Who Were We Running From? (TV Series 2023) Poster

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it's okay
sochima-3264027 March 2023
I liked the suspense but it starts becoming long and drawn out by episode 5. It becomes repetitive. In the beginning they say they have to lay low and not attract attention but in every single episode they do things that bring attention to themselves. This would have been better as a movie to get straight to the point instead of a series. There are too many fluff scenes and fluff dialogue. The cast is good looking and the location settings are beautiful. They're staying at 5 star hotels and blowing through money fast. Alot of their problems wouldn't have happened if they lived a simple life so I guess the story is not supposed to make sense or be logical. Still a good watch to pass time or before bed.
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Poor writing, but great cinematography
concordeman28 March 2023
The clunky dialogue that other reviewers have mentioned may be due to poor translation from the Turkish, but there are too many scenarios where one is left thinking WTF?

The police who are chasing our heroes appear to be complete idiots that emote all the time, but perhaps Turkish police really speak and behave like that, I don't know. Otherwise, the main protagonists are believable and engaging, and the scenery is spectacular.

Nevertheless, I have so many questions about the plot- where did all the money come from and why aren't they more careful how it's spent, but I am only at episode five...
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So why did they stay in fancy hotels?
arestisss16 September 2023
Pros: The film features good acting and excellent cinematography.

Cons: However, the plot seems nonsensical. If the characters wanted to maintain a low profile and avoid being found, it's perplexing that they chose to stay in fancy hotels. While I have a theory, I'm unsure if it holds up. Perhaps, the protagonist's decision to spend their money like that was a form of revenge against her mother's tyrannical treatment. Who can say for sure?

Overall, the movie is quite enjoyable and conveys important themes. Nevertheless, I agree with others that, at times, it comes across more as a tourist advertisement for Turkey than a genuine cinematic experience.

Despite this, I still recommend giving it a watch; it's quite enjoyable.
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Watching a banana rot would be time well spent, compared to this.
jasminmiskawy26 March 2023
This show tries SO hard to convince you of the narrative, but fails miserably. The "child" actress - along with the obnoxious elevator ladies - are the worst. The "mother" lacks dimension and sports the same expression & attitude throughout the whole 1st episode (yes, I barely watched one. It's that bad).

The mother & daughter duo were supposed to be mysterious and intriguing, making you question them and their choices.

However they are not the LEAST bit interesting. They are very bland & forgettable - and also annoying and weird. Where everyone's curiousity around them comes from, is really the only mystery in this show.

It is odd, and doesn't even make an effort to draw you in at all. The show just tries to throw the story in your face, without any background of sorts.

Don't waste your time. Would give 0 stars, but you have to give at least 1 sooo ..
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A curious "psychodrame"
chris_sedergreen23 December 2023
I agree with Concordman that the writing leaves a lot to be desired. We're a little further on that when that review was written, and the denouement is taking place. In a way that is a disappointment, since it tries to answer the questions that inevitably the watcher is asking. Why do seemingly 'ordinary' (if wealthy) people commit heinous acts? It's better left unanswered: simply because there is no plausible answer. I also have my doubts about the acting, which seems a little too 'hammy'. And yes, there is a strong sense of the ridiculous in the conduct of various law enforcement agencies; but perhaps that adds to it. It's kinda like the old James Bond movies in that respect (only).

On the whole Melisa Sozen does a convincing job of playing a wacko and murderous mother, with her gaunt, almost cadaverous features. I'm less sure about Eylul Tumbar: as a 23 year old playing a 15 year old character she's not convincing. But it seems that this was her first role, so maybe she's got time to mature.

As with almost all Turkish productions, it's the filming that make this a series worth watching. But if you want a more thoughtful portrayal of psychological disturbance, Ethos is a much better bet.
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They were always running away from the poor writing, apparently.
connorundrumme25 March 2023
The script is replete with naive and fanciful word flourishes that are meaningless fluff, and also with many, many instances of outlandish, improbable, illogical scenarios. For cheap emotional shortcuts, it leans heavily on Disney's Bambi, which is a pretty traumatic children's tale to start with.

So, it's mostly a crap production, with some beautiful looks, sometimes good acting, but featuring totally over-the-top, histrionic, ridiculous 'baddie' characters as antagonists. I don't think one is supposed to sympathize with a bunch of criminal acts, but it starts to seem justified, and then you just want every other person in this thing to get whacked asap, because almost everyone in the world they inhabit is an interfering moron.

Also, the screenplay/action doesn't match the dialog:

  • When a character says, "I'm going to get changed," it hardly follows that the character then disappears for an extended shower that was never mentioned.

  • A law enforcement officer angrily says some total nonsense, that 2 vacationer suspects are 'bucking the system', which is hardly what's been depicted, nor a crime in any way. Another one shouts out for people to "stop running," and no one at all is running anywhere.

  • The biggest jackhole of the production tells a professional who exhibits nothing but normal competency to "stay calm." Of course, it's a woman in security that a male bro-dude in law enforcement is speaking to. Then, she gets browbeaten for one single event at one location, and without her prior knowledge of any crime, after a parade of thoroughly informed men have previously failed to prevent prior escapes from multiple locations. GTHO!
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so many doubts
malenarioscantu22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Many things that I didn't understand, I know it's a movie but, what they were running away from, they never said in the beginning, why waste money, rent a small house in a small town that no one knows, change the way you dress, change your hairstyle, To go undercover, most hotels have a security camera system, etc., where is the fater of the child ?, What happen to him, why didnt the love theThey don't explain why they don't love the daughter, why the father hates the daughter (mother) so much... I would have liked an introduction to this movie lots of doubts could have been explaine.....hope for more episodes.
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Great location scouting but silly plot lines.
louiegail26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was curious to see what country this series was filmed in as I couldn't figure out why the storyline was so silly and overdone. Saw some very cool looking hotel locations though!! They kept saying that the Mother and Daughter were trying to stay low-profile, but everything the Mom does attracts attention to herself. You would think since they knew they were being pursued, the writers would at least have them dye and cut their hair too.

The pursuing Cops are so over-kill its really silly. The major scene in the one hotel with the 40+ cops with night-scopes with all the lights in a hotel lobby turned off was really dumb. What hotel lobby have you ever been in with no lights on! Ha ha!! Could have been a good series if the writing was better and they did a better job of being less overly dramatic and more true to life as the plot-line of the Mom's Family seems to hint at "mob connections" but that's never explored (at least as far as I watched through Episode 5).
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Excellent mystery
stnwal930 March 2023
This is an outstanding short series. A mother and daughter on the run. Their relationship is quirky- and a somewhat disturbing at times. They live in their own little world. The plot is fresh and the background unfolds in flashbacks and witness testimony. These devices are very effective. The acting is excellent. The ending is faithful to the mythology they live by. Do not watch the dubbed version. It's clunky. Watch/listen to the original Turkish to get the true feel and scope of the script. After trying to watch so many formulaic series filled with so much bad plotting, trite dialogue, and expected cliches, this is a delight.
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htnpdw26 March 2023
It could just be the translation to English. But the dialogue is so pedestrian it reads like a school project from a 15 year old.

The plot isn't terrible, the camera work is ok. But listening to the dialogue will drive you mad. It's written like a child's version of a story. No superstition, just a serious of simple statements, each repeating 30% of the last.

The series is a kin to one of those "news articles" that feel like click bait, and after six paragraphs you're shouting - get to the point! Four next pages (episodes) you're just getting more annoyed, wondering if it's ever going to go anywhere.
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Strange relationship kept me watching
shugineer9 April 2023
The bizarre relationship between mom and daughter kept me watching. It was the strangest combo. The daughter was super strange. Seriously naive. The mom was a rich lunatic. I know someone like that, so it was fascinating to see how they tossed money around. The chase was crazy. The mom thinking someone wants her daughter...well she was right. The dad was trifling. Both women are gorgeous. I also like how it was filmed with the interviews and such. I do have to say, after the 2nd episode, I kept thinking is every other episode going to be similar with them checking in a hotel and blah blah blah. It was. But then the chase started which made it more interesting. I wanted the girl to break free and say mama is crazy, but she didn't, she was naive for too long. I'm assuming if they do a season 2, she'll find her dad. What a bizarre relationship show, but oh so true with some rich families. Sad, but true.
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Super Cringe
suzanguven28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this series because i usually like Melisa's acting ( lead actress playing mum)... but omg- why have i actually thought something decent would ever come out of Turkey.

The dialogues, the acting, the plot, it was all so cringe and illogical. How this show even made it to top ten is beyond me. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE ACTORS.

Its an insult to human intelligence. Please don't waste your time with this. Its extremely repetitive, I mean it never really explains what happens to mum to make her some sort of psycho. Those who claim this show was a masterpiece clearly have never seen a masterpiece show before. It does not deserve more than 1 star and i give that for the sake of MELISA SOZEN.
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One of the worst shows but lovely views
elliedm-7657627 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously disappointed with this show. Started with high hopes, scenery is stunning and the question of who we were running from is a great idea. However the execution and script was just utterly boring, predictable and have no closure. Potential spoilers below.

Take a shot every time they say baby, mommy or some stupid quote. Honestly not worth watching as there's no actual ending, we never find out anything specific about the family? She had a mean mum and that somehow entitles her to kill everyone that annoys her?

Then suddenly the child is totally okay with that and like violence too?

It's giving kidnapper grooms victim honestly. I was hoping Bambi would escape and find happiness with her grandparents/auntie who maybe magically turned out to be nice.

Hopefully they don't make a second series and waste anyone else's time!
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Let me sun it up real quick...
kfgwk4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In every episode:

They arrive at a new charming hotel and decorate it to make it their own.

Someone pisses momma bear off so she murders them, usually for no good reason.

They barely escape the police chasing them but they do every time.

Mom complains and rants about her family and makes her daughter dress ten years younger than her age.

They arrive at the next hotel destination.

Rinse and repeat.

It's good to have on in the background and hike I'm cleaning or doing something else. I would never invest in actually taking the time to sit down and watch through this. It never goes anywhere.
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Love it and Finished it in 2 days!
mayamorel-2593110 April 2023
I really don't understand the imbd point they deserve much better!! Some jealous people I guess.

The actors are great and the casting is perfect. I love the mother daughter relationship.

I love the places they chose to shoot they all are beautiful places. The story is catchy and I never got bored. It really flowed easily and in a wonderful way. The costumes are lovely!!! The lighting of all stages were astonishing!!

Overall I was really well surprised about this serie and would recommend it to everyone. Normally I choose my series and films looking at their imbd points at first but I am happy I didn't trust its points for this time.
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It feels like a long commercial for hotel's in Turkey.
hamiltonhammerrune19 May 2023
Welcome to all the most fantastic hotels in Turkey 🇹🇷 My name is Mr. X and I'll be your guide tonight..

Beautiful scenery, polished and well presented but in lack of substance and surprise! Turn off the language and just watch in silence is more exciting than listening to the mother & Bambi presenting/talking like robot's to each other!

It could have been sooo amazing if they just used the natural ingredients from a human being like really work for the script but failed!

I love to see that the production changes the voice over to English and hires really professional actors and saves it a little bit ...
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Thriller lovers must watch! 10/10
serkancelik19942 April 2023
Thriller lovers must watch! 10/10 Forget all the thrillers you've ever watched. I have never experienced such tension-filled moments in any production in my life. Turkish production is in the top 3. It ends in one breath, you ask why it's over. Those who do not like this series should question their movie tastes and watch those who put a ridiculous monster and market it as a thriller! In a word, it carries the tension to the bottom, the scenes are really impressive. I applaud the lead actors. You find yourself questioning life and the series for a long time. Don't look at the rating, those who gave low ratings to this show are giving it on purpose, there can't be any other reason! Whoever gives a low score should go and watch a soap opera :). A creepy, intriguing, emotional, impressive, mysterious, intriguing, enjoyable production! Please continue the series.
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Bad, bad and bad...
ffidan26 March 2023
No, no, no and again no. Perhaps one of the worst adapted series from a book. It is a series that I would never watch if I didn't have the habit of finishing what I have started. Let me warn those who hasn't watched it yet because I wish somebody has warned me before. A weak and repetitive scenario, a story flow that a primary school child can think of, fake acting and nonsense that is incompatible with reality. The only good thing must be some good shootings of Turkish cities and hotels. I think Netflix productions should have a criterion, otherwise we will watch these and similar nonsense productions more often.
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Simply pathetic
rinoghophyosys26 March 2023
Whoever thinks this production is a masterpiece, has probably never watched any good series, or they were part of the crew who worked for this title. After the second episode, we just continued watching just to see how worse it can get. The script is very weak and full of nonsensical sequences. Lots of things don't even make the slightest sense. The acting is mediocre at best. The conversations between the characters are not believable at all, they constantly talk like they are reciping a poem. There are much better productions than this, so I would suggest that you don't waste time with this rubbish.
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Extermism in all aspects
kaffash9912 September 2023
One of the worst series I ever watvhed.

Very bad acting . Very bad dialogue . This kind of pseudoartistic pseudopsychological everything.

The concept of economy is completely lacking .

Waste of time. I watched it because I have watched Hakan Muhafez and liked it although it can be abridged but still it is good to watch.

Here there is no story no continuity The Dialogue when translated into english is moronic to say the least.

I think this idea of making deep meaningful things haunted the series makers. But unfortunately it is a complete fiasco

Last but not least the young girl is not beautiful at all.
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omer-ermis25 March 2023
Melisa Sozen and Eylul Tumbar. 👏🏻👏🏻 The serie adapted from Perihan Magden's novel of the same name attracts attention with its veteran cast. When I first started the serie, the story really affected me deeply. I finished the serie in one day by watching it non-stop. It was a very enjoyable, very fluid serie. Anyone who thinks if I shouldn't watch it, should open it and watch it immediately, I don't think they will ever regret it. I like it so much that I don't hold back from recommending it to all my friends. I hope that Turkish productions will continue to be of such high quality and make themselves watched. Netflix has done a very good job, congratulations to everyone who has contributed in the production. 👏🏻
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10 as a travelogue
thejdrage6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series is 10 as a travelogue. Three ( 3 ) as a series, once you hear the daughters' name, you can figure out what's going to happen in the end.

It's okay until the last 2 episodes - then it gets grotesque. Gory. FAR too gory for the situation. Way overdone - IMHO.

There are some great clothes and some silly costumes, but that's part of the show.

It's a psychological drama on all sorts of levels, with a solid travel show thrown in to keep our interest.

In Episode 7, I feel I felt duped. And it's my very own fault!

This series tells you what it is from beginning and it follows through - far too literally.

Just read the book. And the title, and you have it all.
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Visually stunning, incredible story, great allegory
KeileyKat12 April 2023
It's a slow burn, and by series end you have a greater understanding and appreciation for the nuances of the journey. If you are open to a beautiful movie with a simple yet layered storyline, complex yet closed characters and more time devoted to the trivial than the action, then this is a seven episodes for you. On the other hand if you're looking for action and answers, if you're the type of person who will pick holes in the plot and challenge the choices the characters make, then this isn't the series for you. The script is clumsy (I suspect that's the English translation). Recommend turning off the dubbing and use the subtitles.
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Very bad scenario !
u-umutunal27 May 2023
7 very useless episodes! Total waste of time!

Very bad scenario !

The acting is okay, but the story is so simple and bad that we watched it until the end with the thought that we might be surprised if something happens. But the result is that they are alienated from watching movies! This means that Netflix now accepts any project without selection.

Even when playing games on the phone, time did not pass. I wish I had the opportunity to ask how my favorite actors accepted this project.

Thank you to every single employee for their hard work. I hope the team was able to work with pleasure during the shoot. I hope you have some fun.
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Awful characters
bzjdzxcrd22 April 2023
Too stupid characters, really poor plot (no plot) & unbelievable acting (unless they are trying to convince us that everyone in Turkey is that thick).

Save yourself & watch something else. Like grass growing or paint drying anything else.

Maybe it was a money laundering scheme to run money through film production to try do some scam because is it was anything else then someone was scammed from Netflix to the viewers.

Not sure how else I can warn this is sooooooo poor as I need to fill out the six hundred characters or more to submit the review. Any less and I can't submit & warn people how poor.
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