Lemon Tree Passage (2014) Poster

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A truly random haunting
quincytheodore15 November 2015
Lemon Tree Passage looks like a movie made from three different rejected screenplays. It's utterly inconsistent, shifting its tone multiple times and using cliché base premise that doesn't pan out in any way. It even has stupid teenagers cast who mock how ridiculous campfire story is, and then the movie proceeds on doing that exact same ridiculous cliché.

This is the same old story about a group of teenager who try an urban legend. The characters are identical to almost every other horror movies, the main lead brunette who has visions all the time, the possible love interest cool guy, the blondie and the comic relief. They behave in a very predictable way, this might just be a copy of bloopers from 80s horror movie.

After a while the logic crumbles as both the characters and even the haunting act in such arbitrary manner. Splitting up in crisis is foolish, but these people split up off-screen without any reasons. The supposed entity even haunts sporadically, it jumps from scene to scene as urban legend, possession and whatever horror gimmick the mood takes it.

The movie is a consecutive series of random occurrences which lose any sense of continuity or even structure after thirty minutes, which is already thirty minutes of your life that could've been saved.
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Not completely irredeemable
Blazehgehg19 January 2015
The primary failing of this movie is a lack of communication. There's a lot of great atmosphere and sound design -- I found myself legitimately creeped out by a couple of scenes.

The problem is the movie is too in love with its own mystery, to the point where up until the last ten minutes, you're not quite sure what's going on. There's no identifiable villain, no motive, just a bunch of seemingly unrelated events mixed with hallucinations, flashbacks, and generic jump scares.

You can't ever quite be sure what's really happening. In some movies that's a benefit, but Lemon Tree Passage really could've thrown the viewer a bone earlier in the movie. Without it, a lot of this feels like nonsense. Occasionally spooky nonsense, mind you, but still nonsense. It gets boring when you aren't provided a reason as to why anything is happening.

The answer to the movie's great mystery has almost zero payoff, too. It hardly even feels like an answer, and is more of an excuse to have a somewhat non-sequiturial slasher flick.

It did make for marginally fun riffing with friends, but even then, it was largely just a lot of exclamations of "WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?"
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Lemon Tree Back Passage would be more apt
ckmfox10 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I will give every film a go. Even if it looks rubbish I will watch until the end and then make my mind up. This film is a definite one time only viewing and I was so disinterested watching it I found my mind wandering. But I stuck with it as always.

The story was dull, the actors were boring and characterless and whole film was totally disappointing and dull. A film to be forgot before you've even finished watching it.

I won't bore you with the story because the description on here always gives it. Once you've read the description stop there.

If everybody had died the film would still have been dull.

Avoid and save your time, and money.
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Should have made Lemonade......
FlashCallahan15 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Two Australian men introduce three American backpackers to the legend of Lemon Tree Passage, where a ghost warns young drivers to slow down.

After seeing the ghost, they uncover a force that haunts the area, and starts to shroud them.

Isolated and miles from home, the tourists find themselves caught in an evil force much more hideous than the stories that have been told....

What could have been a nice little Antipodean horror movie, gets bogged down by it's own cleverness, and poor acting from the cast.

It starts off well enough, two parties on the beach exchange stories, and go on to pursue one of the stories, but instead of going down the straight horror 'gorenography' route, which would suffice for a low budget movie, the makers have decided to be clever and do something a little different.

sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and this is a prime example of the latter.

When you start to question a movie, and find yourself saying 'I would have settled for a below par I Know What You Did Last Summer', which this sets itself up to be, you know you are losing interest rapidly.

What we get is a twist on the myth, the original story is wrong, and we get a sort of weird Woman In Black revenge film.

Which bored me senseless, mate.
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Senseless Mess
claudio_carvalho12 March 2016
The American Maya (Jessica Tovey), Amelia (Pippa Black) and her brother Toby (Tim Pocock) are spending vacation in Australia. The meet the locals Geordie (Tim Phillipps) and Oscar (Andrew Ryan) on the beach and Oscar tells a ghost story at the campfire. He tells that a ghost of a motorcyclist appears at the Lemon Tree Passage intersection when a car with teenagers speeds up at the spot. They decide to go to the location to see the ghost with tragic consequences.

"Lemon Tree Passage" is a horror movie with a story that is a senseless mess. It is impossible to understand the plot that begins with the ghost of a married motorcyclist and ends with the fiend of a raped girl that was murdered. Is Sam the older brother of Geordie? Why the evil ghost seeks revenge against the teenagers and not only against Sam? Why Maya is connected and possessed by the evil spirit? There are so many questions to be made that better off not waste time watching this flick. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "A Lenda Negra" ("The Black Legend")
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Lemon Tree Passage
a_baron29 May 2015
American youngsters travelling the world, possibly on their a gap year, meet up with locals Down Under, a bit of romance, maybe, and a ghost tale? Drive down a certain road late at night, and you will see a mysterious light behind you. For real? Yup. Whacko, let's do it again! Not a good idea. In fact not a good anything, because that is as good as it gets. Sure, there is horror herein, a body appears and disappears, one of the girls sees a ghost neither of her companions can see, and is lured into a lake. After apparently spending minutes underwater she is brought to the surface conscious but none the worse for it, although maybe possessed by the spirit of a murder victim, which appears to be the reason they are out here in the woods.

The trouble is the whole thing is so confusing; there is even terrestrial menace afoot, but what is the viewer to make of it? Added to this, most of the action takes place in the dark, which is where you will probably end up if you sit right through this one.
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Logic sucks
anofansn26 December 2014
If I may say, this movie is nothing but scary and shocking images.

The time-line goes all over the place, screenplay makes no sense, scenario was appalling.

Basically no story that makes sense.

This movie is an insult to common sense.

That't about it.

To rectify this basic flaws would seems impossible to be done. Maybe with a believable story-line, retaking of some of the scenes, an just about OK movie can still come out of this mess.

But then again, what do I know. I never made a movie before.

The fact is, I can't enjoy this movie. Maybe you can...
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don't' waste your time
thepinkrabbit28 December 2014
Okay so I'm forced to write a real review as there are only 1 or 2 which are from someone close to the movie crew. So this movies might be OK if you'r a teen male under 16 and you saw less than 100 movies in your life. If you aren't then don't bother. it's a pure waste of time. Why ? well all the cliché and stereotype are here. The funny thing is one guy starts telling a story " on a dark and stormy night" and they reply : "what a bunch of clichés"..Oh irony :) It takes too long to develop. Just the 2 first minutes perspire bad student movie. It's a copy of a copy of a copy of a bad movie.. no imagination just the kind of movie you do in school to learn how to direct and place cameras. But This movie is not made to be shown anyway it's one of those project that are paid by subvention so the crew is paid doing it and then no matter it does 10 or 1 million entries they wont get more money anyway. It's just excuse to get public money and have a salary doing something. In France that kind of system exist as well the result is 83% of produced movies have less then 10 000 viewers. concerning the scenario well , one can write the synopsis in 3 minutes. that's the kind of story you already saw thousands of times , nothing new here. a big AVOID tag !
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This film is stupid.
lois-lane3312 January 2015
Don't bother with it-its really a stupid movie with a plot that doesn't know where its going and poor acting and its all a waste of time. I didn't even bother to see the entire film. I watched an hour of it and then I was absolutely finished with it. Its a shame in the sense that it had a promising beginning but as it unfolded it became evident that the people making it couldn't even decide on a plot line as one plot line gives way to another and then the whole thing merges in a nonsensical dogs breakfast. Usually Australian films are a bit better than most but not this one. Junk cinema. If I compare it to some other Australian horror films-Wolf Creek-Rogue or The Tunnel from 2011, this one doesn't even come close to matching the former titles. There is nothing worse than watching a film disintegrate before your eyes and this one does exactly that. Pitiful film making.
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Little surprise horror.
Patient44425 December 2014
So close to give this one a solid 6, but I rated it a 5, tho I think it deserves a 5.5 overall. Why such a good grade? Well because it is confusing, has more to offer, quite a dark tension, the only thing that killed it for me, was the plot. In the end, you'll get to see what this is about, a subject used 1000 times at least!

Thus, I approve to the execution, the style, acting, it has a lot of things you've seen before, many familiar horror scenes, but they did make the most of them and about 80% of the movie, everything is a blur. It keeps you guessing and has a lot to offer for such a little production. Once the end approaches, you kinda anticipate where it is heading and it really feels like a tired old formula, but, you did get so far, so most likely you'll find the strength to watch it till the credits. Anyway, it is a good movie, I enjoyed it, far better than most, overall, a cute little indie production.

For a "in the woods" horror, I think Lemon Tree Passage is definitely a "try it once" movie, because it is a nice add-on to such productions and it would be a shame to let it pass unnoticed. Quite glad I got my eyes on it, don't expect a master piece, but surely some good ol' fun.

Lemon Tree Passage has a lot of the old, in a new mix, that manages to offer 90 minutes of good time! I think most of you will agree on that. Remember, I did grade it a 5 star, so I'm not head over heals impressed here, but considering the budget, the plot and so on, I think it did OK.

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Same ole same ole.
katzcrazy19842 February 2015
I will begin this by saying I am a horror/thriller lover. Anything from Evil Dead to Shutter Island to Saw. Love them!!! I watched this honestly because A) I try and watch all that i can get my hands on and; b) because my family live in lemon tree passage and I thought I may be able to freak them out with a tale. The story was..... mundane. You really didn't care who died or lived through it and the twist at the end is not what you would call a twist. The story was sorely told and there was no real information or moments to give you the gasp factor. Neither was there enough blood to go the B grade blood bath movie that needs no real plot to go on. This movie wasn't terrible. It wasn't good either. The actors were average and kind of cute. Honestly they didn't even show the best of the area they were in (which is gorgeous) It is a very easy watch with nothing that could catch up even the drunkest of watchers. It is average.
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Poorly directed nonsense
jtindahouse17 December 2015
Austrlian horror films have a good track record (at least in my book). The best ones like 'Wolf Creek' however don't rely on the supernatural. The Austrlian people and their country are very dangerous and can make for great characters, especially in horror. 'Lemon Tree Passage' relies far too heavily on the supernatural, more than any film should. It starts off as a story about an urban legend based on a long strip of road and by the end is something else entirely (what I'm not exactly sure). The writing is so poor throughout that it's almost impossible to get a grip on exactly what is happening and why.

There aren't a lot of frights at any stage of the movie. The opening scene is bizarre and poorly directed and things don't get any better from there. From a very early point it becomes hard to care about the fate of any of the characters. The only one with any personality isn't in it for long and the rest really have nothing going for them. There's no time spent creating any tension is any scene and the suspension of disbelief is far too great to ever buy into (or care) about the story that's trying to be told here. A real misfire.
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Um, have no idea how this was scored a 5.3???
coxpnw29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We really have not watched many movies that would score as low as a one star, yes some two or three total. However, this one takes the cake! Either the entire film crew and their families contributed to the ratings or they were all paid. This entire movie was taped in the woods, nothing else no other towns, scenery or anything. Nothing but trees and a few cares where the light would flash at them and then go off. Some girl and guy go into the woods to "make out" and later she comes out alone. He is no where to be found. Then some guy is locked in a trunk dead then disappears. Lots of woods, crying, screaming and complete nonsense. My husband and I watched thirty minutes and then stopped it. I started to watch the rest and it went no where. Don't even bother. We could've made this movie in our backyard!
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A roadway full of questions...
gabriel_sanchez12 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Though this review contains spoilers, they appear on the OVERALL section of it.

PLOT 4/10 - Regardless of the overall story -- which was actually interesting, the plot tends to become confusing.

SOUNDTRACK 4/10 - Nothing special. That thriller feeling is kinda missing from the movie.

SPECIAL EFFECTS 6/10 - I'll give it a 6, only because not too many effects were used and most of those used seemed OK while on-screen (we can't forget this is a B-movie).

ACTING 3/10 - Mostly shallow.

OVERALL 4/10 - Those seeking horror or thriller aspects might get disappointed: this movie is not scary by any means. The overall plot seemed fine, but it got complicated at the end and it seemed that they kinda rushed the finale in, as if they couldn't keep going with what was happening or couldn't give it a better explanation. Finally, also, somethings are left unexplained and even confusing as to why things are happening that way. If you're in for a B-horror flick that keeps your attention until the very end, making you wonder things, but has a strange explanation to the facts, this is the movie.
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fredschepers8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I agree. They should have gone for the urban legend story. It was all a bit predictable. Never the less the acting actually made it worth watching it. The scenery was fine, but the story itself was a bit confusing. I usually don't spoil, but in this case I put some questions/notes down that might be a tiny bit spoiling. Its just that I hope the director of this film will take in account what ordinary film lovers think.

I didn't get the legend to murdered woman line. I think the legend was not needed. Gave it a weird twist that didn't fit. Its a revenge film. So why were the teens killed that had nothing to do with it. I did get the possession part, but killing the girl and her brother didn't make any sense. I think if a ghost goes ballistic, they all should die. But that's me. The part in the middle where the woman was raped (was she actually raped?) was chaotic with a bit too much unrecognizable and blurry scenes. It didn't clear anything up and only the producer and actors probably knew what was going on, because they had the script. I didn't. So I had no clue what was going on.

Anyway, end good all good. Not the kind of film I would watch again. As I said, the acting was above average with a couple of nice scenes that could have been different so the logic would kick in.

I gave it a 5. It wasn't horrifically scary, but the acting was fine and the scenery was good. I've seen worse.

Please learn from it.
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Confused, very confused movie
rvfsalla14 May 2017
I love bad movies, when everybody says that a horror movie isn't good, I always like, BUTTTT this one is very awful. NO STORY, people die with no reason, bad scenes, bad actors. When you start to know what is about the plot, it's not what are you thinking. I think they tried to do a "I know what you did last summer" Australia version, but when they finished the movie, someone told that was a copy from a American movie. They became afraid, what to do know? THe director had a brilliant idea, lets cut a lot of scenes, put no sense dialogues, with two different history, all to not be a COPY, and the result is this movie. Seriously, watch this movie (no, don't watch), and you will understand what I am talking about.
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It's a Fool's Garden...
Coventry30 May 2023
When I hear the words 'lemon' and 'tree' together in one sentence, I spontaneously think about the joyful and catchy 90s pop-song by the one-hit-wonder band Fool's Garden. Look it up on YouTube. You'll like it probably a lot better than this insignificant and unmemorable Aussie thriller/horror.

The plot starts out promisingly, enlightening us about a creepy and intriguing Australian urban legend. There's a road in New South Wales where the ghost of a motorist dwells, the victim of a hit-and-run accident. Now, when teenagers use this road at night to speed and race, a bright and flashy light appears. So far so good, but then the script takes a few illogical and confusing twists, and before I properly knew what was going on it's dealing about a completely different and unrelated murder mystery. Not only does the "new" plot raises many questions that don't get answers, it's also devoid of suspense, excitement, and action. The film is watchable, but frustratingly boring.
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A Sad Waste of a Great Premise and Potential
LovecraftLass18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lemon Tree Passage had so much potential. And I'm not completely certain that it still couldn't be fixed. It would require a lot of editing but it could be done. I really liked the premise and I'm interested in learning more about the phenomenon. However, the movie fails to really capitalize on it and resorts to a rather convoluted supernatural revenge story. There will probably be spoilers as it will be hard to explain where the movie mistepped.

The American tourists, Maya, Amelia and Amelia's brother Toby, bump into the Australians - Geordie and Oscar, on the beach. They all decide to party together and, of course, start telling ghost stories. This is where the tale of the motorist comes into play. They all go to see it, then spend the night with the Aussies.

This leads to various supernatural shenanigans happening. And this is where it gets weird and convoluted. We start getting flashbacks to an assault committed by three unknown men. This ghost possesses Maya (for some unstated reason), kills Amelia and Toby (again, for unstated reasons) and wants to kill Geordie to get back at Sam, one of the men that killed the girl. Fairly simple, yeah? If they had kept to this story flow it would have been so much better.

But, then you add in the original urban legend with its accompanying story of the killed motorist and a random male ghost that pops in briefly and it all starts to get very muddled. And the male voice is definitely not the voice of the female ghost as it specifically calls her by name. Who is it? Who knows. It could be the ghost motorist but there's nothing to tie the two deaths together.

The dialogue, pacing and character interactions are pretty good. They are stuttery and a bit awkward but that makes it a bit more realistic to me. Events and reactions make sense to the scenes they are in. Then they go back to Lemon Tree Passage and the movie falls apart. Oscar goes missing and the Americans go to look for him while Geordie, who, you know, lives there, sits in the car with Maya. Now, maybe I'm just not ballsy enough to go traipsing around Australia after dark but knowing some of the animals they've got there you couldn't pay me to step two feet from that car at night. After that the story starts to go to pieces and starts losing focus.

I think that if it were trimmed down to keep out the extraneous driftwood it would be decently enjoyable. I thought the actors did well and despite some unrealistic dialogue later in the movie, seem to give it their all. The emotions they portray feel right for the scenes. Even if their actions are...odd.

I felt like they could have done great in keeping to the original motorbike crash that was the urban legend. The "ghost gets revenge" has been done a lot better and felt almost like an afterthought.

All in all it was ok but it could have been so much better.
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How is that about Lemon Tree Passage???
mirb722 December 2015
I was excited to catch the Australian's urban legend on film. But I was truly disappointed 1/3 through the movie. I've read many versions of the Lemon Tree Passage legend and I'm asking myself, how is that a movie using the title Lemon Tree Passage but plots nothing relevant about the tales. You don't just create an urban legend. You go by it. You tell the tales as it is. Not using it as a title but end up showing nothing relevant. I hope someone will direct and produce something along the line of the urban tales of Lemon Tree Passage. Something which is relevant to LEMON TREE PASSAGE! Do some research before making a movie. Have some respect. Even if it's just another urban legend.
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Underrated Movie Its Worth A Watch
michaelrivers9316 January 2015
The Lemon Tree Passage Review 6/10

This movie is very underrated and get a lot of bad feedback but not in my case i liked it but it is a once watch and not something i will not be adding to my movie collection.

I'm guess it because it starts off slow then picks up then slows right down again but if you hang on till the end it explains everything as the movie is quiet confusing from the start.

But overall its a good film with OK /good acting and a well spent budget. So why not give this horror ago?

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stay away from Lemon Tree Passage
trashgang17 October 2017
Urban legends, where's the time that there was a flick simply named that way. But back to this flick. Friends on holiday do hear by local youth about an accident happened way back on Lemon Tree Passage were one died and when you drive the Passage very fast you will see it's ghost.

Promising, yes, and it starts off rather okay with something seen on youtube of someone capturing the light of the ghost on the passage and do they scream, yes, so hell is out there. Let me tell you, it was hell to watch this.

Nothing works here, the story is simple, the effects are laughable, for example the hanging, okay, I can dig it, but the rope isn't tight and still he do hang. Really? And there are other things that made me go ooow, and huh all over this flick. And the ending so predictable, no I rather stay away from this passage.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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mel_wicca2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who grew up in the area and actually has witnessed this phenomenon, this movie does not even come close to it. For starters the road that this happens on is called Cabbage Tree Road inbetween the suburbs of Williamtown and Salt Ash on the way to the Tilligerry peninsula in which Lemon Tree Passage is the 3rd and last suburb of a 1 road in and out of town. The legend as we know it is that a motorcyclist that died in an accident by being run off the road by a car late one night, haunts that section of road by a ghostly apparition that appears in the form a lone headlight that chases cars at night. My family & friends have witnessed this on many occasions. My main annoyance is when they claim "TRUE" then please, please make it as accurate as possible!!!! Oh and this movie sucked on so many levels.
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Not worth watching
coraschell-1875227 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Storyline is all over the place starts off with a paranormal twist then ends with a girl being raped and killed and how are some characters connected like it's so confusing, acting was ok could have been better, and it was too drawn out. This review was written a while ago so I know now that this film is not worth remembering or watching. This film doesn't have any sense of meaning or a great storyline in that matter. The beginning of the movie wasn't all that bad, I liked what they tried to pull off, unfortunately afterwards it went downhill from there. They really did a number on this film since it had to end so differently than it started. I wouldn't recommend this film at all.
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breebeaubrooksx18 October 2020
The Lemon Tree Passage Ghost is a local legend of my hometown about a ghost on a motorbike who follows people going 100km/h. A motorbike crashed into a milk van a while back here and he died, he was speeding and that's what had caused it. There is no malevolent spirit, also not to mention that this isn't even filmed at Lemon Tree where the legend is.

This movie is just dumb, I'd recommend doing research on the real legend before even watching this atrocity.
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The Bright Light
shawnblackman13 August 2017
A road in Australia is said to be haunted by a ghost of a man on a motorcycle, who was killed on The Lemon Tree Passage, by a car filled with teenagers. If you are in a car with teenagers and get to a certain speed on this road, you will see a bright light that follows you then disappears. If I tried this the bright light would be the police and probably wouldn't disappear. A group of teenagers try the road out for themselves and one of them gets possessed by another spirit. This spirit wants revenge on some people.

This wasn't too bad but it gets confusing at times as to what in the hell is going on. There are some creepy scenes and a few scares but at times it seems too much is going on. Almost like listening to three radio stations at once.

5 gas masks hooked up to the exhaust out of 10
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