DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV Series 2016–2022) Poster


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It's Ridiculous but Fun
Supermanfan-131 September 2023
Legends of Tomorrow is a wild, weird and just flat out fun show. The best thing about it is it doesn't take itself too serious, it knows what kind of show it is. They make fun of themselves all the time and how ridiculous the show is at times. The cast has changed quite a bit over the years but all of them have fit in and carried their own. I have to admit that I'm a huge superhero fan, not the comics but the movies and tv shows so that's why I gave it a chance to begin with but I'm glad I did because I really do like it. Everyone knows by now that the CW has cut back on all of its shows except for like 3 or 4 and it's too bad that the LoT was one of the ones cancelled. That means it ended without a proper ending. It should be written in the contract that when a show goes for a certain amount of time (in this case 7 seasons and 110 episodes) they should at least get a last episode or two to end the story right. You can still have fun watching this even though it doesn't have ending.
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Pretty Good!
Rob133128 January 2023
Legends of Tomorrow is one of the more underrated DC shows. It's about a time traveling group of ragtag heroes and former villains that try to prevent events from happening that would change the world we live in. This show knows exactly what it wants to be and that's absolutely bananas. It's a great show to just turn your brain off and escape to have some fun. The cast changes a little though out the seasons but each new character brings something new to the show and continues to make the show feel fresh. It's too bad it ended a season early and in a cliffhanger but it's still definitely worth watching.
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A guilty pleasure show
SpideyVerse2316 January 2023
Legends of Tomorrow is a very creative and just fun show which I find myself liking despite how ridiculous it can be. What starts out as a superhero show soon becomes less superhero and more character based show. The cast changes almost every season but that works out for the show most of the time.

What's ironic is it starts out to be a serious show with little comedy but eventually embraces its ridiculousness and truly finds its footing.

Its sad that they cancelled this show after 7 seasons, not just because of the cliffhanger but because, imo, it just needed one more season to say goodbye to all its characters. But it was fun while it lasted and its definitely worth a watch!!!

PS: The score of this show, 6.8 is just too low, I expected it to be much higher but it at least deserves a 7.3 or higher.
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Bringing the comic book feeling to the screen
Starbuck-1319 June 2017
Let's be open about "Legends of Tomorrow": Of course the stories are rubbish, and the acting is (with some exceptions) nowhere near Marvel Netflix quality. But this series has something that Arrow (which tries to be incredibly gritty) and Flash (which tries to be incredibly witty) fail to display: Entertainment value! Legends of Tomorrow is like the playground of the Berlantiverse where you can take underused characters or crazy story ideas and make an episode out of it no matter what happened the week before. This is even more so in the second season where the constant need to antagonize Vandal Savage has gone.

The writers can send their heroes straight through the ages from feudal Japan to the Wild West, from the 80s to the future. There is an overall storyline but that is not what makes this series fun: What makes it fun is the snappy banter of Snart and Rory, the crazy jumping through time trying to save the timeline while having no qualms causing time paradoxes themselves (constantly!) and not giving a damn about making sense. Doesn't sound like a modern TV show? Well that's because it sounds like a classic comic book, existing just to be enjoyed and to have people have fun with it.

Yes, the bogus stories and the crappy acting may turn many people off. But I'll take Legends of Tomorrow over any season of Arrow with its abysmal flashback story lines (and its own crappy acting) anytime.
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Poorly written, visually impressive, superficial entertainment.
lnvicta26 April 2016
I'm still not sure how I feel about "Legends of Tomorrow". I liked Ray more in "Arrow" and the thought of these eight random rogues working together is baffling. But the more I watched the more I learned to accept the show for what it is: comic book eye candy. That's really all it is. There's occasional moments of good acting; they're rare but they happen, mainly from Garber and Miller who fit like a glove into their characters Dr. Martin Stein and Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) respectively. None of the acting is offensively bad actually. It's the writing that's the bane of the show. These characters are constantly saying and doing the stupidest possible things in any given situation. It's one thing to suspend disbelief but it helps to have a modicum of common sense to keep us grounded, which many of these characters do not.

The writers clearly don't care. The concept of time is asinine. They go back and forth through time with no coherent explanation, reasoning, or consequence. Vandal Savage is wasted as a villain. Casper Crump plays him as an over-the-top Christoph Waltz type baddie, and he's fun to watch but the character itself is hollow and awfully written into the show. Every confrontation between the Legends and Savage end up with Savage escaping in an inexplicably dumb fashion, and then the group continues their search to attack him in a different time. Characters say things that make you upset at the TV, like, "Did you really have to do that? Now I have to dislike you."

The plot itself is ass. Rip Hunter gathers a team to find and kill Vandal Savage by attacking him at different points in time. But it's like, who cares? You can accept it because it's so confident in its insanity and so insistent on constantly shoving money at the screen to distract us, and for the most part, it works. The first few episodes are tough to stomach because the writing is SO gratingly awful from the get-go, but once the characters develop more and gain some semblance of chemistry (between some of them at least, namely Snart and Sara) and when they experiment with different time periods, that's where the show starts to get fun. The Wild West episode is entertaining, as are the ones where they explore the '50s and the racism and sexism that come with it. And the characters do grow on you. Snart was carrying the first few episodes but now it's more balanced. It's difficult juggling so many main characters and the show suffers for it, but the fun comes from watching these misfits interact in their absurd surroundings, making for some fun character building moments and the occasional comic relief. I actually don't hate Sara anymore, and Mick does his best Batman impression which makes for some hilarious moments, intentional or otherwise.

As it stands, "Legends of Tomorrow" has a lot of potential. Clearly the special effects budget is satisfied - the action sequences are fun to watch - but the writing needs to come together if this is going to continue as a series longterm. If nothing else, it's better than "Arrow" this season (though that's not saying much). If you're a fan of the other DC shows or a sci-fi nut in general, you might get some popcorn-level entertainment from "Legends of Tomorrow".
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Evolving is more important than where you start
rpvtimcotter24 January 2020
Season 1 of Legends of Tomorrow was a mixture of tones and themes that ended with somewhat of a bad taste in the viewer's mouth. It wasn't sure where it wanted to go, it wasn't sure of what it wanted to do. It's ironic that the issues of the first season became a sort of metaphor for the show's characters: evolving beyond where they started to become something better.

Made up of the secondary heroes of the Arrowverse, the show painted its characters as outcasts of that world, not good enough to headline their own show like The Flash or Supergirl. The first season labels this mentality as a bad thing. After recognizing that the tone of the show wasn't working, the writers decided to embrace that theme, but with comedy being the end result rather than melodrama.

Thus was born a different show basically. Superpowers took a backseat to wacky situational comedy. Fistfights were turned into corny motivational speaks. And their characters evolved to fit this new paradigm. The strangest thing about all of it: it totally works.

Legends of Tomorrow is not for everyone, as most superhero properties are. However, this show from season 2 on is definitely worth a try simply due to the fact there's nothing else like it on air right now. They're may be no other show like it period. The incredible mix of corny action, the wacky situations the Legends find themselves in, and the genuinely good development of basically every character all come together in a truly remarkable story about people changing for the better.

I do believe what they say is true: heroes are in the limelight, they are the ones seen and their actions are praised. But the people you don't see are just as important. Heroes are the ones we remember, but Legends never die.
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Certain characters bring it down.
danhuiner15 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I've watched Legends since day 1 and I liked it cuz it was different and there was new characters to learn about but with season 3 and 4 they added Gary and Mona. Gary is just a moron to point and laugh at and Mona is just an annoying werewolf. And the werewolf doesn't look believable like at all. I don't like being negative but I couldn't help but share that.
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So bad it's good
iiroeskola24 January 2020
Unlike The Flash and The arrow, this show doesn't take itself seriously. Yes it's cheesy and the jokes aren't always the best. But that doesn't change the fact that it's enjoyable. It's Legends of Tomorrow
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Legends of Tomorrow are lovely and enjoyable like Hart of Dixie
kamenkosim15 December 2021
We have a lot of teams, for example Flash team, Arrow team, etc. This team is almost like my favorite team, in Hart of dixie. Funny characters, good dialogs, funny writing, and good casting.
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Listen Before You Judge The Rating
jablack-4214126 July 2019
Alright so I'm just going to start this review off saying I didn't rate this show 7 stars because its emmy worthy or because the acting is the best possible(although the actors do help deliver the shows tone and have cute moments), but its not trying to be, Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl all tried their hardest to be taken seriously, sure The Flash is still funnier than Arrow but the writers did want you to take it seriously, this is the only one that right from the get go isn't trying to get you to take it seriously, in fact the first season is so campy, Wentworth Miller, the other guy from Prison Break and Brendon Routh are all standouts particularly, probably due to years of acting experience, but you can tell they really care about the material they have. Other reviews may have mentioned but yes, Season 1 is very very predictable, but give it a chance because if you love camp, comedy and fun action scenes(not John Wick level, think goofy Arrow with superpowers, an Assassin and a time traveler lmao), you'll love the show. Once you get past Season 1 you'll quickly realize that although at times it can be predictable the show can sometimes get so bonkers and absurd that it does suprise you and in the best and funnest way possible, now I know I did say they don't try to get you take it seriously from the get go and thats because they don't, but they do stop at least once or twice a season to give the character's and actors a chance to get emotional and it is very well deserved, I can guarantee that you will love the characters by the time you get through Season 1, and from then they just keep on improving. So are the villians any good? Well in the first season theres one and hes not really good honestly, but thats okay because the heroes are the main spotlight, but Season 2 and 3 have very good villians, so fear not there. Overall this show is a great time, don't go in expecting Breaking Bad, but also don't go in expecting Arrow Season 4. Its the only Arrowverse show thats stayed consistant in every season, including 4 from what I've seen. I'd say its worth a watch and if you don't want to watch the whole thing, at the very least give the first season a try.
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This series has completely jumped the shark.
djeec-19 April 2019
Legends of Tomorrow used to just be silly, now it's just ridiculous. Storylines have gotten totally convoluted and make zero sense. The cast no longer feels as bloated as it once was, but now it's like they're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink just to keep making things happen. The show is riddled with gigantic plot holes and completely lazy writing. Like, what the hell is the point to having a time-traveling spaceship, when you have a bureau that can just press a button with a little device and they can just time travel that way? The whole thing seems arbitrary and pointless. And in half the episodes now the heroes never use any of their powers. Aren't they supposed to be superheroes? Episodes just keep making huge jumps in logic and expecting the viewers to just accept it. They don't provide explanations for absolutely anything. It's like the writers know that things have gotten so silly, that they just don't care anymore. Compare it to a series like Doom Patrol. That show is super silly, but at least things make sense on some level, and you know people writing for it truly care. It's like Legends just doesn't give a crap. Performances used to show promise, now they're just cringe-worthy. What happened? I'm a huge DC, sci-fi, and time travel fan, and I really can't stand the show anymore. Whatever corner they've turned, it hasn't been for the better. It's time these Legends ride off into the sunset.
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Fun and light-hearted
Monicacorpuz21 March 2017
People! Give it a break! This show never fails to make me laugh! It's ridiculous, cheesy and a ton of fun. Suspend reality and enjoy the ride- this is not meant for heavy thinking, deep romances or for pondering your role in life. It's fun. The humor is the truly captivating part. You never know where or when it's going to come from, but this show is a hoot- as long as you don't take yourself too seriously. I suggest giving it a try- I think this show has earned it.
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Campy mish-mashed fun
highmarksreviews21 January 2018
Legends of Tomorrow never really takes itself seriously. Its main purpose is to rod more successful Arrowverse shows of problem characters. The result is an often poorly written superhero slugfest that actually works. Season 1 struggled with a good villain or narrative but it's evolved and is probably one of the stronger shows come Seasons 2 and 3. The campy dialogue and premises drag it down, but it delivers a healthy, entertaining dosage of comic book characters, stories and moments.
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Poor storytelling and Over acting
rjamil29 January 2016
I was really excited about this show. I like all super hero stuff on TV and movies, as I am not informed about the comic books.

I watched the pilot, and thought may be I will give it another try. I watched the second episode and decided I will NOT watch it any more.

Over acting.

Poor story telling.

The Sheyara girl is horrible in many aspects.

All these super powers and the bad guy seems to do just fine.

As early as the second episode the story line got convoluted. I have a feeling this will get worse.

I hope I am wrong and others enjoy it.
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Season 01, Season 02: Went from Bad to Really Good
ahmed-hunain5610 April 2017

The show had potential, then lost it and now it ends with new potential. Still better than #Arrow's Season 04 by a wide margin.

Basically, an entire season where very little happened in terms of the chronological events in the time-line. And very little good was done. The show was slow, filled with cheesy dialogues and a constant splitting of team which led to more trouble for the team.

Then, there was this #AncientEgypt mythology which was the centre for the show. Which caused huge discomfort for the #ComicBook origins. Instead of #Hawkgirl and #Hawkman being aliens who are never in love as in comics and don't get reborn, and instead #VandalSavage being a #Caveman gained #Immortality from #Meteor. It was all the wrong way, which led to a weak character portrayal of #Hawkgirl being the centre and key piece.

In the end, it was relieving to see that the show has distanced themselves from this wrong #Mythology as even the ending episodes had contradicted their earlier established story arcs. But, as the ending was near, the show got good, focusing on wrapping up this wrong path of start and now there is potential once again for #Season02, if there is one.

One of the key gems of the show, was the lush costumes and set designing and visual effects for a TV show, which led to the show being helped in being held on just long enough to establish itself properly.


After a very confused and mangled #Season01, the show has risen from the ashes to deliver a very fun, exciting and humor-filled season, that turned out to be the best of the #DC #TVshows on air, even better than #TheFlash.

One of the reasons of its #Success, was simply the use of the best charismatic characters of the #ArrowVerse to deliver a dynamic team of villains that really put a whole other level of #Beat on the show, that the other #DCshows are missing (#excluding #Flash's 1st #Season).

The show maintained a really good balance of Dark characters and the theme of the show, which is that of a cheerful adventure. But the show never forgot that in the end, the story is dark and the stakes are very much fatal for the #Protagonists.

Even the #VisualEffects were pretty good this season, and they had to be, as #ReverseFlash's involvement and his grand scheme demanded them to be. The most memorable things this season, were the blurring of lines between different #Genres in reality, involving the use of #StarWars and #TheHobbit.

Overall, the show was fun and had enough cheesiness in it, to be always being able to deliver #Entertainment, but the show did employ the use of #CommutativeLaw a lot, especially in the end, but it never became too #Goofy. One more amazing thing, was the proper build-up of the story, character arcs and their ends, which only enhanced the story. The most styled character, this show made us realise, was #WhiteCanary, with impressively #Choreographed fight sequences and #BattlePoses, that slayed many #Hearts.

In the end, a very much recommended show, because of a very entertaining season 02.
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Second season is great
afortiorama16 April 2017
Second season is for me a 9 it is funny and creative. Season 1 was a 6, I mean better than the other TV shows in this universe, but the whole Hawk girl - Vandal Savage story line was awfully boring. They also completely ruined Hawkgirl who was actually a cool character. With them gone though and with the emergence of Sarah as a leader and the team making mistakes and learning along the way season two was really fun to watch. From Rory's obsession with ninja's in medieval japan to 1980s via the zombie confederates and Camelot....

My favourite character is Rory "less talking, more doing!" :)
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It's fine until season 4
johmart21 July 2019
This is a good filler series for when you run out of other (better) things to watch.

Season 4 is outright stupidity... complete with fairy tale characters and spontaneously bursting into song.
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American Dr. Who on drugs with loveable idiots
olisdbart12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Is this a well written show? To be honest, outside of a couple of seasons, no. But it is exactly what I need after a bad day. It's ridiculous, whacky, cheesy, corny, and fun... And it knows it is. And it's not trying to be anything else. It doesn't take itself seriously; especially in the later seasons. The first season is pretty generic superhero time travel stuff, and for what it is, takes itself too seriously. The second season is a transition and where it starts to find its footing, s3 is where it really becomes Legends of Tomorrow (and in my opinion the prime of the show), and s4 is when it dives straight into madness. At one point, it pretty much stops being a superhero show and turns into a sci-fi dramedy. So, not for everyone - if you're into superheros and comic books, then you probably won't enjoy it much past s3. If you're into serious and dark things, you probably won't enjoy it past s1 (maybe 2). If you're not good at suspending your dibelief, you probably won't enjoy it at all - But if you just want to have a good time and laugh, this is the show for you. However, it can still hit you with a few gut punches. It also has a constantly changing cast of very likeable characters (except for a select few), and a whole lot of heart.
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An entertaining show filled with surprises!
MisterMalte20 July 2019
When i wrote this review i had just watched until season 4, episode 15.

Plot A team of extraordinary misfit heroes travel through the timeline of history on a ship called the Waverider in order to set history right and help those in need. During the seasons they encounter new villains, monsters and troubles as dark minds frequently wishes to destroy and rule over the world and bring terror to all they love.

During the seasons they visit many different eras trough time and we get so see many historical locations and meet many famous characters from various points in history.

Verdict: I started watching DC's Legends of Tomorrow as a person who had heard nothing about the comic and so I knew nothing about the characters or the settings. Only character i knew from before was Black Canary who was already established in the DC Universe from the show Arrows. From the start the show was kind of odd and it felt like at the start the writers didn't really know what approach to take.

The balance between comedy and drama felt off and the show struggled to decide whether it was to take itself seriously or instead have fun with its often strange concepts and story arcs. Luckily for all the viewers the show decided late in season one and especially from season two to take the story and all strange concepts a little less serious, and instead have fun with it.

In my opinion this is what really made the show bloom and what has kept me watching it. The characters grows on the viewer during the seasons and every episode contains new great adventures and comedy moments that keeps the show highly entertaining. The two characters and actors in my opinion whom really keeps the show going is Mick (Dominic Purcell) and Sara (Caity Lotz).

But the acting overall is good and the reason for this is in my opinion the fact that the show by now knows itself and how to approach things. The show knows by now to joke about itself, and when to use comedy in the right way and in the right amount. I would say that adventure, action & comedy is the three main categories for this show so if that is your preferred categories then this is the show for you.

One of the areas where the show has really excelled and taken a modern take is on the subject of homosexuality. For i have personally never seen a sci-fi/adventure based show whom shows homosexual characters in such a natural and respecting way as this show does. Hats off to the writers and actors. The show does not promote homosexuality. But it does not fear it. It simply shows that it is a natural thing and that gay people should be respected in just the same way as straight people and that a gay relationship is simply a relationship.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow is a show filled with comedy and adventure and whom still manage to surprise here and there with its often strange but fun concepts and characters. It is the kind of show you need to watch with an open mind and just enjoy for what it aims to do, which is to entertain.

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One of the best unique shows on TV in an age of remakes.
luxun-9563930 January 2020
This show is a gem.

The entire show can be described as a combination of Back to the Future, Dr Who, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Supernatural rolled up into one. This show gets it a bit of a reputation as a "black sheep" in an era of gritty, dark, or at least just serious DC comic book shows/movies... but there's just something about watching this show that gives me the same rush and excitement of watching Saturday morning cartoons as a kid.

While most of DC's shows are campy with low budget effects and take themselves seriously, Legends embraces ridiculousness, pokes fun at their low budget, acknowledges they are the misfits, and provides a high quality time travel show full of action and comedy.

While this show does have some complaints from die hard fans of DC's dark and gritty themes (Which there's nothing wrong with, especially when involved with Characters like Batman), this show is easily a hook for people who prefer "The marvel method" of comic book cinematography.

While it did take some time to get some traction with Season 1 essentially being the show's "Star wars prequels", the following seasons are a very fun ride through history and embraces "Screwing up history for the better" to make a comedic show with a lot of heart.
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I started watching when the rating was 10
Sign_Painter13 June 2020
The first three seasons were pretty great, especially season 2&3 which were excellent. Then the storyline became less thought out even though some episodes still do stand out. But the main problem is with the characters in season 4 and especially 5. The newly introduced characters aren't interesting, there is no cool story around them, the existing characters were dumbed down and became one-dimensional, and the team dynamic went out the window. They are all there in the same scene but the atmosphere is like sitting in the teachers lounge of some middle school during recess. The rating 7 is only there for the sake of the first three seasons.
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Poorly written
chibialu15 May 2019
And I mean poorly written. I watched the first season of this show back then and it was okay. I returned now because of John Constantine, but oh boy, what did become of this show. Inconsistent Characters, poor plots, Characters made to idiots. I mean take Ray for example, he was CEO of his own firm, he developed the atom suit (By the way, where is that thing?) and the only thing he does? Goofing around and acting like a toddler.

Sarah? Trained by the league of assassins? Oh, they made her stupid too. Rory? Not a psychopath anymore Mona? A character I enjoyed in the beginning and now just some lovesick idiot who is only there to turn herself into a werewolf.

The worst one is Gary, I can't even put into words how idiotic this one is.

And I could continue. It was about saving the past and future in the beginning, and now? Nothing, just their own drama. And it's so poorly written.

Constantine deserves so much better, he should get a second season on his own show. But nope, the poor guy is trapped between those idiots. Although his annoyed face is a perfect representation of my while watching this nonsense.
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1st Season: OK, 2nd Season: Better, 3rd Season: Wonderful
danielpalus16 November 2017
I am making this review because when I looked, soo many reviews were negative. My guess is these reviewers don't really care for time travel and never really gave this show a shot.

A little context for my review; out of DC and Marvel, I would overwhelmingly go with Marvel. I greatly appreciate the ability to inject some humor into these type of programs. Legends of Tomorrow is the one DC property that gets this right. Sure it can be serious, plenty of action, but they also have those perfect moments that surprise me and make me laugh out loud.

An example of this, each episode begins with one of the characters narrating a brief catch up of what has been happening. When the arsonist thief character Rory gets to narrate, it goes something like, "Do you idiots still not know what's going on?" Had me cracking up in the first few minutes and I didn't see it coming at all.

The writing on this show has improved. Like my title suggests, season one was OK, and it has only gone up from there. The current season (3), has so far made me laugh EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE. and I can say I honestly look forward to every new ep.

I cannot for the life of me understand how these people are giving all these negative reviews. Ridiculous. We all get to have an opinion, but if you like time travel, super heroes and a lighter take than DC's usual fare, give this show an honest try.

When I first stumbled on this show I watched it backwards, started with season two, then watched season 1. I would go that route. I feel like in season 2 they really found their footing. If you can't get into it after watching season 2, then its not for you. If you dig season 2, then you will enjoy the characters enough to enjoy season 1 even if it is not as good as S2.

If any of the writers, actors or folk associated with the show read these reviews, don't let the haters get you down. You have found your groove and are killing it. You have a quality show with great writing that keeps true to each character. The cast is excellent in their respective roles and nail each character. I'm partial to Mr. Purcell, but that's mostly because I enjoy his comedic relief.

Definitely worth watching yall.

Sincerely, Dan Palus
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It's Fun
thearosedw28 April 2021
Personally, I love this show. It's a break from the angst-filled shows that comprise most of the superhero genre, and its full of wacky storylines that really make no sense, but somehow work. The writers clearly have fun with the show, and although sometimes plot points can be a bit contrived (see the end of season 4), it still works. They're especially good with making you fall in love with the characters. That being said, I understand some complaints about the show. The dialogue is CW-worthy and the wacky storylines aren't for everyone, but if you go in expecting a weird, funny show then you won't be disappointed.
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Although continue to watch this show it gets worst every week. I only watch because I have been since very 1st episode. It was good then. All of their super powers. Now Ray never uses Atom suit. Nathan rarely turns to steel. All they do is catch mystical creatures or talk about how one loves the other. Only excitement is Constantine.
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