"Angel" Spin the Bottle (TV Episode 2002) Poster

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How did you stop the tiny men singing?
Quinoa19846 April 2010
This was not only one of the best episodes of Angel, but simply one of the funniest things Joss Whedon ever did (and that says a lot considering Whedon's consistent, naturally uproarious sense of humor). I think they key to the episode, from Whedon's perspective, was to give Angel fans a reminder of who these guys and gals were. At the time Whedon was working on Firefly, so his writing/directing gig on Angel in season four was very limited, so coming on to it during a very dramatic time (Angel/Connor problems, Wesley still unsure of his future as a rogue in relation to Angel or Lila, impending Armageddon by the return of Cordelia) was a special case. At the start of this episode it seems very tense between Wesley, Gunn and Fred. But by giving the whole 'bottle' twist being everyone losing their memory back to before everyone knew everyone else, it adds a great sense of comic irony to the proceedings.

What drives the episode so wonderfully is the dialog and the performances, how the actors show their range past their usual selves (Boreanaz especially makes Angel, aka Liam, into a really wimpy character who constantly hates on the English, i.e. Wesley), and have to face the challenge of what's around them- like an AH DEMON! in Lorne- and themselves really. Whedon gives everyone a chance to shine, and it works completely. In a sense it's a little like a repeat of the episode from Buffy in season 6 when at the height of drama, just before Giles leaves for England, the characters' minds are wiped. Only this time, there's a lot more humor, naturally coming out of reactions and how we already see these characters (Wesley doing his vampire-hunting moves is a riot), and the framework of Lorne doing a one-man-show explaining everything (kind of like in Bob Fosses' Lenny).

I'm not sure if it's quite as daring as Whedon's stand-alone episodes at his best (then again, what can top Hush, Restless and The Body), but if you're looking for the sensibility of humor that Angel can excel at (quips and sarcasm and in-jokes, not to mention cultural hoots), then it's a must-see.
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A wonderful, funny episode
katierose2953 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So when do you think Lorne is telling this story? I love the way it is set up, with Lorne acting as narrator to the action. But every time I see it I get the feeling that his part is set long after the main story took place. There's just an element of sadness mixed in with his jokes that makes me think that he's talking to an audience sometime after seasons five's "Not Fade Away." Like he's remembering one of the last semi-fun times all of Team Angel had together. Lorne even finishes his story by telling the audience to "hug your families while you can," which seems like he's speaking from experience. It's just an interesting idea. Anyway, "Spin the Bottle" is probably the funniest episode of the season and it sets up some important stuff for the future. It also has dozens of great BTVS references. I highly recommend it.

This episode revolves around yet another spell going wrong for Team Angel. In an effort to get Cordy's memory back, Angel, Cordelia, Wes, Lorne Fred & Gunn gather to preform a magic amnesia cure. Things, predictably enough, do not go as planned and everyone but Lorne thinks they're 17 years old again. (On a side note, there's a similar episode to this one over on BTVS season six called "Tabula Rasa." It's also pretty fun.) Anyway, Lorne is knocked out and the rest of the crew is baffled as to where they are. Gunn thinks he's still a street fighter. Angel thinks it's the 18th century. Cordy's back to being a snobby cheerleader. Fred is a nerdy conspiracy nut who just want to score some weed. And Wes is loudly proclaiming that he's "Head Boy" at the Watcher's Academy.

As they try to piece together what's going on, they stumble across Lorne's unconscious body and tie him up. Sure that there are demons, vampires and "devils" on the loose, they begin searching the hotel. Angel discovers that he is a vampire and winds up chasing the other around the Hyperion. Conner arrives and stops him from attacking Cordy. But as Angel complains about his own father, Conner actually feels a little bit for Angel. Lorne finally wakes up and restores order. However, when Cordy's memory returns, it brings something dark with it. She runs off, but not before telling Angel that she loves him.

A lot of the jokes in this episode are funnier if you're seen certain other episodes on "Angel" and BTVS. Angel screaming that cars are demons comes from the BTVS season two episode "Halloween." Wes talking about the Watcher's test comes from the BTVS season three episode "Helpless." Cordy's "Hello Salty Goodness" line is the same thing she said the first time she ever saw Angel over on BTVS season one's "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date." Even Wes being "Head Boy" plays into "Angel" season five, when Spike learns about that title and mocks Wes with it for ages. And then there's Fred's plant-thing. Illyria talks to them in season five. And the aptitude test to see if your crazy includes a question about whether or not you like shrubs, which comes right out of BTVS season two's "What's My Line?" All in all, I don't think any other "Angel" episode packs in so many cool references to other Buffyverse happenings.

There are some great parts to "Spin the Bottle." I love the last few seconds when Angel asks, "Were we in love?" Cordy says "We were." Then she runs off. Angels stares after her with tears in his eyes and it's just a lovely scene. Also, I'd forgotten how funny Wesley can be. His attempts to take charge of the group and lecture them all about demons are hilarious. But he still, tries to protect Fred and Cordy when Angel vamps out. And I like Gunn and Wes' rivalry. Gunn is getting more and more annoyed with Wes' attitude. When they finally start to fight, Angel sides with Gunn because he hates "English pigs." He thinks he's living in Ireland. Cordy's flirting with Angel also cracks me up. She sort of squints at him when he tries to find the tiny minstrels hiding in the radio, but he's so good looking that's she willing to over look a few flaws. Then they all try and discover who the vampire is and Fred waves the cross around like a metal detector at an airport. Finally, like I said, I just love Lorne telling the story in flash back. He's so cool and good at narrating that I which they'd used this format in more episodes.

On the down side, I'm still not clear on the whole demon inside Cordy thing. Did the spell really wake it up? It seems like a really complicated plan for this demon to have, if it needed a magical memory spell to be preformed before it could take over Cordy's body. I think that, somehow, the spell knocked out that last little bit of Cordy fighting to get through the amnesia and the demon-thing. But, honestly, I'm not really sure. Also, didn't Cordy already know Angel and Wes when she was 17? Why doesn't she remember them

My favorite part of the episode: Wes's retractable swords. Not only are is it hilarious as he tries to control them, but they tie in with the BTVS season seven episode "Storyteller" which is very cool.
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AI go Tabula Rusa
Joxerlives16 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The Good; All of it, easily one of the best episodes of season 4, obviously with a debt to Buffy's Tabula Rusa but with a delicious spin of it's own. Unlike 'The Shroud of Rahmon' the framing device of Lorne with an invisible audience is terrific, he even breaks the 4th wall. If there is a favourite moment I think it would be CC declaring Fred as 'all neck' and Fred giving the 'mother of all shrugs'.

The Bad; Only thing I can find wrong is that the commentary is not as good as you'd hoped despite having Joss and Alexis. Again though wouldn't Liam notice his lack of heartbeat etc?

Best line: Gunn; "What happened to you man?" Wes; "I had my throat cut and my friends abandoned me"

Apocalypses: 5

Angel Clichés In disguise; 8

DB get's his shirt off; 12

Cheap Angel; 5

Fang Gang in bondage: poor Lorne gets taped Cordy: 5 Angel: 12 Wes: 6 Gunn; 4 Lorne; 5 Fred; 2

Fang gang knocked out: poor Lorne againx2 plus Gunn Cordy: 12 Angel: 15 Wes: 5 Doyle; 1 Gunn; 2 Lorne; 6 Groo; 1

Kills: Gunn says he's been killing vamps since he was 12 . He threatens to cut Lorne's head off although we actually know that wouldn't kill him. Another vamp for Connor who is starting to catch his old man up. Cordy: 6 vamps, 3 demons Angel; 41 vamps, 57 and 1/2 demons, 8 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 12 demons+3 vamps, 2 humans Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 16 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans. Gunn; 11 vamps+ 12 demons. Groo; 1 demon Fred; 3 vamp+ 1 demon Connor; 9 vamps and 2 demon

Fang Gang go evil: Cordy: 2 Angel: 2 Gunn; 1 Wes; 1

Alternate Fang Gang: teenage everyone Cordy: 4 Angel: 10 Fred; 2 Wes; 1 Gunn; 1

Characters killed: 46

Recurring characters killed; 8;

Total number of Angel Investigations: Angel, Gunn, Fred, Lorne

Angel Investigations shot: Angel: 11 Wes; 1

Packing heat; Wes; 6 Doyle; 1 Angel; 3 Gunn; 1

Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Cordy: 4 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast+Phantom Dennis+Groo Angel: 5; Buffy, Darla and The Transcending Furies Wes; 3; Virginia, the bleached blonde and Lilah Gunn; 1 Fred Fred; 1 Gunn Groo; 1Cordy

Kinky dinky: Wes' projecting stake and Fred's fear of aliens probing her helpless naked body. Liam is all for the sinful desires. Connor get's felt up by a hooker and CC promises to sleep with him if he kills Angel. CC is delighted with her bountiful adult breasts, Fred disappointed she seems not to have much. CC says 'Hello salty goodness' when she sees Liam which is exactly what she said about Angel when they first meet. CC in her towel. She thinks that danger makes her hot, she said the same about Xander and her in 'Dopplegangland'. CC thinks Angel is deviant because he didn't try anything with her.

Captain Subtext; CC thinks Gunn and Wes wrestling is homoerotic. CC wonders how Wes got the title 'head boy'? Note CC treats Fred EXACTLY as she treated season 1 Willow.

Know the face, different character; 4

Parking garages; 6,

Guantanamo Bay; Liam is alarmingly racist (as indeed is Keith Topping in his book) both against Wesley as an Englishman and Gunn as a slave. Ironically he later comments that people are ganging up upon him because he's different and he accuses THEM of being hypocrites. CC comments that she know's who's president and wishes she didn't. Weird, I'd have always thought of her as a right wing girl. Gunn suggests that if something looks wrong it should die which is a lot different as to how he thought in 'That Old Gang of Mine'.

Buffy characters on Angel; 16 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla, Dru, The Master, Anne, Willow and Harmony

Questions and observations; Fred is a cannabis smoker. Maybe it doesn't make you dumb after all? Liam thinks the cars outside are demons which is exactly what C17th noblewoman Buffy thought in Halloween. Interestingly Wes refers to the Watcher's academy being in Hampshire which means it may have survived Caleb's attack on the London base and helps Buffy&co in season 8. Interestingly Angel doesn't trust magic, much like Connor. Wes is very Bond as has been commented on before. Gunn's fears that he's just the 'muscle' (the BA Barracus?) of AI once more come to the fore. Interesting to see him as an angry young man just as we saw in 'Double or nothing'. Some funny mocking of Angel's very poor Irish accent (although still better than that terrible kid on Glee). Gunn votes that they don't put Wes in charge, a ref back to 'There's no place like plze grb'. Note that when Gunn goes for a weapon he instinctively selects his hubcap axe even though he's amnesiac. Note also Fred fondles the palms, Illyria later able to mind meld with them.

Lorne smokes again. Even though he's his teenage goof self Wes is still heroic, pitting himself unhesitatingly against a vamp to save Fred and CC and quite a good leader. Lorne tells Fred 'look into your heart' which is the famous line from 'Miller's Crossing', the greatest gangster film ever. Our first glimpse of The Beast.

Marks out of 10; 10/10 stunning
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The One Where They All Think They're Teenagers...
taylorkingston2 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode so much.

In this episode, everyone is trying to get back Cordelia's memory. They need it back, like right now. So, they perform a spell/ritual to try and do just that. But it doesn't work out well. At all. Instead of the spell giving Cordelia her memory back, it erases everyone's memories. Not entirely, just enough so they think they're all teenagers. Cordelia has reverted back to that obnoxious, rich, mean girl. Wesley has changed back into being the Head Boy at the Water School. And Angel has gone back to being Liam from 1770's Ireland. He gets very mad and confused at everyone's clothing and speech. I especially love how he calls Wesley an English pig.

Overall, I give this episode 10 out of 10.
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Reverting to the Past
Samuel-Shovel3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Spin the Bottle" Lorne tries a spell to restore Cordy's memory. But it all goes horribly wrong as it knocks Lorne out and leaves the rest with amnesia. Cordy thinks she's a high school student in Sunnydale again. Wes thinks he's a student for the Watchers Academy. Gunn's still fighting vamps on the streets of LA. Fred's back in Texas. And Angel thinks he's Irish again from hundreds of years ago and can't understand why his accent is wrong.

The crew searches around the hotel trying to figure out what is going on and why Lorne is there. And who and what is Lorne for that matter. Wes thinks it's all part of some test by the Council and that a vampire might be on the loose in the hotel with them. They all finally figure out it's Angel (much to Angel's surprise as well) and start to attack him. Lorne wakes up and convinces Fred to help him fix it. He makes a potion to revert everyone to normal before things get totally out of hand. High school Cordy has another weird interaction with Connor that has a sexual charge to it while she thinks she's in high school again.

At the end of the episode, Cordy's memory appears to be restored. She has a conversation with Angel but the two's bond seems to be broken by the passing of time and all the life events since then. Cordy says she needs some alone time as she walks off during the end credits.

This was a really well done episode. The self-containment within the hotel is a nice touch as they finally seem to have brought Cordy back to semi-normalcy. I still think the love triangle with her, Angel, and Connor is extremely bizarre and gross. Can we get rid of that please? Besides that though, this episode was a really fun ride.
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Hello salty goodness
limetalhead30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What a blast. Seeing all of them how they were at 17 was almost too much to bear. The only ones that weren't a shock were Cordy, Wesley & Gunn. We all knew Cordy was a spoiled brat, Wes was a nerd and Gunn was a street kid. Fred & Angel at 17, however were both not what I expected. Fred saying "Have you got any weed?", "Slayer, the band?" and "It'd be cooler if we could score some weed though" was great. Who knew she a pothead government conspiracy nut metalhead before she was the studious physicist? Did anyone also notice how even though they were in a state of amnesia that Fred & Wes still seemed to be drawn to each other. Hmmm...While we had heard his real name before hearing Angel actually call himself Liam was very unexpected. And him saying "It's time the English got what's comin' to him. I'm rootin' for the slave" when Wes was fighting with Gunn was priceless. If only Gunn had accidentally gotten impaled by Wesley's stake, it would've been perfect. Also, his reaction to the cars being exactly like Buffy's in the BTVS season 2 Halloween episode fit very well. All in all, a very funny episode. I just wish there had been another funny one before "Smile Time" in season 5. Having the funny episode every so often showed the show wasn't all about darkness and the mission.
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I know who's President, and that I sorta wish I didn't
SleepTight66618 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I know who's President, and that I sorta wish I didn't - The last comedy episode for a very long time. As 'Cordy' tries to get her memories back, 'Lorne' has a spell on how to and says that there is no way that it could go wrong - So i'm an idiot, what are you? perfect?. The spell goes wrong and instead of bringing back 'Cordy's memory, the entire gang think that they're about 17 years old, I loved to see the old 'Cordy' back for a short while, especially when she saw 'Angel' for the first time - Hello salty goodness. I loved how it was impossible for 'Wes' and 'Gunn' to get along and kept fighting, I loved 'Fred's constant need of weed and 'Angel' thinking he's 'Liam' and slowly figuring out that he's a vampire, like when he keeps vamping back and forth and when he thinks he's invisible because he can't see himself in the mirror. My favorite scene is when 'Wes' brings out a cross and points it at 'Gunn' thinking that he's a vampire but gets a punch on his nose in return, and then 'Fred' scanning her entire body with the cross. After they find out that 'Angel/Liam' is in fact a vampire he knocks out 'Wes' and 'Gunn' and goes after 'Cordy'. Eventually 'Lorne' wakes up and brings back everyone's memory which also awakens 'Jasmie' who was driving 'Cordy's body all along. What I loved most about this episode was 'Lorne' telling the story to an empty audience. A very well done comedy episode, a little forced at first but still great. GUNN: Hey! Don't matter what it is. It looks wrong, it dies. WESLEY: Not 'til we find out... Oh, quit it! GUNN: Oh, get off my... WESLEY: Watch the arm. Watch the arm! CORDELIA: Aren't you gonna get in there and stop them? LIAM: It's about time the English got what's comin' to 'em. I'm rootin' for the slave. (9.0 out of 10)
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My first impressions
antonemilamundsen3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. You can *really* tell when Joss Whedon takes the helm of an episode. Because the quality instantly jumps a notch or two.

It was really fun seeing the Cordy we came to love on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" again. And the pompous teenage Wesley reminds one of how much he has changed since joining Buffy in season 3. Angel returning to his human, teenage self (mentally) was also written well, and in a way I expect few other than Joss could have.

Gunn was as stale as his adult self, but just a little more hotheaded than usual. His answer to every problem was punching and threatening violence, and I have not come to expect better of his character. I have to admit I did like the moment he had with Wesley before the spell, and the fact that he contemplated his role in the group. Something I expect Joss was doing himself.

Whedon's comedy delivers as usual, and basically all of the jokes landed for me this episode - something that has become rare on "Angel". In fact, I think Whedon is the only writer to nail the balance of drama and comedy on this show, and not making it jarring and weird.

Wesley in particular was hilarious. His karate moves. How scared he was of his own weapons. The stake-boner moment with Fred. And just tripping over himself down the stairs for no reason.

Fred asking everyone for weed was also funny, and I think I saw David Boreanaz break when she asked him.

All in all, while slightly on the comedic side, this episode is a step up from the rest of this season so far, and Joss proves once again why he's the best.
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