Lost in the Pacific (2016) Poster

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I'm not sure who's writing these reviews, but don't be fooled.
hrundivb_2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While I managed to watch the entire film, it took effort. The film is not completely terrible, but despite what some of the raving reviews state, here's my take:

CGI creatures and effects almost comical, I can't recall anything so bad in years. Acting is not great, but largely due to the poor script. Plot is completely illogical, fraught with stereotypical characters, and clichéd pseudo relationships, nothing flowed, there was no chemistry to speak of. The Chuck Norris wannabe with his slicked back hair was terrible. And the killer for me, landing a futuristic, largest of its kind airbus, on a 300 meter long aircraft carrier. That pretty much summed things up. The movie is almost worth the 90 minute investment just because it is so hokey and filled with the cheapest effects this side of Hong Kong. Someone affiliated with the production must be writing these rave reviews, this is not that movie.
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Lost in Translation
dvc515923 February 2016
Well people, another day, another crappy movie hitting our shores. Actually, this was filmed on our shores – Pinewood Iskandar Studios in Johor, to be exact, so I guess that's something. That's about it for the praises.

If writer-director Vincent Zhou intended for this to show the world what Chinese cinema is made of, he has failed. The People's Republic has been kind to cineastes and mainstream movie-goers alike in the past decade, ranging from the beautifully thought-provoking (Jia Zhangke's "A Touch of Sin"), to the big and bombastic (John Woo's mega-blockbuster "Red Cliff"), even veering off into the hysterical (Stephen Chow's recent "The Mermaid"). They do not need to cater to Western audiences at all – rather, it is the Western bigwigs that need to learn how to market these films properly. After all, if Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can gross over US$100 million in the United States alone, why can't others, right?

Alas, my plea falls on deaf ears, and here we are, relegated to a C- movie starring struggling actors and made by a filmmaker who apparently conceded to the "everyone-watches-only-English-movies" mentality. Imagine a Muppet Babies version of "Snakes on a Plane" and TV's "Lost" meshed together in an unholy mess; sprinkle some stilted English dialogue ("She died so horribLE. .. so tragicALLY") and some truly bad and overdone VFX, the kind that's as half-assed as those in "A Sound of Thunder" if not worse. In this day and age, are mutant cats scary at all, especially if they look like an evil version of Jiji from "Kiki's Delivery Service"?

Hell, the film even goes so far as to hiring attractive Chinese stars like Zhang YuQi to dress up the nonexistent plot (she tries, dammit), but I must confess, dear reader, to feeling a little sad for still-hunky ex-Superman Brandon Routh, who's film career is relegated to thankless roles such as this - a nonsensical riff on Steven Seagal's "Under Siege" character. Was "Superman Returns" really that toxic?

Sci-Fi Channel this ain't.
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And it should stay lost in The Pacific...
paul_haakonsen21 April 2017
I was indeed lured in by the movie cover, because it does seem somewhat interesting, and having read the synopsis of the movie, I decided to give it a go.

Now, with the movie seen, I wonder how and why Brandon Routh ended up in a movie such as this. Has the well quickly dried out that quickly? The story of the movie is pretty straight forward, although a bit too simplistic and it actually doesn't really offer much to the audience. So you essentially just disconnect your brain and lean back in the chair and go along for the ride here.

"Lost in the Pacific" might actually have accomplished so much more if they had a proper budget for the CGI and special effects. For a movie that is centered on creatures and monsters, then it is essential to have a proper budget to spend on coming up with creatures that look impressive and realistic on the screen. "Lost in the Pacific" didn't have such a budget, and we are instead treated to some hilarious and very, very poorly animated creatures, that end up more as creatures you laugh at than creatures you would fear.

And the special effects, aside from the laughable creatures, was nothing of any noteworthy mention. They tried to put special effects in there, such as the airplane, but failed at turning out a product that would pass as believable and realistic. And that whole lack of proper CGI and special effects just furthered the low budget feel that permeated through the entire movie.

The cast ensemble for the movie was adequate, taking into consideration what kind of movie this was, and it was of course Brandon Routh who was the billed lead here. I wonder why the movie makers opted to go for Yuqi Zhang for this movie and made her speak English. Sure, she is a talented enough actress, but English is not what she masters the most. Yuqi Zhang's English sounds like she is speaking by a voice modulator, it is broken, stumped and halting. And it ends up being a thing of irritation and annoyance, rather than just a part of the movie.

The action in the movie, and bless them for trying, well let's just say it was there. But it was nowhere near anything interesting or worthwhile to mention.

This was by no means an impressive movie in any way, and it is hardly the type of movie that you will watch more than once, if you even get to watch it once. Yeah, it is the type of movie that came and went without even as much as a breeze in its wake. There is some kind of enjoyment to a movie of this type, and that is at the ridiculous special effects and the campy, cheesiness to it all.
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Utter trash
neonx-7624311 October 2016
Well that is an hour or so of my life that I will never get back. The best thing about it is the plane itself.

I don't think I have ever seen such a trashy film. Average CGI effects when you consider how the quality in other films these days, this just looks as if it was 1980 standards. Appalling acting by virtually all the cast and a dreadful script.

At some points when they are "interacting" with each other it is almost as if they are not side by side because there is just no chemistry between any of them.

I find it hard to believe that when people are offered a role in a film that they would have considered saying yes to this one.
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100% crap - I was completely lost in myself
joshistirgendwieschwul9 January 2017
This Zhou production is worst. I never ever have experienced something that bad. Let's hope Chinese don't make more of this amateurish movies. Everything in this film is so unbelievable wrong. Story, acting, computer animation are all too stupid for anyone > 5 years old. Therefore I won't spill more words than necessary to warn you all not giving this movie any chance for watching. You most likely will regret watching this, so ignore it and all forthcoming stuff from Zhou, students of any film academy do it so much better. It was like my toes couldn't relax in my socks and stayed frozen until the last minute. I was shocked how bad this movie was and I couldn't believe my own eyes. But I kept watching and I couldn't avoid many laughs... Probably a cartoon version would have been even more fun. And what a waste of money and time. Maybe re-education of all Chinese masters involved in this production could be a solution? And ignore all positive reviews here, as they are the proof of a bad taste.
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One of the worst films ever!
rmgelfand14 January 2017
This has got to be one of the worst films ever produced. I have never bothered to write a review before but I found this movie so awful I feel compelled to do so. The story is beyond stupid and horrendous,the majority of the acting is amateurish at best other than Brandon Routh and a few other performances (its unbelievable that he would agree to act in this project, and I can't even understand the majority of what Yuqi Zhang says in English which is what the vast majority of her speaking lines are (not sure why they would hire someone to speak English who clearly can't be understood). I am so disappointed in this movie and would recommend no one waste their time watching it.
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This is one of the worst "movie" I've ever seen.
j8896 March 2016
I don't know how much they pay Brandon Routh, it must be A LOT for him to participate in this terrible "movie".

Vincent Zhou's last "movie": "Last Flight" starring Ed Westwick, had the exact same plot.

They are the same movie. With the same exact plot. They have the same problems: inconsistent plot line, incoherent script, poor story development, terrible CGI, terrible set, and idiotic lines for characters.

I wonder how much they paid Brandon Routh and Ed Westwick for these terrible project.

Actors please have more taste and guts. Say "no" to stupid Chinese movies.
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Lost? No, more like thrown away.
davidfurlotte9 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes it appear that Asylum has set up an office in Asia.

Firstly, if the movie was going to be based on a mega upgrade of an existing airframe for an authentic aircraft manufacturer it might have been worthwhile to at least talk to them and determine a few details so that some technical specifications would be correct.

For not a whole lot of dollars they could have hired a pilot to act as a technical adviser and maybe then they wouldn't have been doing things like making miracle landings on tiny airfields in the middle of the Pacific and most definitely not being foolish enough to try and land on an aircraft carrier. Oh, and by the way, when take-off has started, there is no way two people could run fast enough to run up to some kind of escape hatch without being blown away by the exhaust from the engines.

I'm not even going to discuss the CGI other than to say I believe I've seen better cartoons on Saturday mornings than those "cats" they were using.

I'm sure in the Chinese languages a lot of what was in the script made perfect sense and was very dramatic but when it got translated to English it sounded very stilted and cheesy. IF you're going to make a picture primarily for an English speaking audience, please use English screenwriters and perhaps you will have a much better go of it.

Whether it was the script, the direction or simply the actors, much of what appeared on screen bordered on some high-school play. Sorry, but this movie is really not worth the time to view it.
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Neither bad or good
dave-7042117 January 2017
I feel this was an "interesting" film in neither a good or a bad way. There was something about this budget film that I found interesting and actually wanting to keep me watching it until the end. But to be honest I can't quite work out exactly what it is I liked about it that kept me gripped. Maybe more a film that had a number of elements in just part that I liked than any single element of the film as such.

I didn't think the acting was to bad compared to what others have said. Sure, not great but certainly a mix of characters that I wish the film would have elaborated about each a bit more. Effects were odd at times yet decent at others.

Story was fairly ropey with what I feel was a lack of missing elements such as to the animals creation, the research & researchers and destination of the plane background etc. As well as a few unrealistic situations.

A respectable 5/10 for me as 1 of them films I rather enjoyed yet on paper possibly shouldn't have.
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Deserves to be lost
TheLittleSongbird30 August 2018
Was not expecting an awful lot from 'Lost in the Pacific'. The premise, was willing to overlook its lack of originality, was one that could have been intriguing but seemed like it would be one of those cheaply made, implausible and ridiculous kinds of films. The cover also seemed rather cheap and derivative.

'Lost in the Pacific' turned out to be even worse than my fears and can't agree more with the poor reviews here, have nothing really to add to what has been covered so well already. Just for the record, giving a film the lowest possible rating is reasonably rare for me these days, trying to be a fair reviewer trying to see the good in everything viewed, though admittedly have become slightly harsher recently. That rating is only reserved for films etc. that look like no effort or heart was put into it and like nobody was trying, a cardinal sin in film but actually not committed all that often. 'Lost in the Pacific' is one such film.

Visually, 'Lost in the Pacific' looks incredibly cheap even for something clearly made on a low budget. It has such a drab look and as an epileptic the constantly over-kinetic camera work and dizzying editing made me feel ill and queasy. Not to mention the continuity errors galore. Even worse are some of the most laughable and pathetic-looking special effects to be seen on celluloid, actually looking they were done as an afterthought and on the small remainder of the money they had left.

Can remember little about the music, which tended to be intrusive, annoying and out of place. The script is so awkward, cheesy and improvisatory-sounding that it is enough to make the toes curl in how awful it is.

There is absolutely nothing thrilling, tense, suspenseful, emotionally investable or fun about the story. The predictability may have been forgivable if the film was actually engaging let alone exciting but it fails to be either throughout, and even coherence is not always a strong suit and that's putting it lightly. 'Lost in the Pacific' is basically non-stop dullness and intelligence-insulting ridiculousness, with unintentional humour because of the excessive cheese, incoherent science, gibberish posing as thought-provoking jargon and increasingly irritating and illogical character behaviours that makes one endear to them even less in a film with not one interesting or rootable character.

Amateur dramatics pantomimes and high school productions have better acting than the near-all-round poor standard seen here. The one saving grace is Brandon Routh, who has presence and does try very hard without trying too much.

Summing up, dreadful (a word not used often by me these days). 1/10 Bethany Cox
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ethanzebra19 July 2020
Killer cats and planes epic combination. I would recommend this for anyone who wants a laugh and does not take it seriously
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Fun and Entertaining summer blockbuster
dlatorets26 July 2016
Lost in the Pacific is nothing more then a summer blockbuster. It has ticked off all of the genres needed to be in that category. Family issues, a little bit of romance, some mystery to make for the thriller fans and action for the every day goer. From a new comer Vincent Zhou, who while may not have many films under his belt, is already leaving his mark in Hollywood with his unique style of directing and his creative writing. The film also has some major A list actors on board with the two main cast being Brandon Routh the former Superman himself and Russell Wong, who is known for Romeo Must die and The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. The story is not overly complex, but does try to fit a lot into it. Not only do you have back story with family issues, the mysterious island on which there are muted cats, The futuristic upgraded A380 to A390 a plane that can fly at Earth atmosphere, but doesn't. The CEO whose only motivation is to make money, the co-pilot who wants to prove that she is worthy of her position, and mysterious chef with a dark past. That's just to name a few.

Lost in the Pacific offers some cool CGI, nice acting on the majority of cast and some quick and good looking action scenes. For those who are fans of watching just an entertaining movie, this is defiantly that.
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What a 'Plane' Wreck?!
tl300010 January 2017
This hour and a half 'plane' wreck can be summarized by: terrible script, poor story, not one endearing character, atrocious acting across the board, mediocre CGI, and silly premise and irrelevant sub-plots. Another embarrassing flop coming out of China's film industry... Anyone with a bit of cash is a producer and film maker nowadays. There's apparently an over abundance of cash and arrogance to finance mindless crap like this... The mentality seems to be: How hard could it be?! Heck, we've taken some film making classes--maybe even got a few friends and/or relatives with some ancillary degrees in "entertainment." Thus, let's just hire a bunch of pretty faces and third rate actors. No need to worry about the writing, special effects, continuity and pacing, artistic values, plot and character development, English speech coaches, and least of all, the audience's intelligence and sensibility!
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I just had to post....
jmc196913 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, i don't know where to begin. Its not often i'll even take the time to post on here, but when i see a movie this gawd awful, I feel it my civic duty to do so. What seemed like a good start to a delightful "movie nite' turned out to be anything but that. I figured hey, Superman is in it, cant be that bad or low budget like some of the other SYFY movies out there, but I was wrong--dead wrong. First of all, are they trying to mimic Steven Seagall, when he was a cook in the movie (cant remember the name off hand) and he ended up being a bad-ass navy seal on the aircraft carrier? I think that was the theme they were going for, but Routh was neither convincing, nor a good actor in this movie, his lines were minimal at best. Probably the very worst element of this movie was the "cats". Not only did they NOT look real, and were obviously low low low grade CGI, but they were about the size of an average house cat, and personally I would have probably tossed out a rubber mouse if they came at me---they were "that" un-intimidating. These were the "monsters" of the movie? WOW, i've been more scared of the Gremlins --BEFORE they ate at midnite..And landing a large commercial airliner on a 300-500 foot carrier? Cmon, these planes need at least like half a mile or so to land. If you want a good laugh, then watch this, if you want ANYTHING BUT a good laugh--don't!....
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someone wrote "ts CGI was surprisingly good "
fiona-6553216 January 2017
LOL! is this for real? this was the worst dog poo I've ever seen.

it is worse than the 90s Korean movies i had to watch when i lived there.

if you want some laughs (esp. with respect to cgi): this is the movie for you.

if you want good cgi, good acting, a good script, or anything else that is typical of a movie most people enjoy: this isn't the movie for you.

how on earth this movie has 4/10 is beyond me. not worth the time.

0/10 for everything except being perfect for making fun of china

10/10 for being perfect for making fun of china

PS (no small letters allowed) - IMDb stopped my post because there was no capital on "Korean" (still not letting me put a small "k") but let "china" fly...
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It's like watching a train wreck happening in slow motion, while nauseated.
fictionalwritings15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After watching movies for 20-something odd years, let me just say..."Lost in the Pacific" is one of the worst ones I've seen. Jesus, where to start?

Large plot holes, black hole-sized. Why would you wander off a plane on an island supposedly rumored to have monsters? Why would you not go back to the plane when you see dead bodies? There was a guy looking down on the captain of the plane the entire time they were on the island, from the bottom hatch, and he didn't see a yowling, red-eyed monster come and rip the captain's heart out?!? No, he only notices when the CNN cameraman (yes, apparently the film crew was 'CNN') gets ripped apart, 50 feet away out of his view, after the said-cameraman saw the creature and decided to stick his face into the bushes.

There's another scene where a scientist is dying in the middle of a hallway, and after one of the "U.N" mercenaries (again...a little blatant with the hate here) talks to him for about 5 minutes, he's still not dead. Brandon Routh has to go through about 15 minutes of film time before he goes to follow the mercenary, and the scientist STILL ISN'T DEAD. Really?!?! He got bit by one of those cats, the same cats that have toxins and apparently puts you in an incredible amount of pain as you die, and he's still not dead.

Moving on to actors, there's a great deal of cardboard, stiff acting that I'm not even sure if it's entirely the actors/actress' faults. The directing and writing put them in really awkward moments and conversations that didn't make sense. ("In my country, if a woman pulls a gun on you, you should marry her." "Really? I'm from China, and I always get the last word." I'm sorry, but what??? No logic in the first line, and the reply is - I always get the last word???) I feel the sorriest for Brandon Routh, who I've seen in Superman and Dylan Dog, and he's not a bad actor! This film ruins him, and you don't even see him in the first 30 minutes of the movie.

They even had to use English dubbing for some of the Chinese actors/actresses, which would've been all right marginally, if they had used voice actors that actually matched them! The third-in-line co-pilot's dubbing was probably the worst, because his voice was pretty much a direct copy of the captain's voice, at maybe half-an-octave lower. The lipsynching was also pretty awful on the CNN reporter.

Sometimes, the acting got better - and I noticed that it was when the Chinese actors switched back to speaking Chinese. They loosened up, got natural, and their body language matched the cadence of their dialogue. The reporter especially improved when she was able to speak in her own language, and didn't have to resort to mouthing English. Again, going back to Brandon Routh, he was probably the only decent American/Caucasian/English-speaking actor out of the bunch, but when he had to play an American chef that cooked Chinese food, even the film had to stop and take a moment to point out that - hey, you're not Chinese, da fuq?

I think even the actors and actresses were getting sick of the whole movie. At the beginning, they just didn't look like they were having fun. By the end, when they were all packed in that tiny helicopter while Brandon Routh decided to hang out on the outside of it, for whatever reason, that's the only time smiles were seen. Like, real, genuine smiles. "AT LAST, AT LAST, FREEDOM AT LAST!"-type of joy, right there.

What else...the CGI is bad. The plane was all right, except for the choice of putting the jet engines smushed between the plane wings. But the cats. THE CATS. The main creature feature of the film, and they were awful. They looked like mutant rats more than cats. Add in the fact that Fortune Island was CGI, the military/science base was CGI, the OCEAN was CGI...ughhhhhhhh. And the real-life sets were just as horrible. Sometimes, it looked like it was made for those live-action kid shows, with simple walls and tacky colors.

The list of bad decisions made by the director and camera crew don't stop there, but the rest are sort of just little details that are nitpicking. Recoil on guns, not there. Sound of gunfire not syncing with actual visual gun flashes. A blind man being able to run around without a walking stick. An airplane pilot being able to pilot a helicopter with no explanation other than "yeah, anything with propellers". Saying they have an antidote, but deciding to shoot the infected person anyway. A pop-song playing as they escape into the sunset, despite a major military base exploding. A helicopter that looks like the local weather helicopter, except it has guns that pop out underneath??? A song literally soothes the savage beast, and it is used over and over again, despite the violinist and singer of the group supposedly being experienced professionals. Guns being shot on an airplane, and it doesn't de-pressurize the plane. Letting the ROOKIE guide a commercial, luxury-line airplane onto a carrier ship that is meant for JETS, NOT PLANES. A firehose becoming a flamethrower - and do NOT tell me that thing was meant for fuel, because the whole complex and carrier ship would've exploded the minute he lit that thing on fire.

Just...*sighs*...this is that movie that you take your friends to, just to watch them squirm in discomfort like nails on a chalkboard. Or you dared them to, knowing they were going to hate it. I know this review was all over the place, but just take my word when I say - DON'T WATCH THIS GARBAGE.
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bad Asian anime like movie with English dub and subs
johnczyz8 February 2017
I did not like this movie. Wished there are more informed reviews. More previews of the movie would be helpful as well. If you like Asian anime movies with English dubbed over and a bunch of English subtitles, then you will like this movie. This movie is basically what it is. This movie is not from Hollywood. This movie is more like China or some other Asian country. Movie has bad acting. Movie has bad special effects. Movie has bad script for the actors. A little bit of sex thrown in would have made it watchable. The story line is not believable. Needs stronger characters that are real and not fake. Seems like a low budget movie.
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kerbaulangit31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I feel this was an "interesting" film in neither a good or a bad way. There was something about this budget film that I found interesting and actually wanting to keep me watching it until the end. But to be honest I can't quite work out exactly what it is I liked about it that kept me gripped. Maybe more a film that had a number of elements in just part that I liked than any single element of the film as such.

I didn't think the acting was to bad compared to what others have said. Sure, not great but certainly a mix of characters that I wish the film would have elaborated about each a bit more. Effects were odd at times yet decent at others.

Story was fairly ropey with what I feel was a lack of missing elements such as to the animals creation, the research & researchers and destination of the plane background etc. As well as a few unrealistic situations.

A respectable 5/10 for me as 1 of them films I rather enjoyed yet on paper possibly shouldn't have.

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Corny take on the future of aviation
natisrael97218 June 2023
If you're somewhat of an aviation person, you'd know and find it hilarious for the aircraft to be called the A390 - especially coming from China. However, the effort to make the aircraft look as modernised and futuristic as ever is commendable. The plot, just like in Flight From Hell is a well-planned, and not as predictable though you would still be confused at the low-effort in the second half of the movie involving an emergency landing and the very same plot device from FFH - the mysterious force, which somehow comes onboard the aircraft and as usual, starts terrorising everyone onboard.

What I don't get about the second half is the sudden introduction of some people who apparently aren't who they appear to be - it contributed little to the development of the plot and the movie ended in much disaster. On the same topic of plot, having a "hero" installed using an excuse was a genius move to act as the counterbalance to the people who weren't who they said they were.
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Ouch! Wanted more but this is terrible
stevefwest21 May 2018
I love disaster movies. Period. All kinds. But after 27 minutes I feel I can already complain. This movie is woman-hating and dumb about China vs. America. The DVD i have has a muddy soundtrack and no closed captions and no english subtitles, other than the obvious foreign language parts. Plane is supposed to be futuristic but it looks like 1970's DC9 or A320 from 1990. I waited half an hour and I hope they all die.
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A Hidden Gem of Block Buster on display for every one to enjoy
jensenbr-8501228 July 2016
Writer-director Vincent Zhou has shown the world what the Chinese Blockbusters can be if they are not about martial arts. Although this film does have some really cool fight scenes too. Zhao has delivered a successful summer blockbuster which is on par to anything that Hollywood has to offer. Lost in the Pacific is a complex story, which is full off action, suspense, drama and romance. The main stars of the film are Brandon Routh (Superman Returns 2006) Yuqi Zhang (The Mermaid) which also came out this year, and Russell Wong.

Like I wrote before the story is very complex. But i'll try and explain it anyways. Wong plays the CEO of an airline company where has invested everything into a new type of luxurious planes. Any mishaps and it is worse tragedy then the Titanic.

While trying to show off the new plane, he invites V.I.P passengers with an interest in investing in the company, so all of them are high profile figures or super rich, including main investor Prince Khadsa played by Tazito Garcia, while on board the plane Wong's personal assistant goes out and manages to get the winner of the voice who is a very close friend of Prince Khadsa to be on board too. He just happens to be the only son of Wong's character. While on board the plane we get to see some awesome set decorations, brilliant acting by all of the cast and some great work on CGI. Without going into to much detail about the film.

I will simply say this, mutated animals, Super soldiers and great musicians all come together in this fun and entertaining film.
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Brandon Routh stars in futuristic sci-fi thriller
samicebergjohnson26 July 2016
Brandon Routh stars in this futuristic action thriller along side Russell Wong and other A list Actors from Hollywood and China. The film is set mostly on the new and futuristic state of the art A390 plane. Russell Wong plays the CEO of Ocean Airlines who not only wants to break the record for fastest travel time but also impress his V.I.P passengers with all of the luxuries that the plane has to offer and try to bid Prince Khadsa into merging the two companies, while all the V.I.P passengers are enjoying their time on the luxury plane, we do get some emotional tension that is played out between Gao (Wong) and his estranged son Colin (Sunny Wang)who haven't seen each other for over 5 years as well as Ruoxin (Yuqi Zhang) who while being promoted to co-pilot is still battling her former position within the company.

Brandon Routh comes in as a surprise of main character as he isn't very visible for the first 30-40 minutes of the film. I was expecting this to be futuristic drama thriller as Gary re-connects with his son, and Ruoxin finds the courage to stand up for herself and find her path. But then the twists and turns of the film start to take their shape, as the plane flies through an electric storm, the plane gets hit and they must land it on abandoned island. As the plane struggles to take off while some of the passengers and crew are being chased by mutated felines as well as rescuing the remaining survivors of some military group. On board we found the origins of Brandon Routh's character and clearly see why he was Superman in Superman Returns 2006. He can be a total bad ass! Routh doesn't hold back any punches in the Lost in the Pacific. Also I do have to point out that the score of the film was totally awesome too! This might not be the contender for film of the year, but it is certainly worth a look.
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kerbaulangit31 May 2023
I feel this was an "interesting" film in neither a good or a bad way. There was something about this budget film that I found interesting and actually wanting to keep me watching it until the end. But to be honest I can't quite work out exactly what it is I liked about it that kept me gripped. Maybe more a film that had a number of elements in just part that I liked than any single element of the film as such.

I didn't think the acting was to bad compared to what others have said. Sure, not great but certainly a mix of characters that I wish the film would have elaborated about each a bit more. Effects were odd at times yet decent at others.

Story was fairly ropey with what I feel was a lack of missing elements such as to the animals creation, the research & researchers and destination of the plane background etc. As well as a few unrealistic situations.

A respectable 5/10 for me as 1 of them films I rather enjoyed yet on paper possibly shouldn't have.
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supalonelyy8 June 2023
A thrilling tale of survival and betrayal amidst unimaginable horrors. The film begins with a captivating emergency landing that quickly escalates into a battle against mutant creatures. The suspense builds as the true intentions of certain characters are revealed, leading to chaos and panic among the passengers. The story takes an interesting turn when the survivors find themselves on a retired aircraft carrier, facing the imminent threat of a nuclear explosion. However, the plot follows a predictable path, and some characters lack depth, making it difficult to fully connect with their struggles. Overall, the film provides a decent level of entertainment.
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Horrible in all aspects
tommyliuyanto13 January 2022
The effect is like cartoon, even a cartoon is better

The plot is super dumb. T

OMG it was the worst sci-fi movie I've ever seen.

The producer must be shame.

All the property: the airplane, the mothership, the sea, the helicopter the cat, are using bad CGI effect. Suck suck suck.
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