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Death in Paradise: Melodies of Murder (2018)
Season 7, Episode 8
No farewell???
5 June 2024
Wow, this is the rudest series ever with its revolving cast who don't seem to be able to hang in on the island all that long.

The Last member of the original crew Dwayne leaves without so much as a tear shed or a mention in this episode at all. Did he not know he was leaving?

Humphrey got the same half ar$e kick off and poor old Richard got murdered!!. Do the writers not understand we like these characters. We've been with the Dwayne character for 8 seasons totaling almost 48 hours of our time now. Surely that deserves a bit of creative writing and closure? We get closure on murder after murder every episode but the thing we tune in for is not some silly mystery that falls apart with a bit of pulling, it's the characters and their interaction we come and stay for.

Show a little respect why don't you..........

The episode was ok. Dwayne was repeating himself so maybe he did need a couple of series break or a new direction to go in, but still.
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Civil War (2024)
Vacuous, Stupid, Ugly, America
1 June 2024
This film is ugly, in the brutality it shows but also in the ugliness of modern cinema that it is. Gratuitous, shallow, willfully stupid. It is in parallel with its topic.

Thanks for sitting us through non stop (well apart from the boring slow bits) human ugliness, no really, thanks, that's really helpful.

The stupid - a 13 year old runs around in a war zone like it's a holiday camp with her manual wind film camera loaded with 36 shot film at best. Snapping away single shot frames of brutality like it's the most important thing in the world. Like video doesn't exist. Never once do you see her have to sit down and load in a new film while the bullets fly, no head protection in the worst of the battle scene, and the soldiers who are taking it left right and center put themselves at risk to usher 3!!!! War tourists through the mayhem. And of course she does something stupid which gets someone else killed cos modern film makers think that's a plot point we enjoy. Watching stupid people doing stupid things, cos they think we're stupid.

Ultimately this film is stupid because it feeds us worn out tropes. It's a vacuous video game with shallow predictable characters we've seen in a hundred other films. They weren't interesting in 99 of those films either.

The Ugly - The America this portrays. One of uncaring violence and brutality. Where war is normal and acceptable behaviour. It's part of the culture, part of the ecosystem, it's business and good for business.

The Ugly - This film, which feeds us this ugly narrative like it's normal. Like we should accept it. Brutality is entertainment. Having nothing to say, nothing to offer is fine so long as you frame it well, get the thrilling sfx and action in there. It doesn't matter that you've got nothing positive to say, just fill the screen.

The missed opportunity. To say something about the America of today that is massively divided. Not one note of insight into that, into real people.

What we got is a film about cold and heartless war photographers, who let's face it, don't even exist any more. No one cares about still images. There's no print media left. No one cares about what drives these people, not that we were given any insights into why real humans do what the central characters do. They were cartoons. Cutouts, place holders. They said the cliche line of "I've never felt more alive", which was a wtf moment in itself. Sorry what? You've never felt more alive than when getting in the way of soldiers killing each other and watching humans die in front of you from gory hideous wounds? You need to get another hobby quickly. Better still go and see a doctor. I don't know what to do with this message. What did the film maker want us to think? That these idiots were cool? That their efforts were noble? I'm not dissing real war photographers who document war, but turning it into the art of framing and lighting is just revolting, and that's not what real journalists should be doing.

Stop making these stupid, voyeuristic films. You're not helping your country heal itself or become rational valid human beings.

America, stop being war and violence crazy psychopaths. Stop consuming this lie of normality.

Killing isn't normal.

Brutality isn't normal.

It's not entertainment.

Wake up from the hallucination, this well framed, lit, directed and shot beautiful lie, and realise you're being conned by the entertainment industry, and it's doing you harm.

On top of that this film was decidedly average when you take away all the lovingly crafted war games. It didn't have anything to say.
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Fallout (2024– )
The drawbacks of basing your series on a video game.
24 May 2024
The pluses are of course the lead actors. Walton Goggins adding depth and detail to a relatively simplistic "cowboy" role, adding menace and meaning all the way, somewhat constricted by a large amount of effects makeup.

Ella Purnell stepped up her already solid game from a good performance in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and a series of not that great other projects. She's great in this though.

I hadn't noticed Aaron Moten before, although he was in the terrible emancipation movie, he's great in this. I really liked his fumbling and mumbling delivery. It seemed natural and real.

The world design was great. The future as we saw it from the 50s and 60s. One that was never delivered, but seemed so much more fun.

The downside was the over the top gore, which I'm sure plays out well on a video game but in this story it seemed gratuitous. The finger cutting off thing. In this world you can pull a dead finger and graft it onto your stump and you're fine, but did we have that tech in the 1950s or even now. Nope. So it comes across as brutal, gratuitous and unbelievable, which is saying something in this work or already stretch fiction world. I get that it was a bit, but, it wasn't that great and maybe it was just the way it was done. What are supposed to do with this scene etc. How are we supposed to feel when a ghoul chops off a girls finger right in front of her face, for what reason? It's cheesy overused shock value.

The brutality was unnecessary, but I guess we've come to expect this of people like Jonathan Nolan. The first series of Westworld was likewise brutal but seemed to be saying something, but the next 3 series said nothing of worth.

There was a bunch of touch stone political ideas thrown in but it did seem a bit piecemeal, one of the 'political concepts' they threw in almost made me laugh as the character delivered it pretty much like reading a meme off social media. There might be some insight on offer but it didn't come across well and didn't seem that insightful, but what do we expect, it's based on a video game, and they seem to have purposefully kept that clunky aspect in this series. Pick up the jewel to get the reward, you've got bonus power, etc etc. I think they thought it was clever and paying respect to the game it was based on, but, I'm here devoting my time to this program and clunky just doesn't cut it.

So hence my average response to this. I loved Walton Goggins, watching him act is a reward in itself, but it could have been so much better if the dumped the gore, filtered out the game play stuff, and really focused the vision of the world so it said something instead of a mish mash of rhetoric thrown in a blender. There's probably something decent in there but it's hard to filter it out with all the noise.
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It's a comedy,....... right? an entitled rich kid's big budget joke
18 May 2024
If you, like me, were sitting there wondering ?wtf am I watching here?", my best guess is it must have been meant to be a comedy, but since I hardly laughed the whole movie it's an abject failure for that.

Sure the cinematography was outstanding as were the locations and make up effects, mostly, (that baby was rubbish).

But what was the point of it all? It seems like it was some kind of a long running in joke for writer director David Zellner who made a short film in 2010 called Sasquatch Birth Journal 2.

It wasn't a totally stupid idea for a film, but it really didn't deliver and missed lots of opportunities for infinitely funnier moments than it opted for. How about restaging the famous sasquatch photo moment? How bout showing a number of near misses for the sasquatch team?

What we got instead was a bunch of gross out slapstick set ups based around 10 year old humor, puking, childbirth, sneezing, toilet gags etc.

And they wrapped it up in an extra layer of wastefulness by hiring 2 beautiful hollywood stars to be unrecognisable under layers of prosthetics. It felt like an entitled rich kid's big budget joke.

And the joke wasn't up to much,
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
All about him
12 May 2024
While set up to be a story about a true life stalker the film is actually all about the central character, actor, and writer and his world view and life. It's something he illustrates clearly in the story - that he is hungry for success and will do anything to achieve it.

There is some controversy about how real the "True Story" events in the film are and it seems quite clear that much of it has been manipulated to fit the narrative of what is a very well written script. This is Richard Gadd's moment to shine, it's not about Martha at all.

It's his chance to show he can act (he can), it's his chance to show he can write a witty, entertaining, powerful, nuanced and emotive story (he can). That's the real win with this film. Gadd's made a script and film that makes you think about issues. His villain is shades of grey, and he's partly the villain himself in places.

The down side of this is he's blurred the lines between fiction and reality and dragged real people into his 'true story' that clearly shouldn't be there. It would have been better to say based on true events, and leave it there.

Still some really great acting and writing from an obvious talent, and a great performance from Jessica Gunning.
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outdated brutal heroes movie
12 May 2024
Brutal war movie in the style of 60s post WW2 shoot em ups. A handful of 'good guys' go on a slaughter rampage on a mission to knock out a U-boat parts supply vessel, and killing and gutting and slaughtering is funny cos they're baddies and we're goodies.

One guy cuts the heart out of a nameless soldier because he collects hearts?

They send a Jewish secret agent seductress into the midst of nazis and she slips up by using non german phrasing?

A terrible rendering of Winston Churchill left you wondering what they were going for exactly. Is he supposed to be a spiderman version of the character.

Most of this seems cartoonish, and you're left wondering why we're seeing this in 2024 and then they tell us it was based on fact and real people.

The cinematography, set design, location and costumes were all good, we're just left with the question about the presentation and story - 'why'?

Good soundtrack though. Remenescent of Daniel Pemberton's Man from uncle soundtrack.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Great, then disappointing, then very disappointing.
29 April 2024
I liked the contemplative nature of this show, but it quite quickly degraded into silliness, and disappointingly so, because it started off pretty well.

We need shows like this one promised to be, but the clues were there right from the start with the annoying constantly smoking cast. Brought to you by the same people who scuttled 7 years of game of thrones with a half ar$ed 8th series. Interestingly this series was 8 episodes long but the show runners killed the show well before the final episode, so I guess that's progress for them, condensing 8 years of disappointment down into an eight episode arc.

I don't know what to think after finishing this first series. It was tantalising in its premise, but so disappointing in its execution.
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mean spirited and off
22 April 2024
I get it, it's fashionable to hate Morrissey, so let's al pile on and run him into the ground. Simpsons was above mob mentality but apparently they're not. Most of the humour was good-natured, but this episode went fully against that legacy and left a bad lasting taste in the mouth that made it hard to bother tuning in again, not that many people are doing that these days anyway.

I guess it drummed up some media attention, for all the wrong reasons but when someone in the relationship changes beyond what you can tolerate then maybe it's time for that friendship to end.

No one likes a bully and this episode felt like it was exactly that. Regardless of what you think Morrissey is or had said or means (who can tell??) this show was beneath the slowly diminishing standards of a once great series.
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3 Body Problem: Wallfacer (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
opps my tent rope snapped - More efficently disappointing.
17 April 2024
Wow, I haven't seen a show go off the rails and land so badly since, well since game of thrones I guess. I wonder if anyone involved in this show was linked to that. They seem to manage to have condensed the disappointment and feeling of betrayl down from an 8 year arc into a single 8 episode season, so I guess that's some sort of progress.

I'm tempted to read the books now and see if the original material is as directionless as this series ended up being. I had a quick look at the plot synopsis and it looks like the failure for this can be laid directly on the show runners shoulders. They have changed quite a lot of what actually happens in the story.

Such a promising start, and we really do need a smart and thought provoking series to engage us, but this was both mind numbing and thought provoking at the same time, and the ratio between the 2 veered strongly toward the mind numbing as each episode passed and then pretty much gave up on the thought provoking when it got obsessed with nano fibers, and it was all downhill from there.

WTF was going on with the brain in a box attached to some tent ropes which came unfastened as the ship passed only the 3rd acceleration point of hundreds. What was the point of all that??? What was he going to do when he got there?
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3 Body Problem: Only Advance (2024)
Season 1, Episode 7
why would they bother?
16 April 2024
Seriously, why would they bother sending assassins around the world to knock off people who pose absolutely no threat to them. It just defies any sense of logic. It's a waste of effort. Why aren't they trying to knock off Wade? He's the main threat to them. Not some old lady with no power.

Same with old Samwell Tarley, it was pointless, there are so many higher targets to be bothered with. And if they've got these magic proton computers darting around the world why bother with the cloak and dagger stuff, why not crash the plane she flew over on.

It makes no sense and makes it seem like the show runners are in it for the titillation. They want to have a nutjob assassin in the show doing psycho things, so that's the only reason for titiana and her plot points.
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3 Body Problem: The Stars Our Destination (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
Meh, out of steam and ideas
15 April 2024
Nothing of interest happened in this episode. They spent a lot of time on mr cancer, who doesn't look that sick, and his love for one of the others, who he rightly points out is stupid to pursue.

This ep was a student drama.

Apparently this one group of friends holds all the keys to the future, how amazingly talented and important they are.

I can't see anything special happening in the last 2 episodes so I guess this show couldn't keep it up and keep it interesting even though it showed good promise and sparks of interest, it turned out to be little more than hipster youtube video shallow thoughts that didn't stand much thinking about. I don't know if I can be bothered finishing the series now.
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3 Body Problem: Judgment Day (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
spectacularly silly - thought provoking & mind-numbing at the same time.
14 April 2024
Oh, ... this is going in the wrong direction very quickly, wasting the good aspects (Benedict Wong and some great thought provoking concepts) with just plain silly carry on. I don't need to go on about the ludicrous dicing a ship to get a hard drive plot point. I mean, what are we supposed to do with that? Is this a comedy now?

Everyone of us is now thinking season 8 of Game of Thrones with dread and quickly loosing any level of trust in the writers, if we had any to start with.

Annoying Augie with her pouty catwalk looks may well have played out her plot point with her 'cutty string' so hopefully we've seen the back of her and her attempts to bring back smoking. Nano fibres..... what a oblique way to make her relevant to the story. Yes in ep 5 you're going to prove your worth by finishing off your science project so we can slice up children on a boat, yay!

The aliens, don't seem that smart for a race of creatures who can make a proton computer and send technology 4 light years away. How did the helmets get made and the hard drive etc? I guess that's the drawback of having a little knowledge and a little understanding possibly gained from watching youtube videos. It starts to fall apart with any level of scrutiny.

I think that's what is the most disappointing aspect of this show, it's almost a strong idea but ruined by halfbaked plot failures.

The aliens are worried that in 400 years humans will have surpassed their their technology? So what, the aliens are planning to stop progressing on their 400 year journey? Not going to read any books while you travel?, come up with some new ideas?, pack a couple of test tubes and a bunsen burner? It was an interesting thought till you thought about it.

I don't think 'own goal' of detailing your plot holes is good enough as when Wong notes they can do instantaneous communication but can't travel faster than sub lightspeed with a shoulder shrug, although I'll give you a point for saying "That's impossible,.... impossible, for us".

This show is frustratingly thought provoking and mind-numbing at the same time.

I'm worried the next episode will h ave something in it that will stop me wanting to finish the season, it's pretty close to it now, no, to be fair it has past that point, and I'm running on walking dead fumes, I know I should have stopped watching that show half way through, but it's hard to turn away from a train wreck.

Oh and Liam Cunningham's hard as MI5-6 tough guy act is wearing pastiche thin.
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3 Body Problem: Our Lord (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
The 4 body problem
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear. This show was doing quite well with it's world building until this episode where a bunch of things fell over and went off the rails.

The alien force can communicate across 4 light years of space instantaneously but takes 300 years to travel the distance. So they've figured out how to move information faster than the speed of light, yet not themselves.

The aliens are really smart yet they got confused about what a "story" was, and our cult of alien 'friends' waste their time reading nursery rhymes to them and upsetting them? A story is not a lie, it's a method of extrapolation. But yes humans can and do lie, but little red riding hood isn't an example of that.

The alien friends cult have access to alien tech, but they go around like secret squirrel murdering with a knife people who think they're a con? Why the whole cloak and dagger thing? Excuse the pun. But why waste effort and cause danger by murdering someone who poses no threat? Why trust another new person so much as to bring them to your cult meeting. Why did the 2 person cop force call in a swat team to rescue one woman and kill others, when she wasn't in immediate threat of death? What was the point of the raid. Why not wait till the conference was over, pull in the leader and find out what the story was? Arm assault seems illogical.

And the name of the show is the three body problem, and the alien world has 3 suns and their plant, that's 4 bodies, and yes humans at the present point of time with our present computational skills cannot extrapolate the movements of 3 bodies exerting gravitational force on each other for long periods, but that doesn't mean it's not something that can be done in the future, ever, by intelligence more advanced than what we have now.

And the glamorous smoking. Why? Is it because they couldn't crow bar it into game of thrones so that tobacco sponsorship money was off the table so they're making up for it now?

So the problems are a little more than a little science conundrum now. And they were doing so well.
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Another movie glorifying war
9 April 2024
Blah blah blah, battles, blah blah, sword play, blah blah rulers killing others, this is the sort of rubbish we're feed to keep us in the mood for wars and warfare.

Yes it was big, yes it was cinematically staged with impressive visuals, but the message, what are they telling us with all this expensive brutality. As someone else noted in their review, bad people being bad, just because they are, this time goth baddies looking like Matt Lucas. Shouty men and scheming women, perpetuating a world view of glorified warriors, killers, murderers who spend all their days and nights plotting to kill.

Doesn't anyone share a nice recipe for pancakes and have friends over for drinks in these landscapes? Doesn't anyone have to get the kids off to bed so they can be ready for school in the morning? The testosterone levels were through the roof, but to what end, the little boy like dude wants to kill off the bad guys while thinking he's not a bad guy, and then what? Public healthcare and free education at prestigious universities in the dunes?

Then a stupid knife fight to finish it all off. This is war propaganda and it's kinda boring, and we should be very tired of it.

I'm not sure how similar this film was to the book this is but this sort of film is not the way forward for human kind. It feels very dated and wrong. Why are we putting this stuff into our heads and why are hollywood intent on force feeding us this very well made and good looking garbage?
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Death in Paradise: Death of a Detective (2014)
Season 3, Episode 1
The weirdest thing to do to your audience
9 April 2024
I know we tune in each week to watch the crew solve yet another murder in a small island community, and that there is something inherently mawkish in enjoying this as entertainment if it was the real world and this many murders were happening it would be terrifying, but we're not really tuning in for the murder, we're tuning in for the cast and the mind gymnastics they perform to solve the mystery and the small talk and comradery they make on the journey.

We quickly grow to like the characters, even though they're fictional, but then to kill the central on off is no small thing, especially because this is not game of thrones. It's a small british/french comedy thriller.

Add to that the complete lack of impact it had on the other characters, it was insulting to humanity, and to the audience and the respect for us as much as it was for DS Camille Bordey, Officer Dwayne Myers, and Sergeant Fidel Best and their characters.

We've been enjoying the show (not for the murders but for the characters) and we hated what they did to DI Poole, and to us.

Yes I know it's fiction, but we're not.
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Resident Alien: Homecoming (2024)
Season 3, Episode 8
5 April 2024
More good work from Alan as Harry, plenty of good set ups for him to clown around with,so it was good to see the final episode of series 3 stay true to the central character and main topic. Series three has definitely been the better for it, just as series 2 suffered greatly for drifting from it.

There was even some decent plot with Kate strategizing how to save her lost child, but things did get a bit chaotic and hard to follow on the ship, but luckily some good comedy opportunities for Harry while there.

The last 3rd of this episode just flung as many plot elements at the screen as it could and it became hard to focus and take it all in and make sense of it.

Maybe they're not getting renewed and they wanted to go out with a bang?

Personally I thought series 3 on the whole was a solid step in the right direction, and reclaimed a lot of lost ground from series 2. I was going to abandon ship at the end of series 2 and a lot of people have noted as much in their series reviews. It felt like a completely different show and not one I would have ever bothered watching, but if there is a series 4 and they can keep up the good work they did to make series 3 mostly fun and funny, I'll come back for more.
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Hahahahaha, you've got to be kidding
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just plain terrible.

How can people come up with this rubbish. I don't know where to start, but am glad that it's finished.

We know the reviews here are less than honest but I can't understand how the actors, crew and writers all went along with this logic defying rubbish.

Terry O'Quinn gave a decent performance, he seemed interesting, grounded thoughtful and intelligent, his plan made no sense. He couldn't explain why it had to be done even though his delivery implied he had solid reasoning behind him. Maybe O'Quinn oversold it. Anyway he was hardly in the series and then he was dead so hard to know what to make of it other than it didn't add up.

The DRM were surprisingly easy to take down, no thanks to michonne running around the lecture theatre in front of the projector!!!!!!! Drawing attention to herself, seriously if she'd tried this in a standard middle school lecture she'd have got a detention but apparently the DRM getting their genocide instructions are a lot more relaxed, but it was ok, this crack team of the most dangerous people to have ever existed were updating their facebook status so no one even notice, and there were no guards, at all, anywhere. Your average high school has stricter security.

We'll just whip up a clever grenade bomb with a funny way of pulling the pins (gafaw), and the mustard gas won't hurt us cos we got water on us, and, ignore that Rick's eyes are exposed!!!! Owwwww. "it burns it burns, no, it's fine, it's blown away in a light breeze, I'm all ok now".

Thorne, completely unprotected standing right in front of the tent full of explosives with only a thin fabric door to protect her,..... was just fine, not even a scratch, and she had a magic mask on with in seconds (where'd she pull that from???) so she didn't get dead'd like the amphitheatre full of probably quite decent people, who didn't have a magic mask on despite being next to a tent full of deadly gas, because in the future health and safety standards aren't a thing any more.

Really, who comes up with this stuff. Zero effort. Any one of us could have done better.

The little house on the prairie reunite ending was just plain insulting. Gone for 5 years, "I knew you were alive" (based on what exactly??) and live happily ever after, till the zombies get them. What a waste of our time. We all know the zombie universe better than a single one of these writers. None of this was believable, none of it added up, none of it made a lick of sense.
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Tropes and well worn paths
31 March 2024
Pretty much everything about this film and it's script has been done before, done better, and was more entertaining to watch, aside from the ugly nature of the predictable tropes it based itself on.

It pretends to present itself on meaning against prejudice while building itself on a world of fictional tropes that don't resonate.

School bullies but black and white baddies that we can assault and be the good guy, nasty prejudiced parents with no back story we can feel superior to, it's everything that is wrong with the all American tale that perpetuates dismissive stereotypes in order to make itself feel better without address the problems at its core.

The older narrator has been done so much better and Ed Harris' talent was wasted here, although he would go on to waste it even more on series 2-4 of westworld so, that's also unfortunate.
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Resident Alien: Here Comes My Baby (2024)
Season 3, Episode 7
Asta family problems.
30 March 2024
Fumbling it a bit in this episode. We got some reasonable Harry moments, he's still delivering when they give him screen time.

Another just plain weird plot point to follow last weeks creepy Gill cleaning scene, exploding his child seemed a step too far even if it did regenerate itself.

Kate's stolen baby plot point took it too far into the serious side of things, forgetting the job is to entertain. This show does really badly when it tries to teach us life lessons, and it feels like it's positioning itself to give us one big attempt at it which is what killed season two for us.

I feel a bit apprehensive about the final episode now.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Good one Jadis!! that worked out well didn't it?
26 March 2024
Ugh, really. The full force of the authoritarian organisation that can track and bother to kill anyone who knows where they are cos apparently no one can see helicopters and follow their flight path to a massive city operating a bigger and better military than existed before the zombie apocalypse. It's hard to know where to start with that concept. It's just ridiculous.

But anyway, good old one-person-army-Jadis, who I actually forgot who she was till one flash back showing her to be garbage patch lady, but anyway, one-person-force of nature 'Jadis', a character who has time to sculpt stupid hair cuts, and even Rick has to note it in character, who totally believes in the CRM, decides to go off on her own (do they allow that in the CRM? Didn't seem like they did for Rick) without telling anyone...., for reasons that simply don't add up. But wait she's left a note in her bedroom, back at the fort, cos the CRM are going to bother reading through her diary and collection of recipes when she doesn't come back, instead of biffing the lot into the skip so someone else can have her nice room with a corner window. Doesn't-add-up!!!

Nice to see Gabriel again suffering with his milky eye contact lens.

Nothing really came of it but, familiar face and all that.

So setting up the finishing arc for the show, break into the fort and steal the hand written note, and return home to their kids who could quite possibly be dead cos it's a mad zombie world out there but hey, you can leave them with strangers for 5 years, cos its not like most people don't survive that long......

Really there should be heads hung in shame for this show. This is the best they could write in the 5 year break?? Preposterous.
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Resident Alien: Bye Bye Birdie (2024)
Season 3, Episode 6
comedy and aliens
23 March 2024
Well I laughed a few times.

Not at Asta's kid issues, but Harry having a teenage meltdown about losing his girlfriend was a gold mine for funny moments.

Not sure if the alien story progressed much but it was present. They keep coming with the quirky alien perspective things, the ostrich was funny, and weird at the same time.

The alien abduction angle continues to be interesting especially with Ben and Kate's experiences, adding a foreboding vibe to their characters and making you side with them more. I was losing my liking for them in last series arc but this is drawing me back to them.

Mr Grey isn't pulling his weight with any depth to his character yet. He's just a cartoon baddie, hopefully they'll colour him in more soon.
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Perfect Days (2023)
A lot of right things,
21 March 2024
Beautifully shot in real slice of life Tokyo locations showcasing the designer toilets built for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics this film did a great job of showing what real Tokyo life looks like. It's not all crowded trains and thriving crowds. The film focused itself on Asakusa in the upper east of the city where the protagonist lives in an old rundown house and the Shibuya area specifically the Yoyogi park and Yoyogi Hachiman area where Hirayama cleans the modern toilet at the gate of the shrine then eats his lunch under the beautiful trees inside the shrine.

Things happen, but nothing really comes of them, and that could either be by genius intent - showing the half finished nature of life, or it could be laziness where the writers didn't have a 'finish' to the thoughts they created. It might be bit of both, but that's part of the nature of art - pretend like your saying something deep and people will think you are.

I loved Koji Yakusho's performance, it was nuanced and understated and I've seen thousands of people just like him in Japan. Good natured nice people going about their life with positivity.

I've read that Wim Wenders had a backstory to the character where he was a hard living guy who came to the realisation that his hedonistic life meant nothing to him and he chose to give up the fast life for one of simplicity and meaning, and that does fit with the nature of Japanese culture to some extent. What felt tacked on and foreign was the characters inner sadness and struggle. Only just keeping it together at times. That seemed a very western filmmakers thing where everything has to be about conflict and drama and darkness. Japan is the king of stories that don't have black and white goodies and baddies and can tell a story with no antagonist at all. Look at Kiki's Delivery service or My Neighbor Totoro. Wender didn't absorb this aspect of japanese culture fully in this film, and it's an admirable quality to take from in a world full of pew pew violence for entertainment, but this film does mostly achieve it.

There were a lot of lose ends to his story that could have had insightful and rewarding directions to go, but the way the film was created (as a response to the makers of the toilets looking for someone to show case them to the world, with the story written in just 3 weeks) things feel half finished perhaps for a very good reason.

There were many easy tropes in the film too, love of old technology (Cassettes, cheap Film Camera, vintage 70s and 80s music) which have been done to death in other movies and seem a little lazy to staple them on top of the japanese life style framework.

Even that is a bit trope like with the bath house, old men, izakaya restaurant and snack bar, but those are forgivable because they are done so authentically and we were spared many of the more common Japan cliches - technology, crazy japanese, underpant vending machines etc.

There was a lot of good in this film, and most of it centers around the locations, cinematography and Koji Yakusho's likable performance. There was a truly great film on the table for the taking, but it didn't manage to find it, but what we got was still pretty good. How great to see real japan and real japanese on the screen.
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Resident Alien: Lovebird (2024)
Season 3, Episode 5
Alien focus
15 March 2024
*** The review link is broken.

I managed to get past it by cutting "reviews/" to the URL which takes you to the reviews list page. It was also broken on the last episode too. Use this solve until the site maintenance notice and fix it. It's only for this series as far as I can tell.

Solidly on the alien story line for this episode.

No real filler.

Harry clowning it up to keep the comedy going, some interesting thought provoking angles about how flippant outside species might view humans as we view different species on our own planet.

The story is throwing in a lot of elements and that's good so long as they can tie them all in to a coherent story.

A pretty good episode over all after last week's small slips back into the 'family' stuff. Overall a decent return to form and installs hope the series can keep us entertained. I'm still watching and enjoying it mostly, so they avoided the abandon ship, in my case.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Bye (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
If you love me, you'll leave
12 March 2024
Well you're kinda forcing us to leave with the lame story and writing.

The writers obviously have very little experience with logic and reason as a human being, as the story jumps from one illogical turn to another. The characters leap through the same unbelievable twists and bad decisions this program thinks is normal human behaviour but sits jarringly as plan bad ideas to the viewer.

Then the over-grand voice over The "brave man" rubbish, like they're telling the greatest story ever told, but it's so not, it's just boring rubbish.

A guy drawing on cell phones and cathode ray tvs? Hasn't he heard of paper?

And the greatest force in the modern world with the power to track down one human in the world meltdown, hasn't got cell phones up and running but they've got bombs a plenty.

They're making the baddies out to be the greatest authoritarian force ever, and we've seen nothing to make us believe that. Just some old lady with a bad hair cut and a South African accent also with no backbone. The fear is founded on nothing, and the reason is absent. What is so bad about Quinn? He's just a standard military dude.

None of it adds up and seems like someone's napkin sketch of an idea they never bothered to do the second thought on to weed out the stuff that makes no sense. This is a one pass idea. And they're forcing us to pass.
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Resident Alien: Avian Flu (2024)
Season 3, Episode 4
Aliens good, family stuff, boring
11 March 2024
Some good moments to do with the main story we're all tuning in for. Nice to see some development on the owls and some good laughs out of that.

Harry had some good moments to and I'm liking the heather character and the story off shoots coming from her and the portal.

Asta's family stuff and D'Arcy's ex was a big yawn, we don't care, focus on the story, Linda Hamilton's character is best when they keep it to a minimum. She looks like a frail old lady now and not at all in terminator shape so when she pulls the nasty stuff it just doesn't ring true, and her acting chops don't seem up to much these days.

More aliens, less of the stuff that killed series 2.
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