Deep Fear (2023) Poster


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smick-374464 November 2023
Acting is terrible in this, storyline has been done numerous times but the film itself still could have been good, if there had been anybody in it who could actually act. I've seen far worse Shark films than this mind, it's a, "i can't find anything else at all" to watch kind of film. The rating on this will just keep falling and if you watch it you will see why. For those who purely are here to watch another Shark film, you may enjoy, In all honesty the Sharks are probably better actors than the people in it and they ain't even real, say's a lot about the film. Watch it, don't watch it, just don't have any expectations.
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Dive to survive
MB-reviewer18517 November 2023
Look, I like shark movies especially good shark movies, even guilty pleasure bad shark movies because they are entertaining to watch; but when it comes to this movie, I only watched it because it is a new shark movie that has come out in the year 2023, and I was not that impressed. This new shark movie Deep Fear (2023) was a slow, boring, and standard shark movie that was hard to keep focused on because of how bland the characters are, how the shark is shown, and the uneventful dumb premise to the movie; I do not know what I was expecting from a straight to video shark movie like this.

I did not care about any characters, especially the main character, and there were certain characters that are the antagonists that I found annoying and tiring to listen to; the main character does not have anything about her that is interesting or relatable, all she has is some kind of backstory involving the death of her parents in a boat accident that is not investing and is not brought up that much to make a difference. The human antagonists, who are forcing the main character to avoid sharks and get their drugs, were annoying and standard with me waiting for the sharks to kill them and get rid of them because of how little I cared about what they are doing; also, how their plan to force this girl to get their drugs is badly executed, along with other side characters not making a difference to anything that happens later in the movie.

The sharks themselves were ok, but they do not show up till the halfway point or the third act, and they are slow when attacking these people, other than a few kills being funny to watch, the kills were boring; mostly it is that the beginning/first half of the movie was slow and boring making me lose interest with it taking a while to get going. The cinematography was fine, with there being ok shots of the island they are near, the ocean, and under the ocean where it does look like there was some effort put into it, but it was not enough to make this movie watchable.

I would not waste my time with this movie Deep Fear (2023), it was too slow and badly paced for a shark movie along with it not being interesting or investing to watch; I like shark movies, even entertaining bad ones, but this movie was slow starting, it takes half of the movie to start the main plot, and once the movie ended and the credits started, I was starting to forget about what I just watched. I highly recommend watching better shark movies than this, than waste your time watching this boring and uninteresting shark movie where you cannot be entertained by it.
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What a load of crap
shansford-188-25736611 November 2023
Watched it as it was filmed in my island Malta,

There was a big hype about it, but I was extremely disappointed. The plot sucked, the acting was at best 2/10.

The Aerial shots kept changing from the The Caribbean and suddenly we have a different landscape and it's in Malta.

I've seen many shark movies but this will go down as one of those you should have missed. The attacks and kills were so fake, some water scenes looked unnatural like one is standing rather than swimming.

The plot could have been better but the terrible acting killed the movie.

Hope I will make up for the time lost whilst trying hard to get into the move.

A Big Miss.
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As a romanian, i can appologize for Ghenea. Not for the rest
cristiananton-7007030 January 2024
Bad script, bad directing, bad soundtrack, bad pace, awful acting. The CGI of the sharks was the only decent thing in this hard to watch movie.

In fact, it was so bad it becames cringe, painfully to see. They really have no idea what to do and you can see this in every scene of this garbage.

As a SF/horror fan, this film looks like a SyFy production, only worse, because SySy it's bad on purpose, this is bad as a supreme stupidity.

Anyway, as a romanian i can appologize only for the Madalina Ghenea, a female with no acting talent what so ever. And the same charisma as a dead fish. I'm so sorry we gave her to you, no one deserves the pain of seeing Ghenea acting.

For the rest of this trash, it's not my fault. Sometimes, s### just happens.
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Was this written before or after the writers' strike?
Silicone5417 November 2023
Either way its a bad indicator of the state of the writing business. This plot might have very well been scratched onto the back of a napkin with a toothpick. The story was so unimpressive and the acting was cringe I don't get how this got the green light. The lead is a very voluptuous female captain who shows no signs of any sailing experience. She pulls on sail lines without any purpose and grinds like she's hand mixing cookie dough. She's likely gotten all her acting skills on insta. The plastic surgeries and botox rendered her into an expressionless cardboard cutout. So can anyone else act in this movie? No they all stunk and their mish-mosh of unintelligible accents made the dialogue frustratingly painful to follow.

The shark wasn't even the real antagonist its just simply there waiting for dinner. I gave it 2 stars for location and scenery.
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Wasted time...
khardin-9443729 January 2024
I'm normally all about shark movies, even movies that aren't very good just to pass time but this was a HUGE waste of time and wouldn't recommend to anyone. The main actress had so much work done you couldn't tell what emotion she was trying to convey. It was to the point I'd be interested to see what she looked like before the plastic surgery. The acting wasn't good at all and the plot line really had no substance. They do a few dives and the movie is over. Best actor award should go to the sharks, honestly just an awful movie, I gave one star because it wouldn't let me out 0. You'd be better off going and watching "Reef" or "The Shallows", shoot even the classics like Jaws. To put it in perspective I would recommend Jaws 4 over this movie, where the grandma thinks Jaws is following them for revenge😂 (not knocking Jaws I love those movies).

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Bomb of unnameable effect
heddyfernandes3 January 2024
An unforgettable experience for the worst possible reasons. The plot isn't bad, although predictable, but what destroys any chance of taking the film seriously is its development. The script takes too long to present the real conflict - the fight for survival that is mentioned in the microsynopsis - and when it does, where's the tension? None, absolutely NONE of the danger scenes electrify the viewer. And everything is made even worse by the performance of the lead actress. She needs to cut down on the botox if she wants to have any future in the industry. Utter nonsense. It's not so rubbish as to be amusing, because it takes itself seriously all the time.
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had potential
Kencrogers30030 January 2024
Love shark movies. Was excited to watch this on Netflix, but it sucked! The sharks look great! Storyline great! But I am tired of seeing main characters that look like Barbie dolls that CANNOT act! REALLY? Her lips and body are awful! Like other people on here have said had a great script FIND a REAL actress not some chick you think will turn on guys! You had a chance to make a great film and you messed it up with an actress who just wanted to look good on film....and she failed and ruined your movie! Your film sucks...sorry. All you had to do was get actors that fit the parts. Stop hiring people that look like models. Hire people that look like the part!
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Couldve been good.
jamosmonk23 November 2023
The lead actress is horribly miscast in this role. Maybe for telenovellas she is okay but she dragged this movie straight down to the bottom. All the others were passable, if sometimes a bit over the top. Clearly some money was spent on this film, nderwater sets and action sequences, heck even the CGI sharks were decent. Yes the script had some hiccups and poor writing. The actors did the best they could but Gehena....really should not have been the lead in a movie like this. Hopefully the film does okay or has it as a "so bad its good" kind of success. Does make you wonder how much sea life is addicted to cocaine though.
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The worst actress ever
christianevanheerden5 February 2024
If you look for an example why fake botox faces are unwatchable look no further.

The main character is seen "working" on her boat as delicate and uninspired as a precious Russian trophy wife. She looks like.she has no idea what she is doing at all on a boat.

With a fresh faced fun unknown actress one might have enjoyed watching this cringe fest. But when her boyfriend ran to her rescue one could only wonder what he sees in her, lifeless and devoid of emotions. Most of the time she tried to pull a modeling face, as if to sell.face cream and not a shark story.

Only worth watching when you want to know why not to do botox ever.
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Good action flick
se825-14 February 2024
The movie was wonderfully shot. Great cinematography. It's a Good twist on a shark movie where the sharks actually aren't the true villains. It's not like Cocaine Bear like some people have suggested. Bad comparison. This movie stands on its own.

Overall Deep Fear is a decent action-thriller on the high seas. There are suspenseful action sequences and the special effects are fantastic. The scenery is gorgeous. I read that it was shot on the island of Malta that was a good substitution for The Caribbean. I don't know why there's such negative reviews. My friends and I enjoyed watching Deep Fear.
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[5.8] Dreams come true under water!
cjonesas3 November 2023
A decent action-thriller B-movie with touching and thrilling scenes alike. It is not awful (loin de la), is not bright either, who would expect brightness from these endless sorts of movies.

All that thoughts in the air, it has nice photography, sceneries and camera works, the visual effects and computer imagery are acceptable and sometimes even good and the movies is a sort of an advertisement for the lead actress and ex-model !

The ratings here is more or less correct and we wouldn't expect anything higher. My only question is, what Ed Westwick is doing in these movies?! Where are his super millions?! (2006-2023).

Mr. Westwick, act, produce and direct at the same time. Please envision your future.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 5.5
  • Development: 6.5
  • Realism: 5
  • Entertainment: 6
  • Acting: 5.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 7.5
  • VFX/CGI: 7.5
  • Music/score/sound: 6.5
  • Depth: 5.5
  • Logic: 3.5
  • Flow: 5.5
  • Action/thriller: 6
  • Ending: 4.5.
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Waste of time
rubyischulz4 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now I like shark movies, but this movie is just not good. It can't even be enjoyed in an ironic way.

Right away I have to mention, is Mãdãlina Ghenea even an actress? I saw no evidence of acting at all. They couldn't have cast a worse person for the role. She looks nothing like a seasoned sailor, right down to her stick thin arms and perfectly curled supermodel hair. And we are to believe this person can solo sail across the globe? Everything she does is perfectly posed like a magazine cover and looks so inorganic it literally may as well have been a runway show. She's uncomfortable on the boat and they really should've considered a re-do on a lot of her shots where she's uncoordinated and clumsy. Just an embarrassing performance and production. She doesn't even wear a hat correctly... The rest of the cast are actually pretty decent, I think that possibly made it worse for Mãdãlina Ghenea as it made her terrible performance even more difficult to watch.

The actual plot is odd...It seems so unrealistic Naomi would attempt such a rescue that is the key catalyst to the plot. It's so far fetched and basically unbelievable. From there it just feels like a weird fever dream with no story.

The video of the shark shown often won't match what happens, it's quite odd but not rare when it comes to shark movies I suppose. The shark animation is bad to be frank about it. The funniest thing though is how often the boat is perfectly stationary in so many shots, as if it isn't out on the open ocean, hilarious. But nothing is more hilarious than Naomi unironically saying "the shark is probably high on cocaine".

This movie was difficult to finish.
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Horrific casting
safira-14 February 2024
The storyline is fine, everybody loves a shark movie - but you need a few characters you care about for it to work. And this movie actually has that, but the main character... wow, that's just cringey, and it ruins the whole movie. She doesn't come across as particularly resourceful and skilled at sailing or diving, and frankly... isn't that kind of the premise of the film? Ghenea is incredibly beautiful, and I have no doubt she's a stunning model, but this movie is more or less gratuitous shots of her features - and it just becomes cringey. If she can act, the director failed her miserably.

I looked her up, and can see that she had a cameo as Sophia Loren in House of Gucci. Now, that's a part I could actually see her rock, because it goes well with her femme fatale appearance.

Watch The Shallows instead for a female lead shark movie that's actually worth watching. Or even Crawl with the sharks being substituted for alligators instead.
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Not too deep
kosmasp9 January 2024
No pun intended - the movie is .. well the predictable stuff is one thing. The fact that the main actress is not able to convey much (especially her feelings) another ... she is pretty do not get me wrong ... still this surely isn't the only reason you would want to watch this movie ... right? Am I right? I am quite certain I am ... if not there are scenes you can pick and choose.

That all being said, the movie has other downfalls too. If you are going to watch it, make sure this is really something you want to watch. I've seen worse movies and this is ok for a low budget movie. Also the diving scenes are pretty ... almost as pretty as the lead actress ...
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Comically bad
ripleydayne1 February 2024
I actually feel sorry for them putting her in this. Never ever did she belong in a leading role let alone films in general. She is super pretty and some may enjoy just the eye candy element but my god she was not meant to act in films... I never leave reviews but this was beyond cringey... the director needs to find new ways to flirt.

Not only is the entire management and operation of the sailboat insanely incorrect which I get it. It's a movie and you shouldn't nitpick on those things. However, they did slo-mo shots of absolute obvious inconsistencies and glaring errors. I can't believe they showed her backing up the actively running motor boat towards people in the water. You don't have to own boat to know absolutely how dangerous that is.

And it's clearly just about her and the cringey long shots of her doing meaningless things in the beginning just instantly tells you everything that you need to know this movie is going to be about.

It's more like a creepy love letter from a Director to an actress (even that's being generous) then it is a creature feature, which is what I really thought it was going to be.

I love bad movies when they're cheesy, but this is not cheesy this is actually comically poor. If you want drone shots of not the Bahamas, but Malta you'll have about 10 minutes of entertainment. I started doing my taxes half way through because they were more interesting and God bless this movie for helping solve my procrastination.
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Too slow at times, but the sharks look pretty decent.
Sleepin_Dragon1 February 2024
Talented yachtswoman and diver Naomi, is made to swim shark infested waters, to recover a large stash of heroin, belonging to a gang of unscrupulous dealers.

It sounds so good, it sounded great, and once again, number one on Netflix. I came here because it's a shark film, and I'm a fan of Ed Westwick.

This one's a real mixed bag, it would be unfair for me to call this a bad film, it isn't, but it's not good either.

On the plus side, the sharks look pretty good, way better than is usually the case, and some of the attacks are pretty good, there is tension, and a few surprises come along the way.

Unfortunately it's very slow moving, for a so called shark horror, it does amble on somewhat, and for the first forty minutes or so, very little happens, it is very talky at times too. Some of the dialogue is excruciating, even the shark had his fins over his eyes for some of it.

Some of the mood shots are laughable, so many times of focuses on Mãdãlina Ghenea's legs or chest or pouting face, she's actually not bad in this, but her character is so hard to like, you'll probably side with thr sharks.

I've never been to Grenada, but I have been to Malta, and I'm pretty sure that is Malta.

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TOP 100 Worst Movies Of All Time
Boring all the way through. Very predictable. Sharks look fake. Characters uninteresting. Five year old could've come up with a more creative plot. A big deal is made near the beginning about a storm and then somehow the storm becomes irrelevant. Complete waste of time. There isn't a single moment of entertainment in this entire movie. Talk about putting someone into a coma, make sure you drink plenty of coffee or some source of caffeine to keep you awake if you do watch this because if you fall asleep during the movie you might not ever wake up again. I don't recommend the use of drugs but cocaine might not even be able to keep someone from slipping into a coma. I had to slap myself several times and go for a jog half way through watching this. Kept on watching hoping that it would redeem itself somehow but no such luck.
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Shark jumps out of the water?
kalinagoenglish31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so this movie was only pretty mediocre, until about mid-way, and then it really goes downhill. I just kept chuckling at the inconsistencies - Grenada is a lush, mountainous island that certainly doesn't have such nice paved roads or sandstone bricked offices (googling revealed it was set in Malta - which begs the question why not just set the story in Malta), but it was the over the top acting that killed it, the actress in full make-up while sailing solo, upon waking up and yes, also on when arising out of the sea (with no mask marks) that broke any sense of reality; and the sharks, hahahaha - oh they were so very over done that it took this into comedy 🤣 ridiculous film.

P.s. You certainly can't use a speedboat to travel between Martinique and Grenada overnight, oh and in rough sea conditions 😂😂😂.
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warawacarly31 January 2024
This was a painful watch. The acting gave me cheesy Tv drama vibes. I was not invested in the characters at all. The lead actress's and actors face did not move taking away any kind of realistic emotion. The CGI was questionable at best. The plot was flat and boring. I actually laughed out loud a few times because of how ridiculous it got.

On a positive note it does have some pretty drone shots and that's about all I have to say for that. If you are going to do a shark movie at least put a bit of effort into it. This was just trash. I'll always enjoy deep blue sea for the fact that it was filled with Shark action and they put the effort in. I still haven't seen a shark movie I've enjoyed as much as that one. It will always be an up hill battle when doing a shark movie as it's been done many times poorly. It's almost always b rated garbage. This movie was lazy and effortless in many aspects. Don't wast your time.
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matinablr4 November 2023
I really enjoyed watching this movie.

The plot was good,it has some nice plot twists! It was suspensfull. The cinemaphotography was nice with great pictures and scenes.

I can't find anything to be bad.

I don't get why others put so bad reviews on such movies and blame the acting of the actors,come on people just relax it's an enjoyable movie with sharks not an oscar nominated one to so as to expect the greatest of all acting .It was as good acting as in many of the series you watch but don't see you complaining on those.. They main characters were decent and acted just fine not an oscar performance but just fine. The shark approach was as it was supposed to be with some great shots of them. I really loved that the man was beaten up from both of the sharks,it was so annoying character and deserved to die like this haha.

I put high rates on such movies so as to counterbalance the bad reviews.

I hope we see more movies like this.
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Cocaine Shark
amirkhaw14 November 2023
First things first, Deep Fear is not a shark movie. If you put that expectation out of the way, you may be able to enjoy this movie without any misjudged preconceptions. I would best describe Deep Fear as a trouble-at-sea crime-thriller... but with (a limited amount of) sharks. That said, I found myself enjoying this much more than I expected.

Once the plot kicks into high gear, the tension rises and it becomes quite exciting. And for such a low budget movie, the shark CGI is actually decent. If you like Malta, you'll probably enjoy the cinematography as well.

On the flip side, Mãdãlina Ghenea (as Naomi) is quite a poor actress. It makes me wonder why she was cast at all... but then the gratuitous shots of her curves are probably reason enough. Aside from some very groan-inducing tropes, there were some missed opportunities which would have made Deep Fear stand out just a little more. Like when a shark bites into a big bag of cocaine, the director (probably) said "No no, there's already a Cocaine Shark movie, let's forget the shark is now higher than a kite and just go back to the crime stuff".

Overall, I liked the "Dead Calm" type scenario and Deep Fear has some good thrills.
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bigtonynismo31 January 2024
Story and acting sucks, don't care about any of the characters in this. Sad what crap comes out of Hollywood now, shark is great and you cheer for him to eat them all. The two female characters are so ridiculous and unreliable, the villains are not the least bit scary ! I'm really into to shark movies and even the bad ones I at least I found funny to me, this one just sucks, the end is a sad copy of so many Hollywood movies. Where they keep getting money to make these disasters is anyone's guess, must be a lot of rich people out there who don't care if they lose money. So if you have time to waste, give it a watch !
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Poor Performance!
agudelmarcel1 February 2024
You ever watch those corny TikTok mini novelas, well this movie is just like that! The protagonist is pretty... that's about it! But the acting throughout the movie is underwhelming, predictable, and just bad. This movie is suppose to be suspenseful and action packed, but all it did was make me and my family laugh! It's just the acting and actors that were in poor taste.

I guess I can see the director/producer was trying to do something similar to Blake Lively shark movie THE SHALLOWS, but it was not the same. Also, the body shots of the actress in her underwear, perfect hair in windy AF sea, make- up in deep sea scenes, and model-esque poses throughout the movie... no hate to the actress. She has done modeling and is well-known. But idk why Netflix had this as #3 on TOP 10 list.
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Zero knowledge about ocean sailing and sharks
tkaponeridis31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The sailboat is well known brand - too bad they did not supply an expert to assist the director! She grinds winches (with effort of a coffee grinder) which have nothing to do with the sails.... The distant sail scenes from aft starboard quarter: Main 'set' and jib luffing - obviously under engine power. Ending is running in idle all the time while boat 'anchored'...exhaust pouring out.... The 'sail sets' between scenes are ridiculously different! Drops main to rescue people then it is neatly tucked on the stackpack! Final scenes have No Jib on the headstay furling!

She 'backs-up' on engine towards floating survivors! They use hand-held VHF to cover distances of 60-100 miles?! Also uses from 'below deck' ;they use 'mobile phone'?! And boyfriend responds with 'hand-held' VHF!!

She 'anchors' in the middle of the Caribbean! 'What depth did they go down ?? And how many times with only '12 hour rests'??? The last scene with flare-gun is a ripoff from Dead Calm !

The 'knots' on the boyfriend can always be loosened by expert sailor.. (knots are set to hold against force but easily undone if you know how!) NO SHARK would enter the confines of the sunk motor boat - then be 'smart enough' to open the hatches to exit! And the Shark jumps with victim on jaws at least 20 feet in the air....(as if it was catching seals!).....
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