Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion (1995) Poster

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my least-favorite of the three films, but still highly entertaining and one of the most impressive monster movies, Japanese or otherwise
TheUnknown837-123 November 2009
Following the success of the surprisingly spectacular "Gamera: Guardian of the Universe", director Shusuke Kaneko received a go-ahead to make two more Gamera movies and thus create his own trilogy. But this trilogy was destined to be something much more than just three more entries in the seemingly endless cycle of Japanese monster movies. This was where Gamera, the flying fire-breathing turtle created by Daiei Studios, became characterized and progressed enough to be considered his own character and not just another figure living in the shadow of Godzilla. Kaneko had a limited budget for his first film. For the first sequel, "Gamera: Attack of Legion" the budget would be increased. Now this is my least favorite of the three films, but that is not a denunciation. Not even close.

A year after Gamera's battle with the Gyaos, a mysterious cluster of meteorites crash-lands in Japan. Following this unexplained phenomenon comes a series of incidents and disasters and before long it becomes clear that the planet has been invaded by a colony of creatures from another world. The creatures, known as the Legion, begin to savage the countryside and before long, it's going to be you-know-who to the rescue.

Although I do enjoy the other two films in the trilogy a little more, "Gamera: Attack of Legion" is still a marvelous and artistic motion picture. It's still a lot more impressive than the average monster movie, Japanese or otherwise.

A notable thing about the Gamera trilogy is the gradual change of tone between the movies. The first film was a lighthearted entry made with respect to the older monster movies, but with an updated style. "Gamera: Attack of Legion" is where the series became a little darker, a little more cynical, making its way toward the utterly dark and mysterious "Gamera: Revenge of Iris." The second film lies a little bit between the two movies. For the most part, the approach on the monsters is serious, although there are some deliberately comical moments that keep the movie from becoming too moody.

Kaneko had a bigger budget, so he could create even more elaborate effects for this film. By ILM standards, no, the effects are not up to date. But with a limited budget, they are more than impressive. There were a few CGI shots that I didn't drop my jaw at, but for the most part, the effects were terrific. Sometimes Gamera and Legion looked so convincing they looked like they were beyond just men in rubber suits. The special effects work and of course the cinematographer are due enormous credit for this feat.

What about the human cast? Uncommon for a monster movie, they are actually, for the most part, quite interesting. Unfortunately, the leading character played by Toshiyuki Nagashima doesn't have a tremendous amount of personality depth, but then again, how many of us go to a monster movie looking for great character study? But aside from him, we do have some strongly-written humans and some strong performances. One thing I admire a lot about Kaneko's style is that he breaks conventions even in the casting, where he gives the strongest parts in female roles. The leading female part is played wonderfully by the attractive and talented actress Miki Mizuno and I can't leave out Ayako Fujitani as the girl who communicates with Gamera psychically, although I do wish she had just a little more screen time in the film. It is really refreshing to see women, who are usually reduced to just screaming in monster movies, to be stealing the screen not with beauty but with personality and performance. Yukijiro Hotaru, whom you may remember as the comical bumbling Inspector Osako in the first movie, also makes an appearance here as well.

The movie, like many, is not without its faults, but they are hardly enough to detract any entertainment value from the overall result. Featuring strong performances especially by Miki Mizuno and Ayako Fujitani, great special effects, a spectacular musical score by Ko Otani, and action scenes packed with imagination, "Gamera: Attack of Legion" is yet another success story for director Kaneko and his crew and one the most impressive science-fiction films this monster movie fan has ever seen.
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Gamera returns
unbrokenmetal17 July 2010
The second part of the Gamera trilogy is a very enjoyable movie! On one hand, it successfully imports the trademarks of the 70s (focussing more on the monster battle than on the human characters), but stylistically it is up-to-date for the 90s with its fast editing, cutting to photos and different locations all the time - that provides the bizarre action (come on, a turtle with jet engines?) with a realistic CNN report look. The 100 speedy minutes feel like 80. Gamera battles a giant crab (similar to actual giant crabs of the Pacific Ocean) and a swarm of smaller monsters here which may break out of the ground any moment - pretty effective compared to the monsters of old days who used to walk across the country so you could see them coming from miles away. When Gamera is covered by thousand of small creatures, the agony is almost tangible. Also, this time we have not much treachery, wickedness, ignorance or controversy among the humans - they all agree Gamera is the one who deserves support and it's a well organized co-operation this time.
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The best kaiju movie ever made...
shugaron31620 September 2005 least IMNSHO. It was high time someone thought up an insect kaiju that could be tough,scary,and interesting(Kumonga,Mothra and Kamacuras? Give me a break.Only Megaguirus came close to being interesting.) There was so much to like about this movie-intelligent dialog(even after the dubbing),great fight scenes,and the fact that the emphasis was placed on the monsters,and not the actors. No silly new "ultimate monster fighting weapon that gets trashed in 30 seconds"-just get those idiots from the JSDF out of the way,and let Gamera take care of business.But the big G had his hands full here-the Legion swarm were bad enough,but the mother creature was awesome,and didn't roll over when she got hurt. The mandible blasts were great,but those red "whip" beams that went right thru Gamera were awesome. I even liked the Legion's voice-it sounded like a rusty gate opening! Gamera was incredible,and that fireball slide trick he did was the bomb. With a new Gamera movie coming out next year,and Toho making it plain from the ending of Godzilla:Final Wars that they have no intention of waiting 5-10 years for a new Godzilla movie,I,along with many other kaiju fans,demand that Toho and Deiei quit fooling around,and make the deal-Godzilla vs.Gamera.What else is left?
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The Best Kaiju Movie Ever
deaconsjohnson1 May 2004
Upon watching Gamera 2 I've come to the conclusion that this is the best kaiju movie ever.#1 Gamera faced an impossible enemy who not only had thousands of deadly offspring,but was over twice his size with awesome fire power.#2 There was also a daytime battle in which you got to get a better look at both monsters.#3 Need I say more on how cool Gamera looked when he inhaled oxygen from the Legion pod before he blew it to pieces.#4 The destructive blast to the city of Sentai that took Gamera out as well was second to none.#5 Who can forget about how before the last battle Gamera flew into a side slide landing as well as blasting Legion with Plasma Fireballs.#6 Need I say more about the Plasma blast Gamera fired from his chest that took out Legion once and for all.I think this movie was better that any Gojira movie ever made.
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Weakest of the '90s Gamera trilogy
ebiros210 October 2005
Out of the '90s Gamera Trilogy, this is my least favorite. I think the mistake was relegating Asagi Kusanagi to a minor role and bringing Miki Mizuno's character to fill in as a main character. Mizuno's acting ability just wasn't up to the task, and failed to have a single focal point in the movie.

But asides from that, this movie is an epic in a class with movies such as "Troy" in the scale the story was told. The key to this was the absolutely believable landscape they've created in miniature for the movie, and great camera angles special effects director Shinji Higuchi always seem to capture.

I wished integration of plot between Gamera and rest of the world was as tight as the first '90s Gamera (Gamera Guardian of the Universe) movie. The scenes with humans in this movie became just a filler due to poor integration in plot line. Still this is easily one of the top five kaijyu movie ever made and is worth seeing.
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Great kaiju film
drngor29 June 2000
Now this is what I call an excellent giant monster film. There's a plot: which concerns an invasion by alien insects who wish to turn Japan into a nest so they can spread their colonies all over. There are characters that are well-defined and interesting. There is suspense. There are realistic special FX, cool-looking monsters, and brutal kaiju battles. This film expertly shows Japan in panic and the effects of a kaiju on the country. It's also good to show how the military handles the situation. This film far surpasses the first movie in the series. Legion was a far more formidable villain than Gyaos. There are many classic scenes, including Legion's demise, Gamera getting covered with insects, and the destruction of Sendai. This can be either a great introduction to the genre or one of the quintessential giant monster films. Great fun throughout.
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"Why would we help a monster?" Warning: Spoilers
If you want a kaiju movie, GAMERA 2: ATTACK OF LEGION is your ticket. It is also your ticket if you wish to see spectacular visuals and moving action. If you want a movie that does not shy away from blood and violence and yet maintains the uplifting integrity of monomythic media like STAR WARS or THE LORD OF THE RINGS, this film is still a great escape for you. The second of Daiei's GAMERA trilogy is a fantastic feature for all of these reasons, and while I cannot say with any certainty that it is one of the best kaiju films ever made, it is definitely the best Gamera movies ever made. Other installments had done better or would improve on separate aspects, but as an all-around package that pays homage to the turtle monster's legacy while embracing technical innovation, this one is the total presentation.

The story: A meteorite brings a deadly race of insectoids called the Legion to Earth. When the life forms respond violently to human technology and threaten the planet's devastation, humanity's last hope lies in the returning Gamera to repel an innumerably immense threat.

The technical aspects of the film impress me more than anything, and they contribute to its great look. While GUARDIAN OF THE UNIVERSE had some fairly unconvincing special effects and REVENGE OF IRIS would go overboard with CGI, ATTACK OF LEGION achieves an almost perfect balance of traditional effects and animated/computer-generated insertions. The Legion drones are cool and Gamera looks fantastic, but I was blown away by the ambitiousness of the Mother Legion's colossal form; I don't know how many puppeteers were stuffed into the costume to accommodate its sheer size and operate its many appendages, but the resulting sight of it can be breathtaking. The battles are filled with perfectly-integrated CG enhancements, creating a spectacular effect and making me think that this is the kind of kaiju film Guillermo del Toro would have made 20 years ago.

Gamera's heroic persona - established in the previous film - is elevated even further in ATTACK OF LEGION. The biblical implication of the alien monsters is made thoroughly clear, and by fighting them on behalf of humanity, Gamera transcends heroism and becomes Christlike, (SPOILER) especially when you regard his impalement as an allusion to crucifixion and note his blatant death-and-resurrection. This representation may seem excessive, and certainly did so to Japan's sci-fi aficionados when the film won the 17th Japan Science-Fiction Grand Award, but I feel it accomplishes exactly what the filmmakers of the new trilogy were going for and makes Gamera infinitely more accessible to new fans. The modest amount of gore in the movie should not make it unpalatable to but the most prudent viewers, and thus, if you plan to watch only a single GAMERA flick in your life, there's no reason why it should not be this one.

What makes my rating slightly less enthusiastic is the movie's boring initial half-hour, which highlights the more mundane human-driven segments and makes it clear that most of the budget has been poured into the creatures and explosions. Additionally, it's disappointing that the importance of Ayako Fujitani's returning character has been considerably reduced, resulting in a dearth of human personas that are more than moderately interesting. Luckily, this does not drastically diminish how interesting the movie is or how readily I recommend it. If you like giant monsters, this movie will almost certainly constitute a highlight for you.
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Very impressive ! One of the best Kaiju Eiga ever !!
scifiguy-228 May 2000
For years now, all I've had was the original Japanese language version, without subtitles, thinking this is the best giant monster film to ever come along. Now, after seeing it subtitled, I believe it's easily the best of the 3 new Gamera films. The situations involving people, are well integrated with the story, and kept in proximity to the action. Legion, the giant insect-like crustacean, is the best monster ever to come out of Japan. It's also one of the most articulated creatures ever designed. The icing on the eiga, is the great CGI effects, like the animated lasers Legion emits, and Gamera's fire-balls. Suspension of disbelief is not a problem. The most amazing thing is, that they were able to take what was ludicrous camp in the extreme, and succeeded in making it respectable art. You'll believe a giant prehistoric saber-toothed fire-breathing turtle, CAN fly !
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Remarkable Monster Flick
ajordan-1823516 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In my review of Guardian of the Universe I stated that it had the best visual effects I had seen using miniatures and suits... I take it back because this movie does it infinitely better and so seemlessly. It mixes in CGI too, but in such a reserved manner that when it does turn up it never distracts from the practical effects, but adds to them and compliments them too.

Attack of Legion is a beauty to behold, a true spectacle with passion and heart oozing from all of it. The look for Legion, both the small insects and larger monster is up there as one of the best looking Kaiju in this genre of film - boasting not only an awe-inspiring design, but a menacing personality and an arsenal of abilities that see that he out maches Gamera quite a bit.

The monster action is vastly improved from the first film feeling less awkward and a lot more violent. It's easy for this film to suprise you with just how much monster gore it's willing to show, especially in this world where Hollywood movies have conditioned us to believe that giant monsters would never bleed if they were locked in a battle to the death.

And although the human characters aren't as engaging as they had been in the first movie, their drama intertwines so well with the monster action that the two stories of human and monster blend into one well enough to keep you sticking with them.

A true beauty of a film that delivers on all the fronts you'd expect from a film of this type and certainly worth a watch for just about anyone.
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The Stunning Sequel
gigan-929 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sooner than I expected, GAMERA Trilogy COMPLETE! I bought a box set containing all three films so now I have a double of "Gamera 3: Revenge of Irys", but I'm sure f.y.e. will take it, getting a buck or two in return. Both films are fantastic, Kaneko really proving himself here. His work just puts other monster films, like the Mothra trilogy and albeit a few of the Millennium Godzilla films, to shame. "Gamera 2: Advent of Legion" is my favorite of the two-new be's, the third still just on a whole nother level.

The stunning sequel, "Gamera 2: Advent of Legion" is one hell of a ride. Gamera looks even better than last time, especially when the giant turtle flys. The fold out 'wings' looked great. And the action is superb. The battle at the helicopter runway is one of my favorites, full of the bloody action we all love so much. The special effects soar in this film, already taking advantage of CGI from time to time, nice. The story is nice and dark, but chuck full of new characters to replace the old ones. Asagi returns thankfully, but in a much smaller role than before. Her connection with Gamera also takes a backseat till the climax. Still, I like the new actors and plus, Mr. Osako returns!! Funny guy, seriously. Too bad it's only briefly as a cameo of sorts. In this installment we meet the Legion, an extraterrestrial monster who most reviewers say mimics a "Gamera Destroyah." Maybe a little with the overwhelming size, lack of mobility and human-killing soldier forms; all traits Destroyah had only last year. To me, the only real problem is all this yammering about the Legion's behavior using all these big words in run-on sentences that really will demand your attention. Luckily, I'm a critic who hears every word and plot hole. No plot holes this time, just a lot of sudo science. A lot. But it's a Japanese monster movie, duh, the thing we all know and love. Still, Legion is a fantastic new monster with an incredible design. All the fancy attacks also add to her badassness. I love how her horn and head split, unleashing an incredible ray beam. The Legion Flowers add a scary and interesting plot point with and their emergence scenes are dope! As the Legion soldiers simply are creepy and bad-ass. Unlike the Destroyah soldiers, some real money is spent on them in creating realistic movements, well done Kaneko. The score is just spectacular and add a sense of wonder to this film. It's just perfect! In the end, a great film I'll cherish and be rewinding for a while.
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Better than the first movie...
paul_haakonsen4 September 2019
I had a little bit of reluctance of sitting down to watch "Gamera 2: Region shurai" (aka "Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion") because the first "Gamera" movie wasn't really all that impressive.

But continuing on in my recent kaiju marathon, I eventually ended up with "Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion", so I did sit down and watch it.

Good thing that I did, because "Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion" turned out to be quite more interesting and entertaining that the predecessor movie was. So I was actually genuinely entertained with what I saw in "Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion".

There is an abundance of destruction throughout the course of this 1996 movie, which more than definitely pleased me. I watch these movies for the kaijus and the mayhem they happen to bring with them in their wake. And "Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion" definitely delivered on that account.

The kaiju designs in the movie were good, as were the special effects in general. I liked how Gamera looked in the movie, and also the appearance of his enemy - Legion? - because there was a lot of nice details and just a general interesting appearance to them both.

Like all kaiju movies, the kaiju action is "spruced" up with some human drama. To me, the human drama aspects of these movies always sort of take a background position, because it is never as interesting as the wanton destruction of the kaijus and the massive fights between them.

All in all, "Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion" is definitely worth taking the time to sit down and watch. And my rating is a strong six out of ten stars.
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Soeren-322 March 2000
The second part of the new gamera-series offers the same advantages of the first movie only with improved quality. The design of legion is well done offering a mean, foreign but interesting looking villain that threatens earth (especially Japanese cities :) The story is convincing, revealing the nature of legion step by step (meaning the film is very interesting even if there are humans instead of monsters on screen, which is, in my opinion is very important to a film based on special effects).

An amazingly well done film you'll surely want to watch more than only one time.
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Pretty fun if slow
gazzo-217 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Not quite as much fun as the first '90's Gamera, but certainly worthy of a look. The new baddie-the Legion bug-creature from hell(Well okay, space really) has it's moments-dig that blue lightning and red 'whip' beams, the city-sets are improved, rubber suits as good as you could ask for.

The thing of it is-it's still a couple of stunt guys in suits. I don't mind, honestly, being a fan of the X from outer space etc, but it is what it is. Set your sites lower as far's the acting and budget etc and you will enjoy this if you like Kaiju flicks.

Not so good? Too slow, Gamera isn't on enough(gee THAT's new...), the lead gal is a block of wood(cute but still...), and you HAVE seen this all before. Some of the dubbing was poo-poo too.

I liked it anyways. Check it out just to see the Big Rocket Propelled Toitle take off w/ his new retractable wings! **1/2 outta **** shells.
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Well, very slow paced but sometimes stunning
mabuse78611 August 2005
Just bought the movie at and found I am divided. Somehow it could have been an interesting movie but somehow it isn't. The female actresses are nearly totally 'emotionless' in their acting, some scenes are funny, like the generals - administrating the attack on the legion - sitting there like samurai on the floor, name signs at their side, first, second and third commander in rank - my Japanese wife was grinning when she saw it ;-). However, the whole movie is really slow paced and gets only fast and furious in SOME fighting scenes. The basic plot of the movie is that an obvious meteorite - which is in fact the legion - lands on earth but the meteorite leaves no trace and is gone. Alien legion builds in subway habitat and giant 'flower' grows through and of top of high rise building. The intention is too shot spores into space. OK, some soldiers die, Gamera comes and destroys center of Sapporo city and the same happens again in Sendai city where the whole city is destroyed in a nuclear like explosion. Gamera attacks a big legion monster - there is a big one and a 'swarm' of smaller legion monsters and is somehow beaten and somehow dead - as usual. Then final show down near Tokyo, the humans invent a signal to attract the swarm - the only fresh idea in the movie - and kill the smaller swarm monsters by tank breaking helicopters - very inventive. There are no super weapons, only tanks, fighter planes and usual military equipment. Gamera gets at the end super charged by some worldwide imaginary force and can kill the big legion monster. The CG is remarkable at some times - remember the film was made in 1996. IMHO Does not beat Godzilla movies but worth to watch it.

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The best Japanese monster movie I've ever seen
AlxSmits15 January 1999
This movie rocks! Gamera gets a serious facelift for this feature, with a sleek new look and a bad attitude. No longer is he a hero just for the kiddies, but a serious threat to anything that gets in his way. The film looks great, has high production values, state of the art special effects, a killer music score, a tough no-nonsense attitude, and massive large scale destruction. Monster movie fans are sure to be thrilled. Even without the benefit of subtitles I found the film to be riveting from start to finish. Highly recommended.
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An Improvement
coconutkungfu-3070420 February 2020
This actually quite a bit better than the 1995 Gamera. The effects are top-notch and the story is decent. Not bad. This is coming from someone that is Godzilla fan first and foremost when it comes to kaiju films.
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Quite possibly the best kaiju film ever
Kabigon1 February 1999
This is an amazing film. Much different than those cheap Gamera films from the 1960s (although they were great also), the Hollywood-style special effects are excellent. A mature storyline and tons of action make this a must for sci-fi and kaiju fans.
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Great movie, but not as good as the first one
harybobjoebob23 October 2020
This film is great, especially is you're a giant monster lover. There doesn't seem to be as much monster action in this than in guardian of the universe, but when the monsters fight it's really cool, especially the last battle, even if it takes a while to get there. This film has a few semi horror scenes that I wasn't expecting, and it's great, the villain in this, Legion, is really cool and there are a lot of tiny Legion for the humans to deal with while Gamera takes care of the big one. The human characters in this aren't the best but they aren't bad or anything. The suitmation and effects are top tier and rival the best godzilla movies.

Overall I would recommend this to giant monster movie lovers only, especially if you've seen guardian of the universe already.
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Advent of Legion a step up
DarkPhoen1x14 November 2002
Gamera 2: Advent of Legion is really good. Not perfect, and not as good as Gamera 3, but still pretty good. The movie uses several innovative techniques new to the kaiju world. For example, the movie introduces the human-sized legions as a horror element. They attack (and actually kill, something rare in kaiju films), the people on a commuter train. And it has pretty good marionetes. The mother Legion itself looks pretty good and has remarkable mobility for a creature of its size. If you compare it to Destroyah...well, no contest. Gamera looks different too, and has a new mode of flight. His hands transform into flippers when he flies. This is a controversial change, to say the least, but I think it looks ok. Anyway, I think there is enough good stuff about this movie to purchase it. A step up from Gamera: The Guardian of the Universe and a step up from the Godzilla series. Don't worry Godzilla fans, Godzilla can still make the best destruction films, but for an actually GOOD kaiju movie, check this one out. But if you want the best go for Gamera 3...
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Man and monster unite against a most uncommon foe.
kevinxirau3 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Why stop with the success of the first film Gamera: Guardian of the Universe?," Toho thought. Gamera returns to save the earth once again, but this time he will not fight alone.

Following a mysterious meteor shower, strange incidents have started to occur. It soon becomes apparent that the meteors brought something: swarming, insectoid alien creatures appropriately named Legion. Led by a gigantic and powerful queen Legion and growing massive plants in major cities, even Gamera cannot stop these monstrous creatures all by himself. Humanity must lend a helping hand to the Guardian of the Universe to put an end to the attack of the Legion.

This is all pretty cool. The story is great, English dubbing doesn't get exaggerated, music is spectacular, and the effects and action scenes are a true delight. I love how over time, the human characters explore more and more of the biology of the Legion like how they communicate with each other via electromagnetic waves. It's really awesome seeing the military actually help Gamera take on the Legion, especially the Legion Queen.

My only real gripe is how they rendered Gamera's fire breath fairly useless against the Legion Queen and later Iris in the third film. Come on, can't he hit them both directly at least once? What's the point of giving Gamera a fire breath if he's only gonna kill the Gyaos and a giant plant with it?

Anyway, my final verdict is that this is still an awesome monster movie, very realistic and taken pretty seriously. A worthy entry to the Gamera franchise. Check it out.
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90's Gamera round 2
michael-turner1327 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline is simple enough to understand. Giant, silicon based insects invade earth and Gamera is all that stands in their way so with the help of the Japanese army the insects are squashed and the day is saved. The execution of Gamera 2: Advent of Leigon's story is what makes it stand out for me and help elevate it above its predecessor. One of the aspects I liked was the biblical overtones used to make the enemy seem more sinister.

The soundtrack is even better than Gamera 1 and is used in all the right scenes and helps set them. Also with the music helped draw me in further and has made want to see it through to the end no matter how many times I watch it.

The level of acting is at a good level just like Guardian of the Universe. I do not have any complaints in this department.

Next on the list are the special effects. Most of the time they look very good such as when the Small Legion is swarming and at other times when missiles are being used on the Big Legion did not look so good.

Overall better than the first in the trilogy but number three gets better.
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I'm starting to appreciate some of the Showa-era movies a bit more...
BA_Harrison11 November 2021
I've come to the conclusion that nothing can kill Gamera: in this film, he is attacked by numerous alien insects (the 'Legion' of the title), is pierced by a dozen or so 'energy tentacles' that shoot out of the main beastie (a much larger version of one of the nasty insect creatures), and survives the equivalent of a nuclear blast.

Gamera's invincibility can be attributed to the fact that he was deliberately engineered by a lost civilisation to protect the Earth from nasty monsters. The Legion come from outer space on a meteor, and try to take over the planet (I'm not exactly sure about the method by which they multiply - it's a bit confusing and involves giant seed pods), but Gamera comes to the rescue of the human race once again, the giant turtle revealing previously unseen powers in the process.

All of this could have been very entertaining - the chitinous aliens are some of the best monsters in the whole series and the explosive destruction is spectacular - but too much of the film is spent on dull chit-chat, while the monster vs. Monster action is interrupted time and time again by cutaways to soldiers determining their next useless plan of attack.

4/10. Would have benefitted from less talk, more action and by being less po-faced.
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Much better than I anticipated...
Dr-Diablo14 April 2006
I must say, I picked this one up expecting it to be just another Japanese rubber suit monster movie and thought it might be a bit of a laugh in that 'so bad its good' type of way. I was surprised however to find a very decent film which kept me engaged from the beginning, with a logical and 'plausible' storyline (if you can suspend disbelief when it comes to pre-historic flying turtles stomping their way through miniature cities etc.) and a decent script. The special effects are also pretty good, even though the main protagonists are of the 'men in rubber suits' variety. The only problem is, I'm now going to have to go and hunt down the other 2 installments! I've watched many worse Hollywood films recently and would recommend this to anyone who likes a good 'creature feature'.
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One of the best Gamera movies in the series
Vigilante-40724 August 2000
Gamera 2: The Advent of Legion is definitely one of the best movies featuring this movie monster...and one of the few that rival the best that rival Toho Studios put out.

The story is rather suspenseful and very well written, even in dubbed form (nothing is really lost, as I have seen the original Japanese release in subtitled form as well). The Legion creatures are interestingly made and very creepy to watch, especially in the scene in which they cover Gamera completely. The sight of the huge beast with an army of insectoids completely covering him and bristling with movement is just plain weird to watch.

Gamera 2 ranks right up there with the original Gamera movie and it's 1990s revamping. The rest of the series is definitely just for the kiddie crowd, but these three movies stand out from the rest, comparing easily with the best Godzilla movies of any period.
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The Flying turtle is back!
thanasmilios13 July 2014
After the very good Gamera: Guardian Of The Universe, the same percentages (director - screenwriter) return for the sequel. The surprise is that the sequel is better than the original film in places, but at key points that makes the difference. Here, Gamera must prevent an alien invasion initially fighting with the flock human scale insects and in the process will naturally face the giant creature, which is something like a queen- mother of the flock. All this is within the context of thematic films kaiju. Where different then the sequel of Gamera? In the field of entertainment, the sequel of Gamera, is a cut above the film of 1995. Spectacular shots battles, better effects and slightly darker atmosphere, along with those mentioned above, make Gamera 2 in my eyes, best movie than its predecessor and better kaiju film, along with GMK.
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