(TV Series)


Corbin Bernsen: Arnie Becker


  • [Here at the police department next to the interrogation room. Arnie is here with two detectives] 

    Detective Mark Matosian : Thanks very much for coming in on such short notice. You're sure you don't want some coffee?

    Arnie Becker : No. No, thank you.

    Detective Mark Matosian : At this stage, we're just questioning anyone who had recent dealings with Ms. Greer. Please sit down.

    [Arnie Becker take a seat and was questioning by Detectives Mark Matosian and Don Cuva for interrogation about Camilla Greer's death] 

  • Detective Mark Matosian : [Continue the lines]  So when did you last see her?

    Arnie Becker : Uh, 2 days ago.

    Detective Mark Matosian : And what were the circumstances?

    Arnie Becker : It involved a legal matter.

    Detective Mark Matosian : Was it how you and Ms. Greer knew each other, this, uh-- this legal matter?

    Arnie Becker : Uh, actually, we met several years ago. A mutual friend introduced us.

    Detective Mark Matosian : How often did you see her after that?

    Arnie Becker : 4 or 5 times, uh, all social occasions.

    Detective Don Cuva : Were you a client?

    Arnie Becker : Uh, no, no. Our relationship was strictly social.

    Detective Don Cuva : She never procured anyone to accommodate your particular taste in women?

    Arnie Becker : What's that supposed to mean?

    Detective Mark Matosian : We hear, when it comes to women, you're something of a rough rider.

    Arnie Becker : What?

    Detective Mark Matosian : Did Ms. Greer ever try to extort money from you in exchange for keeping your relationship secret?

    Arnie Becker : Look, I came down here voluntarily as someone who happened to know the deceased. If I'm a suspect, I should have damn well been told before you start asking me questions.

    Detective Don Cuva : You are a suspect, Mr. Becker.

    Arnie Becker : Based on what?

    Detective Mark Matosian : Based on the fact that you were seen leaving Camilla Greer's home last night 2 hours before her body was found.

    Detective Don Cuva : You want to tell us what you were doing there?

    Arnie Becker : I'm not answering any more questions.

    Detective Don Cuva : All right, at this point, I have to inform you that you are under arrest for the murder of Camilla Greer.

    Arnie Becker : What?

    Detective Don Cuva : You have a right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you free of charge. Now, do you understand each of these rights as I've explained them to you?

  • [Here at the L.A. County Jail, the guard brings Arnie to have someone here to see him. Jane Halliday is here for questioning. They talked in the glass wall while speaking in the telephone receiver] 

    Arnie Becker : Get me out of here.

    Jane Halliday : Everything's being handled. You need to tell me what happened.

    Arnie Becker : The cops asked me to come down here for routine questioning. I cooperated. Next thing I know, they accused me of being one of Camilla's customers.

    Jane Halliday : Were you a customer?

    Arnie Becker : No.

    Jane Halliday : Did the police give you any indication as to why they consider you a suspect?

    Arnie Becker : [sighed]  Last night, I went to Camilla Greer's on behalf of Frank Askoff. I found her dead. I left. Apparently, someone saw me.

    Jane Halliday : You didn't report it?

    Arnie Becker : Frank hired me a large part to protect his reputation. I didn't want to associate myself and by extension him to a prostitute's murder.

    Jane Halliday : Do you think that Frank could have killed her?

    Arnie Becker : I don't know. He certainly had motive. But knowing Camilla, he wasn't the only one. Look, I got to talk to Frank.

    Jane Halliday : OK. I'll let you know as soon as the bail hearing is set.

    Arnie Becker : Do we know what the DA is in charge of my case?

    Jane Halliday : Someone named Belinda Fox.

    [Arnie remembers it well] 

    Jane Halliday : Do you know her?

    Arnie Becker : Yeah, I know her.

  • Ann Kelsey : Your Honor, the defense asks that Mr. Becker's bail be set at $100,000. My client had numerous ties to this community, not to at least of which is the long-standing partnership with the law firm of McKenzie Brackman. As such, he does not represent a flight risk.

    DDA Belinda Fox : Respectively, Your Honor, the people disagree. Mr. Becker has the financial means and the connections to leave this country quickly and quietly. We ask that he be held without bail.

    Ann Kelsey : Ask the counsel explain her reference to financial means and connections, Your Honor.

    Judge Herman Keene : Ms. Fox.

    DDA Belinda Fox : Mr. Becker's salary is in the high six figures, and he owns property in Tabitha.

    Ann Kelsey : Although the defendant will gladly give up his passport, I would ask that counsel explain how she knows this things about my client.

    DDA Belinda Fox : He told me.

    Judge Herman Keene : In the context of your investigation of this case?

    DDA Belinda Fox : In the context of a conversation we had prior to his arrest.

    Ann Kelsey : This brings us to our second motion, Your Honor. We ask that the court order the District Attorney's Office to disqualify Ms. Fox as prosecutor in this case.

    Judge Herman Keene : Why would I do that, Ms. Kelsey?

    Ann Kelsey : She was recently involved in the romantic relationship with my client, which ended rather badly. We believed that her resulting animus makes it impossible for her prosecute this case in an unbiased manner.

    DDA Belinda Fox : Your Honor, my relationship with Mr. Becker was inconsequential and has no bearing on this case. These charges were brought against the defendant because he was seen leaving the scene of the murder by two investigators for the District Attorney's Office. His fingerprints were found throughout the victim's house and on the victim's body.

    Ann Kelsey : And who was it that assigned the investigators to follow him in the first place?

    DDA Belinda Fox : I did.

    Judge Herman Keene : For what reason?

    DDA Belinda Fox : Mr. Becker is the subject of an ongoing investigation for obstructing justice.

    Arnie Becker : [Protesting]  That is a total sham!

    Jane Halliday : Arnie.

    Arnie Becker : This woman is out to get me. That is the only reason that I'm here.

    Judge Herman Keene : Ms. Kelsey, please advise your client that these outbursts are in no way helping his case.

    Ann Kelsey : I'm sure he understands that, Your Honor.

    Judge Herman Keene : All right. As to this motion for disqualification, I want supporting papers filed by both sides. I'll take that matter under advisement. As to the issue of bail, I do not believe that Arnold Becker represents a flight risk. I, therefore, am gonna set bail in this matter. Due to the seriousness of the crime, I'm going to order the bail be set in the sum of $500,000. All right, let's call the next case, please.

  • [Arnie Becker heads back to the law office. After was he is released from jail and out on bail, the woman hands in the slip to Arnie, but finds out what Frank Askoff doing in his office. Frank was looking out the window, and he turned to Arnie and found out what happened] 

    Frank Askoff : Arnie. I called when I heard it on the news.

    Arnie Becker : You and everybody I ever knew.

    Frank Askoff : Well, what happened?

    Arnie Becker : I went there to make the offer. I found her dead.

    Frank Askoff : Well, you didn't say anything to the police about me, did you?

    Arnie Becker : Attorney-client privilege obtains. I didn't violate your confidence.

    Frank Askoff : Well, I appreciate that.

    Arnie Becker : Attorney-client privilege does not obtain when the attorney has to defend himself.

    Frank Askoff : Now, you mean, you're not my lawyer anymore?

    Arnie Becker : That's right. One of the principal components of my defenses could be pointing the finger at someone else. As far as I'm concerned, whoever was in Camilla's book is a potential suspect.

    Frank Askoff : It's gonna be hard to know who they all are. I mean, I imagine whoever killed her are also got rid of the book.

    Arnie Becker : Was it you, Frank?

    Frank Askoff : What do you mean?

    Arnie Becker : I mean, was it you?

    Frank Askoff : I take it you're asking me this not as my lawyer, huh?

    Arnie Becker : I'm asking you this as someone who's been arrested for murder.

    Frank Askoff : Look, they're not gonna make this thing stick. I mean, if you didn't do it, they're not gonna to convict you.

    Arnie Becker : Sometimes that equation doesn't hold true.

    Frank Askoff : Well, it wasn't me, OK? It wasn't me.

    [Frank is lying] 

    Arnie Becker : So you know, I'm going back to defending myself with everything this office has to bear. That means top-flight trial lawyers. It means private investigators. Whatever it takes, I will prove that I did not commit this murder.

    Frank Askoff : Well, no doubt you will.

  • Jinx Baldasseri : Okay. I'll put a tail on him starting tonight.

    Ann Kelsey : We have to be prepared for the possibility if he's leaving the country.

    Leland McKenzie : Yes, at this point, there's nothing we can do to prevent that. So practice movements.

    Jinx Baldasseri : Hmm. That I can do.

    Eli Levinson : Are we looking into any of her other clients?

    Jinx Baldasseri : I'm gonna talk to some others girls, see if I could start piecing together a list.

    Jane Halliday : You think it was Frank, though?

    Arnie Becker : Yes, I do.

    Leland McKenzie : Well, until we have something definite, we mustn't overlook anything.

    Arnie Becker : I wanna ride along with you when you tell him.

    Ann Kelsey : What for?

    Arnie Becker : 'Cause I wanna watch him with my own eyes.

    Jinx Baldasseri : What is it you think all of a sudden when I wanna miss something?

    Arnie Becker : Jinx, if I can gain some insight by riding along with you and thereby system my own defense, I think it's probably time well spent.

    Jinx Baldasseri : I'll be in front of the building at 5:30 p.m.

    Eli Levinson : I guess there's no reason for me to come along in that case.

    Jinx Baldasseri : Was there ever?

    [Jinx will be back. Eli will be prepared to be there with Arnie] 

  • Eli Levinson : Remember Gene Hackman, The French Connection? He was on the street, eating pizza, drink coffee, or Fernando Rey with a restaurant. Remember that?

    Arnie Becker : What's he doing in there?

    Jinx Baldasseri : He's finding magazines.

    Arnie Becker : He's taking this sweet time.

    Eli Levinson : Would it be out of the question for me over there to buy magazine?

    Jinx Baldasseri : Completely out of the question. I have an idea. Why don't you boys go home and I gonna bring a full report in the morning.

    [Taking pictures of Frank Askoff at the newsstand] 

    Arnie Becker : I got to use the bathroom.

    Jinx Baldasseri : There's a bar half a block off and try not to let him see you.

    [Arnie will be back] 

    Eli Levinson : Boy, you really knew where it was kind of thing, don't you?

    Jinx Baldasseri : Why are you here, Eli?

    Eli Levinson : I told you I want to keep an eye on Arnie.

    Jinx Baldasseri : Right. I want you to tell me the real reason.

    Eli Levinson : What if I said I hope to rekindle the spark used to be there between us?

    Jinx Baldasseri : I'd say it's an unfailing entertainment to do.

    Eli Levinson : That's all right. I've managed to lay a foundation is that rekindle occur the later date. I've accomplished something. Have I done that?

  • [Eli is napping. Jinx taking photographs] 

    Arnie Becker : I can't imagine how terrifying he actually face the possibility of going to prison.

    Jinx Baldasseri : They're still a law that have to happen before you reach that point.

    Arnie Becker : And I never told you this. I was secretly happy to stop seeing Eli.

    Jinx Baldasseri : Yeah, why, why was that?

    Arnie Becker : I guess I felt if you're going to be seeing anybody at the firm, it should be me.

    Jinx Baldasseri : Uh-huh.

    Arnie Becker : Well, the time it was me.

    Jinx Baldasseri : Yes, it was.

    Arnie Becker : Have you everything about that happening again?

    Jinx Baldasseri : [laughter]  You're unbelievable. And with all this stuff that you have in your mind, you still make the time for the little launch.

    Arnie Becker : And that isn't now, Jinx.

    [They turned that Frank] 

    Jinx Baldasseri : Here he comes.

  • [Checking it out] 

    Arnie Becker : What's he doing? Oh, my god.

    Jinx Baldasseri : That's what he was doing.

    [Jinx taking the photograph with a camera] 

    Eli Levinson : Do you have any inc lint of this?

    Arnie Becker : No.

    [Taking another picture. Arnie gets to check somebody in the car of Frank Askoff] 

    Eli Levinson : Arnie, where are you going?

  • Frank Askoff : So after I took off last night, I just drove just pretty much through instinct to the house that I had lived in for the past 22 years. And Vivian allowed me to come in. I proceeded to tell her the truth.

    Vivian Askoff : It was quite a night.

    Frank Askoff : I always thought that if you're smart enough, you could hide almost anything. But-- but that's proven not to be the case.

    Arnie Becker : Why did you kill her, Frank?

    Frank Askoff : Look I didn't start out intending to. I-- I went over there to try to make a deal with her.

    Arnie Becker : That's what I was going over there for.

    Frank Askoff : Yeah, I know, but your heart wasn't in it. I just thought that I could do it better.

    Ann Kelsey : Why did you kill her?

    Frank Askoff : I realize I couldn't trust her. I mean, no matter how much money I paid her, I-- it seemed that there'd always be that chance that-- that my secret would get out. And realize that, I panicked. I, um, I put my hands on the throat.


    Frank Askoff : Before I knew what I was doing, I'd strangled her.

    [Ann turned to Eli] 

    Eli Levinson : Now what?

    Frank Askoff : Now I turn myself in.

    Arnie Becker : You wanna have a lawyer with you when you do that.

    Vivian Askoff : Can any of you represent him?

    Ann Kelsey : No. No one here can represent him.

    Arnie Becker : We'll find your lawyer.

    Frank Askoff : Good. I think I wanna go home now and change my clothes before I get down there.

    [Frank owe Arnie an apology] 

    Frank Askoff : Arnie, I'm sorry for what I put you through. I'm really sorry.

    Arnie Becker : Good luck, Frank.

    Frank Askoff : Thanks.

    [Vivian will take her forgiven husband Frank outside. They sure fool with the wrong guy. Eli comforts Arnie Becker and cleared his name. He was framed for murder] 

  • [Back at the District Attorney's Office, Belinda grabs a cup of coffee break, but Arnie open the door, come in, talk to DDA Belinda Fox ready to end and say good-bye] 

    DDA Belinda Fox : Arnie.

    Arnie Becker : Hello, Belinda.

    DDA Belinda Fox : Normally, I'd say it's great to see you. But if you'll forgive me, right now is not a good time.

    Arnie Becker : Hmm. We have something to talk about, you and I.

    DDA Belinda Fox : I can't imagine what. Askoff confessed to Camilla Greer's murder. You're no longer a suspect.

    Arnie Becker : The only reason I was a suspect was because of you.

    DDA Belinda Fox : The reason you were a suspect was because you left the scene of a crime without reporting it.

    Arnie Becker : Look, let's cut to the crap, Belinda. It's only you and me here. You had me followed that a personal malice. You were looking for anything you could find, and this just happened to fall in your lap. You misused the power of your office it's a way exacting some sort of seek revenge.

    DDA Belinda Fox : You have a pretty high opinion of yourself, don't you, Arnie? You think every ex-girlfriend you couldn't make a commitment to stays up nights plotting your downfall?

    Arnie Becker : I could bring you up on charges to the Attorney General's office. I could personally sue you for libel.

    DDA Belinda Fox : Then why don't you?

    Arnie Becker : Because I don't want to involve myself in your life one minute longer than I have to. And should you decide to involve yourself any further in mind, I won't hesitate. I will take you on, and I will bring you down! You want a commitment? That's a commitment.

    [Arnie bids good-bye to Belinda. Arnie leaves and closed the door] 

  • [Arnie heading to see Frank in the car] 

    Eli Levinson : Arnie!

    Arnie Becker : [Knocking on the window]  Wanna roll down your window, Frank?

    Frank Askoff : What do you want?

    Arnie Becker : You and I need to have a little chat.

    Young Man : Who's that?

    Frank Askoff : [Stammering]  Just someone I know.

    Arnie Becker : Yes, someone who doesn't want to go to prison for committing a murder you and I both know that I didn't commit.

    Frank Askoff : Look...

    Young Man : Bye.

    [the Young Man gets out of the car and leaves] 

    Frank Askoff : What do you want, Arnie?

  • Arnie Becker : Look, would you two go back to the car for a minute?

    Eli Levinson : This is not the way to go about...

    Arnie Becker : Just give me a minute!

    [They'll be back in a minute] 

  • Frank Askoff : What do you want?

    Arnie Becker : I want you to take a good look at yourself, Frank. It's 3:00 in the morning. You're in the middle of a murder investigation. And you're picking up hustlers in West Hollywood? What does that tell you?

    Frank Askoff : [sighs]  It's nothing I haven't known for a very long time.

    Arnie Becker : Camilla Greer was providing you with male prostitutes?

    Frank Askoff : Look, I don't wanna get into this with you, Arnie. Now, excuse me, huh?

    Arnie Becker : You listen to me, Frank. Whether you come forward of your own free will or whether you're dragged forward, kicking and screaming, you and all your secrets are coming out!

    [Frank Askoff takes off while driving his car and then leaves. Arnie sees Frank Askoff driving] 

See also

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