Plastic Planet (2009) Poster

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A Real Eye Opener
tock33313 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was going to be all about plastic and how it is clogging up our environment, and in part it was, but actually it was also much more. I enjoyed the scene where they showed the desert where Lawrence from Arabia was filmed, or the one where they worked to clean the beach of Nature Island, knowing that next year they would have to come back and do the same, and of course the bit with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but what really surprised me was the fact that we all have plastic in our blood! I mean I know plastic is everywhere, but even inside of us! That was a surprise.

The most surprising of all however, was not all the information about plastic, but how LITTLE information the plastics industry is willing to share! I understand that they want to keep their "secret recipes" safe from their competitors, but come on every bit of food I buy has a list of ingredients on it too. Even if I know all the ingredients for a cake it still doesn't mean I can bake it myself. So what is the big deal? Is there something they do not want us to know? The government has passed so many regulations to protect us from what we consume, so why is it impossible for the EU to get any such a regulations passed for the plastics industry? I mean sure we don't eat it, but we certainly do put enough of it in our mouths almost every day. Just think, how many plastic bottles have you drunk from in the past week? Not to mention babies and baby bottles and pacifiers… What is all this plastic doing to our children, and why can't we as the consumers even find out what it is we are consuming?

I think this film does its job well and succeeds in doing exactly what I would expect from this type of documentary. It has opened my eyes and motivated me to start asking more questions. Who knows, if enough of us start asking we might get some answers and even bring about a change! If you have not seen this film yet, then you should!
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Plastic, not so fantastic. Plastic Planet, a indispensable film if we don't want die stupid
eliseleforestier8 May 2011
Convenient and cheap, plastic seems to have become an indispensable element in our daily lives. Indeed, all sectors of the global industry depend today, in a way or another, on plastic. However, this substance, seemingly harmless, present a big threat, both for men that for health. It is this impact that Werner Boote denounces in new his shock documentary "Plastic Planet"

For the first time as an actor and director,he take us on a world tour through fourteen countries to compare consumption of the inhabitants of different towns. After eight years of work and multiple trips about the world, Plastic Planet was released on the April six last on our screens. As a grandson of a founder of plastics industry Werner Boote is in any case well placed to investigate. Visibly prompted by a guilty family , he offer us today, a documentary retracing the current problems of our planet. Just like Michael Moore, this one staged himself by compiling interviews and adding a touch of provoked.

So, we can also add the originality of this documentary, particularly, through the use of animations and some good ideas of staged. Ultimately, this film is both entertaining and informative. Children or adults, this documentary concerns us all. Therefore, dear readers, I highly recommend you to go to the cinema the most quickly possible.
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Wish I could say it's "alarmist"
skuhmm30 May 2012
This is by no means a perfect film, but a couple of the other users' reviews surprise me with their cynicism and actually make me suspect there might be moles from plastic corporations writing "reviews" here. Yes, Werner B. is clearly trying to emulate Michael Moore's style, and there's a moment or two where his playful, spontaneous interviewing style gets in the way of the interviewed person fully expressing their (usually very interesting) opinions. The guy of the bioplastic corporation in particular springs to mind. However, to say that this film carries no information and that its message is "alarmist" is absurd. The film clearly shows EVIDENCE of the effects of plastic in our health, with factual data provided by experts and plenty of real examples. Anyone thinking this is "alarmist" must live in a parallel world where it doesn't matter if the entire food chain is contaminated and transformed, the prevalence of cancer and endocrine disorders increase and the companies which create plastic are allowed to work secretly without revealing to the consumers what they really are doing. Poor plastic firms! Let's just keep on blindly consuming their products and not think too much, OK? After all, as we all know, they only have our best interest at heart and don't care about such things as money, huh?
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kosmasp4 November 2010
Do you really want to know about Plastic? Do you? You know that those who are oblivious are most likely to be better off. So are you sure you want to watch this? I guess so. But then again, it's not like big secrets will get revealed. It's just that things get spoken out, that you might have thought about and forget ever since. Or are just trying to ignore. So will this help remember?

Isn't it ironic me writing this on my plastic keyboard and you reading this on your monitor, that has all kinds of plastic too. Not as ironic as watching it on (plastic) Disc. But then again, how else would you be able to get (that little) information they are giving out.

A movie that quite possibly might change your perspective on a few things, but don't expect it too boost you or make you happy-go-lucky.
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a must see
juliane-horvath18 May 2011
For me Plastic Planet is a great documentary! It shows the big problems caused by the big amount of plastic products in the world. It shows how less people know about the products they use in their daily life and how less they even know how much plastic they have in their homes (all this includes myself - I didn't know much about how dangerous plastic can be and was shocked and impressed). But this movie understands to "teach" us without a "schoolmasterly" manner. There are also funny moments included, that give you a good laugh. Which makes it maybe difficult for some people to see the urgent signals the story wants to tell us. But that's up to every single person itself: to start thinking about what's going on around us and in the world.
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Plastic Planet.
MllxFanny22 April 2011
Reviewer's rating ***


Plastic Planet is a documentary exits cinema since 2008. The documentary speaks the environment and pollution. The grandfather was industry employee in plastic. We use the plastic since we were small and it's we things not dangerous. And yet, the grandfather is death...

Plastic Planet is very interesting documentary because it speaks Plastic material and it shows that the plastic material is dangerous for health. It's a very string point the documentary. However, there are many boring moments... Plastic Planet is repetitive.

If I should rename the documentary it : « a dangerous material without known it »to prevent the habitants but plastic material is used daily. STOP pollution ! I don't like the documentary in general because it's too long. And yet, I like Plastic Planet although it's too long but Plastic planet very interesting informations.

As a conclusion : It's very interesting documentary and you learn things.

Director : Werner BOOTE. Genre : Documentary. Country : Austria. Cinema : September 2011.
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A very good movie !
lea-valmy4 May 2012
"Plastic planet" is a documentary which was produced by Werner Boote. Since the death of his grand-father who worked in the industry of plastic, Mr. Boote wanted to learn more about plastic. So he decided to cross 14 countries to have answers to his questions. This documentary talked about the making of plastic and it reveals if there is a lot of plastic on the Earth and what the consequences of the plastic on the human health and on the planet are. Firstly, I found that this documentary was very interesting. It learned many things about plastic and its production. But I disagree with Werner Boote who only showed the defects of plastic, and not the qualities enough. Moreover, there are sequences which didn't need do be seen because there shocking and these sequences don't teach anything about plastic. However, there are many interviews which are very interesting, the interviews with the scientists or with the boss of a big business in the industry of plastic which talked a lot about it. But many persons don't want to answer the questions. To conclude, I found this film very interesting and it teach many things about plastic and its dangers. And to finish, I was too afraid when the man said « With the quantity of plastic produced since the start of plastic age, we can wrap the planet six times over. » You have to see this film if you are interested about your future and the future of your children.
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The film is a documentary, speak about the dangers of plastic on the environment. The documentary it's create in September 2009. The main character of the documentary is Werner Bod. I liked the documentary because we see the documentary is true, the true investigation (…) on the boss the plastic. I also liked history of the family when he speak grand-father in big manufacturing of plastic. Werner bode prove in the body plastic and the element of plastic bis phenol A is very dangerous for the health but also for the environment and for the life. But the documentary scene has violent. I agree with the documentary because it is good.
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The movie that opens our eyes !
matou-622 April 2011
Plastic Planet is a documentary about the pollution of plastic. It's a movie by Werner Boote shot in 2008. In the movie we can see the different problems of plastic with some interviews in different countries. There are families who we shot different things in plastic in our their house.

In my opinion, this movie is too long because when he interviews people it's boring. But I think that this film opens our eyes on the truth about plastic. This movie scares because after having see it, we see plastic everywhere : in our house, in hour car …

The strong points of this movie are that Plastic Planet said the truth about plastic, because a lot of people don't know. And for the third times, this movie opens our eyes! This film is interesting and everybody can see it. It's must-see !

The bad points of Plastic Planet are that the interviews are boring because people say the same things, and the movie is too long.

End credits: Title : plastic Planet Genre : Documentary Productor : Werner Boote u:universal for everybody Rating : *** Year : 2008
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to see once .
pierrick-soad4 May 2012
Plastic Planet is Werner Boote's documentary about the dangers of plastic . In this Documentary , Werner Boote , the grand son of an ex boss of plastic industry, seeks some answer about the dangers of plastic on human health .He goes in factory areas ,but the majority of companies refuse his camera . To illustrate the plastic invasion , he choose three families everywhere in the world , and these families show all plastic objects . It's an interesting documentary , just a bit too long ant repetitive ant it made to scare persons looking this movie . It's a universal public documentary , just need to understand all things . In conclusion , I think all people have to see this film , but with other persons to have a discussion later .
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A little summary of ''Plastic Planet''
lookatxme4 May 2012
Werner Boote is the director of documentary '' Plastic Planet''. He traveled around the world to answer a simple question : plastic are dangerous for planet and human health ? Werner Boote is Austrian. His grand-father worked in big plastic company in Europe. At the start of his journey, a big boss of a big plastic industry met Werner Boote and said '' We are in The Plastic Age ''. I agree with him because all objects around us made with plastic. Then, we know that pollution is global problem, let's take an example: Oceans, with with documentary, we learn that lots of fishes die every day because of pollution. In this documentary, we travel in lots of countries in the world to discover why plastic is dangerous for human health. Let's take an example; we learn that plastic gives cancers.

Anyway, I totally agree with Werner Boote; I'm convinced that Plastic is a global problem for the pollution and for human health. So, if you want to learn a bit more your world, watch this documentary. Then, it is very pleasant, musics are attractive and it is easy to understand. It is an essential documentary for all the family.
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Big disappointment
diakyra25 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To be perfectly honest, I went to the movies to watch this because I wanted to support the idea of an Austrian documentary, because I believe they deserve more attention than they are getting nowadays. So basically I was predisposed to like the film. I hated it. The information content could be compared to one of those Galileo-specials: nothing of consistence, the parts with any potential were not explained, zero visual aids to the chemical reactions (except for an incredibly lame cartoon). Werner tried very hard to come off Michael Moore- style(he carried around a backpack the whole time- WTF?!), which sadly did not work at all for him. To "force" an interview, and then leave when politely asked, is not my idea of a committed reporter. Many of the dialogues were irrelevant and void of any consequence. Basically, he took a great topic, had an intriguing poster made, and at this point stopped letting the good ideas in. I felt I did not learn about plastic, and the movie -lacking an offer for any kind of solution- did not have a point.
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Good and interesting movie
eloise084 May 2012
This documentary will show you through many interviews of scientists and reports that plastic, nevertheless present everywhere on the planet, is very dangerous to our health. I have found this documentary has a interesting topic and which concerns all the peoples has objects in plastic its home. It really show the danger and consequences of this material and the quantity of plastic which there are on the planet. This movie is really captivating even if, sometimes, I find the interviews too long and boring. Sometimes too, passages of this do documentary frighten scares. To conclude , I have found this movie very well and it really opens my eyes on this material... You owe see it !
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Is it our future ?!
xx-kiff-rock-xx4 May 2012
Plastic Planet is a documentary, directed by Werner Boote. This is the « story » of a man who tries to gather studies about plastic effects (on human health) for industries take the dangerous substances out of it. This movie is interesting; we realize that plastic is everywhere and unsafe for human health, but some thing are said several times and some scenes are not very attractive, for example the one with parts of human corpses conserved to do some art. Then, there are some boring parts, for instance when he (Werner Boote) walks and he's looking for the manager of plastic industry. Actually, this movie is interesting but a little bit boring. In my opinion, if you want to appreciate the film : watch it in several times when you're calm and when you want to learn about plastic. Finally, my opinion is mixed. As far I'm concerned, I've found it attractive despite the long and boring parts. My advice is to watch it and judge by yourself ... so, watch it and try to enjoy !
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Good movie
elipiece4 May 2012
Is plastic really dangerous ? Plastic Planet is a documentary, created by Werner Booye in September 2009, which says the many dangers of plastic on our health and on earth and based on a lot of interview of experts. I think Plastic Planet is captivating, we open your eyes to the dangers of plastic, however, many shocking passages there are. Moreover you could see Plastic Planet if you don't want to die stupid and if you do not to die too soon. Werner Boote has got many financial means to do that because we traveled around the world, he interviewed many people, experts...In brief, Plastic Planet is too long and it leaves me puzzled in the subject of plastic and the dangers that we can have on us, Werner Boote, proposed little solution to stop the dangers of plastic. If you are interested to pollution, the world, the health and you have time you could see plastic Planet, is a really good movie and real directing. To conclude, I don't know if the people going change him life with this documentary, we can see, later...!
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A horror story about horrible greedy people with the power to change instead they choose to sell poison to poor people.
xxxxxx6826 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Two types of people. One type is naturally destructive in some way or all ways and the other type builds or repairs in some way or all ways. This film is an example of what happens when the world is imbalanced in some way. Common sense, common good and balance. I am glad that someone reported the review that plainly stated that there are too many people and that they should be eliminated in some way. Where does that come from as a solution? That is a failure and a cycle of sickness that we must overcome. We are far too great to be limiting ourselves to life on one planet really. Does it make sense that with an endless cosmos filled with galaxies and universes that we should be so fearful of solving a very obvious problem? Will we be controlled to death by greedy, controlling psychopaths so eager to herd us to only one conclusion each and every time? Creative apocalypse. Justifiable genocide. There is a pattern. We have to wake up to that belief. There is a power greater than anger or violence. The information in this film is inspirational to people that have the sense to be inspired. As evil as someone may wish to believe they are, without good food, clean air, clean water, rewards, love, companionship and accomplishment they will cease to exist and proves that evil is inherently flawed. The fact is we are being controlled to death when we should be educated and instructed to make responsible decisions. Instead we are taught to fear the unknown that may lose control and explode at any time. This leads us to believe that we are weak and that we should huddle in a dysfunctional, passive aggressive way, beaten into submission and taught that we deserve to be disrespected. A reasonable amount of respect for everything is what this film is hinting and all films that are similar. We need solutions for the protagonists and solutions for the antagonists just to be fair. This film is not perfect and wasn't meant to be but it gets the point across.
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Falls flat
Karl Self2 May 2011
This documentary certainly has an interesting subject, but doesn't make much out of it. Writer-director Werner Boote flies around the world, talks to a lot of interesting people, and generally tries to emulate Michael Moore's deadpan-"I'm just a regular Joe who's asking simple questions"-style, but whenever someone says something interesting he'll cut him or her short and flick the channel, i. e. move on to another thread of his movie. The movie dwells in alarmism and doom mongering -- it's not "Let's explore the downsides of plastics" but "OMG we're hooked on the deadly drug that is plastic". Plastic materials pollute, and plastic softeners are hazardous. The movie could have explored those two issues and shown us how big the problem really is, weighing the many advantages of plastics against their disadvantages. Instead Boote publicly harries the petty PR-lady of some Chinese plastics factory because she won't let him film in every part of the factory. It didn't exactly move me to the edge of my seat, and after about one hour into the documentary I gave up and switched off.
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Low quality "documentary"
mkis-noob9 February 2013
I have actually made an account on IMDb just so that I could post this review. It is a horrible documentary. The whole movie revolves around plastics, and it gives no exact "definition" of plastic, the different types of plastic that are out there, the chemistry behind it. It excuses itself that the industry does not give these details out, but seriously, one Google search and you will find out what the general difference is between PVC, PET, PC, etc. Moreover, the studies presented in this documentary are so vague, the protagonist is at no level to talk to the scientists who actually have something intelligent to say. Additionally this movie gives you, the viewer, no sort of solution for the future or for now, and leaves you off as if plastics were the only way to go for now until we find something better. For this type of documentary, it is the most important thing to give solutions. IF someone is criticizing, they also need to give a solution, otherwise it's worthless. As a matter of fact there are many solutions to reducing the use of plastic instead of: plastic bottles => returnable glass bottles (as glass is actually inert) meat packed in plastic => like the old days, meat wrapped in paper and the list goes on. All in all, it is one of the worst documentaries of its type that I have seen so far (and I have seen quite a few).
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Environmentalists, they always want us to use less and spend more...
SusieSalmonLikeTheFish21 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, I'm sure my review won't be voted the best one at all, likely voted down, but this movie must be some kind of joke.

Sure, making a movie to show us where all the plastic we use in our lives could be interesting to watch, but Plastic Planet aims to make us feel like earth-killing monsters who need to use less plastic and spend more money to keep the planet from destruction. My god, it's not the f*ck1ng APOCALYPSE! I never use biodegradable bottles or bags (they cost more and I like pollution, anyway) and I don't recycle, neither do the hundred-some family members, friends and co-workers in my life, nor do many of the people in the community, or in the nearby city, or the island, or the whole province, and is the planet collapsing? Has it become a littered wasteland of garbage? No! And sure, Nova Scotia is just one province in the country but I've been to many countries and have yet to see one littered and polluted to the point of total destruction. Yes, I've seen the Great Pacific garbage patch and Beijing and Chernobyl and the Alberta Tar Sands and Love Canal, Bhobal, Scunthorpe, Sydney Tar Ponds, New Jersey, many of earth's supposedly most polluted lands, and never is it nearly as drastic as they say.

Not only is Plastic Planet one-sided, it is also an environmental extremism scare tactic for a problem that really just isn't there.

I won't be unfair, they do present their side of the matter effectively. But there are two sides to every story. Of course, there never will be a documentary or fictional movie in favor of pollution, this green movement crud has already swept the world with the ideology that to save the world we have to hate pollution, factories, jobs and industry and change our ways. Now we have to blame plastic. And environmentalists with their gourmet Starbucks and khaki shorts and biodegradable bottles can often afford to look like they care, though most of them really just want to yell about something.

My advice, if you're smart and want to watch a movie that presents both sides of the matter evenly, pass this one up, it isn't worth your time unless you're a die-hard hippie or a global warming alarmist.

And for the record, was the director even considering how much plastic is used in mass DVD production of this film? I've never seen anyone recycle a DVD and I assume this one will be piling up in landfills when viewers everywhere see it.
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needs more credibility
filmalamosa18 July 2012
Watching this inspires horror in normal people. The beaches in Japan the junk dredged from sea water. You feel like we are burying the planet in garbage. (Something that anyone with eyes in their heads already knows.)

Where the documentary fails is when it starts asserting things like the sperm count in humans is down 40% from a generation ago. This sort of unbelievable comment adds a lunatic fringe element to this horrible problem. It is quite enough that we are ruining habitats there is absolutely no need to add this sort of unbelievable nonsense.

The experts cited are unknowns from minor institutions--reproductive biologists from Spokane State etc... This further weakens these unneeded arguments. If they had used Harvard or MIT or NIH experts it would have made a difference. Finally the film drags on too long it needs editing.

I hate the use of plastic and this documentary should have stuck to the polluting and harming of animals it would have been much more effective. Also making multi national evil boogie men is too cliché 60s stuff and marks it politically which alienates a lot of people.

I did like its breathless style where it transitions instantly from Shanghai to Colorado that was impressive.

It is pity it comes off overall as boring and weak because we are burying the planet in harmful waste not just plastics...heavy waste..electronic debris... old furniture concrete GARBAGE PERIOD on and on and on...A product of there being just too many people.

And there is no solution except maybe a catastrophic ice age or some such thing. I actually hope for that to save the planet and all the other life that lives here.
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Plastic planet, a problem... no solution... (2011)
pauliiine5022 April 2011
Plastic planet is a documentary about plastic pollution and the consequences on Human health and on the environment. This film was produced by Werner Boote, he is Austrian. Before this man loves the plastic. Now he sees plastic everywhere and he doesn't know how stop the pollution caused by plastic.

It's a gutsy documentary. After have see it we realized that plastic is everywhere and forever ! Some people know the plastic dangers on human health. For example we have found plastic in human blood ! Plastic is very dangerous for the environment too. Plastic can't disappear, it's a reel problem.

My opinion about this film is it's interesting but very long. It's convincing but we can't stop the plastic industry. It's impossible ! As a conclusion, with this documentary we open our eyes on the big problem but we haven't found a solution.
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A Plastic Life
marine55822 April 2011
The script about the film «  Plastic Planet » Talk about a life with plastic everywhere. This documentary was produced in cooperation with the director, Weerner Boote. In this documentary, there are lots of interviews. All the interviews try to present positives points of plastic. It try to raise awareness all the people. It get involved for the environment because wildlife is threaten. But plastic is it dangerous for human? Do you think that life without plastic is possible? We are starting with strong points of this documentary. The subject is interesting because it's a n actual problem. Then it's surprising. In my opinion I didn't know that there was so much plastic in the world. « Plastic Planet » it was a very good subject to learn. We can see it in family, there is no violence so a child can see the documentary. But now, we are talking about weak points. This documentary is too long and a little boring. The man who presents were serious all the time and it's not very funny.

I advice you ask what are solutions about plastic, because it's possible that is dangerous. And finally ask if Mr Boote feel to handle the situation. To conclude I'll give you my opinion about the documentary. I don't like this documentary because it's too long and boring. But the subject is interesting because it's an actual problem and we are all concerned.
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How plastic is destroying the environment
bettycjung15 February 2018
2/12/18. This is an excellent documentary that shows how plastic products are killing the environment and destroying our health. This is one movie you need to see as it does a great job of showing exactly what it is that Plastic is doing to living things and how specific chemicals are affecting our health by damaging our bodies on the molecular level. Those that sell and develop plastic products have no idea about what the poisons are that they are dealing with. It's scary, and it should scare you to watch this.
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limit your use of plastics
jerrylong582 November 2014
Plastics are everywhere because they make products easier to ship, non-breakable, more attractive, and because they are cheap to manufacture. However the use of plastics to contain foods, beverages, to store foods, and for disposable water and soda bottles (etc.) are dangerous; for the long-term. We even use plastic bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, teething rings, bowls and utensils for our children; because they don't break. Just the use is bad enough, but heating the plastics is even more dangerous. Chemicals leach out of plastic containers, and slowly create serious irreversible health conditions. Plastic (for food uses) is going to become an epidemic; we have just scratched the surface. I am getting rid of 90% of all plastic containers, cups, ziplock bags and utensils in my house and am going to glass or stainless. Also limiting the packaging of bought products. The manufacturers aren't going to protect you. Health cures; natural apple cider vinegar, H2o2.
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