"Bones" The Parts in the Sum of the Whole (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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What Can Be Safely Written
ttapola12 December 2010
It seems there is some controversy on this episode despite the high rating (8.7 at the time of writing). So, having watched Bones from the beginning, what do I think of this?

The Structure. I like that this is not one of those ancient "Then We Switch Straight to the Past Where We Shall Remain Until the Flashback Ends". There is a gradual switch from present day to the past during the Teaser Sequence. And while after the Title Sequence most of the episode takes place in the past, we occasionally switch back to present day, which *links* the flashbacks better to the framing story. Smooth.

The Beginning. I really wasn't that impressed with Bones. The series, that is, not the character, whom I instantly connected with. Temperance Brennan is pretty much my ideal woman. She will *never* fall into irrational arguments. And in any relationship, there *will* be arguments. When you can rationally work them out and in the end one side - EITHER side - will admit being wrong and will then move onwards, the relationship has a better chance of surviving. Temperance Brennan is a rare and precious character. On the other hand, I was already a huge admirer of David Boreanaz's work. He may not be the Robert De Niro of his generation, *but* Buffy, Angel and Bones have proved that he is like Wolverine - the best there is at what he does. He is the master of straight-faced comedy, who doesn't have to resort to caricature quirks to be funny. But! He can pull of emotion when needed without falling into sentimentality. Together, B & B are some of the most fully realized characters on TV - they feel *human*.

The Pay-off. Whether you are new to the series or have watched it from the beginning, this episode is most likely to make you at least want to watch the first season again. I, for one, intend to. Maybe I was too harsh on the premise of the series, dismissing it as another CSI imitator. Over the years, Bones has proved to be the superior series, funnier, wittier, sexier, and, if you like that sort of thing, more gruesome - the said Bond in the Boot and the Gamer in the Grease (especially his flesh falling off in what must be the most eye-dropping gore effect on a national American TV series ever) spring to mind first. Also, this is more than a flashback episode. It offers *more* That is what can be safely written without spoiling anything. A 8/10 triumph.
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Zack's Back
abbyrd8829 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was fantastic. Easily the best episode of the season thus far. This took us back to B&B's very first case. One of the many, many things that made this episode for me was the fact that Zack was in it. But here are some of the other highlights- Hodgin's crazy hair, Zack and Hodgin's first experiment, Bones nicknaming Booth "shoes" (I wish that one would have stuck), B&B loudly fighting and calling each other names at a crime scene, the 2 kisses(!!!), and finally the ending. The ending of this episode was absolutely phenomenal. It had me thoroughly convinced that David Boreanz and Emily Deschenal are two of the best actors on television. Booth finally told Bones that he loved her (more or less) and that they needed to take a chance on a relationship. Bones said no because she was scared and didn't know how to change. Unfortunately, Booth basically said that he couldn't keep waiting for her and that he would have to move on. It ended very emotionally with both B&B crying on the steps. I really think that this is what viewers have been waiting for. The only thing I am a bit upset about is that Bones was to scared to give a relationship a try. Her character has come so far that I think she is ready for this. She has said that she would do anything for Booth, so why can't she give him a chance? He would kill or die for her! Guys like that just don't come around everyday and the sooner she realizes that the better. I can't wait until Brennan finally puts her fears aside; hopefully Booth will be waiting for her. I for one thing will continue watching and be eagerly waiting for B&B to be together.
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So sad!
mitchrmp9 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite episodes. Not only do Booth and Brennan tell about their first meeting, which explains a lot about their relationship; but we watch Booth take a big step in the direction of deepening their relationship.

At the end of this episode, Booth makes an awesome move and an awesome speech. Brennan's reason for rejecting him is heart-breaking and totally Brennan. We watch as they both admit how they feel about the other, but watch one of them deny the happiness they could have together. Both are crying at the end of the episode, and so am I!

Aside from that, it was awesome seeing Zack Addy once again.

This episode turns things - first for the worse, then for the better.
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WARNING-Do not read "Disappointment with a capital D" review, it has a big spoiler!!
jasonreese-9176526 January 2016
I've left this review in part to warn people that the above mentioned review on this episode has an unmarked spoiler. I fortunately didn't read the reviews until after I had seen the episode but I would have been very upset if I had. I like to be surprised by things that happen big and small. I have reported it to IMDb, hopefully it is removed. If so I suppose this part of the review is pointless, and maybe won't even be posted, not sure how this works exactly but someone needed to warn people.

As for the episode it's great!! The actors do such a great job like always. They really show how talented they are specifically in this episode with the situations they're in. The episode involves some flashbacks starting from the beginning and I love them! Flashbacks can be great or horrible and I think this one was great. we learn some very interesting and surprising things. There is some talk in the other reviews about the script not being very good but some of the things they mention as being bad were actually parts that I thought were very clever and I enjoyed. So no accounting for taste I guess.
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"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
partsofthewhole9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, The Bones Booth Pod! Happy 100th episode! Can you believe that the time has finally come?

The title of this episode, my literal IMDB username namesake, is literal perfection. The missing parts of the whole story of B&B (to date), finally being shared with Sweets and the viewers. And oh boy, does it change things for our characters.

As soon as the episode begins, you can feel the difference in pacing. There's no body being discovered, no rushing of crime techs or scientific discussion. It's just Bones and Booth on their way to Sweets' office to discuss the final draft of his book and what they think is wrong with it, although the pair does not agree on what that is: Booth pointing out (defensively) that they're not in love whilst Brennan is more factual, stating that their first case wasn't Cleo Eller from the Pilot.

Seeing Sweets fall apart upon hearing that Cleo Eller wasn't B&B's first case together and his reactions throughout their retelling of their actual first case is pure gold. It gets to the point where he accepts his fate, that his thesis is incorrect and just wills them to continue with their recount which I find to be the funniest thing ever. He truly portrays a first time viewers reaction of this episode perfectly.

Having Cam be the one to suggest Booth gets into contact with Brennan feels like a full circle moment in my opinion. Cam was the first person Booth admitted his feelings for Bones to and even though it made sense back then, it makes even more sense now. Also just seeing "pre-Season 1" Cam not working for the Jeffersonian? Love it! And when Booth decides to visit Bones at her lecture... God. Him walking in on her talking, seeing her from across the room, stunned by her brilliance and beauty. Posing a question despite a university lecture not being his 'scene' and Brennan's response, to Booth asking her afterwards "Do you believe in fate?" to which she replies, "Absolutely not. Ludicrous." A brilliant summary of their characters in two sentences. The chemistry between them was chef's kiss, while also highlighting just how different they are.

The introduction to Booth's gut feelings while Brennan is focused more on the pursuit of knowledge and truth and how Booth withholds information to test Brennan and her team and then being thoroughly impressed shows just how far they have come since their first case together, much like how their falling out near the end of the case does as well. I could rant and rave about how fantastic the characterization of B&B in this episode is but then I'd be here all day.

We get the origin of the nickname Bones, which surprisingly isn't the biggest revelation of this episode as right after we get Bones asking Booth directly if he is single or not which HELLO? GIVE US A MOMENT TO BREATHE! Of course Booth is all professional, saying that cannot date if they're working together but he never denied not wanting to. We also see Caroline Julian and her previous distaste for the Squints prior to the official partnership between the FBI and the Jeffersonian team. Which of course, ties back in to when Bones breaks the Judge's nose and she wants Booth to fire her.

Seeing the two of them leave to bar, Booth already feeling SO SURE about Bones that he admits to having a gambling problem to them kissing and Bones regaining her rationality will never fail to make me emotional for a multitude of reasons. Sweets is absolutely correct- they missed their moment and punished each other for it. "Get a soul." "Get a brain!" Their insults to each other are so PERSONAL, because on some level they both knew from the beginning that they had something but weren't ready for it to work. Then Brennan slapped Booth and told him he was a bully, which struck one of the most painful spots for him, just as he mentions Brennan's father. They were bound to erupt.

Then comes the scene. They walk past a quote that reads "Nothing happens unless first a dream...", which is a call back to Booth's coma dream of being in love with Brennan in Season 4. And Booth, being the gambler, takes his chance.

But Brennan isn't ready. She doesn't want Booth to be tied down to her, someone who doesn't see the world in the same perspective. Who doesn't feel the way she feels. She's afraid she is going to hurt him and she cares (loves) him so much that she could not allow that to even be an option. That alone shows how much she has grown since the Pilot. Although she thinks she is being completely rational by turning Booth down, she isn't. Oh, the irony.

A 10/10 episode in my own opinion, I cannot wait to hear what you guys think about it!
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Touching but Sad
Hitchcoc8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With the fulcrum the book Sweets has been writing, we are brought back to the beginning of a relationship between Brennan and Booth. It hearkens back to her terrorizing the Jeffersonian with her harsh, ham handed approach to other people. Booth meets her for the first time and a chemistry begins with them. We are brought into a case involving a sitting judge that is really touchy, really dangerous for the future. The other characters are brought into the fold (Zach included). Hodgins is terribly harsh. Angela gets noticed because of her ability to draw caricatures. But it all leads to the last ten minutes when the two leave Sweets' office and talk about their futures. It is so poignant.
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I'm not sure how people can't love this episode
briezey29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so incredibly important as it gives us both context for the series and furthers the story.

I really like the premise of this episode. Booth and Bones go to tell Sweets that he made an error in his book, that the Cleo case was not the first case that Booth and Bones worked on together. This is an amazing call back because the Cleo case is the first episode of the series. But, if you recall in that episode, Bones and Booth talk about how this isn't the first case they worked together. However, we never got much more than that until this episode.

This episode bounces between the past (aka the first case Bones and Booth worked together) and the present (them talking to Sweets in his office). So much context is given to us while Booth and Bones tell their story. We see Booth interacting with Cam long before Cam came to work at the Jeffersonian. We learn how Angela and Bones met. We see Hodgins and Zack do their first experiment. We also see a different type of interaction between Bones and Booth. They are very flirty towards one another and they even kiss after Booth fires her. Their interactions with each other is not at all what we would expect after seeing their first interactions at the beginning of the series.

I also like that we see why Bones and Booth had this falling out. He fired her which caused all sorts of problems and as Sweets mentioned, they feel as though they missed their chance with one another.

At the end of the episode we get such an important turning point. Booth and Bones kiss and he suggests that they give it a shot. Bones says she can't. The absolute heart break I felt seeing the tears well up in Booth's eyes when Bones says she can't give the relationship a chance. Then Bones following it up by asking if they can still work together - ugh as a viewer I started crying.

Best part: getting so much context for the series five seasons later

Worst part: having to watch the couple that you have been rooting for since episode one miss their chance.
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"There Was Tongue Contact"
vampthropologist14 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If I was to describe all my many many feelings on this episode, this review would be pages long. The flashbacks of B&B first case are super fun, and seeing all the characters before we met them in the pilot/first season is really interesting.

  • Hodgins in his curly wig with his elastic band on his wrist
  • Zack without his doctorate but still as smart as ever
  • Angela as a caricature artist who wants to go to Paris
  • Cam as the New York coroner
  • Caroline working in Booth's office for some reason despite always having a visitor's badge every other time she's in the FBI building
  • Booth before he stopped gambling and without his socks, ties and belt buckles
  • And then there's Brennan who is about the same as in 'present day'

I could go on about the episode for days and could quote something from almost every scene if asked, so I'll just go with a Bones Booth Pod classic and say...

Best part: THAT RAIN KISS!!!!

Worst part: Brennan and Booth's little sad faces in the heart wrenching final scene :( (and the fact that canonically Judge Hasty is on parole in the Bones universe right now)
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You think Sweets is going to panic and run into a wall?
lrstark-9632918 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Congratulations on making it to the 100th episode Bones Booth! And what an episode!

I love that we see the growth in Bones character with all the flashbacks.

It throws me off how flirtatious and forward bones is toward Booth half the episode, but then again when she meets other love interests she's just as forward, so I guess it tracks.

We get a lot of firsts in this episode and I love all of them (to name a few):
  • Meeting Cam(she was the catalyst that started the team in my opinion).

  • Bringing Angela in.

  • The first experiment with a young zacharoni and hodgepodge.

  • Angela's first stick figure scenario,
  • First time Caroline yells about Bones punching a suspect.

I do NOT count their kiss as a first kiss.

Nope, can't make me. *sticks fingers in ears* But really, at this point she sees Booth as just some guy she's had fun with. Not Booth. The dynamic becomes different after that.

So I don't think it changes the premise of the book at all for Sweets, he just needs to change it around a little. Add a preface.

The Ending: Booth tried, and Booth is patient.

Bones is just afraid, she's come a long way though.

For my own best part/worst part:

Best part: "It's gotta be you, because you're the gambler." Damn Sweets. Well delivered.

Worst part: Brennans floral shirt. Seriously, it's all I can look at in those scenes.

Song addition: Built to Spill - Carry the Zero A lyric from the song: "And you've become what you thought was dumb, a fraction of the sum." To play off the episode title.
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A new beginning
ctomvelu111 April 2010
The 100th episode is almost as flamboyant and "out there" as the dream episode that wrapped up one of the previous seasons, the one in which Bones and Booth are married. In "Whole," B&B tell Sweets, who is wrapping up work on his book about them, about their very first case together. It involves a young woman's skeleton, back when the team wasn't really yet a team. The episode is a howl. Zach is back, because of course he was there at the very beginning. Hodgins sports a wild wig (remember his goofy hair in the first couple of seasons?) and is even more ornery than usual. Angela is a sidewalk artist, although she and Brennan know each other and Brennan will soon enlist her services in the female skeleton case. Booth and Brennan are incredibly awkward around each other at first. There is a surprising coda to the episode that will either endear or infuriate series fans. While not as deliciously creative as the dream episode, this one has more than its share of memorable moments. Wait until you see B&B calling each other names.
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Disappointment with a capital 'D'
L35L1316 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the positives. My favorite part of the whole episode was the very last scene. Why? Because the actors were fantastic. Even throughout the whole episode, they took a sub-par script and made the best of it.

Some people are going to love this episode and I completely understand why. Bones and Booth finally kiss! Twice! However, although there are some great moments, that doesn't make the script great at all.

I am a huge fan of Bones, however this one of the worst episodes of the series so far (another bad episode being that dream sequence episode at the end of last season). Both of these episodes were disjointed and didn't really fit into the series well. Apparently the creator, Hart Hanson, wrote both episodes. It just felt that although he created the series, he hasn't actually watched an episode in years. It wasn't just that there was an overall detachment from the series, it was also the writing. At times certain things that Bones said were just plain stupid, like the "broiling a suspect". I was actually surprised that the writer hasn't written for NCIS, writing dialog for Ziva David.
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nelvis-754-54265512 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Either this episode is wrong or episode 1 of season 1 is wrong. The characters have clearly never met before in s1;e1 and Cam is not even in the same city. This is a common problem with American tv series and I don't understand why they do it.
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