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Regrettably weak Australian spook horror effort
Bloodwank2 September 2010
It feels mean to rag on a film like this, it really does. These kinds of lower budget films are such a nice way for talent to break out, film-makers to experiment, heck just for people with heart to cut their teeth. So this review makes me a bit sad, but here goes… Damned by Dawn has its heart in the right place, interesting set-up and some committed actors, it gets going nicely and builds with a certain gusto to the crunch point from which all hell ought to break loose. But when crunch time hits, the film bottles it and ends up being a significant let down. The story has pretty young thing Claire (Renee Wilner) taking her boyfriend Paul (Danny Alder) back to see her folks, at the same time that her elderly Irish grandma is passing away. Her grandmother talks of the Banshee that carries away the souls of the dead, and how it must not be interfered with when the time comes. So have a guess what happens… The main pluses her are a set of game actors, everyone gets involved, some get fairly physical and there's a sense that people are giving the material their all. Renee Wilner is a suitably harried, scared but determined heroine, Danny Alder is solid and sympathetic as Paul, Tarny Eva pleasant as her attractive younger sister and Mark Alan Taylor and Peter Stratford hitting the right notes of ordinary people thrust into terror and doing their resourceful darndest to keep afloat whilst bad things go down. The big problem is that not enough bad things go down, or at least not enough is shown, and the spookiness unleashed is a goodly ways from being spooky. Well I say that, the Banshee herself is a fine creation, bloodshot eyes, wreathed in spectral aura with a classy piercing shriek, as ring leader of the things unleashed on the cast she does great. But the ghouls awakened are mostly represented by CGI and are generally insipid. CGI is rarely the least bit frightening and only has good effect when either rendered by expensive talent or used for truly bizarre creations, neither of which are present here. This is just a few ghosts, some of which fly, and a few other general visual effects. Really, extras in greasepaint, or just in cloaks would have been much better and taken this film up a point in my estimation. The other big downer is that the film is unconscionably tame for its subgenre, there are a paltry couple of grisly gags, only one of which is decent. Without spookiness or visceral goods, this one gets dull despite its effortless pace, heck it doesn't even adequately show what happens to some of the cast. Put these problems together and for me they overpowered the pluses. There's little more to say, well the film has a nice location and some fun fog shrouded visuals. It may make for an OK watch on late night television, perhaps even an inebriated rental for the undemanding. But I sadly can't recommend it, quite a shame.
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Starts well, but stumbles later on
Russell622 May 2011
Starts well, but stumbles later on.

Basically, I more or less concur with those reviewers who said that in so many words. It begins like one of those old atmospheric Hammer Horrors or perhaps something from the BBC Ghost Story series. The premise of a young woman taking her boyfriend to visit the folks out in the countryside and all the foggy effects starts full of promise. The farm has a chilly, isolated feeling that is just perfect. The comic touches of the father and his slovenly manners (stirring a cup of coffee with his finger! Great, and guaranteed to include a cringe here and there)

The problem is that once we have got going, nothing much makes a lot of sense. Why the family is thus cursed is never resolved and what happened decades ago when Nan was a little girl is so vague. If some rationale had been established as to what was happening it would have probably been a whole lot more effective.

Then the ghosts arrive. They are not really that scary, as everyone else has said, more like the undead pirate crew from "Pirates of the Caribbean" than a bona fide horror movie. When they scuttle behind the cast members, it has all the spine tingling effects of pantomime "He's behind you!"

I won't give away the ending, fear not. However, since it made absolutely no sense to me I'm hardly qualified to in any case. Shame really, this started out with such promise.
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aloysius_predato19 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad to begin with, it was set up well, the acting was good, the atmosphere was foreboding and the visuals throughout the film are realistic and scary; however, once things start going awry in the storyline (when the ghouls show up), they begin to go wrong in production. The story seems to be truncated, and the scope of human emotions disappears. I have never understood how one could watch a loved one be slaughtered in front of his or her eyes and all he or she cares about is retrieving the damned ammunition. Not even when the drive of survival lapses and things slow down are any tears shed. Also, I have major qualms with movies where the person responsible for initiating the dire situation in the first place is the only one to survive it a la Jessica Biel in 'The Texas Chainsaw' remake. These 'stupid kids' will never learn anything this way. I leave you with this... 1st 40 min. 9/10.... 2nd 40 min. -1/10 Yep, it's one of those.
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Not enough cheap whiskey in the world to make this a good movie
eirecat15 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There are three things I really love in life: a few whiskey sours, a good low-budget horror movie, and being lazy. I notate this because watching Damned By Dawn deprived me of two of these three on a rare evening off and I'm pretty steamed. I had the whiskey sours, but Damned By Dawn was so unforgivably not a "good" low-budget horror movie that it made me so angry I had to stop being lazy long enough to go through the whole process of registering to this site so I could write a vitriolic review.

Maybe "angry" isn't the right word, though. I think it actually comes much closer to "annoyed". This is through and through an annoying movie. Don't get me wrong, there are some very prominent good things about the movie. The actors all seem to be having a good time and deliver enjoyable performances, and the atmosphere of the setting is delightfully sinister. But smearing strawberry icing over a road-apple does not a cupcake make, and the good parts of the movie just made me all the more irritated that the glaring faults were bad enough to overpower them.

Between laughable undead effects (made all the more glaring by the genuinely good effects work elsewhere), an incomprehensible ending (Seriously. I will give 100 internet nerd points to whoever can tell me what the HELL happened. The Banshee's wound closes up...for some reason...a baby cries...the Banshee pukes up some blood...???...profit?), and the niggling voice in the back of my head screaming "Why? WHY is a movie about Banshee set in Australia!?!", it would be enough to turn me off this movie. But then there's the unfortunate fact that it's also so cliché ridden and logically unsound that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone told me it was actually supposed to be a parody.

First of all, Nana (Dawn Klingberg), if you know that a scary ghost lady is going to come and scream bloody murder outside the house on the night of your death, *and* it's very important for the good of your eternal soul that said blood-soaked screaming nightmare woman not be interrupted...it might be a good idea to tell more than one person about it. And if you can only tell the one, you might want to be a *little* bit less vague and cryptic. Oh, the dead will come back to life and murder everyone in shrieking distance (which, it turns out, is quite a ways) if you aren't cremated and put in a special urn? That seems like some important info right there. Might not want to play your canasta cards so close to your vest on that one. And, while Claire (Renee Willner) starts out as a likable enough protagonist, she eventually falls drastically into what's essentially a whimpering mannequin as she watches curled up against a far wall while three of the people closest to her are brutally murdered. Claire, honey, I know you're not Van Helsing or anything but for the love of god, if my undead boyfriend was bludgeoning my father to death, I sure as Sidhe would at least try to do a little more then whine about it.

Enjoy visual mood effects? Give this movie a once-over with liberal use of the fast forward button. Enjoy movies where you *don't* root for the heroine's head to explode via Banshee wail just so the interminable thing is over? I'd suggest giving Damned By Dawn a pass.
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Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's that thing from my science class.
Someguysomwhere6 November 2010
This movie is about a couple, Claire and Paul, who go to visit her relatives outback (it's an Australian movie) somewhere. In the course of their visit, the grandmother, who is very old and ill, tells Claire that she doesn't have much time remaining and entrusts her with a valuable urn. Claire doesn't want to hear such talk but the grandmother continues and tells her we all gotta go sometime (this is true folks) -but that she wasn't worried because "the lady of sorrows" -she who bawls for the dead (actually, they more poetically used "wails" but being a wise-ass I couldn't resist) -would oversee her final journey. As well, she tells Claire that no one should harm the bawling lady (there I go again) or interfere. At this point you can guess what happens: one of them unwittingly did something to the bawling woman and unhappy consequences follow.

This movie, in my ever so humble opinion, is overall not a bad movie. The creepiest part unfortunately happens in the first quarter or so of it. So what went wrong after that? "Flying skeletons". Say what???. You heard me, folks. Someone had the bright idea of injecting FLYING SKELETONS in this thing. The effect of this was to make the movie seem a little silly, a little retro, and a little cheap, and therefore to negate or offset a lot of the genuine creepiness it began with. Folks (I think you will agree with me), there is no way in the world flying skeletons are going to freak anyone out; not in this day and age. These days, this is something that you would put in a horror comedy which this was not intended to be.

Notwithstanding the above, this is generally not a bad movie. It just lost it's way to further real supernatural creepiness in the early go with the introduction of the skeletons and became more of a "monster" or "creature" movie, of sorts, even though they were supposed to be ghosts. So while much was lost if you wanted to be supernaturally creeped out, there was still creature horror and suspense. And in additional defense of what was not a bad effort, let me say that there are some movies that are today considered cult horror classics that had skeletons in them that looked no better than these, but at least they had the good sense not to make them airborne. Love, Boloxxxi.
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Confusing low-budget Aussie horror inspired by The Evil Dead.
BA_Harrison15 October 2016
Claire (Renee Willner) travels with boyfriend Paul (Danny Alder) to meet her family—father Bill (Peter Stratford), sister Jen (Taryn Eva) and nana (Dawn Klingberg), who is knocking at death's door—at their remote country farmhouse. While there, a banshee appears, screams a lot (it's what they do) and brings the dead back to life. Why? I can't really say: very little about this film makes sense to me.

Directed by Brett Anstey, Damned by Dawn has clearly been inspired by The Evil Dead, with many elements that will be familiar to fans of Sam Raimi's cult classic: there's a similar foggy woodland setting, reanimated corpses that talk (one of which even has the audacity to say 'join us'), and roaming POV shots. Even some of the music sounds like it has been lifted from The Evil Dead's soundtrack.

Unfortunately, this Aussie horror is nowhere near as effective as Raimi's film, suffering from a confusing plot that delivers very few genuine scares, and really bad CGI in the form of post-production fog and cruddy skeletal wraiths that sweep through the air after their victims. A smattering of gore adds a bit of fun to proceedings, but on the whole this is a disappointing effort.
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Dead, oops!, I mean, Damned By Dawn
rstef14 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The film has a great central concept. A woman in white (banshee) will come and wail at the passing of the living, and carry the soul away with her. This theme should have been better developed. Instead, the script trails off and leaves us with nothing but some fairly effective visuals and atmospherically foggy forest shots.

The good: The lady in white is effectively frightening and I liked the "wailing" effects. Some of the Evil Dead inspired visuals and action were also effective. Creepy setting and atmosphere.

The okay: The (mostly) CGI resurrected dead were passably done and I enjoyed the way they floated and moved. The scythes were a nice touch as well.

The bad: A number of scenes dragged on too long. In a film like this, lacking a coherent script and character development, you have to keep the action moving along at a fast clip. The acting, especially by the lead actress, was largely amateurish. Some of the actions of the characters beggared belief, even for this kind of film. And the ending? Well, that went right off the rails. No explanation is given for the urn turning out to be a weapon against the banshee and the dead. And what was that bit after the credits when the heroine screams? I hope they weren't thinking there would be a sequel.

Overall it wasn't painful to watch, and for a low budget release, I've cut it some slack with 5 stars. Better luck next time.
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Worth watching
atinder25 July 2014
Damned by Dawn (2009)

I like the first half of the movie better , then the second half .

for a low budget movie, it has some really good spooky scenes in the first 40 minutes, Ruby did not take long to get started.

After the halfway mark that's when the movie changed, , with a number of dreams and in this movie which are annoying.

I just could not get warmed to the main lead , I found him somewhat annoying also I don't think the script with all that perfect for some scenes.

And the effect at the end were really bad

I am going to give this movie 4 out of 10
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Director you are fired!
petroskets22 April 2013
A promising storyline pathetically directed.Also acting is quite bad but it's not the movie's worse problem.At first the title sounded to me very interesting.And indeed the first third of the movie was really good.

But when the villain appears it ruins the horror of this film. It's the worst possible villain of all times!Couldn't you think of anything better?After a while the movie becomes quite boring with gaps in storyline concluding with the worst non climax possible.You really can't guess how horrible the final "battle" is and the only possible way to describe it is "WTF just happened?" Overall you are welcome to try and watch it.Honestly I've seen worse films than this one.My suggestion however would be to watch something else.
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Good For A Low Budget Movie
courtenaymckinnon4 July 2013
I rented this movie through my phone one night for something to watch. I never read anything about the movie prior to renting it, just seen the title and decided it was a go. I'm a huge fan of horror movies and I also do like indie films.

I liked the plot the movie has. Although, I wish it went in depth a little more when Nan tells her granddaughter what's up. At times it was a little hard to follow but I got the point.

Overall I give it a 5/10. Not being mean or disrespectful to the directors, and the actors in this film did a great job and could tell they were committed to the movie.
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Someone forgot to turn off the smoke machine
bowmanblue16 March 2015
One factor for any good horror movie is that is must be atmospheric. However, the makers of Damned by Dawn take the word 'atmospheric' to mean 'foggy.' The film is about a young couple who return to their family home in the foggiest part of Australia to see a dying relative. However, a banshee pops out of the fog and causes brutal havoc.

Now, I read some of the other reviews before I watched this and, I have to say, they kind of lower your expectations. But, for the first third of the movie, I had to wonder whether they were talking about the same film. I thought it was actually quite good. It had a nice (foggy) set-up and some potential.

Then came the CGI. Not only are CGI baddies imposed on us, but also, if the cast happen to be running through a non-foggy area, CGI fog is added (and it's really bad CGI fog too!).

The one dimensional characters just about manage to act their parts and the banshee's screaming is pretty creepy, plus there's some good gore (when you can see it through the fog), but, overall, I found myself eventually agreeing with the other reviews.

It may not be the worst film ever made (not while Michael Bay's Transformers franchise is still on a roll), but it's definitely not the best. Unless it happens to be on and you feel like a so-so horror flick, don't bother paying to watch this.
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Exceptionally enjoyable entry that's a lot of fun
kannibalcorpsegrinder4 March 2013
After a woman interferes with a banshee's task of recruiting her sick mother to bring to the underworld and accidentally kills her, the gathered spirits of the dead rise from their resting spot and seek retribution for the act, forcing her and her family to fend off the demons before they all die.

This was an outstanding and utterly enjoyable entry, as this one doesn't have hardly anything wrong with it. One of the film's biggest strengths is the fact that the majority, close to about ninety-percent, of it takes place in a gripping, intense fog out on the Scottish moors, giving off an unbelievable atmosphere and setting for the story, and the film is all the better for it. With a pretty interesting story, one that's not really used all that often, it comes off as even more impressive than it did before, and the action that comes from it all is really exciting with a lot of great confrontations between the family and the demons appearing in the thick fog-enshrouded areas. The last half could've used some more fleshing out to make more sense as to what's going on as it's mostly wordless and not really all that informative, but it's still an incredibly enjoyable effort.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Evil Damned (by Dawn)
kosmasp15 November 2010
The first thing that came into my mind, when I was watching this was "Evil Dead". Don't get me wrong, this is more glossy and has for better or worse CGI effects in it (most seem to mind, because quite frankly, they are not really that good). But the overall feeling I got, was the same as with Evil Dead. I'm not sure if that was intended or if it was just some button that got pushed with me.

I can tell you that I enjoyed most of the first half of it. It got really silly towards the end, which almost ruined it for me, but I still was entertained enough to like the movie overall. I am of course in the minority here and you probably should read another comment if you are not sure, if you should watch it. Don't mind the CGI though, because it will take you out of the movie.

Not great, but a nice little spooky picture.
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Cgi & Visual Effects -Update
jwwarner-18 December 2010
i like to add that i was responsible for 98% of the 3D modeling and was technical adviser for Visual effects for Damned by Dawn. and i am glad to see some good reviews about my CGI work

As some of you may know I have had a few problems with the director of Damned by Dawn as to what work I did for the film, and has said he would have Removed any Record of me working on the Damned by Dawn Movie.

3D Models Made by me are as followed... ZOMBIES – 10 in total- the replica of the house, a Forest DIGITAL TREES and a CAVE with technical assistance with 3D programs – like 3D Studio MAX and Poser 7 which also included ENVIRONMENTS EFFECTS , VISUAL FOG, as well as TITLE EFFECTS.

I would also like to add that I have done 3D work which included technical assistance over many years and a number of films that were done by various members of the Amazing Kypto Brothers with little or no recognition or thanks ….

I am Presenting this LINK of my work done for Damned by Dawn as Proof of work done by me for the movie.

Visit my Digital Horizons CG-FX on Facebook


JOHN WARNER Director of Digital Horizons: CG-FX

added footnote. I have yet to be payed for my work on this movie.
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Hammer House of Horror Fun
JenniferBaxter21 November 2010
I saw Damned by Dawn on DVD and thought it was a fun horror film and shows what can be achieved by a group of film makers with a great deal of get up and go.

Some of the other user reviews here are mean in my opinion. This is clearly a labor of love by a group of film makers who really don't deserve a beat up for wanting to make films like their Hammer House of Horror heroes - which they achieve wonderfully here with all the spooky atmosphere you'd expect.

I think Indie film makers in particular will enjoy watching what has been achieved. Watch the behind the scenes, it's fantastic and shows what a fun time making the film must have been.

8 out of 10
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An Aussie remake of Evil Dead with banshees. Banshees!?! Why bother?
oneguyrambling27 December 2011
Bless 'em for trying.

Australian cinema doesn't have a history of producing decent horror films that dabble in the supernatural or unknown, in fact I can't think of one.

This remake of the Evil Dead has changed that.

Wait it wasn't a remake? It sure seemed like one! A young couple Paul and Claire head to Claire's former home on a remote farm in the country. The father Bill O'Neill is a bit rough and ready, the Nan is an invalid confined to bed and seemingly at death's door, and the younger sister is hot jailbait with a local lad hovering about the place.

There is obviously a long-time bond between Claire and her Nan, who informs Claire that she is not afraid to die and that 'a screaming spirit' will come to collect her soon.

Lo and behold that very night said screaming spirit shows up, screaming shrilly and loudly. It is a banshee, though things don't go according to Nan's plans and Claire unknowingly dispatches the banshee before it is able to complete it's task.

As a result the Undead are p*ssed at this interference with what should have been a routine passage to the afterworld. Enter dodgy as hell CGI ghosts – that can be shot with guns and splat against car windscreens – and more banshees. The upshot of all this is that the spirits can only be appeased by tasting the blood of the last of the O'Neills.

The set up only thankfully only takes 20 minutes and the last hour is Evil Dead lite all the way, with half glimpsed figures and shadows that suddenly appear next to, behind or in front of camera accompanied by the loud musical stab, and camera-work that should pay royalties to Sam Raimi and co.

There is precisely one good gore scene that takes place when Paul 'returns from hiatus' involving an unexplained new orifice which oozes bugs, and the acting is fairly consistently awful.

Again if you don't try to make a film you can never achieve anything. It also makes sense if you are making a low budget horror film you study the most notable, creative and successful example of all time… but replacing the possessed with banshees and ghosts and ripping off practically every element in the far better Evil Dead is perhaps not the right way to go.

Final Rating – 4 / 10. Watch the Evil Dead again, it was the first and nearly 30 years later it is still streets ahead of this pale and obvious imitation.
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Innovative special effects that out-perform the movies itself!
jjdosha1 February 2011
I have to give this film (respectfully) a 5, because there is no doubting that the special effects were innovative, unique and in some scenes - full on awesome! -but the film itself will almost put you to sleep. The direction in this film is lackluster and the performers were "soap opera." If you are a person who is into dissecting a film for its components, you'll enjoy the special effects portion of the film; otherwise, if you seek entertainment...move on. I commonly watch low budget film and enjoy it. Damned by Dawn will appear to the average viewer as a "rough draft" for another greater film. I am eager to watch the next generation of films from this company.
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Stupid characters painted throughout
jordondave-2808521 May 2023
(2009) Damned By Dawn HORROR

Co-produced, co-written and directed by Brett Anstey, with the set up has grand-daughter coming back to visit her grandmother who came along with her boyfriend to return an costumed "urn", only that as a result of her visit woke up a screaming banshee, bringing havoc to her and her family. All I can say about this is that this is "stupidity" at it's best: You know a horror film is stupid if the survivor does not lock her door after she closes it (despite it being a bolted door) letting the perpetrator just walk in, in this case the screaming banshee flies right in. You know a horror film is stupid if survivors don't stay with each other in groups, and the main protagonist allows her mother to be taken away by the banshee, only that the only time the main star cares is after she is taken away. You know a horror film is stupid when some go out alone to investigate when s/he should be sticking together as a group. You know a horror film is stupid when the other family characters don't say anything to the main star about allowing the family curse beforehand if the urn is returned back to the family. When stupid people make stupid choices, how can viewers care for it's characters, saying that stupidity doesn't get rewarded. Therefore, they all deserve to die in whatever fashion. Bomb.
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kelly-ann-moore3 August 2012
This is the worst movie i've ever seen. Worse than Anaconda, which previously held my title for worst movie. From the description of this movie on the back of the case, it sounded awesomely scary. Reminiscent of films like dawn of the dead. The cover image was also convincingly scary, although different from the one above- which is why I wasted my $8 on it. The whole thing looked like it was filmed during the day, then darkened in post production. There was also a fake looking mist effect layered over the whole film, which looked really bad. The Banchee, which had the potential to be scary in the beginning of the movie, ended up looking like a chick with face paint on. Disappointing.
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poe42615 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
DAMNED BY DAWN is an excellent example of what imaginative filmmakers using high-tech equipment can accomplish over a 3-year period. (That may sound like a knock, but it's not: it's taken me the better part of a year to get my own VHS epic, THE LIVING DEAD, up and running.) As were classics like EQUINOX, DARK STAR and THE EVIL DEAD, DAMNED BY DAWN is an ambitious undertaking, undertaken by ambitious... undertakers... I applaud the sheer imagination that went into this one (and star Renee Willner ain't too hard on the eyes, either). The novelty of the Banshee as monster shouldn't be lost on the no-budget American filmmakers who continue to turn the earth in the embarrassingly unimaginative "slasher" graveyard. DAMNED BY DAWN is an impressive effort all around.
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Should have been a short
markowitzh12 August 2011
The first thirty minutes or so of this movie are genuinely frightening with a murderous creature roaming through a house as several of the main characters desperately try to avoid her detection. But then it takes a nosedive into predictability and banality with amateurish computer generated images of banshees, skeletons,corpses, and, oh yes, thousands of centipedes and cockroaches pouring out of victims' mouths and other natural and human made orifices. If the director and screenwriter had jettisoned the low grade technology and focused on developing some of the intriguing possibilities introduced in the opening sequences, the movie would probably have been a whole lot satisfying. As it is, however, it ends up being just a tad better than the run-of-the-mill slasher movie. One hopes that future efforts by the director will yield better results.
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Good But Living Beyond Its Means
gavin694225 October 2011
During a violent thunderstorm, a family is awoken by piercing shrieks which summon the dead to rise again. Their lives explode in a blood soaked fury as they battle malevolent spirits, whilst fighting to save their souls from eternal torment with... the Banshee.

The problem with this film is that the crew did not know their limitations. The acting is great, the directing is great, the cinematography is pretty decent... it is all in all a very enjoyable, watchable film.

But where it fails is that the film reaches for just a bit farther than it can grasp. Had they scaled it back just one notch, they would have hit the mark and all would be right in the world. But by trying to go the extra mile, they have exposed their shortcomings.
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10 thumbs up
katie-morris201015 December 2010
I LOVED "Damned By Dawn". If Bruce Campbell was in it I'd give it a 10. I am so sick of CGI stuff. The special effects were great. I'm going to watch it several more times, slow it down, so I can really focus in on them. I wish I'd seen this on a big screen, instead of my laptop. I'll find someone with a large TV. Many of the things done also cracked me up! I groaned along with Paul several times. I wish he'd had a chance to say something about the woman on the road before he ..... So, if you liked any of the "Army of Darkness" movies, you've got to see this. Maybe if they'd got a bit about "Army of Darkness" playing on the TV or showed Bruce Campbell on the TV, it would have been a great clue-in, to coming scenes. BUT anyway, a great scary flick & I recommend it. Made me jump more than once :)
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Some parts great, some parts not so much
Milk_Tray_Guy2 September 2023
'Sick of waiting for Evil Dead 4? Check Out Damned by Dawn...' says the DVD cover, along with 'A whole lot of Raimi in Aussie shocker Damned by Dawn', and 'When the Banshee cries, the Dead will rise'.

'After receiving a mysterious gift from her dying grandmother, Claire takes her new boyfriend home to meet her family who live on an isolated property in the country. The family reunion begins well but Claire soon becomes increasingly uneasy with her grandmother's medicated ramblings about a screaming banshee intent on coming for her in the night. It's not long before the family's worst fears become their reality as the banshee and her army of undead arrive to unleash blood soaked fury on them all'.

I bought this for Halloween 2010 and I've seen it a few times since. It's low budget, but looks great, with an atmospheric location, a good story, and solid performances. The Raimi/Evil Dead comparison unfortunately raises the bar of expectation, but there's no getting away from the rapid 'Raimi-cam through the woods', the book that explains all, the siege-like feeling, and even the use of the line 'Join us'! The first half sets things up nicely, and gives all the backstory we need; the second half is where it shows its limitations. Other than the Banshee herself (more on her in a mo), the undead are almost entirely CGI. And it's poor. Heavy use of fog tries to hide it, but the figures look cheaply done - frustrating, given how much effort went into everything else. But the Banshee... Actress Bridget Neval knocks it out of the park. She looks great, wearing what appears to be a tattered wedding dress, with grey skin, lank hair, black nails/lips/tongue, whilst bleeding from both eyes where she's cried so much over the years. She exudes menace, and her screams were all apparently recorded on-set - no enhancement afterwards. That is one impressive set of lungs.

I've seen reviewers tear into this movie, and it doesn't deserve it IMO. They aimed high, and did pretty well. 6/10.
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