I Want to Get Married (2011) Poster

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Almost Watchable
tommy56776 January 2022
One thing I can say about this movie right out of the gate is that it is just weird. One reviewer said it was the worst gay themed movie they've ever seen. Well, I've seen worse and have commented on several. This movie was often hard to watch but not so bad that I would find myself reaching for the off switch.

Matthews portrayal of Paul is silly and borders on the ridiculous, implying that being a nerd automatically implies social awkwardness. If I were a shrink, I'd say this guy is on the spectrum, maybe even autistic. He excels at his job while his personal life is a mess. His friends love and care about him while at the same time realize he's an idiot. Deep down it seems they were making fun of him.

Realistically speaking, what are the odds that a guy like Paul could land such a hunky boyfriend? Pretty small I'd say.

I agree with the reviewer who said the best thing about this movie was the mid century modern decor in his house.

Pretty poor production values. The sound is terrible and the lighting atrocious. Ex: when an actor is speaking while straying from mid scene it sounds like an echo chamber. With all the technical people listed in the credits you'd think they could make a better effort no matter the budget. This is why they're relegated to doing crap like this.

Why do we Americans produce such substandard stuff like this in this genre? How do they ever make it to a film festival? Foreign productions are so much better once you adjust to the notion of subtitles. Give it a try.
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Couldn't bring myself to watch it....
phone-148-13356724 January 2012
... after seeing what Matthew Montgomery does with his face the first five minutes of the movie.

I understand that he's not the greatest actor in the world and in his other movies he basically plays the same role over and over again (and thank god his other roles are pretty easy/one-dimensional/probably close to his normal behavior and don't need a lot of acting skills) but in this movie he really needed to "play a character".

His "acting like a nerd" consists of permanently flexing/releasing his lips and mouth which only makes him look mentally challenged and not nerdy at all... Like he has some kind of neurological disease which manifests in very obvious facial tics.

Furthermore he seems to think that part of "playing a nerd" is to mumble everything with a comic character-voice. He sounds like a smart-phone app where a gerbil repeats everything you say.

God awful...well not movie but lead "actor" who prevented me from seeing the movie...

I'm really sorry if that sounds harsh. But at least in his other movies (and in gay themed movies you don't have a lot of choice and will most likely watch anything because they are rare) I could overlook his "acting" and concentrate on the story. It was awful but it didn't bother me that much. But in this one his "acting" is so bad, ridiculous and over the top that even I couldn't fade him out and give the story a chance...
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Don't Let The Cute DVD Cover Suck You In....
arizona-philm-phan28 December 2011
....Cause this just ain't what you think it's gonna be.

So, let me be honest with you right up front here. I have NEVER been a great fan of Matthew Montgomery. And despite 15 film roles, for me he has never improved past the point of being an "average" actor. That, and his appearance, as much as anything. There has always been something a little bit "Ratso Rizzo" (for want of a kinder description) about his facial characteristics. So there....now you know how shallow I am.

At last, let's briefly get to the movie, itself (which I tried to watch twice before coming here). ...And by the way, it is a film story of several subplots; in no way does it particularly concentrate on Matthew's character and his idiotic attempts to land the cute man of the cover. Playing an extremely unattractive Super-Geek, the best that Montgomery can bring to the role is a clinching...compressing...contortion of his lips and mouth (and, of course, the supposed-to-be nerdish, black frame glasses). The aforementioned mouth exercising QUICKLY gets very old....while at the same time making it quite difficult to understand our lead's utterances. Worse, this is compounded by one of the most terribly recorded soundtracks I have heard in years. I cannot say enough bad about the original sound-man's work on this film....BUT, Breaking Glass features should be especially ashamed to have their name attached to such a poor sound release.

Finally, it may interest you that, out of the film's near 120 minute running time, Matthew and his bride-to-be (or is it the other way around) are TOGETHER for no more than an amazing 20 minutes of screen time. Leaves a lot to be gotten done in those oh-so-interesting subplots.

My very best advice for you: SAVE YOUR MONEY.

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Bad, Stinking Bad
jpsinsd18 February 2017
I stopped halfway through the movie because I honestly couldn't watch any more of this dreadfully acted movie with terrible cinematography and a horrible attempt at slapstick humor. I have never written a review here but the movie was so bad that I created an account on IMDb and started writing.

Matthew Montgomery, if it is possible, is getting worse as an actor. I didn't read the credits before the movie started or I wouldn't have watched the movie. He is a geek trying to play a geek and missing the mark. He needs to retired soon.

The camera was either too close to the actors or it moved before the actors started moving or it was out of focus or... It bounced around in a bad way to the point of being distracting.

Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Dick Van Dike are rolling in their graves at the poor attempt at slapstick humor. Oops, Van Dike is still alive, lol. There was so much of it that you could easily predict what was going to happen.

Take my advice and find another movie to watch.
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What the?
Irishchatter21 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard Matthew Montgomery took part in this film, I thought 'I have to see this movie!'. I've seen his movie 'Redwoods' so I was really looking forward to seeing him in this film. The DVD cover really stood out well!

However as the movie went on, I was really disappointed in his Character role. His facial expressions really confused me and he was also mumbling a lot! But then at his Characters wedding day, he looked blank so why was he desperate after all to even get married? What also made me confused was when Jim gave him a hug or kissed him, he was always squirming like was he rushing to get to the door or were some of the kissing/hugging scenes even properly planned out?

Seriously I think this movie did my head in!
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Big Disappointment
jchudson-9305225 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the other reviews, I'm not going to put all the blame for this train wreck on Matthew Montgomery (who I put in that catergory of "you know what your going to get" out of his performance for the most part). Someone (Director etc.) thought all these whacky facial and body expressions described a "nerd" and it missed by a mile! While most indie films suffer from scripts that could have been better, direction that could have been better and probably budgets that would all for better sets/locations and more takes. The best part of this movie for me was the retro furniture of Paul the nerd.
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Just.... no.
aharon-izraeli18 October 2021
The thing is that I do (usually) quite like Matthew Montgomery but whatever the hell he thought he was achieving with the lip thing, and whoever allowed him to continue with it ...it just looks really really stupid and kind of insulting to the audiences' intelligence. That's not to say that the movie would be good otherwise; it's a pile of steaming horses**t and it's movies like this that give gay cinema a bad reputation .There are a lot of great gay themed movies being well made on important issues and even some good comedies..this doesn't belong to either category. Really, even if you can watch it free on YouTube....don't bother, life's too short to waste on garbage like this...in case you were wondering...I didn't like it.
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Worst LGBTQ movie I've ever seen
mythopoeic3 July 2018
Without a doubt, this is the worst LGBTQ movie I've ever seen, which is a shame because it really had some premise at the time it was released. Matthew Montgomery was cast as the lead, and at the time he was starring as as the gay male lead in a lot of movies. He wasn't ever undeniably "great" but he was decent and I actually enjoyed a lot of his movies. In this role, however, William Clift directs his performance abysmally. He doesn't come across as cute, or endearing, or even likeable; he's socially inept to the point of autism, unable to communicate with others either vocally or physically outside of his professional arena (which makes no sense), and his face twitches and contorts more often than a hamster's nose.

All of this being said, there were three bright spots (unfortunately, even they weren't enough to raise the bar on this used litter box). They were: 1) Peter Stickles (been crushing on this man for almost 15 years now) but who is sorely underused; 2) Emrhys Cooper, who is also so striking to look at that it makes it embarassing to overlook his completely underdeveloped character; and 3) Dylan Vox, who uses his unflappable sense of self-deprecating humor (his scene was the only true laugh this movie brought out of me) in a very funny, albeit completely over-the-top scene between he and Montgomery.

I think this is long enough so I'm not even going to get too in-depth about the inane subplot with Montgomery's parents, who are so profoundly inept that they should be confined to a facility providing Lvl III Elderly Care. Nor will I speak to the GOP-level of caricature of the only non-white characters throughout this movie.

It's not merely that this movie is dated (which it is, despite only being 7 years old) but more importantly that it's THAT BAD. Tremendously, horribly, cringe-inducingly bad. I try to have patience with some of the LGBTQ movies that paved the way for the more modern approach but even I can't bring myself to find a reason that this movie should ever be viewed again. BY ANYONE.
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Hapless leading man tanks so-so comedy
Johnboy-728 August 2016
First the good news: This period comedy set around the time of the passage of the anti-gay Prop 8 legislation has a largely fine ensemble of actors, especially the always interesting "Shortbus" veteran Peter Stickles, but they're saddled with a meandering script that, at just under two hours, is easily 30-45 minutes too long.

Far more damaging is the casting of Matthew Montgomery in the leading comic role of a hapless nerd. I've never understood how this low-energy, charisma-free actor keeps getting work in gay indies, and here it's equally obvious that he couldn't find the joke in a scene if his life depended on it. He's the character we're supposed to be pulling for, yet Montgomery's clumsy, clueless performance is an unfunny disaster that renders the main love story nonsensical. Why do so many interesting, engaging, funny people in this movie like this guy who just sucks the joy out of a scene every time he enters it? It's a puzzlement. I'm going to be giving a pass to any future Montgomery vehicles, that's for sure.
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A Sense Of Community
jromanbaker4 January 2024
I have read many reviews here after seeing this film, and I am saddened by the word autistic used and derogatory language about the lead actor's performance. I admit that I found it halted the flow of the film initially, but as the scenario progressed I saw a community of friends surrounding him, supporting him and it showed a gay community in a very good light. I found it heartening to see in a comedy ( which has serious undertones ) both Lesbian and Gay men joining together and becoming close friends. Despite my willingness to seeing explicit sexuality on film there was none here, and that too was refreshing after seeing too many shower scenes, gym muscles and inauthentic sex in a lot of independent LGBT films. The plot is about an unsure man who wants to get married, and coming from a repressive family he has misgivings about this but sees a man who is his ideal. No spoilers but the ending takes place at the end of the USA's 2008 election. There is rejoicing in the gay Californian community, but it comes with an unexpected shock to many Lesbian and gay men. No spoilers but the effect struck a real nerve in me, and I knew the film made on a shoestring was very valid indeed. I would give this a ten if the soundtrack had been better, and the camera movements and lack in many places of good editing. Overlaid music also prevented what characters were saying, and the copy I saw looked as if it was shot in the Sahara desert, too bright, too garish especially in exterior scenes. The acting I thought good, and the song towards the end moving with its hints of Kurt Weill. If you are simply after hunks and sexual sensation go elsewhere as the content of this scenario needed neither.
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Please give this movie a chance!
Bradley-drake1 October 2012
this movie isn't about a gay man who goes on a string of dates because he wants to have a frivolous marriage to some guy.... And the main character is played as a genuine nerd who we all meet and know in real life. This seems to be some of the issues people tend to have about this film, some of whom have not even seen it!

Paul is a gay man who lives in the real world, he isn't picture perfect as far as the gay stereotypes go ( though he is really handsome!) and he doesn't have strings of unknown sex encounters and he doesn't do drugs and go clubbing as many other gay stereotypes insist we all do all the time, he is a man who is looking for love.

This film and funny and realistic with a group of friends who some have and others only wish they had which make the film thoroughly enjoying. The chemistry between the characters of Paul and Jim is engaging and also refreshing to have a couple of regular men who are looking for everyday, real, fantastic love ( if that happens or not you will have to watch the film ).

at the end of the day this film isn't about a guy who wants to get married just for getting married sake, he wants to get married in a world filled with governments and family who may be against him. Give is a shot, laugh at the funnies and take in the very relevant message that this film perfectly delivers.
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