"Supernatural" On the Head of a Pin (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Jensen Ackles: Dean Winchester



  • Castiel : [Sitting next to Dean's bed in the hospital room]  You alright?

    Dean Winchester : [Voice rough after being taken off the ventilator]  No thanks to you.

    Castiel : You need to be more careful.

    Dean Winchester : You need to learn how to manage a damn Devil's trap.

    Castiel : That's not what I mean. Uriel is dead.

    Dean Winchester : Was it the demons?

    Castiel : Disobedience. He was working against us.

    Dean Winchester : [after a pause]  Is it true? Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this?

    Castiel : Yes. When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to Hell. And we fought our way to get to you before you...

    Dean Winchester : Jump started the apocalypse?

    Castiel : But we were too late.

    Dean Winchester : [Roughly, ashamed]  Why didn't you just leave me there then?

    Castiel : It's not... blame that falls on you, Dean. It's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it. You have to stop it.

    Dean Winchester : Lucifer? The apocalypse? What does that mean? Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean?

    Castiel : I don't know.

    Dean Winchester : Bull!

    Castiel : I don't. Dean, they don't tell me much. I know... our fate... rests... with you.

    Dean Winchester : [His voice is strained, fighting soreness and tears]  Well, then you guys are screwed. I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. Alistair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not str- I'm not strong enough.

    [He turns his head away, a tear falling] 

    Dean Winchester : I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It's not me.

    [Another tear falls as Dean lays silent and defeated] 

  • Alastair : C'mon. You gotta want a little payback for everything I did to you. For all the... pokes and prods. Hmmm? No? Then... how about for all the things I did to your daddy? Had your pop on my rack for close to a century.

    Dean Winchester : Can't stall forever.

    Alastair : John Winchester. Made quite a name for himself. A hundred years. After each session, I'd make him the same offer I made you. I put down my blade if he picked one up.

    Dean Winchester : Just give me the demon's name, Alistair.

    Alastair : But... he said nein. Each and every time. Damned if I couldn't break him. Pulled out all the stops. But John, he was... made of something unique. The stuff of heroes. But then came Dean. Mmm. Dean Winchester. I was up against it again! But, daddy's little girl... he broke. He broke in *thirty*! Mm, just not the man your daddy wanted you to be, huh, Dean?

  • Dean Winchester : I'm tired of burying friends, Sam.

    Sam Winchester : Look. We catch a fresh trail...

    Dean Winchester : And we follow it. I know. Like I said, I'm just, I'm just gettin' tired.

    Sam Winchester : Well, get angry!

  • Dean Winchester : So, you need our help hunting a demon?

    Castiel : Not quite. We have Alistair.

    Dean Winchester : Great. He should be able to name your trigger man.

    Castiel : But, he won't talk. Alistair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse.

    Dean Winchester : Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in torture. I mean, you guys are outta your league.

    Uriel : That's why we've come to his student. You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got.

    [Realization dawns on Dean and he swallows hard and lowers his head] 

    Castiel : Dean. You're our best hope.

    Dean Winchester : No.

    [Looks up at Cas] 

    Dean Winchester : No way. You can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not *this*.

    Uriel : [Moves closer to Dean]  Who said anything... about asking?

    [Dean looks at Sam. When Sam looks over at Dean, he sees that he's disappeared with Cas and Uriel] 

    Sam Winchester : Dammit!

  • Dean Winchester : [Sam and Dean enter their motel room and turn on the lights to find Castiel and Uriel waiting for them]  Oh, c'mon.

    Uriel : You're needed.

    Dean Winchester : Needed? We just got *back* from needed!

    Uriel : [low and menacing]  Now you mind your tone with me.

    Dean Winchester : No, you mind your damn tone with us.

    [Takes a step towards Uriel but Sam cautions him to stop] 

    Sam Winchester : We just back from Pamela's funeral.

    Dean Winchester : Pamela. You know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her. You- you burned her eyes out. Remember that? Good times! Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So, maybe you can stop pushing us around like pieces on a chess board for FIVE *FREAKIN'* MINUTES!

    Uriel : [Menacing]  We raised you outta Hell... for *our* purposes.

    Dean Winchester : [Not backing down]  Yeah, what were those again? What exactly do you want from me?

    Uriel : Start with gratitude.

    Dean Winchester : [a look of disgusted disbelief crosses his face]  Oh...

    Castiel : Dean, we know this is difficult to understand.

    Uriel : And we

    [silences Cas with a look] 

    Uriel : *don't* care.

    [Dean looks at Cas, but Cas stays silent] 

  • Dean Winchester : [to Cas]  Tell Uriel, or whoever... you do not want me doin' this. Trust me.

    Castiel : Want it. No. But, I've been told we need it.

    Dean Winchester : [Low and rough, a look of dread on his face]  You ask me to open that door and walk through it...? You will not like what walks back out.

  • Alastair : [laughing at Dean]  I'm sorry. This is a very serious, very emotional situation for you. I shouldn't laugh. It's just that, I mean, are they serious? They sent *you* to torture *me*?

    Dean Winchester : You got one chance. One. Tell me who's killing the angels. I want a name.

    Alastair : You think I'll see all your... scary toys and spill my guts?

    Dean Winchester : Oh, you'll spill your guts, one way or the other. I just didn't want to ruin my shoes.

  • Alastair : Honestly, Dean. You have no idea how bad it really was. And what you really did for us.

    Dean Winchester : Shut up.

    Alastair : The whole bloody thing, Dean. The reason Lilith wanted you there in the first place.

    Dean Winchester : Well, then, I'll just make you shut up.

    [Pours salt down Alistair's throat] 

    Alastair : [choking]  Something caught in my throat... I think it's my throat.

    Dean Winchester : Well strap in. Cuz I'm just startin' to have fun.

    [Turns back to the table with various implements on it] 

    Alastair : You know. It was supposed to be your father. He was supposed to bring it on. But, in the end... it was you.

    Dean Winchester : [Turns back to Alastair]  Bring what on?

    Alastair : Every night, the same offer, remember? Same as your father. And finally you said, sign me up. Oh, the first time you picked up my razor, the first time you sliced into that... weeping bitch. That was the first seal.

    Dean Winchester : You're lying.

    Alastair : And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in Hell. As he breaks, so shall it break.

    [Dean walks away in horror] 

    Alastair : We had to break the first seal before any others. Only way to get the dominoes to fall, right? Top of the order, the front of the line.

    [pause, then thoughtfully] 

    Alastair : When we win, when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this earth down, we'll owe it all to you... Dean Winchester.

    [Dean closes his eyes as dread fills him] 

    Alastair : Believe me, son, I wouldn't lie about this. It's kind of a... religious... sort of thing with me.

    [Looks at the water leak he's caused to break the Devil's trap] 

    Dean Winchester : No. I don't think you are lying. But, even if the demons do win, you won't be there to see it.

    [Dean turns back to the trap but Alistair has freed himself] 

    Alastair : You should talk to your plumber about the pipes.

    [He knocks Dean to the ground with one blow] 

  • Dean Winchester : [to Uriel]  I want to talk to Cas. Alone.

    Uriel : [after a pause]  I think I'll go seek revelation. We might have some further orders.

    Dean Winchester : [With a snarky smile]  Well, get some donuts while you're out.

    Uriel : [chuckles. to cas-]  this one just won't quit. i'm starting to like you boy.


    Dean Winchester : you guys don't walk enough, you'll start to get flabby.

    [cas gives him a puzzled look] 

    Dean Winchester : you know, i'm starting to think huckles has a better sense of humor than you do.

    Castiel : Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison. ask anyone.

See also

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