The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Video Game 1995) Poster

Clabe Hartley: Preiss


  • Gabriel Knight : What do you think of the club philosophy?

    Preiss : It works, doesn't it?

    Gabriel Knight : Does it?

    Preiss : We're all animals! Why deny it?

    Gabriel Knight : So you don't believe in suppressing anything?

    Preiss : Why would I want to suppress my urges? If your body wants something, it must be natural.

    Gabriel Knight : Well what if you get the natural urge to rip someones throat out, shouldn't they suppress?

    Preiss : Well, fortunatly my insticts are to pleasure, of the equally sticky, but less fatal kind.

    Gabriel Knight : What about those whose instincts are fatal. Shouldn't they suppress?

    Preiss : I believe that nature, handles that situation when it occurs, Herr Knight.

    Gabriel Knight : How?

    Preiss : In the wild when a member of society does not conform, he is hunted down and executed. End of mutant instinct, and its genetic bloodline.

  • Preiss : Do you like women, Herr Knight?

    Gabriel Knight : I've been known to.

See also

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