Bog (1979) Poster


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It's NOT HUMAN! (but what IS it??!)
misfitgirl26 January 2004
Bog is a RIOT! I watched it twice in one week after I figured out what a PERFECT bad movie it is. This movie has everything a bad movie should. In parts it is reminiscent of both Pod People and Giant Spider Invasion. It has crazy hermits that talk like cartoon characters, bumbling outdoorsy city husbands who lose their wives to the mysterious creature and take off after it with whatever firearms they can muster up, a creepy old livin'-in-the-woods-tellin'-fortunes lady, a sheriff who says such wonderful things as "hypodeemic nerdle" instead of hypodermic needle, and... well you get the picture. Perfect MST3K fodder!!!
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Rural creature feature
Leofwine_draca23 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
BOG is another creature feature of the 1970s perhaps inspired by the success of THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK. Once again the eerie wilds of Wisconsin are used to good effect in a story which is a little reminiscent of THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON in the tale of a swamp-creature stalking mankind. This film is bogged down by some cheesy tacked-on romantic sub-plots and a lot of over-emoting from the cast members. Old-timers like Aldo Ray, Marshall Thompson, and Leo Gordon all find themselves enmeshed in the predictable plotting which lacks the verve of something like KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS. The monster itself is little seen and much better use could have been made of the story's elements had the writer and director been so enthused. In the end, it's pure hokum.
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Bog is Low-Quality Horror
curcarp3324 May 2009
I purchased the movie as I am a devout fan of Gloria DeHaven and had never even heard of it before. From the first scene I became aware of the poor quality of the film (which was factory-sealed) and also the mundane acting. The scary parts were just plain stupid. Gloria DeHaven was good in her roll as Ginny and the love story line was pat. I just couldn't believe that an actress of her quality could have stooped to such a clunker. I was also aggravated that I couldn't find a date anywhere on the tape. I knew by the cars and fashions that it had been done in the 70's, but the date on the cover said 1988. Not possible. Was this monstrosity ever released in theaters? Dear God who would have paid to see it? Looked like the most low-budget horror flick ever!!
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Wow....just WOW!!!
tavives5 May 2008
I first discovered this movie back in college in 1985. A bunch of friends and I were into bad movies. Well, BOG buries all the others. Yes, I know that Plan 9 from Outer Space is generally considered to be the worst, but believe me folks, BOG is worse. Here is why. Ed Wood didn't know any better. He really thought he was making good movies. He was using absolutely no- name actors (with the possible exception of Bela Lugosi) and was simply oblivious to how awful his films were.

The folks that made BOG should have known better! My God, this movie is awful. There is no indication that the film makers are trying to make a comedy here, and nearly every frame of the film begs the question of why someone along the way didn't say "Wait a minute folks...we really don't want to continue with this."

The acting is abysmal, the editing is ridiculous. An earlier reviewer mention the "shoddy use of freeze frame." No, this is just bad editing where the editor freezes the scene in preparation for the next edit. The problem here is that the splicing of the scenes was so poorly done that there is a longer than necessary pause before the next edit. Bad, just bad.

BOG also includes the absolute worst double-take in the history of film. When the Dr. (Marshall Thompson) is informed about the creature, he does an absurdly exaggerated head- rotating, eye-blinking double-take, that doesn't even rise to the believability of a Looney Tunes short.

Now having said all that, I can't encourage viewers enough to check out BOG. It has brought me hours of enjoyment and laughs, and of you are a bad film buff like me, BOG is a definite MUST-SEE!
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Additional location info
admin-44023 July 2008
Some of the filming was also done in Lake Tomahawk Wisconsin.. specifically the old airport control tower which was used in exterior shots as the police station. There is also an aerial shot of downtown Minoqua (nearby Lake Tomahawk) in the opening sequence.This is currently enjoying something of a grassroots revival in Lake Tomahawk (July 2008) Legend has it that the cast and crew spent a significant amount of time imbibing at the local bars...Which might explain some of the acting. and Yes I can confirm that this is truly one of the worst movies ever made but totally brilliant because of it. With regards to the editing. It is so bad that I had originally thought it was the vintage vcr that it was playing on that was causing the tape to freeze but soon realized that it must be an "artsy" editing job.Reading the other comment about the editing I now realize that it is even worse than I had imagined which only adds to the aura of shoddiness and thus to it's unintentional brilliance
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A hysterical film! Classic!
t_brown_1718 October 2000
BOG is one of those movies that cannot be described in words. Well, that is, if the words "atrocious" and "stomach-churning" and "mind-boggling" aren't in your vocabulary. The kissing scene, Jenson's ode to "the dummies," the gratuitous laboratory scenes and Adrianna's monologue dealing with the tribulations of the Namin/Wadna/Crat creature are all featured players when it comes to the hilarity of this stinker. I'm afraid, though, that the monster (or man in monster suit) takes the cake, ahem, rice-cake that is. Don't get me wrong, this film is great. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I love it!
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A delightfully bad B movie
sewergf10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is by no means a high quality production. The marine research "lab" is clearly a high school chemistry lab, the monster is clearly a man in a terrible rubber suit, but none of that matters. They had an underwater camera rig, a seaplane, and willing actors and THEY MADE IT WORK! I had tremendous fun watching this movie.
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Look, look! Hey, look over there! Look!
Kooblie-Gooblie29 August 1999
There must be many different ways to look at BOG. I, however, can't find any of them. One has to wonder why the creators of this cinematic gem never chose to insert a "The" before the title, why an actress obviously plays two parts, or why the titular "bog" in question is actually a lake. Possibly the only defining moments in this film can be seen during the preview. Pay special attention to the cop who, completely off-cue, screams out "Look, look! Hey, look over there! Look!" Now there's some classic dialogue.
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Cheesy monster flick.
michaelRokeefe18 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was filmed in Wisconsin in 1978 and took five years to be released; haven't figured why. Just kidding. Pretty cheesy, but really not too bad to watch...when you want to give your brain a break. An unlucky old backwoods fisherman goes fishing in Bog Lake using dynamite. Two unfortunate couples try a little fishing; but the wives end up as dead as the old feller that woke up some mutant from decades of sleep. More become 'booger' food and doctors Marshall Thompson and Gloria DeHaven are almost as baffled as the sheriff Aldo Ray. Some local actors get their chance to be in a movie...on the screen and not just in the audience. Jeff Schwaab is credited as the Bog Monster. Grainy and full of shadows, but still a hoot.
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Should have been titled Lake instead!
Aaron137524 October 2019
I remember watching this as a kid and it was bad, but saw it again recently and it was worse! It is a film featuring a monster within a lake that is barely seen, lots of talking within labs and a really old cast of unattractive leads that we have to watch two of them make out for what seems like more time than the creature is present on screen! Not a good film in the least, but it is entertaining in its presentation and I am surprised this one never got riffed on MST3K cause it features film whose length fits their time frame, was rated PG so not a lot of worry about cutting stuff out and it is a very bad movie!

The story has a guy dynamite fishing, who accidentally releases a strange creature in a lake. The movie is called bog, but a bog is generally like a swamp, but with less water. Well, this guy is killed and two couples come to this place to drink beer and fish. Well the guys did, the wives came along to complain. The monster gets them and we have a couple of older people trying to figure out what is killing people, a sheriff who keeps losing deputies and a monster that doesn't look that bad getting virtually no screen time.

The monster kills people, but you really see nothing of the attack. One of those films featuring implied monster attacks. The cast, as I have said, is old. When the two girls on bikes ride through it was a breath of fresh air that was not there long enough as they get attacked. There is a swamp hag who kind of mumbles her lines to the point you cannot understand her and a guy who resembles Torgo who promptly gets killed when he leaves her shelter even though he should have known they'd be safer waiting inside her place.

A lot of films were made during the 70's of the lower budget horror variety and some of them work. Shock Waves, Dawn of the Dead and countless others that were still really good. This one was one of the many that were just plain laughable in their execution. Why would any filmmaker think that anyone would want to see a couple of people old enough to be grandparents making out? Though, honestly, that is the most horrific scene within the movie...
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Blood-draining monsters, senior citizen romance and a lot of alcohol… Yeah!!
Coventry26 November 2011
"Bog" is quite similar to, and instantly reminded me of "Croaked: Frog Monster from Hell". Both movies were filmed in the rural Wisconsin regions during the mid-70's ("Bog" didn't get released until the early 1980's) and they are both … well … abominable! That is to say, they're bad but somehow irresistibly charming, cheesy and entertaining as the same time. And, for some strange coincidental reason, these movies also just happen to have the two greatest taglines ever in the horror film industry! For "Croaked" the tagline was: "This time the frog dissects you" and the DVD-cover of "Bog" proclaims the tagline: "Who's the bait now?" That's good stuff.

The film neatly follows the familiar monster-movie routine. Some type of ancient creature that has been lying dormant on the bottom of a desolate lake gets awakened in a banal fashion (local fishermen using dynamite instead of regular bait) and begins to devour everyone in the area. This particular beastie entirely drains the blood out of his victims' bodies and leaves the complete lake town community baffled and scared. The awesome Aldo Ray stars as the heroic and quite fearless local sheriff who can't prevent the bodies in his town from piling up and "Bog" also stars two other veterans in the roles of forensic scientists; namely Gloria DeHaven ("Summer Stock" and Marshall Thompson ("It! The Terror from beyond Space"). They can't seem to figure out what kind of dangerous species they're dealing with, but perhaps that's because they're too busy falling in love. The scenes in which senior citizens Adriana and Dr. Wednesday interrupt their investigation of the organic tissue under their microscopes in order to declare their love and affection for each other are unintentionally funny, misfit and rather awkward. It takes more than a full hour before we get a proper impression of the monster. Before that, we just hear it growl and have to derive from the petrified expression of its victims' faces that it must be one hideous beast. Still, it's plain obvious that "Bog" is an incredibly low-budgeted and amateurish horror romp, so likewise for the monster design. The creature actually even looks more imbecilic and less scary than the monsters in those zero-budgeted 1950's movies, like "Attack of the Giant Leeches", "The Beast from Haunted Cave" and "The Giant Gila Monster". The thing has enormous eyes and his arms look like an over-sized crab. According to the trivia section, the guy in the suit was 6ft7 and weighed nearly 250pds. One final remark I just have to make: I seriously wonder how many gallons of booze were consumed during the production of "Bog". The first victims, two fishermen and their wives, drink beers non-stop. Even during their police interrogations! And also every dialog with good-old Sheriff Aldo Ray ends with the words "I could sure use a drink right now…".
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Come for the monster, stay for the love scene!
The 9 rating is restricted to the genre. This one hits all the targets for B horror films. Cheesy monster, concerned scientists, locals used as extras, Yay! There are enough 1st takes and technical gaffes to keep it fun.
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This movie provides good laughs :)
px25 February 2002
The "movie" is probably the worst I've ever seen. And that's great, for we got really good laughs with my friend when watching the film. This one should have been classified as a comedy :) Anyway, it could have been even worse, that's why I'll give "only" a 7 :)
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hatred31 May 2001
"Bog" is a complex movie of many parts, what some would call a mystery wrapped in a riddle, enveloped in an enigma, drenched in hatred. However, despite the immediate allure of this modern retelling of the classic tale, the dip thirsty bog creature soon chaffes beyond all previously recorded levels. The scene where the creature emerges from his filthy lair and proceeds to hurl wildly outrageous claims at the townsfolk is one thing - however, when the dip cups begin to pile up and the horrifying creature pulls out the guitar, it is almost too much to watch. The viewer is left to ponder the wild fabrications of this primordial monster and cannot help but feel the pain in this fratted-out lair of terrible run-on stories and hair blowdriers. The viewer can only be left as a battered, broken shell of their previous self, completely devoid of all value and fully revirginified. Fantastic performances by Liam and the Firecracker.
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"My God, This Is Bizarre!"...
azathothpwiggins13 April 2020
After an explosive beginning, featuring senseless fish slaughter, and the unforgettable theme song "Walk With Me", BOG unfolds.

When two beer-guzzling imbeciles lose their crabby wives to an unknown horror, the sheriff (Aldo Ray), Dr. Wednesday (Marshall Thompson), and Ginny Glenn (Gloria Dehaven) are on the case.

Simultaneously, the two aforementioned fishermen follow the town moron into the wilderness, where the local hag (Dehaven again) tells them the legend of the creature they encountered.

In another neck of the woods, Wednesday romances Ginny, while "Walk Witth Meee" plays once again. Where might one purchase this musical masterpiece? Further deaths occur.

BOG IS A SHOWCASE FOR: #1- Aldo Ray, who rants and emotes in a way that Bill T. Shatner would envy! #2- Hundreds of impossibly huge sideburns on parade! #3- Loads of scintillating, pseudo-scientific gobbledygook! #4- That melodic treasure-beyond-price, "Wwwaaalkk Wittthh Meeee" to work its magic in our very souls! #5- The monster, which is -understandably- barely shown, until the finale, when the ludicrous lobster-man causes laughs aplenty!

EXTRA POINTS FOR: #1- The monster's growl, which is a combination of a rhinoceros, someone farting through a trumpet, and my grandfather snoring! #2- The filmmaker's bold decision to play "Wwwwaaaallllkkk Wwwwiittthhh Mmmeeeeeeeeeeee" over the end credits! Bravo!...
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Avoid unless you're a bad film buff
kbean9 October 2006
I'm a devotee of bad films ("Manos, the Hands of Fate" is one of my favorites; no, seriously, I really like it!), but "Bog" was just a bit too dumb, even for me. Oh, I don't deny that it had it's moments. But in between those moments was a lot of dead space. I was surprised by the "love scene" between the film's two leads. I think this is, without question, the oldest love scene I've ever witnessed! Now, it's not graphic by any stretch of the imagination, but how often do you see a 50-year-old woman making out with a 60-year-old man? Heck, how often do you see a 50-year-old woman who is supposed to be our eye-candy? I've got to give the movie props for striking a blow for the geriatric community!
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Pretentious_crap16 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't recommend this movie for anyone, just avoid it. May this never be resurrected in an anthropological excavation-- another reason why it's a shame that it takes a thousand years for plastic and resin based garbage to decompose.

This movie is like listening to a drunken, ignorant, old man. At first it's rather funny because he can't make any sense, and the things he's saying are outlandish. However, within thirty-minuets, he circles in his logic and it gets rather tiresome. To top it off, he talks increasingly slower. Then, he contemplates his existence and can't make sense of it, he has a brain aneurysm and abruptly dies; sadly you don't care because he was a wife-beating, drunk.

When all is said and done, this movie is boring and irritating. You can see the same ending in one of the closing scenes in an older, much much more hilarious movie, "The Creeping Terror". Matter afact, see "The Creeping Terror" instead (that is if you find z-grade trash amusing)!
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Giving in an Extra Star for Northern Wisconsin
JoeB1314 April 2020
Because I love that place.

But this movie is awful. It is trying to be a 1950's Rubber Monster movie, but made in 1979. So you have the kinds of characters you'd have in that movie. The overwhelmed small town lawman, the scientists who live in a small town for some reason, the expendable rednecks who get picked off by the monster.

This movie follows the rule of bad movies. Don't fully show your monster until the end because that way, you build suspense and no one can see how cheap and silly your monster looks.

Extra bonus. Old Washed up Actor Sex. Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.
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Just Don't
jayg_5822 May 2020
Even if it's a Saturday afternoon in Corona times - just don't. This is the typical formula of 20 minutes of actors talking to each other, or trying desperately to remember their lines anyway. Then a blurry creature shot (man in rubber suit), then cars careening down dirt roads, more talking, repeat. What's worse, the film is very grainy. It apparently didn't survive the shredder the first time. Even The Big Bang with it's 75% laugh tracks is preferable.
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BandSAboutMovies20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You know, dynamite fishing seems goofy enough and then it unleashes a prehistoric monster and that monster somehow only can live by drinking the blood of women.

Luckily, as they say, Gloria DeHaven is in this. Twice, really.

Bog tries to lure teenagers into the theaters and drive-ins with a hip, happening cast that included Aldo Ray, Leo Gordon and Marshall Thompson in support of DeHaven, a true star of the great old days of Hollywood now running through a swamp chasing and being chased by big eyed monsters.

Actually, I kind of love that this movie has so many older actors in it. And it also makes me wonder, why exactly do swamp creatures love human women so much? Do their own ladies get upset about it? And most importantly, what's the point of fishing with dynamite?
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WATCH IT..... if you have a death wish!
Filmnerd198419 August 2008
this is the worst DAMNED most dreadful movie i have ever seen! it's even worse than "Inseminoid"! old bad movies often have their charms, but this horrid piece of CRAP movie almost killed me with boredom and torture! god damn! i own it on DVD now. i am so impressed in how bad it was that i am actually going to keep it as a future revenge item against a buddy or coworker. for the love of god WHY did this movie see the light of day! do not watch it! the monster in this was so badly made i almost laughed, but no. i was filled with to much hate towards the movie that i couldn't make myself laugh in places i normally would have.
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alucifer23 July 2006
WOW where do i begin to describe this complete waste of time.i bought this on VHS for a dollar at a flea market and after watching it i realize that it is also the cost of the budget.the creature is so stupid and funny looking it could easily be on sesame street.but the puppets on sesame street are made way better.this is obviously a ripoff of humanoids from the deep about creatures from the sea that mate with females.humanoids from the deep is a classic and this pile of crap is a headache.the acting in this is worse than bruce campbells acting if you can believe matter what you do do not watch this movie you will regret it.
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An enjoyably awful low-budget creature feature hoot
Woodyanders19 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The unfairly neglected cheap-rubber-monster-suit-on-the-loose flick, a rather abundant and often entertainingly abysmal 70's nickel'n'dime horror film sub-genre, hits one of its all-time most delightfully dreadful lows with this simply pathetic entry featuring a once-in-a-lifetime Hall of Shame has-been faded name star cast who should have called it quits a good ten years ago.

A green-skinned bloodsucking slime creature (Jeff Schwaab in an extremely hokey and unconvincing shabby rubber suit) prays upon the various dim-witted hayseed locals in some lousy bayou burg located in Wisconsin. Out to stop the vile beast are geriatric Dr. Brad Wednesday (a long in the tooth Marshall Thompson), equally aged pathologist/gratuitous love interest Ginny Glenn (the similarly over the hill Gloria De Haven, who also plays a creepy, withered, fright-wigged old hag witch complete with creaky, rasping voice who looks after the monster), and paunchy, ineffectual redneck Sheriff Neal Rydholm (the inescapable Aldo Ray, delivering a typically woozy, glassy-eyed, two pints under "I hope my paltry $300 dollar check I'm making for acting in this turkey clears so I can score more booze" performance). Why, even yet another far past his prime fuddy dud thesp Leo Gordon pops up in the last few reels as your basic googly-moogly swamp monster expert from the big city.

Man, does this stinker reek worse than dirty unwashed socks: we've got excruciatingly slow pacing, severely chintzy'n'ratty production values, clumsy use of freeze frames, a foul, grainy, washed-out look, some uproariously awful dialogue ("From the way these women are acting we aren't going to see any action in years!"), inept, zingless direction by Don Kesslar, no energy to speak of, a thuddingly dull emphasis on boring chitchat, uniformly flat and uninteresting characters, tedious acting from a noticeably out of it cast, annoying constant references to fishing for muskie, and an unforgettably horrid country and western theme song called "Walk With Me" that's tunelessly warbled by the tone deaf Pat Hopkins. All of these toxically terrible ingredients do their proverbial best/worst to make this brain-numbing abomination an oddly enjoyable, but undeniably wretched clunker of a shoddy fright feature. Nicest cruddy touch: the way the camera pans away at the last minute and zooms in on a gripping close-up of a nearby bush whenever the monster attacks someone, therefor entreating the frustrated and dissatisfied viewer to the victim's shrill, piercing off-screen cries of bloodcurdling terror as the beast allegedly rips 'em to shreds.
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michle5330 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is fun to watch, but, frankly, after Aldo Ray departed I gave up.
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Bad Bog
stuart-wise31 August 2023
I rarely give a movie this low a rating because usually if I am entertained by it I can forgive all its faults. For a horror film, there wasn't really any horror. The weird monster that walks on two feet was hardly visible in its entirety, almost always presented in low light. And really not speculation how this creature came about and in an upright manner--was it a hybrid of a human and amphibian? Who knows? As the movie progressed, more people died or disappeared but in a pretty bloodless fashion what with the manner described in which they were attacked and died. The closeups of people screaming was a bit scary and the extended kissing scene seemed gratuitous as part of a nothingburger subplot, if it can be called that. For once in a long time, the very low ratings for "Bog" is well deserved.
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