The Wrath of Becky (2023) Poster

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If You've Ever Wanted to See Stifler Play a Cult Leader, Here's Your Chance!
JackCowart3413 June 2023
One-sentence summary: Two years after the events of the first film, Becky finds herself at the center of a small-town insurrection with far-reaching implications.

In all honesty, it never crossed my mind that Becky (2020) would get a sequel, so it took me by complete surprise when I saw that The Wrath of Becky was playing at my local theater. The story is a standard mishmash of previously successful movies. Think John Wick meets Home Alone. Nevertheless, the filmmakers nailed the tone and style, balancing the lighthearted fun and brutal violence nicely. The script could've been a tad tighter, but I admire how they continue to offer longtime comedic actors an opportunity to demonstrate their range. Even if Seann William Scott doesn't quite match Kevin James' performance from the first film, he is still one of the biggest reasons to watch the sequel. I'm not going to tell you to move this to the top of your watchlist, but The Wrath of Becky is a fun way to kill 90 minutes.
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Passable and violent sequel in which the teenage girl must defend herself against a domestic terrorist cell.
ma-cortes23 March 2024
A vengeance thriller with chills, suspense, brutal fights and gory killings . The film once again stars Lulu Wilson (Annabelle: Creation, Ouija: the origin of evil) .¨Becky¨(2020) is followed by this sequel titled ¨The Wrath of Becky¨ (2023) in which the brave 16-year-old , continuing her former adventure with murderous Neo-Nazis in the previous film made her even more cynical and emotionally numb, this follow-up packing more humorous tone than its predecessor, nowadays confronting racist rednecks. Directed by two directors: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote with Lulu Wilson, Seann William Scott , Denise Burse , Jill Larson, Michael Sirow , and here co-writer Nick Morris and directors Jonathan Milot and Cary Murnion were the executive producers. Two years after she escaped a violent attack on her family, Becky attempts to rebuild her life in the care of an older woman - a kindred spirit named Elena. But when a group known as the "Noble Men" break into their home, attack them, and take her beloved dog, Diego, Becky must return to her old ways to protect herself and her loved ones. . She's back !. There once was a little girl... She's having a bloody good time !. When she's bad, she's horrid !. Armed. Dangerous. And really angry. Hell hath no fury like a 16-year-old scorned !. She's having a bloody good time !. When she's bad, she's horrid !.

The predecessor film, ¨Becky (2020)¨ with Lulu Wilson and Kevin James, became by surprise one of the highest-grossing films in the United States billboards decimated by the Covid-19 pandemic and also swept its simultaneous video-on-demand broadcast. This follow-up happens three years after having escaped the violent attack against her family that left her father dead, the young Becky tries to return to normality with the elderly Elena and her dog Diego, but when a fascist group breaks into her house, ending everything, the desire Becky's revenge surface again. In ¨The Wrath of Becky (2023)¨there're great doses of action, gore and a lot of black humor that characterize the continuation of the revenge thriller Becky that premiered in 2020. The whole story builds up to a handful of gritty , gory and imaginative murders and neo-Nazis , and that's why it is really tense and creepy , exactly what you're getting. It's plausible and predictable , it's not particularly intelligent or original, teen girl wastes a group of white supremacists. Containing grisly killings , black humor and It has a blast watching Becky/Lulu Wilson delivering comeuppance to the villains and get herself out of trouble, only to wind up in more messes. Stars Lulu Wilson who's very efficient as a slasher maniac in her intensity, but the situations are incredible and unlikely. Lulu gives a nice performance, who is joined by Seann William Scott (American Pie) who puts aside his humorous roles to play here a ruthless and merciless villain.

The motion picture was professionally directed by Matt Angel, and Suzanne Coote , though it has some flaws and gaps with full of unlikely incidents and unbelievable situations. 'The Wrath of Becky' rating: 5.5/10 . Acceptable and passable. The flick will appeal to Lulu Wilson and Seann William Scott fans.
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What!? They made a sequel to Becky!? Awesome!
subxerogravity29 May 2023
Had no clue what I was getting into when I signed up to watch this movie. It just looked cool.

Becky is now 16 and has been running from foster home to foster home after the events of the first film, but just when she starts to let someone into her heart again after the tragic originally movie, that person is taken away from her and as a result she goes on a rampage of pure revenge against those people

One of these villains is Sean Williams Scott. Trying to do something vastly different from the Stifler role in American Pie we are use to. He was good, but he was no Kevin James who did it first and was more convincing of known comical actor turned character villain in the first movie. Its just that if you are familiar with Scott and what he's famous for than you'll aways see that. This performance does not change that.

This does not do anything to minimize his villainy in the movie as well as the action in the movie. It's definitely, your usual sequel: they took an original concept that was successful and seem to exploit it for a cash cow yet, you will not be disappointed that they made another Becky movie, and I'm glad they released this one in theatres.
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Becky Impossible : 1
kyleodendaal29 June 2023
A John Wick style slasher is something I didn't know I wanted to watch. This movie was full of fun over the top slasher moments with an action thriller back-drop.

I do think the writing lacked a bit, but I also think great writing isn't needed in a film like this.

Seann William Scott was brilliant and I loved seeing him in a different role than what I'm used to.

This movie is easy to watch and lives up to its expectation as a non-serious, fun, action-thriller.

Unfortuantely the villians are forgettable and for the future of these films I can see it needing to be more and more ridiculous and fun for it to stay relevant.

But that's just IMO. (:
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Becky's returns
Stanlee1077 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a surprise sequel to the Becky film that was a surprising hit for me. The dark humour and kill scenes were good. This is a continuation of Becky's story after surviving a traumatic ordeal during which her dad was taken hostage and killed by a bunch of escape prisoners. She was able to exact vengeance on them with a much finesse dark humour death scenes.

Becky has moved on from this tragic incident and now living in a foster home. She works as a waitress and encounters a bunch of entitled teenagers. She on purpose spills hot drink on one of those men and they take revenge on her. Her foster mother is killed and her dog is kidnapped. She embarks on another killing spree.

It is as fun as the first film and the kills are as more elaborate given that she is now an older teenager. I thoroughly enjoyed this sequel and long may this franchisee continue.
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The Return Of Chipmunk...
azathothpwiggins15 April 2024
In THE WRATH OF BECKY, Lulu Wilson reprises her avenging angel role in order to take on another group of murdering scumbags. This time, it's a bunch of knuckle-dragging yahoos known as the "Noble Men" (a thinly-veiled reference to a real organization). So, yes, this sequel gets a bit more political. However, that point becomes moot, and all but forgotten, once the first head explodes!

After all, these movies are all about Becky, and the fools who dare to cross her. The Directors up the ante in this one, as Becky finds herself in -somewhat- greater peril. Her new adversaries seem to have one or two extra I. Q. points over their predecessors. Well, at least one of them might.

The humor level is also higher, with several laugh-out-loud moments.

Another gory action-fest for the revenge film aficionado...
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The Grit Of Becky
cahidi2 July 2023
The Wrath Of Becky is a real treat for those who enjoys stories about revenge. As for me (someone who worships I Spit On Your Grave), this movie is a really delicious meal for my mind. Just like the first movie (Becky), this movie contains an insane amount of gore. So if you can't stomach it, don't watch this movie. Consider this a friendly warning. Now, on to the story! Like the first movie, this one is about Becky getting even with the people who wronged her. I won't tell you specifically what the wrongdoings are, but it's bad. Just like in the first movie. Real bad. And Becky is angry now, so get ready to see some blood spilled. Or... splattered, to be precise.
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On par with the first (spoilers after a warning)
FeastMode18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was hesitant to watch this sequel after being underwhelmed with the first movie. But I remember liking the premise, style and tone. So I gave this a shot. And I felt exactly the same. It's mildly enjoyable, but not enough. And there are some really dumb parts.

If you liked the first one, I think you'll enjoy the sequel as well. But if you were underwhelmed like me, I doubt this will win you over. (1 viewing, 6/17/2023)


The one dumb part that stands out the most is her first victim. She traps him in a hole and he's yelling at her to get him out. But it's barely deep and he can easily climb out. I guess it's not a huge deal because it doesn't come into play since she has his gun now.

In the next scene, he has a grenade taped to his mouth with a string attached to the pin and the front door of the cabin. She knocks and waits for them to open the door which will pull the pin...

It's pretty difficult for me to believe how she did all of this, but again, I can let this slide. What I can't let slide is, all he has to do is move forward a few feet and the string wouldn't be able to pull the pin.

I'm not sure what she could have done to keep him in place. They didn't show his feet, probably because of how obvious it would be that he can move closer. But even if she somehow tied his feet together AND tied it to a stake in the ground, he could just fall forward so the pin isn't pulled. It's glaringly stupid.
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Fun Variation on the Home Invasion Film
Reviews_of_the_Dead12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that when I saw it was coming to the Gateway Film Center, I figured I needed to see the original. I heard good things about it but missed it the year that it came out. This was a horror movie coming to the theater, so I made it a point to support it. I was also curious where they would go with this sequel.

Synopsis: two years after she escaped a violent attack on her family, Becky (Lulu Wilson) attempts to rebuild her life in the care of an older woman. But when a group known as the 'Noble Men' break into their home, attack and take her beloved dog, Becky must return to her old way to protect herself.

Now what I will say is that synopsis helps fill in the backstory and get us up to speed. The only other thing is that Becky goes to a foster home and escapes into the night with her dog, Diego (Pac Williams). The credits are given to us over cartoons and drawings which also help to fill in other parts. That is until Becky ends up with Elena (Denise Burse). She gave the younger woman a ride and then allowed her to rent a room. They've made an unexpected friendship.

Becky trains every day and works at a local diner. It is there that she encounters the group from the synopsis. They're led by Sean (Matt Angel). He brought with him Anthony (Michael Sirow) and DJ (Aaron Dalla Villa). Anthony doesn't fully know what they're doing in town, outside of going to a rally put on by Senator Hernandez (Gabriella Piazza). They're going to protest. Sean is going for more though. Closer to him is DJ, who is a loudmouth. This trio has a run in with Becky, who drops a cup of coffee on Sean. He is irate, for good reason. He also wants to punish her for it.

That night, she is awoken by a noise. When she goes to investigate, she is held at gunpoint by DJ. She tries to get free and get help from Diego, but Sean knocks the poor animal out. Anthony doesn't understand what they're doing. Elena steps in to help and this sets events into motion. She is killed, Becky is knocked out and when she comes to, her dog is gone. Becky suits up and looks for these guys, only having the name of Darryl to go on. There are only two in the area and the first is an old woman, played by Jill Larson. The other is out in the middle of nowhere, with the 'Noble Men' flag flying.

Becky recons the area. She sees that inside there is the trio she met along with Darryl (Seann William Scott) and Twig (Courtney Gains). Since she is outnumbered and the odds are against her so she needs to set up a plan to isolate and dispatch. It once again helps that her adversaries underestimate her. She also learns something about an item she has been carrying since her last ordeal that gets revealed.

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start is that a big thing for me is continuity since I'm a story guy. I like where this one picks up from the events of the previous one and it fits. My gripe is that I think we have a different dog. I could be wrong there. If that is the worst issue for a sequel, then I can forgive.

Where I'll then go is that it is wild to me that we are building a woman protagonist that is in the vein of Schwarzenegger or Stallone. This isn't the first time we've seen that, but it isn't as common to have someone as young as she is. She was 16 years old in the past, if memory serves, and that makes her 18 here. I don't think she is quite yet, but close enough. Since that ordeal, she trains in the art of survival. It is a bit unbelievable to have something like this happen again. I will say though that she brings it on herself by dumping the coffee on Sean. That comes off as victim blaming. It isn't my intent though. She doesn't put up with anyone's grief and I appreciate that. I do feel that Wilson is great in this role. She embodies it and owns it.

Having fleshed out my thoughts on the titular character, let me go over to the villains. This one might bother people in how political it goes. What I like here though is that if this offends you, then you might be the problem. The 'Noble Men' are a spoof of the 'Proud Boys'. This is a group that considered to be terrorists in our fictional world. The commentary here is how deeply they've infiltrated the police and government agencies. What I also like here is that we see normal people getting caught up in it. Anthony is having second thoughts as he doesn't realize what their plan is. The tension is good here with how uncomfortable being in the presence of Darryl and Twig is. I also love it when Becky goes after them, we see their true colors as well. I'll credit here to Sirow, Dalla Villa, Scott, Angel and Gains as our main villains.

I'm going to shift over to what I have issues with. A minor one is this happening to Becky again. This won't be something that I knock down my score for. I can even buy another group underestimating her and she gets the best of them. It might have worked better to tie in that first group to this one, but that doesn't hurt it either. This goes a bit too whimsical for me and there feels like plot conveniences. The ending also made me roll my eyes. I'd be fine with seeing another movie and Becky's adventures as she goes into a full Rambo character. I could have done without it though as well.

Since I've gone through most of the cast, I'll go into the performances. Larson was funny in her role and how it plays in later. Avoid the Internet Movie Database page as it spoils it. Williams was good as the dog. I would have liked them to utilize him more as it feels like a tease. Other than that, Alison Cimmet, Derek Gaines, John D. Hickman and a cameo by Kate Siegel were solid. They helped round this out for what was needed.

All that is left is filmmaking. The first thing is the cinematography. I thought that it was good. We get cool shots. The framing works here. Pulling in the effects, they keep with the comic book motif with graphics on the screen. I do think that they lean into this a bit too much and that comes back to whimsical nature. Again, not enough to ruin things. It just takes me out of it. They also use dream sequences a couple times. It is set up that she has violent fantasies, but I don't know if we need that as it feels cheap. The effects though do go brutal, I love that. The soundtrack also works for what was needed.

In conclusion, this is a fun follow up to the original. We get more in the same vein while also developing the character of Becky farther. I think that Wilson does great in this role. The rest of the cast around her is good. There is also relevant commentary that I think will turn people off, but it fits the times. It also makes this movie a time capsule. I like what they do with the effects and the cinematography. I do think the whimsical nature and where this goes in the end makes it a bit farfetched. This is a fun, shut off your brain movie though for sure. I'd recommend this to horror and non-horror fans alike, especially if you are of a certain political persuasion.

My Rating: 7 out of 10.
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actually started to root for the 'bad guys'
djkingpinn24 June 2023
This film is a pathetic example of when someone tried too hard to make a protagonist a badass, but fails because the character is just lame. Seems rushed, poorly planned and generally a waste of time, so save yourself from this diatribe and avoid watching this, its not even good bad, just bad bad.

I'm not looking for a realistic interpretation of what could happen in this kind of situation, but my gosh, this is is so ridiculous I cannot even take any moment seriously.

Sean William Scott is fantastic, and is the only good thing about this film.

EVERY THING THAT HAPPENS IN THIS FILM IS BECKY'S FAULT. She is a selfish little brat. I actually started to hope that they would just kill her and we can all celebrate.
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Becky Bites Back (again).
Pairic21 November 2023
The Wrath of Becky: Two years later Becky (Lulu Wilson) is back, an opening scene and graphics in the titles show how Becky and her dog Diego have passed through several foster families and gone on the run, having many adventures before she meets up with an elderly woman, Elena (Denise Burse) who gives them a home and treats Becky as an equal. Now 16, Becky hones her survival skills in the woods. She works in a Diner and clashes with members of the Noble Men, an extremist Christian group with misogynistic tendencies. They follow her home and break in, resulting in a deadly confrontation, Diego is also stolen. Becky sets out for revenge but discovers that a vaster conspiracy is at play here, the broader group intend to provoke violence at a rally in a nearby town. A certain element of dark humour infuses her preparations and deaths which occur. Some extremely violent deaths and mutilations will almost make you laugh but there is also a seriousness about the encompassing plot (even if it has a few holes suspension of disbelief is easy in this case). Again let squeamish beware lest the gore frighten them. In a cameo Kate Siegel plays a CIA Agent. Directed by Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote. Angel wrote the screenplay based on a story by himself and Coote. 7.5/10.
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Becky sequel
SnoopyStyle28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's 2 years after the first movie. Becky (Lulu Wilson) is now 16 and has not done well in foster care. She and her dog Diego do make a friend in Elena and board with her. Becky angers a group of sexist malcontents. They follow her home. They kill Elena and steal Diego. Becky tracks them down to an anti-government group led by Darryl (Seann William Scott).

I kinda like the first movie with some reservations. I like Lulu Wilson and her psycho killer eyes. The first movie does benefit from the fun of a little girl killing machine. She's more grown up and the sequel has to grow up a bit. The writing remains an issue. There is no way that those thugs would let Becky live after killing Elena. You never leave a witness to a murder. You kill one. You kill them all. It makes even less sense to steal the dog and leave her behind. I am glad that Becky mentions being bored with guns. Guns would be too easy for her. The spaces between the killings still lag. This franchise is probably going to keep going. The writing needs to be better. It remains an interesting but flawed franchise.
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10 stars? Are you out of your mind?
chinandchin27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Becky 1 was quite fun, this one is absolutely garbage.

1, bad guys broke into the house aiming to kill becky, but they killed the old lady instead and didnt do anything to Becky, I mean yes nothing, didn't break her arm or rape her or torture her but kill the old lady and left.

2, Becky grapped a bunch of stuff and packed them in her bag, and she didn't even use one item, not 2 not 1 but none!! Why packing all useless stuff?

3, all bad guys had to be super dumb to let Becky escape for 4 times, I get the rules, bad guys like to talk before killing anyone, but I have no idea what else they can talk to Becky after the second time, but they somehow did .

Anyway, soooooooo bad, really really wasting my time, I prefer to look at the living room floor for 120 minutes rather than Becky 2.
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ChatGPT Could Write This!
BillGreene17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the perfect metaphor of today's young progressive left. They are parentless little girls, afraid and isolated; victims who desperately fantasize about having power to violently lash out against the fictional white conservative NAZI (anachronistic) groups - who kill kindly virtuous black people, organize insurrections, kill hispanic representatives, and are mean to dogs. The insecure borderline emo proggy girl gets to live out her fantasies, smugly yet weepily, and ultimately join a deep state organization (which was mischaracterized as the "CIA" when it should have more accurately been the FBI). However, getting past the eye roll inducing political narrative, there are some clever kill traps and writing. However, who knew that this world could possibly contain a Christian couple who's actually bi-racial?? Did the writers miss that or did casting just want to throw a cookie to a black actor?
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More than you'd expect
shenamere9 July 2023
This isn't high drama or an epic cinematic experience and you shouldn't expect it to be. There are naturally lots of little gaps in the action as it plays out, which you'd also expect. Becky demonstrates a carefree, nothing to lose attitude that empowers her to ridiculous violence. She is a victim, the hand of retribution and a wild teenager all in one. The story line starts out with promise, showing Becky's talents to convince and fool others into thinking she is a sweet teenager. All the while, having a hidden hunger for violence. The success and weakness of the movie is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. There is just enough of a hint of satire to excuse or accept the bullets from trained opponents that miss her, while she never does. The movie could be a solid 7 or 8 if the story was tightened up and her opponents weren't always quiet so daft.
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Becky 2
olcayozfirat9 July 2023
Another fantastic sequel to the first fantastic movie produced in 2023. Horror with comedy sauce as a genre. The little girl who avenged her father in the first movie has grown a bit older and has acquired delinquent and psychopathic tastes. This girl was adopted by an old woman in her home. The girl also works in a cafe. Luckily, 3 troublemakers come to that cafe, she.

Is the movie stupid? A lot. Is it funny? Not. Is it scary? Not. Is it predictable? Yes. However, it is being watched. And I think it will continue. But let me tell you in advance. Episode 3 will disappoint the producer.

There is no sex or nudity in the movie.
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Poor Lulu Wilson.
FortySix22 September 2023
The first "Becky" isn't especially imaginative, but it's entertaining enough to spend 1.5 hours when nothing better is on. It has a fun premise, an actual plot, and goofy Kevin James from "The King of Queens" fame was surprisingly good as the antagonist. This one is just BAD. So bad, I almost felt sorry for the actors.

Unlike the first however, this one is an intentionally over-the-top dark comedy/parody of every clichéd stereotype of a certain 'segment' of Americans. BUT, it's not funny or clever or cute. And with a running time less than 1.5 hours, it doesn't even have a chance to set anything up. It's over before you know it.
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You just don't mess with an angry teenage girl!
Coventry18 August 2023
My review for "The Wrath of Becky", which was the very first to feature here on its page since I watched the world-première at the Brussels' International Festival of Fantastic Films, has mysteriously vanished. Don't know why, I don't think there's anything too offensive about it. Here's attempt #2.

Whatever happened to numbering sequels? Or at least using words that clearly indicate the film in question is a sequel, like "return" or "revenge". It took me until after I purchased a ticket for "The Wrath of Becky" to realize this is actually a sequel to 2020's "Becky". I hadn't seen or even heard about the original before, but luckily there's no harm done. This movie features a brief and hectically edited summary of the events in "Becky" at the beginning, and there isn't much else you need to know.

Becky is unusually feisty for a 16-year-old, and her adventure with murderous Neo-Nazis in the previous film made her even more cynical and emotionally numb. When the one person she cares about gets murdered, and her beloved dog kidnapped, by patriotic extremists (= basically just racist rednecks), she transforms into a merciless killing machine with a cute bonnet.

I watched "The Wrath of Becky" at midnight in a crowded festival theater, and that's exactly how I recommend it to others; - at a festival or with a bunch of friends. It's a horror crowd-pleaser, plain and simple. The whole plot builds up to a handful of gritty and imaginative kills, and that's exactly what you're getting. It's not plausible or tense, it's not particularly intelligent or original, but you won't regret watching it for a second. Lulu Wilson is delightful as the youthful avenging angel, and Sean William Scott is quite convincing in an atypical role.
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Definitely worse than the first
alatlantic12 September 2023
I really loved the first movie, and was excited to see this one. They both have comedy actors playing bad guys, and both pull it off so well it's a wonder we didn't see it before.

But this one is just different. The first one had Becky come out of nowhere, a little girl of pure rage and cunning. And the enemies were Nazis, who everyone hates.

Don't get me wrong, the bad guys in this one were awful people, but it got a little too political for my liking. Secondly, this one put Becky on the offense, which makes it somehow even more ridiculous of an idea.

Was it fun? Sure. Was it as good as the first? Not even close.
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I give both Becky movies a 10, I love these kind of horror movies!
UniqueParticle28 May 2023
Lulu Wilson is a gem to watch she's vicious for her age and very entertaining! To the person that hated the movie I don't think saw Becky (2020) because of course Becky can do all the grotesque things it's similar to the first one she is genius at traps and being quite mature for her age. I love how Sean Willam Scott used to be part of so many comedies like Stifler in the American Pie films and Travis from The Rundown he was awesome in that the range with both Becky's is great even part had Kevin James he's known for so much comedy yet was a neo nazi in Becky 1. This had a lot to do with a crew of wannabe terrorist's that are bold in their views reminds me of The Hunt (2020) that is also about political crazies that do violent things and don't stand a chance, I love movies like that quite a lot.
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myasinalfajry-2826825 June 2023
Way better than the first movie for me.

Loved to see the next of becky adventure ready for becky 3/4/5/6/7/8/9 or even becky 10,XD.

Just for required character because i don't have much to say anymore(8182727176226626262626262626263628182828949202762636274828286362626262626636262636266263626293020283737262662622662622662626262625251525637282822662672726266262626262626262662626262626262626272726266262626262838286263672266626262626266282926362918276226267283829292020208372727273727728293920297372937277272727272729837272727277272+27272+72+27272+27277272+2727282826+3(272673737272727272727272772)
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Original movie much better
ReelReviewer91117 June 2023
Huge fan of the original Becky. So creative and awesome bloody kills! Loved it!

So this one didn't even come close.,, the focus seems to be the delivering of a political narrative and the bad guys beliefs. This isn't fun as it stays the focus instead of awesome kills and fun. This isn't 2020-2021 and it's just silly and annoying. My expectations for this film were actually high given how awesome the first one was.. I know if you watched the first film I won't be able to keep you from watching this one but it's sadly a flat tire.,,and it could have been so awesome. Sad when you see how wrapped up people are in their absurd opinions today.
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Lulu Wilson could play young Harley Quinn
SoumikBanerjee199619 June 2023
Considering how things have thus far shaped up, it's safe to assume that the creators have already decided to turn this into a multipart franchise. And like any other second instalment of an out-and-out action series, the writing emphasises more on the narrative and the individual characters rather than unabashed acts of violence.

Albeit, in doing so, the element of Blood and Gore had less of an impact than initially desired. That said, we still witness some gruesome kills and our lead, Lulu Wilson, as Becky, is an absolute badass. I hope they can build up on the foundation and take this series to newer heights cause it does have that potential.
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As good as the previous movie!
funnycommentor5 October 2023
First of all, when they announced that they were making a sequel, I was so happy because I really enjoyed the first movie. Eventually, when I first watched the official trailer of the second movie, I really enjoyed it and I was so hyped about it. The plot of the movie was very interesting, but it was similar to the previous movie. The storyline was well-written and well-explained, even though it was very simple and easy to understand. The characters were very interesting and well-developed, but most of them were dislikable (except, Becky). Also, the casting was nice and their acting was descent. The killcount of the movie was way better than the original movie, because it was very bloody, brutal and gory. Sadly, there weren't many action-filled scenes, but it was very intense. The opening scene of the movie was definitely unpredictable, very funny and really promising. The 2nd was fast-paced, full of death scenes and it was enjoyable. The ending scene was kinda predictable and there weren't any plot twists. Overall, "The Wrath of Becky" was an enjoyable sequel, very bloody, funny and I would definitely recommend it to my friends. Last but not least, I'm definitely looking forward for a third movie!
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i see mr ...
ops-5253521 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sperminator from american pie era hasnt grown a year or a hair on his back yet, and he has becone a noble man,very well done indeed, and for a horrorslasher of a revengemovie this was simply and at such a short playtime ingeniously made, the gore and glory is in the high seat, the invinsibility of the hoorah girl is just kicked out of the reflectation of a charles bronson or a clint, and all deeds done for eternal rightful revenge is written like the 100's of amandments that americans live and breath for. And it works, works so much that it made the grumpy old man laugh out a whimp of it...the rest though are fairly waiting time, with an unsolid script, average acting and a rather impatient film editor by the reels.

Bbut the film works, and i bet well follow becky in the future in sequels to come. Its not a film for the faint of hearts, its too literal on raw violence and bloody gore, made my spoce turn in the doorway, but a recommend for sure.
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