Mortal Kombat 1 (Video Game 2023) Poster

(2023 Video Game)

J.K. Simmons: Omni-Man



  • Liu Kang : You have destroyed worlds. I have erased whole timelines.

    Omni-Man : Finally, a worthy challenge.

  • Omni-Man : Someone needs a shower.

  • Omni-Man : Liu Kang's minion.

  • Omni-Man : You look ridiculous.

  • Omni-Man : Deceased freak.

  • Omni-Man : You smell like sewage?

  • Omni-Man : You're not a real fighter.

  • Omni-Man : The cocky one.

  • Omni-Man : I don't want to be your ally.

  • Omni-Man : Mr. Hollywood.

  • Omni-Man : You don't look that tough.

  • Omni-Man : You remind me of Debbie?

  • Omni-Man : You look threatening.

  • Omni-Man : You seem a little nervous?

  • Omni-Man : God of Fire.

  • Omni-Man : I almost respect you.

  • Omni-Man : I claim this timeline for the Viltrum Empire.

    Scorpion : You will burn for this invasion!

  • Omni-Man : Think! What good would your death accomplish?

    Raiden : Inspiring future generations to oppose you!

  • Omni-Man : Highly doubt a blind swordsman can kill me.

    Kenshi : Sento and I are more than meets the eye.

  • Omni-Man : The cocky one. You're about to be humbled.

    Kung Lao : Ha! By a man in a cape? I do not think so.

  • Omni-Man : They don't make movies about heroes like me.

    Johnny Cage : Because duh... you're the villain, bro.

  • Johnny Cage : You look like the dad I never had.

    Omni-Man : You're fragile. My son is Invincible.

  • Scorpion : Absolute power has corrupted you.

    Omni-Man : Power doesn't corrupt, it enables.

  • Omni-Man : I will grind this world to dust.

  • Nitara : As pigs are to humans, humans are to Vaeternians.

    Omni-Man : All of you are far, far beneath Viltrumites.

  • Ashrah : The realms do not need another conqueror.

    Omni-Man : You'll feel differently once I take over.

  • Ashrah : I, too, have walked in darkness. But I repented.

    Omni-Man : Repent all you want, my conscience is clear.

  • Omni-Man : If I control Time, I'll make a better world.

    Geras : Your hubris is as unbound as your strength.

  • Omni-Man : Go ahead. Arrest me if you can.

    Li Mei : If I can't, I'll die trying.

  • Kenshi : Ever tire of ending fights with one punch?

    Omni-Man : Maybe I'll draw this one out.

  • Kenshi : Are you from Johnny's new superhero movie?

    Omni-Man : I'm here to save you all from yourselves.

  • Kitana : What right have you to claim dominion?

    Omni-Man : More right than you mewling children.

  • Kitana : My sister will never abdicate her throne.

    Omni-Man : I'll crush you, your sister, and that throne.

  • Omni-Man : Demon? Saint? What are you, Ashrah?

    Ashrah : A weary soul seeking absolution.

  • Omni-Man : Enough of your sanctimonious crap.

    Ashrah : Redeem yourself or die in damnation.

  • Omni-Man : You've got a face only a Ragnarr could love.

    Baraka : And you have a face I'll enjoy flaying.

  • Omni-Man : Viltrumite medicine could cure your disease.

    Baraka : What strings are attached to that offer?

  • Omni-Man : You want to save Outworld lives? Surrender.

    Kitana : And subject them to your tyranny?

  • Omni-Man : Think about it. You can save your empire!

    Mileena : I'll cut my own throat before I bend a knee!

  • Omni-Man : Declare me your Emperor and I'll spare your daughters.

    Sindel : My daughters' lives are not yours to leverage.

  • Omni-Man : Let me guess, you "vape" people to death?

    Smoke : Try mocking me with your lungs full of soot.

  • Omni-Man : Why not drop a smoke bomb -- call it a night?

    Smoke : I don't flee from any opponent.

  • Omni-Man : What's the point of guarding a diseased freak?

    Tanya : Love, which you know nothing about.

  • Omni-Man : Mileena can live so long as she's useful.

    Tanya : You will not harm her while I draw breath.

  • Smoke : I rejected the Lin Kuei to fight for justice.

    Omni-Man : Justice? How stupidly self-righteous of you.

  • Smoke : The Shirai Ryu won't let you pass.

    Omni-Man : Easy, kid. I go where I please.

  • Omni-Man : Why would anyone give up power?

    Liu Kang : To ensure that the future is fair and free.

  • Mileena : Outworld is the strongest of all realms.

    Omni-Man : Good. I'll break Outworld first to prove a point.

  • Omni-Man : You seem reasonable. Stand down or die.

    Scorpion : Get out of here.

  • Mileena : You stand in the presence of Outworld's empress.

    Omni-Man : Am I supposed to be impressed?

  • Omni-Man : Stop. Please. Don't hit me with... water.

    Rain : Has no one told you I've drowned an entire city?

  • Omni-Man : I don't buy your whole "Truth and Light" act.

    Liu Kang : We are not all as deceitful as you.

  • Omni-Man : You answer to a higher authority now.

    Li Mei : I answer only to the Empress.

  • Omni-Man : Viltrumite rule brings order and control

    Havik : Two things which no one needs.

  • Liu Kang : By the Elder Gods, what are you?

    Omni-Man : I'm something of a god myself.

  • Omni-Man : You're ambitious to a fault.

    Rain : Says the universe-conquering braggart.

  • Omni-Man : Resistance is boneheaded, which suits you.

    Havik : I'd rather die than submit to oppression.

  • Omni-Man : Even with sight, you'd never see me coming.

    Kenshi : So what? I can feel you stirring the air.

  • Omni-Man : Devote your service to me, Raiden.

    Raiden : I won't serve anyone who would harm Earthrealm.

  • Omni-Man : Ugh! You smell like sewage.

    Reptile : That is the scent of your own shame.

  • Omni-Man : I'm not dumb enough to trust a charlatan.

    Shang Tsung : [snicker]  But it takes one to know one, doesn't it?

  • Omni-Man : Schemers like you rot the core of civilization.

    Shang Tsung : I see there's no winning you over. Pity.

  • Omni-Man : You might have value--as a training dummy.

    General Shao : [scoff]  You need to be trained in respect.

  • Omni-Man : At least you look somewhat threatening.

    General Shao : My looks do not deceive.

  • Omni-Man : Cold can't stop me, not even in deep space.

    Sub-Zero : Everyone has a weakness. I will find yours!

  • General Shao : Slaying you will make me a legend.

    Omni-Man : Yet when I slay you, no one will remember.

  • Omni-Man : You're not a real fighter, you're an actor.

    Johnny Cage : You wanna see real? I'll show you real.

  • General Shao : Steel sharpens steel. We are equally matched.

    Omni-Man : The feeling is decidedly not mutual.

  • Sindel : You have more heart than you let on.

    Omni-Man : Allow me to reset your expectations.

  • Omni-Man : I'll hit you so fast you'll piss bloody icicles.

    Sub-Zero : A colorful threat you won't live to fulfill.

  • Sub-Zero : All things freeze, even you.

    Omni-Man : I've trained at absolute zero. Try me.

  • Sub-Zero : The Lin Kuei will conquer the realms.

    Omni-Man : Consider me your distinguished competition.

  • Omni-Man : Ever fought a Viltrumite before?

    Reptile : Have you ever fought a Zaterran shape-shifter?

  • Johnny Cage : I'll kick your ass so hard, your kids will feel it.

    Omni-Man : You'd have more luck kicking a tree.

  • Johnny Cage : Take your mustache and cape and find a bus to catch.

    Omni-Man : Oh, this guy's funny.

  • Johnny Cage : You know, you could use some anger management training.

    Omni-Man : Get out of my sight before I demolish you.

  • Omni-Man : It's too late to surrender.

  • Omni-Man : Tell the General, Outworld is mine.

    Reiko : He would prefer that I bring him your head.

  • Omni-Man : Think! THINK!

  • Omni-Man : Perhaps I'll keep you and your daughters as pets.

    Sindel : Pets? For that, you... will die!

  • Omni-Man : So much effort, for what?

  • Omni-Man : You're a gnat.

  • Geras : Your timeline is unlike any I have encountered.

    Omni-Man : If you think you know me, trust me, you don't.

  • Omni-Man : Get up, you're not done.

  • Geras : Viltrumite rule would break the timeline.

    Omni-Man : You can't perfect something without breaking it first.

  • Omni-Man : This timeline isn't yours to conquer.

  • Omni-Man : Desperate to avoid defeat, Titan Shang Tsung had stolen me from my timeline to set me against Liu Kang. He assumed a Viltrumite would shift kombat in his favor. Shang Tsung was right, of course. But he was blinded by ambition and failed to consider that my only true loyalty is to the Viltrum Empire. In my home timeline, my mission to pacify Earth for Viltrum had been left... incomplete. I thought I could redeem myself by delivering this new timeline. New realms, new species, all ours for the taking. For a few years, annexing realms satisfied the Empire's hunger for conquest. But my people have excellent memory... I knew sooner or later we would return to our own timeline. To Earth. To finish my original mission. *sigh* I only hope my son has had time enough to prepare.

  • Quan Chi : Your might cannot match my magic.

    Omni-Man : Yeah? Watch me make your head disappear.

  • Quan Chi : My aid would ease your conquest.

    Omni-Man : I don't need help, you groveling parasite.

  • Raiden : Perhaps you should seek inner peace.

    Omni-Man : Peace isn't sought, it's enforced.

  • Raiden : You should know, with great power comes great...

    Omni-Man : Stop right there. You can't platitude me to death.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Liu Kang : Your disguise cannot fool a god. Reveal your true nature?

    Omni-Man : Even you can't fathom the extent of my power.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Johnny Cage : Wait, aren't you that grumpy newspaper guy from Spider-Man?

    Omni-Man : You won't find any humor in what's about to happen.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Kung Lao : You seems lost, sir. This realm is for warriors, not journalists.

    Omni-Man : Lost, not at all. I know exactly where I am.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Tanya : So you're going to demand pictures of Spider-Man mid-fight?

    Omni-Man : I don't need photographs to make a statement. Just my actions.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Nitara : What's next, Spider-Man swinging in to save the day?

    Omni-Man : Spider-Man isn't the one you should be worried about.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Reptile : Are you looking for Spider-Man here?

    Omni-Man : I am here to prove my strength.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Sub-Zero : You're not fooling anyone with that get up.

    Omni-Man : Who said that this is a getup.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Omni-Man : You seem a little familiar?

    Smoke : Did we both take a wrong turn into an alternate universe?

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Reiko : What's a journalist doing here.

    Omni-Man : Writing is not my style. But demonstrating my strength is.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Omni-Man : There's something off about you, you're not Smoke are you?

    Smoke : That's right, I'm actually Spider-Man.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    General Shao : An Earthrealm's journalist, is this is joke?

    Omni-Man : I'm more than just a journalist, you'll see soon enough.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Kenshi : Are capes the new trend in Mortal Kombat now?

    Omni-Man : This cape is more than just a trend, it's a symbol of strength.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Raiden : It is rare to see one of your profession here.

    Omni-Man : I will make you my pet once I'm done with you.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Geras : Time has many narratives, but yours is one I did not foresee.

    Omni-Man : Time will remember me, as the one who conquered the realms.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Ashrah : I'm unfamiliar with your work, Mr. Jameson. Are you friend or foe?

    Omni-Man : Who is that, Mr. Jameson.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Johnny Cage : What's the headline? Omni-Man slams into Mortal Kombat?

    Omni-Man : It's more like, Omni Man kicks Johnny's ass.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Li Mei : Uh, this isn't a press conference, Mr. Jameson.

    Omni-Man : I'm not here to give a speech, I'm here to lay the smackdown.

  • Omni-Man : I don't overcompensate with flashy moves.

    Johnny Cage : Maybe that's why I have more fans than you.

  • Omni-Man : What are you, Damien Darkblood's girlfriend?

    Nitara : I've had stranger bedfellows.

  • Omni-Man : [*sniff*]  Tainted blood. Who would breed with you?

    Mileena : I've no interest in breeding, you thug!

  • Omni-Man : Viltrumite blood is not on your menu, Nitara.

    Nitara : I won't leave until I feed.

  • Shang Tsung : I have studied you. You have weaknesses.

    Omni-Man : You won't live long enough to exploit them.

  • Shang Tsung : We could form an alliance.

    Omni-Man : A one-man army needs no allies.

  • Peacemaker : Back off, Cape! I pack Kryptonite bullets.

    Omni-Man : Whatever "Kryptonite" is, it doesn't scare me.

  • Omni-Man : Aw shit. Did Cecil sent you after me?

    Peacemaker : Only if "Cecil" is code for Amanda Waller.

  • Peacemaker : Too late to save the day, ya dickhead.

    Omni-Man : Who says I'm here to save anyone?

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues collab with Chhai Tea and OddgaintAF] 

    Sindel : What is a new year?

    Omni-Man : Think, Sindel! It's in the name!


    Sektor : The term "New Year" refers to the beginning of a calendar year.

    Omni-Man : Dear god, you're all screwed.

    Sareena : You need a dictionary, empress.

    Sindel : I don't even know what that is!

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues collab with Chhai Tea and OddgaintAF] 

    Reiko : If you love your son so much, why did you beat the shit out of him?

    Omni-Man : [shouts]  My family affairs are none of your business!


    Kano : Did something similar with my kid.

    Omni-Man : And yet, he turned out as pathetic as you.

    Kung Lao : Didn't Shao also beat you?

    Reiko : Zip it before I snap you neck too!

    Kung Lao : [shouts]  I dare you, bitch!

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues from Chhai Tea] 

    Smoke : I feel like you work at a tabloid newspaper in New York City with that silly outfit.

    Omni-Man : Fool. My duty is to subjugate Earthrealm for the Viltrum Empire.


    Sektor : The Daily Bugle...

    Omni-Man : Shut up, Earthrealm is mine!

    Shujinko : Omni-Man means business, Tomas.

    Smoke : He'll have to get past this spider ninja first.

  • Ermac : Your body is strong, but your soul is weak.

    Omni-Man : Souls don't win fights, fists do.

  • Ermac : Millions of dead souls trail in your wake.

    Omni-Man : Care to join them?

See also

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