A Fortunate Man (2018) Poster

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Deeply moving and thought-provoking
monicapepe19 May 2019
Many people think you have to be danish to enjoy this film. Actually, I am not. I´m Argentinian and I've found this film really disturbing. I watched it in the native language, of course. This is -in my opinion- how films should be watched. The film makes you feel uncomfortable, you have mixed feelings about the main character: you love him, hate him, understand him, all in a turmoil of feelings, as the film develops. In the end, everything has to do with love, and growth and the reason why we are here on earth.
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Good long watch
vandeloo3 May 2019
When a movie is relatively slow but it still lets you slide on your couch uncomfortably because you don't know what's coming, and when it hits strong emotions inside you, then you have seen a beautiful movie. Watch it in original language with subtitles.
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ealasaidr26 April 2019
I did find this film to be very moving with splendid moments of superb cinematography. A lovely movie to watch curled up with a hot cuppa on a dreary afternoon.

I viewed on Netflix and was able to change language to Danish and read English subtitles. Watching the film dubbed in another language takes away from the emotion of the story . As previous reviewers commented , I agree.

It definitely could have been more appealing for others if it were a mini series .
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You have to be danish to really get this
munkler8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, those of you who gave this movie a low rating because you couldn't figure out to choose the native language with subtitles, you should really learn your Netflix app first. That said, this is not you typical Hollywood movie with a happy ending. This is a story that was written in the early 1900 and the author received the nobel's Prize of peace in literature for this story. And maybe you do have to understand the complexity of the nature of being that kind of Christian. And then wanting to be around regular Danes. This complex relation still exist today, although in a more modern version. These people are not allowed to laugh or dance or anything that makes them smile. And maybe the ending symbolizes that. Maybe this is why he cannot allow himself to be happy. I thought it was a wonderful movie and a nice break from all the easy go lucky happy endings, which are very enjoyable too
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Stop rating films based on the dubbing
nextstopvegas15 February 2022
If you choose to watch a foreign language film dubbed into your language, you are not watching the work as created by the actors and director. If you are too ignorant to read subtitles you have no right to review.
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Magnificent film that few will ever see
alrodbel14 May 2019
Often a prosaic formulaic film can be a financial success based on casting and marketing decisions that provide anticipation of the release. Having viewed this just by chance last night on Netflix (not dubbed, as commenters have criticized) the film combined a rare and intriguing immersion of a different time and place.

Few films are made from Nobel Literature Prize winning novels, as this described by the prize winner Henrik Pontoppidan in 1917. "But the subjects which especially attracted me demanded a more spacious form and a broader style. I turned to the novel, an artistic form which had in former days been neglected and had thus acquired a bad reputation, but which during the nineteenth century had developed and elevated itself to the ranks occupied by drama and the ancient epic. In a trilogy, including Lykke Per written over a decade period, I have attempted to give a continuous picture of the Denmark of today through descriptions of human minds and human fates which reflect the social, religious, and political struggles of the time.

Rather than being unduly slow moving, this film conveyed the life of several strong willed characters along with an accurate depiction of two cultures of the era - fundamentalist Christianity and Secular Judaism. The three hours of the film could only define the contours of the radical Christianity, while dramatizing the cultural-financial-humanistic world of this class of Jews, that also illustrates this same group in neighboring Germany.

The film brilliantly depicted the era on two levels, a brilliant man who bristled under this form of Christianity; and his lover who was part of the vanguard of enlightened humanist sensibilities, soon to be destroy by the disaster of the Third Reich.

The acclaim by other commenters who saw the Danish language version, indicates this film should have been an artistic and financial success. As produced, it is a rare gem, that fulfills the original writers goal of capturing a time of transition in Denmark, and of Europe
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A depressing experience
DogeGamer20156 June 2020
A depressing film, but at the same time, it leaves you thoughtful after watching it.
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Incredibly moving
dietieaukema12 May 2019
What an incredibly moving film by Bille August. The director thankfully takes his time telling us the story of a man trying to break free from the conventions of his time as well as his social and cultural boundaries and yet finding himself more chained to them with every step he takes to try and get away from them.

The two lead characters are spellbindingly good.

I felt truly sad and nostalgic when the film ended. The characters stayed with me for a long time and I will certainly want to watch this film again.

I watched it in the original Danish version with subtitles.
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Nothing Fortunate about him.
mtkane2093 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie today with English subtitles. I found it to be depressing. The "Fortunate Man" Pier himself never gets his act together. He used women to his advantage, following his search for fame and money. How he in good conscience could leave the first girl who helped him when he was down and out. You never hear or see how he dumped her. You never know or find out if he ever paid for the suit which he wore throughout the greater part of the movie. He was a man with a dream, couldn't get it off the ground. Only back home did he have a project that looked like it was working. He could have redeemed himself after he went back home but nope, he found a woman to seduce while leaving his intended back in Copenhagen, though he doesn't know she is pregnant. 3 hours of waiting for him to become fortunate, unfortunately he never does become fortunate.
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Excellent social and psychological study of a time, a country and a man
Nat6411 May 2019
Lykke-Per/ A fortunate man tells the story of a man who tries to create his own legacy, during a time of economical and social turmoil (Denmark at the end of the 19th century).

I found this movie to be very balanced, emphasizing as much on the man's own issues than on the country's evolution during that era - it depicts in a suble way what every Man shall encounter eventually : the desire to free oneself from one's past, the need to forgive, loneliness and finiteness.
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So close...
thehullsmt20 March 2020
...to being memorable. I didn't mind the slow pace, but it seemed like the story plateaued about 90 minutes into the nearly 3 hour movie. And I do mean plateaued, not climaxed. It was interesting and engaging at first as the plot was developed and the characters were given depth, and then it just sorta shifted into overdrive and coasted along. It seemed to me that the story line just didn't really do anything for the last hour, at least. I don't know, at the end it just sort of left me feeling like there was a missed opportunity. It wasn't bad, but not great either.
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Movie or Mini Series?
drober19806 March 2019
Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying this movie at the East Bay Jewish Film Festival, in Northern California, USA. It appears that the 3 people who have previously reviewed this movie are from Denmark, so they have a different perspective than someone from my part of the world.

What is very confusing is that when you search for this movie it comes up on imdb as BOTH a mini series and also a movie. It was interesting last night, when they told us, that there was an intermission. Now I know why. I also understand and agree with the other viewers that it is too long and too slow. But if it was originally designed as a mini series, things generally get stretched out.

However, I found it to be a very interesting movie. What was not made clear was whether it was based on a true story or not? If it was, I would have wanted to know if any of his engineering ideas were ever adapted in any way for Denmark or some of the projects that the Jewish family sponsored at the end of the movie stayed in existence for a long time or not.

The cinematography was fascinating and perhaps understanding the difference between people in the big city of Copenhagen as opposed to Jutland would have been nice. Anyway, I liked it.
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And oddly driven man
MickyG33328 September 2023
7.3 stars.

I was attracted to this film for some reason I cannot explain. The man is weird and aggressive in his own way. He wants what he wants and nothing is going to stop him, not his upbringing, not a family of wealthy people, not the government, nobody. I find that I'm lost in translation somewhat and I can detect the obvious oddities in the subtle and not so subtle hints of other culture, a completely foreign mentality nuanced to perfection. As this man continues to unravel, the story delves into the depths of his soul and inclinations. I am unfamiliar with the character that lies beneath the surface and all I see is a strangely driven man with odd traits and unfamiliar desires. Brilliant. I suggest more people watch foreign films to catch a glimpse of the world beyond and to overcome the handicap of being close-minded Americans.
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Wrong Title
taurean4425 May 2019
I have never written a review before and after watching this film I was compelled to create an account and write this review. First of all, the title is all wrong. It should be called " A Horrible Man". This film was extremely frustrating to watch. Our protagonist is a complete head case and a moron devoid of any moral aptitude. He continues to squander opportunities and lacks feeling akin to serial killers. Adapt at exploiting all the women in his life he shows no feelings for others except his own arrogance. All this would be fine if that's what the arc was but that's not the case. The film has some great cinematography given the alpine locations but the story will leave you depressed and cynical of the intentions of people.
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Patience required, but it pays off...
jccwww5 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent example of what happens to many who lost path or never find it in one's life. Being able to see a man's struggle in a life's summary in a 2+ hour movie, turns easy to become a strict judge, of how he self jeopardized it. But it's more common in real life to happen in our world. Excellent movie. (Not English spoken, excuse my writing)
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Clown 1898
wolfrahms31 January 2021
Someone else said it best when they said "the guy is a moron". Danish viewers will no doubt hear and see the resemblance of the main character to Frank Wham in Clown, a sitcom in the vein of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Emotional and dramatic music is played throughout the film, but all I could hear was the Clown theme. The main character simply doesn't evoke a lot of sympathy. He behaves like a child, and I'm not feeling his passion for his work nor his love of the women he meets. He lies and steals to acchieve his goals, but totally stubborn and can't take any hits to his pride. A very annoying protagonist, that you can't root for. The side characters get a more satisfying ending. It's also bad timing on the directors half that causes the ending to fizzle out. It seems rushed. There are many sudden jumps in time where a lot of important things happen off screen. The whole thing would have worked better as a 10 episodes series... The acting is OK, I guess, if you don't have a problem with the constant gravity of every situation, dramatic pauses and lack of social realism. Overall, it's an OK movie with high production value that I suspect non-danish speakers may enjoy more than natives.
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Interesting and thoughtful.
buih-477311 January 2019
This movie is Long, and it feels Long. But it uses that, it takes it's time and establishes wellwritten and charismatic characters that you emotionally engage in.

It has aome beautiful set design and costumes are on point. The actors do a very good job, including the lead who has a striking ressemblence to Martin Freeman.

Overall a wellrounded and satisfying film, good to watch with a group of people where you can discuss the plot as the movie Rolls along.
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Artistic, intellectual, long
stevenrkeller25 July 2021
I'm glad I watched this 2:43 movie on Netflix and not in the theater. It was long. Acting, sets, costumes were excellent. I think they could have made their points in less time.
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A Solid Eight Stars
jmccrmck-6517219 June 2019
#1 If you're watching it on Netflix you don't have to watch it all in one go , treat it like a series. #2 You won't find many films that are as well done as this one, IMO the acting and direction are really good and the woman who plays opposite him , mutual love interests , is surely worthy of a Golden Globe for a supporting role. #3 If you watch any movie dubbed rather than with sub titles then your rating or opinion can't be of much substance, would you want Opera dubbed ? #4 The movie has all the elements of good story telling and the full range human flaws and attributes told in a sometimes moving and sometimes saddening way. It is one of the better films I have seen in the last year.
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Own way
kosmasp19 March 2022
A powerhouse performance by the central actor. And a story that is as engaging as they get. Not sure how much of what is told is actually true or based in reality/real life. What I do know is that as a viewer you feel for the main character trying to do what is right ... to pursue his dream and go after something he is fully invested in.

And something that is good for all humanity or human kind. Many discoveries had a really strenuous path. I was even surprised that this idea was suggested - a forward thinking green new deal idea. An idea that seems modern - someone already had it so long ago? Well why not? The movie is not just about that of course and there is romance and much more that life is made of .. it is complex in other words. But that might also be something that may make some viewers lose interest in the bigger picture. Overall I do agree with another reviewers summation though: a good long watch indeed.
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Reality vs dreams
muratpsy23 April 2019
The moments of Pier himself were hidden in his enthusiasm as he described his projects. When the realities of life overwhelmed him, Pier's despair became a weight over all his dreams. He lived in moments with all his innocence. We have to admit it to ourselves; actually, aren't we all Pier somehow?
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megmeno-4545730 April 2019
I would have rather read the subtitles than to listen to these "Valley Girl" and "Surfer Dude " accents! It was so distracting. If they wanted to "dub" the movie in English, I would rather listen to British accents.
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True Masterpiece! Damaged Souls May Never Recover
alamkhurshid-4790925 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is my first review. The movie has touched my heart so profoundly that I had to write about it. The protagonist is born in the family of clergymen. He left home to study engineering against the family wishes. He was considered a genius for his groundbreaking ideas. He got engaged with a girl of a wealthy Jew family and would help him to fund his project. He was called "A Fortunate Man". Later we see how death of his parents questions his way of living. A lot of misfortunes took place as he called off the engagement. Later, he married a girl from his village but still never found happiness. He left his family to live alone in solitude. He ends up having cancer but he finds himself. Throughout the movie we see, the protagonist never finds peace and happiness. The character says something like "there are some people who are made for misfortunes". It meant the souls are damaged enough already that they can't be happy anymore. The person is so cold already that he can't be happy and feels he is bringing other people down with him. This movie is a great example showing how some damages never heal. The pain never stops. It is not a happy ending movie but more about the reality and how some people can never heal. Truly a masterpiece!
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Gaps and an unsympathetic character
phenders-8140120 October 2023
Trying to condense a bildungsroman-type narrative into a two and one-half hour film is admittedly challenging. The result is gaps in the narrative, which means that the viewer loses track of the trajectory. The main character is built along the lines of a traditional tragic hero, whose tragic flaw could simply be passed off as the usual hubris. Yet he is more than simply a proud and self-absorbed Lear or Hamlet. It is more complex (and perhaps more inexplicable) than this, for he doesn't hesitate wooing the daughter of a rich Jew in Copenhagen to advance his career, yet in what perhaps could be called the climax of action, his pride resurfaces in undisguised form (details left unspecific here because it would be a spoiler).
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masterjk22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Although it starts out being an enjoyable, rather predictable movie with good performances, it turns into a sad little tale about a man so engrossed in his predestined life of poverty that I ended up hating it. He is, from the beginning, an egocentric genius but he doesn't develop. He merely becomes more shriveled, dooming himself to a life of poverty and frustration that was exhibited by his father. There is nothing wrong in showing this lack of development. It's not pleasing to me. We know he is very flawed when he steals a suit and apparently never pays for it. And his hubris towards the functionary dooms him. He has no idea how to get along with people. It's a type of 19th century Cinéma vérité in plot structure (not the sets which are magnificent) which gives us an in depth look at a man doomed to fail. I enjoy characters who grow in stature rather than laughing at their failures through Schadenfreude.
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