(TV Series)


Jamie Luner: Peyton Richards


  • Nick Corelli : [as he comes driving up, Peyton has hurriedly jumped into her car with her loot]  Hey!

    Peyton Richards : Hi! Bye!

    Nick Corelli : Oh, it's nice to see you too, Miss Richards.

    Peyton Richards : Don't take it personally. I don't know you well enough to insult you. I'm just in a hurry.

    Nick Corelli : I need to get to my brother...

    [she's got the key in the ignition] 

    Nick Corelli : Is Reese at home?

    Peyton Richards : [hastily]  She might be.

    [zooms off] 

  • Jeweller : And how may I help you, Miss?

    Peyton Richards : Yes, I need an appraisal.

    Jeweller : Certainly. Let me get some forms. Would that be a single piece or a collection?

    Peyton Richards : [smiling modestly]  Well, now, just... just this.

    [places her scavenged find on the counter] 

    Jeweller : [looking at her suspiciously]  Where did you get that?

    Peyton Richards : [smiling thinly]  Does that matter?

    Jeweller : I'd know this emerald anywhere. It's the Centurion.

    Peyton Richards : [looks down, then straight into his eyes]  The what?

    Jeweller : That's stolen merchandise.

    Peyton Richards : Well, that is an outrageous suggestion. You haven't even examined it.

    [scoops up the emerald, slips it back into her purse] 

    Peyton Richards : This emerald has been in my family for generations. Obviously you don't need my business. I will take it elsewhere.

    [beats a hasty retreat with the guy staring after her] 

  • Nick Corelli : [her car won't start, he is just 'conveniently' there]  Funny how we keep bumping into each other. It must be destiny.

    Peyton Richards : Maybe it's just bad luck.

    Nick Corelli : Little car trouble?

    Peyton Richards : No, sugar, I like burning the ignition without turning over the engine. It's a little hobby of mine.

  • Nick Corelli : You're awfully sassy for someone who needs help.

    [she sighs] 

    Nick Corelli : Pop the hood.

    [he stands up, walks to the bonnet, the hood clicks open] 

    Nick Corelli : Thank you.

    [leans over the engine and replaces the little part he had taken from the distributor, then, when she comes to inspect:] 

    Nick Corelli : You see this?

    Peyton Richards : No, what?

    Nick Corelli : Now this should be checked every time you have your car tuned up, okay? Now, if this ever happens again, all you have to do, if you take this...

    Peyton Richards : Mm-mm.

    Nick Corelli : ...in your right hand...

    Peyton Richards : Mm-mm. Okay.

    [but he insists she should do it herself to demonstrate her understanding] 

    Peyton Richards : Okay, fine.

    Nick Corelli : [as she leans over the engine, her shoulder-slung purse hangs over her hip, making an inviting target]  Now, take that in your right hand...

    [directing her attention to matters mechanical] 

    Peyton Richards : Mm-mm.

    Nick Corelli : ...and you push it... right... there.

    Peyton Richards : [giggles, this is easy]  Okay.

    Nick Corelli : [unknown to her, he opens her purse]  Yeah, now push...

    Peyton Richards : Uh-huh.

    Nick Corelli : ...there.

    [appreciative of her physical appeal in her pair of white slacks] 

    Peyton Richards : Oh. Okay. Uh-huh.

    [doesn't realize at all that he's fishing out the emerald] 

    Nick Corelli : Right there...

    Peyton Richards : Yes.

    Nick Corelli : ...till it's snug.

    [slips the jewel into his back pocket] 

    Peyton Richards : Yeah.

    Nick Corelli : Is it snug?

    Peyton Richards : [she's fitted the gizmo]  Yeah, it's snug. Okay.


    Nick Corelli : [inspects]  Perfect. You know, you have a lot of potential.

    Peyton Richards : As a mechanic?

    Nick Corelli : Yeah, that too, I guess.

    [they share a laugh] 

    Nick Corelli : Yeah, it should start now.

    [he closes the hood as she climbs in behind the wheel] 

  • Peyton Richards : [engine starts]  Ah. I'm much obliged, Mr. Corelli.

    Nick Corelli : It's music to my ears. You see, I love having beautiful women indebted to me.

    Peyton Richards : [smirks]  I'm not indebted. Just grateful.

    [takes off, tires screeching, leaving him standing there on the sidewalk] 

    Nick Corelli : Bye.

    [though she's far away already:] 

    Nick Corelli : I take what I can get.

  • Nick Corelli : [on phone]  Yeah, this is Nick. I've found what you wanted. Bring the final payment to the Oval Fork warehouse in one hour. That's right. And listen, sport, on the off chance you found out where I'm staying, do me a favor. Don't come here looking for it, because I don't have it with me, not on my person, not in my room, got it?

    [puts down phone, there is a knock on the door] 

    Nick Corelli : Damn!

    [takes chair in hand to use as a weapon before he opens door, sighs] 

    Nick Corelli : Hi there.

    Peyton Richards : [sailing in]  Where's the emerald you stole from me?

    Nick Corelli : Now there's a leading question if ever I heard one. Like, "when did you stop beating your wife?"

    Peyton Richards : [searching around in the unmade bed]  Look, I want it back.

    Nick Corelli : If I had it, I sure wouldn't leave it lying here,


    Nick Corelli : you never know what kind of people would walk through that door.

    Peyton Richards : [humoring him]  Yes, well, if it's not here, where is it?

    Nick Corelli : [shrugs]  Search me.

    Peyton Richards : All right.


    Nick Corelli : [little laugh]  No, I meant, "search me" as in, you know...

    Peyton Richards : [grins]  You afraid?

    Nick Corelli : [scoffs, putting his hands on top of his head]  If it will satisfy you, be my guest.

    Peyton Richards : Oh, is this a dare?

    Nick Corelli : It's more like a fantasy.

  • Nick Corelli : [as Peyton encounters him as she goes up the stairs at function]  Where's the emerald you stole?

    Peyton Richards : [giggles]  Gonna search me?

    Nick Corelli : [grinning]  I'd love to spend the rest of the day searching you,

    [she giggles] 

    Nick Corelli : but I don't have time.

    Peyton Richards : Well, sugar, I will just have to live with disappointment, 'cause I don't have time either.

    [tries stepping past him] 

    Nick Corelli : [blocks her]  You're in way over your head, Peyton. This isn't a game of finder's keepers. I wish I could let you have that emerald all to yourself, but I'm afraid that's not possible.

    Peyton Richards : I'm... I'm late for a date, so if you're done...

    [heads up the stairs] 

    Nick Corelli : You can't wear that emerald, you can't cut it up, and you can't fence it, because... every jeweler in the country recognizes it. Did you actually show it to that jeweler this morning? He's probably already called the police. What's worse, people of the sort you don't invite to dinner, made a down payment on that stone, and they're expecting to get their hands on it in twenty minutes. If they don't, they break my legs.

    Peyton Richards : [looking him in the eyes without any simpathy]  Aw...

    Nick Corelli : [as she heads back up]  That may not bring you to tears, but the thing about it is, they're single-minded, they won't stop with my legs,

    [she hesitates and he circles her] 

    Nick Corelli : they'll find you...

    [she's unsure] 

    Nick Corelli : and they'll break yours.

    Peyton Richards : [scoffs]  But if you're telling the truth, what do I need you for? And if I had the emerald you're talking about, what's to keep me from dealing with these people directly?

    Nick Corelli : [smirks]  These guys don't use fax machines or e-mail or checking accounts. They don't have an office, they don't write anything down. They don't give receipts.

    Peyton Richards : Oh, but they do business with you?

    Nick Corelli : Guess it's my honest face.

    Peyton Richards : [scoffs]  Well then, I guess they won't mind dealing with your business partner.

    Nick Corelli : I don't... I don't have a business partner.

    Peyton Richards : I've got the rock, sugar. It makes us partners.

    [heads back down the stairs] 

    Nick Corelli : [following her]  All right, all right, all right. Partner.

    [she smirks] 

    Nick Corelli : Let's do business.

    [heads off, with her following] 

  • Nick Corelli : [as they walk along in back alley]  Lemme give you some instructions on dealing with these people. When we meet 'em, don't get cute, don't get smart, take the money, don't argue, walk away, don't stop and count it, just... walk. And don't talk.

    Peyton Richards : [light summer dress]  Wow.

    Nick Corelli : Now, these guys aren't as progressive as I am. They think a chick's only useful for one thing, and that one thing ain't conversation.

    Peyton Richards : Well, it certainly lowers my estimation of you for dealing with men like that.

    Nick Corelli : [two thugs waiting for them next to big black car]  Let's start practicing the don't talk thing. Right now. Okay?

    Harry : [hoodlum]  Who's she?

    Nick Corelli : It's my sister, my lawyer, my bodyguard. Take your pick.

    Harry : I don't like having a witness.

    Nick Corelli : And I don't like looking at your ugly face, but I have to.

    Phil : [the other thug snarls]  You got a mouth!

    Nick Corelli : And an emerald. Do we stand here and talk, or do we make this transaction and go our separate ways, gentlemen? And I use the term loosely.

    Harry : Where is it?

  • Uniformed officer : [his hand reaching for the money]  I'll take that of your hands, Miss Richards. Nick,

    [they shake hands] 

    Uniformed officer : great job. Miss Richards, the police and the City of Savannah thank you for your help. Mr. Corelli told us all about your cooperation.

    Peyton Richards : [at a loss, but trying not to show]  He did? He told you about our... cooperation?

    Nick Corelli : I wouldn't have been able to do this without her.

    Peyton Richards : [irony]  Oh, it was nothing. Really.

    Uniformed officer : Please come by the station at your convenience so we can take a statement.

    Peyton Richards : [still stunned]  Uh.

    Uniformed officer : There's no hurry, though, we've got the whole thing on videotape, so they're not gonna walk. If you'll excuse me, I have to go read them their rights. Nick...

    [Nick beams as they shake hands] 

    Peyton Richards : [as Nick grins at her]  You set me up!

    Nick Corelli : No, no,

    [pointing at the arrested thugs:] 

    Nick Corelli : I set up those monkeys over there.

    Peyton Richards : Why didn't you tell me the truth?

    Nick Corelli : Would you have willingly walked away from this without one red cent?

    Peyton Richards : [seething]  I should have had the choice.

    Nick Corelli : It wasn't a choice. It was a temptation. I simply removed the temptation.

    Peyton Richards : [as he goes off back to his car]  Well, do I get a reward for this?

    Nick Corelli : [over his shoulder]  Virtue is its own reward.

  • Peyton Richards : [arriving late]  Gin and tonic.

    Bartender : Sorry, the bar's closed.

    Brian Alexander : [as she finds leftover bottle and pours herself a glass]  Pour me one.

    Peyton Richards : [swallows]  Oh... Brian... I'm so sorry that I missed dinner. Your parents must be just furious.

    Brian Alexander : My parents... will be as proud of you as I am.

    Peyton Richards : What?

    Brian Alexander : I called the police, about another case. They told me what you did.

    Peyton Richards : Well, it was... nothing.

    [looks away coyly] 

    Brian Alexander : As I understand it, you could have walked away with that emerald, and no one would have been the wiser. You just don't find that kind of honesty in many people.

    Peyton Richards : Well, all I care about is that... you're not mad at me.

    Brian Alexander : I do hope...

    [reaches for his back pocket] 

    Brian Alexander : that seeing how little you treasure expensive gems...

    [produces engagement ring] 

    Brian Alexander : that you won't treat this one with the same disdain that you did that emerald. You see, this one has... sentimental value too. It was my grandmother's.

    [getting down on bended knee:] 

    Brian Alexander : Peyton... will you marry me?

    Peyton Richards : Oh... you don't have to ask me twice.

    [he smiles and slips the ring onto her finger] 

See also

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