71: Into the Fire (2010) Poster

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Great Casting! Great Acting!
jrweyrich30 July 2010
I have been waiting for this movie to be released in the US ever since I saw the trailer on Youtube.com last month and read all the hype. Plus, one of my favorite Korean actors, Cha Seung Won, is one of the four leads. This guy can do it all--comedy and drama, and he does not disappoint as the North Korean commander in this movie. This is the first time I have seen him on a big movie theatre screen and the camera loves him. DVD rentals on my TV are not quite the same--too bad more Korean films don't get US theatrical releases. Also giving excellent performances were Kim Seung Woo and Choi Seung Hyun--two actors who I first saw in last year's Kdrama, "Iris". Rounding out the lead actors is Kwon Sang Woo--another good performance and my first time seeing him in a theatrical film. All the supporting roles were also very well cast. If one likes war movies, this one is not to be missed--especially since it is based on a true incident during the Korean War. Direction, sets, costumes, music--all were well done. This film merits more than one viewing at the movie theatre.
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Heartfelt Korean War epic
Leofwine_draca19 November 2012
A heartfelt and passionate Korean War epic, 71 – INTO THE FIRE marks the epitome of self-sacrifice, brotherly love, and gung-ho soldierly bravery. It's a simple enough tale which, crucially, really happened: 71 schoolboys were tasked with holding back a North Korean division single-handedly during the Korean War in 1950. What follows – their holding-out against impossible odds - sounds too good to be true, but yes, it really happened, and it makes for great movie-making.

The only South Korean war movie I'd seen previously was the superlative BROTHERHOOD, so I had no idea what to expect from this production. I got it all: thoroughly engaging characters, an interesting storyline and typically stylish direction. Yes, it's a slow builder of a movie: it takes an hour and a half before things really get going, but then the climax hits and you've rarely seen anything so intense and devastating in equal measure. Solid performances throughout contribute to the overall feel that this is a great movie.
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Good not great
nick-zieminski5 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's not bad. It's not great. From the few English-language comments about 71, one can piece together that it's a movie vehicle for local teen heartthrobs, kind of like casting the Jonas Brothers in a recreation of The Alamo or the Tet Offensive. There's even a short, bittersweet dance sequence before the final slaughter, as the unprepared volunteer soldiers await the attack by North Korean troops. I'm sure it's meant as a wink to the actors' fans but it plays just fine on a dramatic level, not least because it's brief.

The movie seems to have had a good budget for a Korean actioner, with support from the military. It's shot with very narrow depth of field, a choice that may seem unnatural for a panoramic war movie but heightens the shock and subjectivity of the experience for the teenage heroes, who are in way over their head from the get-go. There are two superb sequences. One is a chase through the woods, as the south Koreans chase a North Korean sniper, who's been sent to draw them out. They follow him into a wheat field where "the commies" are nestled, camouflaged a la Tom Berenger in Sniper. The inevitable firefight doesn't go where you'd expect it to and adds to the tension between the young captain who leads the student soldiers and the cocky thief who's been dumped on their squad.

The second great sequence follows soon after. The top North Korean drives straight into the enemy's compound, white flag waving, and undermines the hero's credibility with a simple offer: surrender and we'll let you live. The surrender scene is a combat trope par excellence, but here it's handled with such slow Leone-style build-up and centered on a terrific performance that it's elevated into something special. It takes a good two minutes for the white-clad North Korean just to get out of his Jeep, wipe the dust off his boot and condescendingly shove a useless prisoner back into the ranks, before he even opens his mouth. As the scene wears on, it becomes clear the hero will have a mutiny on his hands. Good stuff.

The movie is nuanced toward the North, as the southern heroes repeatedly discover the humanity of their enemy. Eastwood did something similar with his pair of Iwo Jima movies and I don't know enough about Korean culture to say whether this signifies changing attitudes toward the North.

The final battle, some 20 minutes worth of wanton slaughter and deeply saturated pyrotechnics, using a wide variety of period hardware, is notable for its use of physical stunts and squibs and for its clear delineation of the space it takes place in, something a lot of action movie makers have lately forgotten. What it lacks utterly is suspense because the movie makers have already shown us that reinforcements are coming and the heroes' fate is already etched in history. To quote Josey Wales, "If things look bad, and it looks like you're not gonna make it, you gotta get mean." These student soldiers get mean, all right.

For all its emphasis on gore and painful ways to die that recall the gut wound death scene in Ryan, the movie also stoops to really icky sentimentality in these final moments -- indeed, throughout the story, as it cuts to shots of hysterically wailing moms as the young volunteers are trucked off, and a cringe-inducing letter-writing voice-over probably inspired by Saving Private Ryan. It's tonally wrong, just as the earlier comic-relief with a fat soldier who eats raw potatoes feels wrong, and it's this sort of weirdness that is keeping even big budget Korean movies from breaking into the American market. Maybe Brett Ratner should re-edit and chop down this one, like he did the Bollywood movie Kites.
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If you like realistic war films...you will be disappointed.
zardoz-3725 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Possible Spoilers

The film makers copied the look and feel of "Saving Private Ryan"...but, action wise, it has far more in common with "Wind Talkers" or "Miracle at St. Anna" then "SPR" or "Band of Brothers". Their is lots of shooting, violence and gore in this movie, but that doesn't make this a realistic war movie, its just a bloody movie. Nothing bothers me more then watching a soldier run through hundreds of missed shots and exploding grenades, as the "hero" skillfully shoots the "battle hardened" (but apparently incompetent) enemy to pieces.

Their are so many aspects of this film that make decent drama, but are defiantly NOT realistic or historical. An example; 70 student soldiers, each one of these (untrained) students is armed with a Garand rifle and 250 rounds...these boys manage to hold off, and kill a thousand battle hardened North Korean soldiers. Well, I say they killed thousands of soldiers because they sort of disappeared all of the sudden. One minute you see them marching up to the school...and 10 minutes later the North Korean General is facing "our hero" alone on the rooftop.

Anyway...if you want to enjoy a war drama, go for it. BUT if your looking for a realistic war movie...walk away.
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Great movie & great acting
natalie_twins875 November 2010
The movie is great because they did not try to make it huge: it was just telling a simple story about 71 young student learning and struggling in the real war.

The main actor: Choi Seung Hyeon (who is also known as TOP in Big Bang) did a great job. He acts impressively with his eyes, showing us how a student knowing nothing becomes to get to fight, to kill for the sake of his own team. Other actors did not show the best of them, especially Kwon Sang Woo. He could do better than that, but I feel that the character he played was not fully described. The music was not very impressive to me, however the effect was quite real and well-done for a Asian war movie. Since this is based on a true story, the end can easily be predicted, but that does not mean it was a boring end. They show us how people die in war: they may have different backgrounds but still can become real soldier once needed.
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The trailer on YouTube made it look so much better
KineticSeoul2 August 2010
I first read about this movie on a Korean site looking up Korean entertainment, it was probably up pretty quick since it has the Korean rapper TOP in it who is in a popular K-pop group Big Bang. Anyways I also managed to watch the trailers on YouTube and it looked promising, and I must say the trailer was better than the actual movie itself after viewing. I felt a lot of the characters went to waste, like the nurse for instance who just treats Seung-hyeon Choi wounds and doesn't appear for the rest of the movie. The movie would have been so much better if it was more engaging and you actually care for the character and you do care a bit but not enough to really worry if they die or live. The film also seems to rely to much on the cinematography since the camera changes constantly but not really effectively. It just constantly switches to TOP's facial expressions a LOT, but I guess it's to please the fan girls while the guys enjoy the action scenes. TOP's acting got better but it's just passable and Kwon Sang-Woo really overdoes it in order to stand out but just comes off as obnoxious, but he did have his moments. Cha Seung-Won did a fine job of playing the charismatic North Korean commander although his scenes are very few, he did a fine job, just not very memorable. I wished it found a way to get more in depth with the characters cause most of them didn't really stand out to me. Another annoying aspect of the film is how the North Korean soldiers fights like retarded drones that is just asking to get shot by running straight into bullets, yeah it's a movie but it got irritating to watch cause of the stupidity. I know they tried to make the final scene all epic, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I didn't feel cheated while walking out of the theaters, but was a bit let down. I also noticed there were more girls in the theater seats than guys, I guess TOP makes up for his lack of acting skills in order to get the female viewers to go watch his movie. Like Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner in the "Twilight" movies. Anyways good movie with a average plot and pretty cardboard characters and a lot of stuff blowing up.

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wolverine342 January 2011
I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I do enjoy watching war films, especially true stories, as they generally depict the horrors of war. Right from the start I was hooked, and was not disappointed.

It is a pity films from Korea, Japan, China, and other oriental countries are not included in the Oscars or bafta awards, but then America and Britain wouldn't have so many winners.

This film is typical of this as it has some great acting and is filmed extremely well. It also shows you don't need a budget like that of some Hollywood movies. The biggest thing for me is that it is a true story and is dramatised well. Without being too political, with the ongoing problems in Korea, they could have made the North out to be animals, but they don't.

For a film that probably wont be mentioned at the big ceremonies, it is a loss for film-making. I would highly recommend this film if you haven't seen it yet. Would love to see Britain make films as good as this, but I haven't seen many, recently, that comes close. That is just my opinion though.

As with all films though, don't go by opinion, watch it and decide by yourself, but I think you will enjoy the movie.
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The best Korean War films are made by the South Koreans.
steveo12227 April 2018
The best Korean War films are made by the South Koreans. Starting around 2010, they started getting really good at creating sometimes remarkable battle scenes. Although the script structure follows (apparently globally) established 'war film' formulae, this is a very well done South Korean, based on a real event, 'Alamo' story filmed in the style of 'Saving Private Ryan'. Anyone with an ongoing list of notable war films should be interested.
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A Nutshell Review: 71: Into the Fire
DICK STEEL25 October 2010
War film action junkies sit up and take note, as 71: Into the Fire should be written into your books as a must watch if you haven't already made plans to do so. Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan may have set the bar and raised expectations many years ago with regards to the use of strained colours and realistic war violence being portrayed on screen, and in recent years even China too got into the act through Feng Xiaogang's The Assembly. While tales of heroism during WWII have been aplenty done by filmmakers from the West, I can only think of a handful done in the East to meet that kind of scale. This is one of them.

Directed by John H. Lee, the basis of the film reported came from a letter from one of the 71 deceased South Korean student soldiers, which chronicled their Alamo experience and moment as the few who had to stand up to the invading North Korean masses in very David and Goliath measures. Tasked with the strategically important defense of Pohang while the rest of what's left of the South Korean army and UN coalition defended the Nakdong River area, this is not 300 where a group of battle hardened soldiers led by King Leonidis tragically fended off the huge Persian army, but a group of rag tag students with little military experience being told to hold their ground for 2 hours against a fanatical, professional army before reinforcements arrive.

You can feel the sense of urgency and desperation throughout the film, as Lee doesn't forget to remind you how dire the situation was, with the tremendous loss of territory over a period of four months to the North Korean forces sledgehammering its way down south, and the reliance of students to take up arms in what could have been a tactical lesser of two evils. The UN Coalition is stretched thin, and the makeshift Captain of the ragtag student group, soft spoken Oh Jung-Bum (T.O.P), has some serious growing up to do if he is to lead the students, being one of three who have had some combat experience. Making things difficult is the inclusion of criminals like Kap-Jo (Kwon Sang Woo) who's just happy to be out of prison to lend his weight to the fight, but as with any army that requires discipline, here is one man and his two lieutenants who prefer the contrary.

From the get go you'll get thrown thick into the action with loud gunfire and pretty much everything exploding on screen from artillery and other big guns fire, as Jung-Bum wanders around his battalion doing errands like topping up and delivery of magazines and rounds to soldiers, only to find his side of the forces constantly retreating, and being caught up in a life and death situation. Clearly not the hero he thinks he could be, he soon gets sent packing into a truck and again the North, under the leadership of Commander Park Mu-Rang (Cha Seung-Won), is triumphant and merciless in their taking of additional territory.

More set action sequences are to follow, and each are carefully crafted to reap maximum effect for the film-goer as we root for the student soldiers as they stand their ground, and rely on their street smarts to come up with some form of defense system to protect their minuscule turf. While luck has them chancing upon caches of abandoned weapons, improvisation meant the welcoming of Molotov cocktails (still a weapon of choice for guerrilla styled riots), and various forms of gas/fuel+fire combination. Not being military strategists, the students are susceptible to the oldest trick in the book like ambushes, and each challenge they come up toward meant a reduction in their already pathetic numbers.

Perhaps it is their making of such naive mistakes that draw in on the harshness of war, where director Lee doesn't spare us much of the gory details from bursting wounds and machine gun fire from up close ripping up bodies. As the adage goes, don't die for your country but make the other bastard die for his. However this film depicts Koreans killing Koreans, so therein lies an opportunity to address some of this insanity why people ought to be killing their own comrades and countrymen, even having the North Korean commander at times exhibiting being a maverick willing to go against battle orders, albeit to satisfy his bruised ego that had been wounded by a bunch of students against his own troops.

There's no lack of drama and tension as well, brought on when Jung-Bum and Kap-Jo have to go head to head in order to earn each other's mutual respect, but before that the gangsters' shenanigans prove to be running against the grain of the student soldier's mission. For Jung- Bum, we witness how he matures from boy to man, while Kap-Jo learns about responsibility and what it means to be counted upon, in contrast to his selfish ways since the enemy is now real and right at their doorstep. Unfortunately while this film has 71 student soldiers split into two platoons, realistically you're not going to have to get to know all of them, so only these two fly the character development flag for the rest.

Well made with excellent production values and sets depicting the state of war affairs during the Korean War, 71: Into the Fire will go into my books as one of the best this year in its genre. Highly recommended, especially when viewed on the big screen!
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Tribute to the past
richard628 February 2014
"71 Into the Fire" is a South Korean war action/drama based on an actual event during the inception of the 1950 North Korean invasion. The actual event is the engagement of a garrison of teenage male student-soldiers conscripted into the South Korean Army (Republic of Korea Army) to hold negligible defensive positions against the advancing 5th Division of the North Korean People's Army. Moreover, the defensive position is the students Middle school which lies en-route to the geographical strategic point of the Nakdong River, which was defended by the regular South Korean Army. Prior to the main theme of the movie, the opening 20-minutes set the bases of the following story in an introductory outburst of combat violence. The South Korean Army utilized students has ammunition runners during battles. One particular student Oh Jang-beom is later forced into becoming the leader of a platoon of 71 student-soldiers none simply than because he is one of only three of the students who has any experience in combat. In addition, the opening 20-minutes is a synopsis testimonial of the South Korean Armies precipitous retreat and the unfortunate predicament the frightened civilians population of South Korea found themselves in during the June invasion. One noteworthy inclusion pays attention to the famous the incident of the panicked South Korean military action of blowing up a bridge over the Han River which was a strategic defensive point, therefor trapping civilians to the mercy of the advancing North Koreans People's Army.

71 Into the Fire" pursues the now standard monotonous action/drama formula indicative of modern war films. There are the established close up hand held camera work, sharpened sound and colour, graphic combat fatalities and injuries and excessive visionary suffering. The pace of the film is balanced between conflict and benevolence. The acting is worthy of note keeping in contour with the story. 71 Into the Fire" makes prominent how one identical nation dating from a once remote period of great age surviving through interludes of independence and colonization now separated by a contrived political boundary can quickly become preeminent enemies divided by separate political ideologies. The students press democratic views and open opinions on leadership and battle formation, the North totalitarian domination. They were no longer a nation striving for nationalism; yet, communists and imperialist nationals divided by political and outside spheres of influence in another 20th century conflict of proxy resulting in an artificial political line dividing a country which as seen bloodshed and citizens continue to live in fear due to the actions of post-war consternation of other nations in proxy the name of politics.

For all its brutality and honorable intentions, by the end of the film I felt like this film pungently contrived the Korean war as Childs play and a bit of fun in the school yard, instead of the unimaginable horror witnessed by the population. It is obvious that the target audience is college aged South Koreans, reminding the assemblage of free citizens the price sacrificed by their grandparents. However, 71 Into the Fire is an invigorating, if not odd 60th anniversary tribute in honor of the many young soldiers who lost their lives during the Korean war, either regular, or in this insistence conscripted into defending their country in an avoidable conflict.
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A Movie About Choices
zlarthon13 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"There is no one to blame for the Korean War; not the soviets, North Koreans, South Koreans, Chinese or the anti communist nations. We only have over selves to blame for war, and no one truly wins one."

So states a previous reviewer; but that's wrong.

The North invaded and killed their "brothers." Stalin had to approve the use of Soviet tanks. The historical documentary proofs are available to researchers.

There really is good and evil in this world. We choose which side to join.

The students chose to sacrifice themselves to defend their homeland. The North Koreans chose to kill students. Their sacrifice was only a small part of the whole Korean War; but their example still inspires people.

This film tells that story rather well. We can all look at these examples and choose to live our life the right way. Or not. Doing good is not easy and often painful.

We can fight to enslave others, fight to free them from slavery, or just run away and hide. What will we do?
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Good handsome film
maural-075255 November 2015
The most surprising thing I noticed in the film was how the South Korean police were portrayed. Just about all of them are totally corrupt in the film--even more so than Geon-soo (who has been taking bribes as well as his involvement in the hit and run and disposing of the body)! I have no idea how accurate this portrayal is, but it sure makes you think twice about going to visit the country! Another thing that surprised me was that I liked the film. This is a surprise because I generally don't like action films. Normally, such a movie wouldn't interest me...but this one managed to. But, as I mentioned above, it is a bit derivative...though it certainly is not exactly like I Know What You Did Last Summer. The only real deficit I otherwise noticed was the big finale. While it was super-tense and exciting, it completely lacked realism. No one can take that much punishment and STILL be alive...yet one of the characters seems almost immune to anything Geon-soo can throw at him (literally). The bottom line is that the film is super-entertaining provided you don't think too much near this crazy ending.
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71: Into the Fire: Awful Hollowness based on a real-life war story
forlornnesssickness14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Fortunately, "71: Into the Fire", officially released on last Thursday in South Korea, is not the bottom of the barrel. But still, it's near the bottom of the barrel. The movie is not as ideologically repulsive as I feared, but this is awfully hollow without any clear direction, let alone clear emotions. The result is one of the worst war movies since "Pearl Harbor" and one of few saving graces of "71: Into the Fire" is that it's one-hour shorter than that. The war is hell, the war is a mess, but the war movie must not be a mess at any chance.

After crossing the 38 parallels on June 25th in 1950, North Korean military relentlessly advanced toward the south while capturing Seoul and several major cities except Pusan within a month. They seemed to be near the victory, and South Korean military fought at all cost at the last front line of the Nakdong River to protect Pusan with nowhere else to step behind while desperately waiting for UN troops(As one commander points out in the movie, they would have had no option except jumping into the sea if the line had been broken down). The Battle of Pusan Perimeter was one of the most turbulent moments of Korean war, and many of South Korean soldiers sacrificed their lives. It's inarguable that our generation owed them a lot for our freedom and prosperity and more.

The movie is based on the one of the combats that actually happened during that time. Because other soldiers must go to Pusan Perimeter, the bunch of boy soldiers, freshly drafted by South Korean military, are left to defend the front line near the city named Pohang at the small school building of countryside. Soon, North Korean soldiers led by their ruthless, charismatic leader(Seung-won Cha) is approaching to their place for the strategic advantage. These young students, little experience and little resource, must secure their front line no matter how.

Before leaving them, The commanding officer(Seung-woo Kim) appoints one of boy soldiers, Jang-Bum(Korean pop star T.O.P), to be the leader of these young soldiers only because he has recently gotten the first taste of battle. Jang-Bum is not so confident about his new role, and so do other soldiers, including some antagonizing bully and his gangs. They cannot accept Jang-bum as the leader at first, but, with massive menace coming toward them minute by minute, they really have to stick together to protect their country and, maybe, to save themselves.

A good setting for war movie, but the movie ruins this in every possible way despite having lots of good things to utilize. Sometimes it reaches to the level of the amusement, mixed with lots of annoyance. I don't mind about simple black & white situation depicted in the movie, but the characters in the movie are the battalion of cardboards. They are mainly the pawns manipulated by the terrible script with awful dialogues, and no depth is given to any of them. Only Jang-bum is given some space, but that is usually decorated with cringe-inducing, yellow light-coated flashbacks about his mother. There is no convincing character development, and we don't care about the characters at all. In fact, I was glad to see some characters dispatched during the movie.

Above all, the movie is repulsive with its alarming shallowness. The director Ja-Han Lee seems to only care about making the movie look nice without any consideration to the story itself – if it ever exists. For example, there is the scene where the commander blows up the bridge while desperate refugees wanting to cross over it. My god, the movie cares far more about the big explosion than the desperation of common people. How spectacularly good it looks!

The massive budget behind the production is clearly shown on the screen, but, oh boy, how clumsy these action sequences are. It seems like to have been made with the thought that only explosions and shaky camera works are everything. I'm sure I can make a better experience at my mother's kitchen.

In the end, so-called big payoff comes as the entertainment, and we see two main characters(I don't have to tell you who they are) valiantly do Rambo things at the top of the building while North Korean soldiers become more like zombies. It won't be a serious matter if it tries to be like "Inglourious Basterds". However, when the movie sets out to be as serious as "Saving Private Ryan", that is just like the kiss of death.

Last week, I watched another Korean War movie "Tae Guk Gi" for the comparison, and I think I should have been more generous to that. There still are several things I do not like, but "Tae Guk Gi" is technically and emotionally engaging overall and, above all, has the sincerity behind it. "71: Into the Fire" has none of these virtues, although it has a miraculously(considering the bad script) competent performance by T.O.P., a scenery-chewing presence of Seung-won Cha, and lots of, lots of noises and explosions.

Right or Left, you can't deny that "71: Into the Fire" is insultingly paper-thin war movie made by hands as inexperienced as these young noble soldiers. You'll probably think that they will be rolling around in their graves for this. Believe me, if some of boys in the movie had shouted "Wolverine!", it would have been much more entertaining. What the hell, the movie will make money – that's a depressing thing.
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Good but not as good as the others
phd_travel28 February 2020
Compared to the other Korean made war movies it isn't one of the best. Not as good as Brotherhood or The Front Line or Battle at Jangsari. Something feels theatrical especially the characters are contrived compared to the other movies. The ending has a cliched feel. Still the tragic story is interesting and well told in many parts and the battle scenes are exciting. Maybe the last stand story just feels a bit depressing for a movie.
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Don't hate
loopedd19 August 2010
This movie overall was really well made. The acting was great, the special effects were good, and the movie was easy to follow. Since this was based on a true event, the ending was not going to be a huge surprise. Compared to most American films in the past two decades, this film had a low budget (about $10 Million USD). Most of the critics comment TOP from Big Bang being casted just for pure publicity, but he is a good actor as proved from a past Korean drama he did called IRIS. The sadness of the Korean War and the desperation of the people at that time were wonderfully portrayed. We should take this movie as a harsh reminder of the Korean War and wars around the world in general. You may think that this might never happen… especially to you of all people but the harsh reality is that is can… There is no one to blame for the Korean War; not the soviets, North Koreans, South Koreans, Chinese or the anti communist nations. We only have over selves to blame for war, and no one truly wins one.
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My 388th Review: Clearly partisan but very good war film
intelearts20 March 2011
As I know little about the Korean War apart from MASH I didn't really know what to expect. I was very impressed and surprised at how good 71 is. The true story of the 71 students who defended their line for 11 hours against the might of the communist North is told with passion, humor, and action. It is somewhat clichéd - but this works in its favor - what we get is a Braveheart feeling for a small but very well-made war film.

The two main leads are competent, if a little OTT in their roles, but again by the end this pays off and I really have no complaints - if moving, and exciting war films are your thing then this is definitely worth viewing.
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Great movie
namjihoon1 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Great movie. It depicted the struggles of South Korean student soldiers so well. They were very patriotic, especially in the times of the major battle where the student with round glasses drove into the tank with missiles. Another where the guy drove himself into the machine gun mini tank thing. Another one was when the almost dead South Korean turned oil on and burned the place. A lot of NK soldiers died during that part. Also, when Gapjo (Gwon Sangu) was shot by a pistol by Park Murang(Cha Seung Won) he tried to stab him but failed. The Jungdaejang(T.O.P or Choi Seung Hyun) loaded one last bullet when Murang tried to shoot him, and they shot themselves at the same time. It also depicts the love of Koreans to each other. They have a close bond, and they love themselves as soldiers. Just simply great but could have been better. I don't see Staff Sergeant Jones. Where is he? I only saw the Major or someone who gave the super bazookas. The graphics were very superb as well. Great war movie to watch if you want some laughs and tears(last part) where (Kim Seung Woo) hugs (T.O.P). Fantastic movie.
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One of the better war movies lately
SchimoCro10 February 2013
The true story, directed by John H. Lee (A Moment to Remember) about South Korean student unit of 71 soldiers who was left to defend the girls middle school during the Battle of Pohang during the peek of North Korea's invasion of South in 1950. That 71 students defended that position for 11 hours against a North Korean army brigade and the film was inspired by the letters of one of that soldiers. Out of 71 members of the unit, only three had combat experience, while others have not undergone any training before the battle, which makes their resistance unbelievable.

The story focuses on two soldiers, Oh Jung-Bum, frightened and lost commander of the unit who only got the position because of his experience that was minimal, and Ku Kap-Jo, convicted of murder who enlisted in the Army to avoid jail. A good part of the story rests on their conflict and on development of their relationship as well as their relationship with the rest of the unit. Character development is uncommonly done. Oh Jung-Bum changes from a scared kid who couldn't even shot from the gun to brave commander absurdly fast, while Ku Kap-Jo's path is approximately opposite and just as fast, if not faster. In this context, we can mention the North Korean captain Park Mu-Rang which is extremely difficult to characterize as he's almost like another character in almost every scene, while only he's egotism stays.

Performance is standard Asian, full of melodrama, highlighting the pride and courage, and a somewhat caricature acting that is pretty solid here. Cha Seung-won is far form being brilliant in lead role of Oh Jung-Bum, almost completely without emotions, as if he was forced to act in this movie. The rest of the acting team did a solid job. The pace of storytelling is perfect, not one scene is redundant, although movie could work without humorous parts they deliver, alongside humor, additional characterization of the characters. It's a simple, dynamic story with which time goes by quickly. There's no objections to the visual part of the film. A solid budget of 10mil dollars was well used, the effects look almost authentic. Final battle looks really impressive, although it can not be overlooked that it was somewhat idealized.

Film lacks historical context which is not surprising given that, as usually happens with Far Eastern cinema, it's made for their market so they didn't feel like it's necessarily to explain situation, but however, it does not affect much on the experience of the film since the theme is universal, and 71: Into the Fire is one of the better war movies lately.
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Well made and very violent
chazzarb15 June 2019
A very well made film that is far better than pretty much every English language film about the Korean war. Elements of the plot feel rather contrived, but are ultimately necessary to tell the story of the South Korean paramilitaries fighting against all the odds. The film is the usual mix of both emphasising the bloody horror of war, whilst also revelling in heroic fighting. A lot of the violence is presented in an extremely dramatic, over-the-top manner which contrasts against the tone of most contemporary western war films. In this regard it reminds me of a lot of modern Russian war films - except being better made than many of them. If you are looking for a film with a nuanced perspective on war, this is not the film for you. However, if you are looking for a war action flick, this is a rather good one. It is very reminiscent of 2004s 'Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War' in its execution and tone, although I feel it does not achieve this as well as Taegukgi. That is not to say that it is a bad film, because is not and manages to be engaging throughout the entire duration. A must see for war film lovers and military history buffs.
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An Incredible Piece Of Cinema!!
Movie-Misfit13 December 2019
It is without doubt that any war film made post-Saving Private Ryan would suffer the fate of being compared to it. And while I get that it is most certainly one of the greatest and most moving films based on war, ever made - the Spielberg epic will need to learn to step to the side to make room for more than a few East Asian war epics that do the same, if not, a better job!

71: Into The Fire is one such film. Soaked in a rich filter than presents a cold bleak setting, yet pops with colour as every explosion goes off (of which there are many), making for some incredible visuals, cinematography and scenes.

From the get-go we are launched into battle as leading man (boy) Choi Seung Hyun makes his feature film debut as the teen put in charge of these poor student soldiers positioned at a school in Pohang-Dong. Once there, their fear and innocence create rifts in the team leading to some silly moves with bad results.

There really isn't much more to say about this incredible film apart from going through it scene for scene. Everyone gives amazing performances as they weave in and out of - or die in - the intense and realistic action scenes. Emotions run high and more than once, you will be left with a lump in your throat as brotherhood, bravery and honour is tested. I love this film and its true story, and while it wouldn't be one I could watch on a regular basis given the content, I certainly couldn't imagine ever getting bored of it too soon!

Overall: Intense, emotional and incredible, 71: Into The Fire is one of the best war movies ever made!
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Not Best, But Very Strong War Movie
denis88813 July 2017
Yet another Korean Wae epic here this time 71: Into the Fire (Korean: 포화 속으로 - Pohwa sogeuro - literally, Souls On Fire, or, more precisely Fiery Souls). Based upon real life events, this deeply tragic movie depicts a heroic battle near P'ohang-dong school where 71 badly prepared and under-equipped South Korean student- volunteers defended the ground against much dreaded North Korean 766th Unit. Despite very heavy losses and sustaining large number of casualties, the students stood their ground and kept the school. The film is a classical South Korean cinematography with awesome battle sequences, tremendous nature shots, excellent development of characters and very masterful balance between serious and funny, tragic and comic, deep and cowardly. This ,ovie is not devoid of drawbacks, too, including some ammunition and weapon anachronisms as well as some too much Hollywood style dialog lines and final battle moments. Anyway, this is a very cool and strong film
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llbenward6 September 2010
hey, let me fix something from last comments

it was 1950s north Korean didn't know how to fight either. that's why they just jumped in and got killed. and the movie wasn't over reacting because there were actually 2500 north Korean against 71 students. and the students fought with them for 11 hours overall. oh i guess i have to write more to submit...OK this movie was OK but it's based on true story and talks how sad it is it's not just an action movie. and when the student(top) killed the north Korean, look how afraid he is. so it's not like just an action war movie. but i thought Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War was better :)
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