
52 Reviews
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Green Hell (1940)
25 November 2017
I rated this a six but actually I enjoy this type of film. I expected much more from a top cast and director like James Whale. At any rate,it wasn't a total disappointment. The actors gave fairly good performances considering the screen play and hammy direction by Whale. It was fast moving and there were some good moments. The viewer just has to be patient.
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Movie Review
10 May 2017
Gunsight Ridge is a "B" western with an "A " cast. Excellent story line ,understated score and fine photography all combine to tell the story of an agent played by McCrea who is sent to solve a series of robberies.Mark Stevens pretends to be a washed out mine owner while really robbing banks and stages. McCrea hires on as a deputy sheriff while investigating the crimes. When the sheriff Addison Richards is killed,McCrea vows revenge.Unusually somber atmospheric tone makes Gunsight Ridge a classic western. Rating ....Seven stars out of ten.
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Jungle Girl (1941)
Serial review
4 May 2017
When the directing team of Witney and English names appeared in the credits, the viewer could be assured of a superior serial.Jungle Girl fills the bill.Francis Gifford is perfect as Nyoka. Tom Neal and Eddie Acuff share the hero honors and Gerald Mohr as the chief bad guy. Trevor Bardette plays a dual roll of Nyokas father and twin brother. The quest for treasure is the main theme. Early on, Mohr kills Bardette

and replaces him with the brother also played by Bardette. It takes fifteen chapters of great cliff hangers before Bardette and Mohr are brought to justice. Exciting score and production values make Jungle Girl a superior Republic serial. Stunt work by David Sharpe and other stunt team members, keep the action moving at a fever pitch.Ten big stars !
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Glory Road (2006)
30 April 2017
While I agree that Glory Road is exciting and inspiring, the fact remains that the movie takes liberties with the real facts.First of all was Jon Voights role as Adolph Rupp.Im a native Kentuckian and listened to and later saw interviews with the noted Kentucky coach . While the Wildcats did play for many years with a segregated team, There were African American players recruited in later years. Kentucky was one of the first SEC teams to break the color barrier. That said ,on to the film The film moves quickly . Great photography and sets are standouts. The final minutes of the NCAA Championship are breath taking. Good cast brings the story to a satisfactory conclusion. Rating of eight stars out of ten.
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Serial review
21 April 2017
This was my first western serial. I was seven years old in 1941.The thing I remember most was the chapter where Buck Jones knocks off the bad guys with a rifle while riding in a racing stagecoach. Our small town theater held special Saturday matinees that showed a feature, western, cartoon and serial chapter. It was mostly for kids like me.I don't recall too many adults there.This was also the year that my love affair for serials began. When I view it today, I find it has lost a lot of its charm. Charles Bickford and Lon Chaney Jr. made top notch bad guys. The location shooting and score are still exciting, but otherwise ,the fifteen chapters are pretty much standard for a serial that called itself " The million dollar serial". For old times sake, I rate it seven out of ten stars.
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Westward Ho (1935)
28 March 2017
A debut western for John Wayne , enhanced by Olive films in 2012 with a new digital transfer. Lensed by Archie Stout on location, this western tells the story of two brothers, Wayne and Frank McGynne. Their parents are killed . One brother Mcgynne is taken by outlaws and Wayne grows up hoping to avenge the death of his parents and locate his lost brother. He forms a vigilante group and the story proceeds from there.Never dull, there are good performances from all involved. Well worth a view and a ****** out of 10 star rating.
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21 March 2017
Having seen my first serial at age 7 in 1941, I can honestly say I've been a life long lover of chapter plays.My first and for me a number one favorite, was THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN MARVEL. This was followed by a large number of Republics, Columbias and Universals that ranged from excellent to good with a few just getting a passing grade. Later I became acquainted with Mascots and independents. This serial , produced in the final years of Republics serial production, features a great deal of stock footage from their earlier productions. The saving grace is that its well edited and blends with the new.The minus being that the viewer with sharp eyes can often spot the older inferior footage. Still, since the editing is so well done, the results are still satisfying.Walter Reed is OK as the hero and Richard Curtis is a capable villain. It is a bit on the slow side and for that reason ,I give it a four out of ten star rating.
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Movie Review
3 February 2017
Randolph Scott and his partner Sam, played by Noah Berry Jr., ride into the town of Sundown, on a special day. Tate Kimbrough is getting married. The problem is that Scott is seeking out Kimbrough to avenge the death of his wife. Sam knows the real truth but Scott is so full of hate that he refuses to listen. He seeks Kimbrough out for a final showdown.. John Carrol is excellent as Kimbrough,along with Berry as Sam . An excellent supporting cast headed by John Archer and Karen Steele tell a tale of revenge and retribution. A surprise off beat ending brings closure to another excellent Scott western. Four star rating.
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2 September 2015
First, let me start by saying that I was ten years old when this film was made. I knew nothing of the war. In retrospect, I have some confusion and a touch of anger when reading some of todays reviews. Most war films offer a message to make their point. Films such as Platoon,numerous Vietnam epics, Korean War films such as Pork Chop Hill.and The Steel Helmet all deliver messages in fine fashion.As a lad of eighteen, I was influenced by Sands of Iwo Jima to join the Marine Corps.Im sure it had the same effect on a lot of other teen agers. Now to The Purple Heart. Made during the war years. it tells of a bomber crew downed in China after a raid on Tokyo. Dana Andrews is the stalwart Captain who delivers the Message at the trials conclusion. As they march out to their doom, strains of Wild Blue Yonder swell in the background. Sure its propaganda, but things like that were needed during the war years. The cast, including Richard Loo as a Japanese General are uniformaly excellent.Under Lewis Milestones direction, this movie becomes a minor classic. To those who nit pick about the errors in these films, take a break! Enjoy them as a vital part of history. Many of them served a purpose and served them well.
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17 March 2015
While reading a review of another movie this film was mentioned. Deciding to check it out, I found it on line. Unlike some reviews I've read, I found it interesting. The short running time of fifty eight minutes was probably a good decision by the film makers considering the screen play offers few surprises. An American doctor travels to Europe to visit a doctor friend George Zucco and uncle of his intended bride.Forced to stay overnight at an inn because of a storm, the doctor is met by a driver Noel, played by J. Carrol Nash.. A murder occurs, with Noel being a suspect. Arriving at their destination, the investigation continues with other murders occurring. Confusing at times the film comes to a satisfying conclusion. A familiar cast with Lynne Roberts and Arthur Shields as a police inspector make good use of a screen play that drags in spots. Ray Corrigan doubles Nash in the stunt department. Nothing exceptional but a good way to pass an hour.
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Movie Review
16 March 2015
Having seen this film at the tender age of nine, the images of a "headless ghost" walking around, conjured up nightmares for many nights to come. For a "b" film running a bit under one hour, The Mysterious Doctor manages to convey the proper amount of chills. While not in the Val Lewton class, the cast of Lester Matthews John Loder, Elenor Powell and a standout performance by Matt Willis,atmospheric photography of fog shrouded moors and an eerie score all combine to perhaps take the film up a bit from an average " b" thriller. The ending might seem sugary to todays viewers, but one must take into account that these were the war years.Having just recently seen it again on line, I still enjoyed the movie after all these years!
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Serial Review
26 December 2013
Produced by Nat Levine, this twelve chapter serial shows all the tricks that made Mascot Pictures so popular. No frills,thread bare sets,sparse dialog but lots of breath taking action.Harry Carey plays Happy Carridan,oil driller whose sabotaged at every turn by a gang called The Vanishing Legion,to keep him from drilling in an oil field. The Legion is led by a mysterious character called "The Voice".He directs the gang and gives orders over a short wave radio.Much of the serial is given to a young Frankie Darro who's Father is unjustly accused of murder.Vanishing Legion, like so many other Mascots has a ragged look,dated even for 1931. Harry Carey portrays Carridan in a happy go lucky fashion well suited for this type of character.Popular star Edwina Booth often goes over the top in her role as the female lead.Bob Kortman snarls his way through his role as the Voice's head henchman..Darro is charming and athletic in a juvenile role. Of course no Mascot would be complete without Rex,the Wonder Horse.The identity of The Voice will surprise many viewers.Carey's future wife Olivia appears in a minor role as a nurse. Except for the opening titles there is no music,the opening theme by Lee Zahler. Typical Mascot serial,aided greatly by the casting of Harry Carey and Frankie Darro.
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The Red Rider (1934)
Serial Review
3 December 2013
One of the better Universal western serials with a strong cast. Jones plays a sheriff whose friend played by Grant Withers,is wrongfully framed for murder. Jones lets Withers escape,resigns from his job and goes to assist in finding the real killer .Lots of fast action and plausible cliff hangers. Edmund Cobb is very good as Jones pal. Walter Miller is outstanding as the head heavy. Lew Landers directs.Red Rider is unusual in that it spends much of its time developing the characters. Jones is perfect as the easy going hero.Fifteen chapters of exciting western action.Jones was a well known western star and the Universals showcased his talent.There's a bit of everything here that a serial lover would want.Comedy, drama and most of all,hard riding action is combined to make The Red Rider a most enjoyable chapterplay. Eight stars out of ten.
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The Mad Ghoul (1943)
Review...The Mad Ghoul
19 May 2013
This is another Universal quickie that is often shrugged off as just another potboiler.Actually there's much more than meets the eye.There's a tight screen play,moody photography and excellent make up as David Bruce changes into the ghoul.Eveyln Ankers exhibits the proper histronics, Turhan Bey,is OK as her partner and Milburn Stone is also along as a cop.David Bruce elicits sympathy as Ankers would be boy friend, who unwittingly becomes George Zuccos agent to carry out the murders.Kudos go to Zucco ,who gives a great performance as the professor,whos desire for Ankers ,leads him to destruction.Robert Armstrong gives a strong performance as a pushy reporter. A short running time of 62 minutes keeps the movie going at a fast pace.Much better film than the title suggests. 6 out of 10 stars.
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Drácula (1931)
Dracula....Spanish version
17 May 2013
Dracula[ 1931] was filmed in two versions,English and Spanish,using the same sets.The Lugosi English version filmed during the day, the other at night. A majority of viewers seem to make Lugosi the definitive Dracula.I feel the camera work is much more fluid in the Spanish version.The Spanish cast is equally efficient,with Lupita Tovar a very sexy heroine. Carlos Villarias makes a suitable Count,who ,in my opinion is quite capable,tho probably not Lugosis equal.There is a faint eroticism thats just hinted at in the American version.Villarias may be criticized for his somewhat cartoonish definition of Dracula, but that alone is no reason not to enjoy the film.Hes different, but still good in the role. This version is slightly longer adding to the enjoyment. I give this version 8 out 10 stars.
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Black Aces (1937)
10 May 2011
Another rip roaring western from Buck Jones. Jones co-directed,produced and starred in this formula "b" western.Jones play's a devil may care rancher who takes life's worries a day at a time. When his intended engagement with childhood sweetheart Sandy McKenzie falls apart,Jones heads to town,and loses his ranch in a poker game.The shady card dealer Len Stoddard sends his brother Jake to ride with Jones to remove his property. While there ,Jake is killed. Jones is accused and has to flee the law.A gang called the Black Aces is extorting money from the citizens of Sweetwater ,sending black ace calling cards to their intended victims.Jones sets out to clear his name.In a scant 59 minutes, Jones gets the bad guys and renews his romance with Sandy.As in most of his films,Jones's easy going style and sense of humor makes for an enjoyable hour. Jones horse Silver gets to show off also. Veteran baddie Bob Kortman is along with Robert Frazier.Kay Linaker makes a strong leading lady. Viewers of the much later Dragnet series will recognize Barney Phillips as Jake.William Sickner lensed the film,with Cliff Lyons stunting for Jones .Print is so so. 59 minutes.Released by Universal. 6 stars.
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13 February 2011
This western has it all .Top stars,production values,and plot.Johnny Mack Brown plays a dual role of twin brothers,one good and one bad, Gils and Buck Brandon.The plot opens with Gils being run out of town by Marshall Tex Ritter Gils vows that someday he will return to take care of Ritter. Later Gils and his gang,Roy Barcroft,Robert Barron and Harry Woods come across a ghost town,gold is discovered, and the three become rich. Gils sends for his girlfriend Jennifer Holt.Before they can marry,Gils sets out to fulfill his promise to kill Ritter.To reveal more of the plot would take away the suspense of watching this very good B western.Brown and Ritter handle the fights,riding and gun play in fine fashion,William Sickner lenses with a sharp eye for detail and Hans Salter provides a score that perfectly compliments the on screen action.Elmer Clifton directs the cast with a sure hand. Three big stars.
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16 October 2010
After viewing this movie in Blu -ray,words fail to express the beauty of this very violent film.Tom Hanks is perfectly cast as a world weary hit man on the run with his son after his remaining family is murdered. The film opens with a funeral of one of crime tzars Paul Newman 's victims. Visions of a Godfather era spring to mind as we view Newman as both a fatherly figure and coldblooded killer. Hanks playing Michael Sullivan, respects Newman because of favors received and an oath of loyality is forged between the two men. Daniel Craig plays Conner Rooney,Newmans hot headed son. Sullivan and Conner Rooney are sent on a mission in which the brother of the victim shown earlier is murdered by Conner.Michael Jr. ,brillantly played by Tyler Hoechlin,has stowed away in his fathers car and witnesses the brutal crime.The story escalates with tragic results.Strangely, the violence never seems excessive,but rather commonplace.A strong supporting cast headed by Jude Law makes this film engrossing from start to finish. Beautifully lensed by Academy Award winner Conrad Hall, and a lush score by Thomas Newman. Paul Newman and Tom Hanks are letter perfect in bringing their characters to life.A must see movie !
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Film Review
12 October 2010
This 1943 entry from Universal rivals Republic for production values and entertainment value. Raiders of San Joaquin stars Johnny Mack Brown and Tex Ritter when both were in their prime, Director Lewis Collins gives both stars their lead and they are excellent. Brown plays the son of a railroad vice president sent by his father to find out why people are losing their ranches for railroad property rights. Ritter turns outlaw after his father is killed protecting their ranch. This is a change of pace for Ritter who usually plays a singing cowboy /lawman.In turn Brown sets out to find the mastermind that causing all the trouble for the ranchers.As for most of "b" westerns,everything is neatly wrapped up in about an hour. The movie features a capable supporting cast led by Fuzzy Knight as comic relief,Jennifer Holt,and the Jimmy Wakely Trio providing some nice singing. Tex Ritter was a very good singer with a warm baritone voice. He provides one nice song for the movie. The movie is lensed by William Sickner in fine fashion,and Hans Salter provides a rousing score.Lots of action and a good example of the "b" western genre from Universal Pictures.
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Serial update
9 October 2010
The Serial Squadron is currently holding a pledge drive for Daredevils of the West along with three other vintage serials.BYU has provided a copy to the Squadron for restoration.The process includes replacing missing dialog using professional actors.When the required number of pledges are reached,restoration will begin. Presently this serial exists only in the form of four fragmented chapters for the general public. Another entry,depending on pledges ,is the very popular Drums of Fu Manchu.An almost pristine print has been provided to the Squadron for restoration.Depending on pledges,a Blu-ray and / or regular DVD edition will be available.For complete information go to These serials were made during the golden years when Republic Pictures were at their peak. Drums of Fu Manchu,a fifteen chapter concerns the evil Dr. Fu Manchu who strives to be supreme ruler of the world. DVD prints are available now but leave a lot to be desired.Daredevils star the popular western action actor Allan Lane and serial queen Kaye Aldridge. Update....As of January 2011,this serial has been completely restored and will be ready for shipment! For complete details go to serial
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Serial review
30 December 2009
This serial ,once available only in fragmented form,has been restored by the Serial Squadron and is available in DVD to the general public. This exciting serial is the second in the series,the first being King of the Royal Mounted. Both star Allan Lane. This time around King and the Mounties are fighting the three Axis powers who are bent on hindering Canada's war efforts with the aid of The Falcon,a bat shaped plane. Director William Witney keeps things moving at a fast clip for twelve chapters. The supporting cast includes Anthony Warde,Douglas Dumbrille and Duncan Renaldo as Axis agents. Camera work,score ,location shooting,are all up to Republic Pictures excellent standards.There were some missing sections in both sound and picture from the existing print. The Squadron has expertly filled in these gaps with stills and restored sound effects and have come up with a very enjoyable chapter play.
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Film Review
30 December 2009
A companion film to Flags of our fathers,this movie tells the story of the invasion of the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese viewpoint. It shows brutality on both sides that would normally occur in a pivotal battle such as this. The first film centered mainly on the story of the flag raising at Iwo and the after effects on the men involved. Letters concerns itself with the battle itself. The film shows the humanities of both sided with gritty realism. Ken Wantanibe is perfectly cast in the starring role of the commanding general torn between the duties of defending the island and the desire to return home to his family.The supporting cast comprised of Japanese actors is excellent. Kyle Eastwood composed the haunting score heard throughout the film. Superbly lensed in a combination of gray tones,black and white and color add a semi documentary effect.At a running time 0f 141 minutes, the film never drags and hold the viewers interest from start to finish.I rate this excellent movie 9 out of 10 stars.
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20 December 2009
This B western has solid acting ,production values and direction. Joe Kane directs Roy Rogers, "Gabby " Hayes, Stuart Hamblin and David Allen with a sure hand. Unusual for a Rogers film, Kane keeps the singing to a minimum with the emphasis on action and dramatics.The plot concerns Roy and his boyhood friend Dave.Dave is reckless and pursues a career with renegade raider Hamblin.Roy sees trouble ahead and tries to set Dave straight,with no success. Then the Civil War erupts with Roy joining the Confederates and Dave and Hamblin forming their own band of raiders. Roy is ordered to stop Hamblins Raiders. In the final scenes where Roy has to order Dave and the other raiders executed for treason, Roy shows true emotion and a solid bit of acting. Also the final shootout with Hamblin is memorable. This movie is a notch above many other Rogers western. My vote : 7 out of 10.
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Movie Review
27 September 2009
Sure. This is a slice of Americana made during the war years. I'm sure that a bit of dramatic licence was used, but that shouldn't detract from a stirring,emotionally made movie.A true story about five brothers who served and died on the same ship at the same time,still delivers a jarring note,even when seen today. Compare it with a similar scene in Saving Private Ryan,when a mother is told about the loss of her sons in battle. The cast of The Sullivans is perfect,as is the screenplay.The scene where Ward Bond informs the Sullivan family of the deaths of the five brothers still packs a emotional wallop.Thomas Mitchell leads the cast as the elder Sullivan,who teaches the boys the ways of life.There's touches of Irish wit and wisdom that adds humor to the film. Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.
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Serial Revue
30 August 2008
This second entry of the Tracy serials is finally on DVD courtesy of VCI entertainment. Having viewed the first five chapters,it appears that its an improvement over the tape.Sound is Dolby Digital , sharp and crisp.Picture quality varies from chapter to chapter,but is very good overall.If the remaining chapters are the same,it would appear that VCI has done a commendable job restoring this serial,one of the best of the Tracy serials. For the time it was made, this is hard edge story telling. Charles Middleton plays Pa Stark,leader of the notorious Stark gang. He and his sons rob payrolls,deal in hot cars,and cause havoc until Tracy and his G Men get on their trail. In the opening chapter a rookie G man played by stunt ace David Sharpe is shot from behind by one of the Starks during a robbery. He survives and is placed in an iron lung. Fearing that he will identify the shooter,Pa without any remorse,unplugs the iron lung,killing the agent.This is gritty stuff for a serial in 1938! The cast is headed by Ralph Byrd who is perfect in the title roll. Mike McGurk,Junior,Steve Lockwood and Gwen return from the first entry,all played by different actors.The supporting cast,headed by Middleton are all excellent. There is extensive location shooting,chapter endings and resolutions are exciting and for the most part believable. The one downside is the music ,which from time to time, does not fit the action. Over all this long serial ,254 minutes, is fast paced and under the direction of the masters of serial making, William Witney and John English, offers fifteen chapters of non stop action. A must see for anyone who wants to see one of the best of the serial genres .
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