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(I) (2020)

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Good VS Evil
xanderstephensrules30 August 2020
In my perspective, it's all about the actors chosen, and their performance. And I must say they didn't disappoint! In fact I think they all do an excellent job turning what could have been a disastrous endeavor into one very well done! I've never heard of any of the actors before but they definitely rocked it!

In general I think this movie is a great essay on evilness and Human's perversity. It's really sadistic, from the psychological point of view, and worst of all, it offers no chance to the victims to escape, from the beginning!

It's really a cat-mouse game where we know who will win... Evil! Since the beginning we see that evilness will triumph over goodness in this film. There's no chance to escape from it.Because evil also triumphs too many times in "real life", and the "heroes" that we're always watching in movies don't exist in a great number out there.

This film will keep you frightened and glued to your seat. Because one thing that this film is NOT, is predictable. It also contains a surprise scene that temporarily shifts into the realm of fantasy, which further bends minds and entertains the audience.
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Often dangerously vicious, sick and disturbing but ultimately brilliant... And some ultra-violence too.
corareinhardt30 August 2020
A film in which everyone is wrong, yet everyone is right. Everyone is guilty, yet everyone is innocent. It is a chilling, emotional journey.

I would say that the movie is really a gem of an art piece. The use of excellent imagery coupled with pretty out-of-the-place background score tells us about the uniqueness of this movie.

The director wants the audience to feel something as bad not because he is showing it as bad but because it really is bad. The background music accompanying the ultra violent scenes is sometimes comical, and not dramatic or anything else that is commonly associated with such scenes. This gives the viewer an opportunity to feel the bitterness not because the music hints so but because they themselves feel so. Viewer's emotions should arise irrespective of what the director is trying to show, and this (along with inspired acting) is one of the greatest successes of the movie.
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What Did I Just Watch???
daltondempsey2 September 2020
This movie assaults the senses from the first minute to the last. The movie comes off as something found stowed away in the recesses of a twisted serial killer's private collection of home videos because the basic plot is three college aged psychos who video their carnage.

What makes it so realistic is the amateur way it comes off, ironically. With the absence of any opening credits it's hard to believe what you are seeing is a full fledged movie. The camera person never even makes an appearance.

It deserves praise for doing what I didn't expect - it portrays the serial killers as crazy, obnoxious, despicable scum. This is the way they (and murder) should be portrayed, not the Hollywood route of glamorization (Hannibal Lecter, Patrick Bateman, Norman Bates, Travis Bickle, etc).

I am not sure this would be classified as a 'true' horror movie. Instead, the horror in this movie lies in the fact that it is something 'new'; the somewhat of a shock you get because everything is so unexpected. For example, you are afraid of bugs, they are ugly and disgusting - Now imagine this bug in a different form. Maybe it has a different color and makes weird noises. You will remember this bug because it is so different, and the difference from other bugs you are used to makes it even more disgusting. This is how I would describe this movie.
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Malevolent Masterpiece?
Michelle_Kent_3927 August 2020
If you thought 2020 couldn't get any crazier, then you haven't seen "The Mountain Kings".

There is a scene in the middle of the movie with two meth junkies that was so gripping and raw that it made my skin tingle. Multiple times I felt mentally terrified and emotionally assaulted. The girl drug addict they assault reminded me of sister (no my sister isn't a drug addict) and I was genuinely fearful for her safety. There was a serious intensity to her performance here in this scene that made me feel devastated at times.

I suspect that this is going to be one of those movies that gets a lot of attention for how shocking some of the scenes are. There is indeed a lot of realistic violence going on, drug use, nudity and terror in general, but it never glamorizes any of it. It keeps it ugly, in the same sense that "Requiem For A Dream" made drug use look horrific, this movie has the same kind of effect but is done in a much different and much darker way.

The main character was a true force of nature. He was creepy and scary and his entire performance gave me the willies. Job well done.

I watch a TON of gruesome, strange horror movies so I was skeptical going into this one blind. After watching it I feel like now I need therapy, like I just survived a crisis and am still in shock.
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No budget & no point
cooper41715 December 2020
This is a no-budget 100+ minute film that really should have been a 10-15 min short film. The "gore' looks like smeared ketchup.... what little of if there that was there. I got the feeling this was shot over a weekend with a 2 page script & was improvised. I've seen better amateur films. This isn't as disturbing as advertised.
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American Bloodlust
jessicawilcox-0253830 August 2020
While this might sound like an average seen-it-all-before horror/thriller that entertains the main-stream movie goers, this is definitely in a class of its own. It is a bizarre, edgy, grueling movie confronting head-on many uncomfortable issues about the frequently extreme violence promoted to us through Hollywood movies such as 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', and the concern that maybe we as an audience are becoming immune to all of it due to America's growing appetite for watching blood, gore and torture in movies, and that violence is being normalized in the eyes of the media.

The first thing that hits you when you are watching this movie is the unusual style that directly goes against many of the commonly used conventions that we as an audience have become accustomed to.

An interesting thing this movie does is it frequently breaks the imaginary 'fourth-wall', when the character Paxton directly addresses the audience and comments on the violence that is taking place and what he anticipates will be the audience's reaction to it. By taking away the 'fourth-wall', the movie also takes away our comfort zone.

To summarize, I think this an exceptionally powerful movie which manages to combine a wicked twist of a story with a powerful statement about the impact of Hollywood on our society today and is definitely worth seeing!
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Approach With Caution
maggierichter-386431 September 2020
For these type of movies you never need a budget worth millions of dollars to let it work out. Often a shoe-string budget works out the best for this type of movie, because it contributes to the movie its unpleasant atmosphere. You can say that in these type of movies the amateurism and simplicity all adds to the creativity and overall effectiveness of the movie. The best known example of this is the original first "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre", from 1978.

First things first, this is definitely not the movie most people will go in thinking it is. There's no good vs evil, there's no slasher in a mask or ghosts or anything like that. There's not even really a hero. Story wise in all honesty this movie is very simple, but honestly that's forgiveable.

Sooooo yeah, the violence in this movie is pretty disturbing, one scene in particular which I won't dare write about here, but needless to say anyone whose seen it knows exactly what I'm talking about and yeah, it's difficult to watch. It's not even that it's gory because it's honestly not, it just feels a bit to real to I guess separate.

Okay so this isn't for everyone, but it's still an interesting character study. Approach with caution, but check it out if you get a chance.
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The Stuff Nightmares Are Made Of
morbidmeganmorrison30 August 2020
This is a tough film to review, as it does everything in its power to deter, dismiss, and disappoint its audience. The truth is, however, that it does do something far more compelling: It remains compelling and does not broadcast a message, it forces you to experience it.

The story is of course disturbing and distressing, extremely strong performances, and highlights the fleeting boundary between reality and fiction. Overall it's a artistic-horror-thriller, raising many serious questions about violence.

I found myself sympathizing for the main victim in this film played by an unknown and exceptional young actress. She was constantly put in further peril for the sake of "entertainment". And for this reason, I was completely enthralled. I was glued to the screen, wondering what the group's exact fate was. It was at that point that I realized, the only way to help them is to turn away and leave the rest to my imagination as it becomes extremely clear just where everything is going.

I couldn't though. It may have been my addiction to violent tension, it could have been sheer curiosity, it could have been anything. However, one thing was certain, I could not deter my fascination. As a result, I witnessed bizarre and brutal events at my own expense.

This is not an easy movie to like, but it's almost impossible to not respect the impact it will have on you. The filmmakers of this have enough of a soul to call a spade a spade when they see one. The spade is that senseless violence devoid of context, moralizing, or affect is outright insulting coming from a society that is one, if not the most violent nations in recent history.
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Subversive, Shocking and Stellar
kellyklopek25 August 2020
Let me preface the following with these facts about myself : I have a majors in both behavioral and abnormal psychology and have been a clinical social worker for several years. I also love strange and obscure pieces of horror cinema, especially things that are challenging and non-mainstream, and I belong to a number of forums on the subject, which is where I discovered this hidden gem.

The movie begins with a literal backyard book burning, symbolizing the death of art ("entertainment"), which sets the tone for the coming bender of anarchy.

The protagonist, Paxton, lashes out at those who show a lack of appreciation for such entertainments. In his mind he wants to save the world and he thinks that a good start is to show the world that there is "another side to reality" (as he says in the film) , by taking a video camera out into the world and documenting a malicious crime spree, but in the stark black & white reality he inhabits he is actually, and quite frighteningly, a dangerous psychopath.

He is prone to random outbursts of violence, yet he can barely contain his unbridled enthusiasm for creating something unique combined with a thirst for savage beauty and he sees himself as a metaphorical "dragon trying to save the world". I feel like there is a strange music going on that only he can hear. Like a joke where you're the only one who thinks it's funny because you came up with it. The actor portraying Paxton did an incredible job here. He is often times soft-spoken, considerate and thoughtful in his remarks. But at other times, which is the majority of the time, he is a mad dog. I completely bought his performance, he often took interactions with other characters to an extreme or unexpected place and he made me uncommonly uncomfortable more than a few times.

Paxton is joined by two cohorts, a depraved and detached femme fatale named Consider, and the moral compass of the movie, Miller. Sort of a "devil and angel" on Paxton's shoulders kind of relationship. Consider routinely suggests horrific ideas of torment while Miller remains mostly passive and just wants to go home.

Consider (an interesting name choice) is the polar opposite of Miller. She represents Paxton's Id, the "devil on his shoulder". At one point, Consider gleefully blows bubbles at the main victim and often sexualizes repulsive situations, aided by her use of inhalants most commonly found in sex clubs, to induce eroticism and shutter inhibitions.

Miller has probably the hardest job here, trying to talk Paxton out of murder. The character also serves as a source for most of the moments of exposition and explanation. He wants nothing to do with the ensuing murders but doesn't really do anything to remove himself from the situation. He goes along to get along, sadly the mentality of much of the masses today.

It's not long before mayhem and murder happen, actually it's about 5 minutes in and we are witnessing our first mass murder of the movie.

Their kidnap victim, Emily, represents purity at stake. Innocence to be lost. She works at a video game store that the terrible trio enter looking for "new games". Things quickly escalate once inside the store, and after a scene with a mother taken from her son and murdered in another room, the gang (with the exception of Miller) decides to "kill them all", and thus begins the second mass murder of the movie. Paxton with his sledgehammer and Consider with her gun coldbloodly kill each unfortunate customer, but Paxton decides to leave the now motherless child alive to tell their tale, in an homage to Mickey & Mallory in "Natural Born Killers".

This whole sequence at the video game store was raw and intense and left me gasping for air afterward.

After a brief stop at a cemetery, they take their kidnap victim inside of a building. An institution that Paxton claims to work at, but perhaps in reality (and more believably considering his actions) a patient/inmate instead.

They begin to play a game with their "prey", creatively called "Catch & Release", by letting her loose and then hunting her down. Which is effectively just another form of torment by giving the victim a sense of false hope before bringing down the literal hammer.

They eventually encounter a couple of drug addicts living inside of an old abandoned wing of the institution. This is where the movie really shows its teeth and almost feels far too real. My husband even had to leave the room at one point during this scene, he was just too squeamish to sit through it.

There are a handful of scenes that take place in a restroom. I found this interesting because a bathroom is typically thought of as a safe place, a sanctuary. This is most certainly not the case here. Rest assured, every time these characters enter a bathroom, something terrible is going to happen.

Quite frankly, I think this movie has the capacity to disturb people out for a variety of reasons. The "hero" of the story is basically a modern monster, a mentally ill product of a morally bankrupt society. Possibly gaining inspiration from Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of "Joker".

Up until the final experimental Cinéma vérité, Jungean, expressionist moments of the film, the experience feels absolutely authentic. It FEELS like you are watching a video documenting several shocking crimes and vicious acts of extreme violence.

This is not something to be written off as pure exploitation, I believe that the intent was to provoke emotion and stimulate thought, and this really got me thinking. There is something much deeper running underneath the surface here.

The director really shows a strong command for the craft of extreme and experimental. His direction is like a mutant hybrid of Ingmar Bergman and Werner Herzog with the sensibilities of Rob Zombie and a modern day Marques de Sade and I'd be willing to bet he has a background in psychology, whether in practice or as a patient. This was a profound study of human behavior through a dark and disturbingly demented lens. And perhaps in the past the creators would have been imprisoned or worse. But that was then and this is now, and creators of challenging cinema should be celebrated.

The acting was far beyond what you get in many big-budget blockbusters, these actors were committed and it shows. Each one of them had moments to shine and steal a scene. All completely natural and not once did I feel like they were giving anything but genuine performances.

"The House That Jack Built", "Funny Games" and "A Clockwork Orange" are the best comparisons I can come up with to this movie. However, I do not think that this is a movie for mainstream audiences. This would scare the hell out of them. This is a movie meant for fans of challenging ideas of what horror can be, and what it can ultimately do.
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Avant-garde Nihilism
howieblack29 August 2020
This is not a standard horror film aiming to fulfill your needs as a viewer. It's about horror films and us, the audience who gets pleasure from suffering as entertainment. It shows what real horror might look like in an awful situation, and how it psychologically debilitates and paralyzes those involved. This was a commentary on violence in media and movies, and not just violence for violence's sake.

Art isn't always pretty pictures. It is not a happy or uplifting film, and although not overly gratuitous in its violence, it is quite stressing nonetheless and it raises some socially relevant issues as the bodies begin to pile up and you barely get a chance to catch your breath from one scene to the next.

It's not a typical horror film, as there isn't that much blood and gore. It's more of an experience and makes a statement about the audience's desire to witness blood and gore on the screen and to glimpse the nature of evil. Now, some may say that's a bit pretentious and, if you feel this way, this film probably isn't for you.

It's different enough to rise above a lot of its fellow genre films, but may not be everyone's cup of tea and is definitely hard to sit through. What really captivated me was this understated but relentless tension that just grips and chokes and overwhelms from beginning to end.

This is the kind of movie that really makes you *feel* like you're there, going through what the characters are going through. Thanks in no small part the cast of unknowns that did a surprisingly commendable and chilling job.

A disturbing thing about the movie is the story itself. These three nihilistic characters just want to go as far as they can to make us, the audience, suffer. Yet, we suffer in a different way. The suffering is not like Saw or Hostel movies, but totally different. We get tortured and abused because of how much we want to see violence. The director gives us the violence and makes us go through with the pain. The film does torture us, but in a way that we have never been tortured or abused before.
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A Dangerous Vision
aprilashleylewis30 August 2020
I did not like The Mountain Kings in the same manner that I like chocolate ice-cream but I appreciated this movie immensely, for the mere fact that it was able to engage and involve the audience with the stomach to sit through its entire run-time. I'll admit, there were many times during the movie when I wanted to fast-forward, and there were many times that I looked away briefly. In the end, I am glad that I made it through.

Not only is this a blatant slap-in-the-face to Hollywood and those who have become accustomed to Hollywood's ultimately cheery and optimistic nature, it is a film that will provoke reaction from viewers. It will make them FEEL. And any film that can do that in today's desensitized society is a work of genius.

The movie is an uncomfortable, and unpleasant one, and viewers will hardly find a moment to take a deep breath or relax, as even the quieter scenes are filled to capacity with tension. As such, this has to be one of the most emotionally exhausting films one will see under two hours.

The plot is a dark and it is not without its flaws, and some of the many conversations/debates that will follow this film will focus on questions such as "Why didn't she...?" and "How come he didn't...?", and things of that nature. I am actually surprised that it was branded as a horror, as there are no real Hollywood type horror elements in it. As such, I consider the movie a dark suspense thriller, but a horrific one nonetheless.

I am compelled to give this movie a 9/10 and a rating of 3.5 stars (out of 4). I highly recommend films of this nature, as serious film viewers owe it to themselves to broaden their horizons, and challenge their emotions. This film will enter my Top 100 at #88 or so (a notion that did not cross my mind once during my initial viewing). Highly recommended for serious viewers. For those who are queasy, or upset quickly, the choice is yours. It is not entertainment, but a dark, thought-provoking, forceful, and unforgettable experience. Don't say you weren't warned...
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A Movie to Keep You Up At Night...
slaterkelsey31 August 2020
This movie doesn't bother with any type of neither glorifies nor denounces the charcter's actions. It simply observes. It places those actions before us and says "there it deal with sort it out." This is one movie that doesn't present events in a "movie reality" shows us things as they are in the real world, albeit in an artistic way, which makes for a rather strange and unique combination.

It does not need a plot fact, it benefits from having only a very loose plot line. Much like a homicidal version of "The Catcher in the Rye," this film seems much like a lot of things that happened, as opposed to a carefully constructed fictitious story...which make it seems all the more real...and all the more disturbing.

Disturbing on many levels. Firstly, it feels very real. Too real, perhaps. Nothing is slicked up...nothing seems counterfeit or contrived. The entire thing is so utterly plausible that it chills you to the bone. Secondly, the complete lack of police involvement is equally disturbing and possibly influenced by today's anti-police sentiment.

The lead actor is excellent as a psychopath who seems normal but harbours a psychotic rage against society. He and his two friends travel around killing. Why? Why not? The pointlessness of their lives is perfectly captured. It shows the emptiness of these characters. The emotional side of the characters has been likely killed off by previous abuses against them. Even when his girlfriend shows some affection towards him he cannot reciprocate. He can't relate to people, he can only get off on torture and death. Yeah, this is shocking. But it is also incredibly sad.

Overall I think this is an "objectively-artistic" (if such a word exists) look at a world that those of us who come from normal backgrounds will find horrific. A world that we prefer would never exist, but however does exist. Maybe one day, as our society matures these people will cease to exist. I really hope for that day. 9 out of 10.
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An Art House "Devil's Reject's"
jojo_jingles-7832327 August 2020
The three main characters feel like more realistic versions of characters from Rob Zombie movies. They're on spree of anarchy and are filming the whole thing.

Most of the movie is in black and white which really added an extra creepy look to many of the scenes. The only other real color going on here is RED. And it feels like you are in Hell. It reminded me of that infamous scene in "Irreversible".

There are three scenes in this movie that could be among the best of being most intense and disturbing of 2020 so far, and that's all in one insane movie. #1) A daylight murder-spree/kidnapping in broad daylight in public. This classical music in this scene begins to really swell up from the background and takes over everything as absolute chaos explodes. I don't know what it was, I've heard it before obviously, but it was a perfect choice.

#2) The Meth Heads. Oh. My. God. This is a hard to watch/hard to not watch kind of scene. I watched. It was terrifying and it was so demented. The main character is toying/tormenting a meth head he found with such glee it was unsettling in the most believable way. The girl playing the meth head was quite the actress, I was disturbed by the performance to say the least.

#3) The Shower Scene. Not that kind of shower scene, no nudity here, lol. But it does take place in a great big empty locker-room-style shower. This is one of the scenes where everything turns dark red and feel like you're catching a glimpse of what Hell would be like.

All in all it was a rollercoaster of madness, very polarizing. Like I said, for me it was easily one of the most weirdly different and disturbing movies of the year. Love it or hate it kind of movie. I loved it.
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Savage Cinema
crawfordcraw30 August 2020
I wasn't sure entirely what to expect when I started this movie. I was surprised, and enjoyed the majority of the movie, as out-there and as devastatingly blatant it was. The cinematography is stunning, too, and there are many beautifully-filmed scenes.

People will see this film as a social commentary on media violence, the portrayal of it, and the vast population's desensitization towards it, and I think that it's fairly evident that there's truth to this. The villains, primarily Paxton, go as far as talking directly to the audience in an almost interactive experience, thus causing us to feel like voyeurs to these horrible events taking place on screen. It's an interesting idea and an effective turn of the tables, I'd say it was accomplished well.

The 'shock' factor is up there, but the violence is also mostly off-screen. We mainly see the aftermath and the characters' reactions, but the horrific acts that take place are unsettling enough. It's hard to classify the film under a genre, really. It incorporates bits of dark drama within the horror, among other things, but could also very well fall under the "art house" sub-genre. My only complaint here would be that at times the film became a little tedious. Then again, I liked how much of the little aspects were shown. It gave it a more human feel and was less "Hollywood" for lack of a better term. Performance-wise, we have a great cast here. A round of applause to the girl who played the heroine/victim, phenomenal.

Overall, this is a very strange movie. Its social commentary is worth hearing and it's an interesting, unusual film, but I can definitely say that it isn't for all tastes. I'd personally think that a particular segment of moviegoers would enjoy it, but if you're willing to go in with an open mind it is an intriguing experience (plus there is some good acting here from all involved). Worth seeing, but again, there will be a lot of people who will probably not like it. I personally enjoyed it though myself. 8/10.
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A New Underground Classic
jimmyjunipero3 September 2020
I have seen some films literally dozens of times. They will remain nameless, but they are there. Some of those films are pure entertainment and have left an obvious mark on me. I have seen The Mountain Kings four times. And there is no film that has left more of an impression on me than this film. It is a visceral experience and one that will never leave your subconscious, and that goes for anyone who has seen the film. The director has tapped into something that few if any have ever been able to duplicate.

Was this a good film? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely not. It left me exhausted depressed and it drained me to the point that I thought I would break down and cry. For a horror movie to do that to me is quite astonishing. I have seen most of Fulci's gorefests but every time you see some guy with a drill through his head, you can dismiss is a schlock. You know it's fake. But not with this film. It imbues a realism to it that just makes you feel like you are watching someone's snuff film. It is that macabre and it feels that real. There is nothing else like it.
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Cruel Entertainment
drewholt-4093930 August 2020
Loathsome depiction of American complacency and American audience's bystanding voyeurism.

I get what the director wants to get across and shove down our throats but I ain't swallowing it. This is one of the most uncomftable films I've ever seen and I cringed every minute of it. That was torture enough! To have to describe every creepy nasty moment is a disservice to those who want their entertainment just that : entertaining.

Sick and twisted. On a par with the snuff film genre. You can intellectualise a reason to sit through this but to my mind you can't excuse the inexcusable. Couldn't watch it.... very upsetting.

The film only gets 3 stars from me and that's because of the cast. They were excellent.
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Found-Footage Art-House Terror
olliverdomino28 October 2020
This movie takes a gritty, realistic approach that creates the impression that we are watching real life unfold. The director exploits the discomfort the viewer is inclined to feel by effectively making the point that those who seek second hand thrills through violent "entertainment" are almost as guilty as the perpetrators of such deeds. By casting anonymous non-stars in the leading roles (not that they had a choice considering the budget and the repellent subject matter), and focusing entirely on the exploits of the killers (there are no scenes of police investigating the crimes or peeks into the lives of the victims), The filmmakers here have created a brutal, amoral horror film that makes the bloodiest gorefest look benign.
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Hypnotizing Tension
donfreeman-3241613 October 2020
On the surface of this movie, the mere plot about psychopaths terrorizing a family victim seem to be not particularly interesting, or critically, original either. Indeed, the fact that the entire story takes place in pretty much one place would suggest it might struggle to capture the viewer's attention, certainly for its duration.

However, the simple combination of the mechanics of the performances, the script and the general tension make this story work outstandingly well; indeed, its isolated feel simply adds to the overall claustrophobia.

I watched The Mountain Kings without the slightest clue what the film was about, so I just had to sit back and take it as it comes. At first, I wasn't too impressed. I thought the scenes were too long and dragged out, yet at the same time, I felt a strange feeling of suspense. The incredibly long camera shots leave you that bored, that you think "Something bad is going to happen soon, I can tell...". The suspense also lasts right through the film 'til the very end. You don't want to watch it, but at the same time, you feel hypnotized by it.
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A Clockwork Orgy
morgancielenski30 August 2020
Dear everyone who had anything to do with making this movie;

I am charging you with battery. You have mentally assaulted me. You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

The clockwork orange vibe intrigued me and was drawn into seeing the film. Myself and the 2 people I watched this with love movies. We love thrillers, and we love horrors and suspense. We even love B horror and spoof comic horror. Unfortunately this movie effectively fails at all of these. it managed to remain devoid of anything funny. Sometimes a movie is so bad its funny. This couldn't even do that.

It attempts to shock and presents itself as pushing the limits. A partial list of movies that have accomplished what this movie attempts: For making us identify with a sadist and scenes of shocking violence "A Clockwork Orange" For jarring us by breaking the fourth wall and horrific violence, "Goodfellas". For cruel and dismissive homicide, Mickey & Mallory in "Natural Born Killers". For holding up a mirror to the USA, "There will be Blood".

The acting was the only thing that was convincing and above average. The young, lead psychopath was spot on. His character's girlfriend in the movie is good as the more sexually and mindlessly vicious of the two. The kidnap victim is great. She does an outstanding job of portraying wide wild-eyed terror. It was miserable though to watch. The gang's Uber-Wimp lackey was relatable, since like him, I didn't want to be there either.

There is some resonance to this movie, but not the good kind, it's more of an ugliness, a feeling of shame and a feeling of getting betrayed by believing that there could be something redeeming from the experience.
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Dark and Twisted
ronniehewitt-089331 September 2020
This low-budget film gets high marks because of it's effectiveness, despite the perversity of the subject matter. Some will be turned off big-time with the shocking brutality of this film, but that's what it is about - a cold-blooded killer with seemingly no conscience.

The film follows the murderous trail of rage and sexual frustrations that fuel the madness that's locked deep within the lead's psyche. Those that are around him soon feel his madness and it has brutal and fatal consequences. The director follows these three individuals with a pseudo-documentary feel. The rape and murder scenes are graphic and rough, as they should be. This is no mere exploitation film because there is nothing exploitative about it, as it should be.

The mission of the movie itself has succeeded. The ideal atmosphere is achieved in the movie. Dark, frightening, depressing... isn't really an entertaining film in the traditional sense of the word. It is a well acted and well thought drama about evil.
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Could Not Finish Watching
vanessaford-9921131 August 2020
Violent, pseudo-intellectual rubbish, purporting to be progressive but concealing puritanical sentiments worthy of Mary Whitehouse. Essentially, this is a diatribe about how horror is bad because it is violent, without giving any real justification for the argument besides a moral one. Yes, this is essentially the same argument thrown about by puritans who would rather force us all to watch drab romances and tedious dramas rather than horror.

ZERO ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. Decent acting. Decent cinematography.

After I was certain the movie would have no entertainment factor I stopped viewing the movie around half way and just skimmed ahead to confirm my suspicions (thankfully I did not pay to see this and these filmmakers/actors will not receive a penny from me for their contrived effort...not too many times can I say that completely guilt-free). Had I saw this movie in theaters I would have certainly demanded my money back.
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Not to See With The Family
kennygardnia31 August 2020
It is difficult to comprehend how such an appalling movie was made. My family sat there shaking their heads in disbelief as to what was unfurling before their eyes.

Despite a lack of complaints against the film's acting, the movie is terribly mentally aggressive and aggravating. I still don't know what happened since it became so excruciating that I called a halt to proceedings with less than 10 minutes to go.

It didn't give me a sense of gratification at the end, and really just kept me feeling uncomfortable the entire time I watched it. Admittedly, an attempt was made to give this movie some meaning, but throwing in two or three lines of thematic dialogue doesn't get the job done.

If you like the mindless violence of some movies, but want less in the way of story-telling and entertainment, watch this movie immediately. For most people, though, I'd advise snacking on the barrel of a loaded, high-power gun before watching this movie. 2/10.
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