Half-Caste (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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horror in the sense of horrible then yes
Kagegroo3 July 2004
this film is what happens when people see like in this particular one blair witch project and say hell people running around with cameras, acting slash documentary themed no problemo i can do it and start out with a lame idea make up a terrible script and get a bunch of talentless actors and start shooting a film. plot is that in africa there a halfcaste a breed of man like animals who hunt and kill humans, the locals think that it's a demon or a evil spirit but our wild bunch are in africa to get some proof of there own. no need for more words on the plot this movie get's a 1 out of 10 and i am trying to find something good to say about this movie but after a long time thinking nothing nada zero null.
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Half-Aste Effort
ghoulieguru28 November 2004
In this horrible attempt at a Blair Witch mockumentary, a bunch of people go to Africa to investigate a creature called the Half-Caste. It's pretty obvious that there was no script to speak of, and that everything was improvised. That can work if you have good actors, which this film didn't.

This movie tries to gain points for originality by exploring a more obscure myth and an exotic culture. As a result, there are a lot of scenes out in the bush where characters do "quirky African stuff" like eating elephant dung. There is also some pretty good footage of lions eating (from a National Geographic perspective) but there's not a single scare in the whole movie.

If you've seen Cannibal Holocaust or the Blair Witch Project, this movie will hold no surprises for you, and you can probably watch better lion footage on the Discovery Channel.

Definitely a Half- Aste effort.

A note to the filmmakers: guys, do us all a favor and next time save the "How I spent my African Vacation" home movie for your family and close friends. Nobody else wants to see it.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
radicalrevolt5 June 2006
This movie was a big disappointment. The plot sounded great, about a half-human, half-leopard creature in Africa that becomes the subject of a documentary by young American adults. When many of the crew members are found dead, the 2 survivors are taken into questioning. I wouldn't even call this a horror movie, since most of the movie is actually about the (mis)adventures of the aforementioned, narcissistic 20-somethings, which include sex and smoking animal dung to get high (isn't as entertaining as it sounds--trust me). You rarely get to see the creature, and the main actor (who also happens to be the director, screen writer, editor, and producer!) is incredibly annoying.

I was finally so annoyed by the never-ending dialogue that I fast-forwarded to the end. I had guessed the ending in less than 10 minutes into the movie...and I was right. Thus, this awful movie is utterly predictable, too--as if it wasn't bad enough. Moral of the story: avoid movies that are acted, directed, edited, produced and written by the same nobody. And avoid this movie, unless held at gunpoint.
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Awesome thriller/adventure! A unique story line revealing another side to Africa.
elma-mcerlane9 June 2004
At first I thought, 'Who is this guy with U2 glasses talking a mile a minute?' Actually, he was quite engaging, which made this fast paced African thriller an absolute adventure and quite unique in its story. It delves into the world of lycanthropy and reveals a creature from the bush quite similar to the werewolf and the vampire. The difference in Half-Caste is, it doesn't rely on a load of bloody effects to create the suspense, but rather, explains how this African witchcraft can get into someone's head and make them believe that they are an animal or in this case, a human leopard. It was the weirdest moving creature I have ever seen and was pretty scary at times. A number of the scenes were amazing, and despite being South African, I have no idea how they got that huge lion to jump on that jeep and attack that ranger. Stunning.
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So bad, that it's... pretty bad
tequila_mockingbird6 September 2004
I want to just thrash and trash this movie. I really do. However, it has a few saving graces. Bear with me, since this movie was just not meant to ever be compared to the likes of "An American Werewolf in London", or "An American Werewolf in Paris", or even "Teen Wolf". This movie was made by a bunch of amateurs out to have fun.

One, it's more fun than any reality show I've ever seen. Not saying much! But, it was actually funny in parts.

It's lack of funding, acting ability, and direction wasn't enough to toss this movie in one swoop. Though, it's hanging over the waste basket by the gossamer strand of a daddy-longleg spider.

Here's what keeps the movie from the blast furnace, for me:

1) It didn't try to take itself seriously at all. It wasn't attempting to be considered a major contender. 2) I liked it better than any reality show or "The Blair Witch Project" combined. I know, a weak point. 3) It had some awesome African wildlife in it to enjoy. Which I did. Also, some of the countryside. 4) In some parts I was actually laughing with the film instead of at it. All through Blair Witch, I was laughing AT it, since it was trying to be serious and gritty. WHich Half-Caste was not.

I gave it 5/10 stars for photography and amateur fun. Were it not for the real wildlife and scenery and light-hearted humor... there was nothing too great here and most will NOT like this film. Definitely anything having to do with the half-caste creature itself was too spectacular.
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Not even fun
kleenexthemadcow1 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
You know those movies that are so unspeakably bad that you have to laugh? Half-caste wasn't one of them. Which sounds good, right? But no, it's not. It's not a bad attempt at a horror movie that's fun to watch because it's lame, or not well acted, or has bad special effects or anything else like that. No, Half-caste is just plain boring. They don't even make an attempt to be scary until the last 20 minutes are so. It's just kids running around in the African bush country and getting high off of elephant dung for the first 75% of the movie, and it's not even funny. The last 20 minutes, though, are HILARIOUS. I have no idea what happened, but it was really fun to watch that CGI leopard rip out the throats of all of those white guys I couldn't tell apart anyway. If you're in the mood for a bad horror movie, don't rent this one, because you'll go to sleep before they get to the fun stuff. If you do accidentally rent this movie, I'd recommend fast forwarding to the end, and skipping any scene that happens in daylight. You won't miss anything. You won't have any idea which character is which or exactly what is going on even if you do watch all of the back-story.
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MKenna3231 July 2004
Probably the worst movie I have ever seen. It is so cheesily filmed, the focus is not even on this supposed "real half-caste", it is more on the crew coming from Hollywood to make the movie. No cinematic significance whatsoever, and if I could take back the almost 1 1/2 hours that I spent watching this film, I would feel much better.

At first, it starts out giving you the impression it will be filmed somewhat generically, like an actual Hollywood production. However, then they go into the narration of the story, and it's filmed so f***ing terribly. It's supposed to be a take on "Blair Witch Project" really, since they pretty much use what you would think is 'real camera footage', it's not, don't be fooled.

Worst movie I have ever seen . . . on the positive side, it has like one semi-scary scene in it, and the visuals of the half-caste weren't too bad looking at all. DON'T RENT
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An Agonizing Ordeal
JHC36 August 2004
An annoying and talentless American documentary maker learns of a legendary

South African monster, the Half-Caste. Tradition says that it is a half-human, half-leopard creature with the closest parallel being that of the werewolf of European tradition. Rather than focus on the creature, the film follows the meanderings of the film crew. There is little action or suspense until late in the film. This problem is exacerbated by numerous irritating characters generating a ceaseless amount of even more irritating talk. The basic premise is wasted since it is sidelined by the inexplicable focus on the documentary crew.

Perhaps the director was influenced by the approach of The Blair Witch Project (1999) or The Last Broadcast (1998). Regardless, the film fails on most levels. Avoid at all costs.
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Feel the vomit going out
james_corck33 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I swear, I had never seen such a bad movie as Half Caste is. Not only because it just makes no sense, is a huge piece of egolatry and self-confidence that makes me puke.

Sebastian Apocada (in Spanish Apocada has a similar pronunciation to "apocado" which means "out of life and happiness") makes here a one man army movie thinking he is Sam Raimi or the boys who directed the Blair Witch project. This is the Blair Kittie project, with an expensive low budget.

The story, a couple of American Filmmakers that go to Africa to make a documentary of the Half Caste, is just no-sense. The way of filming, inserting high speed shots with slow motion shots, just revolts your stomach more than the stupid lines (what the hell is that dialog about Bestiality?) or the lame performances. By the way, I don't believe this cast (or caste?) is American, they all look European to me.

To finish this, just say that the filmmakers made an intelligent move about selling the movie. They put a fake award achievement (as most original film) and a nice cover (in Spain the cover had the Half caste image in negative), so I feel now unhappy, because I can't demand my 14 Euros back.
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nogodnomasters4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is what you get when you cross reality TV with low budget horror. I want to start a trend that DVDs which play movie trailers when you go to the menu and select "play movie" should all get an automatic one star. After I hit the "play movie" a third time I realized I now had to skip forward to get to the actual movie.

The movie starts off with a cute girl with a nice accent getting killed in the first scene. So much for her, I thought, but then we do a flashback to 6 hours ago when a guy, whose face is covered in blood is talking to a policeman at the station (apparently one without any water) and he is telling the investigator to watch the movies which leads to a flashback during the flashback.

The movie crew had set out running a 24/7 web page with cameras looking for the half-caste, a half human, half leopard creature which eats people. This is their story.
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It was absolutely FUN and I'm ready for the CULT following!
mary31plate20 August 2004
It was absolute FUN and I'm ready for the CULT following! You have to be a little tweaked to get it and I got it. There is a lot of wise ass remarks and crazy behavior on the Safari that made me laugh so much. If you like things that can not be explained and roam in the night, then this half leopard is for you. I love to find new stuff out there that has a cult appeal, and this is really different. Not for everybody's taste though. But I truly enjoyed it. Especially the interviews with the natives in Africa and that strange thing running on all fours at the end. Thank god it wasn't some CGI thing running around. Lighten up, it was a fun ride! I highly recommend it to the strange out there.
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File this under cult classic...
onceafrenchman27 February 2006
Although a slow start, half-caste becomes willingly more exciting towards the end. The story line has good potential. Easily to become another cult-classic. To easily describe the movie, Half-caste combines Cabin Fever and Blair Witch rolled up into one. Although it is not a comedy, half-caste seems to point out the sarcastic humor which takes place when people are in fear, the kind of survival of the fittest cliché, the "its you or me who is going to die, IT Ain't GOING TO BE ME!", that takes on most horror films. Although some parts seem to be overly scripted, there are many parts of this film that seem very interesting, original and hauntingly real. According to the Press Release, this movie was filmed right in the South African Backyard, steps away from the real "Nature". This movie also boasts the first taping of a real Sangoma Witch. Much of the bush footage is real. While watching this film you start to think how tough it was to find a crew willing to go out in the middle of nowhere to and face that much danger for a film. This was no San Diego Zoo. I would definitely give this movie a second viewing.
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Incredibly bad "reality show" horror
Katatonia7 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Warning....possibly some minor spoilers ahead.

The DVD box to Half-Caste looked quite interesting, the movie description sounded very interesting, too bad the movie was worthless. I had to force myself to sit through the entire movie, it really was that bad. Most of the time I was so bored that it was sleep inducing. I'm still in shock of how terrible this movie truly was.

I still don't know what exactly they were trying to do with this film. It's an incoherent mess of a film that looks more like an MTV episode of The Real World than anything. The acting is about on par with a reality TV show program, in other words not very believable. In many scenes there's even an annoying web address in the corner of the screen. What was the point of this? It didn't look like a webcam broadcast at all...it was simply annoying and looked fake. There's nothing scary, nothing funny, and the characters are ALL intensely annoying. In fact there's nothing memorable at all in regards to the film. I only wish now that I hadn't rented this one!
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Finally there is a thriller that's not in the woods and is somewhere creative like Africa.
terryvacc25 July 2004
Finally there is a thriller that's not in the woods and is somewhere creative like Africa. If you have a limited budget, you still can surround your story with a location that's exciting. I saw this movie at a screening in New York. Although the story did revolve around actors with cameras, I was really impressed with Africa, the people in the village and all the different animals. Yes I agree, it did have a scary lion attack too. They had an interesting African witch, which seemed too real to be an actor and African safari guides too. Most of them didn't speak English, which was better then a fake accent. Then they brought in the half human leopard which attacked all the people at night. The story has the Africans commenting on this creature and each had a story to tell. It worked for me, because everything in the location was real and an adventure. It was a thriller, but needed a little more horror....but it surely was a lot more creative then kids just running in the woods and crying into a flash light.
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Craziest safari ever! Very impressive..Very unique and true to Africa.
vidette9 June 2004
This is the craziest Safari trip I've ever seen and I'm not talking Discovery Channel either. I saw this film in Cape Town and I was totally impressed with the camera work and the strange movement of this actor or creature or whatever it is. And even though there was probably a limitation in their budget, it was very stylish and unique for an African horror and a breath of fresh air from all those Hollywood special effects movies. Very cool direction when it came to the intimate tales of the Half-Caste from the real African natives and the psychological twists of the characters, but even more then that, just rent it for the wildest lion attack you'll ever see on film. I highly recommend this crazy adventure.
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