I Am a Stalker (TV Series 2022) Poster

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Some good information, but not the production victims deserve
jahaugh7 December 2022
This documentary series certainly draws attention to the crime of aggravated stalking and the paltry sentences issued to perpetrators in these cases. It's clear that laws differ state by state, and that punishment for stalking is all over the place.

While there is an interesting format of providing both the sides of the victims and their incarcerated offenders, there was an opportunity missed in determining whether the parties viewed past events differently. Interviewers could have played a greater role in challenging the offenders' statements. There also seemed to be a great deal of missing information, as though the documentarians wanted to get by with as few interviews as possible. Where are the attorneys, judges, juries in these cases? Were there just too few individuals' perspectives to seek to make this a richer discussion?

The whole series might have been better off as a podcast, where anonymity could have been kept and B roll of houses and letters in mailboxes (the same shots used more than once) and, strangely, close-ups of people's hands could have been avoided.
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Interesting, but frustrating
atleverton11 January 2024
Generally I find this documentary series quite interesting, because you get to hear from the criminals who have committed these crimes, but it is done with tact and very little sensationalism. Another good thing about this series is that it shows you the mentality of the American justice system, which is a reflection of American society. For example, one of the stalkers is a lesbian, and as part of her treatment I guess she decides to go to church where they say that her natural feelings are against god's plan. That kind of makes sense because that is what Christianity teaches. It doesn't have anything to do with whether a person is a stalker or not. More egregious was the sentence given to a lady who felt like her husband and his ex were becoming too close. She decided to drop mysterious packages off at the ex's place, because the ex was a Conservative Christian she made sure that these packages looked mysterious and that they looked like they had occult origins. So the stalker got 8 years probation for this - and was ordered by the court to not see her mother for 8 years because her mother happened to drive her to the ex's place once. That seems to be a sentence that is so Draconian because the people in the justice system actually believe in the existence of the occult. I've never heard of someone being ordered not to associate with their own parents, even serial killers are not ordered to do that. Their parents can visit them in prison. And it's weird how the victim called the police because there was a picture of her delivered to her house and on the picture was a pentagram? It's a bit of a joke when people say that America is like the Christian Taliban, but sometimes it's true. I do believe that this person was stalking the victim and that she did deserve some sort of punishment, like a few years or a year of probation, but I really don't understand what the point of punishing the mother at all was. Probably other stalkers were driven to places where they were stalking people by their friends, so are we saying that just because you have friends and relatives they need to be punished for your bad actions. The rest of the series is a good examination of what needs to break in your mind for you to become a stalker.
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Chilling Level of Delusion
re_incarnate9 January 2024
It's not the glossy true crime documentary we've grown to expect from Netflix, but the simplicity of it allows us to appreciate how truly delusional stalkers are and pay close attention to what they say and how they say it. If you pay close attention you're able to identify the subtle tactics and manipulation these people employ.

The stories are truly chilling and the really made me put myself into the victims's shoes and the unimaginable burden of living in constant fear. It brings the message home that there are people like this out there who simply won't let things go and the notion of that is very scary.
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Interesting Show
jennsisson29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very interesting show that discusses stalkers and their victims. Some of the interviews are conducted in prison. The people that were doing the stalking discuss their reasons why they felt led to stalk their victims. I do wish the creators would have a narrator reading all the words that appear on the screen. There are so many written parts that pop up on the screen that would be better read by a narrator. I had to keep rewinding the show to be able to read what I missed from the screen. It would be easier to have someone reading it, so you can be multitasking at the same time as watching the show. I am about halfway through the series.
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A Must See
hilary_mae-912-805611 November 2022
I started watching this on Netflix because I work in Mental Health and thought it would be interesting to hear directly from the Stalkers. It's chilling how their mind works. Chilling, disturbing and you can see how delusional they are, and how far they can get in their activities and still excuse themselves of it and not accept accountability.

The reality of just how many stalker are out there, known stalkers, vs how many people haven't yet acted on the impulses is scary.

Even though this is an American series and the laws are different there, this is an informative series that people should watch to become informed, to learn how to recognize the signs and steps to take to protect yourself.

I am only part way through it and have watched at least one episode where the stalkers were women. Not common, but they presented themselves in an entirely different way from the male stalkers.

I recommend it.
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mendejbarnett1 November 2022
While this series and the "I'm A Killer" series are interesting and heartbreaking, how is no one editing these before they aired? Grammar is terrible, and the text on the screen is out if sequence. "I'm A Stalker", "Close To Death" , the victim clearly states she was in hiding but only left her house to go to class, then the text on the screen says "while living in hiding Sadie decided to resume her nursing studies". Duh, she said she was going to class. The images of houses don't match the story, she is talking about living in an apartment and they show several different houses? In episode "A Family Stalker" text on the screen says, "will be eligible to apply for parole FROM 2028", should be "will be eligible to apply for parole in 2028". Lots of these grammatical errors occurred in " I'm A Killer" too. For a Netflix doc this is poor. Fire your editors. The people who participated in these stories deserve better.
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Really good but..
seglund-eileen30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really informative show about stalking & you get to see it from all POV (stalker,victims,LE/experts) & the overall theme is stalking alone is not taken seriously in society, especially in the legal system.

I still have some episodes left, but one case in particular stuck out to me because of how..out of place it seems. It's the mom/daughter one.

The stalking in the other cases involved a history of violence & relatively light sentences considering what the stalkers did. This case was not that... There is no physical violence involved or violating POs. I think it was 3 separate incidents of leaving like witchcraft stuff @ the house.

I'll let you make your own judgement..but the sentence was actually too harsh in my opinion. Idk if that is cause of the religion aspect or what, but it's definitely an odd choice to include.

Otherwise really good!
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A missed opportunity
domagoj139 January 2024
This could have been a great analysis of the types of stalking behaviours, but instead it was a superficial, almost reality tv kind of offering where we see stalkers and those being stalked remembering their experiences (valid, of course). Why the need to stretch it into 8 episodes - I cannot fathom, when it could have easily been condensed into a documentary film or a miniseries with much more professional insight into what actually happens in these disturbing situations. Was hoping to learn something new from this, but ended up just watching iterations of the same thing without any in depth analysis of the phenomenon of stalking.
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Delusional Thy Name is Denial
Mehki_Girl2 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show interviews the victims at well as the perpetrators.

I started watching this on Netflix because the thumbnail featured a female stalker.

Most of the stalkers were men. So far every single one of them is controlling...And very, very violent.

So many things rolling through my head.

Pick better partners. If you see controlling behaviors, drug use, odd or other negative behaviors, end the relationship or don't start them to begin with. So many things start with obvious bad behavior way back in the beginning.

I'm not blaming the victims, but everyone has to make good and cautious choices to keep one's self safe. That's just commonsense

None of the stalkers seem to see the world through a reality filter. None of them can make a connection between, I did A and that resulted in B. No one seems able to make that straight line connection. It's like golly geez whiz, I was living at home with my wife and kids and now here I am living in my momma's basement after two years in jail (scratches head completely baffled and bewilded by this unexpected turn of events).

Totally ignoring the fact that you tried to run over your wife with a vehicle, you threatened to kill her, you choked her about 10 times, you stalked her to her job and assaulted her in the parking lot and not only that, but you ran over and killed her kid a year prior and started using crack and you can't understand why she wants nothing to do with you?!

The other bewildering part of this tale is Mom didn't beg borrow or steal money to fight this idiot having visitation rights with this kid nor did she move because he's writing her letters from jail and Dollars to Donuts she's going to take a back!

And not for nothing why I'm earth given the fact he "accidently" killed his first kid and physically threatened and assaulted his mom so why is the court granting him anything? The surviving kid doesn't know him and fears him as he should! I'm all for men being treated fairly by the courts, but this is ridiculous!

I just can't!

One of the glaringly obvious things in all of this is that many of these stalkers have exhibited bad criminal behavior, felonious behavior, multiple times and all of them are either getting a slap on the wrist and let go, put on probation, had cases dismissed, or when jailed, serve barely a fraction of the time that they were supposed to of sentences that weren't severe enough to begin with!

Given all of this, my advice, again, about being careful with whom you become involved becomes even more important.

Neither the cops nor the justice system is going to protect you the victim!
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Yet another documentary done wrong !!!
fergy-823169 January 2024
Stalking as most of you will agree is a terrifying and heartbreaking situiation for ALL involved , but yet again this shows not so much the lifes devastated by stalking but the total and utter lack of help for people with mental health issues and the absolute abuse of an socially corrupt justice system , an NON EXISTANT justice system .......

To have a doc showing real horror and suffering that Stalking is then you need to explain the stalkers side of the story and each indevidual so far for me ( epesode 3 and still watching at this very moment ) has had outstanding failures from society around them wether its treatment for mental health or completely incompitency from the powers supposed to keep us safe ( lets be honest wether USA or UK police are just being militerised and dont give a toss ) , all of these cases should never have been able to go this far ....

Most people wont watch this and see it for what it is cause the masses really dont give a toss till its there problem but by then its far too late esspecially in the USA there Justice system is Racist , Biast and lets be honest just there to make people powerfull , Judges in USA should ALL at this moment in time be sacked and made to reapply for there job under Humane rulings , 99% would be sacked if the justice system allowed it lol ( judges are protected under law like the fekin president , if trump gets jail time i will swim to America naked with a stars and stripes wee flag protruding out my bum !!!! ) ...

Anyway great Doc if your a sheep happy with your hard slog life but beleve its all you deserve cause its not , You Deserve Alot More Than Your Given !!!! XoXo

Ask yourself this .............

Whats in place when automated vehicles come in ( less than 5 years from now easily ) .......

Millions unemployed over night in the UK alone , whats going to happen to you !!!!!
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Poor Quality
gdkdxjdzd10 January 2024
Netflix is capable of so much more than this show. They're obviously knocking out content as fast as they can rather than focusing on quality. Each episode sticks to the same formula.

They have a different stalking 'expert' who gives very limited insight into the stalker. It would have been better to have the same Criminal Psychologist in each episode - someone who is a renowned expert in stalking case, not these random people.

It's the usual story of Netflix taking events that happened in some cases 20 years ago and trying to spin them into an episode. Little to no crime scene footage with just a bunch of reenactments, or retired police going to look longingly at a crime scene.

Not trying to diminish the seriousness of these stalking cases in any way, but Netflix could have done so much more to really get into each case.
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The decline of Netflix
tonyjoeltaylor28 July 2023
There was a time when Netflix made and released powerful documentaries. "I am a stalker" is more evidence that the streaming giant is more concerned with quality than quality. I attempted to watch this, but after 15 minutes it was apparent that my high school media production class could do this. Essentially it was point and shoot at two subjects while they told their stories. No context was provided. It was horrible. Sadly this is the new Netflix documentary.make as many cheap documentaries as you can and force feed them to your audience.

The days of "How to Make a Murderer" and "The Tiger King" are gone.
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