Dartmoor Killing (2015) Poster

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I don't get it
bseaman-2024831 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
All I want is somebody to explain to me why Becky apparently stabbed the sister, who was having an incestuous relationship with her brother, to death. Also, while you're at it, why did the siblings' father serve 12 years time in connection with the death? The scenery and cinematography in this film was otherwise gorgeous and suitably brooding. The acting was able enough. But as a person who enjoys stories that have some cohesive purpose, I was left dumbfounded by the plot.
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Nice Scenery
iloveandrei14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers here in... Dartmoor looks great here and will make you want to visit. It's beautifully shot. That's almost it though. There is some good tension here as the guy plays mind games with the two women. There is mystery. The film feels a little French with it's countryside, sex, mind games and lurking violence scenario. There is a particular scene that shows his controlling rapacious attitude towards women, it's very brief(ha ha)but it does make you wonder if that was necessary and how the partici-pants(ha ha) felt afterwards. But the plot holes! How did the guy catch up with the women so soon, why did he run over and kill the one woman, and the crucial one: why did the other woman stab the guy's sister?? - we're not given a good reason for this and it's plain they just wanted to introduce a twist. It didn't need a twist. A twist for twist's sake that lets everything before it down. A coherent plot would've made this film.
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Parent Advisory
archied17 October 2016
We viewed this film through Netflix and, although the photography and scenery in the film is absolutely astounding, overall the movie just does not rise even towards the top. It plods along for quite a long while before the plot becomes at least somewhat apparent. The acting is rather wooden and mostly devoid of realistic personalities and human interaction, but that may be because of the intent to portray a dark, melancholy side of life, which it does that indeed. Since the parental advisory feature on IMDb of this film is locked, viewers should be aware of frequent uses of the F word and a sex scene that is not at all subliminal. Should be rated R.
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Quite, quite awful.
peninblack6 November 2021
Awful clichéd story. Awful acting. Awful direction. As a massive fan of British Indie cinema, this film is most probably, the worst one I've ever had the misfortune to watch. The only redeeming factor is the cinematography. Kudos to the DP. But, if you can't make Dartmoor look even better than it actually is, I'd suggest finding another career...

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Nearly. But not quite.
goldenarrow-9982329 March 2018
I really wanted to like this. The moors are a suitable setting for anything eerie and I love an English approach to ghost stories / thrillers.

But this never really seemed to get going. The requisite elements were there but the blue touch-paper never quite fully sparked it all into life.
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Worse than those 1940's Westerns with Nazi war criminals
canuckteach17 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, how's this: 2 girls manage to escape and they jog off into the forest, probably with a 20-30 minute headstart on their pursuer. He finally gives chase, carrying a shotgun, which you think would slow him down. What time would you estimate is required for him to overtake the young, healthy girls? 1 hour? 2? How about 2 minutes?

Earlier, the girls (who look remarkably similar) seen to be in conflict over who will make out with this guy, but it turns out one of them experienced a nasty encounter years before at this house, but... Wait for it: amnesia (the selective kind) caused her to forget all about it. That explains why the 2 girls accepted an invitation to a sleepover at this guy's secluded country cottage in the first place.

I would put this film on par with those C westerns made in the 40's that had Nazi or Japanese war criminals for the 'bad guy'.

As the lead reviewer stated, however, the scenery is very pretty - but, sorry, that doesn't make up for the gratuitous 'skin' scenes (which I FF, thank you), or the inane plot. PASS.
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Probably the worst 'film' I ve ever watched.
sl197020 May 2017
This is a joke a film. Ten years olds could come up with a more interesting plot - the acting is abysmal - its not even funny bad - its just depressing that standards have gotten so low that people are actually duped into watching something like this. Character - are never developed - there is no 'personality' in this film - whoever did the score did a good job the music is beautiful - but that is it - everything else about it - think about your most boring school lesson when you were a kid - then imagine it lasting for two days - that is just about how bored watching the first 45mins of this film made me feel. And its so awful I had to come on here and write a review as I was lead to believe there was some merit some it by previous reviews - and there is not. I have been to Dartmoor - so what? there are about three locations in this film - could be anywhere. Boring. Avoid.
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svader21 April 2022
Dumb story, dumb film, dumb chavvy women on a daft walk. Anyone got me that for a present I would never be friends with them ever again.

No story, no plot. So the pervy fake ranger has a sprained ankle. I know . . We are two girls alone without somewhere to go nearby to stay so we shall get you home. How daft.
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God aweful.
blueangelical4 December 2021
Watched it for Miss Night cuz she's propa tasty ;-) but tbh the film was crap. Think the budget was like a tenner and that was spent in red jam.

Come on...... it was terrible, and that main bloke needed a slap.
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Not perfect, but SO MUCH BETTER than the reviews let on...
k_tomb5 February 2020
Not going to go into the story, but suffice to say, it is fun to watch, has surprises, UNREAL good scenery and filming, and is a slow paced mystery, but still with some tense action and settings that are creepy and odd. Not a perfect movie, but a slow burn odd/mental/memory/thriller thing that is quite memorable!
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Missed opportunity
stephen_dines-7939415 April 2022
Two women trekking through Dartmoor hills. Just that alone gives plenty of scope for many a story. Throw in a mysterious stranger who unexpectedly turns up early on and you're off and running. What they've come up with from there was overly convoluted where simplicity would have sufficed. The acting itself was a good standard but they just had to overwrite the whole plot. This leads to the ending becoming quite unsatisfactory. Shame really.
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Two for the scenery
bishysbus3 December 2021
The cinematography with the backdrop of Dartmoor is wonderful. That's where the magic of the film ends.

I had no clue what was going on and it just seemed confusing and too long to get to the climax. The script was written on the back of a matchbox I think. Don't get me wrong, it has every good intention to be an original scary story but it seems that there is something missing. The film could be about 30 mins long. It is filled with unnecessary sex scenes to extend the unwanted time.

It's terrible. Acting is terrible. Dialogue is terrible. Film is terrible. Don't waste your time.
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Beautifully shot Scenery but...
phil-932-23780614 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the location, scenery was shot beautifully, splendid aerials, overall nicely done until the shaky cam started and the silly Robinson helicopter appearing at the end, could have had a much better helicopter for free... Also when an apple core is thrown out of a moving car, it doesn't stop dead, it would bounce and roll along the road!
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