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Freaky (2020)
Freaky Friday with a horror twist
2 March 2022
I'd assume the title's a reference to Freaky Friday, so if you think you'd enjoy watching a comedy/horror slasher twist on that, then you should definitely give Freaky a shot!

I found this movie very fun to watch and I attribute a lot of my enjoyment to the acting of Kathryn Newton and Vince Vaughn who both give great performances. Vaughn especially is super endearing, I was really impressed.

Freaky's a fairly goofy movie with some good laughs and moments of gory murder which err on the side of absurd rather than horrific, for the most part.

The plot and some elements of the story such as the supernatural element are a little weak in my opinion, but I honestly don't think that's much of a problem in this case. The movie's pretty character-driven and ultimately entertaining, so I can forgive some of the weaker story elements.

An enjoyable, solid watch all in all, and one I'll probably go back to.
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Easy on the eyes, but kinda muddled
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this a 5 or maybe optimistic 6 out of 10. I did enjoy watching it but it wasn't great and I probably wont go back to it.

I'll start with some positives because there were things I liked.

Firstly, what which stuck in my mind as I was watching was that it looked really great. It was well shot and I liked the settings. Plus the gore didn't look too bad and there were some moments of pretty effective visual horror!

It got straight to the point, too. The movie's 83 minutes and it gets going quickly. I think it makes the assumption that most audience members have either seen the original or at least know something about it, so they don't waste much time getting down to business.

It was pretty cheesy, which I see as a positive. I don't think the movie took itself too seriously and I think that's a good thing in this case. This movie isn't here to try and one-up the original, it's here for goofy slasher horror which is what I was expecting going in. Others might not agree with me there though, I admit.

So that's the positives!

As for the negatives, I think the main thing is that it was a little muddled in what it seemed to want to say, or whether it even wanted to say anything in the first place.

For example, there's a plot point about the gentrification of a small, rural town and the clashing of new worlds and old but it doesn't really go anywhere with this and I think that there could have been a more interesting dynamic regarding that.

It's been nearly 50 years since the original Massacre (which is pointed out in the movie) and the world has changed a lot since then, so there could absolutely have been some kind of greater underlying point about the past coming back to haunt people. Lila, one of the protagonists, has a painful personal past (which isn't handled well by the movie) and Sally, who makes a return, is also haunted by her experiences, so it could've worked well.

But what we got instead was some half-hearted references to internet and influencer culture and how it doesn't really fit in with the rural setting.

The movie has a lot of instances like this where it seems to want to introduce a theme but then does nothing with it. Whatever the movie might have wanted to say quickly gets lost under the noise of a chainsaw.

Beyond that, I'd say the dialogue isn't great and some of the lines made me wince a little. That's impressive since I'm usually someone can often find bad dialogue quite endearing.

I'd also say that some of the characters could maybe have been explored and fleshed out a little more. It seems like the movie has some cognitive dissonance and seemed to want to make a lot of characters both likeable and unlikeable, sympathetic and unsympathetic simultaneously.

I know I said I like the movie's short run time, but I wouldn't have minded it being a bit longer if we got to know the characters a little better. It would be good if it was a bit clearer whether we're supposed to like them and care if they become chainsaw fodder!

In summary, it's fine, perfectly serviceable and kinda fun. But not great and not memorable.

It tries to have it's cake and eat it in terms of the un/sympathetic characters and the bad attempts at making statements about things. But as I said, it's not like the movie is taking itself seriously so some might be able to forgive that.

The actual chainsaw massacre parts are the best part of the movie (terrible script aside, the bus scene is awesome) and there are plenty of references not only to the original TCM but other horror movies as well, which are fun if a little heavy-handed.

I think what made the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre really special was that it was fuelled by America's fear for Ed Gein. This film, on the other hand, is fuelled by America's love for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, leading to both positive and negative results.

It loves the source material and isn't trying to one-up it as I said, but it also doesn't want to do anything of its own and that shows and it leads to a movie which is okay at best.
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The Owl House (2020–2023)
Exactly what you want from an animated kids show
12 October 2020
The animation is great and the art style is adorable, like Gravity Falls meets Hieronymus Bosch. The setting is imaginative and will definitely appeal to kids who like fantasy, i'm sure a fair few will be wishing they could have adventures on the Boiling Isles themselves. On top of this, the stories are very sweet and there's lots of good humour injected throughout all the episodes!

I think kids will really like this little fantasy romp of a series and honestly, adults will probably be able to appreciate it too, it got plenty of chuckles out of me and it really is easy on the eyes.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Equal parts parody and sincerity
12 October 2020
When I first started watching this, I didn't really know what to expect. I'd feared it might end up being just some watered down version of Rick & Morty or Final Space. After having watched the full series, however, I can say I truly enjoyed it.

There's a lot there for fans of Star Trek to enjoy, with the show referencing past plot points and parodying many star trek tropes. But the fun-poking at other series of Star Trek isn't heavy-handed or mean spirited and I think that the writers of the show hold a lot of genuine love and affection for Star Trek, which comes through in the writing and makes the show feel authentic and fun. It's irreverent, but not disrespectful to the texts it's holding up mirrors to.

Moreover, the show isn't JUST references and parody. It builds upon these jokes about other Star Trek series to build stories of its own which are enjoyable and fun little comedy romps. For this reason, I think it could probably be fairly accessible and enjoyable to people who don't really know too much about Star Trek.

All-in-all, I do recommend this show, I think it's made with care and appreciation for Star Trek and could probably get both fans and strangers to the franchise smiling at the antics and laughing at the jokes.
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Not Lovecraftian, but it doesn't need to be
1 September 2020
As of writing, three episodes have been released.

Episode one had me very interested. I liked all the characters, it was very tense and it left me curious as to the direction the story was going to go.

Episode two ended up being pretty odd for me. It went in a direction which I truly didn't expect, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I still enjoyed it, but I let go of my expectation that the story would be Lovecraftian in nature.

Episode three is great. There are some very spooky moments and the things which hooked me in Episode one (the characters, the tension, the strangeness) are still present. The ending of the episode was almost overwhelming in its weirdness and presentation.

I still can't tell where the series is going to end up, but I like that. I don't find it predictable. I think if you go in expecting a traditional Lovecraft series about Cthulhu and elder gods then you'll be disappointed, but if you want a show about ordinary people getting caught up in paranormal happenings then you'll be happy enough.
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