A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure (Video 2006) Poster

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What the hell was that?
Easily one of the worst animated movies I have ever seen. I would say it's not worth your time,but it really is because I highly recommend you watch it with a friend and comment on how terrible it is. Everything about it is absolutely awful,the animation,the characters,the CGI, literally everything. It's easily one of the biggest disasters in animation. I've seen MANY commentaries online pulling this apart while the commentators crack jokes along the way and have fun.Same thing with the other Spark Plug atrocities.And the pink car's voice is so annoying!!But we were all cheering when she finally died.THANK GOD!!
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Please destroy every copy of this film
daniflynn-7071218 April 2017
I was honestly planning on making a sarcastic review but its not even good enough for that. It physically hurt to sit through this mess of a movie. The animation looks like a 4 year old has found a computer from a dumpster and decided to make a movie. WAS THERE EVEN A PLOT THOUGH. The best part of this movie was when they were beating Speedy and killing her i thoroughly enjoyed that scene. Speedy's voice actor made me suicidal. I hope this company crashes and burns. I regret wasting 40 minutes of my life on this movie.
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Oh my GOD...
BRAGlNSKl24 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just awful. I cringed so much, my face turned purple. Let's start with the obvious: the animation. The animation is atrocious. Our "protagonist", Sparky, barely moves his mouth, and the eyes are creepy. Good thing they were corrected later in the trilogy.

And the voice acting. All of the voices in this thing either don't fit (ex. Diesel, Julia, etc.) or make your brains leak out of your ears (ex. Speedy, Sparky, etc.). And the personalities of the characters are either horribly unlikeable or really bland. Sparky's completely irresponsible and his dad is just generally strict, and writers? Here's a tip: If you want to have a younger character in a movie, don't have actual little kids voice them. Because Sparky's sister, Gracie, doesn't exactly have the best voice. She legitimately sounds like Michael Schelp, the creator of this thing, didn't feel like getting a good voice actress to voice Gracie and he decided to use his daughter because...? Potato. And I don't know if it's just my dirty mind being dirty, but every word out of Diesel's mouth sounds like sexual innuendo. Either way, her voice sounds sexual. And why does she look like a male...?

There's barely any conflict in this thing. Hell, there's barely even a story. The background music isn't very cringe-inducing, but it's very generic and it doesn't often fit with the tone the writers fail to create. For example, when Diesel sets Norbert on fire, the music barely takes a turn into suspense. While visuals help to create a mood, music is key.

DO NOT watch this movie. At all. You will cringe to death...
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Nothing Good Came From This Warning: Spoilers
My cousin that I was babysitting (she's 4) rented this movie with her parents and when I had to watch her I had to watch the movie. She eventually grew bored and went to play with her toys while I was flabbergasted at the horrible movie.

1. The animation is some of the worse. None of the character designs have any appeal to them and they're are some questionable choices they made. Why do the cars have robot arms? Why is it when Speedy puts motor oil on the front of the cars windows she can't see but her eyes are next to her headlights? Why would a truck carry an ax with a robot arm?

2. The characters are annoying and insufferable to sit through. Sparky is an troublesome car who never listens to anyone, Gracie laughs at anything which makes her irritating, the dad is a horrible parent and Speedy has the most loathsome voice I've ever heard in any kids movie. Plus it doesn't help that the voice acting is terrible. Speedy has a high pitched wailing voice, Sparky sounds like he's slurring his words and Gracie sounds like she just learned to speak three days ago.

3. The story is a car wreck. Diesel suggests things for Sparky to do while Sparky keeps getting in trouble and he keeps listening to her. Why would you listen to someone that has gotten you into so much trouble with your dad? What in the world are gas-leaches? They look like the robots from Wall-E only with loud grinding motor noises. Plus why did Speedy survive despite having ax wounds slashed on her?

This is the kind of movie that would make you turn off your TV in three seconds. Why would anyone watch this or make this movie? the only reason I gave it a star is because at least there wasn't a musical which it seemed like at the beginning it would be one.

Watch something else and avoid this movie at all cost.
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Laughably Horrendous
alankrazsneki15 March 2015
Have you ever came across one of those movies that are...so bad they're good? This is one of them. The animation is horrible, the characters are horrible, the CGI is horrible, yet it comes together into one big beautiful "disasterpiece". I've seen MANY commentaries online pulling this apart while the commentators crack jokes along the way and have fun. Same thing with the other Spark Plug atrocities. There are SO many jokes to be made with these horrible pieces. So if your bored and wanna invite friends over for some laughs. Spark Plug is for you! I'm interested to see how many jokes people can make out of this thing (PS During the ramp jump scene a CACTUS is in the middle of the road...How come no one has noticed that?)
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Driving Around in Circles for Two Minutes
malurus18 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This has spoilers. Do you care? I pray not, because if this movie can be spoiled for you, then help your soul, you're going to regret it.

There's really just so much nothingness to this movie. The story is about a rambunctious car-child called Sparky. His father has a hard time controlling him, and tells him he'll get in trouble if he doesn't start behaving, and he'd end up like his dead cousin's girlfriend, Diesel. Yes, for some reason, he has a dead cousin. It's really randomly dark. Ah, who cares? You sure won't after hearing the awful shrieking that is Sparky's girlfriend, Speedy. There's also Sparky's younger sister, Gracie, who is voiced by an actual child. The voice acting in this is awful, but everything sounds like child's play comparatively to Sparky's girlfriend, a pink nightmare. The movie then just hangs out at a gas station to conserve on animation of movement where we see the HILARIOUS antics of a car driving in circles for two minutes while everyone just kind of stares (except the pink one, who reminds you that there somehow IS a worst voice actor in this movie). Then Diesel shows up to cause Sparky to be even more disobedient. This eventually leads him and his girlfriend out in the open,when suddenly they bump into Diesel. Sparky, because the plot demands it, finds this suspicious (even though he's never been suspicious of her before), and thinks they should leave, but pink car says no. However, before they can go, they are captured by Diesel who kills cars for their scrap metal. She has the pink one slashed, again being randomly dark, and Sparky all of a sudden is smart and knows the moral. The father rescues him, and the villains are caught, and Sparky learns a lesson in why rules are important.

This movie is a nightmare. I'd rate it at a one, but the random dark moments are so amusing that I feel it gets a two just for how it made me laugh at those parts. Unfortunately, my favorite part, the pink car getting murdered, was a cop out and she actually lived somehow. Otherwise, the animation is dull, the movie is at the same, boring pace, and the... "Voice acting"... Will make you reconsider ever criticizing anyone's voice acting again. The humor it tries for is ultimately unsuccessful. The actual funny parts is how the story switches from child disobedience to crime mystery is the funniest part. It really comes out of nowhere.

The characters are boring.

Sparky: The child who never listens and makes you wish to never have children.

Dad: The dad, written like every dad character. He seems mean to his kid but he's only trying to protect him, of course.

Diesel: Really creepy woman-car who wants to kill people for their body parts. Sounds kid friendly.

Speedy: The ANNOYING girlfriend who advocates that every car, no matter how different, has feelings. So basically, a millennial, only this one has a voice to match the annoying qualities of what they teach.

Everyone else: I guess there's a gas pump that's someone to talk to the dad to reveal his dad feelings. There's Sparky's younger sibling, voiced by an actual child, and then there's Diesel's minions.

So, basically, every cookie-cutter stereotype for a kid's flick you could have. Only this is not suitable for children. It's a horror film that most adults are frightened by.

So, yeah, that's everything you want to know about what you oughtn't want to know. If you are one of the poor souls who must suffer this, my condolences.
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WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!? (Slight Spoilers from other rip-off films)
ThanPag7 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just can't believe that one of my Favorite movies had a "Rip-off" like THIS! Now I must just think that these movies are worse than The Food Fight one. It just troubles my mind of how these Directors' minds work to make such bad animated films that the story makes no sense at ALL, has such terrible Voice Acting (How can I even call "THAT" voice acting?), and being just horrible, HORRIBLE at every damn Thing in these movies. I might as well kill my-self as I have time. In short, these movies suck, suck, SUCK! I just can't find a better way to describe this. OK, Rip-off Directors, you suck, you will never be successful (well, except the Food Fight Director that got 10.000.000 dollars). The End
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Caaaaalm dooooown!!!
rtivey9133 November 2014
That, pretty much, is what one of the main characters of this atrocity sounds like, in text form. I can't say this movie is the absolute worst thing I've ever seen. I even laughed a few times from its sheer stupidity, making it range into the "So bad it's good" category, but it still sucks, which is why I'm giving it a 3 out of 10 instead of, I dunno, a 7. It has all these characters, who are all cars. Now, where in the world did I hear that idea before? It also takes place in the desert. Oh my God! Where could that have been spawned from? It also features a car who learns his lesson at the end. Jesus Christ! I know this came from somewhere! That's right, it's a shameless ripoff of "Cars", which is one of my favorite movies of all time. This is upon a series of crappy animated flicks that are complete ripoffs of other, more superior flicks, and don't even try to hide it. It features the same general character idea, the same settings, the same plot idea. I will eventually review Ratatoing, Kis Vuk, and others of the kind, if I can get a copy of it.
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Will give you the creeps rather than the thrills
TheLittleSongbird9 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe not quite the worst animated movie ever and it is marginally better than Spider's Web: A Pig's Tale(haven't seen Plan Bee yet, have heard it's worse). But that's saying little, because A Car's Life is a terrible movie and not in an awesome way either. The animation is badly-slapped-together quality, with colours the very opposite of rich, static backgrounds and choppy editing, and the music is forgettable at best and can be over-bearing. The story is predictable but that actually wasn't the real problem, to be honest a lot of movies animated or not are. The problem was that what there was of the story felt very rushed pacing-wise but had very little to it from a narrative perspective, there are a few overlong irrelevant scenes like a car spending a minute doing nothing but screaming and circling round, something that is far more appropriate when on a roller-coaster or theme park ride. The characters are unappealing in every sense.

Their personalities are as flat as cardboard but they behave in a way that is irritating and in the case of the villain overly-creepy way, the main character is mistake-prone and never learns from them. The voice acting is even worse, most of the cast are wooden but Speedy's voice provided by Denise Finelli is like the sharpest nails on the squeakiest blackboard- in short incredibly annoying and grating. There are not many characters that you wish serious harm to, mainly because it is a notion you never ideally want to feel, but Speedy is certainly one of them and very high up on the list. The writing was the biggest failure, mainly because it doesn't seem to know at all who it's aiming at. The humour is even crasser and more juvenile than what you'd find in the output of Video Brinquedo(similar quality to what's seen here and Spider's Web but comparatively tamer), which indicates that providing that it doesn't go over their head only children would moderately enjoy.

But much of A Car's Life is very adult in tone(initially there's nothing wrong with that, there are animated movies that do take a daring turn and succeed primarily Watership Down, Felidae and The Hunchback of Notre Dame) but even they don't make their violent content, characterisations and messaging(very forced, hardly any lessons to be learnt actually either) verging on sadistic and in a way that would traumatise anybody who's watching. There are exchanges between characters also that have degrees of inappropriateness, at one point child abuse is mentioned and people will be like how is being told to take a bath child abuse and since when has it? And before accusations start rolling in, as much as this sounds like an overly-sensitive parent I am a childless animation-loving music student who's all for taking risks providing they're done well, done well they're not here and come to think of it cigarette-smoking lead characters and characters talking about death doesn't really count as risk-taking.

All in all, terrible and won't provide entertainment value in any way, you won't feel any thrills but you will be creeped out. Even the Little Cars movies were better than A Car's Life, and they're awful too. 1/10(would be 0 but despite the negative tone I'm feeling generous today after being blown away by the Met production of Rusalka last night). Bethany Cox
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One of the absolute worst things ever created by man. 0/10
worldsworstwryter31 December 2021
Everything about this is awful. Each character is utterly detestable, but the pink car is officially THE WORST and most annoying character to ever be shown in all of media. No offence to the woman who did the voice acting, but honestly it is physically painful to listen to.

To be honest though, the dad car, the main car, and the weird murderer car were almost just as bad.

To give it one positive, at least it is mercifully short at only 40 minutes. Still that is too long, considering nothing actually happens in the film, and it somehow manages to be confusing.

Overall this is one of the absolute worst things ever created by man. 0/10.
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I thought Cory in the House was my favorite anime
BigChungie29 June 2017
Deep lore. Beautiful visuals. Plot twists that keep you on your seat. Amazingly-written characters. Yes, you heard it here, folks. This is my favorite anime. Sword Art Online? Attack on Titan? Once Punch Man? Dragonball Z? They don't even have the right to exist when put up against this anime. Honestly, if you don't think this is a good anime, then you need to go study up sister. This is definitely something yo should give a go. It's underrated, well-created, and beautiful. Lightning McQueen? A poser when compared to Sparky the car. You guys honestly need to check yourselves if you watch Cars instead of this masterpiece. This is, indeed, the best anime to ever exist.
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"I wish...I could be..."
rain_bow9518 May 2019
I still am debating what is the worst Cars RIP off. But there are so many of these that I can only go by what I watched. I watched Cargo, Little Cars, and A Car's Life...and I still do not know.

But this thing here...this thing was horrifying to watch, mostly because of the animation. The animation is one of the worst I ever seen. I heard this movie was made by one person, but that does not change the fact that my first frame-by-frame animation project (that took me 3 days to do) looks better than this. The characters are ugly and annoying, there is no story...everything is awful pretty much. And for some reason at the beginning of the movie, the annoying red car was about to flipping sing....saying "I wish...I could be...". You wish you could be what?! This movie can burn in hell.
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Uhh maybe the worst animated movie but I have seen few of them so not sure
alansabljakovic-390442 November 2018
Congratulations, this movie wins the worst animated movie award. I don't know what to talk about because this movie hasn't any story. It is just random events and his dad calling him Sparky 1000 times. Oh yes and yellow car is stoned. P.S. Wait,Sparky is woman???
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Nothing original or creative
carboyyoung30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a rip off of Cars, like everyone says it.

The animation is mediocre, even for 2006 standards. The Cars movie from the same year was ahead of its time. This was probably done by a four year old. The Jay Jay the Jet Plane and Fanboy and Chum Chum animation is superior to this.

The plot has no creativity to it, neither is there any flow to it whatsoever. It is just about a normal rebellious kid who doesn't want to listen to his dad, but do what he wants instead. If he actually learned from his mistakes, which he doesn't, it would be better. Since this movie is directed towards kids, it should have a lesson or moral to it, and the protagonist should learn something from it. The storyline is just random events fused together. There is so much to it that is similar to the cars movie. Like the police officer, and the dad looks just like Doc Hudson, Speedy is like a rip off of Sally.

Just don't watch this movie. It's a cars rip off. Watch Roary the Racing Car, Tractor Tom, Blaze and the Monster Machines, or Cars movie instead. There are other educational programs with more to offer. Do whatever you can to avoid this crap.
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Terrible movie.
novaklosinski23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an awful ripoff of Cars. The title is misleading, Sparky doesn't even GO on an adventure. There is a wrong use of dialogue, One of the characters says "It's getting dark!" when it's broad daylight. The voice acting is trash, Sparky's voice is unbearable to listen to. The character models are straight up c***. In the synopsis, it says it's "inspired by a true father-son relationship." which it's not. The lip-syncing is terrible. I have gone on enough GOODBYE.
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What a mock buster this is!
anthonylozano27 March 2019
This whole movie is a rip-off of Disney & Pixar's solid movie "Cars", the characters are so ugly, this movie is only 40 minutes, not even close to an hour, & the design graphics are extremely terrible!
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Please stay with it.
beetlemama197018 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Now seriously, stay with this. My 15 year old picked this up in a charity shop for 25p and said "I bet this is horrible" - so we bought it to laugh at it over the half term holidays. We watched this today, all three of us as "family time" while we ate spaghetti - its possibly the worse thing I've ever seen, I'm not even sure if my husband is still alive. HOWEVER you must watch it to the end because you will not be expecting that. The best part which they very thoughtfully paused for me while I went to get dessert (I tried) was when Sparky, our 21 year old 8 year old "hero" went to get some body modification and while he was screaming in the background the most FU bird I've ever seen flew over the scene, I thought my son was going to choke to death on his spaghetti, watch the wings. This is very helpfully in the "scene selection" section so you can watch it as many times as you like. Watch it to the end where it takes a Dexteresque turn for the very disturbing. Overall, I don't regret the 40 minutes of physical pain I endured as it led us here to laugh at the amazing reviews, which is probably why you're here. Welcome to the club, we're like plane crash sole survivors, no one will ever understand what we went through. They'll be a group therapy session at the main street YMCA main hall Thursday at 10, see you there.
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Who writes this piece of garbage
juancolon-5932611 December 2022
How did the creators of spark plug entertainment and it's made this kind of trash. I know I love the cars believe but sorry I have to say this but,



I lost 20 trillion brain cells was after watching this I gave the worst movie ever made. It made me one destroy this movie with my own hands. To put it off, I could have set this this movie on fire to never see the light of day, if I ever see that movie again, I will break it, bury it, set it on fire. Even better, I could smash this movie with my own hammer and never see it again including shredding. If you ever seen this movie, destroy it brutally. Do not look at the eyes of this horrid movie. You think this is helpful, I hope you guys understand. In each case delete this movie and smash it aggressively.
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short animated film
pombearking12 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
this is a short animated cartoon designed for kids,it integrates classic life lessons onto a child, these life lessons are hard to learn for the child car as there is another car implying classic peer pressure relating to real life. It uses the visual representation of cars instead of people for the fun side of things for kids but as good as the animating was the cartoon defiantly had is bad points, the story was rushed and too fast paced for children, the mistakes and peer pressure forced on the child was of that of a teenagers in witch children who watch will have no idea about and the child car never seemed to be disciplined correctly. In my opinion im not sure what age group this film is aimed at but if you have young children showing them this may teach them about listening to there parents and about peer pressure.
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an unbelievably terrible movie not meant for kids.
emily-r-geffre8 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
this movie is awfully awesome in so many ways. if you have absolutely nothing to do and love making fun of stuff, watch this movie along with every other Michael Schelp movie. sparky is a car with no life that gets some tattoos and horns. the character that you will want to kill is speedy. she has the most annoying voice i have ever heard. i really wish the ax wielding truck had killed her in the badlands (for some reason the badlands are flat). she seemed dead and should have been for being crushed and cut for several minutes. i love this movie due to the repetitiveness, violence not fit for kids, and the most annoying movie character ever.
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Worse than trigonometry
szafranskjilliana18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely wanted to cry after watching this. The CGI was so bad I felt my bones shaking and asking to move out of earshot. Learning Old Church Slavonic would be a better use of my time. Please don't buy this. Anyways, back to the point: it was created by one dude in like a week. There is no plot, but is strangely adult?!? Don't let your kid watch this as a sexy car lady kills people. Also it's a ripoff of Cars sooooooo yeah. I hope that in the future, the creator of this receives either therapy or better lessons in drawing. YouTube is free and so is decent advice for art. The good part was the part where the cars were smashed.
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but why
winchester-2782628 July 2021
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Ai-Fan4 December 2019
Sparky annoys me Diesel is just horrible Speedy is the worst.
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This Is the Worst Movie i have see in my hole life
luigimarozzi12 March 2021
This Movie Is Awful and Is again a Cars Ripoof .everything in this Film Is Awful the Animation,the Charakters everything Is Awful
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Um...... no
lmnclips27 November 2020
This movie was horrible, with bad animations and worse voice acting, especially from the pink car. At least it wasn't nearly as bad as "ratatoing" which was much worse. The only interesting thing about this abomination was the fact that the police car literally had a torpedo with him.

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