Violent Shit (1989) Poster


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Watch the other two instead...
plaznihqyllnikaaf16 June 2001
Nice effects (for a home video!) and creative killing are the keywords for this no-budget-what-so-ever-movie. But I imagine they had a good time making this. Another positive thing about this movie is that it spawned two brilliant sequels. Watch them instead. They are available in a German Special Edition, which include all three flicks+ tons of extra material! A must buy for all gore-hounds!
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What the hell did I just watch??
Teeeelicious16 March 2004
After seeing the title of this movie a man can't help but be a little intrigued, so I picked it up. Wow, and is that saying right..."curiosity kills the cat" and it nearly killed me. This is by far one of the most sick and twisted movies I've ever laid eyes on. The movie is about the Karl "The Butcher," an unrelenting mass murderer who shows no mercy to his victims. Judging by the title, you can imagine some of the things he does to his nevermind, you can't because a sane person in their right mind wouldn't think of the sick ways to kill a person. 'Violent Shit' is filled with dismemberments, disembowelings, castrations, and even feces eating and it's some of the most sickening stuff I've ever seen. If you're into extremely low-budget (this movie is shot with a camcorder) and torture films, this pointless gorefest is the movie for you! Otherwise, if you're easily offended, avoid at all costs or else you will die of a heart attack after the first 10 seconds of the film.
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Karl the butcher!
buchass22 September 2005
Now, this is an amateur home-video!! Its an ultra "Z" film only for one propose, too shock, with ultra violent and grotesque scenes, with a non linear\sense story.The film focus the character Karl the Buchter (Andreas Schnaas, also the director) in a killing spree, walking around the woods killing people without a propose, every signle death is sadistic and brutal..(what they are thinking?)!

Its not a film of all gore fans, its beyond that,its a film for real ultra-violent cinema fans, in my opinion the film is a little bit sick,nasty and unnecessary..If you like this one, i recommend: "Antro da Necrofilia" and "Eu Zombie!!! 2- A carnificina total"
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It's Violent alright, but it's also a steaming pile of...
RareSlashersReviewed3 March 2004
What should I have expected from a movie that says, 'Experience a lesson in real BAD taste' and 'Expect the worst' on the front cover? Starring an actor called K. the butcher shitter and produced by the violent shitters? This was the debut of loud-mouthed German gore fiend Andreas Schnaaaaas. (!) A director that's renowned for releasing 'films' that would get banned in most countries for their titles alone. Shot on a camcorder, Violent Shit makes Nail Gun Massacre look like Spielberg helmed it in his spare time under a pseudonym. Seriously, this isn't a movie at all; it's more like an exercise in restraint. Sitting through the whole eighty minutes is like being locked in a room with Peewee Herman and not killing him. A task that, if completed, will prove a man's machismo so decidedly, that he will be able to walk proud for the rest of his life. If you've checked my review list, you'll see that I'm a forgiving fellow. I'd have to be, because I've seen some utter schlock in my life, but this wipes the existence of the worst of them from my memory. Quite how it went on to spawn three sequels is amazing, and how the crew behind the production was not imprisoned for some kind of breach of human rights was a further miracle. Still, I've started my review so I may as well tell you what left me so bemused.

The credits roll over a child playing in some woodland with a ball. He goes home and his mother threatens him, saying `You wait.Get in here' The door closes and we hear a somewhat leisurely scream. It looks as if the youngster killed his mum with a meat cleaver, because he comes outside splashed in blood with the weapon in his hand. Two decades later, the Police (or Polizei) are transferring the demented looking bogeyman to, erm. well, we don't ever learn; but thankfully an officer sums it up neatly for us. `Now we have to work overtime to bring these retards back to their holes!' I couldn't have put it better myself. I must comment on the security, which was questionable to say the least. I mean, is that how they transfer homicidal maniacs in Germany? In an Herby-esque camper van without any bars on the windows or dead locks on the door? Hmmm. Anyway, one of the coppers makes the fatal mistake of giving in to the call of nature and returns to find his buddies bloodily despatched surprisingly off screen. I thought the killer (we don't find out his name) was giving one of them a love bite, but I guess he was eating his neck! After shouting, `Stop you pig, or I'll shoot' (!) the final lawman meets his bloody end by a patently cardboard machete to the shoulder. His demise was undoubtedly his own fault for leaving such a deadly blade inside the van with a nut-job in the first place, but hey, I guess his rampage had to be kicked off somehow. Without going into the fact that this constabulary's methods for transferring psychopaths certainly needed a complete overhaul, let's just say that the butcher ends up roaming the countryside and killing everyone that he bumps into on his journey.

The plot's is as non-existent as anyone could expect it to be, he legs it around some Greenland, with a blade in his hand and a scar on his cheek(s) offing anyone that bumps into him. The first, a woman driving along listening to UB40's 'Red Red Wine' (has Schnaas been sued or did he buy the rites? - I very much doubt it!) breaks down, then gets thrown on the floor and her breast cut off. After some bizarre camera work involving the photographer spinning the camcorder in circles (yes, you'll get a headache!) a guy gets his penis chopped in half! All these are shot in unflinching close-up with paint-red blood spraying unconvincingly over the surroundings. Then an unfortunate vulgar speeched gardener gets cut in half with a hedge trimmer then his head is chopped in two! The final excuse for gratuitous gore that I'll tell you about (although there's plenty more throughout the eighty minute runtime), involves a woman getting split in half from the vagina upward. Then the killer (we still didn't learn his name) disembowels her, chucking her intestines, liver and every other organ that Schnaas could find a close replica for, - on the floor in front of the camera! I'm making this sound a whole lot better than it actually is, but keep in mind that the 'acting' is no less than ridiculous, the music is played separately from the (German - subtitled in English) dialogue (what do you expect from a camcorder) and the lighting stinks. At one-point things got all anti-religious when the nut-job sticks his head in, I guess what's supposed to be Jesus' stomach! We don't get an explanation on why there he is - the Son of God - stuck on a crucifix out in the middle of the woods! And the ending, oh yes the ending. What the hell?

There's loads of pointless padding, like endless driving sequences showing cars heading down long, boring roads that never amount to anything and there's some X-rated dialogue that brings about a giggle. I guess we can forgive some of the inconsistencies, seeing how this was made tongue in cheek to be consumed in the same manor, but to be honest, a lot of the pointless exploitation was a little too sickening and not in a good way. Schnaas really should have started himself a career in special effects, putting his clearly visible talents to use with more experienced filmmakers. But instead he goes on to make movies like this that will only appeal to gore hounds that are truly forgiving. What's left to say about Violent Shit? Is it Violent? Yes, very. But don't forget, it's also a steaming pile of. You get the picture.
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BORING SH!T - But Not TOTALLY Without "Redeeming" Value
EVOL66623 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First off - I've HATED the other Schnaas films that I've seen to this point - those being VIOLENT SH!T 3 (aka ZOMBIE DOOM) and ZOMBIE '90. This one pretty much sucks too - but I can see some "heart" in this one, and that makes it somewhat "worthy" in my book.

Story-line? Screw that - it's a bunch of scenes of some whacked-out guy randomly killing people in over-the-top gory fashion. Nothing' wrong with that. Some pretty memorable scenes too, though done on an obviously tampon-string budget...

Honestly, not many people will actually enjoy this turd. I think that it's another of those films that gore-heads need to see just to say they've seen it. There's tons of cheezy gore mixed in with the insanely disjointed plot (which honestly, I didn't pay that much attention to, as I was too busy drinkin' cheap bourbon and dickin' around on-line to pay attention to...), and some of it works. If nothing else, it seems like a "labor of love" from a bunch of know-nothing kids that were out to make a sick film. That alone does not save this piece of garbage...but I definitely found it more worthwhile than VS3 or ZOMBIE '90, which were straight-putrid (and not in a good way...). The other REALLY bad thing about this, is that for a 70 minute film - it seemed like it lasted for 3 days. I'm glad I didn't put this one in to actually pay a lot of attention to it, or I guarantee I would have fallen asleep and not given it a second look (not that it's going to get a second look anyway). The thing is - is that these "directors" should take their concepts and not try to drag them out to "feature" length. VS would have been much stronger as a 25-minute "short". Anyway - peep this joint if you dig some twisted gore - but only if you REALLY appreciate no-budget films...5/10
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Sick Film - But the people had fun
attax-128 January 2005
I made the music to this film, already nearly 17 years ago. There is an error the film is from 1988 not from 1987 (because i bought my Korg M1 Music Workstation back in 88). Since 1985 I was a big fan from electronic film scores so i tried to do my best. When I first saw the movie i thought "this film is sick" and i thought how could i give it a more pro look, so i made the music "eerie, mysterious", what i didn't knew that they had no equipment to mix it ..... Anyway it was fun, I just had like 4 days to do the music, because they wanted to show the film at an festival. Like I said sick film - but they had a lot of fun :) Micky
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A weird little home movie, made interesting by the myths surrounding it.
bert_i_gordon21 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Violent Sh*t was the first "film" (video) by Andreas Schnass. While it's a terrible movie, it does have some merit, and arguably, some scenes that are almost artistic ( the Jesus scene, which shows Karls inability to become one with Christ, or become good, because all he knows is violence). Or something like that. Or just no......Whatever it is, it's not "anti- religious" like some people have stated. Although, I can see how it could be offensive, but then again, if you are easily offended, what are you doing watching "Violent Sh*t"?

It starts out with Karl as a boy killing his abusive mother, but not until after smiling directly into the camera and laughing. We then cut to 20 years later, with Karl escaping from the police and killing various people for the next 57 minutes with a gigantic cleaver he just happens to have had all this time. He mutates with every murder and passes out, having visions and nightmares of his past were he saw the devil as a child. Finally he melts into a pile of goo, and a baby pops out. Right.

For a movie with that title, and it being all about the gory effects, one shouldn't really complain. Anyone who picked up a movie called "Violent Sh*t" and was expecting "Casablanca" is at fault. But don't get me wrong, it is a bad movie. There's just nothing holding it together, except for the gore, and nothing is ever explained.

As for direction, I guess it's fine. I know that sounds insane, but in a movie that's all about gore, it's perfectly fine. Schnaas is sure to show all the gore in lingering closeups. Because that's what it's all about, the gore. It's not about Karl's emotional states, or any sort of character development. "There's somebody. Now go kill him". That's it. The same goes for acting, the victims scream fine. And Karl is a mongoloid, or something.

Now to clear up some myths and misconceptions surrounding the movie. First off, Andreas Schnaas is not Karl the Butcher. Karl was played by an "actor" named Karl Inger, Schnaas played the loudmouth tree cutter who gets cut in half with a tree trimmer.

Another is that all "real gore" was used. Real animal blood and organs. This is obviously fake, because animal blood is not Pepto-Bismal, nor is an animals intestines sausage links, which were obviously used during the gutting scene.

Violent Sh*t was the first German direct-to-video horror film.

Some people state Violent Sh*t was a successful midnight movie and was pulled by the censors. This cant be true, because I doubt a film print of Violent Sh*t was ever made, and video projectors did not exist in 1987. But on this I could be wrong.

In the end Violent Sh*t is a bad movie. No doubt about that. However, there is something interesting about it. Perhaps it's the fact that despite being made tongue in cheek, it's still played brutally straight. And that makes it interesting for a few reasons. What were they thinking? Why was this made? Who was this made for? There some of the same questions that surround a movie like "Blood Freak", or "Legend of Blood Mountain" (both wonderfully bad movies). And at least Schnaas wasn't insulting our intelligence, just his.
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Does what it says on the tin.
BA_Harrison2 May 2010
An escaped psycho with a massive meat-cleaver hacks his way through lots of people, meets Jesus, and 'gives birth' to a baby.

German underground horror director Andreas Schnaas' definitely can't be accused of giving his debut splatter-fest a misleading title: Violent Sh*t is both violent and sh*t! Without even the slightest hint of an intelligible plot to get in the way of the endless barrage of offensive visuals, the film acts primarily as a showcase for Schnaas' cheap-jack gore effects, which range from the fairly routine (severed heads, hands and assorted meat-cleaver murders) to the downright revolting (a woman is cut open from her snatch upwards and disembowelled).

The blood gushes in impossibly bright red, the various prosthetic body-parts look thoroughly unconvincing, the dialogue is dreadful (best/worst line: 'this bullsh*tting job is f*ucking me to sh*ts'), there is an overuse of horrible video effects (solarisation and shuddery imagery), all the actors are unattractive with the majority sporting nasty mullets or perms, and no-one even thinks to fight back against the killer.

However, despite being one of the most inane, poorly constructed, and downright shoddy pieces of film-making I'll probably ever see, I've got to admit that, as a card carrying gore-hound, I enjoyed Violent Sh*t just a little for its sheer audacity, and occasionally, its plain weirdness.

4.5 out of 10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
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Don't "expect the worst", expect even less than that.
world_of_weird26 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of the other users here describes VIOLENT SH*T as "the worst movie ever made by human hands". That's a perfect description, because this terminally boring exercise in incompetently-staged bloody mayhem is terrible on every imaginable level. It makes HEADLESS EYES look like Stanley Kubrick. Shot on camcorder, with computer-generated titles, migraine-inducing video effects and only the faintest attempts at coherent editing (or coherency of any kind), VIOLENT SH*T has the look of a depressing mid-eighties porno, only not nearly as interesting. Its raison d'etre are the taboo-busting gore scenes, but even these are so hilariously inept you're more likely to laugh than cringe - plastic hands, penises, arms, legs, innards and breasts are sent flying as bright pink blood gushes everywhere and the 'victims' bellow unconvincingly. Karl, the 'butcher sh*tter', resembles Eminem with his denim dungarees and cropped blonde hair, and most of his targets look like they've just wandered out of a Scorpions concert with their mullets, thin moustaches, bleached drainpipe jeans and cowboy boots. If nothing else, the film lives up to it's title, because it's both violent and a huge pile can guess the rest. Incredibly, the man behind this catatonia-inducing bilge (one Andreas Schnaas) has gone on to make several other films. Let's hope at least one of them is an improvement over this effort, which is as close a movie has ever come to replicating the sensation of being repeatedly bashed over the head with a tin tray for 75 minutes. Nice when it stops.
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rutt13-120 June 2001
Worthless boring, disgusting garbage. The title says it all, the operative word being "Shit." It's amazing that any video store would pick up a steaming pile like this, when so many other worthwhile films never get picked up. Of course, I live in smalltown Indiana, so that's most of the problem right there. This is offensive trash...
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Practical Effects always make a better Slasher Film - This is why
sunnybeardproductions11 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose you could argue that this is a bad movie by technicality. I mean, it centers around a demented serial killer named Karl the Butcher Shitter who at one point devours a man's penis which looks suspiciously like a root of ginger. That's both dumb and cheap, but that's why I do not consider it a bad movie.

I mean, sure, you could also argue that there are slasher movies that are much higher on the visual/special effects ladder, but what would you rather have - a film about a serial killer with a machete (in this case a meat cleaver) who slowly walks around, trips over nothing, pulls sausages out of Styrofoam dummies full of a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise, or a film about the same but with CG gore and more realistic dismembering?

I choose the former. Why? Because if you're going to sit down and watch a slasher film, find one that's cheaply made because that, I find, enhances the experience of someone's Oscar Mayers being pulled out.

The film is in German, but you can find a subbed version on YouTube which is what I did. It doesn't really matter anyways if it wasn't subbed, because you pretty much should know the plot already: Someone goes around killing people and the character may or may not defeat him. Here, Karl the Butcher Shitter seems to defeat himself, but I won't spoil that part even though this is marked with "contains spoilers." I will say, however, that it involves a self-performed topic of controversy.

But allow me to spoil something else. There is a scene where Karl the Butcher Shitter slaughters someone out of the blue when all he is trying to do is take a leak in the forest. Karl brandishes his token weapon of choice and takes it straight to the guy's head who then becomes a human Strawberry Fanta fountain.

Considering the materials used in this film to produce the gore, I wouldn't be surprised if the cast and crew used it as their catering as well. Just have to remember to brush off the dirt I suppose and get the little Styrofoam flakes out of there.

But about the production team itself, this film seems to be crafted by "The Violent Shitters" who have the greatest name ever conceived by humankind for this kind of movie. Unfortunately, this would lead you to believe there is some Dragon Ball Z levels of constipation, but there is not. The only thing in this movie that appears constipated is the stuttering footage itself. I guess that's what a 2000 dollar budget does to you if you do not already have a better camera ready to go.

Oh, and expect metallic sound mixed in with that shot on shitteo-quality video. It may sound bad or maybe you even like the sound of it, but I assure you... this movie is amazing.
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Gory teutonic fun
Zombie7926 November 1999
Ok so i make no excuses about it but i really dig these German gorefest movies,and this is one of the first.Basically Karl the Butcher(Director Schnaas)escapes,kills people and so on.Not original.But this movies sheer lack of taste,disregard for whats acceptable(though i think it was made with Tongue in cheek)and exuberance makes it cool especially if youre drunk.Recommended!
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Anyone who has a positive word to say about this is very wrong. . .
washburndime30 August 2005
Seriously. I've seen a lot of low budget, no budget films. I've seen a lot of horror, gore, slashers, and generally nasty films. This is pretty close to bottom of the list. Yeah its violent, but you cant see any actual gore due to poor camera work and disastrous editing (mostly that pixelated effect that the filmmakers must've thought was SO cool). The film is an immature compilation of bad special effects, annoying and generally pointless characters, and buckets of thick pink foamy blood.

The storyline (ok so not technically a STORYline) follows a German man in a plaid shirt shambling aimlessly around the countryside murdering people with a large cleaver. Unfortunately the same effect is re-cycled many times as he overpowers his victims, slam them repeatedly on the ground, cuts off one of their arms at the shoulder, and then beheads them. There are some great concepts for a gore scene, but they're ruined by dark/pixelated shots, and stop-frame slow motion.

If you want to see a gore-fest, this isn't the film you're looking for. After all the hassle it'll take you to track this film down, i ASSURE YOU that you will be disappointed. If you want something German and disturbing, go get yourself a copy of Nekromantik.
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Germanys most gory series ever... but not worth to look at
Ehrgeiz13 October 2003
I have seen three Schnaas movies, and I all hate them... though I like Splatter movies. The "Violent shit" series is the most gory of them, and I also think they are the most gory Schnaas movies. The plot, the actors, the effects are incredibly bad. I have seen one of the three "violent shit" movies, I dont know which one - does not matter anyway. The whole point of it is to kill a lot of people in very brutal ways - like slaughtering and castrating them. While other genre movies, especially the on a negative way very impressive "Cannibal Holocaust", try to put a sense in it or explain something, this is just GORE. They are disgusting because they are so boring. I dont know why Schnaas still even tries to put one of his nutty plots in it and does not just randomly mix butcher scenes.
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Burn this tape
Sandcooler5 October 2011
I guess there's exactly one thing this shot-on-video cheapie has gotten right: it does seem to be a genuine attempt at giving the audience what it wants. Writer/Director (granted, both terms are used sorta loosely) Andreas Schnaas clearly seems to know lots of horror fans are in it just to see irritating people die gory deaths, but using this knowledge to make something remotely entertaining seemed like a bridge too far. So you've opened your movie with a mental patient (Karl The Butcher, an overly threatening name for a teenage guy with an oatmeal scrotum on his face) escaping from custody and wandering off into the woods, what to do now? Have some cops or local vigilantes look for him and possibly get killed in the process? Have Oatmeal Dude reach a camp/school/farm/slumber party house/hotel/convent to cause some gory mayhem? Of course not, those would be story lines (close enough at least). Instead, "Violent Sh#t" just consists of Karl walking around aimlessly and killing nameless characters 15 seconds after they've been introduced. That's literally what the whole movie is, and keep in mind it goes on for 75 mind-numbingly repetitive minutes. I never could have imagined a movie with so much splatter in it could be so ridiculously boring, but Schnaas truly has a gift. I hear this thing has two sequels, I also hear it's somewhat of a cult hit in Germany: both facts freighten me intensely.
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treakle_197812 April 2020
One of the worst movies ever made. The writing,directing,acting are atrocious. Don't waste your time.
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This Stinker's Title Is Half Correct.
chunkiefroth11 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This review is composed of a thread I began on the film's board, and kept replying to like a journal entry. I added the spoiler alert, but there is really not that much to spoil. This movie is about a nameless guy who hates genitals, Jesus, and himself. That is the entire story...

I'm only 3 minutes into this so far. . .so I can't really attest to the violence yet. However they are delivering nicely on the sh!t angle.

Jesus Christ! I'm five minutes in, and all I have seen is blurry handycam footage of a European kid playing with a ball, while the opening credits make some pretty outrageous claims. . . ."What's that, movie? . . . Written and directed you say?" Also, apparently this movie had someone on board who's title is "Special Hi-Wi Technician". As someone who has attended film school, I find it odd that this is the first time I have ever heard of any such crew title. Oh well, at least the sh!t isn't phoned in. . .theyre piling it on thick.. They couldn't possibly keep up this momentum for the duration of the "film".

17 minutes in, and it feels more like six hours. It has become apparent that the violence promised in the title is nothing more than sh!t as well. Though I don't think anyone would check out this "Violent Sh!tters Production" had they titled it "Sh!tty Sh!t". Damn this is going to be a chore to finish.

23 minutes in. I guess this is turning into a real time review of sorts. I heard the camera man laugh a couple of minutes ago. I would be more forgiving if the cinematography were not the worst character in the film. The movie showed a dude slice of a man's penis and jack blood out of the headless wiener, though. Thank you Germany.

42 minutes in, and the film has thrown an amazing curve ball. The cinematography has become worse. Now that the film takes place at night, all I can make out is a blackened space like limbo. Occasionally vehicle head lights can be seen, inter cut with footage of floating heads that have way too much dialog.

45 minutes. The movie is on it's third close up fake crotch mutilation. This time it's lady parts. I'm starting to realize that this is not really a movie, but rather VHS footage of not so special effects. It is really not "about" anything, and has no discernible characters. The August Underground films seem Oscar worthy in comparison.

58 minutes. Christians beware! I just finished watching a pointless, seemingly 3 hour, sequence of the killer disemboweling a crucified Jesus. Before anyone goes and gets excited, this movie is so boring that I began twirling a very sharp knife to keep myself occupied. As luck would have it, the hilt bounced off of my fingertips, and the edge grazed my Macbook screen. Now I have a quarter inch, paper thin, permanent reminder of this movie's epic sh!ttiness.

One hour. . . This movie is really starting to f#ck with me. Slow blurry video shot from a moving vehicle, in near darkness has been going on for about five minutes. To make matters worse, the sound track has traded in the amateurish synthesizer for an unknown heavy metal track, with a cock rock singer bellowing "The torture never stops". How fitting for a film that has a good footing in the race for worst movie of all time. Dammit. I still have part 2 and 3 to watch after this. I'm starting to wish that my knife had destroyed my monitor, or at least ended up severing an important vein in my neck or wrist. This movie is about as appealing as eating popcorn out of a homeless man's beard.

1 hour 8 minutes. Apparently human appendages are predominantly composed of clothes stuffed with pig intestines and fake blood. Bones would only be troublesome for the killer and his cardboard cleaver. Also, I couldn't help but notice that with each murder, the amount of liquid latex covered oatmeal on the killer's face increases. I guess that will have to count as character development. . . and story for that matter. The killer started picking at the sores on his face, and pulling out his own intestines (pulling karo covered pig tripe through a hole in his shirt). I can only hope that means the end of the film is coming very soon.

1 hour 13 minutes. It ended. . . .it actually ended. I would rather set my face on fire than recommend this film to my worst enemy. This so called "movie" is just a concoction of week effects strewn together with consumer grade video wipe transitions. "Violent"?. . . no, not really. I don't consider rubbing corn syrup and tripe on someone to be violence, and the film had no tone, seriously. "Sh!t"?. . . Absolutely. This is the first film I have seen where half of the title gives away the entire story. OK, bring on part 2. Can it really be much worse?
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It stunk to high heaven.
Haifis1 June 2005
Up until now, I have never seen a horror movie that I didn't like. This movie was just awful, awful, awful! The filming is so blurry that you can hardly see what's going on! The sound is fuzzy. The gore is cheap and you can't feel any sympathy for the victims because how stupid they were scripted. I'm sure the director has potential! He must show it. This film does not capture the genius of Mr. Schnaas. This film is also extremely low budget. Although the actors were particularly talented especially the very handsome Mr. Schnaas as the killer Karl, They could not save this movie. Even the castration scene was boring. Mr. Schnaas, Make us a better film!
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Bizarre, but shocking just for the sake of it
Horst_In_Translation4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a 72-minute video by Andreas Schnaas from 27 years ago, maybe more when you read this review. The only thing one can say to somehow justify the bad quality of h'this film here is that he was only 20 years old when he made this. And at 20, being a writer, director and lead actor is something you can, but you also need to have a bit of talent. I see no talent here from Schnaas. It is bloody, has lots of gore and murder sequences, self-mutilation, the full program. Now this is perfectly fine, if you manage to build a story around all this, which somehow justifies it. This is not the case here. It is all just violence for the sake of it and as such it is really repetitive, uncreative and boring. Painful to watch there are many sequels and a very recent remake. Sometimes great films do not get the accolades they deserve or the sequels they deserve, but this piece of garbage here does. Several even. Do not mistake my disliked of this film for being offended. I was not. I was just very much underwhelmed although I probably should not have been looking at the accurate rating it has here on IMDb. It would be an understatement to recommend you not to watch it. I say: Stay far far away.
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Terrible series
nogodnomasters5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We see the killer briefly as a happy child then 20 years later as a killer. The gore effects are lame by today's standards using fake parts and pig guts. The blood spray was also fake looking. There wasn't much of a plot, random people being in the woods getting killed and mutilated. About 30 minutes or so we get some kind of Satanic explanation, that didn't explain much.

Guide: F-word, Fake organ nudity and mutilation.
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The title is aware of itself
TheElementR16 March 2024
This is hardly a movie to be honest. The whole plot is just some guy killing anyone who steps into the forest he's in, some parts are just filler so this movie can be above an hour long. Most of the movie is very bad frame rate and random effect filters added sometimes, who did this? Each of the victims in this movie are only there for five minutes or more before they get killed, and I don't have the ability to care for them since they're not interesting, and they barely talk for most of the movie. There's one point in the movie after one or two victims die, the killer collapses to the ground, and the camera guy decides to spin around the forest, cutting to a shot of some church, what was the point of that? There's one scene in the movie where there's a crucified Jesus Christ in the middle of the forest for unknown reasons, and the killer decides to cut him open and goes inside of him, just why? The ending of this movie is just the killer collapsing to the ground again while giving birth to a baby and the killer dies, WHO WROTE THIS MOVIE!?

The only positives I can give is the gore effects with the kills, and at least some scenes have a backstory of how the killer became the way he was, but they also make no sense. This movie is not watching for me, but if you're a fan of old independent straight to video horror films, don't let me stop you from watching this.
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Sure, it's absolute crap, but it certainly delivers what it promises
Woodyanders30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Vicious and deranged disfigured killer Karl the Butcher (writer/director Andreas Schnaas letting it all hang out something loopy) embarks on a grisly killing spree. Yep, that's about it as far as the flimsy wafer-thin excuse for a plot is concerned, but boy does Schnaas give the audience their cruddy money's worth with genuinely jaw-dropping bluntness and equally staggering ineptitude: We've got a ramshackle narrative that unfolds at a plodding pace, an annoyingly redundant synthesizer score, oodles of cheesy over-the-top excessive gore (the watery-looking blood squirts, spurts, and spills all over the place), obnoxious cannon fodder characters, tacky solarized video graphics, ham-fisted overuse of strenuous slow motion, a surprise appearance by a crucified Jesus in the woods, crass profane dialogue, a hefty body count, rough'n'grainy cinematography, interminably drawn-out murder set pieces, and a completely absurd ending which comes out of left field. Totally senseless and technically a total mess, this tasty chunk of foul cheddar nonetheless still possesses a certain lovably low-rent home movie charm.
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Solid and engaging trash gore opus
Bloodwank13 November 2011
It's a difficult business making films with explanatory titles. A very few times it happens just right, but far more its little more than a pose, leading to disappointment at best and thorough contempt at worst. For instance there's White Rose Campus: Then Everybody Gets Raped, in which not everybody actually gets raped. Quite a lot do get raped and overall its hugely entertaining stuff so the film gets a pass but its still sad. Then there's Blooduckers from Outer Space which features infuriatingly little in the way of on screen bloodsucking, and at the bottom there are films like Gore from Outer Space, which has exactly zero on screen gore. Violent Sh!t is perfect though, well close too as the only folk who could possibly watch a film with such a name and be disappointed with the content are hardcore monster excrement enthusiasts not satiated by Monsturd, and really who cares about those weirdos? There's no perambulating excreta committing acts of violence here, but it's definitely a violent film. And by the standards of most normal people it's definitely sh!t. So by the connotations of its name its a winner, and if its name appeals to you in a critical manner its definitely a film for you. Essentially its an entry in the relatively less traveled slasher subgenre of woodlands lunatic who kills everyone he encounters for no good reason. Its kinship is with the likes of Don't Go in the Woods Alone and Orgroff, and though it never quite meets the anti art heights of the former or intoxicating ineptitude of the latter its a worthy effort. The fun of it is that a good few people get offed and they get offed real bad. Head hacking, arm chopping, tit slicing, dick lopping, cooch goring and more, all rendered in HG Lewis style but with comically thick and pinkish blood. Also the killer, K. The Butcher Sh!tter is played by Andreas Schnaas himself and wears a nifty check shirt/jeans and suspenders combo. Suffice to say, not very menacing. There's overuse of slow motion, jerky editing and some horrible technique that makes occasional bits look like the film has been turned into some horrid blotchy computer made cartoon. But for all the technical irritation Violent Sh!t is actually a pretty solid piece of imbecile gory junk. It absolutely lacks anything in the way of ambition or pretension, there's nothing there but trash gore cheer and the feel of idiot youngsters playing with and trying to milk the limited time they had with their cheap editing resources. In short its fun, it rings through with nothing but fun. Very little to it, but for a trash gore opus that won't stretch your brain or your time frame (its less than 75 minutes long) its a classic.
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Z grade shlock at it's worst/finest.
nasteen817 August 2013
I love writing reviews on films like this because there really isn't anything quite like it. Let me start off by saying I gave this... thing.... 4 stars only on the merit of violence. Because hey, this guy certainly found some interesting ways to hack, what is supposedly, a body to bits.

The blood, which looks more like cheap paint, is sprayed in gratuitous amounts all over the screen without any regard whatsoever. The props, if that's what we can call them, are dismembered and tossed with the greatest of ease by our wonderful auteur, Karl the Butcher $#!tt3R. Now that's where the greatness ends. There is nothing more to this film.... or... whatever this actually is. To say the dialogue is funny, or strained, or even acted is far too generous. These guys look like they were plucked from the dirtiest, nastiest, drug addicted scumbag corners of any inner city and plopped in front of a camera with nothing more than a promise of beer, then asked to just... talk.... while a camera is pointed at them. It's almost beyond painful to watch these guys talk to each other. And then our friend Karl shows up and steals the show!! Unfortunately, there is far too much film injected into this steaming pile which deters from the actual bits you want. Why would anyone want to watch a car drive for minute after minute with nothing in the way of a story behind it? Anyway, what can you say, this is about as low as it gets, so why even worry? Well, here you are, reading reviews on the worst of the worst, so you might as well go for it! My suggestion: Get the cheapest of grain alcohols you can find, pound a fifth of it with your most awful of friends, plop this thing in and try to get to the end. But by no means should you watch this flick with a clear head, because you won't make it. Or hey, make a drinking game: Take a shot of the cheapest vodka you can find any time blood sprays! Either way, this thing is only for the most die hard of shlock loving viewers out there. All others might as well just watch youtube videos.
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