Premutos: The Fallen Angel (1997) Poster

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As gory as Braindead? Not on your nelly!
BA_Harrison17 April 2008
Olaf Ittenbach's low budget splatter-fest Premutos often crops up in discussions about 'the goriest movie ever', but whilst it is certainly no slouch in the bloodletting department, with mucho heads-a-popping, limb tearing-a-plenty, and absolutely gallons of the red stuff, it definitely isn't the title holder (that honour goes to Peter Jackson's Braindead, in my humble opinion).

The film, which spans centuries, and includes biblical reconstructions, battle scenes (both medieval and WWII), and bucket-loads of gore, is certainly an impressive achievement on a tight budget, but unfortunately, for the most part, it is also pretty unwatchable—an impossible to decipher tale of ancient fallen angels and black magic that unwisely mixes awful comedy in with the violence (and, in the version I saw, is very badly dubbed). Only towards the end of the film, when a horde of zombies attack the guests at a birthday party, does the film really kick into gear delivering a barrage of bloody FX to satisfy even the most demanding gore-hound.

If, like me, you're a fan of ultra-gore and underground German splatter, then you will probably want to check out this film purely because of its reputation. If, however, you would rather sample a decent Ittenbach movie, try The Burning Moon or Beyond the Limits, both of which actually make sense.
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Maybe the worst acting you'll ever see in a movie
Suicyco19 July 2002
Watching this film you'll probably feel the urge to skip the "story" parts by using your fast forward button. Very similar to pr0n movies, the story between the "real" scenes is more than boring and with actors even worse than in pr0n (which has its own unintentional humor sometimes). Some actors don't fit their role because of their age - but with so many flaws in the movie this is one of the minor problems. What you can imagine is that Olaf Ittenbach is really ambitious and gave his "Herzblut" for this production. That's something that should be supported, because with a real budget I think he would make incredible movies. Nevertheless, some gore scenes in the movie are quite good and what the film doesn't lack of is blood, blood and then: more blood...
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Wow. Ludacris and Goofy.
DarkSpotOn23 June 2023
After watching so many German horror films that haven't been good like Melancholy Der Engel, Ostermontag, and Nekromantik, this movie... I can not say it's terrible, but it's not good either. A lot of people say that this movie is very similar to BRAINDEAD, and to a degree they are right. The gore scenes are spot on Braindead. However, Braindead was much better done, quality-wise. This was an amateur movie low-budget film. I can say that the first half of the introduction wasn't that good, but the second half gets fun, also the ending was an extreme downer.

The acting was okay I suppose, the camera work it's a low-budget movie. Plot, I can sit here all day and say how the plot makes barely any logic, but it still is a fascinating movie. It's in the same boat as PINK FLAMINGOS. Everything isn't good, but it's still fun to watch. My biggest issue with this movie is the historical scenes. They seem so out of place, and pointless. They ruined the whole movie for me. Why do we have to have a scene of the Scottish War or the Stalingrad War??? I understand why because it shows that PREMUTOS existed forever, but those scenes should have been way shorter. That's my negative, because it's completely leftfield, and the intro to this movie is completely out of the globe. Everything else to me works. The main story of this dad that's an army veteran, and the birthday party was a fun watch. However, I'd prefer if I could watch this movie without the Historical events, they are completely needless in the movie in my opinion.

This movie well if you liked GRINDHOUSE films, BRAINDEAD and SHAITAN's WARRIOR you'll enjoy this,
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Like "Braindead" - but without the talent
cha2126919 August 2002
I enjoyed the previous Ittenbach movie that I'd seen, "Burning Moon". But while that movie was rather grim and nasty, "Premutos" seems to mostly play it for laughs. While its admirable how Ittenbach made this movie with no money in his spare time (and the DVD documentary is worthwhile to see this), I found myself constantly battling not to fast-forward to the next gore scene. Sure, there's gore, and if that's all you want then go ahead and enjoy. But be warned: there's an inordinate amount of lame comedy and tedious story exposition. Many are comparing this to Peter Jackson's movies, especially "Braindead". But looking at what Jackson did on a similar budget in "Bad Taste", it's clear Ittenbach is lacking one thing that Jackson has - talent. 3/10 (for pretty good and plentiful gore effects, and for getting the most out of limited resources - but not worth the money I paid for it)
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What an awful film....
cyguration23 January 2022
No, this movie isn't awful because of the blood and gore, it's awful because of how it's constructed, the poor pacing, the nonsensical plot, the terrible characters, and the bad comedy.

If this were a wrestling show you would get several hours of Jim Cornette ranting on it to no end.

However, it's supposed to be a comedy-horror film... but from the title, the box art, and the description, one might (wrongly) assume this is like The Prophecy meets The Keep. I mean, it's a gory film about a fallen angel... right? RIGHT?! Nope.

The gory parts are far and few between throughout three quarters of the film, mostly showcased through flashbacks that don't gel at all with the rest of the bad comedy that takes place within the film's modern day portion of the story.

Some people say the story is confusing, and to that I can almost see why. It's told in parts and scattered throughout the film, but generally, Premutos is a fallen angel, even before the likes of Lucifer, and he has the ability to resurrect the dead, making them undead.

Premutos has his undead legions cause chaos and havoc (by killing and eating people) and as people die (including his own minions) it gives him power to eventually regenerate. The problem is, Premutos is complete weaksauce.

The guy literally dies before the title appears. The guy is just that weak. Basically that's the story -- Premutos resurrected and dying over and over again throughout history leading up to the modern day era. It's hard to take him serious when he's so weak. That in itself is comical.

The film never really bothers to explain what Premutos can do if he can ever live long enough to do it, because we never get to see him for very long.

I think the premise for this story is pretty cool, but the script and execution are just awful. In the hands of a director like David Lynch, Brian de Palma, or David Cronenberg, this could have been an instant cult classic of the cool variety instead of the laughable variety.

I don't even think you can classify this as a 'B' movie but more like a 'C' movie. It really is that cheap and awful.

Also, it's way too long for its own good, with a sizable portion of the film taken up by a cringe-inducing birthday party where an annoying chatterbox character just never shuts up. Throw in some disgusting bodily fluid gags involving slimy boogers and projectile vomit and the film becomes a chore to sit through.

That's not to mention that the first half of the film follows an insufferable character played by the writer/director who is nothing but an annoying, goofy, comic-relief (there's a ten-minute comical segment about his crotch getting damaged/repaired).

After the midway point we get a really long and really awkward sex scene (no idea how the director convinced the actress to strip down completely naked for a film like this, but... there are some mysteries in life that will likely never be solved and this is one of them).

And by the end of the film we finally get the action we've been waiting for.

Now for the people saying that this is bloodier than Braindead, I must disagree. Braindead's final act was just a massive, gory, bloodfest. That was the whole point -- blood spraying every which way all the time until the credits rolled. It was both disgusting but also played up for laughs due to how absurd it was.

Here, the action isn't supposed to be as absurd (at least, I don't think it is?) and the bloodletting isn't as gratuitous as Braindead, but the gore is more pronounced. Also, to be on such a low budget, the gore effects are really, really, really well done. Some of it may make you turn away. It looks real enough.

That's the big difference between this and Braindead and why some people may say this film is "worse" than Jackson's film, because there is more inventive ways in which gore is put on display; dismemberment, faces being eaten off, eyes being ripped off, characters being torn in half, and literally some characters having all their skin ripped off and their insides pulled out. It's pretty nasty stuff.

In fact, I would say that Premutos' blood/gore effects are better than 90% of today's films. This is mostly due to the fact that most newer films have the rather unfortunate affinity toward adscititious CGI effects, rather than using on-set squib work.

The difference between CGI blood and squibbed blood are night and day, and despite Premutos being a poorly down film with a bad plot and awful comedy, the squib-work is rather top notch.

Of course, even the final affray has a tonal problem, as characters utilize nonsensical combat tactics to the point of exhausting patience or any sense of believability.

With a serious director and serious scriptwriter, this could have been an okay 'B' on the line of films like The Prophecy, Prince of Darkness, Vampires or The Keep. But instead it's like a hodge podge of badly done comedic skits wrapped around a story that's too good for it.

Where Braindead recognized itself first and foremost as a black comedy steeped within the theme of a horror film, Premutos tries to infuse an ancient evil storyline into a goofy comedy film with badly done horror and ridiculous action scenes.

If you want a good, gory, horror-comedy, Braindead is the better film. If you want a good but similar kind of horror film to watch, try The Prophecy (1995), Gabriel (2007), Prince of Darkness (1987), In The Mouth of Madness (1994), Blood Creek (2009), or Event Horizon (1997) instead.
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Extremely gory.
HumanoidOfFlesh5 October 2003
Young guy Mathias(Olaf Ittenbach)has visions of a fallen angel,Premutos wreaking havoc thorough the ages.His stepfather Walter(Christopher Stacey)unearths an ancient book of evil and when Mathias read it he is transformed into Premutos.Raising an army of zombies,Premutos gatecrashes Walter's birthday party and all hell breaks loose."Premutos-The Fallen Angel" clearly plays homage to classic horror films like "The Evil Dead","Dawn of the Dead" or "Scanners".There is an incredible amount of blood and gore-this film easily ranks up with Peter Jackson's "Braindead".The 30 minute climax is amazing-non stop gore and slaughter.We have a glorious kill count of 139 here and they are seemingly all shown.There is also pretty nice sex scene added for a good measure.Highly recommended.
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Ultimate splatter flick of all time. Outdoes Dead Alive, Sorry.
wolaf9004411 September 2011
While I love Dead Alive, Premutos is clearly better in the splatter dept. While the English overdub is pretty bad, gore-hounds will be blown away. Dead alive may actually have more bloodshed, but Premutos has more brutality and grit. Everything about Premutos just has a filth to it unlike anything else. Olaf Ittenbach is a master makeup fx genius. Wrap your face in barbed wire and add tension until your lips are ripped back over your gums revealing your skull, that's Premutos. Clean the beer vomit off the coffee table then wipe your face with the same rag, that's Premutos. Unrelenting epic masterpiece of Splatterrific mayhem and carnage. Peace.
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Simply another terrible 'home' movie!
dfolt6 October 2004
Simply terrible! Why wouldn't you use actual actors? Look, this has to stop! Stop using non-actors! If you want any credibility or any message sent via these low-budget films...please for the love of god use real actors! Most will work for free...take advantage of that! Now back to my comment...anyway, the humour was lower than that of the bathroom variety and wasn't funny on any level. As for the one scene filmed on a public transportation bus you could see the reflection of the crew...guess what? It was one guy with what looked like a Sony Camcorder and probably not even his. Well, I assume the only audience for this film are people with a gore fetish...and it wasn't even good gore.
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Almost As Gory as BRAINDEAD
EVOL66621 September 2005
PREMUTOS is a fun, pretty much non-stop blood-bath. There are bound to be numerous comparisons to Peter Jackson's gore epic BRAINDEAD because these 2 films seem to be locked in a constant feud over which film has the higher "red count". Personally, I would put money on BRAINDEAD in that bet, but PREMUTOS is a close runner up. To be quite honest, I don't really understand the concept of PREMUTOS. A lot of the scenes are pretty disjointed, and the dub in the U.S. Shock-O-Rama release is really, really, bad (but completely hilarious and makes the film even better...). This film is full of exploding heads, limbs, torsos, whatever...and some genuinely funny/gross moments. Anyone who considers themselves a true "gorehound" has got to own this film. The FX are pretty good, the story may be a little lame, but this is a really fun movie even with it's faults. Not for the squeamish - Highly recommended 8 1/2 out of 10
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Two Fisted Splatter Fun
valdyr26 July 1999
While Premutos isn't the most comprehensible of films... and it drags more than a little towards the end [with some rather unnecessary scenes at a dinner party] - that's unimportant.

You watch it for the end. The words "violent orgasm" don't begin to describe the apocalyptic mayhem that consumes the end of this movie - a battle against the undead that includes pistols, shotguns, swords, grenades, pick axes, chainsaws, scythes, machineguns and main battle tanks. Absolutely incredible and worth every minute of what came before it - this fight is one of the best put to horror film.
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Not a good film, but has its moments
Horst_In_Translation13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Premutos - Der gefallene Engel" or "Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead" is of course a play on words with Prometheus and it is one of the most known works by German filmmaker Olaf Ittenbach. It is Ittenbach third work, so a fairly early career effort and this also shows because the film is in German like most of his very early work. Ittenbach was under 30 when he made this one, what many consider his best film. It runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes approximately and there are certainly moments when this movie drags quite a bit. But there are also moments when this was an entertaining watch. My favorite scene was probably when one character tells another that their boy injured his toe during football and the other character responds with a question if the toe had been ripped off violently. This tells you what to expect here. There is lots of violence in here, some sex too, but the best moments for me were the comedic moments. With Ittenbach, there is gore and splatter here and I don't care about this at all as it's really not my preferred genre at all, but I can somewhat see how people who like the genre much more than I do actually consider this a great creative achievement. I would not go so far, but like I said, this has at least partially to do with my personal bias. All in all, this one had me laughing once or twice and smiling on more occasions, but sadly not enough situations that I would recommend the watch. I give it a thumbs-down.
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Never understood a word...
VideoMonkey10 February 2001
I never understood a word in this flick. But that didn't stop me from watching it again and again. With a gory bloody mutilated body count of 117, every gore fan should be utterly enthralled! Unbelievable, puts Peter Jackson and even Andreas Schnass to shame for sure quantity and quality of gore. And even though I speak no German and there is a lot of flashbacks and a few talky parts, I think I followed the story pretty good. Makes a good gory watch!!!
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Apocalyptic Horror Vol. 5: Body Count Rising
Tromafreak5 August 2009
Ever Wonder what could have happened if Peter Jackson and the legendary, Andreas Schnaas had gotten together to co-direct an outgageously morbid splatter-piece (with humorous dubbing) that would impress, if not shock even the most hardened of gorehounds? Me either, but if such a thing had ever happened, such a love-child of exploitation would have no doubt, been named Premutos: Lord Of The Living Dead.

As it would turn out, Lucifer is not the only fallen Angel, in fact, he's not even the first. There have been two others. This apocalyptic tale revolves around the first to get a swelled head and turn on God. The Lord of the living-dead, Premutos has been summoned to wreak bloody havoc on humankind, off and on throughout history.

Then there's Matthias. This poor guy has been plagued with traumatizing visions all week. Every time Matthias gets banged up, he's temporarily transported to certain era's involving Premutos, including the middle ages, the crucifixion and World War II. And considering how much the hapless Matthias gets banged up, it's been quite a week.

These flashbacks also speak of atrocities of the future, and when Matthias's homeless-looking/military-enthusiast father throws some book into the equation, Premutos's, somehow, is able to return to Earth (I never said it was coherent), along with the living dead, leading to the ultimate apocalyptic bloodbath, or at least something similar.

Then there's the gore, let's talk about that for a second. I, for one, am extremely impressed. We're talking non-stop, jaw-dropping gore, not quite as gory as Dead Alive, but what is? Actually, Premutos ain't all that far off. Probably the 4th or 5th goriest movie I've seen. Cheap, and excessive to the point of cheesiness (not unlike the acting), and I wouldn't have it any other way. If you consider yourself a gorehound, your collection will never be complete without Premutos.

What a swell little movie. Really, just a pitch-black delight, no matter how you look at it. As a long-time collector of the gory and the obscure, finding something this hardcore makes all that searching well worth it. As far as 90's B-horror goes, Premutos is just about as good as you're going to find, not that that's saying much, considering the 90's was the worst period in B-history, (the dark ages) if you will. For more morbid apocalyptic Horror, Burial Ground or Leif Jonker's Darkness should do just fine, although, neither are near as much fun as Premutos. I can't recommend this inept gore-fest enough. 7/10
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Great gory fun on no budget at all!
Kooblie-Gooblie6 April 2007
This is one of the goriest movies ever made. it is really low budget and looks amateur sometimes, but it is still really awesome.

I have seen this movie many times and I always laugh at the cheesiness, but I love the splatter. There is so much gore in this film, it will shock you.

The best thing is that when the film is over, there is actually a counter to show you how many people were killed in the movie. You can tell by that that they weren't taking themselves seriously.

It involves demons and archangels and buckets of blood. Any fans of German horror will love it.

7 out of 10!
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One of the Best Splatter Films Ever
CMRKeyboadist27 January 2006
I just recently started getting into the German side of horror. And I was very lucky that Premutos was the first one I saw. This movie is a non stop bloodbath. This film has everything a gore-hound could want from exploding heads to exploding bodies. And the best part of it is it really doesn't stop. The storyline is pretty good also, I thought. Mixed with great humor and some truly hilarious characters. It is really hard to say which movie is more violent, Brain Dead or Premutos. I personally think Premutos because of the non stop gore through out the movie. What made Brain Dead such a great movie was a good story and the last 25 minutes of the movie. Premutos is similar with a good story but I think the last 30 minutes of Premutos just takes the cake. Over all, one of my all time favorite movies and highly recommend for the ultra gore fan. 10/10 stars
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Unique splatterfest film, crappy DVD release for USA
Katatonia28 November 2002
Very original Splatterfest gore flick from Germany, clocking in at around 110 minutes in the uncut version. Possibly one of the goriest movies ever made...much more so than 'Dead Alive' or 'Evil Dead'. The plotline is much like 'Night Of The Living Dead' on Acid. Some really bizarre things happen in the script! It has many unique camera angles, some unique scenes and several highly comedic moments.

The domestic Shock-O-Rama DVD release however is another story. It markets itself as having an English dubbed version and the original German audio version. The bad thing is, the German version has no English subtitles at all. This is pathetic since it is aimed at the USA market. Additionally it say that the DVD includes a "Full Color Collectible Booklet". Guess booklet in mine, and it was factory sealed.

The English audio dub is pretty laughable. It has a few vocal talents such as Brinke Stevens, Ariauna Albright, and J.R. Bookwalter. But it looks like a bad 70's Kung Fu dubbed movie. The sync is horrible, the voices don't even begin to seem credible for the onscreen characters. The sound effects and foley work in the English dub is outright horrible. The stereo effects in the English dub are equally terrible, it would have sounded better in plain Mono sound! If you switch between the German and English audio tracks it becomes even more apparent.

The DVD has a vaguely interesting 50 minute "behind the scenes" featurette in German originally, but dubbed into English by one translator speaking for everyone. He pauses a lot during speaking, so i assume he was translating on the moment. I would have much rather just viewed subtitles.

Overall, a well made and unique Horror film from Germany. However, unless you speak fluent German the USA issued DVD will make you want to kill the idiot who decided to dub the movie into English!
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A treat for gore hounds everywhere
Eugangus27 July 2002
If the Academy handed out Oscars each year for BEST SPLATTER FILM, "Premutos - Der gefallene Engel" woud have ran away with one the little bald naked guys in 1997. This film surpassed any movie I saw that year for scenes of graphic violence and gore. However, it wouldn't have grabbed any trophies in the BEST ACTOR, BEST ACTRESS or BEST SCREENPLAY catagories.

The acting is just above the usual USA Channel's "Up All Night" censored skin flick. Olaf Ittenbach and company could act rings around Burt Ward any day of the week, standing on their heads, with their mouths full of peanut butter. But if you're expecting classically trained theater actors, stay away. Stay far away.

I saw the film in German, without the aid of subtitles, but I found the story really easy to follow. Perhaps, that's because "Premutos" really doesn't have much of a story. Sure, there's a little exposition, attempting to explain the mythos behind the evil Premutos and the reasons why Ittenbach's character, Mathias has such horrible luck with his crotch, but that's it. The flashbacks and the scenes involving groin brutality are just filler in between the scenes of zombie mayhem. And what mayhem it is!

Director, producer, and writer Olaf Ittenbach has done wonders on a shoestring budget. Most of that budget, it appears, went towards the outstanding special effects make-up. Ittenbach almost manages to outdo BRAINDEAD's climatic lawnmower battle with a thirty minute attack on the senses involving handguns, shotguns, axes, a chainsaw, and even a tank! Yes, that's right, a tank!

"Premutos" is a gore hound's dream. Sure it lacks the charming story and good acting of Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD, but it's splendid splatter effects and demented sense of humor make up for its shortcomings and earns it a place in the Splatter Movie Hall of Fame. Highly recommended to horror fans everywhere.
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Head Explosion Extravaganza!
ElijahCSkuggs11 August 2006
MINOR MINOR Spoilers....I mean MINOR! A question that pops into your mind while watching this movie is: "Would I kill myself if I had my balls bitten off by a zombie?" You find out that answer and many more brain busters while watching this gore fest.

Movie's about a dude named Mathias (who is incredibly poor at soccer) who has visions about the first God named Premutos. These dreams are real weird and actually I'm having a hard time remembering exactly what this is really about. You most likely will too. All I know is that Premutos through Mathias returns to Earth to reclaim his world. Zombies appear through some type of means and all hell breaks loose. The death count in this movie is ridiculously high. You actually receive a total at the end of the movie which is a dare I hope someone else takes on.

The movie is full of gore and blood. There are some gaps between the gore, some momentary lags and some unnecessary scenes(dinner scene)....but when the violence appears it doesn't let up. The ending especially.

There are people that find the dubbing to be atrocious. It is bad. It seems the people in control of the dubbing wrote their own script for the movie. There's added one liners everywhere in this movie. BUT if you have a silly sense of humor you WILL enjoy some of them. There were times in this movie I busted out laughing due to the lack of expectation of some seriously silly writing. ie:

Girl In Stands: "You'd look better without the shorts!"

Mathias: "Suck my d!ck b!tch!"

You'd expect that to be a compliment...nope...and it turned out hilarious. As I said, the dubbing is poorly done, but the writing is sometimes pretty damn funny.

Premutos is definitely worthy of comparison to Braindead/Dead Alive. It definitely has a higher body count, but when it comes down to amount of blood/gore...Braindead is still champ. Don't let that sway you, the movie is FULL of great gory action. It's definitely not executed as well as Braindead, but it gets the job done.

For fans of gore, you will definitely not be disappointed.
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A quintessentially small-town German splatterfest
stroggos17 October 2017
Premutos is Olaf Ittenbach's infamous gorefest that is often compared to Brain Dead because of its final splatter orgy. We follow the story of a German small town boy Matthias who gets hold of the book of the fallen angel Premutos. The book has been passed protected by witches and black magicians over the centuries, with lots of flashbacks set in the Second World War or the Dark Ages. Matthias accidentally unleashes hell on earth and a horde of zombies comes to haunt his family, which defends itself in any means possible, including swords, axes, chainsaws and lots and lots of guns.

Premutos was a lot of of fun, but its gore factor does not quite compare to Brain Dead. The make-up effects Brain Dead are a bit more ingenious and over-the-top. Here, there's just a lot of shooting. Ittenbach definitely nails the head explosion effect, which looks really really good—but unfortunately that's how almost every zombie dies. Compared to Brain Dead, this feels a bit more like a young boy's shoot-em up fantasy.

I loved the "small town" German feel that pervades the movie. There's a lot of intentionally (and unintentionally) funny acting here, as well as some highly stereotypical characters. What I really like about this film, and many other low- budget movies like it, is that you get the feeling that the crew had fun producing the movie.

Premutos is definitely worth a watch for fans of low-budget gore and splatter.
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Gore at its best!
Teeeelicious16 March 2004
Even though the whole film was in German without English subtitles, that still didn't stop me from enjoying this gorefest. I personally think Olaf Ittenbach made this movie with the intentions of trying to top Peter Jackson's 'Braindead' in the gore category, but unfortunately, I still feel 'Braindead' is the King Of Gore Films. Nevertheless, 'Premutos' never fails to shock and awe with the gallons and gallons of gore, blood and guts that the zombies so desperately crave. Even though this film is very over-the-top at certain points; there's a scene where the main character is picking his nose at the dinner table and flicks his booger off of his finger and it accidentally shoots down some dinner guest's throat - very reminiscent of the dinner scene during 'Braindead' where mum squeezes the pus and blood from her bite into the dinner guest's creamy custard. Whatever the case, 'Premutos' is definitely a movie of its time and could quite possibly be the 2nd goriest film of all time. Don't worry Peter Jackson, 'Braindead' is still undefeated when it comes to gore.
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The German "Braindead"!!!
Aaarghon30 December 1998
Ok, I admit that the story is a bit confusing and the actors are beginners, but the effects are great and bloody.
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BandSAboutMovies15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Olaf Ittenbach is something else. I mean, if you thought Black Past or The Burning Moon was all he was going to do, this movie takes those movies and blows them away.

Premutos is the first of the fallen, predating Lucifer, and his son has been preparing the world for his rule since before time. Meanwhile, Mathias begins to have flashbacks of being the son of this dark god and remembers being crucified next to Jesus, the diseases of the dark ages and Russia in the time of war. Now, he's found an ancient book and a potion that will mutate him into his true form, which means he's about to ruin his human father's birthday and usher in the dark age of Premutos.

Shot on 16mm and blown up to grainy and gory majesty, as the human body is destroyed in so many ways. Chainsawed, exploded, shot, stabbed, pierced, split, sliced and so many more ways to see how much blood is inside a person.

This movie makes it seem like Ittenbach had taken a personal mission in making Germany the gore and splatter leader. I mean, how much blood is enough? Obviously that answer is infinity if you follow this one, because everyone and everything is covered in it. It's like he saw Raimi, saw Jackson and said, "Hold my Schneider Weisse Aventinus Eisbock."

You know how people were throwing up - allegedly - during Terrifier 2? This movie has a scene where a man has metal rods appear out of his body, pushing their way out of his teeth and his body is pulled apart by wire as it shoots blood all over an apartment.

This movie almost has too much in it and I love it for that. It was like its creator was worried he'd never make another movie, so he made every movie he wanted to make for the rest of his existence all at once. We're all the better for it, unless you try and eat during this. Actually, I had a whole bunch of Extreme Sour Warheads and just kept adding them to my mouth at the end as everything went crazy and I went into a sugar rush and started screaming at the TV.

This is, as the a****** say, cinema.
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Ittenbach - The name for Gore Galore
JasonVoorhees1 February 2001
Premutos is the third and up to now the best movie of Olaf Ittenbach. During watching this movie it is hard to believe that it is a low budget production, because the special effects are really over the top and have "Hollywood-Standard". Nevertheless you will never see a movie like this from Hollywood, because it is too gory and too dirty for the mainstream audience.

So if you would like to see the hottest in gore galore you have to choose a german movie.
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No story, little actor play, but a LOT of blood
simon-desbiens-114 December 2007
It seem like a couple of cinema's students who have make this film but the gore scenes are just the best!!! I saw this movie with the English lining, whose are so ridiculously bad(the mouth doesn't fit, lack of acting, compute sounds) but I laugh all the way from the beginning to the end. This German film explode of blood and, sometimes, abuse of it. If you want to see a good movie, I don't recommend this movie. If you want to see a none serious movie to laugh with a couple of friend : go for it! That's none expensive entertainment. The scenario is very confused and the montage make it very difficult to follow the action by time but, in fact, there's not a lot to understand. In the line of Bad taste and The Toxic Avenger.
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A fun gorefest
HaroldsOpinion4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had a lot of fun watching Premutos. Is this a film I would tell horror fans to watch? Likely, yes. The gore is fun, sloppy, low budget, and at times very well done. The plot is about the return of a centuries-old fallen angel named Premutos, and his army of the undead. Premutos' history is told through flashbacks which were some of my favorite parts of the film.

However, a dinner/birthday party is played out way too long. Pacing is the main enemy of a Premutos viewing. For all the lunacy the first half hour brings, the dinner party brings the film to a near halt; I did not mind my cat wanting attention and getting in my face. None of those characters come across as likable, but you also don't exactly hate them either (except one). A super gross booger scene almost steals the spotlight from all the mangled corpses you see throughout the movie. A wicked transformation scene leads into an army of the undead attacking the town and dinner party. The dinner party battle is very long, repetitive, silly (I do need to add there is a ton of comedy in this this film, having watched No Reason first I was suprised by this) and nonsensical. Premutos is not in these scenes for very long.

Overall, it's worth seeing once. I will likely watch this again, but I can see it being a one and done for most horror fans. I can definately say I am a fan of Olaf's work, The Burning Moon is next up on my list. To wrap this "review" up, the near 120 minute runtime really could be cut to a frantic 75 to 95 minute film that would be relentless and paced so much better. Please forgive any typos I may have missed, and thank you for reading!
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