Knock Knock 2 (2011) Poster


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Knock Knock to keep you awake while watching this!
drama5911 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
WOW.........this is one awful movie! In the style of the "Blair Witch Project"..the filming is jumpy and annoying. Some of the worst cinematography ever. It is great when the camera is pointed at a wall with no actors for over a minute and only voices in the background. SO the plot is semi-interesting. The girlfriends of 2 guys decide to go look at murder sights in LA on Halloween. OK I will give them that. Sights like the murder of the Black Dahlia, Manson, etc. So they drive around looking at these sights and of course nothing happens. They finally end up at a house where a man killed his wife and baby. They get locked inside the house and the camera is still rolling. OH did I forget to mention one of the guys has a video camera. Well..they can't get out of the house which is boarded up. So it drags on and on and on with horrific camera work and everyone is scared. So finally they all die. Of course you really don't see them die or really know what happened to them. It is a WASTE of time....forget this one and save yourself for another movie worth watching. 2 THUMBS DOWN.
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Truly abysmal found-footage effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder24 July 2014
Getting together one evening, a group of friends on a tour of famous Hollywood murder scenes stumbles upon a mysterious house on their trip and find it to be filled with far more dangerous entities then they ever expected.

This here was one of the worst genre examples in this class and really has very little redeeming value. Most of this is based on the fact that there's just nothing happening in this one. The idea behind the film is quite cool and unique, but the fact that there's just endless, endless scenes of the group wandering around the house with the first-person perspective, based on the fact that this is a found-footage film, means that what little there is to actually be entertained by is so hard to make-out and realize what it is that it just becomes all the more confusing and disorienting about what's happening, rendering the effect completely moot and disastrous. Even still, the fact that nothing happens here is the biggest obstacle that really can't redeem the film because it can't offer up any real scares or potentially chilling moments based on the fact that the whole film is centered around the fact that it can't offer up any scares or thrills to overcome the limitations of the genre which results in keeping the camera pointed away from whatever is supposed to terrify us only to turn back and see nothing, shaking camera shots that are so blurry you can't tell what's going on, countless times where the safety of their well-being is forsaken for getting the camera to record it all and just so much blandness about what's going on with them that this becomes a chore to sit through and a boring effort once it gets going. The one thing that does work somewhat well here is the fact that the central premise for their trip is quite ingenious and really should be used in other efforts since there's some potential for some really chilling moments in a story like this should it get in a film that really deserves it, but by doing nothing with it as it is really just underscores how futile and wasted this one is.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and pictures of female nudity.
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Could have been good
pwmartuneac18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I read the other reviews of this movie, and I think they were a little harsh. The first half of the movie was very slow, comprised almost entirely of 4 young people driving around looking at places of infamous murders and pretty much reading pages from wikipedia. Once they arrive at the final house on their list, they finally balls up and go inside; and by they, I mean the girls, which was a little bit of humor as the boys were acting like babies.

But even when the "horror" is supposed to begin, it's still not scary. Imagine the Paranormal Activity movies, only with substantially less "edge of your seat moments" and even less of those sudden shock moments. Frankly, there were only three points in the movie where my heart beat picked up, but that's it. I wouldn't say this is necessarily a BAD movie, it was just very under-budgeted. Could have been a lot better. However, I give it 4 stars instead of 1 or 2 because I have seen worse than this. MUCH worse. Ever seen the movie "Nine Dead" which is on Netflix? Yeah, watch that and you'll see what I'm talking about.
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No one's answering this rancid joke
movieman_kev9 August 2012
Nice try, Lionsgate, but I question the 'genius' move of renaming this movie Knock Knock 2 for a myriad of reasons. It obviously has nothing at all to do with the first one, it's in a completely different sub-genre (the first was a slasher while this is a found footage film) Plus I strongly doubt anyone of the 15 people who had the supreme misfortune of seeing the first Knock Knock would ever want second helpings of that cinematic cesspool anyway.

But I digress, this movie regardless of the title is utterly awful. Imagine "Paranormal Activity" made with a lot less money, few fewer scares (knock knock 2 has none whatsoever), worse actors, and a woefully unengaging storyline. Now this film is 5 times worse than whatever you've just thought of. A complete mess beginning to end and a sure sign that I've run out of viable options to rent from Redbox.

My Grade: F
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Snooze Fest
nysalesman100-19 August 2012
Absolutely nothing happens in this movie. They show a lot of fluff in the beginning in an effort to develop the characters but it fails miserably. The rest of the movie consists of driving in a car and standing in front of people lawns. When they finally get to 1666 nothing happens other than doors shutting and people disappearing. No special effects, no suspense - nothing. Poor acting, poor story, no effects, no suspense, and boring. Gee, I could have made a better movie with my iPhone and my black cat.

Don't waste your time or your money on this one. The trailer looks promising. In fact, your better off watching the trailer for free because that's better than the movie.
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Great Trailer, boring film...
elswick19797 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie listed under new releases today(08/06/2012) on the PS3 network along with 5-6 other new horror films. I watched the trailers for all of them and found "Knock Knock 2" to be the best of the bunch. The trailer had a nice creepy feeling to it, classic voice-over to sell the movie, and it was from Lion's Gate films. So I rented it and start to watch and found myself right away enjoying the chemistry between Jordan and Aiden. I also enjoyed Beckett and Steph but I found myself vested in Jordan & Aiden's story. This movie could have been good but it was flat out boring. After our crew head out to visit various Hollywood murder sights the film hits a brickwall. We spend roughly the next 45 minutes riding around in a car and looking at houses. The snooze factor kicks in when they begin repeating wiki info on each house that we had already heard at the start of the film. When we finally reach the '1666' house, we get a lil sliver of hope. In a nice bit of gender role reversal the ladies want to go in but the guys don't. Once inside the house we return to the snail's pace of the first hour(of one hour and twenty-four minutes). Our characters freak out, try to escape the house, fight amongst themselves, one disappears, and repeat the formula. The simple truth is I kept watching the 'murder tour' part of the film because the trailer sold me on the characters being trapped in the house. Only it turns out the two minute trailer showed 10% of their time in the house.

Breakdown: Acting: 6/10 Direction: 2/10 Story: 0/10 Scares: -1/10
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Please don't waste your time
klynn-914 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one hour long which is a good thing, because it's one hour of your life you will never get back. It blows! The script sucks, you can't understand what these people are saying half the time, the camera work is downright awful as you stare at the floor a lot of the time, it is constantly shaky and blurry....and if people were supposed to find this camera after whatever happened to the people in the house happened, how come it has some soft music playing in it during one scene. I would actually say this is probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my life! So disappointed as I kept hoping something was going to happen. I still don't understand what happened to these people, did they die? who knows! and why does the guy keep saying "it's in the house"....what's in the house??
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Completely Stupid
jmelvin9115 September 2012
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It was a dumb movie and a waste of time to watch. its pretty much about four 21 year olds driving around standing on peoples lawns then they get locked into the 1666 house the screen is black most of the time. It wasn't scary at all to me, i don't get the point of it. It was like watching a home movie that friends made. It was hard to keep up with what was going on with it going black all the time and all you would hear is noise but never found out what the noise was i just wasn't scared. To me the whole movie was pointless. You could make a better video off your phone than this one. I was surprise liongate is the one that made this movie i was expecting more since they were the makers. It like a cheap and fast way for them to make money. All you need is your phone, an abundant house, and four friends and bam you can make this movie maybe even better lol.
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Just touch the door knob
nogodnomasters2 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Original Title "Knock Knock 2" I was not a fan of the first "Knock Knock" film which littered the Walmart bargain bins until I picked up a copy. I am not sure what this film has to do with the first one.

Nothing says cheap like a 911 transcript, hand held cameras, and people screaming in the dark. Four young adults, whose acting careers were over before they started, decide to do their own Hollywood haunted tour, visiting famous locations of grizzly murders, suicides, and hauntings. Don't worry, if you were napping when they read about the Black Dahlia, they re-read it again and again. I did scream during the third reading, but not out of fright. Now this wouldn't make for too bad of a film in itself if they had more than $20 to spend on a script and special effects. Toss in a creepy GPS navigator that takes them to the haunted home, some red dyed Karo syrup, and a shower scene and you got yourself a classic.

They eventually make it to a 1666 house and get locked in where it is deemed that bad acting and filming is a capital offense. Writer, director, producer Chris Sheng now owes me an apology and $2.00.

PARENTAL GUIDANCE: F-bomb, no sex, no nudity. Sex talk.
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Actually the worst movie I have ever seen...
paul_haakonsen1 January 2013
I am not a fan of these "found footage" films, they are an atrocity to anyone anywhere. But still, I get to watch them either out of sheer boredom, or because I just have nothing better to watch.

"Knock Knock 2" unquestionably takes the crown of being the worst movie I have ever had to suffer through. Not only because it is a "lost footage" movie, but also because it had absolutely no interesting storyline, nor did it have any entertainment value. This movie was basically just an hour and a half of following a group of young people around with a video camera while they travel around in Hollywood looking for murder and haunted sites. Yawn!

You are well over one hour into the movie before something happens, and even then it is nothing interesting. The people just get trapped inside a house, and for some reason they are unable to open the door or pry down the wood that is nailed up on the windows. It was just so painstakingly stupid.

And about an hour and a half of some really bad and questionable camera work was really, really difficult to sit through and not get up and just go do something else. A lot of these "found footage" movies have bad camera work, but again, "Knock Knock 2" manages to surpass the others - and not in a good way.

I have seen a lot of bad movies in my time, but "Knock Knock 2" puts all other movies to shame. This is so bad that I can hardly start to describe it. I didn't know about part 1 prior to suffering through this excuse of a movie, and I have no intention of going back and finding part 1 now having seen what this was.
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My Review Of "Knock Knock 2"
ASouthernHorrorFan2 October 2012
First off I have to admit that I did not see the first film and I am wagering that has no significant impact on this films value. "Knock Knock 2" after watching the found footage horror flick left me fragmented in my opinion of it. The film follows four 20-somethings on a joyful horror venture to some pretty famous haunts around the L.A. area on Halloween night. Directed by Chris Sheng and starring Adain Cardei, Jordan Elizabeth, Alexander Popovic and Stephanie Love Underwood "Knock Knock 2" is stereotypically found footage. It is a paranormal ghost story that mirrors other stories but told in a reluctantly creative way. After taking their joy ride to several areas of famous deaths such as Sharon Tate, The Black Dahlia, and George Reeves they venture to one final haunt before calling it a night. This is where the story really begins to take hold and validate the plot line and basically it's whole reasoning for being made. I say that because although the movie starts with the innocent general get-to-know-the –cast routine and set up the following events there is really nothing of value or interest that happens for nearly thirty-six full minutes of this film, maybe longer. Even the trips to the first haunts seem trite. Harsh I know.

How this movie manages to leave me fragmented is in the sudden and emotionally charged way the action and nightmare really takes off. Once the group get to that final f*cking horror house the sh*t really hits the fan. The tension and suspense picks up. There is a sudden chill to the atmosphere of the film that makes you thankful that you held on to the story instead of hitting stop or quitting the film. The camera stylizing is typical trick ponies as far as found footage go but in this film you are given a clear and present environment as opposed to some dark shady questionable surrounding that leaves you wondering "where are they?". The death scenes are not all that gratuitous or gory but they happen suddenly with eerie background sound effects and the impact of what unfolds is intense and entertaining.

So "Knock Knock 2" is one of those that fits kinda in the middle of the paranormal found footage pile that has come out lately. It isn't a bad movie to watch, just hang in through the first thirty-five or forty minutes. It isn't one that will leave you scratching your head either- thinking how creative or intense the minds behind it must be. This paranormal ghost flick is great for the casual horror watcher that doesn't want to be too grossed out or deal with too much suspense and yet it has enough of a scare as it picks up in the middle to really leave you holding your breath at the end. I am glad I saw the film but don't think I would have missed much waiting for it to hit cable networks either.
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It's NOT that bad! *******SPOILERS********
SpringheeledKat5 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I tried watching Knock Knock before the sequel, I turned it off in under 10 minutes and I have a high tolerance to trash movies. So next I tried this one, firstly it managed to pass the previous 10 minute cut off. The actors are unknown and not majorly bad actors. I managed to make it through the entire film, mainly due to curiosity and the 'Hollywood Murder House' guide. It was quite obvious what was going to happen, there were no shocks or real scares. A hint to there being a 'presence' once they get trapped in the house, a baby crying, a (not overly noticeable) figure in the background in one scene and some footsteps - the last scene being Aiden saying 'Oh my god, it's you' leads you to think that it must be someone he knows as how would he know what the 1930's former Residents look like?? But you aren't going to ponder much more on it. After the credits there is a eulogy to each character so they really want you to buy into this piece found footage, but it doesn't work. I do not think that it deserves the 2.7 rating it has I have seen a lot worse than this, but if you watch it it's not a film that will stay in your memory and you will find youself a little bored at times.
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holly_mc8 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Really sucked. I wanted the entire cast to die within the first 15 minutes of the movie. Don't. Just don't.
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shawndonovan-290324 April 2018
It had potential to be good. It was awful. It was putting me to sleep the entire time.
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WASTE of time and film
judy_lawson10 September 2017
If you are considering watching this movie, please stop now before it's too late. Sadly, I have already seen this piece of crap. But for you there is still time! It has absolutely no redeeming qualities. HA! Quality is not a word you will ever see associated with this complete waste of time. Turn back now. Save yourself.
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Save your money & your time.
jas-498815 September 2018
This movie has nothing to do (no continuation) with the first Knock Knock movie. This movie was boring. No blood or guts like the first one. I kept asking my husband if I missed something. The worst movie ever. I can't believe that we sat through this whole movie at home. Lousy acting.
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Knock Knock Me Out
shawnblackman12 November 2016
This horror film was originally called 1666 but decided to make it a sequel to a film that was just awful and had absolutely nothing to do with it. If you can get over this part, now you have to deal with the movie itself.

A group of friends do the haunted Hollywood tour at night and get trapped in one of the houses. That's the plot. For one hour they drive around to the famous tragedy locations like Black Dahila and George Reeves place. Nothing happens. They read the blurbs about the place, laugh a little and then on to the next one. Then the last house is empty so they go inside and then can't get out because its boarded shut. Then they sit there and annoy the hell out of us. I haven't rated one this bad in awhile and I've seen a few crappy movies.
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jon52092 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of this movie, and yes I literally mean HALF the movie is watching 4 idiots drive around and stand on peoples drive ways/lawns, of supposedly haunted locations, NOTHING HAPPENS and I mean NOTHING. Then they finally get to the house that we know from the beginning is the haunted one and more NOTHING happens, they get locked in, they try to pull a board off of a window for 5 mins.....TWICE and they all eventually disappear and some stock sounds like a baby crying are played while the lights flicker and black out. this is the WORST horror movie, I use both those words sparingly, I have ever seen.
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Good Lord
mangoust822 October 2016
Easily the worst movie I've ever seen. People who think Ed Wood's Plan 9 from outer space is bad....Wait until you watch this. This monstrosity lasts 84 minutes. I will never get those back. The lighting, script, filming, special effects.....I mean, everything is bad. Even if it was meant to look bad, its worst than that. At one point there was so much crying and hyperventilating, I had to press mute. The characters reactions are idiotic too. Don't PUSH ME MAN Don't TOUCH ME. Why did he even push his friend in the first place? Cause he was scared? Why would his friend get that angry after being pushed anyways? The whole thing doesn't make sense. Anyways, if you like looking at walls (with a shitty lighting) and hearing people cry.....This is your movie. There's so much I would like to say but just cant find the words...Clearly a failed attempt to recreate something that looks like the Blair Witch Project but instead of being lost in the middle of the woods, these people are stuck in an old dark boarded house and cant seem to pry a sheet of plywood out from the window frame to save their own lives. Pathetic.
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The Haunted House Project.
parry_na1 May 2020
This found footage offering was originally known as 'Haunting at 1666' before inexplicably being re-titled 'Knock Knock 2' - a sequel to a production it is completely unconnected with.

Four film-makers decide to video themselves visiting various allegedly haunted retreats, often where a notorious gruesome act has taken place. We are told the details by readings from Wikipedia pages whilst travelling to each destination (this information feeds into events later on, but there are so many readings, narrated by the girls Jordan and Zelda, that the attention tends to wander). Happily, these youngsters - whose characters are given the first names of the actors in order to convince us what is happening is actually real, bless them - are completely without the swagger or arrogance usually associated with 'teen' characters of this ilk. Instead, they are refreshingly natural performers with genuinely funny silliness and chemistry: you can really believe these are two couples who have become close friends over a period of time, and you enjoy spending time in the company of these people; up to a point. So fuelled by their own humour, these are exactly the kind of people who would make the poor decisions integral to horror films such as this.

The final visitation occurs at a time when their camaraderie is getting a little strained. When they break into an empty house currently on sale, and it seems to have a mind of its own, tempers become frayed and ... one of them disappears.

This is The Blair Witch Project, with the woods replaced by a sentient building. It is good, but it isn't great. Chris Sheng, who wrote, directed and produced this, has some nice ideas and his restraint is admirable but this results in events that could be scarier. We don't even get to see a lot of the reactions due to Aleks's camera being left static at times. With very little visually to frighten us other than boarded up doors and windows, this member of the audience was left wanting a little more.

Aiden Cardei, Jordan Elizabeth, Aleksandar Popovic and Zelda Roberts deserve kudos for their believable chemistry and likeability. Their appeal allows us to care about their fate even if we aren't given a great deal to be actually frightened of. My score is 6 out of 10.
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Worst Found Footage Movie EVER!! Boring!
emoore-6776417 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Such a boring movie. Found footage is edited and filmed HORRIBLE. 1 Hour into the movie and NOTHING - NOTHING has really happened! No Scares, just horrible unrealistic acting, script and interactions with the 4 characters. The ghost and strobe effect was another failed attempt of being scary that was more humorous than scary. TOTAL FLOP!
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Absolutely nothing happens
brittanylouisecunningham20 August 2023
They don't even go into a house until about 50 mins into the film, and the film is only an hour and 24 minutes long. Not a single thing happens in this film, it's just footage of 4 people driving around L. A reading murder stories from a printed out web page, acting stupid and running around on people's front lawns. It feels like I'm watching some teenager's phone video they took hanging out with friends and posted on Facebook to show how "cool" they are. I've seen 30 second tiktoks with more action, horror and story than this.

Horrible writing Horrible acting Horrible personalities Horrible movie

Don't bother wasting your time.
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Worst film ever people???? come on there is way worse out there...............
nightwatch477325 March 2013
Again here we go with people complaining about the worse film ever. My answer to that is these people haven't watched enough films to determine that......Anyway Knock Knock 2 by no means is a good film in fact its not very good at all but again just like the first Knock Knock kinda enjoyable. Now this film has nothing to do with the original and for the life of me I have no idea why they would want to use the name Knock Knock to its advantage. Its not like the first film was some huge commercial success and they are trying to cash in on name alone. Very strange........ Knock Knock 2 in fact is a found footage film that offers absolutely nothing new to this sub genre and is quite boring to say the least but still sort of enjoyable if your in the right mood.
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