"Daredevil" Cut Man (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Best single-shot fight scene on TV
demisjohn7 November 2018
This episode has one of the most unusual, and thus impressive, single-shot fight scenes I've ever seen. Unlike your typical kung fu movie or action flick, the fight scene takes place in the very crowded set of a narrow hallway with only a few doors, and the the pace is maddeningly realistic. Rather than being a typical invincible superhero versus a pile of awful fighters, all the fighters look exhausted, and yet keep going.

If nothing else, watch this episode for the amazingly choreographed fight scene at the end, with no gore or surprising special effects - just talented actors, direction and choreography.

This episode leaves you waiting for the next amazing scene of it's kind - it comes much later in the season and is well worth the wait.
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As strong, if not better, than the first episode.
This episode, if not stronger, is as strong as the pilot. It picks up right where the action left in episode 1. A new character is introduced, a strong one, I say. Matt Murdock's abilities are being explored here. Backstories are still in right places. I love how it presents both sides of the Man without fear. While it shows him a merciless killer, it never makes us overlook his humanity. The final sequence is mind blowing. Another realistic and believable episode. I can say, this early, this show is on the right track. It can still use some improvements in character developments and pacing, I guess. Charlie Cox has been so amazing doing the job, I'm very impressed how well he carrie his character and how believable his portrayal has been so far. Really nice job.
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The important lesson: is to get back up again
hiren848412 April 2015
An even better follow-up from the Pilot episode! Here we see the emotional and psychological impact of our hero and his upbringing. This is very well played out and acted superbly by Charlie Cox and John Patrick Hayden.

In the pilot episode, I felt it was quite a refreshing take on the superhero genre and here it still applies. We always get that story where we find out the reason behind why a hero takes the path they do...we've seen it many times with the likes of Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. here we see this again but it's a different feel...these are the strongest scenes in the episode and really make you root for the hero.

What's also great here is the story writers are not dwindling on what happened in the previous episode and the story is progressing nicely.

Only 2 episodes in and I am hooked!
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Can't Give Into The Fear
ThomasDrufke29 April 2015
So after the episode of setting the season storyline up, we got a terrific episode furthering character development and meeting a few new faces. Rosario Dawson makes her first appearance as Claire Temple, a local nurse who helps Matt out of a dumpster after a failed fight. I enjoyed their dynamic and just the idea of having an episode start out with Daredevil getting his butt kicked.

I also really liked the flashback material. It seems the show-runners saw how successful Arrow was at giving great flashbacks and worked it into their own scripts. John Patrick Hayden was great as Jack Murdock, giving us terrific emotional material. Boxing has always been a great cinematic storyteller, and this was no different. And even 2 episodes in, I felt significantly for Matt with his dad's dead body. I think they have found a perfect mix of violence and great storytelling in Hell's Kitchen. Speaking of violence, the final action sequence was incredible. The long take and the seamless fight choreography ended the episode on a high note. It honestly felt like a sequence straight out of one of the Raid films.

We got a furthering of the Nelson-Page relationship that gave us the comedic relief of the episode. I really like Page so far and Nelson has been decent. While that was going on Daredevil was pulling his best Batman impression on a rooftop. ("Where is he!!??"). Overall, I thought it was a fantastic episode and a great improvement on the last one.

+Fight sequences

+Long takes

+Team dynamic

+Daredevil is a bada**


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The iconic hallway scene!
SHU_Movies25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although the episode itself is good, the hallway scene at the end HUGELY stands out! It is so iconic and is easily one of the best moments in the show
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A fantastic and brilliant second episode after a smashing pilot .....
anishsatyakkd11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
the episode begins two days after where the previous episode left of ,Murdoch is still searching for the kidnapped boy learns bit a late that it's a bait for him .he gets beaten up and ends in a trash bin .where he is found by Clarie temple who ends up helping .now its up to Matt to protect himself and Clarie and too save the boy somehow .

This is the synopsis of the 2nd episode which begins in slow but intriguing fashion but ends with a major bang ,a true hardcore action movie fashion. A brilliant debut for Rosario Dawson's Claire temple .which is done in a more convincing way without over-blowing the scene with to much drama. one of the other plus i find about the series is the way they handle Matt's flashbacks The episode for me is a solid 10/10 .
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An instant classic!
HBaldursson7 August 2015
"Daredevil: Cut Man" is a brilliant episode, matching in quality and storytelling with the best "Breaking Bad" episodes, "Oldeuboi", "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight".

We see Daredevil close to death after a failed rescue attempt. He is pulled out of a dumpster and healed by Claire, a health professional, who decides to save the legend she has heard rumors about, risking her own life in the process.

During healing, Matt Murdock has flashbacks of his childhood, setting up his origin, and what really makes him tick. We see his father portrayed as a tragic and noble figure.

And when Matt is finally able to rise from his fall, some of the most dramatic and awesome action sequences ever seen in a movie or TV follow.

It is impossible not to root for Daredevil after this episode. As part of the Marvel cinematic universe, it overshadows all the movies, and matches that brilliant episode in the first season of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" that ties in with "Winter Soldier".

This show leaves you emotionally exhausted, in a good way.
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Tis but a scratch
quincytheodore11 April 2015
It is to be expected that the show reveals more Daredevil's powers. After a brief display of his sense sand fighting prowess from the pilot, this episode shows the best Daredevil quality yet; uncanny resistance to dying. A bit rare to see titular character got whooped in second episode, but this offers a good development as it's apparent that Daredevil is still flesh and bone underneath the worn out mask.

The episode primarily concentrates on Daredevil's ordeal and his colleagues' night out. Right off the bat Daredevil is found bleeding and injured, he is serendipitously saved by Claire (Rosario Dawson). It's quite a pleasant surprise to see Dawson who is usually more active for cinema. She presents a delicate moral dilemma for Daredevil. His method and action are still unpolished despite his conviction, and while he clearly doesn't want accomplishes, Daredevil must deal with consequences of his action so early in the series.

Direction of the show is definitely getting more solemn. It provides a few flashback scenes and also the aftermath of the first case for Murdock's friends. All of which are shown with different flair, Elden Hensen as Foggy is probably the only lighter element in the dark Hell's Kitchen streets. His character keeps the show from going overly primeval, though there are many violence scenes in this episode alone.

A bit of minor inconvenience is a couple of the sequences could've been fully explored instead of narrated. However, the fight scene is outstanding. At some point the show delivers one of the best action choreography worthy of the silver screen. It reminds me of battles from OldBoy or The Raid.

It's a raw and visceral night for Daredevil, but since he has a robust body and episode three is already out, we'll see more of him and his suffering.
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"I do this because I enjoy it"
sebtwister20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A very good follow up episode. After the ending of Episode 1 which ended with Daredevil perusing Russian mobsters, who kidnap a young boy, it turned out to be a trap as they did it to ambush him. Episode 2 is the first time we meet Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson) who helps Daredevil after a neighbour found him beaten almost to death. She sees the face of the masked vigilante, and still decides to help nurse him and stitch him up.

While that is going on we get some great flashbacks of him stitching his father up after he was brutally beaten up in a boxing match. John Patrick Hayden gives a great performance in this episode his father "Battlin" Jack Murdock, a man who lost pride by throwing a fight for financial gain. This sequence of flashbacks is really well done in my opinion.

Another great thing about this episode is seeing just how ruthless Daredevil is at pursuing the ones who kidnapped the boy. He coldly says to one of the criminals, who works for the police that "he hurts him because he enjoys it". He doesn't go lightly and it truly is great to see Charlie Cox add so much intensity to this character. My favourite scene is the one shot hallway scene, reminiscent of films like Oldboy and The Raid, it is a truly compelling and satisfying moment.

There's also a nice side plot where Karen and Foggy are just together. Not much really happens with them in this episode, but you do see a great chemistry with them. You see them have fun on a night drinking, yet you still feel the presence of fear with Karen after nearly getting killed in the first episode. It might not have been essential to the actual story, but it's always nice to see character development like that.
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Word's getting around
jhudson-117042 August 2017
Another great episode by Daredevil as we focus on just a solid night of TV. It had an unbelievable action scene, a great new character and a backstory for Matt and his dad that strikes you right in the heart.

Let's start with the highlight of this episode: that hallway battle. In reference to the Korean classic, Oldboy, Murdock takes on a group of Russian gangsters with the camera filming it in one take. While this is an amazing feat, that proved how great the action in this show is, and even inspired other comic book shows to do the same, what made me even more impressed was how vulnerable yet powerful they made Murdock. While he did get the job done taking out of the thugs, he took a massive beating doing it. During his fight, you can see him leaning against the wall and resting or trying to ignore the pain. That is the greatness of Daredevil as he gets his ass beat but still gets the job done. That helps him be one of the more relatable characters in comics plus the fact that he's fighting on the streets.

Rosario Dawson's Claire Temple made her debut tonight and she was such a breath of fresh air. Claire is a nurse who also knows about the good that Murdock is doing. While she doesn't know exactly who he is, she still believes that what he is doing is right, but still knows that he has his problems. She also proves to be kind of scary, when she tells Murdock how to properly torture a guy even if it freaks her out. There scene on the roof was especially good as Temple came to see Murdock for the person he is, someone trying to help his city, by any means possible. It also showed how good Murdock is at this as he can hear the guy's heartbeat to know if he's lying as well as showing off his enhanced senses as he knew just where to drop the guy from the roof, without killing him.

The flashbacks to Matt's childhood were awesome as well as heartbreaking. We get to see how he and his father had adjusted to his disability. We also get to see the rise and fall of Battlin' Jack. Jack in this series had such a strong force in this show about the struggling boxer father who just wants to provide a good life for his son, so that he doesn't end up like his father. Seeing Matt find his dead dad was truly sad as this great father is now gone from his young, blind son. There was a great reference to Agents of Shield as Carl Creel was the boxer that Jack was supposed to lose to, however, Creel lost, leading to Jack's death. While we never actually see Creel in Daredevil, he does show up in the first two episodes of the second season of Agents of Shield.

The downside to this episode was the story focused on Foggy and Karen. While I did like to see Karen's fear from being in Hell's Kitchen as well as Foggy trying to help her relax, it did take up a lot of the episode and their odd adventure didn't exactly fit with the grit of this episode. I did, however, like the reference to Agents of Shield. As St. Agnes Orphanage is not only where Matt was, but also Skye.

+ Exhilarating final fight scene + Dawson's Temple + Roof scene + Flashbacks + AoS references - Foggy and Karen

Final Score: 9.4/10
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Awesome episode...
keerthankrupanandam5 November 2019
The fight scenes are so freaking awesome i know that I am late but i love this show and i want to complete it as soon as possible
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The Russians Are Back!
stratus_phere10 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's fun that we've got the Russians as bad guys again, like back in the 60's. Remember back in the 80s/90s when we thought the Russians were our friends? Well that made it hard for spy novels. But now that so many real world revelations have been made about the Russians - cyber attacks, hacking, colluding with the Clintons to buy Uranium, colluding with the DNC to bring down a presidency - it's like the good old days of spy vs spy in the Cold War.

This was a fine episode, but one major issue was all the flashbacks. That sucked. Tip to aspiring writers - the story should take place in the "now". Flashbacks are only put in place for us to fast-forward through. If you have to go back in the past and show the story line there, you are not doing your job as a writer. Give us that information, but give it to us in the "now". Flashbacks break up the storyline and slow it down. They are bad.

Also, at the end, once he got the address of the kidnapped boy why not call the police? I understand police in this universe are somewhat corrupt and crooked, like the cop who told Matt he would beat the sh*t out of him. Having crooked cops like that probably reflects the real world more than not. But I would still think they would still respond to a kidnapping. Plus, they could investigate/prosecute. As it stands now, the bad guys are still out there.
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Turn for the worst.
neilpascall16 June 2022
This was a hopelessly confusing episode, with way too many plot holes. The acting was good, but the slow dark pace was boring and depressing. The lack of any real coherent progress was, unfortunately, a sign of things to come. The Marvel comic universe was a fun place to be, but the Marvel cinematic universe has grown into a poor attempt at Shakespearian tragedies. Daredevil turned out to be just another dark depressing series with litte entertainment value and even less feel good factor.
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Cut Man...
peteypiper10 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After a very good premiere for this season, "Daredevil" carries on with its portrayal of a battle against crime for Matt Murdock and his hidden side of being a superhero. The directors didn't mess around as in this episode we were immediately placed into a dangerous situation that stirs worry or uneasiness towards the characters. I loved how "Daredevil" is keeping the same routine with a beginning to trick the audience, making them gain a certain perception just to see it burn to flames later on as the episode progresses. This episode featured a good range of specific camera shots which slotted perfectly for the atmosphere of the scene whether it be calm or lively thus maintaining situations for a stereotypical "father and son" relationship as well as a good against evil aspect which targets different audiences to engage in this show. The narrative keeps us going as well as the story to bring to life an episode with meaning as well as action which was also factorised with intelligence as well as skill. In this episode, a bloodied Matt gets saved from a woman called Claire. However, Matt being mistrustful, his flashbacks of him as a child save him from losing his own life as he begins to feel that he's in more danger than he ever has been.

With this episode being the second to have the scenes ranging from having high levels of depth to further scenes explaining the meaning of those scenes, "Daredevil" has set up its narrative for each episode to separate the two lives that Matt lives. If you notice, the danger and active scenes are when he's daredevil whilst the professional interrogative scenes are when he's himself. Splitting the two lives not only gives the advantage to the directors to alternate between the two clearly, but it also gives audiences a chance to possibly choose which lifestyle they prefer watching as the episode unravels, hence him staying as Daredevil throughout the whole episode. I thoroughly enjoyed Matt showing Claire his abilities that he's attained from his blindness such as being able to smell and sense a vigilante from a long distance or being able to tell if someone is faking being unconscious. This was different to see as we as an audience understand Matt's condition as well as why he's trying to solve this mystery, this adds to our liking of him as a character due to him distinguishing himself from other superheroes we've seen, making our liking of the show develop also.

The cinematography and framework was what made this episode how it is as it featured usage of techniques that show uniqueness and develop an atmospheric purpose. The hostage scene Daredevil dominated when needing to find out information had some moments of being shot in. A Dutch shot which is meant to present psychological uneasiness to the audience. This filmic style fitted the scene and was relevant to the reasoning due to the audience beginning to feel uneasy of the Daredevil's character, "I do this because I enjoy it!" In the final fight scene that signed off the episode was filmed with a tracking camera that captured the fight perfectly in the hallway. It was fixed in a position where the characters went in and out of doors with the only sound being punches and scream to produce a final showdown ending. Aside from all the very cleverly constructed camera-work, it always makes daredevil look outnumbered when he is fighting to develop the audience's uncertainty of what happens next. The cinematography made this episode one that I'll certainly remember.

"Cut Man" is exactly what it says it is as it contradicts the Daredevil we saw in the premiere. He seems more aggressive and has turned into a "no second chances" kind of hero which again, adds to the dark personality that he holds. The narrative was focused on Daredevil and not Matt Murdock to allow the audience to understand the two characters as well as choosing which one they prefer. The audience learn and begin to feel impressed with the skills that Daredevil has from his blindness which suits the scenes perfectly as they play out to his advantage whilst looking strange to other people. The camera-work was the best part of this episode due to all the different techniques that were used such as tracking camera and a Dutch shot to mirror the tension of the situation to the audience, allowing them to feel part of the scene as well as changing their opinions on the show to a darker level as a whole as well as the characters. A great episode.
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Nice action sequence
thejassivakumar16 July 2020
The series stands out due to its good action sequences. This is not a typical superhero series with the protogonist having super strength or something like that , though he posesses some abilities that can be included in supersenses category.
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Awesome & Badass!
wetmars17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My god, that was a phenomenal episode! It was definitely a massive improvement of the Pilot episode. The pacing is better. The flashback stuff is emotionally well-done in a heartbreaking way. That really got me in the feels. I feel so bad for Matt finding out that his dad died due to a single fatal gunshot. I liked the plotline of Claire helping Matt out of a dumpster immediately after he got beat up, and their chemistry together is amazing. Fun fact, the actor who played Claire is also Ahsoka from The Mandalorian Season 2.

Claire was an astounding presence throughout the episode. I can't wait to see more of her. Foggy & Karen became more likable in this one as their relationship grows more. I have to say, the humor is way better than the MCU's instead of screaming every joke per 5 minutes. "pEtEr-TiNgLe" Get that frick out of here, come on. It's all about character, not COMEDIC RELIEF.

Daredevil is an astounding badass who can take a beating, and still fight no matter what. The plot became more clearer to understand what was going on which I do appreciate. Speaking about the action, you have to admit when Matt dropped a fire extinguisher on a Russian's head was satisfying to watch, and the interrogation. That got me some Batman vibes. "WHERE IS HE?!?!"

My personal favorite scene has to be the Hallway Fight one. It's well-shot, has great action, and wonderfully ends the episode grabbing the curiosity of the viewer wanting to see what happens next. I am easily hooked! On to watching NWH sometime today.

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Stick it out till the end
Yanksmoviecritic17 June 2022
Wow that fight scene, sheesh! Story feels rewarding and fighting dosent feel unnecessary. Fighting is very real and different from previous marvel content Overall a great episode I recommend.
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amindostiari21 March 2021
It was a wonderful episode. The atmosphere of the series is very exciting. The plot has been good so far.
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Leofwine_draca9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A better second episode. Plenty more backstory regarding Daredevil's history with his boxing father. Well-shot and written throughout with an air of quiet inevitability to it. The main plot is bolstered by Rosario Dawson in support; I've always admired her and she's great again here. And of course we have the corridor fight at the climax, one of the best remembered in the show's history, and it's electric. Maybe not up there with OLDBOY or THE RAID but for a TV episode it's decent.
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Betten than E1: Loved It
panagiotis199311 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Live Reaction / Review for Daredevil Season 1 Episode 2: I really enjoyed the first episode, I hope this one is even better, let's see. What happened he is injured right from the start? I like the flashbacks with his dad. Did his father lost on purpose to get money? It seems like it. If I found a dying man in the garbage I would be like ''Hello sir are you ok? Want me to call for an ambulance?'' Imagine being a kid and losing your eyesight. That's too much for a kid to handle. I don't usually like the ''comic relief guy'' but Im starting to like foggy's character. Oh boy his father is about to win the match, things could go very wrong. His father's death is so tragic and unfair. First losing his eyesight, then his dad, that sucks. That fight scene in the end was awesome. Much better than episode 1 in my opinion, loved it. My rating is 8/10.
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Sensational episode 2 of this great tv show
Shadowboy_25cm4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
More backstory to Matt and his Father, more character development, more dark and grim atmosphere, a new ally for Matt and a virtuosly photographed one-shot melee combat fight scene.

Excellent story telling, strong actors.

This is a tv show for matures: Gripping, tense and grim.

Highly recommended.
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klausvarbr7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Continuing my marathon and what a wonderful and enjoyable episode to watch, very fluid. I love these flashbacks to Murdock's childhood, they add much more to the story than the Arrow flashbacks (I liked Arrow until the third season, then it became a Record soap opera). One thing I love about Netflix series is that in most of them, there is a lot of character development and that is wonderful for me. I don't know what happens to me, that in all action scenes, whether from series or films, my brain loses focus and I don't know if the choreography is convincing or not, which is why I prefer it when they are talking, even though it's an action series. Drunk Foggy and Karen were hilarious. I don't remember if I cried when I saw Murdock's father's death for the first time, but this time I cried, maybe I was too emotional. And we never forget the first sequence of fights in the hallway, I think there's a name for this sequence, but I don't remember, that scene is simply wonderful. Episode two watched on March 7, 2024.
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