
6 Reviews
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Chinatown (1974)
Pure Cinema
1 April 2009
Chinatown is a masterpiece...plain and simple. It is a one of a kind film that is without flaw. I'm sure some would argue with me, but in my honest opinion it is a perfect work of art. The direction by master-class helmsman Roman Polanski is incredible, creating demanding images and performances by those involved. Jack Nicholson as the against-type private detective Jake J. Gittes depicts a hero that none have seen before or after. Faye Dunaway is in an unrivaled performance as Evelyn Mulwray, a mysterious beauty who hides a lot more than she can handle. Really, though, John Huston manages to become a scene-stealer as the vile aristocrat Noah Cross, who creates a villain so memorable, it puts so many to shame. The story by Robert Towne is crafted with great precision and pacing, using the water scandal of Los Angeles in the 1910's and 20's as a backdrop to the main story. Gittes is approached by a woman claiming to be Evelyn Mulwray (Diane Ladd) and asks him to investigate her husband, Hollis Mulwray, the city's chief engineer of the water department. After a bit of small sleuthing and following Mulwray, he catches him with a blonde and the photographs he's taken become a treasure for the press. In steps the real Evelyn Mulwray (Dunaway), who threatens to sue Gittes for his investigation into her husband, which she didn't warrant. Unfortunately several days later, Hollis is found dead in the reservoir and thus begins the investigation as to who framed him and killed Hollis Mulwray. Usually in the hands of any other director or writer, this could've turned into a run-of-the-mill whodunit, but Towne's scripts adds so many unexpected twists and turns throughout the story, leading the audience to unexpected places. Evelyn's shocking revelation is just one of the great surprises that bombards the viewer. The thing that really brings the film together, though, is the ending. Towne had something much more upbeat in mind, but Polanski, who had gone through a great trauma 5 years before the film's production, decided a more human ending was necessary, which makes the film so much greater. "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown," will ring in the viewers ears even after the credits have rolled. Ah, I almost forgot to mention Jerry Goldsmith's score, which brings the film a great atmosphere, much akin to that of The Maltese Falcon, another great crime-noir (which was directed by John Huston.). In concluding I say that Chinatown is pure cinema. And I mean PURE CINEMA. You just can't get any better with Chinatown.
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The Movie that changed my life
8 October 2008
Quentin Tarntino's kung-fu/samurai epic is, in my opinion, his magnum opus. The greatest thing about it, though, is how beautifully everything comes together, and how astounding it all looks, whether it be the silent snowy garden at the House of Blue Leaves or the red and yellow-leathered back seat of Buck's truck. The first time I saw it, I was just so captivated by everything it held that it was truly the first movie I saw that really made me want to get into film production. I know how messed up it sounds to be influenced by such a stylized, violent flick, but I couldn't imagine it without the ever-flowing amount of blood. To me, it's like Tarntino's painting a picture with the bloodshed, and it is so beautiful to look at.
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Silent Hill (2006)
First time in years has a crossover been good...
22 April 2006
First off, Silent Hill is without a doubt, the best video-game adaptation in history. The others before have shattered what critics think about these type of movies but this time, someone's got it right. The only drawback is the ending, which made no sense. The effects and atmosphere were so amazingly creepy to when the darkness transforms what the town is to a nightmarishly-sadistic world. Creatures are scary enough to make someone lurch (Especially Red Pyramids little stint in front of the church). Acting was decent, Radha is a leading lady. But, if you go in see this, keep up, because you may get lost if you haven't played the games.
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House of Wax (2005)
Best 'Slasher/Horror' flick to come out this year!
4 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This year, I've been kinda disappointed with the dry scary movies that have come out. From 'Hide and Seek''s release in January, all the way up to October's crappy 'The Fog' remake. I was hoping this movie would beat out these piece's of crap and it did. With spectacular deaths (Mr. Padalecki's being the worst), great production design (The museum was a truly phenomenal looking structure), and some pretty good ole teen horror, it did better than it had to be. The only problems were some of the actors (Cuthbert, Van Holt, and Padalecki were only note-worthy), Paris didn't do as bad as I thought she would but she still wasn't that great and I was very pleased when her death finally came, and some of the script needed to be rewritten. Example: When Vincent and Carly are in the top room of the melting museum, she tries to persuade him that he shouldn't do what he does and that his mother wouldn't've wanted him to do it and she breaks out with this cracker-jack line: "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" Which made him forget what she said and he went right after her. Like always, Chad Michael Murray can't fulfill his role like in previous roles. Brian Van Holt, truly great, it was time he swore off of police and officers and took on a more complex role. Elisha, always good-looking, really shined in this one just like Miss Biel in 'TCM(2003).' Jon Abrahams did okay as the group goof ball. Robert Ri'chard was on an 'par' acting level. Damon Herriman was pretty good as toothless hick (A lot better than Paris). Jared Padalecki is with Cuthbert and Holt here, he did a swell job for an underwritten role and he was only in the film for about 47 minutes.

Special Effects were very good in certain spots, but when Murray and Elisha are climbing out of the giant A and the signs starts melting, you could tell that was the worst part when using the effects because it looked so fake. Aside from that, they really put CG to good use.

The Script could've done so much better though some times. Like I said before, Cuthbert's line really kind of stunk. And at points, the other characters could've had better reactions to their situations.

If I had gone to see this in theaters, I probably would've been scared a lot because so many scenes made me jump (Like when Paris is in the tent and its dark, then the killer enters and she thinks its her boyfriend and so she turns the light on and -BAM-, that made me jump high!) Definitely rent it first, decide if you like it, and if you do, buy it. If you don't, hey its freedom of opinion! We don't all have to like the same thing. Even though some dialogue was crappy, I still give it a 10.
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Robert Zemeckis at his best!
28 August 2005
I mean, I doubted this movie at first from the beginning in Broadway. But as it progressed, I was laughing so hard on certain scenes like when Dr. Menville is reporting the murder of Madelyn and she suddenly gets up and starts walking toward him. It was too funny and the effects were so phenomenal. I mean literally. But then again, it won an Oscar for its effects. I mean, the fight scene where the 2 start fighting with shovels and Helen breaks off the metal end of Mad's and she throws it right through her. "Yes! I mean No! Oh Damn!" That scene was just side-splitting. Overall it was a good black comedy and I'd recommend it to anybody. And Robert Zemeckis, I never knew he did such a great movie because he's a head producer for Dark Castle Entertainment and he's done some pretty bad movies from there like Ghost Ship and Thir13en Ghosts. But wow, he has really made an excellent movie.
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Sin City (2005)
Very Good Action/Drama Movie
16 August 2005
Sin City I thought was a pretty good action flick. It had awesome cinema-tics and the cast was amazingly well known. I normally don't like the kind of movies that jump back and forth but this is an exception like Pulp Fiction or Kill . However there were some pretty weird and gross scenes in it like the part when Miho chopped all the gangsters into chop liver. But the best part was when Benecio Del Toro, after being cut up, starts to talk to Dwight while driving the old car. But the reason I don't give it a 10 is because of the Goldie story, I was a little confused on some parts there. But overall, I think I'd buy this one. But if you're a little confused if you want to see it, just rent it and see what you think.
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