or near the level of the all-time best recurring comic characters: Inspector Clouseau (Peter Sellers, NOT Steve Martin), Austin Powers (Mike Myers) and the Little Tramp (Charlie Chaplin). Of course, there are loads of others that have made a name for themselves but are a step below: Ernest (Jim Varney), Fletch (Chevy Chase), Wayne and Garth (Wayne's World), Riggs and Murtaugh (Lethal Weapon), etc. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

As I have stated many times, comedy is such a personal choice that it's always difficult to review. What sets the Pirate's films apart (especially one and four) are the characters combined with action and witty banter. No, it's not for everyone, but if you like this style, it's difficult to beat.
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Back to the spirit of the Black Pearl
bassrourke16 May 2011
These Pirates films are all about entertainment and thankfully this latest adventure with Captain Jack Sparrow at the helm is back to basics, reminding me of the formula that made the very first one, Curse of the Black pearl so great. Don't worry I won't give anything away here but be aware that the opening 20 minutes is one funny sequence and quirky one liner after another. There is also a couple of hilarious cameos, one may be familiar but the other was a right royal shock. Depp walks through his lethargic swaying pirate character with ultimate ease, while new high seas bad boy Blackbeard is exceptional, but not as cool as Sparrows former flame played by Cruz. She is foxy, feisty and funny. The action is elevated by some wonderful 3D effects but I am sure the film would be just as rocking without it. Finally, the highlight is the Mermaid scenes. As dark as they are, they take the viewer into their web of intrigue. Australian Gemma Ward even sings during an evocative moment. Remember to stay on after the credits for an EXTRA scene. After the last two installments left me crying with disappointment, I Loved it.
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A boring lackluster installment to a series that fell off the world's end.
Neil-King112520 May 2011
So after a 4 year hiatus Disney decides to bring back Captain Jack Sparrow. A huge fan of the first one and moderately enjoyed the second one and confused by the third one I was ready to see a fresh crew for the this new installment.

The films opening scene was fantastic. It was fun and creative and really captured the essence of the Jack Sparrow that we love. It kept going for a bit. The first 20 minutes of the movie were the most exciting and fun parts of the movie except for one scene which I feel may be second best scene in all the Pirates films.

The infamous addition of mermaids was the best part in the entire film. It was very reminiscent of the powerful underwater march of the dead from the first film.

Lets move onto the acting. Most of it was decently solid but Ian McShane as the villain, Black Beard stole the show. He actually seemed like the only one who cared to make the film interesting. Another newcomer to the series was Penelope Cruz. She was nothing fantastic but completely necessary to bring in a much needed sex appeal to the film. Geoffrey Rush returned as Barbosa, I felt he was very confused as to if he was a bad guy or good guy which caused his acting to seem very indifferent. There were a few scenes that you knew he was having fun but otherwise he was just a drag. And of course Johnny Depp reprized his role as the witty fun loving Captain Jack Sparrow. Again he had his moments just like Barbosa that were fun and creative but he even came up a little lackluster in certain scenes.

The story was super simple, which I guess is understandable considering the convoluted mess of 2 and 3.There was an unnecessary sub plot that never got resolved, which I wish they spent a little more time on and made it a little darker. I am not going to spoil anything though, but you will see what I am talking about when you see the film. As you wait for the scene after the credits you want it to be the conclusion to this sub plot but nope. The climax could have been a bit more climatic and more exciting, but I guess they did what they could. Most of the action happens in the dark so I would not recommend the 3D transfer of it. I saw it in 2D and I thought the 3D wouldn't be worth it.

Marshall did a mediocre job directing. It was nothing special and definitely not Gore Verbinski. The way the film turned out, it looked like the director was even bored while shooting.

Positively though it is a summer blockbuster where your brain needs to be left at home and will be enjoyed by lovers of the series. It may not stay with you but for an hour and half of the movie out of the 2+ running time you will be enjoying yourself which I guess is not too bad.

On initial reaction to the film I gave it a 7/10 because at the time it was enjoyable. Then I thought about it and the reason I almost fell asleep twice was not because it was late, it was because the story was boring and nothing was really happening in this lengthy piece of work. Therefore on second reaction it gets a 5/10.

If they continue the series, which I am sure they will seeing as how this film will make bank over the weekend, they need to trim out the unnecessary sub plots that do nothing for the story except let it drag on and if anything bring back the gorgeous and creepy mermaids. Also have a little faith in the audience, you can make the plot a little bit more thought provoking instead of laying all the pieces in front of us and then watching you put them together after we already know how to do the puzzle in our head.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 5/10 via The Reel King

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Better than the third
josh-carrigan25 May 2011
POTC-OST is not the best of the series, but it is a step in the right direction. If you, like me, were very disappointed with the third Pirates movie then I do not blame you for wanting to skip out on this one. In fact I was considering not seeing this one myself, especially when the critics reviews came out. I decided to give it a chance, primarily because I had seen the other ones. I was pleasantly surprised and ending up liking the movie. One of the major differences between this and the other Pirates movies (and it is one everyone is going to notice right off the bat) is that Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightely are not in this movie. I am not too disappointed, there story overtook the third Pirates movie, which is part of the reason I did not like it. I was also sick of Knightely terrible speech scenes (if you saw the third you know exactly what I mean). Furthermore a few other pirates who were franchise regulars were missing in this one. What is left from the original three is Jack, Barbosa, Gibbs and the monkey makes two brief cameo appearances.

There was a number of things wrong with the third Pirates movie, among them was the fact that it was long, or it felt long at least. This movie is the shortest of the Pirates films and it moves at a brisk pace. The third Pirates slowed down considerably in the middle, to the point it was almost unbearable to watch. This movie does not make that mistake. This movie is almost all action and because of this it did not feel long, at least in my opinion.

As usual the effects were great. The action is almost nonstop and when there is no action there is enough going on to keep the audience interested. There is also plenty of signature Jack Sparrow humor. Since the previous two (especially the third) were focused almost entirely on the story of Will and Elizabeth Jack was almost forgotten. Another reason the third suffered. It was great to have that story out of the way, because this movie is focused on Jack and that is a strength.

Despite the fact that it improved on a number of the things that made the third bad, this one still is not up to par with the original. It is a good movie all around. It is refreshing and reminds us why we liked these movies in the first place. I recommend giving it a shot, don't expect anything great, just know that this movie is superior in every way to the third.
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Probably better than it should have been
The_Film_Cricket21 May 2011
In movies, as in marriage, the fourth go-around can get a little tricky. As the fourth round approaches there's an apprehension of what has come before and what is new that is left to be discovered. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, the third sequel in Disney's highly-successful series, is not a movie that I went into with much anticipation. Yet, as I always do, I allowed myself to be open minded (you never know when a movie will surprise you) and I found the movie quite enjoyable.

My apprehension comes from the experience of the previous films, which I complained were too long and so overwritten as to become convoluted. That's not good for what should be a simple pirate movie. Having left behind many of the familiar characters (Orlando Bloom, Kiera Knightly and Jonathan Price are absent this time), the movie is free to find new characters and a new arena to play in. With that, this is a kind of trimmed down POTC movie.

The movie finds the ever-plucky sea-going rascal Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) once again in trouble with the King's court and about to be executed. That is, until one of his crew produces a map to the fabled Fountain of Youth, rumored to have been found 200 years before by the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León. Jack makes a spectacular escape and the race is on race to find the fountain, which is headed off first by the Spanish fleet and then by the British fleet. Trailing them are Jack and his nemesis Captain Barbossa (Oscar-winner Geoffrey Rush), who is a privateer under the orders of King George II (Richard Griffiths). Then there is Angelica (Oscar winner Penelope Cruz), who is first mate on the ship captained by Blackbeard (Ian McShane) - whose beard is actually gray, but never mind.

The plot to get to the fountain of youth is probably more complicated than it needs to be. Getting to the fountain is easy enough, but then we learn that it is not a simple matter of taking a dip and becoming younger, no. First, Jack learns, you must first get two goblets belonging to Ponce de León, then you have to mix it with the tears of a mermaid, then (I think I have this right), one person has to drink from one cup to become younger and then another person has to drink from the other and they will die. Something along those lines. As I said, it is more complicated than it needs to be.

The plot, as in the previous installments, is somewhat superfluous. There really isn't a need to get to the fountain of youth. There probably wasn't any need for mermaids that can suck your blood, nor, all that stuff about voodoo and shrinking massive ships until you can fit them into bottles. Yet, what I have learned about this series is that the plot really doesn't matter. These films are constructed more as a series of set pieces rather than a narrative plot. I appreciated the mermaids but, this being a Disney film, the all-out boob-fest that should have ensued sadly never materializes.

What keeps this series popular is quality control. Johnny Depp maintains the same swagger and slurry charm that he had in the previous films. He keeps from taking the film too seriously but avoids the temptation to make fun of the character. The first film got him his first Oscar nomination, and justifiably so. Eight years, and three sequels later, Depp maintains the fun spirit of the character and doesn't allow it to grow routine. Neither does Geoffrey Rush, in his third go-around as Captain Barbossa, which he plays with an evil wink and a pirate accent that he practically chews on. Penelope Cruz gives a nice performance here and proves - to me at least - that she should have been the female protagonist of the series all along instead of Kiera Knightly. Yet, I was surprisingly underwhelmed by Ian McShane's performance as Blackbeard. McShane is a wonderful actor but somehow Blackbeard seems subdued. He is pure evil, right down to the buckles on his boots but the character doesn't leap out with the lip-smacking vileness that I had hoped. The movie pins the character down as if they are introducing him to be in a future movie.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" is probably the best of the series since the first one. That is thanks to a leaner script and, mercifully, a shorter running time (it is actually an hour shorter than the last one). I could complain about it all day long, but I would rather confess that I was more entertained by this film than I was by the previous two.

Disney has found a gold mine with this series. Convoluted as these movies are, they do have an audience and I am glad to see anything that gets movie fans excited. Yet, there is a feeling that this series may be wrapping up. Johnny Depp has said that he is growing tired of playing Jack Sparrow (although it does not come out in his performance) and that may bring about an end to this "Pirates" series. With that, I started thinking that maybe Disney would do well to move on to something else, maybe Treasure Island, Captain Blood, The Sea Hawk, Moby Dick. Maybe the same fun-loving spirit that made this series so popular could be given to those classics as well.
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Pirates Lite
3xHCCH24 May 2011
With "On Stranger Tides," the Pirates franchise gets to concentrate more on the character of Capt. Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp really has this character down pat, and obviously has fun with it. Old characters are still there, such as Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), Gibbs and Jack's father, who are as we know them. But we also get to meet a woman from his past in the person of Angelica, who may or may not be Blackbeard's daughter. Honestly, I thought Penelope Cruz could not possibly be convincing as a pirate, but I was glad to be wrong. She could swashbuckle with the rest of them pirates.

While the relationship between Sparrow and Angelica was more on the comedy level, a new romantic pair was also introduced in the characters of the compassionate missionary Philip (Sam Claflin) and the mysterious Syrena (Astrid Berges-Frisbey). While I read a lot of criticism about how useless this angle was to the film, I actually felt the scenes of these new characters were well-executed by new director Rob Marshall. I do not think they bog the storyline down at all.

"On Stranger Tides" features a race to the Fountain of Youth which was a great concept. We watched in 3D and I was glad to see that these were not mere post-production effects, and they lasted the whole movie. The 3D was certainly not a rip-off in this one! Those fight and chase scenes in the palace of the mad King George were amazingly shot. The special effects of the pirates encounter with mermaids contribute well to the eerie and menace of those scenes.

This was the first Pirates movie that my two boys watched with me. After watching, I felt that indeed this film was the best way to introduce the Pirates to kids. It is shorter, lighter and faster-paced than the first three more "serious" films, which are more adult in orientation. This is not to mean that "Tides" is a lesser film quality though. I would think it could launch a trilogy of its own for its new fans.
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A solid addition to the fleet.
fire-escape10 May 2011
Stranger Tides brings tidings from strangers in this extension of a 1-part turned 3-part franchise, now pitted to carry on into its sixth instalment of the saga. Rob Marshall steps in to take the helm as director, as Johnny Depp continues his reign as the titular Jack Sparrow. No longer legend for his captaincy, we find Sparrow in London amidst the largest collection of known British actors outside of Harry Potter. After rescuing first mate Gibbs (he's the one who slept with the pigs) from hanging under Sparrow's name, our swaggering swashbuckler discovers there's a new Jack in town. Meanwhile an arms race is taking place between the Brits (led by Geoffrey Rush's now peg- legged Barbossa), the Spaniards, and big ol' Blackbeard to find the Fountain of Youth. Pretty self-explanatory, their motives and maps are laid out in a series of hops back and forth from exposition to rehashed sword-fight and chase sequences through the streets of London. While Jack's runaways are more Austin Powers than Bond, the swift swish of metal is far preferable to Verbinski's interminable distraction with ship battles in parts 2 and 3. It takes a long time to get to the captain crossover and corrupt bargaining that the first film did so well, with a race to the finish opposed to a tactical playoff. But, warming up to a reunion between Sparrow and Barbossa, it's the archival camaraderies that bring out the best in the remaining key characters. It's in this unlikely union you'll find most of the laughs. Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane team up as Sparrow's ex-lover Angelica and evil buccaneer Blackbeard, though her needy deception and his one-note barbarism don't liven up proceedings as much as Will and Elizabeth's foolish frivolities have in prequels past. In a despairing attempt to plug the gap, too much is made of an attraction between a random mercenary and mermaid - by the by, a depiction of the mythical creatures is too close to a Lynx advert for comfort, and the key to a center-piece so pointless that it's almost a relief that CG was similarly cut and plugged with slow-searing 3D effects. Hingeing heavily on Sparrow's well-documented improvisation, many of the set-pieces are fun and nimble, though frustratingly hampered by needless 3D which knocks the pace of the action sequences. Hans Zimmer's ever-excellent score pulls together all the rogue threads, keeping well within the range of the first film and injecting a vigorous dose of fun. Restrained and keeping convention, Pirates 4 is far from heading up the franchise, but remains a solid addition to the fleet.
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A Nutshell Review: On Stranger Tides
DICK STEEL19 May 2011
I thought this film would never have happened, since the first three films wrapped themselves up pretty nicely as a trilogy, but I suppose studios never say no to profits there for the taking, especially if the point man in Johnny Depp is game to don his eyeliner and pirates garb one more time, and possible more films lined up since the final scenes and the coda after the end credits blatantly teases and flirts with its audience and fan base.

Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) is back to charm one and all with this swagger and wit, and this time sans his Black Pearl as he goes on a mission, or at least it's one of those self fulfilling rumours, that he's assembling a crew to set sail on a quest to locate the proverbial Fountain of Youth. As with what's characteristic of a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, there are always more than one party interested in either joining in or serving as competition, and here we have an English royalty keen on recruiting Jack amongst their ranks to led by Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), now an English privateer, the Spanish Inquisition team who are narratively the weakest of the lot save for one pivotal scene, and a true blue pirates outfit led by the villainous Blackbeard (Ian McShane) aboard his Queen Anne's Revenge ship, with his daughter Angelica (Penelope Cruz) as his first mate and one time ex-fling of Jack's tasked with luring the latter out and joining their quest rather reluctantly.

But everyone has ulterior motives, and in true Jack Sparrow fashion, the character relationships all play out like the reality game show Survivor as in previous films, where deals are cut, some allegiances are strongly forged while others being temporarily serving mutual self-interests of the moment. Part of the fun is to witness how Sparrow navigates through sticky situations and almost always come up tops, with the nagging suspicion that Fate smiles on his side consistently, seemingly having no plan at all when he embarks on various mini quests in gathering artifacts all geared toward the primary mission, from the capture of mermaids (and they're of the nasty in attitude variety) to chalices all part of a strange ritual required to get to the secret fountain everyone is craving for.

Joining the fray this time round are old hands such as Geoffrey Rush in bringing a lot more to the Barbossa character, and Gibbs (Kevin McNally) as Jack Sparrow's loyal and trusty first mate. Penelope Cruz becomes one of two token female characters here, although her real life pregnancy created some complications during the shoot, and the credits had to thank her sister Monica Cruz for standing in for the long shots so that there wouldn't be a need to hide that bulge in the tummy - it's quite obvious which scenes these were as her character's hat had to be tipped downwards. You can also tell that the presence of Sam Claflin and Astrid Berges-Frisbey as a priest and mermaid respectively were to counterbalance the loss of Orlando Bloom's Will Turner and Keira Knightley's Elizabbeth Swann as the film's requisite lovebirds, which developed too fast too soon, and left it hanging, possibly to be explored in greater detail in subsequent films.

As an action adventure, the action sequences if compared to the previous installments, have all been toned down, and are the same old routine often seen in other action adventures. Do we need another escape on a chariot, or yet another big brawled sword fight sans blood (this is a Disney film after all) with nary a vulgar word spoken as they are cut off at the right moment? Too many one on one swordfights amongst various characters also made this quite repetitive to sit through, and I'd secretly enjoyed more of the dramatic wheelings and dealings more than the action in this film, despite the middle portion sagging under its own talkie weight.

Gore Verbinski had given up the director's chair to allow for new blood to take over the helm and steer the franchise into a new direction, so enter Rob Marshall, whom I'd say has the unenviable task of continuing a very well loved, and profitable series of films. While the direction may be new and the storyline necessary to be branching off from where it left off, somehow On Stranger Tides failed to recreate the entire adventurous spirit that the original trilogy possessed. Perhaps it's the cutting down on funding that made the action sequences quite dull, also having to shoot those scenes in 2D before undergoing 3D conversion to keep costs down.

Sure the storyline is an adventure film for fans to follow up on the exploits of Jack Sparrow, but it sure felt more of the same with that air of familiarity not broken. Should another film be made, let's hope it has some of the swashbuckling cavalier feel to it rather than just another exercise of routine.
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Captain Jack is back and helps this pirate move float.
Aaron137523 May 2011
I was not expecting this one to be quite as good as it turned out mainly because of the review I read of it that made it seem really bad. I have to disagree with that review, however, as I found it a good movie, better than the second and third installments of this film, but not as good as the still best first one. This one sort of picks up after the third one in that the object of everyone's desire is the fountain of youth as the pirate Blackbeard, the English and the Spaniards are after this most magical of places. For the waters of youth to work one most first get two silver chalices and a mermaids tears. Jack at the moment is in England, but he shall get around quite a lot in this one. His old nemesis and sometimes partner Barbossa is also back this time seemingly in league with the English. The action in this one is rather good and Captain Jack Sparrow is once again the best character, only this time he is the main guy with no others taking time away from him in bunches like the previous two installments. The scenery in areas of the film is just really gorgeous once they get to the area of the fountain of youth. There is also a very nice mermaid scene to be seen as well, just enjoyed most of the film. Granted there are questions one has while watching this film such as Blackbeard's mysterious powers that are not really explained and if it was I missed it, however I had questions like this one for all three of the other movies too. So a good movie, better than Pirates 2 and 3 for me and a nice ending to boot. I do not know this one just flowed better than the previous two pirate movies. At least for me, the one review made this film sound very slow and not all that entertaining aside from a couple of scenes. I guess I just enjoyed seeing Captain Jack Sparrow back sans Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly who I feel had to much screen time in parts two and three.
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The best since the original Pirates
simonparker199020 May 2011
I would like to begin by saying that I very rarely review films anymore, but after reading many reviews for this film by various critics I felt compelled to give my own verdict. Purely because every review I have read has been unnecessarily venomous, and simply seemed to trash the film and its two predecessors at every given opportunity. I am a fan of the Pirates trilogy, the original is by far the best, and three may have some problems with its convoluted storyline, but there is nothing wrong with Dead Man's Chest and as a trilogy they all worked very well. This fourth instalment like the others is great fun, the storyline may not be Oscar worthy stuff but neither was the storyline in the others. It is an entertaining fantasy flick that you can sit back, relax and enjoy. The idea that Johnny Depp has become bored of the character of Jack Sparrow and plays him in this film as a shadow of his former self, is simply ludicrous. Depp is on top form in this movie, brilliant for me considering following the awful performance in Alice in Wonderland I had begun doubting him somewhat. On Stranger Tides is easily the best movie since the original, and I would be more than happy to sit through another two films.

Now onto the performances. As previously mentioned Depp is simply outstanding as Jack Sparrow. By putting him to the forefront means we get to spend more time with him, though thankfully the writers hold back on having him on screen too much. His one liners, especially one involving a Spanish Convent had me in stitches. His relationship with Angelica (Penelope Cruz) really adds that extra bit of spice to the film. It also helps that Cruz and Depp have outstanding chemistry together. While the character of Angelica can be a bit complicated at times, her motives are vague at best, this can be overshadowed by the fact Cruz plays her with some real gusto. Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa for me really stole the show, and it seems the writers gave him quite a bit more storyline this time as well. The idea of moving him to the kings navy really played off, and his scenes for me were definitely a highlight of the film. Ian McShane is a great villain, while not as good as Davey Jones or Barbossa for that matter, he still has a great storyline and some really menacing moments to make him a worthy adversary.

My one major issue with this movie would be the storyline of the missionary and the mermaid. While thankfully it isn't given enough screen time to be a really annoyance, I do question its point in the first place. Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom are not remotely missed, so why try a romance replacement which just isn't that good. The mermaid action scene however is a thing to behold. As said the storyline is not amazing, the quest for the fountain of youth is entertaining and it has less betrayals than the far too long At World's End, but it isn't a story that will be winning awards. Nevertheless it maintains your interest and never feels like an excuse to get to the next action scene as it was in something like Transformers 2. The fact it is a one story arc is also a nice breath of fresh air following the second and third movies. Overall this is a great Summer movie, the kids will love it, and if you're a pirates fan you will also love it. The trashing of this film to me is slightly irritating as this is genuinely a very good film that deserves recognition. I will stand by the Pirates films until I genuinely see one that is rubbish, this film is a great Summer blockbuster and anyone that looks at it otherwise must either be deluded or trashing on it because they no longer see Pirates as "cool". I cannot recommend this film quite enough, just go out, watch it and have a great laugh, I know I did.
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Appalling, boring, joyless, lifeless dismal waste of time
mark-palmos19 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have enjoyed most of the other Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but decreasingly so. Now, it seems with 3D, you do not have to have a movie which has a story, just a bunch of fight scenes, people fighting to win a race to get to the fountain of youth.

Mr Rush was the only enjoyable thing about the movie. I am disappointed J Depp would sink to this kind of rubbish. There is LITERALLY no story, so it is hard to comment about it, but it is Hollywood in a very bad state when crap like this gets churned out as an excuse for entertainment.

Special effects and 3D does not excuse having no character development/theme/intrigue etc... there just was nothing there other than 3D and FX trying to puff itself up into a worthwhile entity. MASSIVE FAIL.
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Swashbuckling fun! This Pirates made up for the last 2 sequels!
Smells_Like_Cheese27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, the way some people are acting on the web, you would think that Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was the devil. I saw this movie opening day with pretty good expectations, because I love the Pirate movies, even if the third one is too complicated at times, I really enjoy these movies. Let's face it, we wouldn't have been brought back to the pirate genre if it wasn't for these movies. I agree that the plots should be more simple, but I don't mind a movie that challenges you along. I actually did love On Stranger Tides, even though it's not as good as the first one, I give much kudos for giving us something very fresh. Not to mention that it's shorter so I would think that more people would be pleased with that. But I think the cast still has it, Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is always such a pleasure to watch on screen. He and Penelope Cruz really lit up the screen and brought life into the series. This is a fun summer blockbuster with scary moments, funny characters and a swash buckling good time.

Captain Jack Sparrow travels to London to locate a person who has been impersonating him. The imposter has been recruiting a crew to search for the legendary Fountain of Youth. Jack is brought before King George, who wants him to guide an expedition to the Fountain of Youth before the Spanish find it. Heading the expedition is Jack's old nemesis, Captain Hector Barbossa, now a privateer in service to the British Navy after having lost Jack's ship, the Black Pearl, as well as his leg. Jack escapes, and is found by his father, who warns Jack about the Fountain's tests. Jack's imposter is Angelica, his former lover and daughter of the ruthless pirate Blackbeard , who possesses supernatural powers and practices voodoo magic. Jack is forced to join Blackbeard's crew and to lead them to the Fountain.

When I was a kid I absolutely adored the old movies, especially pirate movies like Captain Blood or Jason and the Argonauts. So these movies bring back the good ol' days and the magic of seeing these effects back on the big screen. While I do think that they are a little much for some children, I think any adult could get into these movies. Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush have great chemistry and bring the pirates to life, I could only imagine the type of fun they have during these films.

I know that not everyone is a fan of pirates, I don't know if maybe it's due to the fact that the films were released so closely together that people got sick of it, I'm not sure. But I think if given the fair chance, you'll really enjoy this movie. This one has mermaids in it and the actual way that the myth is told, Disney had softened it up with The Little Mermaid and now brought it back to the truth. A warning in advance, that is a very scary scene I'm pretty sure most kids wouldn't be able to handle. But I thought it was extremely cool and very well done with the special effects. I'm also glad that they didn't go the safe route with the love story between Johnny and Penelope. However I really got bored easily with the Christian missionary and his love story with the mermaid was predictable and I think was their way of trying to replace Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly. But I had a good time watching this movie and I'm pretty sure if you're looking for a good time going into it, you will have fun. I'm honestly looking forward to the next pirates movie.

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Overall Disappointing
heythisisrishabh25 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of Capt. Jack Sparrow and the Pirates Franchise. I saw the film today and must say I'm utterly disappointed with the storyline. First of all why the hell the Spanish people were there? Just to crush the Chalice in the end? its like nothing was suiting then lets introduce the Spanish. Then where's the enchanting crew of beloved sparrow. There's unwanted fighting sequences and unwanted cameos. It takes one fourth of the movie to finally put jacky on the stranger tides. Its like the script have been written by whole new writer whose doesn't know the very essence of pirates. Also there's no need of the mermaid love story although mermaid fighting scenes were very engrossing....

But none the less there were some upbeats too. Like ever gorgeous and enchanting Jack Sparrow(there must be Capt. in there somewhere). The performances from Rush, cruise and Mcshane were brilliant. The mermaids were beautiful and freaky too. I miss the black pearl but can sustain the fact that it wasn't required in the movie(the second part gonna be on this i guess). The freaky awesome crew of black pearl must return. Still a must watch for a die hard fan on this franchise but beginners must see the first 3 so as to digest the disappointment.

Eagerly waiting for the next one and please its an humble request from makers to develop a solid script like the previous three.
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Totally in debt...
dany_skull20 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Sparrow, Barbossa and Mr. Gibbs are by far, the best combinations, they are the real comedians of this movie. I missed the rest of the Black Pearl's crew.

Angélica doesn't show her role clearly and she has a pointless quest (save her father from death, who was predicted to be killed by one man that has a wood-leg ), somehow she could be lovely for some people and totally annoying for others.

Blackbeard doesn't show his role also, he has a great first entrance and "that's it"....then he moves between being an evil man and a scared old man.

The cleric and mermaid's love story is totally forgettable and bad acted by the cleric mainly.

The real problem of this movie is the lack of detail explanations... the Blackbeard's sword seems to be an important item, but its origin was never described (this role was played in the anterior movies by Pintel and Ragetti, giving details over every mythic character or legends) the same fact with Blackbeard , the lost of the Barbossa's leg just has a couple of lines without any image showing the event, even in "racconto" mode.

In general lines, the movie lacks of story and details.
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