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The Beast (2023)
Machine Yearning...
5 June 2024
Let's be clear, for this, you can't be faint hearted - you will need a strong constitution, when this gets started, interpretation is the key, as without, you may just flee, missing out on what the maker wants imparted (although absorbing to the end there's a good chance you won't make head nor tail of what's going on). In a future where the world's run by machines, with intelligence they interact like fiends, Gabrielle gives them an ear, bathing in liquid not clear (tarlike in fact), she is taken to a world that's made of dreams. There she interacts with someone that she loves, the scenarios are there to give a shove, to remove adoring bond, of the one that she is fond, and extract her hand from fitting, in the glove.

Both Léa Seydoux and George MacKay are quite spectacular, and so are you if you can connect all the dots.
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As Mad as a Box of Frogs...
3 June 2024
A film about a lass who gets abducted, although her mother does her best she is obstructed, in a world dystopian, acquires a new custodian, loses her voice, as over time, she is corrupted. But as she grows she takes her chances and excels, in this world that's comprised of living hells, fighting for chance to escape, a wonder woman without cape, but with a passion and a fury to compel. The CGI is overwhelming and immense, the story quite intriguing - sometimes tense, the acting as expected, you may find yourself connected, on occasion there's a hint of taught suspense - but the editing is a bit rubbish on occasion.
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La Chimera (2023)
3 June 2024
There are tombs under the ground packed full of treasure, antiquities Etruscan lost forever, although a young lad name of Arthur, knows exactly what he's after, divination is his game - and he's a master. On his journey he encounters allegories, that reflect, relate, connect to lots of stories, with the help of tombaroli, layers are peeled away quite slowly, of a puzzle that you may not see - quite wholly. If you follow through the threads there are connections, that reverberate with echoes and reflections, links and ties and strange liaisons, idols, icons, their foundations - takes you to a place, that's riven with affection.

Josh O'Connor is magnificent.
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Challengers (2024)
Girl Becomes Ball and Bounces...
17 May 2024
It's a game that's built up through attraction, but if you're not in vogue it's retraction, as the music is stopped, cheeks on chair are then dropped, when it all starts again - there's protraction. At one point you may take advantage, at another you may need a bandage, allure and repel, makes balls rise and swell, as you bounce up and down causing more rage. On occasion there might be some love, but then one of them will call your bluff, it's a merry-go-round, that you seek to compound, a triangular serve, cyclical stuff.

Josh O'Connor steals the show, although it's not as good as the director's previous work.
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Unnatural Selection...
12 May 2024
Now here's a film that might get you to think, a dystopian world that fills in missing links, as primates without tails, primately hairy males, rule the roost, form the apex, but can't swim and just sink. It's a curious prospect to take in and accept, with intelligent apes so bungling and inept, but the CGI's great, technically it's first rate, and it passes the time, though the clock's overstepped. There are flaws in the story but it's not worth a grumble, who cares how the roles were reversed in this jungle, how the horses were trained, how this world was sustained, just enjoy what you've paid for and put up with the bungles.
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Abigail (2024)
Let the Wrong One In...
9 May 2024
In the beginning it all seemed so straight forward, kidnap a girl from her resplendent neighbourhood, what could possibly go wrong, this tiny princess is not strong, not even adolescent - still in her childhood. But at the hideaway there's mischief brought to play, as one by one the kidnappers are swiped away, losing pieces of their body, makes their torsos loose and floppy, as a killer sets their stall, butchers and slays. It's a theme that is repeated and reprocessed, and of the genre I would say it's not quite the best, you will have seen this all before, but saying that it's not a chore, although temptation to make two, should stay supressed.
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Every Dogma Has Its Day...
1 May 2024
Now here's a story that's set some time in the past, although it's not that long ago and it might leave you quite aghast, as a child is abducted by a dogma in sheep's clothing, it will leave you disenfranchised with feelings of hate and loathing; now the outcome isn't pretty but you may learn something new, about conditioning by others that impacted how you grew, the brainwashing and persuasion - indoctrination, education, that was planted in your mind before you fledged, matured and grew; but there's one thing that won't come as a surprise or revelation, that there's masons, cults and cliques that will lead you to damnation, they control the lives of others, keep their secrets under covers, once their hooks have found their mark, you'll get accustomed to prostration.
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27 April 2024
Living in a place, during a time that's clearly dated, where misogyny is rife, difference barely tolerated, then Daisy walks right in, to your place of work a gym, and your future's redefined, as two worlds collide your mated. As you'd suspect there are some hurdles then presented, and your friend soon shows how rage and fury's vented, causes problems with a parent, after one's left incoherent, while she's living in a world, that's clearly been augmented. It all takes us to a showdown and a climax, where events of some years past come out of the cracks, and it will not leave you bored, though not as good as mad Saint Maud, though there's violence, kicks, punches, and some big whacks.
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Fallen Leaves (2023)
As Dry as Gin...
24 April 2024
Ansa has been fired after the sell by, working in a supermarket time don't fly by, now she's lost and all alone, at least she has her little home, but she'd like to have someone, to share good times by. Holappa has been fired because he drinks, kind of guy who's world's eroded and just stinks, but he's fallen for a girl, it's put his head into a swirl, although the way things seem to go, you'd think he's jinxed. It's a story of two folk that come together, amid the backdrop of a war that seems to tether, as they do their best to miss, the opportunity for bliss, and start to live their lives, combined together.
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Immaculate (2024)
17 April 2024
You've made a choice and travelled far to join a convent, in Italy you'll let your faith take ferment, what could possibly go wrong, amongst the hymns and happy song, and then you find yourself distressed, and with some torment. As the life among the cloisters is quite strange, and there's those who seem disturbed, upset, deranged - then you find a bun in t'oven, are you living in a coven, is this Suspiria with Rosemary in range. Events move on and you've become a surrogate, and there's a chance your child may be born from the goat (might even be one), but at least your lovely figure, in wet smock you then deliver, it's a film that sinks, subsides - and does not float.
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Civil War (2024)
Civil Bore...
16 April 2024
Now here's a film that begins with potential, with threats from a man that they call presidential, as a nation in tatters tears itself apart, searching for its soul, for its spirit, its heart. To capture the mood of this country at war, the press take a trip and discover much more, but the framing's distracting and so is plot, and what it delivers is just not a lot. It seems like the inmates are running the show, the landscape is formed by nutters and psychos, open season on those who decide to trespass, from the folks who'd promote chambers filled up with gas. The result is a film that's full of negatives, where the people who're shuttered are all combative, where photographer focus is distorted and blurred, and what could have been great, is completely absurd.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Just Another Vengeance Flick...
14 April 2024
You've seen it all before so many times, the disenfranchised as a phoenix from the flames, having witnessed the destruction, some years later there's eruption, spewing anger and revenge, against past crimes. There's all the violence you'd expect from such a flick, although it's child's play compared to Mr. Wick, so I'd suggest you take a look, the trilogy of Park Chan-wook, a set of films that have a far more reaching kick. Although the politics may just catch your attention, quite simple but it gives some comprehension, as it jabs at real world themes, at a nationalist machine, that ignores freedoms and rights, with great dissension.
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Scoop (2024)
The Prince and the Go Girl...
14 April 2024
It's a world in which you feel quite undervalued, finding stories for a late night slot can elude, a small child to raise as well, life is like a carousel, until a chance too good to miss, is then pursued. As naivety is handed on a plate, with a head, a reputation, is this fate - some persuasion to the prey, as the hook goes down airway, with the trap of Emily, layered down as bait. Next the clown enters stage left puts foot in mouth, as the flames start to engulf - they can't be doused, leaves us all without illusion, there can be just one conclusion, that we're witnessing, a very, regal, louse.
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Knox, Knock, Knocking on Heaven's Door...
5 April 2024
Your profession could be considered mercenary, it's not the kind of job to make you very merry, but as the years have added up, running over is not your cup, the effect is that there's gaps, in your memory. It's not the time to fight a crisis but your son, estranged and needing help for what he's done, turns to you in hour of need, after a rather hasty deed, although your senses are impaired, you must go on. So you enlist help and support from a close fiend, but you're not sure if things are real or if they're dreamed, then with some instinct and some guile, you accept your senile trial, it takes a while for those close by, to comprehend.
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Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide...
2 April 2024
As heart wrenching a film as you're ever likely to see; you will be overwhelmed with disbelief that in the 21st Century the sights and sounds captured by Mstyslav Chernov's camera and microphone can actually take place; that innocent children, women and men can be forced to endure such torment and turmoil, by an aggressor who has no concern for the rules of engagement during times of conflict, and is clearly targeting the most vulnerable citizens of a city that's been battered and beaten continually by munitions of destruction, where even the hospitals are open season for razing. Not long ago it was Syria, For Sama, and there is a common denominator.
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The Oncoming Storm...
2 April 2024
You've shown that you're a hero and relocated, to the frontier is where you've aggregated, living life right at the edge, an indigenous folks ledge, although colleagues that went before, have all migrated. It's a challenge to adapt to isolation, in this place that Europeans will make new nation, as the water has a twang, from the beasts within that hang, you work hard to settle down, and form foundations. It's not too long before you interact with locals, as luck would have it one of them can speak your vocals, a relationship is formed, and then the men all uniformed, do their best to suffocate, just like all numbskulls.
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A Timeless Tangerine...
31 March 2024
You're a rather violent, vicious repeat offender, who along with friends gets off on lawless benders, causing mayhem and chaos, making lots of people cross, though you relish the rewards, enjoy the splendour. Alas the chickens have come home to rest and roost, and a spell behind some bars is introduced, as a punishment for slaying, for many years you will be paying, although reforms may have your penalty reduced. Volunteering for a way to change behaviour, sees results that may just make you a great saviour, but are your seeds more firmly rooted, can you be reconstituted, with your traits entombed, unable to transfer.
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Psycho (1960)
31 March 2024
An opportunity presents that can't be ignored, to escape from a world that's been making you bored, with dollars galore you ride out of town, pestered by a copper, who keeps hanging around; you seek to find shelter, somewhere to hide, the motel of Bates is the one that you've spied, there's a curious fella who's friendly, polite - you pay him for a room, and will stay for a night; after saying goodnight you retire to room, then into the bath for a showery flume, but before you're all clean you get into a lather, as the curtain is shred, by a bit of a slasher.

Still a wonderful piece of filmmaking all these years later.
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Laura (1944)
The Price is Right...
30 March 2024
There's a mystery as to why you have been slaughtered, two barrels at close range has left lots of blood, and removed a lot of skin, at your doorsteps where you fin, there must have been an awful mess, and a great thud. Now a detective's on the case and wants to know, was it Shelby who unleashed the mortal blow, will he divulge, confide, confess - why he made the awful mess, by releasing buckshot used, as gun ammo. Lydecker first name Waldo takes interest, he was a friend who Laura would have called her best, like a dog who has a bone, he will not leave unturned a stone, although he seems to be immersed, absorbed, obsessed.
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26 March 2024
There's a franchise you might imagine has run its course, but you may be quite surprised that this has force, alongside ghosts there comes a god, he has a somewhat ravaged bod, and his voice is rather husky, rasping, hoarse. He's been caged inside a sphere for many years, he needs some words to be spoken and then appears, rather cold when he presents, a room with ice he then segments, it can pen those who are close, with frozen spears. But there's depth to those who fight to save the world, some are fresh and young but others are quite knurled, they come together to defy, to confront this ancient guy, to ensure that he's contained, dispatched and furled.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
25 March 2024
From where they came, nobody knows, but now they're here, and as you'd guess the world is rife with dread and fear, but there's one thing they all agree, communication is the key, and that's exactly at the centre of, your sphere. So you're lucky when the army comes a calling, it's not too long before your upward bound and falling, where you find two heptapods, who could give you quite a prod, it's engaging, thrilling, scary and enthralling. Alas, the story is too good to give away, after barriers of words and shapes have played, often cryptic, intertwined - complex, deep, just as designed, a piece of cinema that has come, from the top grade.
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25 March 2024
It's been some years since Tony's flame was extinguished, his career just not to be that distinguished, you've moved on and settled down, like majorettes whose skin's a gown, though his new novel, looks to be, not one to miss. As the story links reality to fiction, the life you've lived is reimagined with conviction, certain parallels replayed, around a man you had betrayed, it's a clever reworking, vivid depiction. As leaves turn you're left without any illusion, of the cathartic pleasure of the retribution, of the years of hurt and rage, that's inked their way across the page, in a wonderfully performed, and fraught effusion.
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The Big Clock (1948)
Lift to the Scaffold...
23 March 2024
Earl Janoth is the head guy on the mag, although the sales are disappointing and he's mad, but you pull out all the stops, to get more copy into shops, then off on honeymoon, and then there is a snag. As Pauline finds herself struck down by time, by a piece that might be green but might be lime, there's a plot to misdirect, to find an innocent suspect, and nail someone else, for heinous crime. Suffice to say there's lots of cunning and there's lies, before the killer is revealed and someone dies, it's a film that's of its time, from my perspective this is fine, it's worth a viewing, or a screening, I'd advise.
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The Crucible (1996)
Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble...
5 March 2024
An evening's dancing in the woods catches attention, Reverend Parris has to make an intervention, as young girls are all dishevelled, subjects raptured and bedevilled, although confessions may just lead to their redemption. But the ball begins to roll and can't be stopped, within this crucible of faith doors are unlocked, aspersions, defamation, no evidence, or firm foundations, as the innocent are harvested and cropped. A chance to be redeemed is offered up, John Proctor takes the pen, signature put, alas defeat is soon retaken, the next day he'll not awaken, he's the devil incarnate, it's quite clear-cut.
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No Meat and Two Veg...
3 March 2024
There's a lass who's just moved in, and takes a shine, to your body and treats you like you're a shrine, very keen to satisfy, next to you or on she'll lie, best described as something very not benign. It's not too long before it's clear you're an obsession, physical acts start to include much more aggression, a little kinky to begin, it leads to knots of tightening, she has the right to use her knife, at her discretion. Before you know it things have gone a touch awry, and if you had the opportunity you'd cry, with tears in your eyes, nothing to thread between your fly, in a film that's quite tricky, to classify.
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