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Livingston gives a stellar performance and Sheen shines in this well-meaning biopic
george.schmidt15 November 2007
THE MUSIC WITHIN (2007) **1/2 Ron Livingston, Melissa George, Michael Sheen, Yul Vazquez, Rebecca De Mornay, Hector Elizondo, Leslie Nielsen. Livingston gives one of his best performances to date in this biography of Richard Pimentel, whose deafness resulted in Vietnam lead him to speak out on behalf of those discriminated for their handicaps and led to the Americans With Disabilities Act. While the film feels like a Hallmark TV Movie the acting is sublimely uniform – Sheen is memorable as Pimentel's cerebral palsy afflicted best friend – and the direction by newcomer Steven Sawalich keeps the story straight forward without being mawkishly maudlin.
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The definition of a hidden gem
maccas-5636724 January 2022
It's worth the watch for the incredible soundtrack alone, but it helps that it features great performances depicting an important true story too.

Michael Sheen often steals the show with his performance of Art Honeyman, a foul-mouthed genius with cerebral palsy. He managed to blend humour, with touching moments, while never descending into becoming a caricature. Without doubt the best performance of his I have seen.

Ron Livingston showed he can successfully carry a dramatic film as the lead. He was perfectly cast, and kept me engaged the whole time. The story of Richard Pimentel is an important and inspiring one to tell. He did it justice.

Music Within is the type of film to get you researching more about the various people and topics. It's a simple film, with an excellent blend of drama, humour and education. It taught me a lot, while putting a smile on my face at the same time.
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inspiring story triumphs over mediocre movie-making
Buddy-5112 March 2011
"Music Within" tells the true story of Richard Pimentel, a Vietnam vet who lost almost all of his hearing on the battlefield and who spent the rest of his life advocating for the rights of the disabled. In fact, Pimentel was instrumental in getting the Americans With Disabilities Act passed into law.

Hampered by pedestrian direction by Steven Sawalich and a superficial script, the film, nevertheless, boasts enough humorously sardonic moments to keep it from taking itself too seriously. The relationship between Richard and his longtime girlfriend Christine (played by Melissa George, who's a dead ringer for a young Sandy Dennis) is dealt with in trite and overly familiar terms, and the filmmaking itself never rises much above the level of disease-of-the-week, TV-movie competence.

Still, the performances are good - especially by Michael Sheen as Richard's best buddy, Art Honeyman, a genius with Cerebral Palsy - and the material itself so moving and inspiring that one can easily overlook the movie's numerous stylistic weaknesses. And, besides, you get to see the late great Leslie Nielson in one of his last - and briefest - appearances as a forward-thinking doctor who changes Richard's life forever.
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Yeah, this is a pretty good movie based on a true story. The ADA is passed in 1990.
TxMike31 October 2008
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against qualified people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities. This act was passed in 1990.

Ron Livingston is Richard Pimentel, born in the late 1940s, and who always had superb oratory skills for his age. He is widely credited with being instrumental in having the ADA established. Richard had been in Viet Nam and there had his hearing destroyed by a close-range blast. Trying to "find his own voice" in life, his own "music within", he eventually realized that it was to help the masses of disabled veterans and then all persons with disabilities.

Rebecca De Mornay is good as Richard's Mom, who suffered from numerous miscarriages and ended up in an institution. Hector Elizondo is good as Dr. Padrow, the professor that told Richard as a young man, go out and find out what you really believe in. Australian Melissa George is good as Richard's girlfriend Christine who found it difficult to get attention away from Richard's causes.

Good movie, well-paced, of a person who has been instrumental in a key chapter of US history, providing equal opportunities for the disabled.

Update Aug 2021: I watched it again on DVD almost 13 years after my first viewing and it was totally fresh. All the good things many reviewers say about the movie are accurate.
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Is the movie serious?
sberner-115 February 2011
I ask because, if that is the actual Pimentel giving the speech in the included extras then it's pretty clear that the director intentionally cast someone much "better looking" by Hollywood standards than the real person to play the part; which really undermines the message. As one who hates discrimination, including discrimination against those who don't look or act "normal," I find it really sad that even a film about combating discrimination could not have as the central character someone a bit overweight. As if an audience would not buy the message if it were delivered by someone not "handsome" enough. The movie has a great story line, progress towards equality and opportunity win me over every time, but that casting choice kills it for me.

On the other hand, if that is not the real Pimentel in the extras, and Ron Livingston does look like him, then I do recommend this.
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A Gem of a Film - One of the year's Best
ssfandad26 March 2007
When you have been watching movies for over 30 years and you come across a gem like Music Within, it keeps you coming back for more. This true story (The subject of the film Richard Pimentel verified the historical accuracy at the Dallas Film Festival screening) is both heartfelt, informative and laced sensitively with humor and insightful one liners. I had the privilege of seeing this at the Dallas Film Festival, though it does not apparently open for general release until September. After the screening, the Director, producer and both Ron Livingstone and Yul Vazquez were accompanied by Richard Pimentel himself for Q and A, which allowed some helpful insights not only into the making of the movie, but also the impact the movie is hopefully going to have on understanding those with disabilities and their assimilation into the workplace. The story itself unfolds chronologically and retells Richard's quest to find the 'music within' through a series of events including his own injury in Vietnam that caused a sever hearing disability and started Richard on the road to his eventual calling to aid others in finding work despite their disabilities. Eventually this even to a significant impact on the enacting of the Americans with Disabilities Act. As for the film itself, the acting of Ron Livingstone and Michael Sheen is particularly notable and I would be surprised if Sheen is not seen as a candidate for best supporting actor at the Academy awards next year. The other notable success is the outstanding screenplay. McKinney,Kennemer and Olsen may not yet be household names, but based on this showing, we will be seeing a lot more of their work in the future. Highly recommended - don't miss it when it comes to a cinema near you!
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Pretty good movie, and a great performance by Michael Sheen
dallas_viewer4 May 2008
Very interesting biopic about Richard Pimentel, a disabled Vietnam vet who helped bring about the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The storyline was compelling, and Michael Sheen, as the friend with cerebral palsy, was phenomenal. I wish I could say the same about Ron Livingston, who portrayed the film's main character, but I thought he was terribly miscast. A great deal of the movie centers around a fairly young Richard Pimentel--from late teens to maybe early 30s--and seriously, Livingston always looked like he was fast approaching 40. Plus, I was underwhelmed by his acting, especially after I saw the real Richard Pimentel on the DVD extras--the real Pimentel conveys a wit and intelligence I just didn't get from Ron Livingston.

In the DVD extras, I learned that they had to cut out a lot of footage of events in Richard's childhood, because audiences had a hard time believing it could have been so bizarrely bad. I wish they'd left some of that footage in, because I would have liked a better sense of what drove Pimentel, and clearly some of that was due to his childhood. As it was, the childhood portion of the movie seemed rushed, I guess in order to get to the "meat" of the story.

I think there were a few other things--such as Richard's relationships--that would have benefited from more screen time, especially given that the movie only clocked in at about an hour and a half. Had it been a two-hour movie, perhaps Richard's character, or some the events that informed it as an adult, could have been fleshed out a little better.

That said, it was still a nice little movie that reminds us that those "handicapped" bathroom stalls we take for granted, and the ramps in front of building entrances, weren't always there.
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The "Real" Story Behind the Disability Rights Movement
bigdogzog15 February 2007
Having been a part of the disability community in Washington, DC for twenty years, I can say that this movie is truly remarkable in how it portrays my history and the history of my friends, family members, and the disability community as a whole. This is the history of another civil rights movement. It fairly and accurately provides a brief look at who we as a community are and what drove us to evolve and push for the playing field to be leveled just enough so that people who are blind, Deaf, have CP, or some other disability can actually go to a restaurant and eat pancakes on our birthday...

Ron Livingston oh-so accurately portrays Richard Pimentel's passion and anger as he struggles with his own life and as he learns how to channel that passion to begin making a difference, not only for himself, but for all people. Mr. Livingston also manages to reflect Richard's manner; his facial expressions, his speech, and especially his "stage presence."

Michael Sheen, who portrays Art Honeyman, draws the audience in and makes us all believe that he has CP. His ability to do this, to really become Art, should certainly earn him an Oscar.

I would highly recommend that everyone see this very entertaining and thought-provoking movie.
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Fairly Good Biographical Story of Friendships
pc9520 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie, "Music Within", has some truly touching moments, and a compelling story to go along. Only the overuse of cut-away music became totally gratuitous. Ron Livingston seems like a good fit as the lead in this movie and has the right mix of humor, thoughtfulness, and wit. The scenes with Livingston as Richard and Michael Sheen as Art light up the movie. Together they confront a United States and Northwest of decades ago which hadn't quite figured out acceptance and tolerance. The first several scenes with them both becoming friends are spot-on. I also liked the way Richard confronts his own major problems through helping others. Generally the director and cast really made a good movie here while tackling a difficult subject of people's disabilities and confronting the social contexts they create.
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A wonderful story about friendship and overcoming obstacles
sheau11 April 2007
The story is a compassionate one about overcoming great obstacles and making the best of it. The friendship that develops between two unlikely characters is incredible. There is not a weak link in the bunch. Every portrayal is so refreshingly honest and believable. Yul Vasquez is an incredible actor! You will be amazed that Michael Sheen does not have a disability. It made me feel that there was so much more that I could do with my life, and that I am in reality essentially lazy. It is very motivating to say the least. I hate to spoil it for anyone and give away too many details. The soundtrack will have you doing some toe-tapping as well. Enjoy it and soak up every moment!
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A great movie about Vietnam Vets
ultrarunner24 January 2007
As a Vietnam Vet with similar disabilities I could relate to what Richard had to go through to be recognized. The movie was funny, but to the point. There should be an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor for Michael Sheen. I previewed Music Within at the film festival in Palm Springs. We were able to question the actors, director and producer at the completion of the showing. That was very instructive. Richard valadated the historic accuracy of the story and the impact Americans with Disabilities had on the Presendenal election for George H Bush. ADA was passed in his administration. The impact of Richard's disabilitiy and his recovery prompted my trip to see the same audiologist and I can now hear much better than with the VA's devices.
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Like Geordi on Star Trek TNG... *smacks forehead*
rooprect7 January 2012
Are you familiar with the character "Geordi" on Star Trek the Next Generation? He's a blind character on the Starship Enterprise, Chief Engineer. The problem? He just happens to have a visor that enables him to see perfectly, so he's basically no different from a sighted person. Just a gimmick with a goofy visor.

Similarly, in "Music Within", we get a supposedly deaf man, but after a 12-second montage of him learning to read lips, he is absolutely "normal". He understands people just fine (even when their backs are to him), and when they speak to him he looks them in the eye, not the lips (major oversight by actor Ron Livingston). And just like Geordi's visor, he has a mysterious device strapped to his telephone that makes him able to understand everything perfectly (even though we're repeatedly shown that $1000 hearing aids don't work for him).

Why am I making such a big deal of this seemingly insignificant point? Because it undermines the supposed message of the whole story: that disabled people are exceptional *in their own right*. By making the lead character a deaf person who can hear, by making Geordi a blind man who can see, Hollywood glosses over the reality of having a disability thereby reducing it to trivial.

And that's my gripe with this movie; it's has a very "ABC Afterschool Special" feel to it. The producers tackle a difficult subject but only superficially. Just enough to give us a rousing feeling of warmth.

Is that warmth, or is that just my colostomy bag springing a leak again? Sheesh.

Like several other reviewers, I give this movie a thumbs up for a great subject, but I give it a thumbs down for its clunky, superficial and slightly hypocritical presentation. The whole thing feels somewhat contrived.

The scenes showing discrimination are cartoonishly brutal, and it makes you think everyone in the 70s was a tactless creep. I was alive in the 70s, and while I fully agree that disabled people were overlooked, I never noticed the outright hatred that is portrayed in this film. And we're supposed to believe that the American Disabilities Act suddenly made people tolerant & friendly? That's a little too black&white for me to swallow.

On another note, I agree with what another reviewer said about casting Ron Livingston as Richard Pimmentel. The real Richard Pimmentel is a heavyset man. Why couldn't the producers cast someone who weighed 280 lbs like the real Pimmentel? Or did they themselves discriminate based on looks? Sheesh.

One day Hollywood will make a movie about disabled people and cast REAL disabled people. Until then, I won't be impressed by any lofty message they're trying to impart. We can applaud Michael Sheen all day for his portrayal of a man with Cerebral Palsy, but somewhere out there is an actor with real CP who's out of work because directors figure he's too much trouble to work with.


On that last note I just wrote, I finally saw a great film about a disabled (paraplegic) musician which actually stars a real paraplegic actor. Check out "Sympathy for Delicious" a powerful film about a wheelchair-bound 'rockstar' who possibly has supernatural powers. Starring, written and directed by a man who is paralyzed from the waist down in real life, you can count on a genuine presentation without any fake Geordi visors for the blind or magic bionic telephone ears for the deaf.
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This movie was FANTASTIC!!
turnondafun6929 September 2006
I went to the LA screening of this movie last night. The director, producer, Ron Livingston, Clint Howard and a few of the crew were there for it. I went in knowing nothing about this movie and must say I loved it! It was a mix of both a great drama and hilarious comedy. It teaches you without being preachy and it seemed to fly by. When it ended I really wanted more, thats something unusual lately. Ron did a great job as well as the rest of the cast, especially Michael Sheen. I think we'll be hearing more about this flick at awards time. If not then thats a real shame. Anyways whenever this film comes out I suggest it for anyone who likes to feel good about life. I know I'll be going to see it again after it opens wide.
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A Must See
Jeno_Jeno19 July 2007
Funny, Gripping, Heart Breaking... This movie has all the elements of Human Nature, both good and bad, and brings them to the Audience in a poignant way. Rich & Art, through their stubbornness and friendship, show that with enough determination 2 people can make a difference. Anyone who has or knows anyone with a disability should appreciate what these 2 men have done for the fellow human being. It also shows what obstacles people with disabilities face and the stigmatizing affects that go with it. It breaks down some barriers of the prejudices that follow the disability community. The Soundtrack is just awesome especially for those of us that remember those times in the 60's & 70's. Top rate acting from some top rate actors.
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Inspiring for members of Armed Forces
rondeenee15 April 2007
Richard Pimental tells his story of being a disabled Veteran, and how he was treated when he returned from the war. This movie is very relevant to today's political situation, and it is heartening to those of us going to Iraq or Afhganistan, where the possibility of coming home disabled is extremely high. Knowing there are people like Richard Pimental trying to make life better for anyone disabled is a wonderful thing. Ron Livingston's performance was right on target. He and Richard and the producer made an appearance at Ft. Hood, TX, promoting the movie, signing autographs and answering questions from soldiers. It was great to see them give their time to speak to soldiers.
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An emotional roller-coaster that hits all notes
vinobien25 August 2007
Wow - I saw this movie at the Dallas Int Movie Festival. It was the Audience Award Winner. This movie had everything. It made me laugh and cry (tried to hide it since Im a grown man). The story was great and really dived in to exploring the main character. Ron Livingston was exceptional. I knew little about the disability act, so this movie really enlightened me to the hardships that disabled people have to go through. We met the director after the movie ... young guy who is going to have a bright career. You have got to see this movie. I see at least 5 movies a week and have not seen a more moving story in a long time. The roller-coaster of emotion was overwhelming. The scene at the end going back to the restaurant ws especially moving.
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Great true story, poorly executed
harasylime30 June 2008
I was so disappointed in this movie. I don't know much about the true story, so I was eager to see it play out on film and educate myself about a little slice of history. With such a powerful true story and great actors it seemed like a surefire combination. Well, somewhere the screenplay failed them. It was so scattered - is this movie about his childhood? his love life? his own disability? his speaking ability? his passion for the disabled? I'm sure there is a way to incorporate all of those things into a good story, but this movie wasn't it. I was left cold watching characters that were unlikable not because of their disabilities, but because of their personalities. Other small gripes: 1. The heavy-handed soundtrack. It's the seventies - WE GET IT ALREADY! 2. If he's such a phenomenal public speaker, why weren't we treated to more than a snippet here and there - and even then mostly in montages?
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This is a CLASSY Indie
Fondafan11 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I Just saw "Music Within" at The Palm Springs Festival and what a wonderful film it is. Honest, humorous and enlightening. I enjoyed the fact it doesn't try to jam a message down your throat. I never felt manipulated by the filmmaker. This young fellow (Steven Sawalich) has made a wonderful first film.

The performances are really good. Ron Livingston does a great job as the lead. Michael Sheen delivers a dynamite turn as Art, a young guy ravaged by Cerabal Palsey. The wonderful trick he pulled off (I guess with the help of the Director) was being understandable when the character needed to be and still create the illusion he had CP. Another acting highlight was Yul Vasquez as this crazy vet Mike. Virtually every performance was solid. Hector Elizondo plays this College Speech Professor perfectly. Even Clint Howard shows up and scores.

For a little indie, it looks great and has a great period (50s, 60s and 70s) feel. No showboating, just right. The music they picked helps a lot.

It's one of those movies you go home, think about and call your friends the next day to tell them about it.
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morganwh-113 April 2007
This film is absolutely wonderful. Ron Livingston, Michael Sheen, and Yul Vazquez are unforgettable in this film. Their performances are so real and truthful. Michael Sheen's transformation into his character, Art, will leave viewers of this film speechless.

The music for this film really is amazing as well. The story is very inspiring and really makes you want to go out and make a difference in someone's life. It will be no surprise to see this film receive the great notoriety that it deserves. Also, I hope to see more films of this nature that promote the amazing lessons that you learn as you watch this film
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Eye and mind opener
brunkerj25 November 2007
Mr. Pimentel took many steps in the direction of helping people challenged with day to day tasks. We're all aware of wheelchair ramps, larger toilet stalls and wider, more convenient parking places for the handicapped. I was not as aware of the intolerance dealt with every day by the public. The ignorance shown by the waitress first encountered in the pancake house seems to be prevalent even today. Here in San Diego a man with a service dog was refused service not once but twice a a local McDonalds. "Please leave your dog outside" doesn't work for a sight-challenged gentleman, yet in two separate incidents that was the request. I say have these young people watch the movie to help open their eyes to the world around them they may choose not to see. Thank you for entertaining and teaching us in the same film. I hope this work receives recognition as the art it truly is and captures awards near and far.
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All the feels!
floraseboe917 February 2021
This one gave me all the feels. It's sad, heartbreaking, hilarious, moving. Ron Livingston & Melissa George were fantastic & captivating. Michael Sheen's portrayal of Art is simply breathtaking. And the true story behind it is very interesting & inspiring!
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This movie is totally insulting and contradictory
rollstuhlwolf21 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie in high definition on television. I am in a wheelchair due to a neuromuscular disorder and like to watch the few films made about those with physical disabilities.

At first I found the main character somewhat noble and captivating. His message about the disabled and the life time he spent fighting to have the disabled recognized and integrated into mainstream society's job market is great. And my problem isn't with the real person who did these things. HE was a great man. But this film is completely hypocritical and diametrically opposed to the very message it is preaching, that I found it insulting.

First of all, they didn't cast anyone in a title role with an actual physical disability. Sure they were competent actors, but it seems completely dis genuine to preach about hiring the disabled and then not actually HIRING THE DISABLED for anything in the film. Further compounded by the fact that in one scene mid way through the film a man is seen walking to a podium on crutches, appearing to have only one leg. But the CGI in this scene is so apparent it is shameful. What? They couldn't find an actual amputee anywhere for the film? For a 5 second shot it was more financially sound to do CGI effects than to just HIRE an ACTUAL amputee? At that point in the film I found it so fraudulent and completely against the message it was trying to convey that I came here to bitch and whine about it like the pathetic cripple I am.

Figure that out.
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I was at the "Music Within" premiere at Ft. Hood.
cavantel12 February 2008
How can I get a copy of "Music Within" to show to my soldiers? LT Eddy Cavanagh

I found the Premiere for the seven o'clock showing on the way home from duty. Ironically, I was still in uniform.

I was able to meet Jon Livingston and Richard Pimentel and discuss my views with them.

This would be an inspirational movie for the troops at Ft. Hood.

Maybe it can be shown at Sergeant's Time training which is mandatory training every Friday?

Can this movie be downloaded off a payment link or provided via the DVD medium?
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One of the most inspiring movies I've ever seen
DXA_DXA1 April 2008
What a masterpiece this is. I luckily got to see it and boy, the first thought that came to mind after seeing this movie is 'this ain't any less than The Shawshank Redemption'. Undoubtedly one of the most (under-rated) inspiring movies I've ever seen. The direction by Steven Sawalich is excellent and three lead characters Ron Livingston (Richard Pimentel), Melissa George (Christine) and Michael Sheen (Art Honeyman) did full justice to their roles. Special mention of Michael Sheen who played Art Honeyman in this movie is fantastic. In the very first scene of his, he catches your attention when he tries to open the Coke bottle. His characters is way too funny with perfect one line dialogs, for example when Richard gives Art the draft of the book he has written (to read and comment), Richard asks in between (while Art is reading the book in the toilet) "What page you're at?" to which Art replies "I'm at the page shut the f*** up". This also shows the kind of special bond shared by Richard and Art. I rated this movie a perfect 10/10. Do your self a favor, watch this masterpiece.
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Excellent unusual biopic: VERY funny, and very smart
intelearts1 April 2008
Music Within is simply in turns hilarious, moving, and a really great way to mix a great message with a very entertaining film.

Superb performances throughout - Livingston carries this lightly and easily - and Martin Sheen is absolutely unrecognizable from his role as Tony Blair in the Queen and does a very good job.

This true story of the fight for rights for disabled citizens is not a heavy diatribe - it truly will have you laughing and cheering along.

Nice doses of cynicism, nothing too saccharine, and a great job by all involved.

Highly recommended.
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