The Conference (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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The brutal logic of a fascist bureaucracy
betadron21 January 2022
How do you eliminate millions of people? This question had dwelled in the minds of Hitler and his inner circle for a long time. By July 1941, Germany had turned into a fascist dictatorship under the "Fuhrer" Adolf Hitler; the concentration camps were full of people deemed "unwanted" and "subhuman", the war in Europe was about to escalate into the second World War, and the Holocaust had already begun. Now the NS elite looked for the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" and delegated this task to the chief of the Reich Security Main Office, Reinhard Heydrich. A couple months later, on January 20, 1942, Heydrich invited top representatives of the cornerstone political and military branches to a meeting at a villa at the Wannsee in Berlin.

There have been a couple of movies about this most infamous conference in modern history, especially the German TV-movie from 1984 and the British-US production "Conspiracy" from 2001.

All movies face the same problem: Little is known about the actual event, one of the few historical sources is the only surviving copy of the conference protocol that was authored by Adolf Eichmann and Heydrich, both now known as the architects of the holocaust.

This means that we don't really know how the meeting took place, how the participants behaved, what they talked about apart from what's on the record. All of that has to be "invented" by means of film dramaturgy and historical knowledge about the people involved.

This latest film, as well as the previous German movie from 1984, is based on a play by Paul Mommertz, which has both received criticism and praise since its premiere. The subject of criticism has mostly been the depiction of a variety of people, especially Eichmann and Heydrich. Movies often tend to lend Nazis characters like that a demon-like aura, a natural evil of some sort that seems self-explaining. The more frightening reality is that Heydrich, Eichmann and all the other participants weren't demons but human beings, though following an inhumane, extreme ideology; believing in a "cause" that had already lead to the deaths of millions and which should lead to the death of millions more. They truly believed that what they did was right - and that they had the natural right to do it.

"Die Wannseekonferenz" excels in portraying this key event with an eerie sense of cold soberness, perfectly capturing the brutal logic of a fascist bureaucracy, where law is weaponized and everyone and everything subordinated under the doctrine of war and genocide.

No over-dramatization or -fictionalization, no unnecessary background score to paint the picture darker than it already is, and a very accurate historical portrayal of the real life personas - in my opinion the most outstanding features of this film in contrast to the other ones mentioned earlier.

The only thing that's truly missing in my opinion is some sort of historical comment other than the mention of the murder of six million jews at the end of the movie. I think, it is absolutely important to provide the audience with a context of why and when this conference took place, and more importantly of all people involved, especially the lesser known ones. It is important because the planning and execution of the holocaust spanned across all political and military branches, not just a dedicated elite - and despite the secrecy of this meeting the Nazis made sure that everyone was bound to it by complicity.

For all following generations, the holocaust constitutes a crime of unprecedented nature and scale, with terrible consequences reaching into our very present. For its planners, perpetrators and supporters, it was the fateful challenge, the biggest on the way to a racially pure, germanic European future. Imagine the horrors of a future built on the remains of millions of murdered human beings, imagine a dystopia world like that planned in what looks like a completely normal business meeting. That's what the Wannsee Conference was to Heydrich and everyone invited.
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yannik_kng20 January 2022
The movie shows perfectly scary how the plan to kill Millions of people is just discussed in a normal buisness meeting with jokes and coffee. The whole movie is just a dialogue but never gets boring. Philip Hochmair with an outstanding performance. For everyone who is interested in history and wants to get a feeling of the inhumane atmosphere of this meeting, this movie is great.
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A German interesting rendition about Wannsee conference where decided to adopt the Final Solution.
ma-cortes19 May 2022
This excellent TV production is based on real-life deeds and this is the third retelling, being previously shot in 1984 : a German film ¨Die Wannseekonferenz¨ by Heinz Schirk and the most known : ¨Conspiracy¨ (2002) by Frank Pierson with Kenneth Branagh , Colin Firth, Kevin McNally , Tom Hiddleston .It concerns the meeting of high-ranking Nazi SS and civilian leaders at the Wannsee Conference held on January 20,1942 , to plan the Final Solution of the Jewish question. This interesting, important movie depicting, in real time, the conference during which 14 members of the Nazi hierarchy decided in eighty five minutes the logistics and means of effecting the Final Solution. The film is magnificently acted by a complete , though mostly unknown German casting playing notorious Nazis , such as : General Reinhard Heydrich splendidly perfomed by Philipp Hochmair , Dr Stuckard , Dr Klopfer , Dr Kritzinger , Martin Luther , among others . The picture well produced Constantin Television and ZDF network , being finely written by Magnus Vattrodt and Paul Mommertz , accurately adapted from documents based on the Wannsee Protocol. In fact , this is fictionalized TV film on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the historical event, based on the minutes of the meeting written by Adolf Eichmann at the time . It contains an evocative cinematography, being shot on location in the actual places where happpened the sinister facts . This TV movie was well directed by the German Matti Geschonneck , a prestigious TV screenwriter and director.

Adding more details along with the well developed on the movie, the deeds occurred in the following manner: The meeting took place in the Berlin suburb of Grossen-Wannsee, where the decision was made to adopt the Final Solution, the contemplated extermination of Jews . On Julio 31, 1941, Herman Goering issued orders to Reinhard Heydrich , chief of the SD, the security service , to submit a comprehensive plan of the Jewish question. The meeting was originally scheduled for December 8,1941, but it was to be postpones until noon on January 20, 1942. It was to be followed by a luncheon. Fifteen Nazi bureaucrats were present. Minutes of meeting taken in Protocol that read in part: ¨As a further possibility of solving the question, the evacuation of the Jews of the east can now be substituted for emigration ,after obtaining permission from the Fuehrer to that effect. The conference was opened by Heydrich, who declared that he was the plenipotentiary for the final of the Jewish question. He then reviewed the emigration problem. Until this time a plan had been held in readiness to deport all Jews to the island of Magadascar, off the coast of Africa, but the Madagascar Plan had fallen through after the invasion of the USSR on June,22,1941. There was no longer any possibility of transporting Jews in this fashion. Instead of emigration the Fueherer had given his sanction for the evacuation of all Jews to the East as a solution possibility. The evacuees would be organized into huge labor columns. Undoubtedly, a majority would fall through natural diminution. The survivors of this natural selection process, actually the hard core of Jewry and the most dangerous because they could rebuild the Jewish life,would be treated accordingly. Although Heydrich did not elaborate the phrase ¨treated accordingly¨the plain meaning was that, in the course of time,with insufficient food and exhausting work, the survivors would be weakened and ready for the specially equipped extermination camps. The conferees then became involved in a lengthy discussion of the problem of the individuals of mixed race, and that of Jews in mixed marriages. About the half the time was taken up with this special discussion, but not drastic reclassification was made. Then the conferees adjourned for lunch. Thirty copies of the record were made and circulated in the ministries and SS offices. News of the Final Solution traveled quickly through the Nazi bureaucracy. Within a few months the first gas chamber camps were set up in Poland. The events are known as Wannsee Protocol by Martin Luther's copy of the Conference minutes was discovered in the files of the German Foreign by American investigators in 1947. It is the only record of the meeting that survives. Destination of the Conference participants is the following : Reinhard Heydrich killed in Praga. Gestapo Chied Heinrich Muller, disappeared after the war. Dr Gerhard Klopfer, arrested 1945 for war crimes , discharged for lack of evidence,died 1987. Dr Krtzinger, arrested 1945,declarated ashamed of Nazi atrocities released 1947. Otto Hoffman arrested 1945,sentenced to 25 years. Dr Alfred Meyer committed suicide in the Spring of 1945. Dr Stuckard sentenced 1949 to time served. Martin Luther sent to concentration camp,died of heart attack 1945. Dr Buhler arrested 1945, executed 1948,Poland. SS colonel Schongarth executed 1946. And Colonel Adolf Eichmann captured in Argentina by Israeli agents 1960,tried, convicted and hanged for crimes against humanity, Jerusalem ,May 31,1962.
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A very dark irony
wanderingpuppet4 June 2022
A very simple film with most of the scenes confined to a conference room, participated by dull men in uniform discussing technical details. Doesn't sound as interesting as an average Hollywood action film, and still far from a graphic accusation of evil. But the great irony is so manifest for any watcher with minimum historical knowledge.

At least three ironies should be honored. First, Heydrich (the biggest boss at the conference) speaks with such opimism and confidence, and with so much light projected at his face, one can mistake him for a hope for humanity without the help of subtitles and a German ear. He looks like a good superior willing to listen to his subordinates, a bright mind caring about the future of his nation, and a dutiful man following "good" orders.

Second, the greatest conflict in conference was between Heydrich and Dr. Stuckart (medium-high state government official and drafter of Nuremberg laws discriminating Jews): Stuckart objected sending half-Jews to concentration camps, not because he was empathetic to the "inferior race" but because it would cause chaos in administration among the "good" Aryans; and Heydrich condescendingly "conceded" to this "lenient" policy.

Third, when Kritzinger raised the question of the psychological consequence of turning "good" Aryans into bloody executioners, Heydrich ordered Eichmann to explain how Zyklon B and concentration camp is a "humane" way to get the job done without hurting the moral quality of the soldiers.

A perfect film for those interested in Nazi history, in how evil can be perpetrated in such a twisted way that it doesn't seem evil in the first place, and in the application of dark irony. I would play this film in high school and university history courses.
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solopach1 May 2023
As a Jewish person with great-grandparents who themselves escaped under the Nazis, having heard countless stories growing up, this movie hit.. hard. Not so much because of the subject matter - that's been done before - but the presentation; no over-dramatic excessive presentation with unnecessary musical swells and such. Just... Facts. History. Reality.

I've read the history, heard the stories, and so I was familiar with the event itself. I expected a degree of dramatization for the sake of viewers, but was caught off guard with the stark presentation. I can trace my history straight back to northern Poland, and knowing this event determined the fate of millions of fellow Jews means a lot, and so I was prepared for that. It was the fact that this is a historical picture with some cinematic presentation sprinkled on it - rather than a dramatic piece with some historical garnish - hit me so hard.

Another thing I like about it is the fact that it isn't pushing any sort of ideology - it's not a film written to say "antisemitism is bad and this is an example." It's reality, and so the message is conveyed on its own without requiring a dramatic push to shove it into your face. Truly, an amazing piece of cinema.
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Murderers from behind office desks
Today we call them white collars or white collar criminals.... At that time they were killing millions with their office decisions. They decided who can and who cannot live. Jewish acts created by Nazi Germany was a law allowing oppressors to do anything they wanted. And finally - The Final Solution. Technical approach to use Cyclone B gas in gas chambers in concentration camps. All logistics and digits discussed.

This is the third attempt to make a movie from the notes made by Eichman and the protocol itself. Actually all the notes are perfect script to make a theatrical drama. Previous version with Kenneth Brannagh was also very impressive. Yet this one was German. And German was the Final Solution.

The movie is very good filmed. Camera works from under actors so they seem to be like Gods... so powerful. Heidrich is shown charming and so much enthusiastic. Historian call him the very first technocrat. He did not give a damn about ideology. He was about power.

Eichman was presented as a very delicate person. Like some kind of herub. It is difficult to say who they had to choose from during casting but I believe they did a grate job.

I gave it 9/10. The one missing point is for uniforms. They look like brought from some second hand rental. Too big on Muller. He looks like some thug in it.... a beggar. Very poor costume selection. And medals and ornaments... All seem to be made as by accident. Only ranks seem to be precise. They gave Heidrich pilots badge since he enjoyed flying. They all wanted to be knights of valor.

Some uniforms were torn of badges. And in general too big except Heidrich. It was pity looking and actors playing most powerful people in Germany who were so particular about influence and power and they met Heidrich is this kind of clothes? Impossible. Hugo Boss designed German uniforms. All you need to choose the one that fits. But enough of my cries... And this is just single point.

Filming and editing was very professional. Scenes not longer that 2-4 seconds. Good angles. And the room was not too big. Very dynamic action for theatrical movie.

All in all a very good movie.

Interesting is what were the fates of participants. Not many people know. It is worth mentioning it because at one point Eichman fetches a big map. It shows all dependant territories. All counties Germany conquerred and dominated and was in some pact with.... It was practically whole Europe.... It was 1942 and they were winning...... It was time when Japan decalred was on USA and USA on Germany..... so Germany decided there is no point pleasing others with no atrocities.....or hiding them.....

So....the participants....

Heidrich..... died some three months ago in Prague. Killed by Czech underground trained in England. Very good movie made about it with this popular actor.... cannot remember his name.

Eichman cought and brought to Israel in 1960 and hanged in 1962. During his trail Hannah Arendt created her image of evil... A beurocracy..... people who want to please suporiors. They only sign orders.

Muller was never found. Some people believe he was killed in Berling during bombing. Some say he sruviced and was a prisoner of Americans since his knowledge was big....

Otto Hoffmann was the one sitting next to Heidrich. He was from the office responsible for settling. He died in some 1982. Worked as a saleman.

Karl Eberhard Schoengarth. Brigadefuhrer (he was sitting in a row with Heidrich people) was sentenced to death and hanged but not for atrocities agains Judes but fo killing innocent unarmed pilot.

Wilhelm Stuckart was released from prison in 1949 but was killed in car crach in 1953.

Rudolf Lange was in Waffen SS uniform - far left. He was praised by Heidrich. He commited suicide in Poznan in 1945. Man, it was just 3 years and the map changed completely....... And the map was horrible...

Gerhard Klopfer died in 1987 and was released from direct responsibility.

Also Erich Neumann was released due to lack of evidence but he died in 1951.

Josef Buehler the one who was so worried about Polish Jews in General Goveramt was handed to Poland and tried and sentenced to death and hanged in 1946.

Martin Luther got to Sachsenhausen in 1945 after the plot against Ribberntrop was incovered. He dies in 1945.

Wilhelm Kritzinger was captured by the Brits and released and died in 1947.

Alfred Meyer commited suicide in 1945.

Georg Leibbrandt died in 1982. We collaborated with Americans.

Roland Freisler famous for his cruel sentences and hanging people on piano strings...Officers who created plot against Hitler in 1944. He died in bombing in 1945.

Only two survived longer than 4-5 years......

Knowledge about it gives bigger picture....

And data itself..... They planned to kill 14.000.000 people..... Eucceeded in killing 6.000.000.

Worth watching such movies.
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The Conference - A Remarkably Extreme Outcome foe an 85min Meeting
krocheav26 March 2023
This might be a difficult watch for some but is an essential one. If it were not for the Americans liberating Adolf Eichmann's minutes and notes on this almost unbelievable historic conference, we would be only guessing at how this horrific 'event' was perpetuated, drawn up, and executed. The number of handpicked top-ranking officers, along with high-profile bureaucrats (for the areas involved) assembled for this 'conference' highlights the depth, commitment, and power of Nazi propaganda amongst those so indoctrinated.

That these personnel could collectively attend a meeting to discuss and plan one of the world's largest mass murders - in an idyllic and luxurious location, as if simply planning a sales schedule for a popular breakfast product is alarming in the extreme, and frightening to contemplate.

All performances are first class with brilliant direction and cinematography, making this an above-average experience. It's quite a feat for a movie that plays out in real time, and in the locations it took place, making this a brave and honest German production, made on the 80th anniversary of the shocking Wannsee conference.

While it's almost confined to the rooms these plans were drawn up and approved (like the classic "12 Angry Men") it always holds your attention, never waning for an instant. May it be that as humans, we have progressed and learned to ask more questions and bravely fight back - if not, the victims have paid the ultimate price, and others will tragically do so again.
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its the story...
ops-525353 May 2023
Ive been searching for over many years, namely the filmatization of the wannsee conference in dealing with the huge german problem how to kill people during the 2nd world war, in vast amounts at the lowest cost and in such away that their young soldiers wont become mentally disturbed by the fact that killing another human, in peace or in war is a humongous task that only 1/10000 would be cold enough to do.

A harsh way to simplify one of the worst genocides everhappened inhuman history, the administrative and judicial vs the military discussing m, word for word, built on the transcripts from the conference, truly a bagatellish moment for the people around the table, with exterminating powers upon others.

Well chosen cast of actors that delivers the story in away that youll feel the wellness of living( their lives), and may stand as a milestone like josva blew the horn outside the citywalls of jerico, with a message to the conspiracy driven social media nourished youth of generation x and z how easy a genocide may start.

Its not an overly saturated actiomfilm you will get, rather a wardrama without a pop or a boom, but the message is explosive, made in the good old german postwar dramastyle, its not '' der untergang'' houmongoness apocalyptic style, just almost there. Its a history curricular stuff( like ''ghandi'' , ''breakfast club'' or ''der untergang'') for school boards to show their pupils, not only on the domestic market but everywhere. A recommend from the grumpy old man.
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Very good production quality and some great acting
bieten200427 October 2022
I was positively surprised by the high quality of the production.

I did however struggle with the portrayal of Reinhard Heydrich, who seemed too soft for a man of his caliber. I understand what the makers of this film were going for by portraying him like this, creating a disturbing contrast between his cultured appearance on the one hand and his utterly barbaric intentions on the other... showing a wolf in sheep clothing. I believe that the historical Heydrich was a man who oozed authority and arrogance, knowing that he was very much feared by fellow Nazis and enemies alike.

On the other hand I was very much impressed by the portrayal of Heinrich "Gestapo" Müller by the actor Jakob Diehl . It seemed like a spot on portrayal.

The actor probably did some in depth research on Müllers biography.

Müller seemed uncomfortable with this meeting and conveyed the general impression as though he did not want to be there. Mr. Diehl did a great job in showing the fact, that Müller was not a convinced Nazi but instead a careerist of the very worst type. The type of person who was literally willing to contribute to some of the worst crimes in history as long as this would advance his career.
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Subtle and haunting
martinpersson978 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A film about the holocaust is always interesting and terrifying to watch, most of them actually showcasing the explicit horrors of the concentration camps.

This film does something a little different, yet no less haunting. It's more of a 12 angry men-style drama where the whole movie focuses on a group of men discussing how they should handle the "jew question". It's very philosophical and delves deep into the period and these people in splendid ways.

It manages to keep up interest throughout and certainly fits the bill as one of those dramas that make something great out of very little.

Overall, a very interesting and unconventional, yet extremely satisfying and important film!
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Sober and intelligent
BobNoOneHundred20 October 2023
A very sober, intelligent attempt to adapt into film the meeting where The Holocaust was launched. Historically informative and free from disturbing, unnecessary and distorting dramatic elements. The interpretation of this infamous group of people is as good as it gets. Maybe we don't feel close to the actual Eichmann and maybe the portrayal of Heydrich adds more depth than he actually possessed - he was probably quite one-dimensionally cold and arrogant. But this does not prevent the film from giving a credible account of the events and the different interests and ways of thinking and talking of the participants.
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eoleol-058143 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very boring, I have not watched a more boring movie ever. There is no conflict or anything despite the category it's in is drama and war. It's basically just dialogues with people talking to each other, there is nothing good about this movie.

People go and meet up at the place, they speak and that's the movie. All the characters are the same and there are no conflicts, you can easily know what they all want. There is no war, which the subcategory said and almost no drama. The conversations aren't even that interesting, two guys speaking about their life at the water and such. 1/10 would not recommend to anyone...
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Final solution talks
kosmasp25 September 2022
No pun intended - this movie is based on a true event or gathering or whatever you would call it. I have to admit it has been a while since I had my history lessons and I don't have everything on hold or in the back of my mind. So I was not aware or thinking about how decisions were made back then - especially this one in particular.

There are multiple reasons why Jews were made out to be "enemies" of Germany. There is a rich history of how they have been misstreated throughout history. Apart from that, I assume two main reasons were: the money they had and to distract the German public from the war itself. That all being said, the question raised was: how to deal with them and how to do without people getting suspicious! Also how to make it ... "effecient"! A lot of things that are being said here are quite disgusting - you are supposed to be enraged by how nonchalant they talk about destroying (and the some) lives and livelihoods ... and while it remains that way (talking and not actual violence shown), this is quite difficult to watch ... because even if you don't remember everything like myself, you know where it all lead to (no pun intended here either)
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Excellent fascinating movie. Please watch it !
yonifd23 September 2023
There are Many movies that talk about the final solution, and many of them show the Ghetto-Life, the Death Camps, And even the gas chambers.

But this was the chilliest and most horrendous movie ive seen about that.

Allegedly - this is only a meeting and talk movie. Only people talk all the movie.

But this movie gave me chills, as a jew, as a human being.

They talked about orderly organized systematic way of exterminating humans - as much as they could do, and oh boy - they got down to specifics. Very specifics.

The actors are great !! The directing of the film is extrodanry. I think this movie deserves 8-9 score.

Please watch this. This is Important movie on Racism.
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