"The Wheel of Time" Damane (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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bluenine-215 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lanfear says "Finally" and the entire Wheel of Time Fandom felt it. This is the Daughter of the Night we all have been waiting for.

Great Episode. While the story is still completely different from the books, it is mirroring the storyline of the books.

  • Lanfear ruled the episode, of course
  • Perrin & Aviendha vs the Whitecloacks was fun to watch, though it felt a bit rushed
  • Moiraine & Rand scenes were good
  • Seanchan looked & felt like Seanchan

The only scene that was poor was when Nynaeve & Elayne escape the Seanchan. That was too rush & looked too easy - like they escaped by running for a minute in the forest & no one gave chase. That whole scene felt like a low budget 90s fantasy. Apart from that, I enjoyed this.

Lanfear compels me to give this a 9/10, by far the highest I have ever rated a WOT episode.
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This really is the Wheel of Time.
nishir-0841516 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a major book fan, I'm really starting to fall in love with this series now.

Season 1 started strong but petered away from the halfway point until the dreadful finale (which almost ruined the show and the lore of the world). The changes were jarring and many were unnecessary, though once I understood the production issues they had with COVID and (the regretfully brilliant) Barney Harris leaving the show, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and see if they could fix it.

Season 2 has just been a step up, and despite actually being even more unfaithful to the books, the changes here seem necessary and in some cases are executed better than the books.

The CGI (channeling), sets and writing has been so much stronger. Despite being more unfaithful to the books than season 1, it's more enjoyable and less jarring as they seem to have amalgamated aspects of books 2 and 3 in a coherent and satisfying way.

The casting was always on point from the beginning, especially Egwene and Nynaeve. Rand is really coming into his own now, while the new Mat, Elayne and Ishamael have been great too. However, I really love this version of Lanfear by Natasha O'Keefe compared to her book character. She really is terrifying, cruel and seductive like she's told to be in the books (but never really shown) and I can't wait to see what happens next episode (and I'm a book fan).

The only reason I cant give this episode a 10, is I feel like they're juggling too many characters at the moment, and we don't really know Rand, Mat and Perrin that well, compared to the girls. I also feel like the dialogue is mumbly and very hard to hear (especially Perrin and Lan). I find subtitles distracting, so end up switching them on and off during these episodes and it can be frustrating.

It would be interesting to see what a non-book fan has to say as I'm loving season 2 but maybe I'm biased as I just love seeing these characters come alive in front of my eyes. The spirit of the books absolutely comes through though in this adaptation and leaves me more confident in Rafe and the team to carry this to the end.
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Doing reasonably well so far
dantheredfan15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This season so far has all the things season 1 was supposed to have but didn't: gravity, high stakes, and focus. The character interactions and scene setting has been much improved barring a couple of minor quibbles. This episode was the best in terms of engagement (in my opinion), and I find myself invested in the story despite my misgivings going into this season. However, this episode dropped a real clanger with the flight of Nynaeve and. Elayne from the Seanchan. In The Great Hunt, the reason Nynaeve and Elayne got away is because Nynaeve was angry enough to channel very aggressively, enough to fight off her Seanchan equivalents. In this episode, they just.... ran way? And the Seanchan let them? This paints the Seanchan as incompetent which was one thing they were not in the books. This was a big disappointment to me as I otherwise found the episode very enjoyable, especially the amount of menace that Suroth exudes in every scene.
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"Wheel of Time" is following the books in an inexact yet faithful manner.
MovieBuff545416 September 2023
Full Confession: I am a bit taken aback by the reviewers who are angry that this series doesn't follow the books exactly. Seriously? This is a TV series. It is not the written word. There are very, VERY few novels (or even actual history) which can translate to the screen in an exact manner. If I remember correctly, there were 14 books in "The Wheel of Time" series. And there were over 2,000 characters. And hundreds upon hundreds of locations. There is no possible way that could be translated to the screen in an exact manner. I am happy that the show runners chose a path which is faithful in essence. They emphasize that which is important and sometimes do it in a way that is different than the books yet true to the plot. Good for them. I appreciate the consideration. I'm loving Moraine. And Season Two has allowed some actors to shine. I especially like Perrin, Min and Rand. This is important because I wasn't totally convinced of their casting choice in Season One. I'm hooked. I'll be watching every week. And I often rewatch the latest episode before the next one airs (just to be sure I have all details set). By the way, there are several excellent covers of "Weep for Manetheren" available on YouTube.
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This. Episode. Had. Everything.
TheWheelWeaves15 September 2023
Character drops, lore drops, brilliant action, stunts, politics, great sfx, even more stunning sets. The detail that has gone into the characterisation, the costumes and set design is breathtaking, there are so many details for book fans to appreciate. There was a particular fight scene that was one of the best of its kind I've ever seen, beautifully shot and believable, not at all cheesy while keeping a sense of lightness befitting of the situation and characters involved.

When the episode finished I was amazed and sad to find it had already been that long, but what a cliffhanger to end on. Setting up for an incredible last three episodes!
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The Wheel of Time has arrived and there is no turning back now
fhgkfrgfv15 September 2023
I have read this series over a dozen times.

I have watched season 1 almost as many times, and the prior episodes of this season half as many.

THIS episode IS The Wheel of Time. A true testament to the improvements made between seasons in pretty much every way, episode 5 has set a new benchmark in quality, storytelling, exposition, action, and truly incredible television. I fully expect this episode, and the episodes that are soon to follow to close out the season, are what will set apart this series. The sky is the limit, and I have nothing but hope that this trend will continue.

In true homage to the structure of the books, the start of this series may be slow, it may meander and you personally may not love every choice or every plot, but I can promise you there is something in The Wheel of Time for everyone. And when the pace quickens, and the action is on your screen and in your face, you'll understand why it was worth it to continue. This series, and this episode in particular, is the gift that keeps on giving.
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Brilliant episode
chlozj16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has been the highlight of the season so far (with episode 3 not far behind) but overall has been extremely fun to watch and its had me on the edge of my seat. Lanfear is perfection, the scene in TAR with Ishy had my jumping into the air. I'm DYING for more Mat and trying to be patient all the threads come together. Moraine and Rand being caught in the Game of Houses has me very excited. Liandrin and Verin are insanely good. The Seanchan are complex and terrifying. I LOVE Elayne and her and Nynaeve arguing before getting their heads bashed together was perfection. When the spirit of WoT is captured this well, I don't mind changes at all. I honestly can't understand the incoherent bleating from a vocal minority - end of S1 was disappointing but understandable given production challenges and this season is killing it. Please keep it up and make S3 even more outstanding!
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It's an adaptation of a long series of novels.
wymruyv21 September 2023
Creating a Tv series from a story out of a series of book(s)/novels is a huge task. There's so many moving pieces each with a role that must compliment each other to bring you this story on the tv screen. The script is a creation through the eyes of the shows creators and writers. The script is no easy task, what you read in the book series and what you see on the screen are sometimes a bit different and the same, details in the scene. You have to keep a close watch or you miss those details from the book. In the book the author can use up a whole chapter to describe something. On the big screen you have a budget and time limit for each episode. In the book characters don't get a salary; on the big screen there's a multitude of salaries. This is what it takes to adapt this story to the big screen. The book series will always bring a heightened level of excitement and detail, but many folks these days just don't have the time to read all the books in this series (we are talking double digits is how many books are in the series). Give the creators some credit for their determination, perseverance and commitment for bringing this great story to the TV screen. There's a reason for the selected creators of this show, their willingness and bravery to tackle this project. To those that have shared their low opinions/ratings. What you see and want, change's after you get what you saw and wanted up close. Perspective's come in 360°, so many different views. Impossible to control there's no reason for focusing on the negatives; you should focus your energy on the positives instead. Allow new viewers to watch and formulate their own thoughts and opinions without unfair biases in favor of the book series's . I agree, books that have been written for the big screen do not have the same essence as words put together that tell a story. That doesn't mean it's a bad tv show or movie and if it is; there's always hope someone else will give it a shot to bring their own perspective of the same story to the big screen or tv, If you dislike the tv show don't waste your time watching it and save your energy from writing bad review. Patience!!
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The best episode of both seasons.
hersi-6012515 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had it all. Drama, suspense, horror, thriller, action. Its the closest episode from the books yet. Natasha Okeeffe who is playing the character "Lanfear" is doing such a phenomenal job. Having her and Rosamund Pike as Moiraine is everything. I really hope for Amazon to see how adapting the books closely can do great things, having this episode being the most well received among book fans and casual viewers. This season is shaping to be one of the best fantasy seasons so far, and I really can't wait to see how everything goes from here. Well done show runner. You have finally found your footing.
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Wheel of Time is a decent watch but a total failure as an adaptation
VibesonFleek16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely don't understand reviewers who claim this series is a good or 'faithful' adaptation. The issue is not that the show doesn't follow the source material exactly - everyone knew to expect changes. Wheel of Time is definitely challenging source material to adapt due to the scope and the expansive ensemble cast. Everyone knew to expect that things be cut. No one has an issue with cut content; it was inevitable. The issue is that the show adds and alters details that have nothing to do with condensing the source material.

Why does Nynaeve practice fighting swords with the warders? There's a line in the books, The Great Hunt, where she literally says "I would rather practice swords with the warders" as an example of something she would be extremely reluctant to do akin to someone saying they'd rather watch paint dry. That's not a result of cutting content and making the story more dense. It's a complete fabrication that is directly contradicted by the books.

Why does Lanfear wear black? She wears white almost exclusively in the books. Again, this is not a side effect of condensing source material, it's a sharp divergence and such an easy thing to correct and make faithful.

Why did Perrin use a sword rather than an axe when fighting in an earlier episode? That's such a simple and obvious way to be faithful to the books but the show decided to give him a sword instead. Perrin's iconic weapon is the axe, not the sword.

Why is Moiraine a total betrayal of her book character? Why can't she channel? Why is Moiraine, master of subtle suggestion, running around threatening innocent people? Why is she now a psycho who loves to stab and slit throats? She never once uses a dagger in the books as a weapon. That's not a change resulting from condensing the source material. It's a total departure. Book Moiraine is a master of the great game and an extremely subtle character while still being compassionate and morally good. She never uses a dagger because she doesn't need to. She's that good at manipulating and influencing events. Show Moiraine is noisy and melodramatic while being morally grey, sometimes even veering into evil territory.

Why isn't Ishmael crazy? That's one of his fundamental characteristics and one of the things that makes him interesting in the books. Show Ishmael is a generic villain and fails to be anywhere near as interesting. Again, making Ishmael proper crazy in the show wouldn't have required any extra screen time. He should actually probably be getting less screen time than he is. The issue has never been cutting content it's been adding content or altering content needlessly.

Why was Mat 'born belonging to me' (Ishmael) in the show? There's so much great material for Matrim Cauthon, 100% more than they could ever hope to fit into the show, so why aren't the writers using any of it? Why are they instead making up their own story for him that doesn't have any resemblance to his very good and beloved book story?

I could go on and on with more changes that aren't a result of needing to condense source material, but rather the writers taking the Wheel of Time universe for a joyride, but I think I've illustrated my point.

As for the show itself, it's growing on me. I actually like it quite a bit. I see it as kind of a silly romp with lots of funny moments. My favorite in this episode was the fingernail cutting scene but my favorite in the season so far was definitely when Moiraine road off in the night alone after learning there were Myrddraal around. She gets caught by those myrddraal, Lan and her almost die, but they get saved at the last moment. So what does she do next? Ride off into the night alone again. I laughed pretty hard at that.

Also, in this episode, Rand and Moiraine were hiding from Lanfear but not waiting for her to ride out of sight before stepping out from behind a bush. She's one of the most dangerous people in the universe but they don't even wait for her to ride out of sight before jumping out from behind their hiding spots. All she needed to do was look over her shoulder. Funny stuff! A large part of my enjoyment comes from embracing the campy side of this show.

The OST continues to be a strong point and the set design has definitely leveled up. The costumes look better, the fight scenes are better, the visual representation of channeling is better.

There's some great casting decisions in the form of Elayne, Lanfear, Elyas, Verin, Suroth, Bornhald, and the actors from season 1 continue to do a good job. The actors are absolutely not the problem with this show; they're actually carrying it.

The quality overall is definitely improved from season 1 and I think Wheel of Time might be finding it's stride and developing into a decent show on its own.

I still can't help but feel regret at what could've been if the writers had been more adept at actually adapting the source material.
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Forsaken shine
michaelmag-565652 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An incredibly strong episode that made the correct changes to ensure an effective adaptation whilst absolutely nailing the book to screen moments! I loved Liandrin bringing the girls through the Ways and the face off between Aes Sedai and Lady Suroth! Knowing what was coming for Egwene made her moment of capture all the more painful. Lanfear stole the show in this episode for me, her formal intro as a Forsaken. I loved the interaction between Ishy and Lanfear, the hints of their rivalry, the layered history. I also enjoyed Avienda's introduction and loved seeing her kick whitecloak ass!! Sad to see Gaul cut hopefully he joins later and they felt they just needed to have Avienda introduced a bit sooner!
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I'm in love with the soundtrack
moviesfilmsreviewsinc12 January 2024
The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5 showcases the series' fast and loose approach to the source material, resulting in a tightly packaged story. The changes made to the story, such as Moiraine being "stilled," reflect the television language and the need for pacing that is not possible with only eight episodes. The final moments, tension, and horror are reconfigured, retaining their original elements. The series is broken into three stories, with Moiraine and Rand racing against time to outrun Selene/Lanfear, while Perrin faces an action-packed sequence with the Aiel warrior Aviendha. The contrast between characters prone to motion and action and those moving among the shadows adds depth to the threat these characters face. The Dark Lord and his Forsaken are the world's greatest imminent threat, but there are others driven by greed and cruelty. Lanfear is the strongest monster, but Lady Suroh, a member of the Seanchan, is the wickedest in her practices. Their method of "collaring" women who weave is suitably horrific and treated as the traumatic and invasive action that it is. This balance deepens the threat these characters face and the severity of the power of those facing them. Suroh introduces Ishmael and Lanfear, two intriguing characters in the series, along with Liandrin. They are all antagonists, providing dynamic material for the story. Lanfear and Ishmael provide context for the ever-evolving world, as Ishmael was the right-hand man to the Dark One and Lanfear defected to his side to gain her former suitor's love. The Wheel of Time explores the cyclical nature of the world and the "Ta'veren," who weave the Pattern of life with their surroundings. Despite Rand being the greatest potential threat, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, and Nynaeve are considered, as they have deep-rooted connections to the past and their fates are tied to the outcome. The Wheel of Time is a fantastic fantasy series that explores the cyclical nature of past lives and how they impact present-day lives. Despite its adaptation, the series respects the source material and aims to create something fresh. The series often gets pulled in too many directions, but "Damane" works by focusing on key characters. Rand, played by Moiraine, is more interesting when he receives answers, such as knowing he never killed the Dark Lord in season one. Despite fitting the archetype of a bland hero, Rand is more interesting when he must deal with his shortcomings and the threat of madness that chases him along with other male users. The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5 is directed by Maja Vrvilo and moves quickly, but is hindered by dark night sequences. The stand-off between Aviendha, Perrin, and the White Cloaks is a standout, with the warrior's kinetic fluidity capturing the entire party's attention. The story becomes more intriguing as Rand and Moiraine race from Lanfear's clutches, facing evil forces. The heroes must contend with monsters like Suroh, who wields insatiable power and brutal cruelty. The darkness in the world is evident as the heroes must confront not only the creatures of fable but also the insatiable hunger for power.
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Amazingly bad
ericmcc18 September 2023
This show feels like it was written and directed by someone with ADHD.. Every episode so far has been one 45 second scene followed by another often with no connection to the previous scene or anything that has gone before.

Rather than building connections to characters or story lines they just flip from one scene to the next often just ignoring what they did in the last episode and sometimes even within the same episode.

Every episode seems to have at least one scene that completely ignores rules of the world they established previously.

It tries so hard to give weight to each scene while seemingly being unwilling to do the setup to give the scene heft.

There are only really two bright spots in this episode. Verin is one them she is about the only aes sedai In the show that seems to actually present as an aes sedai should, calm and clever doing things with intention. The introduction of Avienda is the second.

Apart from those two bright spots it is a struggle to find anything else. The lighting remains comically bad. The sets often are glaringly obvious stage settings presented as being outdoors.

The attention to detail is just missing. Continuity is broken repeatedly as if they can't even remember what they did an episode ago or don't care

There seems to be no real thought given to the world they are attempting to create just a desire to try to create a scene that will make you feel something.

Sadly this show is just a b tier attempt at making a show with A tier money..

The actors themselves do the best they can with what they are given but the writing is so bad and flows so poorly even when the actors do a good job it fails to connect.

It feels as if this show has decided it does not care much if at all about the books it was based on yet feels compelled to get to the end of the books in the time given in the contract.

They really need to pick one or the other. Be their own show or be an adaptation trying to be both is just failing.
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