Escaping Polygamy (TV Series 2014–2019) Poster


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loove this show!
snperera17 February 2017
oh my gosh! This show! wow. How amazing and how brave for a show like this come along. It horrifies me that Polygamy is still going on in this country. It disgusts me! The real women in this who had the courage to get away from that terrible, terrible environment amaze me! and it amazes me that they want to help so many others escape as well. I still cannot believe that these disgusting men haven't been to jail yet. My hope is that because of this show that these men go to jail for life and that they never see the light of day. This is brainwashing to the max!! And when they help people escape from their rooms, my heart races because I want them to get out as soon as possible without getting caught! I will always love this show and I love the message of the show too.
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Real people, old events
grber-4608712 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show might be staged to some extent. The sisters are real, the stories are real but when it is happening might not be. If you watch the show, there are situations that are in the news (like the raid on the compound) but the people they are helping IN TH SHOW have more then likely already escaped, they are just recreating the events. Do your research before you call the show totally fake people. These girls, and women have really gone through everything they discuss, they are still fighting these issues. I think they only thing 100% fake about the show is the "Insider" They might have been real at one point, but in the show its all fabricated because if you listen you can hear that it is a different person in some episodes.
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Never saw such a stupid operation.
bbriley-5096511 September 2023
Although I'm glad to see these girls that want out being helped, the episode I just watched had them bringin in a moving truck to get the girl's furniture, clothes, and stuff. Packing boxes and toting out large REPLACEABLE furniture in a rush. That's the stupidest effing thing I've ever seen, by all involved. I'd have told the girl to get in the car NOW while she was out the day before, without your stuff, or forget it. Ffs, it'd be like being offered rescue from a fast sinking ship and being worried more about gathering replaceable stuff than drowning. Stupidity, utter stupidity. But, hey, they are religious.
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Emotional Work!
availschick28 July 2016
I have watched every episode and you can tell that these women are trying to break down the barriers for a corrupt "religious organization." Some of these reviews truly taint the true picture of this show. There is shown to be some real abuse and people who have been brainwashed for years (as with any cult). Which goes to show how much these people needed help. The sisters develop plans and strategies to help other polygamist community members find a way out of their abusive lives and highlight the pure stress of leaving everything behind, but it's what comes after that is almost always shocking because the end result is always different. The show also goes into extreme detail about the family structure and the structure of such a group that one would have never know. Us as viewers can see the progress of the girls grow as people, each episode and every person they help pushes them to do more. The back stories are not only interesting, but combine into a cohesive show that builds their moral message and life's work!
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Escaping this cult is 'real'
chrismaas-6336915 August 2015
This situation is very real and fact based. This Polygamist Kingston family has had some factual press based on the situation that is being told by these women (use your internet and look it up, it's there). Of course it's 'bad acting'.... because these people are not actors. Nevertheless, this situation is serious and this cult believes they are above the law and real humans are suffering at the hand of people who believe they are "God-like". These teenager girls being forced to marry young so they can start making babies and are never taught to have a mind of their own because they have been utterly brain-washed. This is just a group of twisted perverts who have been given some gated-community-playground where it's okay to rape under-aged females.
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an eye opening (reality) show
synthprincess15 August 2016
I just happened to catch an episode of this tonight and I was so close to changing the channel but then I saw the opening theme and I was shocked. I knew cults existed but wow was I enlightened tonight. this is one of the saddest most inhumane things I've ever heard of. the fact that this "order" exists and that the law enforcement and powerful people of Utah just look away from the incest and abuse is horrid. I'm not sure about these negative reviews and how other people are saying that it's just members of the cult trying to downplay this show and get people to think its fake but I truly don't believe this is fake. do they overdramatize certain scenes? yes. do they cut to commercials at cheesy times just to make it more "exicting"? yes. but I truly believe that this show is the true portrayal of 3 girls who made it out of this cult and are trying to help others do the same. it's just unfortunate that the network that this show is on thinks that they have to use cheap reality show tactics to get viewers. I was moved to tears listening to how brainwashed these women/girls are. it's a very sad situation that I don't think will ever get fixed because of the power/money of the men who run this group. so decide for yourself if you think this show is scripted or not. my vote is no and I'll definitely be watching again soon.
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Documentary vs Reality Show
crushmonkey30 July 2017
In a time where Americans are overwhelmingly disbelieving or outright ignorant of the fact that polygamy and child marriage are still an issue here, I applaud a major network willing to take on the topic.

As a former Kingston Group member, I am pragmatic enough to understand that not having professional actors involved would likely beg the arrangement of scripted scenes in order to achieve a level of ratings to keep the network interested in continuing the series.

I feel so strongly that this is one of the only options left for raising awareness and exposing wrongs left by society and the State to continue and fester for so long.

I don't care if these women are getting paid for their stories or activities. Good for them if they are. I don't care if some of the situations seem like 'bad acting' because you're dealing with a group of people who are overwhelmingly taught to subvert or misdirect their emotions in the first place, for their WHOLE LIVES. Don't be surprised if their response to a situation isn't what someone never involved or having had the experience would expect.

How unfair is it to project your own emotional expectations upon a whole society of emotional cripples? People are leaving bad reviews because the show isn't immersing them to their own ideal expectations and entertaining them to their heart's content, when, as a retired actor, I feel it should be highlighted that in order to do so, you'd firstly need professional actors to convey those situations, and Hollywood sets, directors, etc. By circumventing all that and indulging in some scripting/coaching when necessary, the network is doing their best to please both their shareholders and consumers. There is no way to please them both equally so the network walks the middle ground.

Which I have no problem with. As a former Order member, who has seen Kingston family members give their court statements or press releases, yet where the voices of any dissenters are consistently silenced, why be surprised when people turn to the venue of network television to get their story told? 10 out of 10 for the simple fact of raising awareness. The fact that people are debating the veracity of the show on IMDb means that there is more awareness today because of the show than there was without it.
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This is very real and they aren't actors!!
kam-2153328 June 2016
I found the show to be very forth coming of how real this problem with polygamy actually is with the Kingston cult. Im glad someone is trying to get the women and children out!! I cant wait for season 2 to air!! These women are so brave heading into the fire so to speak and breaking them out. I just want to know why the police don't step up and help!! Hopefully the Kingston cult is brought down to its knees and the women and children all become free! But that is probably not a reality since this has gone on forever!! Please bless all the women and children! Bless the women that are brave enough to have escaped and continue to do what they can for the rest.
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Lousy "reality TV show" disguised as a documentary.
disinter13 January 2015
I wish I had come to this IMDb page and saw that the title was "Escaping Polygamy (2014) Reality-TV". Unfortunately I read reviews elsewhere and they all referred to this as a documentary and that's what I thought I was getting when I watched it. The fact that it was a "lifetime channel original" should have tipped me off but I gave it a chance.

I do enjoy learning about the subject matter of polygamist cults but truth be known I watch every documentary I can get my hands on. The thing that set this apart from most other polygamist documentaries is that this focused on the younger generation and the families and those who try to leave the cult.

The vast majority of polygamist documentaries focus on the upper tier members like warren jeffs who have billions of dollars and commit child rape, forcing families to do his will and having his "enforcers" physically attacking those in the cult that offer resistance.

Almost immediately I noticed that several scenes were obviously staged. One in particular had a guy asking quietly if he could talk to a girl. They talked about someone in need of rescue but they obviously wanted to keep it a secret for the time being but the camera was right up in their face the entire time.

The interviews all felt scripted as did every aspect of this reality TV show. It easily could have been "breaking Amish" or "jersey shore". It also came across as cheap in content and production but this is standard with lifetime original movies.

All in all I cannot recommend this to anyone. If you want to see a REAL documentary about the subject that goes into much more depth check out Sons of Perdition (2010).

In fact compared to Sons of Perdition, this show seems insulting to the very serious subject matter. I gave Sons of Perdition an 8/10 rating. I gave this film a 2/10. That's my feelings and you can decide for yourself if you want to see it, just be forewarned this is more "reality TV" than a documentary.
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This is Happening in America!
Sylviastel11 August 2016
Believe it or not, polygamy is still happening in America. This program shows how three sisters from polygamy help others escape Kingston clan, a subset of The Mormons. Bill Kurtis did an episode about the Kingstons and their secretive order. The Kingstons are like the FLDS but without prairie dresses. The Kingstons are a dangerous sect run by men who marry young girls to old men without a choice. If I was one of these girls, I would run as fast as I can. One of the girls had $60,000 in a Kingston Bank and they would only let her take $5,000 at most. The sister escaped to Seattle where another sister attends law school. The Kingston clan has already sent somebody to Seattle to bring her home. The Kingston clan is a cult of many secrets like the FLDS.
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Terrible Acting
jackm-3761316 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This series is a joke! Any somewhat intelligent person can see that this has all been staged. 27 year old Elic can't walk out the front door with a house full of women?? I think that's his problem not theirs.

And the camera crew and Shanell just happen to show up at the house just in time to catch Jessica(Stephanie Foster) getting a text from an anonymous number claiming to be her sister. I have a question. How is it so hard for Melanie to "escape" polygamy when she can come and go as she wants? She made it to the gym OK but she can't walk out her own front door. So many more examples of fake garbage attempting to be dramatic. Did you notice in all of the yelling and screaming at Melanie's house you hear someone yell "You don't need all these people here for you to leave"

The Gothic Melanie came and went whenever she wanted. On another note, many of the actors have a hard time not laughing at the whole situation (Hannah, Shaun, Melanie just to name a few). Spoiler alert for next week, Kathy Hansen Brown "Escapes" from her deceased fathers home in a canyon (that she doesn't even live in). Oh and I forgot to mention that the only other residents in the canyon are two senior citizens one being her mom. Watch as she "escapes" just before they wake up from their afternoon naps and chase after her with their canes. No rush Kathy it will be weeks or even months before anyone notices that you are not in your dads house anymore.
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SLC Native- It's all true
mrsamyhbrown11 August 2017
I've read the bad reviews and I want people to know that as a native of Utah I know polygamy is alive and well. And all the horrible things the girls have gone through is true. I think these girls, the security, the camera crew and the network are incredible for taking this on. They are risking so much. I personally know that there is a group from the Kingstons that live near me but I would have no idea how to reach out to those who may not want to be in it. My heart breaks for the children and the brainwashed adults.
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Love to see people getting out of polygamy
charliem-8788822 August 2016
I think the show is great and shows the world how evil the Kingston clan is. Also I would like one of the three sisters to contact me. I am their grandfathers brother. I think the show is great and really enjoy seeing people leave the clan. I left the clan around 1968. I have written a book about the way the clan killed or had killed my father in 1947. If one of the three sisters which to contact me they can at: I think it is terrible how the Kingston clan treats people. When my brother Ron died ( the girls grandfather ) he disowned me just like the clan teach's. I was told by my other brother that Ron only considered members of the order to be his family.I was not considered to be his brother anymore. My book is titled: Murder At The Mine. It is only on amazon through one of the book stores in Salt Lake City that carry it. Other wise it has to be gotten from me on my web site:

Thanks and keep up the good work with the shows. Charlie
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Good exposure.
dawnbstar19 July 2016
I think the bad reviews are written by the polygamists who are not happy being exposed. I recommend watching this and making up your own mind. From what I know of Mormons both FLDS and mainstream they are major creeps. I don't see anything fake about it. Read some books on the subject. They are secretive and don't like for people to know anything about them. Jon Krakauer has an excellent book titled Under the Banner of Heaven where you can be educated on the history of the entire kooky religion. When they did an episode out near where I live in southern Utah it was the best. Most of those women don't leave because they are terrified and know nothing of the real world. They are not allowed TV or internet. It's true. Read about it and judge the show for yourself.
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These people keep trolling !
exaunfrgtabl4 August 2015
I was on and the same comments are posted so these are fake reviews the show is real this religion is real and it's a huge problem if anyone is so sick enough to believe it's OK for a 14 year old can marry a 60 year old I think the government needs to start to take control ! I think these reviews were ordered to be done by the order to bash the show think of it ! This is so sad I can't even begin to think how people can even remotely begin to believe in warren Jeff that sick f** should be killed yes in America we have free of religion but when you want to use that power for sexual benefit to children you are sick in the bible you do not see Jesus touching kids saying crazy b.s . That's all I have to say read the bible because honestly ya all look a fool sound a fool and honestly petty as f** raping boys and sh ii ya nasty the bible condemns same sex b.s

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Volunteer Work
charleswalden7 July 2016
I spent 10 years as a drug and alcohol counselor mostly, working with the Dept. of Corrections.

I spent 7 years as a Fugitive Recovery Agent.

I have spent the last several years as a Private Investigator.

I believe I have much to offer the program, (not the TV program but more of the 'process').

I believe I have a lot to offer. Are opportunities available?

I have a lot of life left and a need to do something for my fellow human beings.

Thank you, CW

and keep up the good work!
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Terrible acting
ubertehk14 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is very lousy. During the scene with the drug addict boy you can see his script papers several times. It is listed as a documentary but it clearly is not. I was interested in the topic until i saw the first episode. Would not recommend. In many reality TV shows the actors are inexperienced, but it seemed like all of the cast members were pulled off the side of the street to act for this show. Some of the scenes that were suppose to be dramatic were a bit comical. Like when they dropped a garbage bag then went to commercial. They seem a bit desperate for actual dramatic material so it seems like they over dramatize every scene.
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Love it!
kdhart-6293812 August 2016
I love this show! I think the girls are doing a wonderful thing for these brain washed cult members. The people they help seek them out.. Not the other way around. The girls just give them options and help them get started in the real world and provide emotional support along the way.

I think it is disgusting what these polygamist men do to these young girls. Everyone knows that all of these men have had sexual relations with little girls.. Why have they not been arrested??? They should be in prison with Warren Jeffs!!

Keep up the good work girls!!!! You are doing a great thing!
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Realistically over-acted
rclaune29 July 2015
Having read Carolyn Jessop's book "Escape" (which btw is really good!), I was super excited to see this show! At first, I thought the show was real-ish, until the fourth episode, where 4 or 5 months later in their timeline, there is still snow on the ground??? I think this show does have it's merits in showing outsiders how these polygamist cults work, wedding under aged girls to old men, sometimes ones they are related to. These children in these cults are not prepared for the real world and I think that is so sad!! The men have all the power, the women are scared/brainwashed into staying in these often abusive relationships because that's all they know. I wish this show was a real 'REALITY' show, because I think something SHOULD be done by local and state officials to help these children and young adults. I'll keep watching, but I wish it was more REAListic!
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Father With Parkinsons
dawn-m-thomas8 September 2016
Just watched the episode about the father that has Parkinson's Disease and it made me sick! That man is being controlled by this cult and he desperately needs medical attention. My mother had this disease and it is devastating for the victim; it robs them of their ability to walk, talk and take care of themselves but there is medication that can help and this man has not seen a doctor in a year. I have never been a cult member but I would think that the daughter could consult an attorney. Many people with Parkinson's also have Dementia.

A&A aired the episode and I feel that they are now partly responsible if this man dies prematurely of this disease. If they are aware of his dire need for medical attention and then do nothing to help, in my opinion, they are just as responsible as the greedy sickening cult that is controlling him. They have not become part of the problem and not part of the solution! Shame on A&E!
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Escaping Polygamy
sumofme9 August 2018
I really like this show I live in Utah I had no idea what these women and children are put through. I'm very thankful there's rescue services for them. I don't understand why the government allows this to happen. Or why Warren is allowed to brain wash these people. May God bless them
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Better be more seasons
vikingtilden9 October 2018

So good, so real.

Actually communicated with Amanda Grant on Instagram, super rad chick and kind. I just encouraged them to keep going
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Cannot wait for the next season
skf044321 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love this series. The fact that these 3 women are exposing themselves and the order is definitely worth watching
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Stop Polygamy!
abeaulieu-651-3481930 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
12 year old girls who have to marry or be groomed for marriage by men 2 or 3 times their age! Marrying at 16 their first cousin! A man with 14 wives and 240 children! Special banks where they cannot get to their own money that is used for the benefit of others. Families do big that children are going hungry, uneducated and girls groomed for marriage at 14 or 15 to another relative? Stop them by watching this series! Is very informative!
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Un-real "Reality" Show
clucyg14 July 2015
This is a terrible "reality" show with terrible actors. Everything is supposed to be real but it's over dramatized. The girls act like they are "saving" people, but most of the women don't even want to be saved and go back to their original life. The show its marketed as true but much of it is obviously scripted. In the first episode, Leah pretends that she is a good girls from the AUB church and doesn't feel comfortable dressing in modern or immodest clothing. According to actual members of the AUB, Leah left the church years before, got pregnant and started smoking. The show is just taking people who have already left the churches and pretending they are "saving" them. Don't waste your time with this garbage.
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